Why blackpilling normies always fails.

Original post : https://incels.is/threads/why-black...d-how-most-incels-are-not-blackpilled.539524/
this isnt my post buts its very important and needs to be read by more people so i reposted it on this site from .is


Blackpilling Normies always fails.
When Normies try to understand Incels, they never tackle the blackpill itself.
In this thread, we investigate the reasons behind this and shock everyone by exposing
how most incels are just turncoat Tonys, ready to drop the incel moniker in a hearbeat.

Stay Tuned.

1. Introduction: Normies Do Not Understand Us
2. What the Blackpill is
3. What the Blackpill is not
4. Why Normies Fail to Understand Us
5. How a lot of Incels are not Blackpilled
6. Final Thoughts and Doctors Orders
7. Mega.nz link with some goodies

When I first took the blackpill I was excited to know the truth and tried to blackpill people in real life.
All I got was confusion, hostility, gaslighting, social consequences.
I then found out there was a subreddit called r/IncelTear that relentlessly denied the blackpill despite all the evidence.

I watched an IncelTV video someone called Brendio tried to give valid argumentation to the bluepillers he was talking to.
But all they did was mute him and moralfag before kicking him off the stream.
They did not even attempt to make any arguments themselves.

My biggest question was why?
How could they not even engage us when we had so much data on our side?
I've spent the last 5 months or so heavily thinking about this.

There is not much information on why people deny the blackpill so I took it upon myself to find out.
This thread is a collection of information I have come across to make sense of it all.

I hope that this thread gives a good outline to why we get gaslighted about the blackpill.
Thankyou for reading my thoughts.

1. Normies Do Not Understand Us

Baffling to us, Normies always reduce incels and the adjacent blackpill to
a form of rabid emotionalism.

For some reason they reduce the entire subject to Incels being a bunch of angry men.
They act as if incels have no reasons.

(Ironically, they also reduce it to a womans-issue only, thus proving gynocracy exists but I digress)

Even when many of us have tried to expose Normies to the Blackpill.
We linked data, we printed out studies - to no avail.
What is the problem with Normies?

It's clearly not about a lack of good information.

What is happening?
Why are they doing this?
That shall be answered now.

But first, definitions my friends:

2. What the blackpill is:

The blackpill is a body of value-neutral data-points derived from academic research, historical sources and anecdotes.
These findings highlight certain behaviors of both genders.
Since the information is value neutral, meaning it contains no value judgements about women or men,
there is no reason to ascribe any attributes to it, i.e. "nihilstic," "fatalistic," "self-loathing," "mysognistic," etc.

That's it. That's the blackpill.

3. What the blackpill is not:

- It is not an ideology.
- It is not connected to emotions.
- It does not make any value-judgements about either gender (not that it could, it has no personhood).
- The blackpill is not a fatalistic belief system, dreamt up by disatisfied men that hoped for more in life.

In fact, the blackpill is fit for marriage with any worldview whatsoever.
For example, a Christian worldview could easily incorporate the blackpill by simply explaining human behavior
as corrupted by the fall of man in Genesis.
This would be a negative interpretation, suffice to say.

A scientist could incorporate the blackpill into evolutionary psychology.
This would be a neutral take.

What about a postive interpration?
Yes, it is possible!
From the perspective of someone who profits of the blackpill, it is absolutely beautiful my friends!
Imagine a psychopath, or the powers that be... or a marketing agent perhaps...
They would ADORE the blackpill! It would make their life so much easier!

Maybe it has already...

You see friends, my point is this: The blackpill is just this: Nothing.


It pertains to be nothing, it judges not, it holds nobody accountable.
So the question remains: Why is it portrait as such when Normies engage with Incels?

4. Why Normies Fail to Understand Us

It's morality.
Note, I am not saying any party involved is morally superior or inferior.
That is not the argument I am making.

No, I think the problem is the worldview and resulting value judgements of Normies compared to the average incel.
We simply value completely different things and thus interpret everything differently.

Women and Normies interpretation of reality breaks down to self-benefit.
Everything is evaluated first by one criteria:
"Does it benefit me?"
If not, it has no value.

This is also how propaganda works.
You just frame things so normies think it benefits them.
"Your rights to do xyz are being taken away."
Suddenly people care about things they did not even know existed a moment ago.

Here are some common observable normie tropes with this pattern:

a) "You are not entitled to anything."
This is simply logically fallacious. If the statement holds universally true then the person making it would not be entitled
to making it. Are you entitled to your opinion? It is self refuting.

However, this is not why they say it. It does not come from a logical place.
It's a form of violence. They are basically saying, "fuck you, take it up the ass and shut up."
It's a form of might is right. If something benefits them they feel they deserve it and you are not to critize them for that.

If you anyone wants to study up further on this, here are some interesting things to look into:

Self-serving bias - Wikipedia

Fundamental attribution error - Wikipedia

Depressive realism - Wikipedia

b) "That's none of your business."
Ditto. Is it your business to tell me that? What my business is, is none your business. It's circular reasoning when applied consistently.

c) "If you don't do xzy you are a bad person"
"If you don't give money to soup kitchens, you hate poor people."
"If you say something I don't like about women, you hate women."

They don't care about poor people, it's manipulation.

As an autist, it took me years to understand this. I am 26 years old and I still struggle
with people not saying what they mean.

Their verbal output is not indentical to their internal monologue.
However, we can approximate based on their actions.

One example of this that we already mentioned is that normies defend things that benefit them as if they are moral goods.
If it benefits them, them they win in their own head, and because they win (benefit), they verbally express that its "valuable."
But this does not mean it's actually good in their eyes. It just means it benefits them.

Acting Good = Being Good.
"Anything that benefits me is good."

With women in particular this goes as far as "not being punished = being rewarded."

This is also why the predominant female power fantasy in movies is playing the villian and getting away with it.
In the recent hitshow "Fleabag," beloved by women, the POV main character is a essentially
a narcisstic psycho who treats people in her life as objects, especially men.

For instance, she is aroused by a priest and simply lables him "hot priest."
This is how women actually see people. Utilities.
Even Chad is only viewed as a utility - "hot guy."

Suffice to say, by the end of the show the evil main foid just walks off, no punishment, no consequences.
Art imitates life.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSAJEXZIrvA

Scientifically this has been noted prior by people like Kohlberg
(shoutout to @Cybersex is our hope who first made me aware of this with his thread ):

Kohlberg and the Stages of Moral Development

Please look at the above picture.

Kohlberg tried to quantify morality in a model.
Most people are stuck on the lower 1-3 levels, especially women.

Everything is about self-benefit and punishment reward.
You know how kids go through that annoying phase where they pester their parens with questions?
That phase never stops.

Grown people still turn to authority figures for all questions in life.
That's where they get their morality from.
They test boundaries, like kids. If they don't get punished, they feel a rush.
Nothing changes since childhood.
It's just more subtle.

One example from Nazi Germany:
Most germans did not care about Nazi ideology. Not surprising since most people back then
had like a 6th grade education and began working at 14.

So how did the Nazis activate Normies to support the war effort?
By framing the entire thing through the lense of self-benefit.
Fear in particular.

Just like during the american civil war, most people fighting probably were not ideologically motivated.
Some feared for their homes, some probably thought the army was a great deal.
A lot of guys also said the uniform seemed to attracted bitches, so they joined.

The Nazi Flag is a good example.
It's symbolism escapes most people nowadays, so let me explain:


The red literally is meant to symbolize Communism.
Communism surrounds a small group of Nazis, allmost swallowing them.
Most germans fought because they feared a communist takeover.

You can only manipulate people by appealing to base instincts.

As Edward Bernays wrote in "Propaganda:"

Bernays - Propaganda.pdf

PROPAGANDA By EDWARD L. BERNAYS. 1928. CONTENTS I. ORGANIZING CHAOS .................................................. 9. II. THE NEW PROPAGANDA ............................................ 19. III. THE NEW PROPAGANDISTS. 32. IV. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PUBLIC RELATIONS. 47. V. BUSINESS AND THE...

What he is getting at is that the Propagandist can not create new instincts in people.
It can only appeal to existing ones by attacking or arousing them.
For example, the attacking principle is mostly used on men:


Whereas the arousing principle is mostly used on women.
That's why most products nowadays have cartoon characters on them and why 80-90% of customer purchases are done by women.

Charles Manson is another example.
All the foids that he "manipulated" talk about him like he was this high IQ genius.
Meanwhile his male friend had this to say about him:


Just lol.

Going back to Kohlberg and Normies simplistic "might-is-right" worldview:
If someone is on a certain stage of moral development, then they project that you are on that level as well.

Incels are the only group that critiques itself due to operating mostly on the higher, principle-based stage of moral development.
In research, this is conflated as incels being "self-loathing." In reality, it's just being realistic.

Again, they are applying value judgements to the blackpill.
The value judgement that the blackpill is "self-loathing," "depressing," etc... comes from a worldview
that presupposes that certain things are morally negative. These values are not inherent to the blackpill at all.

To give one example, look at this footnote from a paper on incels:


The Sense in Senseless Violence: Male Reproductive Strategy and the Modern Sexual Marketplace as Contributors to Violent Extremism

- supremacy (value judgement)
- hatred (value judgement)
- entitlement (value judgement)

None of this has anything to do with the blackpill.
All of these are presuppositions that come from a very specific worldview that interprets data
in a very specific way. They are not "brute facts" at all.

Humans project their worldview onto other people.
"We don't see the world as it is, but as we are."

The blackpill has nothing to do with value judgments at all. As I said earlier, the blackpill can be outright
invigorating if your worldview interprets it that way.

When we understand this, it becomes clear that it's not Normies fault that they cant be blackpilled.
They dont have the reasoning for it, or rather, their biased self serving worldview simply does not allow certain kind of evidences, because these evidences contradict their unfounded moral pre-suppositions.

We project a sense of justice on normies that doesnt exist
Its not their fault, they just cant think beyond their biased Worldview.

At 32:08 in this clip, known CIA asset and also-happens-to-be-a-famous-writer Kurt Vonnegut
explains how he made the same experience working as an anthropologist:

View: https://youtu.be/eLwe-EFUF-A?t=1928

This is why its impossible to blackpill normies.

From their perspective, where everything is group-dynamics, power-struggles, might-is-right,
When you show them the blackpill, you are asking them to support a group of males viewed as evil, over ALL women. That includes their sisters, cousins, mother, aunts, wives, girlfriends, female friends.

In reality, you are not asking them to support anything though.
It's simply too much too ask. In order to understand the blackpill, you need to put aside bias, self interest etc.

"It's the hallmark of intelligence to be able to entertain a thought without being consumed by it."
- Some greek faggot

This is also why women deny the blackpill despite obviously knowing about it (obsessed with looks, make up etc).
It does not benefit them to give away their tricks.

Chaps, I can't get into it but I would highly encourage reading the original Milgram Experiment text.

Stanley Milgram - Obedience to Authority_ An Experimental View-Tavistock Publications Ltd (1974).pdf

View and download Stanley Milgram - Obedience to Authority_ An Experimental View-Tavistock Publications Ltd (1974).pdf on DocDroid

They basically made people shock someone to death with a little push of authority.
And most normies went along with it, for the reasons I mentioned (lower morality - a priest for example did not go along with it, go figure).

Basically, everything is subjugated to "benefit or no benefit?"
Lying? Fine, as long as you benefit.
Ignoring or Misrepresenting Evidence? Fine, as long as you benefit.

Everything in their worldview is reduced to utility to the self.
If it does not benefit them, it is useless.

The reason why they don't acknowledge the blackpill when talking about Incels has nothing to do with

- them not getting the blackpill (they do, evidence later)
- them not understanding incels plight
- they don't benefit from agreeing with incels, so they dont

It's about warfare. They project that we use knowledge the same way they do: As a weapon to benefit ourselves.
We don't. Or at least not all of us. I will call you guys out later :D

Normies break everything down to a power-struggle.
Punishment vs. Reward.
Victim vs. Opressor.

So from their perspective, the blackpill is...

-> A bunch of shit a bunch of angry men say to get their way.

This is where all their claims come from
- "incels only want stacies"
- "incels are entitled"
- "incels are violent"

None of this shit has anything to do with the blackpill.
They are projecting their infantile "might-is-right" morality onto a dataset that has nothing to do with morality at all.
If we go by what Kohlberg illustrated, many people may not even be capable of surpassing this kind of thinking.

They literally believe we only care about the blackpill because it benefits us.
So they jump to the conclusion, "well, this is all about getting what you want anyway" -> "incels are entitled"

This goes into another thing they do: Intentional display.
I said prior, they think acting like a good person = being a good person.

Just imagine a child thinking its good because it follows its parents instructions.
Newsflash: You are not good for acting good. Nobody can act agains their own will, ALL actions are self-serving.

If the children comparison seems derogatory to you, you have learned nothing up to this point.
(pshht, its only derogatory if you dont get what im saying about how worldviews shape value judgements ;) - you only think its derogatory because you think children are retarded and you dont value them OH NOOO YOU DONT WANT TO THINK THAT DO YOU? BAD BAAD)

This is devastating friends, because it means that we will never, and I mean never, be able to argue with Normies
on a logical basis. Everything we say will be judged through the lense of "victim vs opressor"
or rather

- the messenger will always judged insead of the message
- they look for the "why" not for the "what" (as in "why are incels saying this" not for "what are incels actually saying")

Their worldview simply does not allow for any other outlook.
And if your worldview only permits evidences which prove what you want to believe,
then arguing is pointless.

By this we can deduce that, anyone who claims the blackpill is an ideology exposes themselves as biased, and, you knowk, actually having an ideology.

For instance, if someone sees a datapoint about women or men they don't like, that does not mean the blackpill or incels
are evil or nihilstic.
It just means the datapoint does not jive with their worldview and how they interpret human behavior.

This principle of power superseeding even elementary logic can be seen elsewhere as well.

Take the current israel-hamas conflict.
Most normies couldn't show you Gaza on a map a few day ago.
Suddenly they care about this shit. In a few months, it will be like it never happened. Remember my words.
They only care because right now, virtue signalling about this distant conflict benefits them
"Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia."

Same for Covid, which essentially only existed in the media.
Ukraine, same shit.
People have already forgotten about Ukraine lmao.

People don't really care about any of this. They care about benefitting themselves.
Studies have shown that virtue signalling about shit like this
is actually indicative of dark triad personality traits.

Signaling virtuous victimhood as indicators of Dark Triad personalities - PubMed

We investigate the consequences and predictors of emitting signals of victimhood and virtue. In our first three studies, we show that the virtuous victim signal can facilitate nonreciprocal resource transfer from others to the signaler. Next, we develop and validate a victim signaling scale that...

One of the most krass examples is children.
Society simply does not value children, or there would be no need for orphanages.
All the children would be off the market already.
It's simple market economics. If children were a sought after commodity, they would be sold out.

And in our case, the classic example would be how they always, unfailingly, reduce the entire subject to
"women most affected."They think catering to foids benefits them.
They look at neutral datapoints and conclude with retarded certainity: "This is about women."
It's not. It's not about shit. It's not about anything.

You could easily look at the same blackpills and conclude that most men are retarded
mentally ill fuckshits that are spending billions of shekles on pictures of naked women.

But they don't draw that conclusion, do they?

Your worldview shapes how you interpret reality.

The blackpill is basically a massive Rorschach test.
What do you see in the inkblobs Johnny?
Do you see a bunch of inkblobs (reality) or do you see a woman getting hurt and you dont like that (bias)?

This is why you can not argue with them.
When you talk to normies, you are not debating facts, you are debating paradigms.
Entire systems of thought.
They don't process information like incels.

To illustrate how it's all just self benefit, look at these examples in which they:

- acknowledge mens plight
- acknowledge lookism
- advocate for actual solutions to these

Basically they admit key points of the blackpill.
Yet when talking to us, they reject them. How come?

a) Yvetlana Vasin

View: https://medium.com/hello-love/stop-saying-looks-dont-matter-7d48d07eea93

Openly admits looks matter. Seemingly understand blackpill.
But then you look her up and she runs this match-making service
to sell trophy hoes to trad-copers in the west:

St. Petersburg Women for Marriage | Meet Your Future Bride

Meet genuine ladies who are looking for love. Register NOW for free and start browsing the profiles of potential partners here at St. Petersburg Women.


So she literally knows that looks matter, but she only uses that konwledge to benefit herself.
Again, they admit looks matter, if it benefits them.

Shits on incels:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJvDMKsy8D8

Then gets a nosejob (lookism):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUbsaPeLWGU

c) Various Looks-Surgery or "rate-me" related subreddits

Reddit - Dive into anything

On all of these subreddits, you see way more women than men.
The women are getting way more attention.

And on the surgery subreddits, the men are gaslight about their looks
while people literally encourage women to get surgeries.
Again, if it benefits them somehow, they absolutely support the blackpill.

Women are hypocrites. This is warfare to them.
The reason why they don't admit we are right is because their worldview inherently
is anti-male.

Men vs. Women: Plastic Surgery Statistics - Crown Valley Cosmetic Surgery

Although it might seem that men are catching up quickly, when it comes to having plastic surgery, this is still a woman’s game by a very large margin. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reveals from its 2014 plastic surgery statistics that women accounted for 92% of all cosmetic...

d) QOVESStudio


Youtube channel with 500k subs talking exclusively about lookism.
Comments often talk about how looks affect life.
If we make these points, we are ridiculed though.

e) Ugly deformed kids getting surgery.
Whenever you see some report or gofuckme with a child that got mauled
by a pitbull or something, people violently scream for jutsice and point out
how the looks of the child will negatively affect it - "i hope he gets surgery
and gets to live a normal life."

So looks suddenly matter?

f) Female Spending
Going away from lookism a bit here.
In my opinion, you can literally explain the entire blackpill just by using
market economics. Things like skewed gender-ratios have a tremendous impact on society.

Take for instance the fact that women make 80-90% of customer purchases alone.

"Women were responsible for 75-85% of consumer spending in the 1930s."

Research Guides: Consumer Advertising During the Great Depression: A Resource Guide: Gender and Advertising

This guide explores primary and secondary sources that examine the advertising industry from 1929 to 1933, including advertising agencies, consumer protection groups, and topical sources on gender, race, and radio in advertising.


"Women make up more than half of the U.S. population, and control or influence 85% of consumer spending"

The Purchasing Power of Women: Statistics | Girlpower Marketing

Women control over $20 trillion in world-wide spending. Learn more about the purchasing power of women, from Millennials to Baby Boomers, in various markets

This is devastating.
It means that women get almost half the money they own from men.
It means that women are probably hiding money from their partners.
It means that women are extremely shallow and materialistic, while guys predominately value women
over material goods.

This is a brutal pill and reflects extremely negatively on women, if your worldview is bluepilled.
However, because of the current culture, this seen as positive by normies.
Just look at the "girlpowermarketing" link above. It's in the name. "Girl Power."

So this seemingly horrific exposure of female nature suddenly becomes morally good, because context.

g) Female Sexual liberation
This one is kind of a funny double standard:
"Women are sexually liberated" - YAY!
"You're mom is a hoe that got bukkaked on camera." - NOOOOOOO

The cognitivie dissonance is very funny to me.
You see this with tradcopers and redpillers a lot.
One one hand they advocate for plowing through as many hoes as possible.
But then they tell you "just find a good wife bro."

So please, why do they so readily agree with our points as long as its not us making them?
You should be able to answer that at this point.
It was nothing to do with the blackpill.

They disagree with us not because they think the blackpill is wrong, but because WE are wrong.
The messenger is the message.
Its warfare. They literally think incels are trying to mog them by flexing the blackpills as a tool for their own ends.
Its that stupid.

When the blackpill benefits them, they use it.

They simply cant grasp that there are mind-independent things in the world
that exist outside of some monkey-brained retarded using them for personal gain.
Everything is personal gain for them.

If we re-framed the entire blackpill to fit Normies worldview,
they would be campaigining to put it into legislature right now.
I am not exaggerating.

Now, children of the sun, I must critique you tsk tsk.

5. How most Incels are not Blackpilled

Many of us are guilty of exactly the same shit I just talked about.

To illustrate:
Incels fall into two categories:

a) The smart ones:
The ones that get the above points on a philosophical level.
I would count people like @WorthlessSlavicShit and @Atavistic Autist among them.
They are mostly interested in information hoarding and research.
I would call these "consistent" incels, as you could reasonably convince them of anything
as long as your points are valid.

b) The dummies:
These are the ones that gives us a bad name.
They operate exactly like normies do. Might is right, self benefit to the max. To them, the blackpill is inconsequential. It does not even matter.
This is more incels than you would think, unfortunately.

Shocking: Normies attitude towards us IS TRUE - when applied to this group.
These are the droves of greycels that wash up on our shores and then disappear within a few months.
These are the dregs of this forum. They engage in loud displays to signal their bonobo group-adherence to the tribe.

They are ones causing constant in-fighting and witchhunts.
They are the ones that are not even blackpilled and will probably get buxxed in the next 20 years.
If "It's just a phase mom" was a person, it would be them.

View: https://youtu.be/dhEfIdXxRuk?t=1032

In this clip, Naama kates, whos been with groups spying on us for years now,
makes this superficially unbelievable assertion:

Most incels leave the blackpill, get buxxed and move on.
When I first heard this it boggled my mind.
How tf can you move on from an observation like "women are 80% of customers?"

I was projecting friends.
Most greycels, most incels are not even blackpilled.
They come here, thinking this is some edgelord shit and then they act the fool to compete for rank in the
hiearchy here. Once it gets boring they move on.

Normiecels are the scourge of incels and give us a bad rep.

In my "Masculinity is a social construct" thread I laid out
how male in-fighting is the norm and how its encouraged by women.

Masculinity is an actual social construct and More - Studies

"You're not a real woman!" Said no one ever. Why? Why does that only work on men? The answer is two-fold 1. women have inherent value, you can't loose your woman card because being a woman is synonymous with having female flesh. 2. masculinity as its propagated by women and society largely...

We are not immune to this.
There is constant fighting on this forum.
Guys, women operate as a very dense hivemind with tentacles everywhere.
They are like a kraken with manifold arms, a beast of immeasurable proportions.
You. Can. Not. Win.

The constant male on male violence we observe on these forums
is literally exactly whats happening in society and why men cant get a foothold against women.
Men compete with men and worship women = 99% of niggas on this forum.

The only people that are fully excempt from this is a handful of autistic niggas
that spend years digging through research papers and other shit
instead of bickering and witchunting on here.

I wish people spend more time actually researching.
One counter to this that will be made: "The blackpill is complete, there is no new data to be found."
This is a hypercope.

It reminds of when people in 1900 literally claimed everything that could be invented had already been invented.

The blackpill is not restricted to looks and dating.

- looks = health
- health = nutrition + genetics
- nutrition + health + genetics = global politics (government food recommendatiosn deliberately fucking up populations)
- global polictics = jewpill, new world order whatever
- politics = philosophy
- philosohpy = argumentation, worldviews, sound reasoning
- etc.

everything intersects and connects and the ride never ends.
If you want to come to the fullness of truth, you have to keep learning.
The reason why a lot of incels will not go down that path is because they are normies.
They will move on. They think it doesn't benefit them to dig deeper.

There is so much we could talk about, so much.
We are men, all of us have cool shit to say.
Instead I see retards getting angry because some dude said something mean in a thread.
If it was a foid many of you would simp.
Shame on you!

You should stop fighting and competing with other men.
Especially on this forum.
You never see women do that shit. They are above that with their insane in group preference.

Another thing to consider:

- Normies and Psychologists want the blackpill to become an actual ideology because its easier to control
- They want to hijack the negative parts of male nature (hyper-competitive, bickering, infighting) against us

To that End, they constantly discourage actual research and high-trust actions on these forums.
If you attack other men on here or IRL, you are no better than women and normie men,
that constantly encourage male on male aggression and competition.


6. Final Thoughts and Doctors Orders:

I hope I could illustrate why its impossible for Normies to be blackpilled.
And also, why many incels are not really blackpilled.

Honestly, black pillers and blue pillers just shouldnt talk to eachother, as communication is not possible
Women will NEVER say that looks matter unless it benefits them somehow.

And the final pill for today:
If people were capable of understanding these problems they would have already been fixed.
If there was a solution, there would be no market.

@Atavistic Autist

7. Mega.nz link with some goodies

mega.nz file with some of the stuff mentioned in thread (books, videos):

890.8 MB folder on MEGA

Original post : https://incels.is/threads/why-black...d-how-most-incels-are-not-blackpilled.539524/
this isnt my post buts its very important and needs to be read by more people so i reposted it on this site from .is


Blackpilling Normies always fails.
When Normies try to understand Incels, they never tackle the blackpill itself.
In this thread, we investigate the reasons behind this and shock everyone by exposing
how most incels are just turncoat Tonys, ready to drop the incel moniker in a hearbeat.

Stay Tuned.

1. Introduction: Normies Do Not Understand Us
2. What the Blackpill is
3. What the Blackpill is not
4. Why Normies Fail to Understand Us
5. How a lot of Incels are not Blackpilled
6. Final Thoughts and Doctors Orders
7. Mega.nz link with some goodies

When I first took the blackpill I was excited to know the truth and tried to blackpill people in real life.
All I got was confusion, hostility, gaslighting, social consequences.
I then found out there was a subreddit called r/IncelTear that relentlessly denied the blackpill despite all the evidence.

I watched an IncelTV video someone called Brendio tried to give valid argumentation to the bluepillers he was talking to.
But all they did was mute him and moralfag before kicking him off the stream.
They did not even attempt to make any arguments themselves.

My biggest question was why?
How could they not even engage us when we had so much data on our side?
I've spent the last 5 months or so heavily thinking about this.

There is not much information on why people deny the blackpill so I took it upon myself to find out.
This thread is a collection of information I have come across to make sense of it all.

I hope that this thread gives a good outline to why we get gaslighted about the blackpill.
Thankyou for reading my thoughts.

1. Normies Do Not Understand Us

Baffling to us, Normies always reduce incels and the adjacent blackpill to
a form of rabid emotionalism.

For some reason they reduce the entire subject to Incels being a bunch of angry men.
They act as if incels have no reasons.

(Ironically, they also reduce it to a womans-issue only, thus proving gynocracy exists but I digress)

Even when many of us have tried to expose Normies to the Blackpill.
We linked data, we printed out studies - to no avail.
What is the problem with Normies?

It's clearly not about a lack of good information.

What is happening?
Why are they doing this?
That shall be answered now.

But first, definitions my friends:

2. What the blackpill is:

The blackpill is a body of value-neutral data-points derived from academic research, historical sources and anecdotes.
These findings highlight certain behaviors of both genders.
Since the information is value neutral, meaning it contains no value judgements about women or men,
there is no reason to ascribe any attributes to it, i.e. "nihilstic," "fatalistic," "self-loathing," "mysognistic," etc.

That's it. That's the blackpill.

3. What the blackpill is not:

- It is not an ideology.
- It is not connected to emotions.
- It does not make any value-judgements about either gender (not that it could, it has no personhood).
- The blackpill is not a fatalistic belief system, dreamt up by disatisfied men that hoped for more in life.

In fact, the blackpill is fit for marriage with any worldview whatsoever.
For example, a Christian worldview could easily incorporate the blackpill by simply explaining human behavior
as corrupted by the fall of man in Genesis.
This would be a negative interpretation, suffice to say.

A scientist could incorporate the blackpill into evolutionary psychology.
This would be a neutral take.

What about a postive interpration?
Yes, it is possible!
From the perspective of someone who profits of the blackpill, it is absolutely beautiful my friends!
Imagine a psychopath, or the powers that be... or a marketing agent perhaps...
They would ADORE the blackpill! It would make their life so much easier!

Maybe it has already...

You see friends, my point is this: The blackpill is just this: Nothing.


It pertains to be nothing, it judges not, it holds nobody accountable.
So the question remains: Why is it portrait as such when Normies engage with Incels?

4. Why Normies Fail to Understand Us

It's morality.
Note, I am not saying any party involved is morally superior or inferior.
That is not the argument I am making.

No, I think the problem is the worldview and resulting value judgements of Normies compared to the average incel.
We simply value completely different things and thus interpret everything differently.

Women and Normies interpretation of reality breaks down to self-benefit.
Everything is evaluated first by one criteria:
"Does it benefit me?"
If not, it has no value.

This is also how propaganda works.
You just frame things so normies think it benefits them.
"Your rights to do xyz are being taken away."
Suddenly people care about things they did not even know existed a moment ago.

Here are some common observable normie tropes with this pattern:

a) "You are not entitled to anything."
This is simply logically fallacious. If the statement holds universally true then the person making it would not be entitled
to making it. Are you entitled to your opinion? It is self refuting.

However, this is not why they say it. It does not come from a logical place.
It's a form of violence. They are basically saying, "fuck you, take it up the ass and shut up."
It's a form of might is right. If something benefits them they feel they deserve it and you are not to critize them for that.

If you anyone wants to study up further on this, here are some interesting things to look into:

Self-serving bias - Wikipedia

Fundamental attribution error - Wikipedia

Depressive realism - Wikipedia

b) "That's none of your business."
Ditto. Is it your business to tell me that? What my business is, is none your business. It's circular reasoning when applied consistently.

c) "If you don't do xzy you are a bad person"
"If you don't give money to soup kitchens, you hate poor people."
"If you say something I don't like about women, you hate women."

They don't care about poor people, it's manipulation.

As an autist, it took me years to understand this. I am 26 years old and I still struggle
with people not saying what they mean.

Their verbal output is not indentical to their internal monologue.
However, we can approximate based on their actions.

One example of this that we already mentioned is that normies defend things that benefit them as if they are moral goods.
If it benefits them, them they win in their own head, and because they win (benefit), they verbally express that its "valuable."
But this does not mean it's actually good in their eyes. It just means it benefits them.

Acting Good = Being Good.
"Anything that benefits me is good."

With women in particular this goes as far as "not being punished = being rewarded."

This is also why the predominant female power fantasy in movies is playing the villian and getting away with it.
In the recent hitshow "Fleabag," beloved by women, the POV main character is a essentially
a narcisstic psycho who treats people in her life as objects, especially men.

For instance, she is aroused by a priest and simply lables him "hot priest."
This is how women actually see people. Utilities.
Even Chad is only viewed as a utility - "hot guy."

Suffice to say, by the end of the show the evil main foid just walks off, no punishment, no consequences.
Art imitates life.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSAJEXZIrvA

Scientifically this has been noted prior by people like Kohlberg
(shoutout to @Cybersex is our hope who first made me aware of this with his thread ):

Kohlberg and the Stages of Moral Development

Please look at the above picture.

Kohlberg tried to quantify morality in a model.
Most people are stuck on the lower 1-3 levels, especially women.

Everything is about self-benefit and punishment reward.
You know how kids go through that annoying phase where they pester their parens with questions?
That phase never stops.

Grown people still turn to authority figures for all questions in life.
That's where they get their morality from.
They test boundaries, like kids. If they don't get punished, they feel a rush.
Nothing changes since childhood.
It's just more subtle.

One example from Nazi Germany:
Most germans did not care about Nazi ideology. Not surprising since most people back then
had like a 6th grade education and began working at 14.

So how did the Nazis activate Normies to support the war effort?
By framing the entire thing through the lense of self-benefit.
Fear in particular.

Just like during the american civil war, most people fighting probably were not ideologically motivated.
Some feared for their homes, some probably thought the army was a great deal.
A lot of guys also said the uniform seemed to attracted bitches, so they joined.

The Nazi Flag is a good example.
It's symbolism escapes most people nowadays, so let me explain:


The red literally is meant to symbolize Communism.
Communism surrounds a small group of Nazis, allmost swallowing them.
Most germans fought because they feared a communist takeover.

You can only manipulate people by appealing to base instincts.

As Edward Bernays wrote in "Propaganda:"

Bernays - Propaganda.pdf

PROPAGANDA By EDWARD L. BERNAYS. 1928. CONTENTS I. ORGANIZING CHAOS .................................................. 9. II. THE NEW PROPAGANDA ............................................ 19. III. THE NEW PROPAGANDISTS. 32. IV. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PUBLIC RELATIONS. 47. V. BUSINESS AND THE...

What he is getting at is that the Propagandist can not create new instincts in people.
It can only appeal to existing ones by attacking or arousing them.
For example, the attacking principle is mostly used on men:


Whereas the arousing principle is mostly used on women.
That's why most products nowadays have cartoon characters on them and why 80-90% of customer purchases are done by women.

Charles Manson is another example.
All the foids that he "manipulated" talk about him like he was this high IQ genius.
Meanwhile his male friend had this to say about him:


Just lol.

Going back to Kohlberg and Normies simplistic "might-is-right" worldview:
If someone is on a certain stage of moral development, then they project that you are on that level as well.

Incels are the only group that critiques itself due to operating mostly on the higher, principle-based stage of moral development.
In research, this is conflated as incels being "self-loathing." In reality, it's just being realistic.

Again, they are applying value judgements to the blackpill.
The value judgement that the blackpill is "self-loathing," "depressing," etc... comes from a worldview
that presupposes that certain things are morally negative. These values are not inherent to the blackpill at all.

To give one example, look at this footnote from a paper on incels:


The Sense in Senseless Violence: Male Reproductive Strategy and the Modern Sexual Marketplace as Contributors to Violent Extremism

- supremacy (value judgement)
- hatred (value judgement)
- entitlement (value judgement)

None of this has anything to do with the blackpill.
All of these are presuppositions that come from a very specific worldview that interprets data
in a very specific way. They are not "brute facts" at all.

Humans project their worldview onto other people.
"We don't see the world as it is, but as we are."

The blackpill has nothing to do with value judgments at all. As I said earlier, the blackpill can be outright
invigorating if your worldview interprets it that way.

When we understand this, it becomes clear that it's not Normies fault that they cant be blackpilled.
They dont have the reasoning for it, or rather, their biased self serving worldview simply does not allow certain kind of evidences, because these evidences contradict their unfounded moral pre-suppositions.

We project a sense of justice on normies that doesnt exist
Its not their fault, they just cant think beyond their biased Worldview.

At 32:08 in this clip, known CIA asset and also-happens-to-be-a-famous-writer Kurt Vonnegut
explains how he made the same experience working as an anthropologist:

View: https://youtu.be/eLwe-EFUF-A?t=1928

This is why its impossible to blackpill normies.

From their perspective, where everything is group-dynamics, power-struggles, might-is-right,
When you show them the blackpill, you are asking them to support a group of males viewed as evil, over ALL women. That includes their sisters, cousins, mother, aunts, wives, girlfriends, female friends.

In reality, you are not asking them to support anything though.
It's simply too much too ask. In order to understand the blackpill, you need to put aside bias, self interest etc.

"It's the hallmark of intelligence to be able to entertain a thought without being consumed by it."
- Some greek faggot

This is also why women deny the blackpill despite obviously knowing about it (obsessed with looks, make up etc).
It does not benefit them to give away their tricks.

Chaps, I can't get into it but I would highly encourage reading the original Milgram Experiment text.

Stanley Milgram - Obedience to Authority_ An Experimental View-Tavistock Publications Ltd (1974).pdf

View and download Stanley Milgram - Obedience to Authority_ An Experimental View-Tavistock Publications Ltd (1974).pdf on DocDroid

They basically made people shock someone to death with a little push of authority.
And most normies went along with it, for the reasons I mentioned (lower morality - a priest for example did not go along with it, go figure).

Basically, everything is subjugated to "benefit or no benefit?"
Lying? Fine, as long as you benefit.
Ignoring or Misrepresenting Evidence? Fine, as long as you benefit.

Everything in their worldview is reduced to utility to the self.
If it does not benefit them, it is useless.

The reason why they don't acknowledge the blackpill when talking about Incels has nothing to do with

- them not getting the blackpill (they do, evidence later)
- them not understanding incels plight
- they don't benefit from agreeing with incels, so they dont

It's about warfare. They project that we use knowledge the same way they do: As a weapon to benefit ourselves.
We don't. Or at least not all of us. I will call you guys out later :D

Normies break everything down to a power-struggle.
Punishment vs. Reward.
Victim vs. Opressor.

So from their perspective, the blackpill is...

-> A bunch of shit a bunch of angry men say to get their way.

This is where all their claims come from
- "incels only want stacies"
- "incels are entitled"
- "incels are violent"

None of this shit has anything to do with the blackpill.
They are projecting their infantile "might-is-right" morality onto a dataset that has nothing to do with morality at all.
If we go by what Kohlberg illustrated, many people may not even be capable of surpassing this kind of thinking.

They literally believe we only care about the blackpill because it benefits us.
So they jump to the conclusion, "well, this is all about getting what you want anyway" -> "incels are entitled"

This goes into another thing they do: Intentional display.
I said prior, they think acting like a good person = being a good person.

Just imagine a child thinking its good because it follows its parents instructions.
Newsflash: You are not good for acting good. Nobody can act agains their own will, ALL actions are self-serving.

If the children comparison seems derogatory to you, you have learned nothing up to this point.
(pshht, its only derogatory if you dont get what im saying about how worldviews shape value judgements ;) - you only think its derogatory because you think children are retarded and you dont value them OH NOOO YOU DONT WANT TO THINK THAT DO YOU? BAD BAAD)

This is devastating friends, because it means that we will never, and I mean never, be able to argue with Normies
on a logical basis. Everything we say will be judged through the lense of "victim vs opressor"
or rather

- the messenger will always judged insead of the message
- they look for the "why" not for the "what" (as in "why are incels saying this" not for "what are incels actually saying")

Their worldview simply does not allow for any other outlook.
And if your worldview only permits evidences which prove what you want to believe,
then arguing is pointless.

By this we can deduce that, anyone who claims the blackpill is an ideology exposes themselves as biased, and, you knowk, actually having an ideology.

For instance, if someone sees a datapoint about women or men they don't like, that does not mean the blackpill or incels
are evil or nihilstic.
It just means the datapoint does not jive with their worldview and how they interpret human behavior.

This principle of power superseeding even elementary logic can be seen elsewhere as well.

Take the current israel-hamas conflict.
Most normies couldn't show you Gaza on a map a few day ago.
Suddenly they care about this shit. In a few months, it will be like it never happened. Remember my words.
They only care because right now, virtue signalling about this distant conflict benefits them
"Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia."

Same for Covid, which essentially only existed in the media.
Ukraine, same shit.
People have already forgotten about Ukraine lmao.

People don't really care about any of this. They care about benefitting themselves.
Studies have shown that virtue signalling about shit like this
is actually indicative of dark triad personality traits.

Signaling virtuous victimhood as indicators of Dark Triad personalities - PubMed

We investigate the consequences and predictors of emitting signals of victimhood and virtue. In our first three studies, we show that the virtuous victim signal can facilitate nonreciprocal resource transfer from others to the signaler. Next, we develop and validate a victim signaling scale that...

One of the most krass examples is children.
Society simply does not value children, or there would be no need for orphanages.
All the children would be off the market already.
It's simple market economics. If children were a sought after commodity, they would be sold out.

And in our case, the classic example would be how they always, unfailingly, reduce the entire subject to
"women most affected."They think catering to foids benefits them.
They look at neutral datapoints and conclude with retarded certainity: "This is about women."
It's not. It's not about shit. It's not about anything.

You could easily look at the same blackpills and conclude that most men are retarded
mentally ill fuckshits that are spending billions of shekles on pictures of naked women.

But they don't draw that conclusion, do they?

Your worldview shapes how you interpret reality.

The blackpill is basically a massive Rorschach test.
What do you see in the inkblobs Johnny?
Do you see a bunch of inkblobs (reality) or do you see a woman getting hurt and you dont like that (bias)?

This is why you can not argue with them.
When you talk to normies, you are not debating facts, you are debating paradigms.
Entire systems of thought.
They don't process information like incels.

To illustrate how it's all just self benefit, look at these examples in which they:

- acknowledge mens plight
- acknowledge lookism
- advocate for actual solutions to these

Basically they admit key points of the blackpill.
Yet when talking to us, they reject them. How come?

a) Yvetlana Vasin

View: https://medium.com/hello-love/stop-saying-looks-dont-matter-7d48d07eea93

Openly admits looks matter. Seemingly understand blackpill.
But then you look her up and she runs this match-making service
to sell trophy hoes to trad-copers in the west:

St. Petersburg Women for Marriage | Meet Your Future Bride

Meet genuine ladies who are looking for love. Register NOW for free and start browsing the profiles of potential partners here at St. Petersburg Women.


So she literally knows that looks matter, but she only uses that konwledge to benefit herself.
Again, they admit looks matter, if it benefits them.

Shits on incels:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJvDMKsy8D8

Then gets a nosejob (lookism):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUbsaPeLWGU

c) Various Looks-Surgery or "rate-me" related subreddits

Reddit - Dive into anything

On all of these subreddits, you see way more women than men.
The women are getting way more attention.

And on the surgery subreddits, the men are gaslight about their looks
while people literally encourage women to get surgeries.
Again, if it benefits them somehow, they absolutely support the blackpill.

Women are hypocrites. This is warfare to them.
The reason why they don't admit we are right is because their worldview inherently
is anti-male.

Men vs. Women: Plastic Surgery Statistics - Crown Valley Cosmetic Surgery

Although it might seem that men are catching up quickly, when it comes to having plastic surgery, this is still a woman’s game by a very large margin. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reveals from its 2014 plastic surgery statistics that women accounted for 92% of all cosmetic...

d) QOVESStudio


Youtube channel with 500k subs talking exclusively about lookism.
Comments often talk about how looks affect life.
If we make these points, we are ridiculed though.

e) Ugly deformed kids getting surgery.
Whenever you see some report or gofuckme with a child that got mauled
by a pitbull or something, people violently scream for jutsice and point out
how the looks of the child will negatively affect it - "i hope he gets surgery
and gets to live a normal life."

So looks suddenly matter?

f) Female Spending
Going away from lookism a bit here.
In my opinion, you can literally explain the entire blackpill just by using
market economics. Things like skewed gender-ratios have a tremendous impact on society.

Take for instance the fact that women make 80-90% of customer purchases alone.

"Women were responsible for 75-85% of consumer spending in the 1930s."

Research Guides: Consumer Advertising During the Great Depression: A Resource Guide: Gender and Advertising

This guide explores primary and secondary sources that examine the advertising industry from 1929 to 1933, including advertising agencies, consumer protection groups, and topical sources on gender, race, and radio in advertising.


"Women make up more than half of the U.S. population, and control or influence 85% of consumer spending"

The Purchasing Power of Women: Statistics | Girlpower Marketing

Women control over $20 trillion in world-wide spending. Learn more about the purchasing power of women, from Millennials to Baby Boomers, in various markets

This is devastating.
It means that women get almost half the money they own from men.
It means that women are probably hiding money from their partners.
It means that women are extremely shallow and materialistic, while guys predominately value women
over material goods.

This is a brutal pill and reflects extremely negatively on women, if your worldview is bluepilled.
However, because of the current culture, this seen as positive by normies.
Just look at the "girlpowermarketing" link above. It's in the name. "Girl Power."

So this seemingly horrific exposure of female nature suddenly becomes morally good, because context.

g) Female Sexual liberation
This one is kind of a funny double standard:
"Women are sexually liberated" - YAY!
"You're mom is a hoe that got bukkaked on camera." - NOOOOOOO

The cognitivie dissonance is very funny to me.
You see this with tradcopers and redpillers a lot.
One one hand they advocate for plowing through as many hoes as possible.
But then they tell you "just find a good wife bro."

So please, why do they so readily agree with our points as long as its not us making them?
You should be able to answer that at this point.
It was nothing to do with the blackpill.

They disagree with us not because they think the blackpill is wrong, but because WE are wrong.
The messenger is the message.
Its warfare. They literally think incels are trying to mog them by flexing the blackpills as a tool for their own ends.
Its that stupid.

When the blackpill benefits them, they use it.

They simply cant grasp that there are mind-independent things in the world
that exist outside of some monkey-brained retarded using them for personal gain.
Everything is personal gain for them.

If we re-framed the entire blackpill to fit Normies worldview,
they would be campaigining to put it into legislature right now.
I am not exaggerating.

Now, children of the sun, I must critique you tsk tsk.

5. How most Incels are not Blackpilled

Many of us are guilty of exactly the same shit I just talked about.

To illustrate:
Incels fall into two categories:

a) The smart ones:
The ones that get the above points on a philosophical level.
I would count people like @WorthlessSlavicShit and @Atavistic Autist among them.
They are mostly interested in information hoarding and research.
I would call these "consistent" incels, as you could reasonably convince them of anything
as long as your points are valid.

b) The dummies:
These are the ones that gives us a bad name.
They operate exactly like normies do. Might is right, self benefit to the max. To them, the blackpill is inconsequential. It does not even matter.
This is more incels than you would think, unfortunately.

Shocking: Normies attitude towards us IS TRUE - when applied to this group.
These are the droves of greycels that wash up on our shores and then disappear within a few months.
These are the dregs of this forum. They engage in loud displays to signal their bonobo group-adherence to the tribe.

They are ones causing constant in-fighting and witchhunts.
They are the ones that are not even blackpilled and will probably get buxxed in the next 20 years.
If "It's just a phase mom" was a person, it would be them.

View: https://youtu.be/dhEfIdXxRuk?t=1032

In this clip, Naama kates, whos been with groups spying on us for years now,
makes this superficially unbelievable assertion:

Most incels leave the blackpill, get buxxed and move on.
When I first heard this it boggled my mind.
How tf can you move on from an observation like "women are 80% of customers?"

I was projecting friends.
Most greycels, most incels are not even blackpilled.
They come here, thinking this is some edgelord shit and then they act the fool to compete for rank in the
hiearchy here. Once it gets boring they move on.

Normiecels are the scourge of incels and give us a bad rep.

In my "Masculinity is a social construct" thread I laid out
how male in-fighting is the norm and how its encouraged by women.

Masculinity is an actual social construct and More - Studies

"You're not a real woman!" Said no one ever. Why? Why does that only work on men? The answer is two-fold 1. women have inherent value, you can't loose your woman card because being a woman is synonymous with having female flesh. 2. masculinity as its propagated by women and society largely...

We are not immune to this.
There is constant fighting on this forum.
Guys, women operate as a very dense hivemind with tentacles everywhere.
They are like a kraken with manifold arms, a beast of immeasurable proportions.
You. Can. Not. Win.

The constant male on male violence we observe on these forums
is literally exactly whats happening in society and why men cant get a foothold against women.
Men compete with men and worship women = 99% of niggas on this forum.

The only people that are fully excempt from this is a handful of autistic niggas
that spend years digging through research papers and other shit
instead of bickering and witchunting on here.

I wish people spend more time actually researching.
One counter to this that will be made: "The blackpill is complete, there is no new data to be found."
This is a hypercope.

It reminds of when people in 1900 literally claimed everything that could be invented had already been invented.

The blackpill is not restricted to looks and dating.

- looks = health
- health = nutrition + genetics
- nutrition + health + genetics = global politics (government food recommendatiosn deliberately fucking up populations)
- global polictics = jewpill, new world order whatever
- politics = philosophy
- philosohpy = argumentation, worldviews, sound reasoning
- etc.

everything intersects and connects and the ride never ends.
If you want to come to the fullness of truth, you have to keep learning.
The reason why a lot of incels will not go down that path is because they are normies.
They will move on. They think it doesn't benefit them to dig deeper.

There is so much we could talk about, so much.
We are men, all of us have cool shit to say.
Instead I see retards getting angry because some dude said something mean in a thread.
If it was a foid many of you would simp.
Shame on you!

You should stop fighting and competing with other men.
Especially on this forum.
You never see women do that shit. They are above that with their insane in group preference.

Another thing to consider:

- Normies and Psychologists want the blackpill to become an actual ideology because its easier to control
- They want to hijack the negative parts of male nature (hyper-competitive, bickering, infighting) against us

To that End, they constantly discourage actual research and high-trust actions on these forums.
If you attack other men on here or IRL, you are no better than women and normie men,
that constantly encourage male on male aggression and competition.


6. Final Thoughts and Doctors Orders:

I hope I could illustrate why its impossible for Normies to be blackpilled.
And also, why many incels are not really blackpilled.

Honestly, black pillers and blue pillers just shouldnt talk to eachother, as communication is not possible
Women will NEVER say that looks matter unless it benefits them somehow.

And the final pill for today:
If people were capable of understanding these problems they would have already been fixed.
If there was a solution, there would be no market.

@Atavistic Autist

7. Mega.nz link with some goodies

mega.nz file with some of the stuff mentioned in thread (books, videos):

890.8 MB folder on MEGA

All this humongous wall of text could be resumed in a single sentence: The Alegory of Plato's Cave.
My redpilled friendly ironically knew about org and is aware of the BP and still Deny it JFL
Never talk about the blackpill with anyone in public. Makes you seem autistic as fuck. Also your friend is your competition because he interacts with 90% of the same foids you do.

Foids instinctively know their friends are their competition and it's why they are supportive to their fat friends.
  • +1
Reactions: T50gandycel
High IQ post. Neuro-typicals and nonNts are two entirely different organisms despite outward appearances. Communication is impossible, coexistence without mutual disdain is impossible. The world of objective morals, justice and meritocracy and the world of self-service and "might makes right" are by nature incompatible. Unfortunately there is no such thing as non-NT identity because lots of nonNTs are absolutely buckbroken by society and think they can become NT if they practice their social skills or behave like normies and so on.
  • +1
Reactions: Primalsplit, perpetuallytired, Darkeningstar and 1 other person
Original post : https://incels.is/threads/why-black...d-how-most-incels-are-not-blackpilled.539524/
this isnt my post buts its very important and needs to be read by more people so i reposted it on this site from .is


Blackpilling Normies always fails.
When Normies try to understand Incels, they never tackle the blackpill itself.
In this thread, we investigate the reasons behind this and shock everyone by exposing
how most incels are just turncoat Tonys, ready to drop the incel moniker in a hearbeat.

Stay Tuned.

1. Introduction: Normies Do Not Understand Us
2. What the Blackpill is
3. What the Blackpill is not
4. Why Normies Fail to Understand Us
5. How a lot of Incels are not Blackpilled
6. Final Thoughts and Doctors Orders
7. Mega.nz link with some goodies

When I first took the blackpill I was excited to know the truth and tried to blackpill people in real life.
All I got was confusion, hostility, gaslighting, social consequences.
I then found out there was a subreddit called r/IncelTear that relentlessly denied the blackpill despite all the evidence.

I watched an IncelTV video someone called Brendio tried to give valid argumentation to the bluepillers he was talking to.
But all they did was mute him and moralfag before kicking him off the stream.
They did not even attempt to make any arguments themselves.

My biggest question was why?
How could they not even engage us when we had so much data on our side?
I've spent the last 5 months or so heavily thinking about this.

There is not much information on why people deny the blackpill so I took it upon myself to find out.
This thread is a collection of information I have come across to make sense of it all.

I hope that this thread gives a good outline to why we get gaslighted about the blackpill.
Thankyou for reading my thoughts.

1. Normies Do Not Understand Us

Baffling to us, Normies always reduce incels and the adjacent blackpill to
a form of rabid emotionalism.

For some reason they reduce the entire subject to Incels being a bunch of angry men.
They act as if incels have no reasons.

(Ironically, they also reduce it to a womans-issue only, thus proving gynocracy exists but I digress)

Even when many of us have tried to expose Normies to the Blackpill.
We linked data, we printed out studies - to no avail.
What is the problem with Normies?

It's clearly not about a lack of good information.

What is happening?
Why are they doing this?
That shall be answered now.

But first, definitions my friends:

2. What the blackpill is:

The blackpill is a body of value-neutral data-points derived from academic research, historical sources and anecdotes.
These findings highlight certain behaviors of both genders.
Since the information is value neutral, meaning it contains no value judgements about women or men,
there is no reason to ascribe any attributes to it, i.e. "nihilstic," "fatalistic," "self-loathing," "mysognistic," etc.

That's it. That's the blackpill.

3. What the blackpill is not:

- It is not an ideology.
- It is not connected to emotions.
- It does not make any value-judgements about either gender (not that it could, it has no personhood).
- The blackpill is not a fatalistic belief system, dreamt up by disatisfied men that hoped for more in life.

In fact, the blackpill is fit for marriage with any worldview whatsoever.
For example, a Christian worldview could easily incorporate the blackpill by simply explaining human behavior
as corrupted by the fall of man in Genesis.
This would be a negative interpretation, suffice to say.

A scientist could incorporate the blackpill into evolutionary psychology.
This would be a neutral take.

What about a postive interpration?
Yes, it is possible!
From the perspective of someone who profits of the blackpill, it is absolutely beautiful my friends!
Imagine a psychopath, or the powers that be... or a marketing agent perhaps...
They would ADORE the blackpill! It would make their life so much easier!

Maybe it has already...

You see friends, my point is this: The blackpill is just this: Nothing.


It pertains to be nothing, it judges not, it holds nobody accountable.
So the question remains: Why is it portrait as such when Normies engage with Incels?

4. Why Normies Fail to Understand Us

It's morality.
Note, I am not saying any party involved is morally superior or inferior.
That is not the argument I am making.

No, I think the problem is the worldview and resulting value judgements of Normies compared to the average incel.
We simply value completely different things and thus interpret everything differently.

Women and Normies interpretation of reality breaks down to self-benefit.
Everything is evaluated first by one criteria:
"Does it benefit me?"
If not, it has no value.

This is also how propaganda works.
You just frame things so normies think it benefits them.
"Your rights to do xyz are being taken away."
Suddenly people care about things they did not even know existed a moment ago.

Here are some common observable normie tropes with this pattern:

a) "You are not entitled to anything."
This is simply logically fallacious. If the statement holds universally true then the person making it would not be entitled
to making it. Are you entitled to your opinion? It is self refuting.

However, this is not why they say it. It does not come from a logical place.
It's a form of violence. They are basically saying, "fuck you, take it up the ass and shut up."
It's a form of might is right. If something benefits them they feel they deserve it and you are not to critize them for that.

If you anyone wants to study up further on this, here are some interesting things to look into:

Self-serving bias - Wikipedia

Fundamental attribution error - Wikipedia

Depressive realism - Wikipedia

b) "That's none of your business."
Ditto. Is it your business to tell me that? What my business is, is none your business. It's circular reasoning when applied consistently.

c) "If you don't do xzy you are a bad person"
"If you don't give money to soup kitchens, you hate poor people."
"If you say something I don't like about women, you hate women."

They don't care about poor people, it's manipulation.

As an autist, it took me years to understand this. I am 26 years old and I still struggle
with people not saying what they mean.

Their verbal output is not indentical to their internal monologue.
However, we can approximate based on their actions.

One example of this that we already mentioned is that normies defend things that benefit them as if they are moral goods.
If it benefits them, them they win in their own head, and because they win (benefit), they verbally express that its "valuable."
But this does not mean it's actually good in their eyes. It just means it benefits them.

Acting Good = Being Good.
"Anything that benefits me is good."

With women in particular this goes as far as "not being punished = being rewarded."

This is also why the predominant female power fantasy in movies is playing the villian and getting away with it.
In the recent hitshow "Fleabag," beloved by women, the POV main character is a essentially
a narcisstic psycho who treats people in her life as objects, especially men.

For instance, she is aroused by a priest and simply lables him "hot priest."
This is how women actually see people. Utilities.
Even Chad is only viewed as a utility - "hot guy."

Suffice to say, by the end of the show the evil main foid just walks off, no punishment, no consequences.
Art imitates life.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSAJEXZIrvA

Scientifically this has been noted prior by people like Kohlberg
(shoutout to @Cybersex is our hope who first made me aware of this with his thread ):

Kohlberg and the Stages of Moral Development

Please look at the above picture.

Kohlberg tried to quantify morality in a model.
Most people are stuck on the lower 1-3 levels, especially women.

Everything is about self-benefit and punishment reward.
You know how kids go through that annoying phase where they pester their parens with questions?
That phase never stops.

Grown people still turn to authority figures for all questions in life.
That's where they get their morality from.
They test boundaries, like kids. If they don't get punished, they feel a rush.
Nothing changes since childhood.
It's just more subtle.

One example from Nazi Germany:
Most germans did not care about Nazi ideology. Not surprising since most people back then
had like a 6th grade education and began working at 14.

So how did the Nazis activate Normies to support the war effort?
By framing the entire thing through the lense of self-benefit.
Fear in particular.

Just like during the american civil war, most people fighting probably were not ideologically motivated.
Some feared for their homes, some probably thought the army was a great deal.
A lot of guys also said the uniform seemed to attracted bitches, so they joined.

The Nazi Flag is a good example.
It's symbolism escapes most people nowadays, so let me explain:


The red literally is meant to symbolize Communism.
Communism surrounds a small group of Nazis, allmost swallowing them.
Most germans fought because they feared a communist takeover.

You can only manipulate people by appealing to base instincts.

As Edward Bernays wrote in "Propaganda:"

Bernays - Propaganda.pdf

PROPAGANDA By EDWARD L. BERNAYS. 1928. CONTENTS I. ORGANIZING CHAOS .................................................. 9. II. THE NEW PROPAGANDA ............................................ 19. III. THE NEW PROPAGANDISTS. 32. IV. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PUBLIC RELATIONS. 47. V. BUSINESS AND THE...

What he is getting at is that the Propagandist can not create new instincts in people.
It can only appeal to existing ones by attacking or arousing them.
For example, the attacking principle is mostly used on men:


Whereas the arousing principle is mostly used on women.
That's why most products nowadays have cartoon characters on them and why 80-90% of customer purchases are done by women.

Charles Manson is another example.
All the foids that he "manipulated" talk about him like he was this high IQ genius.
Meanwhile his male friend had this to say about him:


Just lol.

Going back to Kohlberg and Normies simplistic "might-is-right" worldview:
If someone is on a certain stage of moral development, then they project that you are on that level as well.

Incels are the only group that critiques itself due to operating mostly on the higher, principle-based stage of moral development.
In research, this is conflated as incels being "self-loathing." In reality, it's just being realistic.

Again, they are applying value judgements to the blackpill.
The value judgement that the blackpill is "self-loathing," "depressing," etc... comes from a worldview
that presupposes that certain things are morally negative. These values are not inherent to the blackpill at all.

To give one example, look at this footnote from a paper on incels:


The Sense in Senseless Violence: Male Reproductive Strategy and the Modern Sexual Marketplace as Contributors to Violent Extremism

- supremacy (value judgement)
- hatred (value judgement)
- entitlement (value judgement)

None of this has anything to do with the blackpill.
All of these are presuppositions that come from a very specific worldview that interprets data
in a very specific way. They are not "brute facts" at all.

Humans project their worldview onto other people.
"We don't see the world as it is, but as we are."

The blackpill has nothing to do with value judgments at all. As I said earlier, the blackpill can be outright
invigorating if your worldview interprets it that way.

When we understand this, it becomes clear that it's not Normies fault that they cant be blackpilled.
They dont have the reasoning for it, or rather, their biased self serving worldview simply does not allow certain kind of evidences, because these evidences contradict their unfounded moral pre-suppositions.

We project a sense of justice on normies that doesnt exist
Its not their fault, they just cant think beyond their biased Worldview.

At 32:08 in this clip, known CIA asset and also-happens-to-be-a-famous-writer Kurt Vonnegut
explains how he made the same experience working as an anthropologist:

View: https://youtu.be/eLwe-EFUF-A?t=1928

This is why its impossible to blackpill normies.

From their perspective, where everything is group-dynamics, power-struggles, might-is-right,
When you show them the blackpill, you are asking them to support a group of males viewed as evil, over ALL women. That includes their sisters, cousins, mother, aunts, wives, girlfriends, female friends.

In reality, you are not asking them to support anything though.
It's simply too much too ask. In order to understand the blackpill, you need to put aside bias, self interest etc.

"It's the hallmark of intelligence to be able to entertain a thought without being consumed by it."
- Some greek faggot

This is also why women deny the blackpill despite obviously knowing about it (obsessed with looks, make up etc).
It does not benefit them to give away their tricks.

Chaps, I can't get into it but I would highly encourage reading the original Milgram Experiment text.

Stanley Milgram - Obedience to Authority_ An Experimental View-Tavistock Publications Ltd (1974).pdf

View and download Stanley Milgram - Obedience to Authority_ An Experimental View-Tavistock Publications Ltd (1974).pdf on DocDroid

They basically made people shock someone to death with a little push of authority.
And most normies went along with it, for the reasons I mentioned (lower morality - a priest for example did not go along with it, go figure).

Basically, everything is subjugated to "benefit or no benefit?"
Lying? Fine, as long as you benefit.
Ignoring or Misrepresenting Evidence? Fine, as long as you benefit.

Everything in their worldview is reduced to utility to the self.
If it does not benefit them, it is useless.

The reason why they don't acknowledge the blackpill when talking about Incels has nothing to do with

- them not getting the blackpill (they do, evidence later)
- them not understanding incels plight
- they don't benefit from agreeing with incels, so they dont

It's about warfare. They project that we use knowledge the same way they do: As a weapon to benefit ourselves.
We don't. Or at least not all of us. I will call you guys out later :D

Normies break everything down to a power-struggle.
Punishment vs. Reward.
Victim vs. Opressor.

So from their perspective, the blackpill is...

-> A bunch of shit a bunch of angry men say to get their way.

This is where all their claims come from
- "incels only want stacies"
- "incels are entitled"
- "incels are violent"

None of this shit has anything to do with the blackpill.
They are projecting their infantile "might-is-right" morality onto a dataset that has nothing to do with morality at all.
If we go by what Kohlberg illustrated, many people may not even be capable of surpassing this kind of thinking.

They literally believe we only care about the blackpill because it benefits us.
So they jump to the conclusion, "well, this is all about getting what you want anyway" -> "incels are entitled"

This goes into another thing they do: Intentional display.
I said prior, they think acting like a good person = being a good person.

Just imagine a child thinking its good because it follows its parents instructions.
Newsflash: You are not good for acting good. Nobody can act agains their own will, ALL actions are self-serving.

If the children comparison seems derogatory to you, you have learned nothing up to this point.
(pshht, its only derogatory if you dont get what im saying about how worldviews shape value judgements ;) - you only think its derogatory because you think children are retarded and you dont value them OH NOOO YOU DONT WANT TO THINK THAT DO YOU? BAD BAAD)

This is devastating friends, because it means that we will never, and I mean never, be able to argue with Normies
on a logical basis. Everything we say will be judged through the lense of "victim vs opressor"
or rather

- the messenger will always judged insead of the message
- they look for the "why" not for the "what" (as in "why are incels saying this" not for "what are incels actually saying")

Their worldview simply does not allow for any other outlook.
And if your worldview only permits evidences which prove what you want to believe,
then arguing is pointless.

By this we can deduce that, anyone who claims the blackpill is an ideology exposes themselves as biased, and, you knowk, actually having an ideology.

For instance, if someone sees a datapoint about women or men they don't like, that does not mean the blackpill or incels
are evil or nihilstic.
It just means the datapoint does not jive with their worldview and how they interpret human behavior.

This principle of power superseeding even elementary logic can be seen elsewhere as well.

Take the current israel-hamas conflict.
Most normies couldn't show you Gaza on a map a few day ago.
Suddenly they care about this shit. In a few months, it will be like it never happened. Remember my words.
They only care because right now, virtue signalling about this distant conflict benefits them
"Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia."

Same for Covid, which essentially only existed in the media.
Ukraine, same shit.
People have already forgotten about Ukraine lmao.

People don't really care about any of this. They care about benefitting themselves.
Studies have shown that virtue signalling about shit like this
is actually indicative of dark triad personality traits.

Signaling virtuous victimhood as indicators of Dark Triad personalities - PubMed

We investigate the consequences and predictors of emitting signals of victimhood and virtue. In our first three studies, we show that the virtuous victim signal can facilitate nonreciprocal resource transfer from others to the signaler. Next, we develop and validate a victim signaling scale that...

One of the most krass examples is children.
Society simply does not value children, or there would be no need for orphanages.
All the children would be off the market already.
It's simple market economics. If children were a sought after commodity, they would be sold out.

And in our case, the classic example would be how they always, unfailingly, reduce the entire subject to
"women most affected."They think catering to foids benefits them.
They look at neutral datapoints and conclude with retarded certainity: "This is about women."
It's not. It's not about shit. It's not about anything.

You could easily look at the same blackpills and conclude that most men are retarded
mentally ill fuckshits that are spending billions of shekles on pictures of naked women.

But they don't draw that conclusion, do they?

Your worldview shapes how you interpret reality.

The blackpill is basically a massive Rorschach test.
What do you see in the inkblobs Johnny?
Do you see a bunch of inkblobs (reality) or do you see a woman getting hurt and you dont like that (bias)?

This is why you can not argue with them.
When you talk to normies, you are not debating facts, you are debating paradigms.
Entire systems of thought.
They don't process information like incels.

To illustrate how it's all just self benefit, look at these examples in which they:

- acknowledge mens plight
- acknowledge lookism
- advocate for actual solutions to these

Basically they admit key points of the blackpill.
Yet when talking to us, they reject them. How come?

a) Yvetlana Vasin

View: https://medium.com/hello-love/stop-saying-looks-dont-matter-7d48d07eea93

Openly admits looks matter. Seemingly understand blackpill.
But then you look her up and she runs this match-making service
to sell trophy hoes to trad-copers in the west:

St. Petersburg Women for Marriage | Meet Your Future Bride

Meet genuine ladies who are looking for love. Register NOW for free and start browsing the profiles of potential partners here at St. Petersburg Women.


So she literally knows that looks matter, but she only uses that konwledge to benefit herself.
Again, they admit looks matter, if it benefits them.

Shits on incels:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJvDMKsy8D8

Then gets a nosejob (lookism):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUbsaPeLWGU

c) Various Looks-Surgery or "rate-me" related subreddits

Reddit - Dive into anything

On all of these subreddits, you see way more women than men.
The women are getting way more attention.

And on the surgery subreddits, the men are gaslight about their looks
while people literally encourage women to get surgeries.
Again, if it benefits them somehow, they absolutely support the blackpill.

Women are hypocrites. This is warfare to them.
The reason why they don't admit we are right is because their worldview inherently
is anti-male.

Men vs. Women: Plastic Surgery Statistics - Crown Valley Cosmetic Surgery

Although it might seem that men are catching up quickly, when it comes to having plastic surgery, this is still a woman’s game by a very large margin. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reveals from its 2014 plastic surgery statistics that women accounted for 92% of all cosmetic...

d) QOVESStudio


Youtube channel with 500k subs talking exclusively about lookism.
Comments often talk about how looks affect life.
If we make these points, we are ridiculed though.

e) Ugly deformed kids getting surgery.
Whenever you see some report or gofuckme with a child that got mauled
by a pitbull or something, people violently scream for jutsice and point out
how the looks of the child will negatively affect it - "i hope he gets surgery
and gets to live a normal life."

So looks suddenly matter?

f) Female Spending
Going away from lookism a bit here.
In my opinion, you can literally explain the entire blackpill just by using
market economics. Things like skewed gender-ratios have a tremendous impact on society.

Take for instance the fact that women make 80-90% of customer purchases alone.

"Women were responsible for 75-85% of consumer spending in the 1930s."

Research Guides: Consumer Advertising During the Great Depression: A Resource Guide: Gender and Advertising

This guide explores primary and secondary sources that examine the advertising industry from 1929 to 1933, including advertising agencies, consumer protection groups, and topical sources on gender, race, and radio in advertising.


"Women make up more than half of the U.S. population, and control or influence 85% of consumer spending"

The Purchasing Power of Women: Statistics | Girlpower Marketing

Women control over $20 trillion in world-wide spending. Learn more about the purchasing power of women, from Millennials to Baby Boomers, in various markets

This is devastating.
It means that women get almost half the money they own from men.
It means that women are probably hiding money from their partners.
It means that women are extremely shallow and materialistic, while guys predominately value women
over material goods.

This is a brutal pill and reflects extremely negatively on women, if your worldview is bluepilled.
However, because of the current culture, this seen as positive by normies.
Just look at the "girlpowermarketing" link above. It's in the name. "Girl Power."

So this seemingly horrific exposure of female nature suddenly becomes morally good, because context.

g) Female Sexual liberation
This one is kind of a funny double standard:
"Women are sexually liberated" - YAY!
"You're mom is a hoe that got bukkaked on camera." - NOOOOOOO

The cognitivie dissonance is very funny to me.
You see this with tradcopers and redpillers a lot.
One one hand they advocate for plowing through as many hoes as possible.
But then they tell you "just find a good wife bro."

So please, why do they so readily agree with our points as long as its not us making them?
You should be able to answer that at this point.
It was nothing to do with the blackpill.

They disagree with us not because they think the blackpill is wrong, but because WE are wrong.
The messenger is the message.
Its warfare. They literally think incels are trying to mog them by flexing the blackpills as a tool for their own ends.
Its that stupid.

When the blackpill benefits them, they use it.

They simply cant grasp that there are mind-independent things in the world
that exist outside of some monkey-brained retarded using them for personal gain.
Everything is personal gain for them.

If we re-framed the entire blackpill to fit Normies worldview,
they would be campaigining to put it into legislature right now.
I am not exaggerating.

Now, children of the sun, I must critique you tsk tsk.

5. How most Incels are not Blackpilled

Many of us are guilty of exactly the same shit I just talked about.

To illustrate:
Incels fall into two categories:

a) The smart ones:
The ones that get the above points on a philosophical level.
I would count people like @WorthlessSlavicShit and @Atavistic Autist among them.
They are mostly interested in information hoarding and research.
I would call these "consistent" incels, as you could reasonably convince them of anything
as long as your points are valid.

b) The dummies:
These are the ones that gives us a bad name.
They operate exactly like normies do. Might is right, self benefit to the max. To them, the blackpill is inconsequential. It does not even matter.
This is more incels than you would think, unfortunately.

Shocking: Normies attitude towards us IS TRUE - when applied to this group.
These are the droves of greycels that wash up on our shores and then disappear within a few months.
These are the dregs of this forum. They engage in loud displays to signal their bonobo group-adherence to the tribe.

They are ones causing constant in-fighting and witchhunts.
They are the ones that are not even blackpilled and will probably get buxxed in the next 20 years.
If "It's just a phase mom" was a person, it would be them.

View: https://youtu.be/dhEfIdXxRuk?t=1032

In this clip, Naama kates, whos been with groups spying on us for years now,
makes this superficially unbelievable assertion:

Most incels leave the blackpill, get buxxed and move on.
When I first heard this it boggled my mind.
How tf can you move on from an observation like "women are 80% of customers?"

I was projecting friends.
Most greycels, most incels are not even blackpilled.
They come here, thinking this is some edgelord shit and then they act the fool to compete for rank in the
hiearchy here. Once it gets boring they move on.

Normiecels are the scourge of incels and give us a bad rep.

In my "Masculinity is a social construct" thread I laid out
how male in-fighting is the norm and how its encouraged by women.

Masculinity is an actual social construct and More - Studies

"You're not a real woman!" Said no one ever. Why? Why does that only work on men? The answer is two-fold 1. women have inherent value, you can't loose your woman card because being a woman is synonymous with having female flesh. 2. masculinity as its propagated by women and society largely...

We are not immune to this.
There is constant fighting on this forum.
Guys, women operate as a very dense hivemind with tentacles everywhere.
They are like a kraken with manifold arms, a beast of immeasurable proportions.
You. Can. Not. Win.

The constant male on male violence we observe on these forums
is literally exactly whats happening in society and why men cant get a foothold against women.
Men compete with men and worship women = 99% of niggas on this forum.

The only people that are fully excempt from this is a handful of autistic niggas
that spend years digging through research papers and other shit
instead of bickering and witchunting on here.

I wish people spend more time actually researching.
One counter to this that will be made: "The blackpill is complete, there is no new data to be found."
This is a hypercope.

It reminds of when people in 1900 literally claimed everything that could be invented had already been invented.

The blackpill is not restricted to looks and dating.

- looks = health
- health = nutrition + genetics
- nutrition + health + genetics = global politics (government food recommendatiosn deliberately fucking up populations)
- global polictics = jewpill, new world order whatever
- politics = philosophy
- philosohpy = argumentation, worldviews, sound reasoning
- etc.

everything intersects and connects and the ride never ends.
If you want to come to the fullness of truth, you have to keep learning.
The reason why a lot of incels will not go down that path is because they are normies.
They will move on. They think it doesn't benefit them to dig deeper.

There is so much we could talk about, so much.
We are men, all of us have cool shit to say.
Instead I see retards getting angry because some dude said something mean in a thread.
If it was a foid many of you would simp.
Shame on you!

You should stop fighting and competing with other men.
Especially on this forum.
You never see women do that shit. They are above that with their insane in group preference.

Another thing to consider:

- Normies and Psychologists want the blackpill to become an actual ideology because its easier to control
- They want to hijack the negative parts of male nature (hyper-competitive, bickering, infighting) against us

To that End, they constantly discourage actual research and high-trust actions on these forums.
If you attack other men on here or IRL, you are no better than women and normie men,
that constantly encourage male on male aggression and competition.


6. Final Thoughts and Doctors Orders:

I hope I could illustrate why its impossible for Normies to be blackpilled.
And also, why many incels are not really blackpilled.

Honestly, black pillers and blue pillers just shouldnt talk to eachother, as communication is not possible
Women will NEVER say that looks matter unless it benefits them somehow.

And the final pill for today:
If people were capable of understanding these problems they would have already been fixed.
If there was a solution, there would be no market.

@Atavistic Autist

7. Mega.nz link with some goodies

mega.nz file with some of the stuff mentioned in thread (books, videos):

890.8 MB folder on MEGA

Amazing essay
Normies are just worthless cattle, illuminated people are scarce.
The thing is about normies is that they well never understand incels because they basically never went through what incels went through, it really is about relativity same goes for females they well never trully understand hoe hard men have it because they didn't go through what men did , getting bullied for absolutely no reason and always compete in everything, in the men landscape theres always competition we as men are already predisposed to be a competitive creature among other men sense birth you're already determined, and another point also is that like what some ppl do say that "women dont like each other " and trust me men dont either matter of fact men hate each other like rehab stated in of his videos before sense birth you as a man you either mog or get mogged no other way around, it's truly brutal man normies well never get what we go through whether its the constant times we try to show that we can but always fail , getting bullied and despised fir literally no reason as a wise man once said "I was born and my life was already over" , it's over man it truly is
Original post : https://incels.is/threads/why-black...d-how-most-incels-are-not-blackpilled.539524/
this isnt my post buts its very important and needs to be read by more people so i reposted it on this site from .is


Blackpilling Normies always fails.
When Normies try to understand Incels, they never tackle the blackpill itself.
In this thread, we investigate the reasons behind this and shock everyone by exposing
how most incels are just turncoat Tonys, ready to drop the incel moniker in a hearbeat.

Stay Tuned.

1. Introduction: Normies Do Not Understand Us
2. What the Blackpill is
3. What the Blackpill is not
4. Why Normies Fail to Understand Us
5. How a lot of Incels are not Blackpilled
6. Final Thoughts and Doctors Orders
7. Mega.nz link with some goodies

When I first took the blackpill I was excited to know the truth and tried to blackpill people in real life.
All I got was confusion, hostility, gaslighting, social consequences.
I then found out there was a subreddit called r/IncelTear that relentlessly denied the blackpill despite all the evidence.

I watched an IncelTV video someone called Brendio tried to give valid argumentation to the bluepillers he was talking to.
But all they did was mute him and moralfag before kicking him off the stream.
They did not even attempt to make any arguments themselves.

My biggest question was why?
How could they not even engage us when we had so much data on our side?
I've spent the last 5 months or so heavily thinking about this.

There is not much information on why people deny the blackpill so I took it upon myself to find out.
This thread is a collection of information I have come across to make sense of it all.

I hope that this thread gives a good outline to why we get gaslighted about the blackpill.
Thankyou for reading my thoughts.

1. Normies Do Not Understand Us

Baffling to us, Normies always reduce incels and the adjacent blackpill to
a form of rabid emotionalism.

For some reason they reduce the entire subject to Incels being a bunch of angry men.
They act as if incels have no reasons.

(Ironically, they also reduce it to a womans-issue only, thus proving gynocracy exists but I digress)

Even when many of us have tried to expose Normies to the Blackpill.
We linked data, we printed out studies - to no avail.
What is the problem with Normies?

It's clearly not about a lack of good information.

What is happening?
Why are they doing this?
That shall be answered now.

But first, definitions my friends:

2. What the blackpill is:

The blackpill is a body of value-neutral data-points derived from academic research, historical sources and anecdotes.
These findings highlight certain behaviors of both genders.
Since the information is value neutral, meaning it contains no value judgements about women or men,
there is no reason to ascribe any attributes to it, i.e. "nihilstic," "fatalistic," "self-loathing," "mysognistic," etc.

That's it. That's the blackpill.

3. What the blackpill is not:

- It is not an ideology.
- It is not connected to emotions.
- It does not make any value-judgements about either gender (not that it could, it has no personhood).
- The blackpill is not a fatalistic belief system, dreamt up by disatisfied men that hoped for more in life.

In fact, the blackpill is fit for marriage with any worldview whatsoever.
For example, a Christian worldview could easily incorporate the blackpill by simply explaining human behavior
as corrupted by the fall of man in Genesis.
This would be a negative interpretation, suffice to say.

A scientist could incorporate the blackpill into evolutionary psychology.
This would be a neutral take.

What about a postive interpration?
Yes, it is possible!
From the perspective of someone who profits of the blackpill, it is absolutely beautiful my friends!
Imagine a psychopath, or the powers that be... or a marketing agent perhaps...
They would ADORE the blackpill! It would make their life so much easier!

Maybe it has already...

You see friends, my point is this: The blackpill is just this: Nothing.


It pertains to be nothing, it judges not, it holds nobody accountable.
So the question remains: Why is it portrait as such when Normies engage with Incels?

4. Why Normies Fail to Understand Us

It's morality.
Note, I am not saying any party involved is morally superior or inferior.
That is not the argument I am making.

No, I think the problem is the worldview and resulting value judgements of Normies compared to the average incel.
We simply value completely different things and thus interpret everything differently.

Women and Normies interpretation of reality breaks down to self-benefit.
Everything is evaluated first by one criteria:
"Does it benefit me?"
If not, it has no value.

This is also how propaganda works.
You just frame things so normies think it benefits them.
"Your rights to do xyz are being taken away."
Suddenly people care about things they did not even know existed a moment ago.

Here are some common observable normie tropes with this pattern:

a) "You are not entitled to anything."
This is simply logically fallacious. If the statement holds universally true then the person making it would not be entitled
to making it. Are you entitled to your opinion? It is self refuting.

However, this is not why they say it. It does not come from a logical place.
It's a form of violence. They are basically saying, "fuck you, take it up the ass and shut up."
It's a form of might is right. If something benefits them they feel they deserve it and you are not to critize them for that.

If you anyone wants to study up further on this, here are some interesting things to look into:

Self-serving bias - Wikipedia

Fundamental attribution error - Wikipedia

Depressive realism - Wikipedia

b) "That's none of your business."
Ditto. Is it your business to tell me that? What my business is, is none your business. It's circular reasoning when applied consistently.

c) "If you don't do xzy you are a bad person"
"If you don't give money to soup kitchens, you hate poor people."
"If you say something I don't like about women, you hate women."

They don't care about poor people, it's manipulation.

As an autist, it took me years to understand this. I am 26 years old and I still struggle
with people not saying what they mean.

Their verbal output is not indentical to their internal monologue.
However, we can approximate based on their actions.

One example of this that we already mentioned is that normies defend things that benefit them as if they are moral goods.
If it benefits them, them they win in their own head, and because they win (benefit), they verbally express that its "valuable."
But this does not mean it's actually good in their eyes. It just means it benefits them.

Acting Good = Being Good.
"Anything that benefits me is good."

With women in particular this goes as far as "not being punished = being rewarded."

This is also why the predominant female power fantasy in movies is playing the villian and getting away with it.
In the recent hitshow "Fleabag," beloved by women, the POV main character is a essentially
a narcisstic psycho who treats people in her life as objects, especially men.

For instance, she is aroused by a priest and simply lables him "hot priest."
This is how women actually see people. Utilities.
Even Chad is only viewed as a utility - "hot guy."

Suffice to say, by the end of the show the evil main foid just walks off, no punishment, no consequences.
Art imitates life.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSAJEXZIrvA

Scientifically this has been noted prior by people like Kohlberg
(shoutout to @Cybersex is our hope who first made me aware of this with his thread ):

Kohlberg and the Stages of Moral Development

Please look at the above picture.

Kohlberg tried to quantify morality in a model.
Most people are stuck on the lower 1-3 levels, especially women.

Everything is about self-benefit and punishment reward.
You know how kids go through that annoying phase where they pester their parens with questions?
That phase never stops.

Grown people still turn to authority figures for all questions in life.
That's where they get their morality from.
They test boundaries, like kids. If they don't get punished, they feel a rush.
Nothing changes since childhood.
It's just more subtle.

One example from Nazi Germany:
Most germans did not care about Nazi ideology. Not surprising since most people back then
had like a 6th grade education and began working at 14.

So how did the Nazis activate Normies to support the war effort?
By framing the entire thing through the lense of self-benefit.
Fear in particular.

Just like during the american civil war, most people fighting probably were not ideologically motivated.
Some feared for their homes, some probably thought the army was a great deal.
A lot of guys also said the uniform seemed to attracted bitches, so they joined.

The Nazi Flag is a good example.
It's symbolism escapes most people nowadays, so let me explain:


The red literally is meant to symbolize Communism.
Communism surrounds a small group of Nazis, allmost swallowing them.
Most germans fought because they feared a communist takeover.

You can only manipulate people by appealing to base instincts.

As Edward Bernays wrote in "Propaganda:"

Bernays - Propaganda.pdf

PROPAGANDA By EDWARD L. BERNAYS. 1928. CONTENTS I. ORGANIZING CHAOS .................................................. 9. II. THE NEW PROPAGANDA ............................................ 19. III. THE NEW PROPAGANDISTS. 32. IV. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PUBLIC RELATIONS. 47. V. BUSINESS AND THE...

What he is getting at is that the Propagandist can not create new instincts in people.
It can only appeal to existing ones by attacking or arousing them.
For example, the attacking principle is mostly used on men:


Whereas the arousing principle is mostly used on women.
That's why most products nowadays have cartoon characters on them and why 80-90% of customer purchases are done by women.

Charles Manson is another example.
All the foids that he "manipulated" talk about him like he was this high IQ genius.
Meanwhile his male friend had this to say about him:


Just lol.

Going back to Kohlberg and Normies simplistic "might-is-right" worldview:
If someone is on a certain stage of moral development, then they project that you are on that level as well.

Incels are the only group that critiques itself due to operating mostly on the higher, principle-based stage of moral development.
In research, this is conflated as incels being "self-loathing." In reality, it's just being realistic.

Again, they are applying value judgements to the blackpill.
The value judgement that the blackpill is "self-loathing," "depressing," etc... comes from a worldview
that presupposes that certain things are morally negative. These values are not inherent to the blackpill at all.

To give one example, look at this footnote from a paper on incels:


The Sense in Senseless Violence: Male Reproductive Strategy and the Modern Sexual Marketplace as Contributors to Violent Extremism

- supremacy (value judgement)
- hatred (value judgement)
- entitlement (value judgement)

None of this has anything to do with the blackpill.
All of these are presuppositions that come from a very specific worldview that interprets data
in a very specific way. They are not "brute facts" at all.

Humans project their worldview onto other people.
"We don't see the world as it is, but as we are."

The blackpill has nothing to do with value judgments at all. As I said earlier, the blackpill can be outright
invigorating if your worldview interprets it that way.

When we understand this, it becomes clear that it's not Normies fault that they cant be blackpilled.
They dont have the reasoning for it, or rather, their biased self serving worldview simply does not allow certain kind of evidences, because these evidences contradict their unfounded moral pre-suppositions.

We project a sense of justice on normies that doesnt exist
Its not their fault, they just cant think beyond their biased Worldview.

At 32:08 in this clip, known CIA asset and also-happens-to-be-a-famous-writer Kurt Vonnegut
explains how he made the same experience working as an anthropologist:

View: https://youtu.be/eLwe-EFUF-A?t=1928

This is why its impossible to blackpill normies.

From their perspective, where everything is group-dynamics, power-struggles, might-is-right,
When you show them the blackpill, you are asking them to support a group of males viewed as evil, over ALL women. That includes their sisters, cousins, mother, aunts, wives, girlfriends, female friends.

In reality, you are not asking them to support anything though.
It's simply too much too ask. In order to understand the blackpill, you need to put aside bias, self interest etc.

"It's the hallmark of intelligence to be able to entertain a thought without being consumed by it."
- Some greek faggot

This is also why women deny the blackpill despite obviously knowing about it (obsessed with looks, make up etc).
It does not benefit them to give away their tricks.

Chaps, I can't get into it but I would highly encourage reading the original Milgram Experiment text.

Stanley Milgram - Obedience to Authority_ An Experimental View-Tavistock Publications Ltd (1974).pdf

View and download Stanley Milgram - Obedience to Authority_ An Experimental View-Tavistock Publications Ltd (1974).pdf on DocDroid

They basically made people shock someone to death with a little push of authority.
And most normies went along with it, for the reasons I mentioned (lower morality - a priest for example did not go along with it, go figure).

Basically, everything is subjugated to "benefit or no benefit?"
Lying? Fine, as long as you benefit.
Ignoring or Misrepresenting Evidence? Fine, as long as you benefit.

Everything in their worldview is reduced to utility to the self.
If it does not benefit them, it is useless.

The reason why they don't acknowledge the blackpill when talking about Incels has nothing to do with

- them not getting the blackpill (they do, evidence later)
- them not understanding incels plight
- they don't benefit from agreeing with incels, so they dont

It's about warfare. They project that we use knowledge the same way they do: As a weapon to benefit ourselves.
We don't. Or at least not all of us. I will call you guys out later :D

Normies break everything down to a power-struggle.
Punishment vs. Reward.
Victim vs. Opressor.

So from their perspective, the blackpill is...

-> A bunch of shit a bunch of angry men say to get their way.

This is where all their claims come from
- "incels only want stacies"
- "incels are entitled"
- "incels are violent"

None of this shit has anything to do with the blackpill.
They are projecting their infantile "might-is-right" morality onto a dataset that has nothing to do with morality at all.
If we go by what Kohlberg illustrated, many people may not even be capable of surpassing this kind of thinking.

They literally believe we only care about the blackpill because it benefits us.
So they jump to the conclusion, "well, this is all about getting what you want anyway" -> "incels are entitled"

This goes into another thing they do: Intentional display.
I said prior, they think acting like a good person = being a good person.

Just imagine a child thinking its good because it follows its parents instructions.
Newsflash: You are not good for acting good. Nobody can act agains their own will, ALL actions are self-serving.

If the children comparison seems derogatory to you, you have learned nothing up to this point.
(pshht, its only derogatory if you dont get what im saying about how worldviews shape value judgements ;) - you only think its derogatory because you think children are retarded and you dont value them OH NOOO YOU DONT WANT TO THINK THAT DO YOU? BAD BAAD)

This is devastating friends, because it means that we will never, and I mean never, be able to argue with Normies
on a logical basis. Everything we say will be judged through the lense of "victim vs opressor"
or rather

- the messenger will always judged insead of the message
- they look for the "why" not for the "what" (as in "why are incels saying this" not for "what are incels actually saying")

Their worldview simply does not allow for any other outlook.
And if your worldview only permits evidences which prove what you want to believe,
then arguing is pointless.

By this we can deduce that, anyone who claims the blackpill is an ideology exposes themselves as biased, and, you knowk, actually having an ideology.

For instance, if someone sees a datapoint about women or men they don't like, that does not mean the blackpill or incels
are evil or nihilstic.
It just means the datapoint does not jive with their worldview and how they interpret human behavior.

This principle of power superseeding even elementary logic can be seen elsewhere as well.

Take the current israel-hamas conflict.
Most normies couldn't show you Gaza on a map a few day ago.
Suddenly they care about this shit. In a few months, it will be like it never happened. Remember my words.
They only care because right now, virtue signalling about this distant conflict benefits them
"Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia."

Same for Covid, which essentially only existed in the media.
Ukraine, same shit.
People have already forgotten about Ukraine lmao.

People don't really care about any of this. They care about benefitting themselves.
Studies have shown that virtue signalling about shit like this
is actually indicative of dark triad personality traits.

Signaling virtuous victimhood as indicators of Dark Triad personalities - PubMed

We investigate the consequences and predictors of emitting signals of victimhood and virtue. In our first three studies, we show that the virtuous victim signal can facilitate nonreciprocal resource transfer from others to the signaler. Next, we develop and validate a victim signaling scale that...

One of the most krass examples is children.
Society simply does not value children, or there would be no need for orphanages.
All the children would be off the market already.
It's simple market economics. If children were a sought after commodity, they would be sold out.

And in our case, the classic example would be how they always, unfailingly, reduce the entire subject to
"women most affected."They think catering to foids benefits them.
They look at neutral datapoints and conclude with retarded certainity: "This is about women."
It's not. It's not about shit. It's not about anything.

You could easily look at the same blackpills and conclude that most men are retarded
mentally ill fuckshits that are spending billions of shekles on pictures of naked women.

But they don't draw that conclusion, do they?

Your worldview shapes how you interpret reality.

The blackpill is basically a massive Rorschach test.
What do you see in the inkblobs Johnny?
Do you see a bunch of inkblobs (reality) or do you see a woman getting hurt and you dont like that (bias)?

This is why you can not argue with them.
When you talk to normies, you are not debating facts, you are debating paradigms.
Entire systems of thought.
They don't process information like incels.

To illustrate how it's all just self benefit, look at these examples in which they:

- acknowledge mens plight
- acknowledge lookism
- advocate for actual solutions to these

Basically they admit key points of the blackpill.
Yet when talking to us, they reject them. How come?

a) Yvetlana Vasin

View: https://medium.com/hello-love/stop-saying-looks-dont-matter-7d48d07eea93

Openly admits looks matter. Seemingly understand blackpill.
But then you look her up and she runs this match-making service
to sell trophy hoes to trad-copers in the west:

St. Petersburg Women for Marriage | Meet Your Future Bride

Meet genuine ladies who are looking for love. Register NOW for free and start browsing the profiles of potential partners here at St. Petersburg Women.


So she literally knows that looks matter, but she only uses that konwledge to benefit herself.
Again, they admit looks matter, if it benefits them.

Shits on incels:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJvDMKsy8D8

Then gets a nosejob (lookism):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUbsaPeLWGU

c) Various Looks-Surgery or "rate-me" related subreddits

Reddit - Dive into anything

On all of these subreddits, you see way more women than men.
The women are getting way more attention.

And on the surgery subreddits, the men are gaslight about their looks
while people literally encourage women to get surgeries.
Again, if it benefits them somehow, they absolutely support the blackpill.

Women are hypocrites. This is warfare to them.
The reason why they don't admit we are right is because their worldview inherently
is anti-male.

Men vs. Women: Plastic Surgery Statistics - Crown Valley Cosmetic Surgery

Although it might seem that men are catching up quickly, when it comes to having plastic surgery, this is still a woman’s game by a very large margin. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reveals from its 2014 plastic surgery statistics that women accounted for 92% of all cosmetic...

d) QOVESStudio


Youtube channel with 500k subs talking exclusively about lookism.
Comments often talk about how looks affect life.
If we make these points, we are ridiculed though.

e) Ugly deformed kids getting surgery.
Whenever you see some report or gofuckme with a child that got mauled
by a pitbull or something, people violently scream for jutsice and point out
how the looks of the child will negatively affect it - "i hope he gets surgery
and gets to live a normal life."

So looks suddenly matter?

f) Female Spending
Going away from lookism a bit here.
In my opinion, you can literally explain the entire blackpill just by using
market economics. Things like skewed gender-ratios have a tremendous impact on society.

Take for instance the fact that women make 80-90% of customer purchases alone.

"Women were responsible for 75-85% of consumer spending in the 1930s."

Research Guides: Consumer Advertising During the Great Depression: A Resource Guide: Gender and Advertising

This guide explores primary and secondary sources that examine the advertising industry from 1929 to 1933, including advertising agencies, consumer protection groups, and topical sources on gender, race, and radio in advertising.


"Women make up more than half of the U.S. population, and control or influence 85% of consumer spending"

The Purchasing Power of Women: Statistics | Girlpower Marketing

Women control over $20 trillion in world-wide spending. Learn more about the purchasing power of women, from Millennials to Baby Boomers, in various markets

This is devastating.
It means that women get almost half the money they own from men.
It means that women are probably hiding money from their partners.
It means that women are extremely shallow and materialistic, while guys predominately value women
over material goods.

This is a brutal pill and reflects extremely negatively on women, if your worldview is bluepilled.
However, because of the current culture, this seen as positive by normies.
Just look at the "girlpowermarketing" link above. It's in the name. "Girl Power."

So this seemingly horrific exposure of female nature suddenly becomes morally good, because context.

g) Female Sexual liberation
This one is kind of a funny double standard:
"Women are sexually liberated" - YAY!
"You're mom is a hoe that got bukkaked on camera." - NOOOOOOO

The cognitivie dissonance is very funny to me.
You see this with tradcopers and redpillers a lot.
One one hand they advocate for plowing through as many hoes as possible.
But then they tell you "just find a good wife bro."

So please, why do they so readily agree with our points as long as its not us making them?
You should be able to answer that at this point.
It was nothing to do with the blackpill.

They disagree with us not because they think the blackpill is wrong, but because WE are wrong.
The messenger is the message.
Its warfare. They literally think incels are trying to mog them by flexing the blackpills as a tool for their own ends.
Its that stupid.

When the blackpill benefits them, they use it.

They simply cant grasp that there are mind-independent things in the world
that exist outside of some monkey-brained retarded using them for personal gain.
Everything is personal gain for them.

If we re-framed the entire blackpill to fit Normies worldview,
they would be campaigining to put it into legislature right now.
I am not exaggerating.

Now, children of the sun, I must critique you tsk tsk.

5. How most Incels are not Blackpilled

Many of us are guilty of exactly the same shit I just talked about.

To illustrate:
Incels fall into two categories:

a) The smart ones:
The ones that get the above points on a philosophical level.
I would count people like @WorthlessSlavicShit and @Atavistic Autist among them.
They are mostly interested in information hoarding and research.
I would call these "consistent" incels, as you could reasonably convince them of anything
as long as your points are valid.

b) The dummies:
These are the ones that gives us a bad name.
They operate exactly like normies do. Might is right, self benefit to the max. To them, the blackpill is inconsequential. It does not even matter.
This is more incels than you would think, unfortunately.

Shocking: Normies attitude towards us IS TRUE - when applied to this group.
These are the droves of greycels that wash up on our shores and then disappear within a few months.
These are the dregs of this forum. They engage in loud displays to signal their bonobo group-adherence to the tribe.

They are ones causing constant in-fighting and witchhunts.
They are the ones that are not even blackpilled and will probably get buxxed in the next 20 years.
If "It's just a phase mom" was a person, it would be them.

View: https://youtu.be/dhEfIdXxRuk?t=1032

In this clip, Naama kates, whos been with groups spying on us for years now,
makes this superficially unbelievable assertion:

Most incels leave the blackpill, get buxxed and move on.
When I first heard this it boggled my mind.
How tf can you move on from an observation like "women are 80% of customers?"

I was projecting friends.
Most greycels, most incels are not even blackpilled.
They come here, thinking this is some edgelord shit and then they act the fool to compete for rank in the
hiearchy here. Once it gets boring they move on.

Normiecels are the scourge of incels and give us a bad rep.

In my "Masculinity is a social construct" thread I laid out
how male in-fighting is the norm and how its encouraged by women.

Masculinity is an actual social construct and More - Studies

"You're not a real woman!" Said no one ever. Why? Why does that only work on men? The answer is two-fold 1. women have inherent value, you can't loose your woman card because being a woman is synonymous with having female flesh. 2. masculinity as its propagated by women and society largely...

We are not immune to this.
There is constant fighting on this forum.
Guys, women operate as a very dense hivemind with tentacles everywhere.
They are like a kraken with manifold arms, a beast of immeasurable proportions.
You. Can. Not. Win.

The constant male on male violence we observe on these forums
is literally exactly whats happening in society and why men cant get a foothold against women.
Men compete with men and worship women = 99% of niggas on this forum.

The only people that are fully excempt from this is a handful of autistic niggas
that spend years digging through research papers and other shit
instead of bickering and witchunting on here.

I wish people spend more time actually researching.
One counter to this that will be made: "The blackpill is complete, there is no new data to be found."
This is a hypercope.

It reminds of when people in 1900 literally claimed everything that could be invented had already been invented.

The blackpill is not restricted to looks and dating.

- looks = health
- health = nutrition + genetics
- nutrition + health + genetics = global politics (government food recommendatiosn deliberately fucking up populations)
- global polictics = jewpill, new world order whatever
- politics = philosophy
- philosohpy = argumentation, worldviews, sound reasoning
- etc.

everything intersects and connects and the ride never ends.
If you want to come to the fullness of truth, you have to keep learning.
The reason why a lot of incels will not go down that path is because they are normies.
They will move on. They think it doesn't benefit them to dig deeper.

There is so much we could talk about, so much.
We are men, all of us have cool shit to say.
Instead I see retards getting angry because some dude said something mean in a thread.
If it was a foid many of you would simp.
Shame on you!

You should stop fighting and competing with other men.
Especially on this forum.
You never see women do that shit. They are above that with their insane in group preference.

Another thing to consider:

- Normies and Psychologists want the blackpill to become an actual ideology because its easier to control
- They want to hijack the negative parts of male nature (hyper-competitive, bickering, infighting) against us

To that End, they constantly discourage actual research and high-trust actions on these forums.
If you attack other men on here or IRL, you are no better than women and normie men,
that constantly encourage male on male aggression and competition.


6. Final Thoughts and Doctors Orders:

I hope I could illustrate why its impossible for Normies to be blackpilled.
And also, why many incels are not really blackpilled.

Honestly, black pillers and blue pillers just shouldnt talk to eachother, as communication is not possible
Women will NEVER say that looks matter unless it benefits them somehow.

And the final pill for today:
If people were capable of understanding these problems they would have already been fixed.
If there was a solution, there would be no market.

@Atavistic Autist

7. Mega.nz link with some goodies

mega.nz file with some of the stuff mentioned in thread (books, videos):

890.8 MB folder on MEGA

blackpilling normies is harder than convincing a lifelong believer of god to dismiss the afterlife while on his deathbed
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: johnypvpgod, Primalsplit, ubicuse and 1 other person
Every man knows women are ugly past age 18 , but they cant admit it because they would be ostracized
Sorry I don't really like to say this word Nor like to use it but NIGGA WHAT ??? :forcedsmile:
Read every molecule

But they dont understand us cuz bp is kinda irrelevant irl

Nt is damn near everything

Ur crush is getting railed by low
Mtns rn
myopic braindead room temp iq take
  • +1
Reactions: Primalsplit and LegitUser
They literally believe we only care about the blackpill because it benefits us.
This is possibly the most significant line in this whole thread, tails touched briefly on this too i believe “people who cant separate the commenter from the comment are low IQ” is what he said in a video. I see this shit all the time. when i talk about stuff like looks matter, they always say stuff like “i know you cant get girls and ur an incel” or some shit like that. how is that relevant to the objective truth of my statement? this is the most common fallacy committed by normies, but sadly one that is extremely hard to break out of as they cant actually comprehend why its fallacious. they just have a different thought pattern, high iq thread op.
  • JFL
Reactions: Primalsplit
Ur right but ur girls still getting railed by low mtns
dont know any cases ngl its usually tall MTNs or socialmaxxed NT mtns. you have to realise its not as simple as looking good or bad, theres also high/low trust features, introvert/extrovert physiognomy, all of which your face indicates from a superficial glance will heavily shape how people perceive and interact with you inevitably dramatically affecting your behaviour.
  • +1
Reactions: LegitUser and ShawarmaFilth
dont know any cases ngl its usually tall MTNs or socialmaxxed NT mtns. you have to realise its not as simple as looking good or bad, theres also high/low trust features, introvert/extrovert physiognomy, all of which your face indicates from a superficial glance will heavily shape how people perceive and interact with you inevitably dramatically affecting your behaviour.
Dk about you but all my crushes have been stolen by mtns
Read every word OP.

That part about 'low morality' people assuming your ethics are based on self interest rings true.

Normies are not idealists, they can never be. They're crude close minded utilitarians where N is 1 (them).

I've honestly stopped caring for most people, you can never achieve real progression of humanity with these apelike being bogging the whole down.

The way I see it, their extreme narcissism prevents real change that would actually benefit them.
  • +1
Reactions: horizontallytall, johnypvpgod, Primalsplit and 3 others

But they dont understand us cuz bp is kinda irrelevant irl

Nt is damn near everything

Ur crush is getting railed by low
Mtns rn
go to work you goofy bitch
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The extremes can always see the benefits and drawbacks of attraction. Normies don't have enough data to see the difference unless they know a really good looking guy or a really ugly guy. That's why i think this forum is mostly chads and incels.
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Original post : https://incels.is/threads/why-black...d-how-most-incels-are-not-blackpilled.539524/
this isnt my post buts its very important and needs to be read by more people so i reposted it on this site from .is


Blackpilling Normies always fails.
When Normies try to understand Incels, they never tackle the blackpill itself.
In this thread, we investigate the reasons behind this and shock everyone by exposing
how most incels are just turncoat Tonys, ready to drop the incel moniker in a hearbeat.

Stay Tuned.

1. Introduction: Normies Do Not Understand Us
2. What the Blackpill is
3. What the Blackpill is not
4. Why Normies Fail to Understand Us
5. How a lot of Incels are not Blackpilled
6. Final Thoughts and Doctors Orders
7. Mega.nz link with some goodies

When I first took the blackpill I was excited to know the truth and tried to blackpill people in real life.
All I got was confusion, hostility, gaslighting, social consequences.
I then found out there was a subreddit called r/IncelTear that relentlessly denied the blackpill despite all the evidence.

I watched an IncelTV video someone called Brendio tried to give valid argumentation to the bluepillers he was talking to.
But all they did was mute him and moralfag before kicking him off the stream.
They did not even attempt to make any arguments themselves.

My biggest question was why?
How could they not even engage us when we had so much data on our side?
I've spent the last 5 months or so heavily thinking about this.

There is not much information on why people deny the blackpill so I took it upon myself to find out.
This thread is a collection of information I have come across to make sense of it all.

I hope that this thread gives a good outline to why we get gaslighted about the blackpill.
Thankyou for reading my thoughts.

1. Normies Do Not Understand Us

Baffling to us, Normies always reduce incels and the adjacent blackpill to
a form of rabid emotionalism.

For some reason they reduce the entire subject to Incels being a bunch of angry men.
They act as if incels have no reasons.

(Ironically, they also reduce it to a womans-issue only, thus proving gynocracy exists but I digress)

Even when many of us have tried to expose Normies to the Blackpill.
We linked data, we printed out studies - to no avail.
What is the problem with Normies?

It's clearly not about a lack of good information.

What is happening?
Why are they doing this?
That shall be answered now.

But first, definitions my friends:

2. What the blackpill is:

The blackpill is a body of value-neutral data-points derived from academic research, historical sources and anecdotes.
These findings highlight certain behaviors of both genders.
Since the information is value neutral, meaning it contains no value judgements about women or men,
there is no reason to ascribe any attributes to it, i.e. "nihilstic," "fatalistic," "self-loathing," "mysognistic," etc.

That's it. That's the blackpill.

3. What the blackpill is not:

- It is not an ideology.
- It is not connected to emotions.
- It does not make any value-judgements about either gender (not that it could, it has no personhood).
- The blackpill is not a fatalistic belief system, dreamt up by disatisfied men that hoped for more in life.

In fact, the blackpill is fit for marriage with any worldview whatsoever.
For example, a Christian worldview could easily incorporate the blackpill by simply explaining human behavior
as corrupted by the fall of man in Genesis.
This would be a negative interpretation, suffice to say.

A scientist could incorporate the blackpill into evolutionary psychology.
This would be a neutral take.

What about a postive interpration?
Yes, it is possible!
From the perspective of someone who profits of the blackpill, it is absolutely beautiful my friends!
Imagine a psychopath, or the powers that be... or a marketing agent perhaps...
They would ADORE the blackpill! It would make their life so much easier!

Maybe it has already...

You see friends, my point is this: The blackpill is just this: Nothing.


It pertains to be nothing, it judges not, it holds nobody accountable.
So the question remains: Why is it portrait as such when Normies engage with Incels?

4. Why Normies Fail to Understand Us

It's morality.
Note, I am not saying any party involved is morally superior or inferior.
That is not the argument I am making.

No, I think the problem is the worldview and resulting value judgements of Normies compared to the average incel.
We simply value completely different things and thus interpret everything differently.

Women and Normies interpretation of reality breaks down to self-benefit.
Everything is evaluated first by one criteria:
"Does it benefit me?"
If not, it has no value.

This is also how propaganda works.
You just frame things so normies think it benefits them.
"Your rights to do xyz are being taken away."
Suddenly people care about things they did not even know existed a moment ago.

Here are some common observable normie tropes with this pattern:

a) "You are not entitled to anything."
This is simply logically fallacious. If the statement holds universally true then the person making it would not be entitled
to making it. Are you entitled to your opinion? It is self refuting.

However, this is not why they say it. It does not come from a logical place.
It's a form of violence. They are basically saying, "fuck you, take it up the ass and shut up."
It's a form of might is right. If something benefits them they feel they deserve it and you are not to critize them for that.

If you anyone wants to study up further on this, here are some interesting things to look into:

Self-serving bias - Wikipedia

Fundamental attribution error - Wikipedia

Depressive realism - Wikipedia

b) "That's none of your business."
Ditto. Is it your business to tell me that? What my business is, is none your business. It's circular reasoning when applied consistently.

c) "If you don't do xzy you are a bad person"
"If you don't give money to soup kitchens, you hate poor people."
"If you say something I don't like about women, you hate women."

They don't care about poor people, it's manipulation.

As an autist, it took me years to understand this. I am 26 years old and I still struggle
with people not saying what they mean.

Their verbal output is not indentical to their internal monologue.
However, we can approximate based on their actions.

One example of this that we already mentioned is that normies defend things that benefit them as if they are moral goods.
If it benefits them, them they win in their own head, and because they win (benefit), they verbally express that its "valuable."
But this does not mean it's actually good in their eyes. It just means it benefits them.

Acting Good = Being Good.
"Anything that benefits me is good."

With women in particular this goes as far as "not being punished = being rewarded."

This is also why the predominant female power fantasy in movies is playing the villian and getting away with it.
In the recent hitshow "Fleabag," beloved by women, the POV main character is a essentially
a narcisstic psycho who treats people in her life as objects, especially men.

For instance, she is aroused by a priest and simply lables him "hot priest."
This is how women actually see people. Utilities.
Even Chad is only viewed as a utility - "hot guy."

Suffice to say, by the end of the show the evil main foid just walks off, no punishment, no consequences.
Art imitates life.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSAJEXZIrvA

Scientifically this has been noted prior by people like Kohlberg
(shoutout to @Cybersex is our hope who first made me aware of this with his thread ):

Kohlberg and the Stages of Moral Development

Please look at the above picture.

Kohlberg tried to quantify morality in a model.
Most people are stuck on the lower 1-3 levels, especially women.

Everything is about self-benefit and punishment reward.
You know how kids go through that annoying phase where they pester their parens with questions?
That phase never stops.

Grown people still turn to authority figures for all questions in life.
That's where they get their morality from.
They test boundaries, like kids. If they don't get punished, they feel a rush.
Nothing changes since childhood.
It's just more subtle.

One example from Nazi Germany:
Most germans did not care about Nazi ideology. Not surprising since most people back then
had like a 6th grade education and began working at 14.

So how did the Nazis activate Normies to support the war effort?
By framing the entire thing through the lense of self-benefit.
Fear in particular.

Just like during the american civil war, most people fighting probably were not ideologically motivated.
Some feared for their homes, some probably thought the army was a great deal.
A lot of guys also said the uniform seemed to attracted bitches, so they joined.

The Nazi Flag is a good example.
It's symbolism escapes most people nowadays, so let me explain:


The red literally is meant to symbolize Communism.
Communism surrounds a small group of Nazis, allmost swallowing them.
Most germans fought because they feared a communist takeover.

You can only manipulate people by appealing to base instincts.

As Edward Bernays wrote in "Propaganda:"

Bernays - Propaganda.pdf

PROPAGANDA By EDWARD L. BERNAYS. 1928. CONTENTS I. ORGANIZING CHAOS .................................................. 9. II. THE NEW PROPAGANDA ............................................ 19. III. THE NEW PROPAGANDISTS. 32. IV. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PUBLIC RELATIONS. 47. V. BUSINESS AND THE...

What he is getting at is that the Propagandist can not create new instincts in people.
It can only appeal to existing ones by attacking or arousing them.
For example, the attacking principle is mostly used on men:


Whereas the arousing principle is mostly used on women.
That's why most products nowadays have cartoon characters on them and why 80-90% of customer purchases are done by women.

Charles Manson is another example.
All the foids that he "manipulated" talk about him like he was this high IQ genius.
Meanwhile his male friend had this to say about him:


Just lol.

Going back to Kohlberg and Normies simplistic "might-is-right" worldview:
If someone is on a certain stage of moral development, then they project that you are on that level as well.

Incels are the only group that critiques itself due to operating mostly on the higher, principle-based stage of moral development.
In research, this is conflated as incels being "self-loathing." In reality, it's just being realistic.

Again, they are applying value judgements to the blackpill.
The value judgement that the blackpill is "self-loathing," "depressing," etc... comes from a worldview
that presupposes that certain things are morally negative. These values are not inherent to the blackpill at all.

To give one example, look at this footnote from a paper on incels:


The Sense in Senseless Violence: Male Reproductive Strategy and the Modern Sexual Marketplace as Contributors to Violent Extremism

- supremacy (value judgement)
- hatred (value judgement)
- entitlement (value judgement)

None of this has anything to do with the blackpill.
All of these are presuppositions that come from a very specific worldview that interprets data
in a very specific way. They are not "brute facts" at all.

Humans project their worldview onto other people.
"We don't see the world as it is, but as we are."

The blackpill has nothing to do with value judgments at all. As I said earlier, the blackpill can be outright
invigorating if your worldview interprets it that way.

When we understand this, it becomes clear that it's not Normies fault that they cant be blackpilled.
They dont have the reasoning for it, or rather, their biased self serving worldview simply does not allow certain kind of evidences, because these evidences contradict their unfounded moral pre-suppositions.

We project a sense of justice on normies that doesnt exist
Its not their fault, they just cant think beyond their biased Worldview.

At 32:08 in this clip, known CIA asset and also-happens-to-be-a-famous-writer Kurt Vonnegut
explains how he made the same experience working as an anthropologist:

View: https://youtu.be/eLwe-EFUF-A?t=1928

This is why its impossible to blackpill normies.

From their perspective, where everything is group-dynamics, power-struggles, might-is-right,
When you show them the blackpill, you are asking them to support a group of males viewed as evil, over ALL women. That includes their sisters, cousins, mother, aunts, wives, girlfriends, female friends.

In reality, you are not asking them to support anything though.
It's simply too much too ask. In order to understand the blackpill, you need to put aside bias, self interest etc.

"It's the hallmark of intelligence to be able to entertain a thought without being consumed by it."
- Some greek faggot

This is also why women deny the blackpill despite obviously knowing about it (obsessed with looks, make up etc).
It does not benefit them to give away their tricks.

Chaps, I can't get into it but I would highly encourage reading the original Milgram Experiment text.

Stanley Milgram - Obedience to Authority_ An Experimental View-Tavistock Publications Ltd (1974).pdf

View and download Stanley Milgram - Obedience to Authority_ An Experimental View-Tavistock Publications Ltd (1974).pdf on DocDroid

They basically made people shock someone to death with a little push of authority.
And most normies went along with it, for the reasons I mentioned (lower morality - a priest for example did not go along with it, go figure).

Basically, everything is subjugated to "benefit or no benefit?"
Lying? Fine, as long as you benefit.
Ignoring or Misrepresenting Evidence? Fine, as long as you benefit.

Everything in their worldview is reduced to utility to the self.
If it does not benefit them, it is useless.

The reason why they don't acknowledge the blackpill when talking about Incels has nothing to do with

- them not getting the blackpill (they do, evidence later)
- them not understanding incels plight
- they don't benefit from agreeing with incels, so they dont

It's about warfare. They project that we use knowledge the same way they do: As a weapon to benefit ourselves.
We don't. Or at least not all of us. I will call you guys out later :D

Normies break everything down to a power-struggle.
Punishment vs. Reward.
Victim vs. Opressor.

So from their perspective, the blackpill is...

-> A bunch of shit a bunch of angry men say to get their way.

This is where all their claims come from
- "incels only want stacies"
- "incels are entitled"
- "incels are violent"

None of this shit has anything to do with the blackpill.
They are projecting their infantile "might-is-right" morality onto a dataset that has nothing to do with morality at all.
If we go by what Kohlberg illustrated, many people may not even be capable of surpassing this kind of thinking.

They literally believe we only care about the blackpill because it benefits us.
So they jump to the conclusion, "well, this is all about getting what you want anyway" -> "incels are entitled"

This goes into another thing they do: Intentional display.
I said prior, they think acting like a good person = being a good person.

Just imagine a child thinking its good because it follows its parents instructions.
Newsflash: You are not good for acting good. Nobody can act agains their own will, ALL actions are self-serving.

If the children comparison seems derogatory to you, you have learned nothing up to this point.
(pshht, its only derogatory if you dont get what im saying about how worldviews shape value judgements ;) - you only think its derogatory because you think children are retarded and you dont value them OH NOOO YOU DONT WANT TO THINK THAT DO YOU? BAD BAAD)

This is devastating friends, because it means that we will never, and I mean never, be able to argue with Normies
on a logical basis. Everything we say will be judged through the lense of "victim vs opressor"
or rather

- the messenger will always judged insead of the message
- they look for the "why" not for the "what" (as in "why are incels saying this" not for "what are incels actually saying")

Their worldview simply does not allow for any other outlook.
And if your worldview only permits evidences which prove what you want to believe,
then arguing is pointless.

By this we can deduce that, anyone who claims the blackpill is an ideology exposes themselves as biased, and, you knowk, actually having an ideology.

For instance, if someone sees a datapoint about women or men they don't like, that does not mean the blackpill or incels
are evil or nihilstic.
It just means the datapoint does not jive with their worldview and how they interpret human behavior.

This principle of power superseeding even elementary logic can be seen elsewhere as well.

Take the current israel-hamas conflict.
Most normies couldn't show you Gaza on a map a few day ago.
Suddenly they care about this shit. In a few months, it will be like it never happened. Remember my words.
They only care because right now, virtue signalling about this distant conflict benefits them
"Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia."

Same for Covid, which essentially only existed in the media.
Ukraine, same shit.
People have already forgotten about Ukraine lmao.

People don't really care about any of this. They care about benefitting themselves.
Studies have shown that virtue signalling about shit like this
is actually indicative of dark triad personality traits.

Signaling virtuous victimhood as indicators of Dark Triad personalities - PubMed

We investigate the consequences and predictors of emitting signals of victimhood and virtue. In our first three studies, we show that the virtuous victim signal can facilitate nonreciprocal resource transfer from others to the signaler. Next, we develop and validate a victim signaling scale that...

One of the most krass examples is children.
Society simply does not value children, or there would be no need for orphanages.
All the children would be off the market already.
It's simple market economics. If children were a sought after commodity, they would be sold out.

And in our case, the classic example would be how they always, unfailingly, reduce the entire subject to
"women most affected."They think catering to foids benefits them.
They look at neutral datapoints and conclude with retarded certainity: "This is about women."
It's not. It's not about shit. It's not about anything.

You could easily look at the same blackpills and conclude that most men are retarded
mentally ill fuckshits that are spending billions of shekles on pictures of naked women.

But they don't draw that conclusion, do they?

Your worldview shapes how you interpret reality.

The blackpill is basically a massive Rorschach test.
What do you see in the inkblobs Johnny?
Do you see a bunch of inkblobs (reality) or do you see a woman getting hurt and you dont like that (bias)?

This is why you can not argue with them.
When you talk to normies, you are not debating facts, you are debating paradigms.
Entire systems of thought.
They don't process information like incels.

To illustrate how it's all just self benefit, look at these examples in which they:

- acknowledge mens plight
- acknowledge lookism
- advocate for actual solutions to these

Basically they admit key points of the blackpill.
Yet when talking to us, they reject them. How come?

a) Yvetlana Vasin

View: https://medium.com/hello-love/stop-saying-looks-dont-matter-7d48d07eea93

Openly admits looks matter. Seemingly understand blackpill.
But then you look her up and she runs this match-making service
to sell trophy hoes to trad-copers in the west:

St. Petersburg Women for Marriage | Meet Your Future Bride

Meet genuine ladies who are looking for love. Register NOW for free and start browsing the profiles of potential partners here at St. Petersburg Women.


So she literally knows that looks matter, but she only uses that konwledge to benefit herself.
Again, they admit looks matter, if it benefits them.

Shits on incels:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJvDMKsy8D8

Then gets a nosejob (lookism):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUbsaPeLWGU

c) Various Looks-Surgery or "rate-me" related subreddits

Reddit - Dive into anything

On all of these subreddits, you see way more women than men.
The women are getting way more attention.

And on the surgery subreddits, the men are gaslight about their looks
while people literally encourage women to get surgeries.
Again, if it benefits them somehow, they absolutely support the blackpill.

Women are hypocrites. This is warfare to them.
The reason why they don't admit we are right is because their worldview inherently
is anti-male.

Men vs. Women: Plastic Surgery Statistics - Crown Valley Cosmetic Surgery

Although it might seem that men are catching up quickly, when it comes to having plastic surgery, this is still a woman’s game by a very large margin. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reveals from its 2014 plastic surgery statistics that women accounted for 92% of all cosmetic...

d) QOVESStudio


Youtube channel with 500k subs talking exclusively about lookism.
Comments often talk about how looks affect life.
If we make these points, we are ridiculed though.

e) Ugly deformed kids getting surgery.
Whenever you see some report or gofuckme with a child that got mauled
by a pitbull or something, people violently scream for jutsice and point out
how the looks of the child will negatively affect it - "i hope he gets surgery
and gets to live a normal life."

So looks suddenly matter?

f) Female Spending
Going away from lookism a bit here.
In my opinion, you can literally explain the entire blackpill just by using
market economics. Things like skewed gender-ratios have a tremendous impact on society.

Take for instance the fact that women make 80-90% of customer purchases alone.

"Women were responsible for 75-85% of consumer spending in the 1930s."

Research Guides: Consumer Advertising During the Great Depression: A Resource Guide: Gender and Advertising

This guide explores primary and secondary sources that examine the advertising industry from 1929 to 1933, including advertising agencies, consumer protection groups, and topical sources on gender, race, and radio in advertising.


"Women make up more than half of the U.S. population, and control or influence 85% of consumer spending"

The Purchasing Power of Women: Statistics | Girlpower Marketing

Women control over $20 trillion in world-wide spending. Learn more about the purchasing power of women, from Millennials to Baby Boomers, in various markets

This is devastating.
It means that women get almost half the money they own from men.
It means that women are probably hiding money from their partners.
It means that women are extremely shallow and materialistic, while guys predominately value women
over material goods.

This is a brutal pill and reflects extremely negatively on women, if your worldview is bluepilled.
However, because of the current culture, this seen as positive by normies.
Just look at the "girlpowermarketing" link above. It's in the name. "Girl Power."

So this seemingly horrific exposure of female nature suddenly becomes morally good, because context.

g) Female Sexual liberation
This one is kind of a funny double standard:
"Women are sexually liberated" - YAY!
"You're mom is a hoe that got bukkaked on camera." - NOOOOOOO

The cognitivie dissonance is very funny to me.
You see this with tradcopers and redpillers a lot.
One one hand they advocate for plowing through as many hoes as possible.
But then they tell you "just find a good wife bro."

So please, why do they so readily agree with our points as long as its not us making them?
You should be able to answer that at this point.
It was nothing to do with the blackpill.

They disagree with us not because they think the blackpill is wrong, but because WE are wrong.
The messenger is the message.
Its warfare. They literally think incels are trying to mog them by flexing the blackpills as a tool for their own ends.
Its that stupid.

When the blackpill benefits them, they use it.

They simply cant grasp that there are mind-independent things in the world
that exist outside of some monkey-brained retarded using them for personal gain.
Everything is personal gain for them.

If we re-framed the entire blackpill to fit Normies worldview,
they would be campaigining to put it into legislature right now.
I am not exaggerating.

Now, children of the sun, I must critique you tsk tsk.

5. How most Incels are not Blackpilled

Many of us are guilty of exactly the same shit I just talked about.

To illustrate:
Incels fall into two categories:

a) The smart ones:
The ones that get the above points on a philosophical level.
I would count people like @WorthlessSlavicShit and @Atavistic Autist among them.
They are mostly interested in information hoarding and research.
I would call these "consistent" incels, as you could reasonably convince them of anything
as long as your points are valid.

b) The dummies:
These are the ones that gives us a bad name.
They operate exactly like normies do. Might is right, self benefit to the max. To them, the blackpill is inconsequential. It does not even matter.
This is more incels than you would think, unfortunately.

Shocking: Normies attitude towards us IS TRUE - when applied to this group.
These are the droves of greycels that wash up on our shores and then disappear within a few months.
These are the dregs of this forum. They engage in loud displays to signal their bonobo group-adherence to the tribe.

They are ones causing constant in-fighting and witchhunts.
They are the ones that are not even blackpilled and will probably get buxxed in the next 20 years.
If "It's just a phase mom" was a person, it would be them.

View: https://youtu.be/dhEfIdXxRuk?t=1032

In this clip, Naama kates, whos been with groups spying on us for years now,
makes this superficially unbelievable assertion:

Most incels leave the blackpill, get buxxed and move on.
When I first heard this it boggled my mind.
How tf can you move on from an observation like "women are 80% of customers?"

I was projecting friends.
Most greycels, most incels are not even blackpilled.
They come here, thinking this is some edgelord shit and then they act the fool to compete for rank in the
hiearchy here. Once it gets boring they move on.

Normiecels are the scourge of incels and give us a bad rep.

In my "Masculinity is a social construct" thread I laid out
how male in-fighting is the norm and how its encouraged by women.

Masculinity is an actual social construct and More - Studies

"You're not a real woman!" Said no one ever. Why? Why does that only work on men? The answer is two-fold 1. women have inherent value, you can't loose your woman card because being a woman is synonymous with having female flesh. 2. masculinity as its propagated by women and society largely...

We are not immune to this.
There is constant fighting on this forum.
Guys, women operate as a very dense hivemind with tentacles everywhere.
They are like a kraken with manifold arms, a beast of immeasurable proportions.
You. Can. Not. Win.

The constant male on male violence we observe on these forums
is literally exactly whats happening in society and why men cant get a foothold against women.
Men compete with men and worship women = 99% of niggas on this forum.

The only people that are fully excempt from this is a handful of autistic niggas
that spend years digging through research papers and other shit
instead of bickering and witchunting on here.

I wish people spend more time actually researching.
One counter to this that will be made: "The blackpill is complete, there is no new data to be found."
This is a hypercope.

It reminds of when people in 1900 literally claimed everything that could be invented had already been invented.

The blackpill is not restricted to looks and dating.

- looks = health
- health = nutrition + genetics
- nutrition + health + genetics = global politics (government food recommendatiosn deliberately fucking up populations)
- global polictics = jewpill, new world order whatever
- politics = philosophy
- philosohpy = argumentation, worldviews, sound reasoning
- etc.

everything intersects and connects and the ride never ends.
If you want to come to the fullness of truth, you have to keep learning.
The reason why a lot of incels will not go down that path is because they are normies.
They will move on. They think it doesn't benefit them to dig deeper.

There is so much we could talk about, so much.
We are men, all of us have cool shit to say.
Instead I see retards getting angry because some dude said something mean in a thread.
If it was a foid many of you would simp.
Shame on you!

You should stop fighting and competing with other men.
Especially on this forum.
You never see women do that shit. They are above that with their insane in group preference.

Another thing to consider:

- Normies and Psychologists want the blackpill to become an actual ideology because its easier to control
- They want to hijack the negative parts of male nature (hyper-competitive, bickering, infighting) against us

To that End, they constantly discourage actual research and high-trust actions on these forums.
If you attack other men on here or IRL, you are no better than women and normie men,
that constantly encourage male on male aggression and competition.


6. Final Thoughts and Doctors Orders:

I hope I could illustrate why its impossible for Normies to be blackpilled.
And also, why many incels are not really blackpilled.

Honestly, black pillers and blue pillers just shouldnt talk to eachother, as communication is not possible
Women will NEVER say that looks matter unless it benefits them somehow.

And the final pill for today:
If people were capable of understanding these problems they would have already been fixed.
If there was a solution, there would be no market.

@Atavistic Autist

7. Mega.nz link with some goodies

mega.nz file with some of the stuff mentioned in thread (books, videos):

890.8 MB folder on MEGA

Probably high iq but dnrd
  • +1
Reactions: Retardedhscel
I did not read all of this but I don't agree.
Normies, especially women KNOW everything about the black pill because their real life experience has reflected this. They know that ugly people are worthless, looks matter most, etc, but they also recognize that pretending that this is not true is necessary for society to remain functional. Do you really believe a woman when she tells you that she "didn't know" ugly guys have a hard time for example? She knows, because she is the one giving these shrimp dicked faggots a hard time. But only ugly subhuman ppl complain about it/talk about it so they get targeted for being a member of the out group, purely because people need someone to beat down on, and marking yourself as an outsider makes it even more acceptable to abuse you.

this is also why normalfags hate pedophiles so much, they just need an an outlet for their hatred. Every man knows women are ugly past age 18 , but they cant admit it because they would be ostracized
best comment on here ALL WOMEN ARE BLACK_pilled to a degree, they have more sexual and social experiences then most men and earlier. They understand they just play clue-less because they need functional stable society. They need men to be blue-pilled and confused else men drop out of society which makes things worse for women and children, as men will not care about random women and children. Look at the media and news everytime a women/child is in danger police, society yell and scream where are the men. What women and society want you to do is shutup and help maintain society and protect all women and children. At the same time they want you to be a human punching bag if your the out group in terms of sexual and social access.
Original post : https://incels.is/threads/why-black...d-how-most-incels-are-not-blackpilled.539524/
this isnt my post buts its very important and needs to be read by more people so i reposted it on this site from .is


Blackpilling Normies always fails.
When Normies try to understand Incels, they never tackle the blackpill itself.
In this thread, we investigate the reasons behind this and shock everyone by exposing
how most incels are just turncoat Tonys, ready to drop the incel moniker in a hearbeat.

Stay Tuned.

1. Introduction: Normies Do Not Understand Us
2. What the Blackpill is
3. What the Blackpill is not
4. Why Normies Fail to Understand Us
5. How a lot of Incels are not Blackpilled
6. Final Thoughts and Doctors Orders
7. Mega.nz link with some goodies

When I first took the blackpill I was excited to know the truth and tried to blackpill people in real life.
All I got was confusion, hostility, gaslighting, social consequences.
I then found out there was a subreddit called r/IncelTear that relentlessly denied the blackpill despite all the evidence.

I watched an IncelTV video someone called Brendio tried to give valid argumentation to the bluepillers he was talking to.
But all they did was mute him and moralfag before kicking him off the stream.
They did not even attempt to make any arguments themselves.

My biggest question was why?
How could they not even engage us when we had so much data on our side?
I've spent the last 5 months or so heavily thinking about this.

There is not much information on why people deny the blackpill so I took it upon myself to find out.
This thread is a collection of information I have come across to make sense of it all.

I hope that this thread gives a good outline to why we get gaslighted about the blackpill.
Thankyou for reading my thoughts.

1. Normies Do Not Understand Us

Baffling to us, Normies always reduce incels and the adjacent blackpill to
a form of rabid emotionalism.

For some reason they reduce the entire subject to Incels being a bunch of angry men.
They act as if incels have no reasons.

(Ironically, they also reduce it to a womans-issue only, thus proving gynocracy exists but I digress)

Even when many of us have tried to expose Normies to the Blackpill.
We linked data, we printed out studies - to no avail.
What is the problem with Normies?

It's clearly not about a lack of good information.

What is happening?
Why are they doing this?
That shall be answered now.

But first, definitions my friends:

2. What the blackpill is:

The blackpill is a body of value-neutral data-points derived from academic research, historical sources and anecdotes.
These findings highlight certain behaviors of both genders.
Since the information is value neutral, meaning it contains no value judgements about women or men,
there is no reason to ascribe any attributes to it, i.e. "nihilstic," "fatalistic," "self-loathing," "mysognistic," etc.

That's it. That's the blackpill.

3. What the blackpill is not:

- It is not an ideology.
- It is not connected to emotions.
- It does not make any value-judgements about either gender (not that it could, it has no personhood).
- The blackpill is not a fatalistic belief system, dreamt up by disatisfied men that hoped for more in life.

In fact, the blackpill is fit for marriage with any worldview whatsoever.
For example, a Christian worldview could easily incorporate the blackpill by simply explaining human behavior
as corrupted by the fall of man in Genesis.
This would be a negative interpretation, suffice to say.

A scientist could incorporate the blackpill into evolutionary psychology.
This would be a neutral take.

What about a postive interpration?
Yes, it is possible!
From the perspective of someone who profits of the blackpill, it is absolutely beautiful my friends!
Imagine a psychopath, or the powers that be... or a marketing agent perhaps...
They would ADORE the blackpill! It would make their life so much easier!

Maybe it has already...

You see friends, my point is this: The blackpill is just this: Nothing.


It pertains to be nothing, it judges not, it holds nobody accountable.
So the question remains: Why is it portrait as such when Normies engage with Incels?

4. Why Normies Fail to Understand Us

It's morality.
Note, I am not saying any party involved is morally superior or inferior.
That is not the argument I am making.

No, I think the problem is the worldview and resulting value judgements of Normies compared to the average incel.
We simply value completely different things and thus interpret everything differently.

Women and Normies interpretation of reality breaks down to self-benefit.
Everything is evaluated first by one criteria:
"Does it benefit me?"
If not, it has no value.

This is also how propaganda works.
You just frame things so normies think it benefits them.
"Your rights to do xyz are being taken away."
Suddenly people care about things they did not even know existed a moment ago.

Here are some common observable normie tropes with this pattern:

a) "You are not entitled to anything."
This is simply logically fallacious. If the statement holds universally true then the person making it would not be entitled
to making it. Are you entitled to your opinion? It is self refuting.

However, this is not why they say it. It does not come from a logical place.
It's a form of violence. They are basically saying, "fuck you, take it up the ass and shut up."
It's a form of might is right. If something benefits them they feel they deserve it and you are not to critize them for that.

If you anyone wants to study up further on this, here are some interesting things to look into:

Self-serving bias - Wikipedia

Fundamental attribution error - Wikipedia

Depressive realism - Wikipedia

b) "That's none of your business."
Ditto. Is it your business to tell me that? What my business is, is none your business. It's circular reasoning when applied consistently.

c) "If you don't do xzy you are a bad person"
"If you don't give money to soup kitchens, you hate poor people."
"If you say something I don't like about women, you hate women."

They don't care about poor people, it's manipulation.

As an autist, it took me years to understand this. I am 26 years old and I still struggle
with people not saying what they mean.

Their verbal output is not indentical to their internal monologue.
However, we can approximate based on their actions.

One example of this that we already mentioned is that normies defend things that benefit them as if they are moral goods.
If it benefits them, them they win in their own head, and because they win (benefit), they verbally express that its "valuable."
But this does not mean it's actually good in their eyes. It just means it benefits them.

Acting Good = Being Good.
"Anything that benefits me is good."

With women in particular this goes as far as "not being punished = being rewarded."

This is also why the predominant female power fantasy in movies is playing the villian and getting away with it.
In the recent hitshow "Fleabag," beloved by women, the POV main character is a essentially
a narcisstic psycho who treats people in her life as objects, especially men.

For instance, she is aroused by a priest and simply lables him "hot priest."
This is how women actually see people. Utilities.
Even Chad is only viewed as a utility - "hot guy."

Suffice to say, by the end of the show the evil main foid just walks off, no punishment, no consequences.
Art imitates life.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSAJEXZIrvA

Scientifically this has been noted prior by people like Kohlberg
(shoutout to @Cybersex is our hope who first made me aware of this with his thread ):

Kohlberg and the Stages of Moral Development

Please look at the above picture.

Kohlberg tried to quantify morality in a model.
Most people are stuck on the lower 1-3 levels, especially women.

Everything is about self-benefit and punishment reward.
You know how kids go through that annoying phase where they pester their parens with questions?
That phase never stops.

Grown people still turn to authority figures for all questions in life.
That's where they get their morality from.
They test boundaries, like kids. If they don't get punished, they feel a rush.
Nothing changes since childhood.
It's just more subtle.

One example from Nazi Germany:
Most germans did not care about Nazi ideology. Not surprising since most people back then
had like a 6th grade education and began working at 14.

So how did the Nazis activate Normies to support the war effort?
By framing the entire thing through the lense of self-benefit.
Fear in particular.

Just like during the american civil war, most people fighting probably were not ideologically motivated.
Some feared for their homes, some probably thought the army was a great deal.
A lot of guys also said the uniform seemed to attracted bitches, so they joined.

The Nazi Flag is a good example.
It's symbolism escapes most people nowadays, so let me explain:


The red literally is meant to symbolize Communism.
Communism surrounds a small group of Nazis, allmost swallowing them.
Most germans fought because they feared a communist takeover.

You can only manipulate people by appealing to base instincts.

As Edward Bernays wrote in "Propaganda:"

Bernays - Propaganda.pdf

PROPAGANDA By EDWARD L. BERNAYS. 1928. CONTENTS I. ORGANIZING CHAOS .................................................. 9. II. THE NEW PROPAGANDA ............................................ 19. III. THE NEW PROPAGANDISTS. 32. IV. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PUBLIC RELATIONS. 47. V. BUSINESS AND THE...

What he is getting at is that the Propagandist can not create new instincts in people.
It can only appeal to existing ones by attacking or arousing them.
For example, the attacking principle is mostly used on men:


Whereas the arousing principle is mostly used on women.
That's why most products nowadays have cartoon characters on them and why 80-90% of customer purchases are done by women.

Charles Manson is another example.
All the foids that he "manipulated" talk about him like he was this high IQ genius.
Meanwhile his male friend had this to say about him:


Just lol.

Going back to Kohlberg and Normies simplistic "might-is-right" worldview:
If someone is on a certain stage of moral development, then they project that you are on that level as well.

Incels are the only group that critiques itself due to operating mostly on the higher, principle-based stage of moral development.
In research, this is conflated as incels being "self-loathing." In reality, it's just being realistic.

Again, they are applying value judgements to the blackpill.
The value judgement that the blackpill is "self-loathing," "depressing," etc... comes from a worldview
that presupposes that certain things are morally negative. These values are not inherent to the blackpill at all.

To give one example, look at this footnote from a paper on incels:


The Sense in Senseless Violence: Male Reproductive Strategy and the Modern Sexual Marketplace as Contributors to Violent Extremism

- supremacy (value judgement)
- hatred (value judgement)
- entitlement (value judgement)

None of this has anything to do with the blackpill.
All of these are presuppositions that come from a very specific worldview that interprets data
in a very specific way. They are not "brute facts" at all.

Humans project their worldview onto other people.
"We don't see the world as it is, but as we are."

The blackpill has nothing to do with value judgments at all. As I said earlier, the blackpill can be outright
invigorating if your worldview interprets it that way.

When we understand this, it becomes clear that it's not Normies fault that they cant be blackpilled.
They dont have the reasoning for it, or rather, their biased self serving worldview simply does not allow certain kind of evidences, because these evidences contradict their unfounded moral pre-suppositions.

We project a sense of justice on normies that doesnt exist
Its not their fault, they just cant think beyond their biased Worldview.

At 32:08 in this clip, known CIA asset and also-happens-to-be-a-famous-writer Kurt Vonnegut
explains how he made the same experience working as an anthropologist:

View: https://youtu.be/eLwe-EFUF-A?t=1928

This is why its impossible to blackpill normies.

From their perspective, where everything is group-dynamics, power-struggles, might-is-right,
When you show them the blackpill, you are asking them to support a group of males viewed as evil, over ALL women. That includes their sisters, cousins, mother, aunts, wives, girlfriends, female friends.

In reality, you are not asking them to support anything though.
It's simply too much too ask. In order to understand the blackpill, you need to put aside bias, self interest etc.

"It's the hallmark of intelligence to be able to entertain a thought without being consumed by it."
- Some greek faggot

This is also why women deny the blackpill despite obviously knowing about it (obsessed with looks, make up etc).
It does not benefit them to give away their tricks.

Chaps, I can't get into it but I would highly encourage reading the original Milgram Experiment text.

Stanley Milgram - Obedience to Authority_ An Experimental View-Tavistock Publications Ltd (1974).pdf

View and download Stanley Milgram - Obedience to Authority_ An Experimental View-Tavistock Publications Ltd (1974).pdf on DocDroid

They basically made people shock someone to death with a little push of authority.
And most normies went along with it, for the reasons I mentioned (lower morality - a priest for example did not go along with it, go figure).

Basically, everything is subjugated to "benefit or no benefit?"
Lying? Fine, as long as you benefit.
Ignoring or Misrepresenting Evidence? Fine, as long as you benefit.

Everything in their worldview is reduced to utility to the self.
If it does not benefit them, it is useless.

The reason why they don't acknowledge the blackpill when talking about Incels has nothing to do with

- them not getting the blackpill (they do, evidence later)
- them not understanding incels plight
- they don't benefit from agreeing with incels, so they dont

It's about warfare. They project that we use knowledge the same way they do: As a weapon to benefit ourselves.
We don't. Or at least not all of us. I will call you guys out later :D

Normies break everything down to a power-struggle.
Punishment vs. Reward.
Victim vs. Opressor.

So from their perspective, the blackpill is...

-> A bunch of shit a bunch of angry men say to get their way.

This is where all their claims come from
- "incels only want stacies"
- "incels are entitled"
- "incels are violent"

None of this shit has anything to do with the blackpill.
They are projecting their infantile "might-is-right" morality onto a dataset that has nothing to do with morality at all.
If we go by what Kohlberg illustrated, many people may not even be capable of surpassing this kind of thinking.

They literally believe we only care about the blackpill because it benefits us.
So they jump to the conclusion, "well, this is all about getting what you want anyway" -> "incels are entitled"

This goes into another thing they do: Intentional display.
I said prior, they think acting like a good person = being a good person.

Just imagine a child thinking its good because it follows its parents instructions.
Newsflash: You are not good for acting good. Nobody can act agains their own will, ALL actions are self-serving.

If the children comparison seems derogatory to you, you have learned nothing up to this point.
(pshht, its only derogatory if you dont get what im saying about how worldviews shape value judgements ;) - you only think its derogatory because you think children are retarded and you dont value them OH NOOO YOU DONT WANT TO THINK THAT DO YOU? BAD BAAD)

This is devastating friends, because it means that we will never, and I mean never, be able to argue with Normies
on a logical basis. Everything we say will be judged through the lense of "victim vs opressor"
or rather

- the messenger will always judged insead of the message
- they look for the "why" not for the "what" (as in "why are incels saying this" not for "what are incels actually saying")

Their worldview simply does not allow for any other outlook.
And if your worldview only permits evidences which prove what you want to believe,
then arguing is pointless.

By this we can deduce that, anyone who claims the blackpill is an ideology exposes themselves as biased, and, you knowk, actually having an ideology.

For instance, if someone sees a datapoint about women or men they don't like, that does not mean the blackpill or incels
are evil or nihilstic.
It just means the datapoint does not jive with their worldview and how they interpret human behavior.

This principle of power superseeding even elementary logic can be seen elsewhere as well.

Take the current israel-hamas conflict.
Most normies couldn't show you Gaza on a map a few day ago.
Suddenly they care about this shit. In a few months, it will be like it never happened. Remember my words.
They only care because right now, virtue signalling about this distant conflict benefits them
"Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia."

Same for Covid, which essentially only existed in the media.
Ukraine, same shit.
People have already forgotten about Ukraine lmao.

People don't really care about any of this. They care about benefitting themselves.
Studies have shown that virtue signalling about shit like this
is actually indicative of dark triad personality traits.

Signaling virtuous victimhood as indicators of Dark Triad personalities - PubMed

We investigate the consequences and predictors of emitting signals of victimhood and virtue. In our first three studies, we show that the virtuous victim signal can facilitate nonreciprocal resource transfer from others to the signaler. Next, we develop and validate a victim signaling scale that...

One of the most krass examples is children.
Society simply does not value children, or there would be no need for orphanages.
All the children would be off the market already.
It's simple market economics. If children were a sought after commodity, they would be sold out.

And in our case, the classic example would be how they always, unfailingly, reduce the entire subject to
"women most affected."They think catering to foids benefits them.
They look at neutral datapoints and conclude with retarded certainity: "This is about women."
It's not. It's not about shit. It's not about anything.

You could easily look at the same blackpills and conclude that most men are retarded
mentally ill fuckshits that are spending billions of shekles on pictures of naked women.

But they don't draw that conclusion, do they?

Your worldview shapes how you interpret reality.

The blackpill is basically a massive Rorschach test.
What do you see in the inkblobs Johnny?
Do you see a bunch of inkblobs (reality) or do you see a woman getting hurt and you dont like that (bias)?

This is why you can not argue with them.
When you talk to normies, you are not debating facts, you are debating paradigms.
Entire systems of thought.
They don't process information like incels.

To illustrate how it's all just self benefit, look at these examples in which they:

- acknowledge mens plight
- acknowledge lookism
- advocate for actual solutions to these

Basically they admit key points of the blackpill.
Yet when talking to us, they reject them. How come?

a) Yvetlana Vasin

View: https://medium.com/hello-love/stop-saying-looks-dont-matter-7d48d07eea93

Openly admits looks matter. Seemingly understand blackpill.
But then you look her up and she runs this match-making service
to sell trophy hoes to trad-copers in the west:

St. Petersburg Women for Marriage | Meet Your Future Bride

Meet genuine ladies who are looking for love. Register NOW for free and start browsing the profiles of potential partners here at St. Petersburg Women.


So she literally knows that looks matter, but she only uses that konwledge to benefit herself.
Again, they admit looks matter, if it benefits them.

Shits on incels:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJvDMKsy8D8

Then gets a nosejob (lookism):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUbsaPeLWGU

c) Various Looks-Surgery or "rate-me" related subreddits

Reddit - Dive into anything

On all of these subreddits, you see way more women than men.
The women are getting way more attention.

And on the surgery subreddits, the men are gaslight about their looks
while people literally encourage women to get surgeries.
Again, if it benefits them somehow, they absolutely support the blackpill.

Women are hypocrites. This is warfare to them.
The reason why they don't admit we are right is because their worldview inherently
is anti-male.

Men vs. Women: Plastic Surgery Statistics - Crown Valley Cosmetic Surgery

Although it might seem that men are catching up quickly, when it comes to having plastic surgery, this is still a woman’s game by a very large margin. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reveals from its 2014 plastic surgery statistics that women accounted for 92% of all cosmetic...

d) QOVESStudio


Youtube channel with 500k subs talking exclusively about lookism.
Comments often talk about how looks affect life.
If we make these points, we are ridiculed though.

e) Ugly deformed kids getting surgery.
Whenever you see some report or gofuckme with a child that got mauled
by a pitbull or something, people violently scream for jutsice and point out
how the looks of the child will negatively affect it - "i hope he gets surgery
and gets to live a normal life."

So looks suddenly matter?

f) Female Spending
Going away from lookism a bit here.
In my opinion, you can literally explain the entire blackpill just by using
market economics. Things like skewed gender-ratios have a tremendous impact on society.

Take for instance the fact that women make 80-90% of customer purchases alone.

"Women were responsible for 75-85% of consumer spending in the 1930s."

Research Guides: Consumer Advertising During the Great Depression: A Resource Guide: Gender and Advertising

This guide explores primary and secondary sources that examine the advertising industry from 1929 to 1933, including advertising agencies, consumer protection groups, and topical sources on gender, race, and radio in advertising.


"Women make up more than half of the U.S. population, and control or influence 85% of consumer spending"

The Purchasing Power of Women: Statistics | Girlpower Marketing

Women control over $20 trillion in world-wide spending. Learn more about the purchasing power of women, from Millennials to Baby Boomers, in various markets

This is devastating.
It means that women get almost half the money they own from men.
It means that women are probably hiding money from their partners.
It means that women are extremely shallow and materialistic, while guys predominately value women
over material goods.

This is a brutal pill and reflects extremely negatively on women, if your worldview is bluepilled.
However, because of the current culture, this seen as positive by normies.
Just look at the "girlpowermarketing" link above. It's in the name. "Girl Power."

So this seemingly horrific exposure of female nature suddenly becomes morally good, because context.

g) Female Sexual liberation
This one is kind of a funny double standard:
"Women are sexually liberated" - YAY!
"You're mom is a hoe that got bukkaked on camera." - NOOOOOOO

The cognitivie dissonance is very funny to me.
You see this with tradcopers and redpillers a lot.
One one hand they advocate for plowing through as many hoes as possible.
But then they tell you "just find a good wife bro."

So please, why do they so readily agree with our points as long as its not us making them?
You should be able to answer that at this point.
It was nothing to do with the blackpill.

They disagree with us not because they think the blackpill is wrong, but because WE are wrong.
The messenger is the message.
Its warfare. They literally think incels are trying to mog them by flexing the blackpills as a tool for their own ends.
Its that stupid.

When the blackpill benefits them, they use it.

They simply cant grasp that there are mind-independent things in the world
that exist outside of some monkey-brained retarded using them for personal gain.
Everything is personal gain for them.

If we re-framed the entire blackpill to fit Normies worldview,
they would be campaigining to put it into legislature right now.
I am not exaggerating.

Now, children of the sun, I must critique you tsk tsk.

5. How most Incels are not Blackpilled

Many of us are guilty of exactly the same shit I just talked about.

To illustrate:
Incels fall into two categories:

a) The smart ones:
The ones that get the above points on a philosophical level.
I would count people like @WorthlessSlavicShit and @Atavistic Autist among them.
They are mostly interested in information hoarding and research.
I would call these "consistent" incels, as you could reasonably convince them of anything
as long as your points are valid.

b) The dummies:
These are the ones that gives us a bad name.
They operate exactly like normies do. Might is right, self benefit to the max. To them, the blackpill is inconsequential. It does not even matter.
This is more incels than you would think, unfortunately.

Shocking: Normies attitude towards us IS TRUE - when applied to this group.
These are the droves of greycels that wash up on our shores and then disappear within a few months.
These are the dregs of this forum. They engage in loud displays to signal their bonobo group-adherence to the tribe.

They are ones causing constant in-fighting and witchhunts.
They are the ones that are not even blackpilled and will probably get buxxed in the next 20 years.
If "It's just a phase mom" was a person, it would be them.

View: https://youtu.be/dhEfIdXxRuk?t=1032

In this clip, Naama kates, whos been with groups spying on us for years now,
makes this superficially unbelievable assertion:

Most incels leave the blackpill, get buxxed and move on.
When I first heard this it boggled my mind.
How tf can you move on from an observation like "women are 80% of customers?"

I was projecting friends.
Most greycels, most incels are not even blackpilled.
They come here, thinking this is some edgelord shit and then they act the fool to compete for rank in the
hiearchy here. Once it gets boring they move on.

Normiecels are the scourge of incels and give us a bad rep.

In my "Masculinity is a social construct" thread I laid out
how male in-fighting is the norm and how its encouraged by women.

Masculinity is an actual social construct and More - Studies

"You're not a real woman!" Said no one ever. Why? Why does that only work on men? The answer is two-fold 1. women have inherent value, you can't loose your woman card because being a woman is synonymous with having female flesh. 2. masculinity as its propagated by women and society largely...

We are not immune to this.
There is constant fighting on this forum.
Guys, women operate as a very dense hivemind with tentacles everywhere.
They are like a kraken with manifold arms, a beast of immeasurable proportions.
You. Can. Not. Win.

The constant male on male violence we observe on these forums
is literally exactly whats happening in society and why men cant get a foothold against women.
Men compete with men and worship women = 99% of niggas on this forum.

The only people that are fully excempt from this is a handful of autistic niggas
that spend years digging through research papers and other shit
instead of bickering and witchunting on here.

I wish people spend more time actually researching.
One counter to this that will be made: "The blackpill is complete, there is no new data to be found."
This is a hypercope.

It reminds of when people in 1900 literally claimed everything that could be invented had already been invented.

The blackpill is not restricted to looks and dating.

- looks = health
- health = nutrition + genetics
- nutrition + health + genetics = global politics (government food recommendatiosn deliberately fucking up populations)
- global polictics = jewpill, new world order whatever
- politics = philosophy
- philosohpy = argumentation, worldviews, sound reasoning
- etc.

everything intersects and connects and the ride never ends.
If you want to come to the fullness of truth, you have to keep learning.
The reason why a lot of incels will not go down that path is because they are normies.
They will move on. They think it doesn't benefit them to dig deeper.

There is so much we could talk about, so much.
We are men, all of us have cool shit to say.
Instead I see retards getting angry because some dude said something mean in a thread.
If it was a foid many of you would simp.
Shame on you!

You should stop fighting and competing with other men.
Especially on this forum.
You never see women do that shit. They are above that with their insane in group preference.

Another thing to consider:

- Normies and Psychologists want the blackpill to become an actual ideology because its easier to control
- They want to hijack the negative parts of male nature (hyper-competitive, bickering, infighting) against us

To that End, they constantly discourage actual research and high-trust actions on these forums.
If you attack other men on here or IRL, you are no better than women and normie men,
that constantly encourage male on male aggression and competition.


6. Final Thoughts and Doctors Orders:

I hope I could illustrate why its impossible for Normies to be blackpilled.
And also, why many incels are not really blackpilled.

Honestly, black pillers and blue pillers just shouldnt talk to eachother, as communication is not possible
Women will NEVER say that looks matter unless it benefits them somehow.

And the final pill for today:
If people were capable of understanding these problems they would have already been fixed.
If there was a solution, there would be no market.

@Atavistic Autist

7. Mega.nz link with some goodies

mega.nz file with some of the stuff mentioned in thread (books, videos):

890.8 MB folder on MEGA

Dancing GIF
Original post : https://incels.is/threads/why-black...d-how-most-incels-are-not-blackpilled.539524/
this isnt my post buts its very important and needs to be read by more people so i reposted it on this site from .is


Blackpilling Normies always fails.
When Normies try to understand Incels, they never tackle the blackpill itself.
In this thread, we investigate the reasons behind this and shock everyone by exposing
how most incels are just turncoat Tonys, ready to drop the incel moniker in a hearbeat.

Stay Tuned.

1. Introduction: Normies Do Not Understand Us
2. What the Blackpill is
3. What the Blackpill is not
4. Why Normies Fail to Understand Us
5. How a lot of Incels are not Blackpilled
6. Final Thoughts and Doctors Orders
7. Mega.nz link with some goodies

When I first took the blackpill I was excited to know the truth and tried to blackpill people in real life.
All I got was confusion, hostility, gaslighting, social consequences.
I then found out there was a subreddit called r/IncelTear that relentlessly denied the blackpill despite all the evidence.

I watched an IncelTV video someone called Brendio tried to give valid argumentation to the bluepillers he was talking to.
But all they did was mute him and moralfag before kicking him off the stream.
They did not even attempt to make any arguments themselves.

My biggest question was why?
How could they not even engage us when we had so much data on our side?
I've spent the last 5 months or so heavily thinking about this.

There is not much information on why people deny the blackpill so I took it upon myself to find out.
This thread is a collection of information I have come across to make sense of it all.

I hope that this thread gives a good outline to why we get gaslighted about the blackpill.
Thankyou for reading my thoughts.

1. Normies Do Not Understand Us

Baffling to us, Normies always reduce incels and the adjacent blackpill to
a form of rabid emotionalism.

For some reason they reduce the entire subject to Incels being a bunch of angry men.
They act as if incels have no reasons.

(Ironically, they also reduce it to a womans-issue only, thus proving gynocracy exists but I digress)

Even when many of us have tried to expose Normies to the Blackpill.
We linked data, we printed out studies - to no avail.
What is the problem with Normies?

It's clearly not about a lack of good information.

What is happening?
Why are they doing this?
That shall be answered now.

But first, definitions my friends:

2. What the blackpill is:

The blackpill is a body of value-neutral data-points derived from academic research, historical sources and anecdotes.
These findings highlight certain behaviors of both genders.
Since the information is value neutral, meaning it contains no value judgements about women or men,
there is no reason to ascribe any attributes to it, i.e. "nihilstic," "fatalistic," "self-loathing," "mysognistic," etc.

That's it. That's the blackpill.

3. What the blackpill is not:

- It is not an ideology.
- It is not connected to emotions.
- It does not make any value-judgements about either gender (not that it could, it has no personhood).
- The blackpill is not a fatalistic belief system, dreamt up by disatisfied men that hoped for more in life.

In fact, the blackpill is fit for marriage with any worldview whatsoever.
For example, a Christian worldview could easily incorporate the blackpill by simply explaining human behavior
as corrupted by the fall of man in Genesis.
This would be a negative interpretation, suffice to say.

A scientist could incorporate the blackpill into evolutionary psychology.
This would be a neutral take.

What about a postive interpration?
Yes, it is possible!
From the perspective of someone who profits of the blackpill, it is absolutely beautiful my friends!
Imagine a psychopath, or the powers that be... or a marketing agent perhaps...
They would ADORE the blackpill! It would make their life so much easier!

Maybe it has already...

You see friends, my point is this: The blackpill is just this: Nothing.


It pertains to be nothing, it judges not, it holds nobody accountable.
So the question remains: Why is it portrait as such when Normies engage with Incels?

4. Why Normies Fail to Understand Us

It's morality.
Note, I am not saying any party involved is morally superior or inferior.
That is not the argument I am making.

No, I think the problem is the worldview and resulting value judgements of Normies compared to the average incel.
We simply value completely different things and thus interpret everything differently.

Women and Normies interpretation of reality breaks down to self-benefit.
Everything is evaluated first by one criteria:
"Does it benefit me?"
If not, it has no value.

This is also how propaganda works.
You just frame things so normies think it benefits them.
"Your rights to do xyz are being taken away."
Suddenly people care about things they did not even know existed a moment ago.

Here are some common observable normie tropes with this pattern:

a) "You are not entitled to anything."
This is simply logically fallacious. If the statement holds universally true then the person making it would not be entitled
to making it. Are you entitled to your opinion? It is self refuting.

However, this is not why they say it. It does not come from a logical place.
It's a form of violence. They are basically saying, "fuck you, take it up the ass and shut up."
It's a form of might is right. If something benefits them they feel they deserve it and you are not to critize them for that.

If you anyone wants to study up further on this, here are some interesting things to look into:

Self-serving bias - Wikipedia

Fundamental attribution error - Wikipedia

Depressive realism - Wikipedia

b) "That's none of your business."
Ditto. Is it your business to tell me that? What my business is, is none your business. It's circular reasoning when applied consistently.

c) "If you don't do xzy you are a bad person"
"If you don't give money to soup kitchens, you hate poor people."
"If you say something I don't like about women, you hate women."

They don't care about poor people, it's manipulation.

As an autist, it took me years to understand this. I am 26 years old and I still struggle
with people not saying what they mean.

Their verbal output is not indentical to their internal monologue.
However, we can approximate based on their actions.

One example of this that we already mentioned is that normies defend things that benefit them as if they are moral goods.
If it benefits them, them they win in their own head, and because they win (benefit), they verbally express that its "valuable."
But this does not mean it's actually good in their eyes. It just means it benefits them.

Acting Good = Being Good.
"Anything that benefits me is good."

With women in particular this goes as far as "not being punished = being rewarded."

This is also why the predominant female power fantasy in movies is playing the villian and getting away with it.
In the recent hitshow "Fleabag," beloved by women, the POV main character is a essentially
a narcisstic psycho who treats people in her life as objects, especially men.

For instance, she is aroused by a priest and simply lables him "hot priest."
This is how women actually see people. Utilities.
Even Chad is only viewed as a utility - "hot guy."

Suffice to say, by the end of the show the evil main foid just walks off, no punishment, no consequences.
Art imitates life.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSAJEXZIrvA

Scientifically this has been noted prior by people like Kohlberg
(shoutout to @Cybersex is our hope who first made me aware of this with his thread ):

Kohlberg and the Stages of Moral Development

Please look at the above picture.

Kohlberg tried to quantify morality in a model.
Most people are stuck on the lower 1-3 levels, especially women.

Everything is about self-benefit and punishment reward.
You know how kids go through that annoying phase where they pester their parens with questions?
That phase never stops.

Grown people still turn to authority figures for all questions in life.
That's where they get their morality from.
They test boundaries, like kids. If they don't get punished, they feel a rush.
Nothing changes since childhood.
It's just more subtle.

One example from Nazi Germany:
Most germans did not care about Nazi ideology. Not surprising since most people back then
had like a 6th grade education and began working at 14.

So how did the Nazis activate Normies to support the war effort?
By framing the entire thing through the lense of self-benefit.
Fear in particular.

Just like during the american civil war, most people fighting probably were not ideologically motivated.
Some feared for their homes, some probably thought the army was a great deal.
A lot of guys also said the uniform seemed to attracted bitches, so they joined.

The Nazi Flag is a good example.
It's symbolism escapes most people nowadays, so let me explain:


The red literally is meant to symbolize Communism.
Communism surrounds a small group of Nazis, allmost swallowing them.
Most germans fought because they feared a communist takeover.

You can only manipulate people by appealing to base instincts.

As Edward Bernays wrote in "Propaganda:"

Bernays - Propaganda.pdf

PROPAGANDA By EDWARD L. BERNAYS. 1928. CONTENTS I. ORGANIZING CHAOS .................................................. 9. II. THE NEW PROPAGANDA ............................................ 19. III. THE NEW PROPAGANDISTS. 32. IV. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PUBLIC RELATIONS. 47. V. BUSINESS AND THE...

What he is getting at is that the Propagandist can not create new instincts in people.
It can only appeal to existing ones by attacking or arousing them.
For example, the attacking principle is mostly used on men:


Whereas the arousing principle is mostly used on women.
That's why most products nowadays have cartoon characters on them and why 80-90% of customer purchases are done by women.

Charles Manson is another example.
All the foids that he "manipulated" talk about him like he was this high IQ genius.
Meanwhile his male friend had this to say about him:


Just lol.

Going back to Kohlberg and Normies simplistic "might-is-right" worldview:
If someone is on a certain stage of moral development, then they project that you are on that level as well.

Incels are the only group that critiques itself due to operating mostly on the higher, principle-based stage of moral development.
In research, this is conflated as incels being "self-loathing." In reality, it's just being realistic.

Again, they are applying value judgements to the blackpill.
The value judgement that the blackpill is "self-loathing," "depressing," etc... comes from a worldview
that presupposes that certain things are morally negative. These values are not inherent to the blackpill at all.

To give one example, look at this footnote from a paper on incels:


The Sense in Senseless Violence: Male Reproductive Strategy and the Modern Sexual Marketplace as Contributors to Violent Extremism

- supremacy (value judgement)
- hatred (value judgement)
- entitlement (value judgement)

None of this has anything to do with the blackpill.
All of these are presuppositions that come from a very specific worldview that interprets data
in a very specific way. They are not "brute facts" at all.

Humans project their worldview onto other people.
"We don't see the world as it is, but as we are."

The blackpill has nothing to do with value judgments at all. As I said earlier, the blackpill can be outright
invigorating if your worldview interprets it that way.

When we understand this, it becomes clear that it's not Normies fault that they cant be blackpilled.
They dont have the reasoning for it, or rather, their biased self serving worldview simply does not allow certain kind of evidences, because these evidences contradict their unfounded moral pre-suppositions.

We project a sense of justice on normies that doesnt exist
Its not their fault, they just cant think beyond their biased Worldview.

At 32:08 in this clip, known CIA asset and also-happens-to-be-a-famous-writer Kurt Vonnegut
explains how he made the same experience working as an anthropologist:

View: https://youtu.be/eLwe-EFUF-A?t=1928

This is why its impossible to blackpill normies.

From their perspective, where everything is group-dynamics, power-struggles, might-is-right,
When you show them the blackpill, you are asking them to support a group of males viewed as evil, over ALL women. That includes their sisters, cousins, mother, aunts, wives, girlfriends, female friends.

In reality, you are not asking them to support anything though.
It's simply too much too ask. In order to understand the blackpill, you need to put aside bias, self interest etc.

"It's the hallmark of intelligence to be able to entertain a thought without being consumed by it."
- Some greek faggot

This is also why women deny the blackpill despite obviously knowing about it (obsessed with looks, make up etc).
It does not benefit them to give away their tricks.

Chaps, I can't get into it but I would highly encourage reading the original Milgram Experiment text.

Stanley Milgram - Obedience to Authority_ An Experimental View-Tavistock Publications Ltd (1974).pdf

View and download Stanley Milgram - Obedience to Authority_ An Experimental View-Tavistock Publications Ltd (1974).pdf on DocDroid

They basically made people shock someone to death with a little push of authority.
And most normies went along with it, for the reasons I mentioned (lower morality - a priest for example did not go along with it, go figure).

Basically, everything is subjugated to "benefit or no benefit?"
Lying? Fine, as long as you benefit.
Ignoring or Misrepresenting Evidence? Fine, as long as you benefit.

Everything in their worldview is reduced to utility to the self.
If it does not benefit them, it is useless.

The reason why they don't acknowledge the blackpill when talking about Incels has nothing to do with

- them not getting the blackpill (they do, evidence later)
- them not understanding incels plight
- they don't benefit from agreeing with incels, so they dont

It's about warfare. They project that we use knowledge the same way they do: As a weapon to benefit ourselves.
We don't. Or at least not all of us. I will call you guys out later :D

Normies break everything down to a power-struggle.
Punishment vs. Reward.
Victim vs. Opressor.

So from their perspective, the blackpill is...

-> A bunch of shit a bunch of angry men say to get their way.

This is where all their claims come from
- "incels only want stacies"
- "incels are entitled"
- "incels are violent"

None of this shit has anything to do with the blackpill.
They are projecting their infantile "might-is-right" morality onto a dataset that has nothing to do with morality at all.
If we go by what Kohlberg illustrated, many people may not even be capable of surpassing this kind of thinking.

They literally believe we only care about the blackpill because it benefits us.
So they jump to the conclusion, "well, this is all about getting what you want anyway" -> "incels are entitled"

This goes into another thing they do: Intentional display.
I said prior, they think acting like a good person = being a good person.

Just imagine a child thinking its good because it follows its parents instructions.
Newsflash: You are not good for acting good. Nobody can act agains their own will, ALL actions are self-serving.

If the children comparison seems derogatory to you, you have learned nothing up to this point.
(pshht, its only derogatory if you dont get what im saying about how worldviews shape value judgements ;) - you only think its derogatory because you think children are retarded and you dont value them OH NOOO YOU DONT WANT TO THINK THAT DO YOU? BAD BAAD)

This is devastating friends, because it means that we will never, and I mean never, be able to argue with Normies
on a logical basis. Everything we say will be judged through the lense of "victim vs opressor"
or rather

- the messenger will always judged insead of the message
- they look for the "why" not for the "what" (as in "why are incels saying this" not for "what are incels actually saying")

Their worldview simply does not allow for any other outlook.
And if your worldview only permits evidences which prove what you want to believe,
then arguing is pointless.

By this we can deduce that, anyone who claims the blackpill is an ideology exposes themselves as biased, and, you knowk, actually having an ideology.

For instance, if someone sees a datapoint about women or men they don't like, that does not mean the blackpill or incels
are evil or nihilstic.
It just means the datapoint does not jive with their worldview and how they interpret human behavior.

This principle of power superseeding even elementary logic can be seen elsewhere as well.

Take the current israel-hamas conflict.
Most normies couldn't show you Gaza on a map a few day ago.
Suddenly they care about this shit. In a few months, it will be like it never happened. Remember my words.
They only care because right now, virtue signalling about this distant conflict benefits them
"Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia."

Same for Covid, which essentially only existed in the media.
Ukraine, same shit.
People have already forgotten about Ukraine lmao.

People don't really care about any of this. They care about benefitting themselves.
Studies have shown that virtue signalling about shit like this
is actually indicative of dark triad personality traits.

Signaling virtuous victimhood as indicators of Dark Triad personalities - PubMed

We investigate the consequences and predictors of emitting signals of victimhood and virtue. In our first three studies, we show that the virtuous victim signal can facilitate nonreciprocal resource transfer from others to the signaler. Next, we develop and validate a victim signaling scale that...

One of the most krass examples is children.
Society simply does not value children, or there would be no need for orphanages.
All the children would be off the market already.
It's simple market economics. If children were a sought after commodity, they would be sold out.

And in our case, the classic example would be how they always, unfailingly, reduce the entire subject to
"women most affected."They think catering to foids benefits them.
They look at neutral datapoints and conclude with retarded certainity: "This is about women."
It's not. It's not about shit. It's not about anything.

You could easily look at the same blackpills and conclude that most men are retarded
mentally ill fuckshits that are spending billions of shekles on pictures of naked women.

But they don't draw that conclusion, do they?

Your worldview shapes how you interpret reality.

The blackpill is basically a massive Rorschach test.
What do you see in the inkblobs Johnny?
Do you see a bunch of inkblobs (reality) or do you see a woman getting hurt and you dont like that (bias)?

This is why you can not argue with them.
When you talk to normies, you are not debating facts, you are debating paradigms.
Entire systems of thought.
They don't process information like incels.

To illustrate how it's all just self benefit, look at these examples in which they:

- acknowledge mens plight
- acknowledge lookism
- advocate for actual solutions to these

Basically they admit key points of the blackpill.
Yet when talking to us, they reject them. How come?

a) Yvetlana Vasin

View: https://medium.com/hello-love/stop-saying-looks-dont-matter-7d48d07eea93

Openly admits looks matter. Seemingly understand blackpill.
But then you look her up and she runs this match-making service
to sell trophy hoes to trad-copers in the west:

St. Petersburg Women for Marriage | Meet Your Future Bride

Meet genuine ladies who are looking for love. Register NOW for free and start browsing the profiles of potential partners here at St. Petersburg Women.


So she literally knows that looks matter, but she only uses that konwledge to benefit herself.
Again, they admit looks matter, if it benefits them.

Shits on incels:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJvDMKsy8D8

Then gets a nosejob (lookism):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUbsaPeLWGU

c) Various Looks-Surgery or "rate-me" related subreddits

Reddit - Dive into anything

On all of these subreddits, you see way more women than men.
The women are getting way more attention.

And on the surgery subreddits, the men are gaslight about their looks
while people literally encourage women to get surgeries.
Again, if it benefits them somehow, they absolutely support the blackpill.

Women are hypocrites. This is warfare to them.
The reason why they don't admit we are right is because their worldview inherently
is anti-male.

Men vs. Women: Plastic Surgery Statistics - Crown Valley Cosmetic Surgery

Although it might seem that men are catching up quickly, when it comes to having plastic surgery, this is still a woman’s game by a very large margin. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reveals from its 2014 plastic surgery statistics that women accounted for 92% of all cosmetic...

d) QOVESStudio


Youtube channel with 500k subs talking exclusively about lookism.
Comments often talk about how looks affect life.
If we make these points, we are ridiculed though.

e) Ugly deformed kids getting surgery.
Whenever you see some report or gofuckme with a child that got mauled
by a pitbull or something, people violently scream for jutsice and point out
how the looks of the child will negatively affect it - "i hope he gets surgery
and gets to live a normal life."

So looks suddenly matter?

f) Female Spending
Going away from lookism a bit here.
In my opinion, you can literally explain the entire blackpill just by using
market economics. Things like skewed gender-ratios have a tremendous impact on society.

Take for instance the fact that women make 80-90% of customer purchases alone.

"Women were responsible for 75-85% of consumer spending in the 1930s."

Research Guides: Consumer Advertising During the Great Depression: A Resource Guide: Gender and Advertising

This guide explores primary and secondary sources that examine the advertising industry from 1929 to 1933, including advertising agencies, consumer protection groups, and topical sources on gender, race, and radio in advertising.


"Women make up more than half of the U.S. population, and control or influence 85% of consumer spending"

The Purchasing Power of Women: Statistics | Girlpower Marketing

Women control over $20 trillion in world-wide spending. Learn more about the purchasing power of women, from Millennials to Baby Boomers, in various markets

This is devastating.
It means that women get almost half the money they own from men.
It means that women are probably hiding money from their partners.
It means that women are extremely shallow and materialistic, while guys predominately value women
over material goods.

This is a brutal pill and reflects extremely negatively on women, if your worldview is bluepilled.
However, because of the current culture, this seen as positive by normies.
Just look at the "girlpowermarketing" link above. It's in the name. "Girl Power."

So this seemingly horrific exposure of female nature suddenly becomes morally good, because context.

g) Female Sexual liberation
This one is kind of a funny double standard:
"Women are sexually liberated" - YAY!
"You're mom is a hoe that got bukkaked on camera." - NOOOOOOO

The cognitivie dissonance is very funny to me.
You see this with tradcopers and redpillers a lot.
One one hand they advocate for plowing through as many hoes as possible.
But then they tell you "just find a good wife bro."

So please, why do they so readily agree with our points as long as its not us making them?
You should be able to answer that at this point.
It was nothing to do with the blackpill.

They disagree with us not because they think the blackpill is wrong, but because WE are wrong.
The messenger is the message.
Its warfare. They literally think incels are trying to mog them by flexing the blackpills as a tool for their own ends.
Its that stupid.

When the blackpill benefits them, they use it.

They simply cant grasp that there are mind-independent things in the world
that exist outside of some monkey-brained retarded using them for personal gain.
Everything is personal gain for them.

If we re-framed the entire blackpill to fit Normies worldview,
they would be campaigining to put it into legislature right now.
I am not exaggerating.

Now, children of the sun, I must critique you tsk tsk.

5. How most Incels are not Blackpilled

Many of us are guilty of exactly the same shit I just talked about.

To illustrate:
Incels fall into two categories:

a) The smart ones:
The ones that get the above points on a philosophical level.
I would count people like @WorthlessSlavicShit and @Atavistic Autist among them.
They are mostly interested in information hoarding and research.
I would call these "consistent" incels, as you could reasonably convince them of anything
as long as your points are valid.

b) The dummies:
These are the ones that gives us a bad name.
They operate exactly like normies do. Might is right, self benefit to the max. To them, the blackpill is inconsequential. It does not even matter.
This is more incels than you would think, unfortunately.

Shocking: Normies attitude towards us IS TRUE - when applied to this group.
These are the droves of greycels that wash up on our shores and then disappear within a few months.
These are the dregs of this forum. They engage in loud displays to signal their bonobo group-adherence to the tribe.

They are ones causing constant in-fighting and witchhunts.
They are the ones that are not even blackpilled and will probably get buxxed in the next 20 years.
If "It's just a phase mom" was a person, it would be them.

View: https://youtu.be/dhEfIdXxRuk?t=1032

In this clip, Naama kates, whos been with groups spying on us for years now,
makes this superficially unbelievable assertion:

Most incels leave the blackpill, get buxxed and move on.
When I first heard this it boggled my mind.
How tf can you move on from an observation like "women are 80% of customers?"

I was projecting friends.
Most greycels, most incels are not even blackpilled.
They come here, thinking this is some edgelord shit and then they act the fool to compete for rank in the
hiearchy here. Once it gets boring they move on.

Normiecels are the scourge of incels and give us a bad rep.

In my "Masculinity is a social construct" thread I laid out
how male in-fighting is the norm and how its encouraged by women.

Masculinity is an actual social construct and More - Studies

"You're not a real woman!" Said no one ever. Why? Why does that only work on men? The answer is two-fold 1. women have inherent value, you can't loose your woman card because being a woman is synonymous with having female flesh. 2. masculinity as its propagated by women and society largely...

We are not immune to this.
There is constant fighting on this forum.
Guys, women operate as a very dense hivemind with tentacles everywhere.
They are like a kraken with manifold arms, a beast of immeasurable proportions.
You. Can. Not. Win.

The constant male on male violence we observe on these forums
is literally exactly whats happening in society and why men cant get a foothold against women.
Men compete with men and worship women = 99% of niggas on this forum.

The only people that are fully excempt from this is a handful of autistic niggas
that spend years digging through research papers and other shit
instead of bickering and witchunting on here.

I wish people spend more time actually researching.
One counter to this that will be made: "The blackpill is complete, there is no new data to be found."
This is a hypercope.

It reminds of when people in 1900 literally claimed everything that could be invented had already been invented.

The blackpill is not restricted to looks and dating.

- looks = health
- health = nutrition + genetics
- nutrition + health + genetics = global politics (government food recommendatiosn deliberately fucking up populations)
- global polictics = jewpill, new world order whatever
- politics = philosophy
- philosohpy = argumentation, worldviews, sound reasoning
- etc.

everything intersects and connects and the ride never ends.
If you want to come to the fullness of truth, you have to keep learning.
The reason why a lot of incels will not go down that path is because they are normies.
They will move on. They think it doesn't benefit them to dig deeper.

There is so much we could talk about, so much.
We are men, all of us have cool shit to say.
Instead I see retards getting angry because some dude said something mean in a thread.
If it was a foid many of you would simp.
Shame on you!

You should stop fighting and competing with other men.
Especially on this forum.
You never see women do that shit. They are above that with their insane in group preference.

Another thing to consider:

- Normies and Psychologists want the blackpill to become an actual ideology because its easier to control
- They want to hijack the negative parts of male nature (hyper-competitive, bickering, infighting) against us

To that End, they constantly discourage actual research and high-trust actions on these forums.
If you attack other men on here or IRL, you are no better than women and normie men,
that constantly encourage male on male aggression and competition.


6. Final Thoughts and Doctors Orders:

I hope I could illustrate why its impossible for Normies to be blackpilled.
And also, why many incels are not really blackpilled.

Honestly, black pillers and blue pillers just shouldnt talk to eachother, as communication is not possible
Women will NEVER say that looks matter unless it benefits them somehow.

And the final pill for today:
If people were capable of understanding these problems they would have already been fixed.
If there was a solution, there would be no market.

@Atavistic Autist

7. Mega.nz link with some goodies

mega.nz file with some of the stuff mentioned in thread (books, videos):

890.8 MB folder on MEGA

Dnr grab the rope already
Simple answer: Because some LTB puts out for normies once in a blue moon.
No one should speak about things which could increase the competition for us.

Also, people are not as dumb as many may think, they will act dumb and deny certain things on purpose while secretly being aware of everything and looksmaxxing.
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Mewton and LegitUser
i didnt read this essay

short answer is: most normies dont want to hear the harsh reality and rather listen to bluepilled lies
No they just lie/gaslight you, act like they give a fuck about you even if they know the truth.
No one should speak about things which could increase the competition for us.

Also, people are not as dumb as many may think, they will act dumb and deny certain things on purpose while secretly being aware of everything and looksmaxxing.
Yea literally almost every normie knows how fucking much looks matter
  • +1
Reactions: Michael-Davis
short answer is: most normies dont want to hear the harsh reality and rather listen to bluepilled lies
This ^

but most of your essay sounds like this:
Images   2024 08 06T203352327

Not a good look for us Blackpillers
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short answer is: most normies dont want to hear the harsh reality and rather listen to bluepilled lies
This ^
but most of your essay sounds like this:

Not a good look for us Blackpillers
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I did not read all of this but I don't agree.
Normies, especially women KNOW everything about the black pill because their real life experience has reflected this. They know that ugly people are worthless, looks matter most, etc, but they also recognize that pretending that this is not true is necessary for society to remain functional. Do you really believe a woman when she tells you that she "didn't know" ugly guys have a hard time for example? She knows, because she is the one giving these shrimp dicked faggots a hard time. But only ugly subhuman ppl complain about it/talk about it so they get targeted for being a member of the out group, purely because people need someone to beat down on, and marking yourself as an outsider makes it even more acceptable to abuse you.

this is also why normalfags hate pedophiles so much, they just need an an outlet for their hatred. Every man knows women are ugly past age 18 , but they cant admit it because they would be ostracized
Women over 18 are not imo TF☠️
im sure other people said this but this is extremely verbose and excessively long. (i say that but i read every molecule)

incels dont want to hear unpleasant truths (blackpill), and would rather have comforting lies. (bluepill)
that's why it's hard to blackpill normies, any more complicated than that is just unecessary.

other than that i agree with the part where many incels completely abandon their beliefs, but not because they're edgelords, it's just the second they get the opportunity for a crumb of pussy they bail. but it's framed in a "few have loyalty to blackpill" way when it's really just male nature and sex drive shutting down higher cognition.
  • +1
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normies can't see the benefit in accepting the reality of life which is blackpill, all they see in it is despair

But they dont understand us cuz bp is kinda irrelevant irl

Nt is damn near everything

Ur crush is getting railed by low
Mtns rn
I’ve had a white girl pick this black dread head with yellow eyes who looked ugly as hell just cause she clearly had a type her and her friend literally stopped talking to me and my friend at the beach as soon as these deadheads pull up they didn’t even see there face, just saw the dreads and it was over
  • +1
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They believe in the just world fallacy and have trouble wrapping their minds around outliers. That's why when their normie advice doesn't apply to someone their brains glitch and they say: (A.) The person must not be trying hard enough. Or (B.) Get rich (or some other ludicrous "solution")

They want to uphold the status quo and deny real problems exist in order to feel comfortable. That's why they think in agreeable platitudes i.e "both sides bad"
Read every atom, but I still have some issues.

The problem is that you engage normies from:"I'm an incel this is what i think"

You should instead engage them from logical conclusions(roids surgery) and briefly mention you found It on .org

Chadlite 1nc3l:"hi Becky"
Becky:"hi Chad, why do you have lines over this guy's face on your phone"?

Chadlite:"I wanna be a surgeon type shiiiiiit:chad::):p:p, I know this is from incel forums but they're kind right this time"

Becky:"hahah, Chad you're so funny"

This is how you do it, might make an in depth guide on how to engage normies
  • +1
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ur actually autistic asf writing this essay about bp, they dont gaf ur socially destroyed
Original post : https://incels.is/threads/why-black...d-how-most-incels-are-not-blackpilled.539524/
this isnt my post buts its very important and needs to be read by more people so i reposted it on this site from .is


Blackpilling Normies always fails.
When Normies try to understand Incels, they never tackle the blackpill itself.
In this thread, we investigate the reasons behind this and shock everyone by exposing
how most incels are just turncoat Tonys, ready to drop the incel moniker in a hearbeat.

Stay Tuned.

1. Introduction: Normies Do Not Understand Us
2. What the Blackpill is
3. What the Blackpill is not
4. Why Normies Fail to Understand Us
5. How a lot of Incels are not Blackpilled
6. Final Thoughts and Doctors Orders
7. Mega.nz link with some goodies

When I first took the blackpill I was excited to know the truth and tried to blackpill people in real life.
All I got was confusion, hostility, gaslighting, social consequences.
I then found out there was a subreddit called r/IncelTear that relentlessly denied the blackpill despite all the evidence.

I watched an IncelTV video someone called Brendio tried to give valid argumentation to the bluepillers he was talking to.
But all they did was mute him and moralfag before kicking him off the stream.
They did not even attempt to make any arguments themselves.

My biggest question was why?
How could they not even engage us when we had so much data on our side?
I've spent the last 5 months or so heavily thinking about this.

There is not much information on why people deny the blackpill so I took it upon myself to find out.
This thread is a collection of information I have come across to make sense of it all.

I hope that this thread gives a good outline to why we get gaslighted about the blackpill.
Thankyou for reading my thoughts.

1. Normies Do Not Understand Us

Baffling to us, Normies always reduce incels and the adjacent blackpill to
a form of rabid emotionalism.

For some reason they reduce the entire subject to Incels being a bunch of angry men.
They act as if incels have no reasons.

(Ironically, they also reduce it to a womans-issue only, thus proving gynocracy exists but I digress)

Even when many of us have tried to expose Normies to the Blackpill.
We linked data, we printed out studies - to no avail.
What is the problem with Normies?

It's clearly not about a lack of good information.

What is happening?
Why are they doing this?
That shall be answered now.

But first, definitions my friends:

2. What the blackpill is:

The blackpill is a body of value-neutral data-points derived from academic research, historical sources and anecdotes.
These findings highlight certain behaviors of both genders.
Since the information is value neutral, meaning it contains no value judgements about women or men,
there is no reason to ascribe any attributes to it, i.e. "nihilstic," "fatalistic," "self-loathing," "mysognistic," etc.

That's it. That's the blackpill.

3. What the blackpill is not:

- It is not an ideology.
- It is not connected to emotions.
- It does not make any value-judgements about either gender (not that it could, it has no personhood).
- The blackpill is not a fatalistic belief system, dreamt up by disatisfied men that hoped for more in life.

In fact, the blackpill is fit for marriage with any worldview whatsoever.
For example, a Christian worldview could easily incorporate the blackpill by simply explaining human behavior
as corrupted by the fall of man in Genesis.
This would be a negative interpretation, suffice to say.

A scientist could incorporate the blackpill into evolutionary psychology.
This would be a neutral take.

What about a postive interpration?
Yes, it is possible!
From the perspective of someone who profits of the blackpill, it is absolutely beautiful my friends!
Imagine a psychopath, or the powers that be... or a marketing agent perhaps...
They would ADORE the blackpill! It would make their life so much easier!

Maybe it has already...

You see friends, my point is this: The blackpill is just this: Nothing.


It pertains to be nothing, it judges not, it holds nobody accountable.
So the question remains: Why is it portrait as such when Normies engage with Incels?

4. Why Normies Fail to Understand Us

It's morality.
Note, I am not saying any party involved is morally superior or inferior.
That is not the argument I am making.

No, I think the problem is the worldview and resulting value judgements of Normies compared to the average incel.
We simply value completely different things and thus interpret everything differently.

Women and Normies interpretation of reality breaks down to self-benefit.
Everything is evaluated first by one criteria:
"Does it benefit me?"
If not, it has no value.

This is also how propaganda works.
You just frame things so normies think it benefits them.
"Your rights to do xyz are being taken away."
Suddenly people care about things they did not even know existed a moment ago.

Here are some common observable normie tropes with this pattern:

a) "You are not entitled to anything."
This is simply logically fallacious. If the statement holds universally true then the person making it would not be entitled
to making it. Are you entitled to your opinion? It is self refuting.

However, this is not why they say it. It does not come from a logical place.
It's a form of violence. They are basically saying, "fuck you, take it up the ass and shut up."
It's a form of might is right. If something benefits them they feel they deserve it and you are not to critize them for that.

If you anyone wants to study up further on this, here are some interesting things to look into:

Self-serving bias - Wikipedia

Fundamental attribution error - Wikipedia

Depressive realism - Wikipedia

b) "That's none of your business."
Ditto. Is it your business to tell me that? What my business is, is none your business. It's circular reasoning when applied consistently.

c) "If you don't do xzy you are a bad person"
"If you don't give money to soup kitchens, you hate poor people."
"If you say something I don't like about women, you hate women."

They don't care about poor people, it's manipulation.

As an autist, it took me years to understand this. I am 26 years old and I still struggle
with people not saying what they mean.

Their verbal output is not indentical to their internal monologue.
However, we can approximate based on their actions.

One example of this that we already mentioned is that normies defend things that benefit them as if they are moral goods.
If it benefits them, them they win in their own head, and because they win (benefit), they verbally express that its "valuable."
But this does not mean it's actually good in their eyes. It just means it benefits them.

Acting Good = Being Good.
"Anything that benefits me is good."

With women in particular this goes as far as "not being punished = being rewarded."

This is also why the predominant female power fantasy in movies is playing the villian and getting away with it.
In the recent hitshow "Fleabag," beloved by women, the POV main character is a essentially
a narcisstic psycho who treats people in her life as objects, especially men.

For instance, she is aroused by a priest and simply lables him "hot priest."
This is how women actually see people. Utilities.
Even Chad is only viewed as a utility - "hot guy."

Suffice to say, by the end of the show the evil main foid just walks off, no punishment, no consequences.
Art imitates life.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSAJEXZIrvA

Scientifically this has been noted prior by people like Kohlberg
(shoutout to @Cybersex is our hope who first made me aware of this with his thread ):

Kohlberg and the Stages of Moral Development

Please look at the above picture.

Kohlberg tried to quantify morality in a model.
Most people are stuck on the lower 1-3 levels, especially women.

Everything is about self-benefit and punishment reward.
You know how kids go through that annoying phase where they pester their parens with questions?
That phase never stops.

Grown people still turn to authority figures for all questions in life.
That's where they get their morality from.
They test boundaries, like kids. If they don't get punished, they feel a rush.
Nothing changes since childhood.
It's just more subtle.

One example from Nazi Germany:
Most germans did not care about Nazi ideology. Not surprising since most people back then
had like a 6th grade education and began working at 14.

So how did the Nazis activate Normies to support the war effort?
By framing the entire thing through the lense of self-benefit.
Fear in particular.

Just like during the american civil war, most people fighting probably were not ideologically motivated.
Some feared for their homes, some probably thought the army was a great deal.
A lot of guys also said the uniform seemed to attracted bitches, so they joined.

The Nazi Flag is a good example.
It's symbolism escapes most people nowadays, so let me explain:


The red literally is meant to symbolize Communism.
Communism surrounds a small group of Nazis, allmost swallowing them.
Most germans fought because they feared a communist takeover.

You can only manipulate people by appealing to base instincts.

As Edward Bernays wrote in "Propaganda:"

Bernays - Propaganda.pdf

PROPAGANDA By EDWARD L. BERNAYS. 1928. CONTENTS I. ORGANIZING CHAOS .................................................. 9. II. THE NEW PROPAGANDA ............................................ 19. III. THE NEW PROPAGANDISTS. 32. IV. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PUBLIC RELATIONS. 47. V. BUSINESS AND THE...

What he is getting at is that the Propagandist can not create new instincts in people.
It can only appeal to existing ones by attacking or arousing them.
For example, the attacking principle is mostly used on men:


Whereas the arousing principle is mostly used on women.
That's why most products nowadays have cartoon characters on them and why 80-90% of customer purchases are done by women.

Charles Manson is another example.
All the foids that he "manipulated" talk about him like he was this high IQ genius.
Meanwhile his male friend had this to say about him:


Just lol.

Going back to Kohlberg and Normies simplistic "might-is-right" worldview:
If someone is on a certain stage of moral development, then they project that you are on that level as well.

Incels are the only group that critiques itself due to operating mostly on the higher, principle-based stage of moral development.
In research, this is conflated as incels being "self-loathing." In reality, it's just being realistic.

Again, they are applying value judgements to the blackpill.
The value judgement that the blackpill is "self-loathing," "depressing," etc... comes from a worldview
that presupposes that certain things are morally negative. These values are not inherent to the blackpill at all.

To give one example, look at this footnote from a paper on incels:


The Sense in Senseless Violence: Male Reproductive Strategy and the Modern Sexual Marketplace as Contributors to Violent Extremism

- supremacy (value judgement)
- hatred (value judgement)
- entitlement (value judgement)

None of this has anything to do with the blackpill.
All of these are presuppositions that come from a very specific worldview that interprets data
in a very specific way. They are not "brute facts" at all.

Humans project their worldview onto other people.
"We don't see the world as it is, but as we are."

The blackpill has nothing to do with value judgments at all. As I said earlier, the blackpill can be outright
invigorating if your worldview interprets it that way.

When we understand this, it becomes clear that it's not Normies fault that they cant be blackpilled.
They dont have the reasoning for it, or rather, their biased self serving worldview simply does not allow certain kind of evidences, because these evidences contradict their unfounded moral pre-suppositions.

We project a sense of justice on normies that doesnt exist
Its not their fault, they just cant think beyond their biased Worldview.

At 32:08 in this clip, known CIA asset and also-happens-to-be-a-famous-writer Kurt Vonnegut
explains how he made the same experience working as an anthropologist:

View: https://youtu.be/eLwe-EFUF-A?t=1928

This is why its impossible to blackpill normies.

From their perspective, where everything is group-dynamics, power-struggles, might-is-right,
When you show them the blackpill, you are asking them to support a group of males viewed as evil, over ALL women. That includes their sisters, cousins, mother, aunts, wives, girlfriends, female friends.

In reality, you are not asking them to support anything though.
It's simply too much too ask. In order to understand the blackpill, you need to put aside bias, self interest etc.

"It's the hallmark of intelligence to be able to entertain a thought without being consumed by it."
- Some greek faggot

This is also why women deny the blackpill despite obviously knowing about it (obsessed with looks, make up etc).
It does not benefit them to give away their tricks.

Chaps, I can't get into it but I would highly encourage reading the original Milgram Experiment text.

Stanley Milgram - Obedience to Authority_ An Experimental View-Tavistock Publications Ltd (1974).pdf

View and download Stanley Milgram - Obedience to Authority_ An Experimental View-Tavistock Publications Ltd (1974).pdf on DocDroid

They basically made people shock someone to death with a little push of authority.
And most normies went along with it, for the reasons I mentioned (lower morality - a priest for example did not go along with it, go figure).

Basically, everything is subjugated to "benefit or no benefit?"
Lying? Fine, as long as you benefit.
Ignoring or Misrepresenting Evidence? Fine, as long as you benefit.

Everything in their worldview is reduced to utility to the self.
If it does not benefit them, it is useless.

The reason why they don't acknowledge the blackpill when talking about Incels has nothing to do with

- them not getting the blackpill (they do, evidence later)
- them not understanding incels plight
- they don't benefit from agreeing with incels, so they dont

It's about warfare. They project that we use knowledge the same way they do: As a weapon to benefit ourselves.
We don't. Or at least not all of us. I will call you guys out later :D

Normies break everything down to a power-struggle.
Punishment vs. Reward.
Victim vs. Opressor.

So from their perspective, the blackpill is...

-> A bunch of shit a bunch of angry men say to get their way.

This is where all their claims come from
- "incels only want stacies"
- "incels are entitled"
- "incels are violent"

None of this shit has anything to do with the blackpill.
They are projecting their infantile "might-is-right" morality onto a dataset that has nothing to do with morality at all.
If we go by what Kohlberg illustrated, many people may not even be capable of surpassing this kind of thinking.

They literally believe we only care about the blackpill because it benefits us.
So they jump to the conclusion, "well, this is all about getting what you want anyway" -> "incels are entitled"

This goes into another thing they do: Intentional display.
I said prior, they think acting like a good person = being a good person.

Just imagine a child thinking its good because it follows its parents instructions.
Newsflash: You are not good for acting good. Nobody can act agains their own will, ALL actions are self-serving.

If the children comparison seems derogatory to you, you have learned nothing up to this point.
(pshht, its only derogatory if you dont get what im saying about how worldviews shape value judgements ;) - you only think its derogatory because you think children are retarded and you dont value them OH NOOO YOU DONT WANT TO THINK THAT DO YOU? BAD BAAD)

This is devastating friends, because it means that we will never, and I mean never, be able to argue with Normies
on a logical basis. Everything we say will be judged through the lense of "victim vs opressor"
or rather

- the messenger will always judged insead of the message
- they look for the "why" not for the "what" (as in "why are incels saying this" not for "what are incels actually saying")

Their worldview simply does not allow for any other outlook.
And if your worldview only permits evidences which prove what you want to believe,
then arguing is pointless.

By this we can deduce that, anyone who claims the blackpill is an ideology exposes themselves as biased, and, you knowk, actually having an ideology.

For instance, if someone sees a datapoint about women or men they don't like, that does not mean the blackpill or incels
are evil or nihilstic.
It just means the datapoint does not jive with their worldview and how they interpret human behavior.

This principle of power superseeding even elementary logic can be seen elsewhere as well.

Take the current israel-hamas conflict.
Most normies couldn't show you Gaza on a map a few day ago.
Suddenly they care about this shit. In a few months, it will be like it never happened. Remember my words.
They only care because right now, virtue signalling about this distant conflict benefits them
"Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia."

Same for Covid, which essentially only existed in the media.
Ukraine, same shit.
People have already forgotten about Ukraine lmao.

People don't really care about any of this. They care about benefitting themselves.
Studies have shown that virtue signalling about shit like this
is actually indicative of dark triad personality traits.

Signaling virtuous victimhood as indicators of Dark Triad personalities - PubMed

We investigate the consequences and predictors of emitting signals of victimhood and virtue. In our first three studies, we show that the virtuous victim signal can facilitate nonreciprocal resource transfer from others to the signaler. Next, we develop and validate a victim signaling scale that...

One of the most krass examples is children.
Society simply does not value children, or there would be no need for orphanages.
All the children would be off the market already.
It's simple market economics. If children were a sought after commodity, they would be sold out.

And in our case, the classic example would be how they always, unfailingly, reduce the entire subject to
"women most affected."They think catering to foids benefits them.
They look at neutral datapoints and conclude with retarded certainity: "This is about women."
It's not. It's not about shit. It's not about anything.

You could easily look at the same blackpills and conclude that most men are retarded
mentally ill fuckshits that are spending billions of shekles on pictures of naked women.

But they don't draw that conclusion, do they?

Your worldview shapes how you interpret reality.

The blackpill is basically a massive Rorschach test.
What do you see in the inkblobs Johnny?
Do you see a bunch of inkblobs (reality) or do you see a woman getting hurt and you dont like that (bias)?

This is why you can not argue with them.
When you talk to normies, you are not debating facts, you are debating paradigms.
Entire systems of thought.
They don't process information like incels.

To illustrate how it's all just self benefit, look at these examples in which they:

- acknowledge mens plight
- acknowledge lookism
- advocate for actual solutions to these

Basically they admit key points of the blackpill.
Yet when talking to us, they reject them. How come?

a) Yvetlana Vasin

View: https://medium.com/hello-love/stop-saying-looks-dont-matter-7d48d07eea93

Openly admits looks matter. Seemingly understand blackpill.
But then you look her up and she runs this match-making service
to sell trophy hoes to trad-copers in the west:

St. Petersburg Women for Marriage | Meet Your Future Bride

Meet genuine ladies who are looking for love. Register NOW for free and start browsing the profiles of potential partners here at St. Petersburg Women.


So she literally knows that looks matter, but she only uses that konwledge to benefit herself.
Again, they admit looks matter, if it benefits them.

Shits on incels:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJvDMKsy8D8

Then gets a nosejob (lookism):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUbsaPeLWGU

c) Various Looks-Surgery or "rate-me" related subreddits

Reddit - Dive into anything

On all of these subreddits, you see way more women than men.
The women are getting way more attention.

And on the surgery subreddits, the men are gaslight about their looks
while people literally encourage women to get surgeries.
Again, if it benefits them somehow, they absolutely support the blackpill.

Women are hypocrites. This is warfare to them.
The reason why they don't admit we are right is because their worldview inherently
is anti-male.

Men vs. Women: Plastic Surgery Statistics - Crown Valley Cosmetic Surgery

Although it might seem that men are catching up quickly, when it comes to having plastic surgery, this is still a woman’s game by a very large margin. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reveals from its 2014 plastic surgery statistics that women accounted for 92% of all cosmetic...

d) QOVESStudio


Youtube channel with 500k subs talking exclusively about lookism.
Comments often talk about how looks affect life.
If we make these points, we are ridiculed though.

e) Ugly deformed kids getting surgery.
Whenever you see some report or gofuckme with a child that got mauled
by a pitbull or something, people violently scream for jutsice and point out
how the looks of the child will negatively affect it - "i hope he gets surgery
and gets to live a normal life."

So looks suddenly matter?

f) Female Spending
Going away from lookism a bit here.
In my opinion, you can literally explain the entire blackpill just by using
market economics. Things like skewed gender-ratios have a tremendous impact on society.

Take for instance the fact that women make 80-90% of customer purchases alone.

"Women were responsible for 75-85% of consumer spending in the 1930s."

Research Guides: Consumer Advertising During the Great Depression: A Resource Guide: Gender and Advertising

This guide explores primary and secondary sources that examine the advertising industry from 1929 to 1933, including advertising agencies, consumer protection groups, and topical sources on gender, race, and radio in advertising.


"Women make up more than half of the U.S. population, and control or influence 85% of consumer spending"

The Purchasing Power of Women: Statistics | Girlpower Marketing

Women control over $20 trillion in world-wide spending. Learn more about the purchasing power of women, from Millennials to Baby Boomers, in various markets

This is devastating.
It means that women get almost half the money they own from men.
It means that women are probably hiding money from their partners.
It means that women are extremely shallow and materialistic, while guys predominately value women
over material goods.

This is a brutal pill and reflects extremely negatively on women, if your worldview is bluepilled.
However, because of the current culture, this seen as positive by normies.
Just look at the "girlpowermarketing" link above. It's in the name. "Girl Power."

So this seemingly horrific exposure of female nature suddenly becomes morally good, because context.

g) Female Sexual liberation
This one is kind of a funny double standard:
"Women are sexually liberated" - YAY!
"You're mom is a hoe that got bukkaked on camera." - NOOOOOOO

The cognitivie dissonance is very funny to me.
You see this with tradcopers and redpillers a lot.
One one hand they advocate for plowing through as many hoes as possible.
But then they tell you "just find a good wife bro."

So please, why do they so readily agree with our points as long as its not us making them?
You should be able to answer that at this point.
It was nothing to do with the blackpill.

They disagree with us not because they think the blackpill is wrong, but because WE are wrong.
The messenger is the message.
Its warfare. They literally think incels are trying to mog them by flexing the blackpills as a tool for their own ends.
Its that stupid.

When the blackpill benefits them, they use it.

They simply cant grasp that there are mind-independent things in the world
that exist outside of some monkey-brained retarded using them for personal gain.
Everything is personal gain for them.

If we re-framed the entire blackpill to fit Normies worldview,
they would be campaigining to put it into legislature right now.
I am not exaggerating.

Now, children of the sun, I must critique you tsk tsk.

5. How most Incels are not Blackpilled

Many of us are guilty of exactly the same shit I just talked about.

To illustrate:
Incels fall into two categories:

a) The smart ones:
The ones that get the above points on a philosophical level.
I would count people like @WorthlessSlavicShit and @Atavistic Autist among them.
They are mostly interested in information hoarding and research.
I would call these "consistent" incels, as you could reasonably convince them of anything
as long as your points are valid.

b) The dummies:
These are the ones that gives us a bad name.
They operate exactly like normies do. Might is right, self benefit to the max. To them, the blackpill is inconsequential. It does not even matter.
This is more incels than you would think, unfortunately.

Shocking: Normies attitude towards us IS TRUE - when applied to this group.
These are the droves of greycels that wash up on our shores and then disappear within a few months.
These are the dregs of this forum. They engage in loud displays to signal their bonobo group-adherence to the tribe.

They are ones causing constant in-fighting and witchhunts.
They are the ones that are not even blackpilled and will probably get buxxed in the next 20 years.
If "It's just a phase mom" was a person, it would be them.

View: https://youtu.be/dhEfIdXxRuk?t=1032

In this clip, Naama kates, whos been with groups spying on us for years now,
makes this superficially unbelievable assertion:

Most incels leave the blackpill, get buxxed and move on.
When I first heard this it boggled my mind.
How tf can you move on from an observation like "women are 80% of customers?"

I was projecting friends.
Most greycels, most incels are not even blackpilled.
They come here, thinking this is some edgelord shit and then they act the fool to compete for rank in the
hiearchy here. Once it gets boring they move on.

Normiecels are the scourge of incels and give us a bad rep.

In my "Masculinity is a social construct" thread I laid out
how male in-fighting is the norm and how its encouraged by women.

Masculinity is an actual social construct and More - Studies

"You're not a real woman!" Said no one ever. Why? Why does that only work on men? The answer is two-fold 1. women have inherent value, you can't loose your woman card because being a woman is synonymous with having female flesh. 2. masculinity as its propagated by women and society largely...

We are not immune to this.
There is constant fighting on this forum.
Guys, women operate as a very dense hivemind with tentacles everywhere.
They are like a kraken with manifold arms, a beast of immeasurable proportions.
You. Can. Not. Win.

The constant male on male violence we observe on these forums
is literally exactly whats happening in society and why men cant get a foothold against women.
Men compete with men and worship women = 99% of niggas on this forum.

The only people that are fully excempt from this is a handful of autistic niggas
that spend years digging through research papers and other shit
instead of bickering and witchunting on here.

I wish people spend more time actually researching.
One counter to this that will be made: "The blackpill is complete, there is no new data to be found."
This is a hypercope.

It reminds of when people in 1900 literally claimed everything that could be invented had already been invented.

The blackpill is not restricted to looks and dating.

- looks = health
- health = nutrition + genetics
- nutrition + health + genetics = global politics (government food recommendatiosn deliberately fucking up populations)
- global polictics = jewpill, new world order whatever
- politics = philosophy
- philosohpy = argumentation, worldviews, sound reasoning
- etc.

everything intersects and connects and the ride never ends.
If you want to come to the fullness of truth, you have to keep learning.
The reason why a lot of incels will not go down that path is because they are normies.
They will move on. They think it doesn't benefit them to dig deeper.

There is so much we could talk about, so much.
We are men, all of us have cool shit to say.
Instead I see retards getting angry because some dude said something mean in a thread.
If it was a foid many of you would simp.
Shame on you!

You should stop fighting and competing with other men.
Especially on this forum.
You never see women do that shit. They are above that with their insane in group preference.

Another thing to consider:

- Normies and Psychologists want the blackpill to become an actual ideology because its easier to control
- They want to hijack the negative parts of male nature (hyper-competitive, bickering, infighting) against us

To that End, they constantly discourage actual research and high-trust actions on these forums.
If you attack other men on here or IRL, you are no better than women and normie men,
that constantly encourage male on male aggression and competition.


6. Final Thoughts and Doctors Orders:

I hope I could illustrate why its impossible for Normies to be blackpilled.
And also, why many incels are not really blackpilled.

Honestly, black pillers and blue pillers just shouldnt talk to eachother, as communication is not possible
Women will NEVER say that looks matter unless it benefits them somehow.

And the final pill for today:
If people were capable of understanding these problems they would have already been fixed.
If there was a solution, there would be no market.

@Atavistic Autist

7. Mega.nz link with some goodies

mega.nz file with some of the stuff mentioned in thread (books, videos):

890.8 MB folder on MEGA

its over for normies anyways
normies have simply not yet accepted the fact that they have to embark on a looksmaxing journey, they think they are good looking, they are completely retarded and smart-ass
ur actually autistic asf writing this essay about bp, they dont gaf ur socially destroyed
I didn't write it I copy pasted it from another website (which I send in the first 2 lines jfl)
Normies know looks matter they just don’t wanna admit it infront of others or whenever someone asks for dating advances, They don’t possess extreme beliefs like ”if you’re not a chad it’s over” saying attractive ppl get more partners is like water is wet
  • +1
Reactions: LegitUser
BP is the way
Holy yap
Original post : https://incels.is/threads/why-black...d-how-most-incels-are-not-blackpilled.539524/
this isnt my post buts its very important and needs to be read by more people so i reposted it on this site from .is


Blackpilling Normies always fails.
When Normies try to understand Incels, they never tackle the blackpill itself.
In this thread, we investigate the reasons behind this and shock everyone by exposing
how most incels are just turncoat Tonys, ready to drop the incel moniker in a hearbeat.

Stay Tuned.

1. Introduction: Normies Do Not Understand Us
2. What the Blackpill is
3. What the Blackpill is not
4. Why Normies Fail to Understand Us
5. How a lot of Incels are not Blackpilled
6. Final Thoughts and Doctors Orders
7. Mega.nz link with some goodies

When I first took the blackpill I was excited to know the truth and tried to blackpill people in real life.
All I got was confusion, hostility, gaslighting, social consequences.
I then found out there was a subreddit called r/IncelTear that relentlessly denied the blackpill despite all the evidence.

I watched an IncelTV video someone called Brendio tried to give valid argumentation to the bluepillers he was talking to.
But all they did was mute him and moralfag before kicking him off the stream.
They did not even attempt to make any arguments themselves.

My biggest question was why?
How could they not even engage us when we had so much data on our side?
I've spent the last 5 months or so heavily thinking about this.

There is not much information on why people deny the blackpill so I took it upon myself to find out.
This thread is a collection of information I have come across to make sense of it all.

I hope that this thread gives a good outline to why we get gaslighted about the blackpill.
Thankyou for reading my thoughts.

1. Normies Do Not Understand Us

Baffling to us, Normies always reduce incels and the adjacent blackpill to
a form of rabid emotionalism.

For some reason they reduce the entire subject to Incels being a bunch of angry men.
They act as if incels have no reasons.

(Ironically, they also reduce it to a womans-issue only, thus proving gynocracy exists but I digress)

Even when many of us have tried to expose Normies to the Blackpill.
We linked data, we printed out studies - to no avail.
What is the problem with Normies?

It's clearly not about a lack of good information.

What is happening?
Why are they doing this?
That shall be answered now.

But first, definitions my friends:

2. What the blackpill is:

The blackpill is a body of value-neutral data-points derived from academic research, historical sources and anecdotes.
These findings highlight certain behaviors of both genders.
Since the information is value neutral, meaning it contains no value judgements about women or men,
there is no reason to ascribe any attributes to it, i.e. "nihilstic," "fatalistic," "self-loathing," "mysognistic," etc.

That's it. That's the blackpill.

3. What the blackpill is not:

- It is not an ideology.
- It is not connected to emotions.
- It does not make any value-judgements about either gender (not that it could, it has no personhood).
- The blackpill is not a fatalistic belief system, dreamt up by disatisfied men that hoped for more in life.

In fact, the blackpill is fit for marriage with any worldview whatsoever.
For example, a Christian worldview could easily incorporate the blackpill by simply explaining human behavior
as corrupted by the fall of man in Genesis.
This would be a negative interpretation, suffice to say.

A scientist could incorporate the blackpill into evolutionary psychology.
This would be a neutral take.

What about a postive interpration?
Yes, it is possible!
From the perspective of someone who profits of the blackpill, it is absolutely beautiful my friends!
Imagine a psychopath, or the powers that be... or a marketing agent perhaps...
They would ADORE the blackpill! It would make their life so much easier!

Maybe it has already...

You see friends, my point is this: The blackpill is just this: Nothing.


It pertains to be nothing, it judges not, it holds nobody accountable.
So the question remains: Why is it portrait as such when Normies engage with Incels?

4. Why Normies Fail to Understand Us

It's morality.
Note, I am not saying any party involved is morally superior or inferior.
That is not the argument I am making.

No, I think the problem is the worldview and resulting value judgements of Normies compared to the average incel.
We simply value completely different things and thus interpret everything differently.

Women and Normies interpretation of reality breaks down to self-benefit.
Everything is evaluated first by one criteria:
"Does it benefit me?"
If not, it has no value.

This is also how propaganda works.
You just frame things so normies think it benefits them.
"Your rights to do xyz are being taken away."
Suddenly people care about things they did not even know existed a moment ago.

Here are some common observable normie tropes with this pattern:

a) "You are not entitled to anything."
This is simply logically fallacious. If the statement holds universally true then the person making it would not be entitled
to making it. Are you entitled to your opinion? It is self refuting.

However, this is not why they say it. It does not come from a logical place.
It's a form of violence. They are basically saying, "fuck you, take it up the ass and shut up."
It's a form of might is right. If something benefits them they feel they deserve it and you are not to critize them for that.

If you anyone wants to study up further on this, here are some interesting things to look into:

Self-serving bias - Wikipedia

Fundamental attribution error - Wikipedia

Depressive realism - Wikipedia

b) "That's none of your business."
Ditto. Is it your business to tell me that? What my business is, is none your business. It's circular reasoning when applied consistently.

c) "If you don't do xzy you are a bad person"
"If you don't give money to soup kitchens, you hate poor people."
"If you say something I don't like about women, you hate women."

They don't care about poor people, it's manipulation.

As an autist, it took me years to understand this. I am 26 years old and I still struggle
with people not saying what they mean.

Their verbal output is not indentical to their internal monologue.
However, we can approximate based on their actions.

One example of this that we already mentioned is that normies defend things that benefit them as if they are moral goods.
If it benefits them, them they win in their own head, and because they win (benefit), they verbally express that its "valuable."
But this does not mean it's actually good in their eyes. It just means it benefits them.

Acting Good = Being Good.
"Anything that benefits me is good."

With women in particular this goes as far as "not being punished = being rewarded."

This is also why the predominant female power fantasy in movies is playing the villian and getting away with it.
In the recent hitshow "Fleabag," beloved by women, the POV main character is a essentially
a narcisstic psycho who treats people in her life as objects, especially men.

For instance, she is aroused by a priest and simply lables him "hot priest."
This is how women actually see people. Utilities.
Even Chad is only viewed as a utility - "hot guy."

Suffice to say, by the end of the show the evil main foid just walks off, no punishment, no consequences.
Art imitates life.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSAJEXZIrvA

Scientifically this has been noted prior by people like Kohlberg
(shoutout to @Cybersex is our hope who first made me aware of this with his thread ):

Kohlberg and the Stages of Moral Development

Please look at the above picture.

Kohlberg tried to quantify morality in a model.
Most people are stuck on the lower 1-3 levels, especially women.

Everything is about self-benefit and punishment reward.
You know how kids go through that annoying phase where they pester their parens with questions?
That phase never stops.

Grown people still turn to authority figures for all questions in life.
That's where they get their morality from.
They test boundaries, like kids. If they don't get punished, they feel a rush.
Nothing changes since childhood.
It's just more subtle.

One example from Nazi Germany:
Most germans did not care about Nazi ideology. Not surprising since most people back then
had like a 6th grade education and began working at 14.

So how did the Nazis activate Normies to support the war effort?
By framing the entire thing through the lense of self-benefit.
Fear in particular.

Just like during the american civil war, most people fighting probably were not ideologically motivated.
Some feared for their homes, some probably thought the army was a great deal.
A lot of guys also said the uniform seemed to attracted bitches, so they joined.

The Nazi Flag is a good example.
It's symbolism escapes most people nowadays, so let me explain:


The red literally is meant to symbolize Communism.
Communism surrounds a small group of Nazis, allmost swallowing them.
Most germans fought because they feared a communist takeover.

You can only manipulate people by appealing to base instincts.

As Edward Bernays wrote in "Propaganda:"

Bernays - Propaganda.pdf

PROPAGANDA By EDWARD L. BERNAYS. 1928. CONTENTS I. ORGANIZING CHAOS .................................................. 9. II. THE NEW PROPAGANDA ............................................ 19. III. THE NEW PROPAGANDISTS. 32. IV. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PUBLIC RELATIONS. 47. V. BUSINESS AND THE...

What he is getting at is that the Propagandist can not create new instincts in people.
It can only appeal to existing ones by attacking or arousing them.
For example, the attacking principle is mostly used on men:


Whereas the arousing principle is mostly used on women.
That's why most products nowadays have cartoon characters on them and why 80-90% of customer purchases are done by women.

Charles Manson is another example.
All the foids that he "manipulated" talk about him like he was this high IQ genius.
Meanwhile his male friend had this to say about him:


Just lol.

Going back to Kohlberg and Normies simplistic "might-is-right" worldview:
If someone is on a certain stage of moral development, then they project that you are on that level as well.

Incels are the only group that critiques itself due to operating mostly on the higher, principle-based stage of moral development.
In research, this is conflated as incels being "self-loathing." In reality, it's just being realistic.

Again, they are applying value judgements to the blackpill.
The value judgement that the blackpill is "self-loathing," "depressing," etc... comes from a worldview
that presupposes that certain things are morally negative. These values are not inherent to the blackpill at all.

To give one example, look at this footnote from a paper on incels:


The Sense in Senseless Violence: Male Reproductive Strategy and the Modern Sexual Marketplace as Contributors to Violent Extremism

- supremacy (value judgement)
- hatred (value judgement)
- entitlement (value judgement)

None of this has anything to do with the blackpill.
All of these are presuppositions that come from a very specific worldview that interprets data
in a very specific way. They are not "brute facts" at all.

Humans project their worldview onto other people.
"We don't see the world as it is, but as we are."

The blackpill has nothing to do with value judgments at all. As I said earlier, the blackpill can be outright
invigorating if your worldview interprets it that way.

When we understand this, it becomes clear that it's not Normies fault that they cant be blackpilled.
They dont have the reasoning for it, or rather, their biased self serving worldview simply does not allow certain kind of evidences, because these evidences contradict their unfounded moral pre-suppositions.

We project a sense of justice on normies that doesnt exist
Its not their fault, they just cant think beyond their biased Worldview.

At 32:08 in this clip, known CIA asset and also-happens-to-be-a-famous-writer Kurt Vonnegut
explains how he made the same experience working as an anthropologist:

View: https://youtu.be/eLwe-EFUF-A?t=1928

This is why its impossible to blackpill normies.

From their perspective, where everything is group-dynamics, power-struggles, might-is-right,
When you show them the blackpill, you are asking them to support a group of males viewed as evil, over ALL women. That includes their sisters, cousins, mother, aunts, wives, girlfriends, female friends.

In reality, you are not asking them to support anything though.
It's simply too much too ask. In order to understand the blackpill, you need to put aside bias, self interest etc.

"It's the hallmark of intelligence to be able to entertain a thought without being consumed by it."
- Some greek faggot

This is also why women deny the blackpill despite obviously knowing about it (obsessed with looks, make up etc).
It does not benefit them to give away their tricks.

Chaps, I can't get into it but I would highly encourage reading the original Milgram Experiment text.

Stanley Milgram - Obedience to Authority_ An Experimental View-Tavistock Publications Ltd (1974).pdf

View and download Stanley Milgram - Obedience to Authority_ An Experimental View-Tavistock Publications Ltd (1974).pdf on DocDroid

They basically made people shock someone to death with a little push of authority.
And most normies went along with it, for the reasons I mentioned (lower morality - a priest for example did not go along with it, go figure).

Basically, everything is subjugated to "benefit or no benefit?"
Lying? Fine, as long as you benefit.
Ignoring or Misrepresenting Evidence? Fine, as long as you benefit.

Everything in their worldview is reduced to utility to the self.
If it does not benefit them, it is useless.

The reason why they don't acknowledge the blackpill when talking about Incels has nothing to do with

- them not getting the blackpill (they do, evidence later)
- them not understanding incels plight
- they don't benefit from agreeing with incels, so they dont

It's about warfare. They project that we use knowledge the same way they do: As a weapon to benefit ourselves.
We don't. Or at least not all of us. I will call you guys out later :D

Normies break everything down to a power-struggle.
Punishment vs. Reward.
Victim vs. Opressor.

So from their perspective, the blackpill is...

-> A bunch of shit a bunch of angry men say to get their way.

This is where all their claims come from
- "incels only want stacies"
- "incels are entitled"
- "incels are violent"

None of this shit has anything to do with the blackpill.
They are projecting their infantile "might-is-right" morality onto a dataset that has nothing to do with morality at all.
If we go by what Kohlberg illustrated, many people may not even be capable of surpassing this kind of thinking.

They literally believe we only care about the blackpill because it benefits us.
So they jump to the conclusion, "well, this is all about getting what you want anyway" -> "incels are entitled"

This goes into another thing they do: Intentional display.
I said prior, they think acting like a good person = being a good person.

Just imagine a child thinking its good because it follows its parents instructions.
Newsflash: You are not good for acting good. Nobody can act agains their own will, ALL actions are self-serving.

If the children comparison seems derogatory to you, you have learned nothing up to this point.
(pshht, its only derogatory if you dont get what im saying about how worldviews shape value judgements ;) - you only think its derogatory because you think children are retarded and you dont value them OH NOOO YOU DONT WANT TO THINK THAT DO YOU? BAD BAAD)

This is devastating friends, because it means that we will never, and I mean never, be able to argue with Normies
on a logical basis. Everything we say will be judged through the lense of "victim vs opressor"
or rather

- the messenger will always judged insead of the message
- they look for the "why" not for the "what" (as in "why are incels saying this" not for "what are incels actually saying")

Their worldview simply does not allow for any other outlook.
And if your worldview only permits evidences which prove what you want to believe,
then arguing is pointless.

By this we can deduce that, anyone who claims the blackpill is an ideology exposes themselves as biased, and, you knowk, actually having an ideology.

For instance, if someone sees a datapoint about women or men they don't like, that does not mean the blackpill or incels
are evil or nihilstic.
It just means the datapoint does not jive with their worldview and how they interpret human behavior.

This principle of power superseeding even elementary logic can be seen elsewhere as well.

Take the current israel-hamas conflict.
Most normies couldn't show you Gaza on a map a few day ago.
Suddenly they care about this shit. In a few months, it will be like it never happened. Remember my words.
They only care because right now, virtue signalling about this distant conflict benefits them
"Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia."

Same for Covid, which essentially only existed in the media.
Ukraine, same shit.
People have already forgotten about Ukraine lmao.

People don't really care about any of this. They care about benefitting themselves.
Studies have shown that virtue signalling about shit like this
is actually indicative of dark triad personality traits.

Signaling virtuous victimhood as indicators of Dark Triad personalities - PubMed

We investigate the consequences and predictors of emitting signals of victimhood and virtue. In our first three studies, we show that the virtuous victim signal can facilitate nonreciprocal resource transfer from others to the signaler. Next, we develop and validate a victim signaling scale that...

One of the most krass examples is children.
Society simply does not value children, or there would be no need for orphanages.
All the children would be off the market already.
It's simple market economics. If children were a sought after commodity, they would be sold out.

And in our case, the classic example would be how they always, unfailingly, reduce the entire subject to
"women most affected."They think catering to foids benefits them.
They look at neutral datapoints and conclude with retarded certainity: "This is about women."
It's not. It's not about shit. It's not about anything.

You could easily look at the same blackpills and conclude that most men are retarded
mentally ill fuckshits that are spending billions of shekles on pictures of naked women.

But they don't draw that conclusion, do they?

Your worldview shapes how you interpret reality.

The blackpill is basically a massive Rorschach test.
What do you see in the inkblobs Johnny?
Do you see a bunch of inkblobs (reality) or do you see a woman getting hurt and you dont like that (bias)?

This is why you can not argue with them.
When you talk to normies, you are not debating facts, you are debating paradigms.
Entire systems of thought.
They don't process information like incels.

To illustrate how it's all just self benefit, look at these examples in which they:

- acknowledge mens plight
- acknowledge lookism
- advocate for actual solutions to these

Basically they admit key points of the blackpill.
Yet when talking to us, they reject them. How come?

a) Yvetlana Vasin

View: https://medium.com/hello-love/stop-saying-looks-dont-matter-7d48d07eea93

Openly admits looks matter. Seemingly understand blackpill.
But then you look her up and she runs this match-making service
to sell trophy hoes to trad-copers in the west:

St. Petersburg Women for Marriage | Meet Your Future Bride

Meet genuine ladies who are looking for love. Register NOW for free and start browsing the profiles of potential partners here at St. Petersburg Women.


So she literally knows that looks matter, but she only uses that konwledge to benefit herself.
Again, they admit looks matter, if it benefits them.

Shits on incels:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJvDMKsy8D8

Then gets a nosejob (lookism):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUbsaPeLWGU

c) Various Looks-Surgery or "rate-me" related subreddits

Reddit - Dive into anything

On all of these subreddits, you see way more women than men.
The women are getting way more attention.

And on the surgery subreddits, the men are gaslight about their looks
while people literally encourage women to get surgeries.
Again, if it benefits them somehow, they absolutely support the blackpill.

Women are hypocrites. This is warfare to them.
The reason why they don't admit we are right is because their worldview inherently
is anti-male.

Men vs. Women: Plastic Surgery Statistics - Crown Valley Cosmetic Surgery

Although it might seem that men are catching up quickly, when it comes to having plastic surgery, this is still a woman’s game by a very large margin. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reveals from its 2014 plastic surgery statistics that women accounted for 92% of all cosmetic...

d) QOVESStudio


Youtube channel with 500k subs talking exclusively about lookism.
Comments often talk about how looks affect life.
If we make these points, we are ridiculed though.

e) Ugly deformed kids getting surgery.
Whenever you see some report or gofuckme with a child that got mauled
by a pitbull or something, people violently scream for jutsice and point out
how the looks of the child will negatively affect it - "i hope he gets surgery
and gets to live a normal life."

So looks suddenly matter?

f) Female Spending
Going away from lookism a bit here.
In my opinion, you can literally explain the entire blackpill just by using
market economics. Things like skewed gender-ratios have a tremendous impact on society.

Take for instance the fact that women make 80-90% of customer purchases alone.

"Women were responsible for 75-85% of consumer spending in the 1930s."

Research Guides: Consumer Advertising During the Great Depression: A Resource Guide: Gender and Advertising

This guide explores primary and secondary sources that examine the advertising industry from 1929 to 1933, including advertising agencies, consumer protection groups, and topical sources on gender, race, and radio in advertising.


"Women make up more than half of the U.S. population, and control or influence 85% of consumer spending"

The Purchasing Power of Women: Statistics | Girlpower Marketing

Women control over $20 trillion in world-wide spending. Learn more about the purchasing power of women, from Millennials to Baby Boomers, in various markets

This is devastating.
It means that women get almost half the money they own from men.
It means that women are probably hiding money from their partners.
It means that women are extremely shallow and materialistic, while guys predominately value women
over material goods.

This is a brutal pill and reflects extremely negatively on women, if your worldview is bluepilled.
However, because of the current culture, this seen as positive by normies.
Just look at the "girlpowermarketing" link above. It's in the name. "Girl Power."

So this seemingly horrific exposure of female nature suddenly becomes morally good, because context.

g) Female Sexual liberation
This one is kind of a funny double standard:
"Women are sexually liberated" - YAY!
"You're mom is a hoe that got bukkaked on camera." - NOOOOOOO

The cognitivie dissonance is very funny to me.
You see this with tradcopers and redpillers a lot.
One one hand they advocate for plowing through as many hoes as possible.
But then they tell you "just find a good wife bro."

So please, why do they so readily agree with our points as long as its not us making them?
You should be able to answer that at this point.
It was nothing to do with the blackpill.

They disagree with us not because they think the blackpill is wrong, but because WE are wrong.
The messenger is the message.
Its warfare. They literally think incels are trying to mog them by flexing the blackpills as a tool for their own ends.
Its that stupid.

When the blackpill benefits them, they use it.

They simply cant grasp that there are mind-independent things in the world
that exist outside of some monkey-brained retarded using them for personal gain.
Everything is personal gain for them.

If we re-framed the entire blackpill to fit Normies worldview,
they would be campaigining to put it into legislature right now.
I am not exaggerating.

Now, children of the sun, I must critique you tsk tsk.

5. How most Incels are not Blackpilled

Many of us are guilty of exactly the same shit I just talked about.

To illustrate:
Incels fall into two categories:

a) The smart ones:
The ones that get the above points on a philosophical level.
I would count people like @WorthlessSlavicShit and @Atavistic Autist among them.
They are mostly interested in information hoarding and research.
I would call these "consistent" incels, as you could reasonably convince them of anything
as long as your points are valid.

b) The dummies:
These are the ones that gives us a bad name.
They operate exactly like normies do. Might is right, self benefit to the max. To them, the blackpill is inconsequential. It does not even matter.
This is more incels than you would think, unfortunately.

Shocking: Normies attitude towards us IS TRUE - when applied to this group.
These are the droves of greycels that wash up on our shores and then disappear within a few months.
These are the dregs of this forum. They engage in loud displays to signal their bonobo group-adherence to the tribe.

They are ones causing constant in-fighting and witchhunts.
They are the ones that are not even blackpilled and will probably get buxxed in the next 20 years.
If "It's just a phase mom" was a person, it would be them.

View: https://youtu.be/dhEfIdXxRuk?t=1032

In this clip, Naama kates, whos been with groups spying on us for years now,
makes this superficially unbelievable assertion:

Most incels leave the blackpill, get buxxed and move on.
When I first heard this it boggled my mind.
How tf can you move on from an observation like "women are 80% of customers?"

I was projecting friends.
Most greycels, most incels are not even blackpilled.
They come here, thinking this is some edgelord shit and then they act the fool to compete for rank in the
hiearchy here. Once it gets boring they move on.

Normiecels are the scourge of incels and give us a bad rep.

In my "Masculinity is a social construct" thread I laid out
how male in-fighting is the norm and how its encouraged by women.

Masculinity is an actual social construct and More - Studies

"You're not a real woman!" Said no one ever. Why? Why does that only work on men? The answer is two-fold 1. women have inherent value, you can't loose your woman card because being a woman is synonymous with having female flesh. 2. masculinity as its propagated by women and society largely...

We are not immune to this.
There is constant fighting on this forum.
Guys, women operate as a very dense hivemind with tentacles everywhere.
They are like a kraken with manifold arms, a beast of immeasurable proportions.
You. Can. Not. Win.

The constant male on male violence we observe on these forums
is literally exactly whats happening in society and why men cant get a foothold against women.
Men compete with men and worship women = 99% of niggas on this forum.

The only people that are fully excempt from this is a handful of autistic niggas
that spend years digging through research papers and other shit
instead of bickering and witchunting on here.

I wish people spend more time actually researching.
One counter to this that will be made: "The blackpill is complete, there is no new data to be found."
This is a hypercope.

It reminds of when people in 1900 literally claimed everything that could be invented had already been invented.

The blackpill is not restricted to looks and dating.

- looks = health
- health = nutrition + genetics
- nutrition + health + genetics = global politics (government food recommendatiosn deliberately fucking up populations)
- global polictics = jewpill, new world order whatever
- politics = philosophy
- philosohpy = argumentation, worldviews, sound reasoning
- etc.

everything intersects and connects and the ride never ends.
If you want to come to the fullness of truth, you have to keep learning.
The reason why a lot of incels will not go down that path is because they are normies.
They will move on. They think it doesn't benefit them to dig deeper.

There is so much we could talk about, so much.
We are men, all of us have cool shit to say.
Instead I see retards getting angry because some dude said something mean in a thread.
If it was a foid many of you would simp.
Shame on you!

You should stop fighting and competing with other men.
Especially on this forum.
You never see women do that shit. They are above that with their insane in group preference.

Another thing to consider:

- Normies and Psychologists want the blackpill to become an actual ideology because its easier to control
- They want to hijack the negative parts of male nature (hyper-competitive, bickering, infighting) against us

To that End, they constantly discourage actual research and high-trust actions on these forums.
If you attack other men on here or IRL, you are no better than women and normie men,
that constantly encourage male on male aggression and
Original post : https://incels.is/threads/why-black...d-how-most-incels-are-not-blackpilled.539524/
this isnt my post buts its very important and needs to be read by more people so i reposted it on this site from .is


Blackpilling Normies always fails.
When Normies try to understand Incels, they never tackle the blackpill itself.
In this thread, we investigate the reasons behind this and shock everyone by exposing
how most incels are just turncoat Tonys, ready to drop the incel moniker in a hearbeat.

Stay Tuned.

1. Introduction: Normies Do Not Understand Us
2. What the Blackpill is
3. What the Blackpill is not
4. Why Normies Fail to Understand Us
5. How a lot of Incels are not Blackpilled
6. Final Thoughts and Doctors Orders
7. Mega.nz link with some goodies

When I first took the blackpill I was excited to know the truth and tried to blackpill people in real life.
All I got was confusion, hostility, gaslighting, social consequences.
I then found out there was a subreddit called r/IncelTear that relentlessly denied the blackpill despite all the evidence.

I watched an IncelTV video someone called Brendio tried to give valid argumentation to the bluepillers he was talking to.
But all they did was mute him and moralfag before kicking him off the stream.
They did not even attempt to make any arguments themselves.

My biggest question was why?
How could they not even engage us when we had so much data on our side?
I've spent the last 5 months or so heavily thinking about this.

There is not much information on why people deny the blackpill so I took it upon myself to find out.
This thread is a collection of information I have come across to make sense of it all.

I hope that this thread gives a good outline to why we get gaslighted about the blackpill.
Thankyou for reading my thoughts.

1. Normies Do Not Understand Us

Baffling to us, Normies always reduce incels and the adjacent blackpill to
a form of rabid emotionalism.

For some reason they reduce the entire subject to Incels being a bunch of angry men.
They act as if incels have no reasons.

(Ironically, they also reduce it to a womans-issue only, thus proving gynocracy exists but I digress)

Even when many of us have tried to expose Normies to the Blackpill.
We linked data, we printed out studies - to no avail.
What is the problem with Normies?

It's clearly not about a lack of good information.

What is happening?
Why are they doing this?
That shall be answered now.

But first, definitions my friends:

2. What the blackpill is:

The blackpill is a body of value-neutral data-points derived from academic research, historical sources and anecdotes.
These findings highlight certain behaviors of both genders.
Since the information is value neutral, meaning it contains no value judgements about women or men,
there is no reason to ascribe any attributes to it, i.e. "nihilstic," "fatalistic," "self-loathing," "mysognistic," etc.

That's it. That's the blackpill.

3. What the blackpill is not:

- It is not an ideology.
- It is not connected to emotions.
- It does not make any value-judgements about either gender (not that it could, it has no personhood).
- The blackpill is not a fatalistic belief system, dreamt up by disatisfied men that hoped for more in life.

In fact, the blackpill is fit for marriage with any worldview whatsoever.
For example, a Christian worldview could easily incorporate the blackpill by simply explaining human behavior
as corrupted by the fall of man in Genesis.
This would be a negative interpretation, suffice to say.

A scientist could incorporate the blackpill into evolutionary psychology.
This would be a neutral take.

What about a postive interpration?
Yes, it is possible!
From the perspective of someone who profits of the blackpill, it is absolutely beautiful my friends!
Imagine a psychopath, or the powers that be... or a marketing agent perhaps...
They would ADORE the blackpill! It would make their life so much easier!

Maybe it has already...

You see friends, my point is this: The blackpill is just this: Nothing.


It pertains to be nothing, it judges not, it holds nobody accountable.
So the question remains: Why is it portrait as such when Normies engage with Incels?

4. Why Normies Fail to Understand Us

It's morality.
Note, I am not saying any party involved is morally superior or inferior.
That is not the argument I am making.

No, I think the problem is the worldview and resulting value judgements of Normies compared to the average incel.
We simply value completely different things and thus interpret everything differently.

Women and Normies interpretation of reality breaks down to self-benefit.
Everything is evaluated first by one criteria:
"Does it benefit me?"
If not, it has no value.

This is also how propaganda works.
You just frame things so normies think it benefits them.
"Your rights to do xyz are being taken away."
Suddenly people care about things they did not even know existed a moment ago.

Here are some common observable normie tropes with this pattern:

a) "You are not entitled to anything."
This is simply logically fallacious. If the statement holds universally true then the person making it would not be entitled
to making it. Are you entitled to your opinion? It is self refuting.

However, this is not why they say it. It does not come from a logical place.
It's a form of violence. They are basically saying, "fuck you, take it up the ass and shut up."
It's a form of might is right. If something benefits them they feel they deserve it and you are not to critize them for that.

If you anyone wants to study up further on this, here are some interesting things to look into:

Self-serving bias - Wikipedia

Fundamental attribution error - Wikipedia

Depressive realism - Wikipedia

b) "That's none of your business."
Ditto. Is it your business to tell me that? What my business is, is none your business. It's circular reasoning when applied consistently.

c) "If you don't do xzy you are a bad person"
"If you don't give money to soup kitchens, you hate poor people."
"If you say something I don't like about women, you hate women."

They don't care about poor people, it's manipulation.

As an autist, it took me years to understand this. I am 26 years old and I still struggle
with people not saying what they mean.

Their verbal output is not indentical to their internal monologue.
However, we can approximate based on their actions.

One example of this that we already mentioned is that normies defend things that benefit them as if they are moral goods.
If it benefits them, them they win in their own head, and because they win (benefit), they verbally express that its "valuable."
But this does not mean it's actually good in their eyes. It just means it benefits them.

Acting Good = Being Good.
"Anything that benefits me is good."

With women in particular this goes as far as "not being punished = being rewarded."

This is also why the predominant female power fantasy in movies is playing the villian and getting away with it.
In the recent hitshow "Fleabag," beloved by women, the POV main character is a essentially
a narcisstic psycho who treats people in her life as objects, especially men.

For instance, she is aroused by a priest and simply lables him "hot priest."
This is how women actually see people. Utilities.
Even Chad is only viewed as a utility - "hot guy."

Suffice to say, by the end of the show the evil main foid just walks off, no punishment, no consequences.
Art imitates life.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSAJEXZIrvA

Scientifically this has been noted prior by people like Kohlberg
(shoutout to @Cybersex is our hope who first made me aware of this with his thread ):

Kohlberg and the Stages of Moral Development

Please look at the above picture.

Kohlberg tried to quantify morality in a model.
Most people are stuck on the lower 1-3 levels, especially women.

Everything is about self-benefit and punishment reward.
You know how kids go through that annoying phase where they pester their parens with questions?
That phase never stops.

Grown people still turn to authority figures for all questions in life.
That's where they get their morality from.
They test boundaries, like kids. If they don't get punished, they feel a rush.
Nothing changes since childhood.
It's just more subtle.

One example from Nazi Germany:
Most germans did not care about Nazi ideology. Not surprising since most people back then
had like a 6th grade education and began working at 14.

So how did the Nazis activate Normies to support the war effort?
By framing the entire thing through the lense of self-benefit.
Fear in particular.

Just like during the american civil war, most people fighting probably were not ideologically motivated.
Some feared for their homes, some probably thought the army was a great deal.
A lot of guys also said the uniform seemed to attracted bitches, so they joined.

The Nazi Flag is a good example.
It's symbolism escapes most people nowadays, so let me explain:


The red literally is meant to symbolize Communism.
Communism surrounds a small group of Nazis, allmost swallowing them.
Most germans fought because they feared a communist takeover.

You can only manipulate people by appealing to base instincts.

As Edward Bernays wrote in "Propaganda:"

Bernays - Propaganda.pdf

PROPAGANDA By EDWARD L. BERNAYS. 1928. CONTENTS I. ORGANIZING CHAOS .................................................. 9. II. THE NEW PROPAGANDA ............................................ 19. III. THE NEW PROPAGANDISTS. 32. IV. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PUBLIC RELATIONS. 47. V. BUSINESS AND THE...

What he is getting at is that the Propagandist can not create new instincts in people.
It can only appeal to existing ones by attacking or arousing them.
For example, the attacking principle is mostly used on men:


Whereas the arousing principle is mostly used on women.
That's why most products nowadays have cartoon characters on them and why 80-90% of customer purchases are done by women.

Charles Manson is another example.
All the foids that he "manipulated" talk about him like he was this high IQ genius.
Meanwhile his male friend had this to say about him:


Just lol.

Going back to Kohlberg and Normies simplistic "might-is-right" worldview:
If someone is on a certain stage of moral development, then they project that you are on that level as well.

Incels are the only group that critiques itself due to operating mostly on the higher, principle-based stage of moral development.
In research, this is conflated as incels being "self-loathing." In reality, it's just being realistic.

Again, they are applying value judgements to the blackpill.
The value judgement that the blackpill is "self-loathing," "depressing," etc... comes from a worldview
that presupposes that certain things are morally negative. These values are not inherent to the blackpill at all.

To give one example, look at this footnote from a paper on incels:


The Sense in Senseless Violence: Male Reproductive Strategy and the Modern Sexual Marketplace as Contributors to Violent Extremism

- supremacy (value judgement)
- hatred (value judgement)
- entitlement (value judgement)

None of this has anything to do with the blackpill.
All of these are presuppositions that come from a very specific worldview that interprets data
in a very specific way. They are not "brute facts" at all.

Humans project their worldview onto other people.
"We don't see the world as it is, but as we are."

The blackpill has nothing to do with value judgments at all. As I said earlier, the blackpill can be outright
invigorating if your worldview interprets it that way.

When we understand this, it becomes clear that it's not Normies fault that they cant be blackpilled.
They dont have the reasoning for it, or rather, their biased self serving worldview simply does not allow certain kind of evidences, because these evidences contradict their unfounded moral pre-suppositions.

We project a sense of justice on normies that doesnt exist
Its not their fault, they just cant think beyond their biased Worldview.

At 32:08 in this clip, known CIA asset and also-happens-to-be-a-famous-writer Kurt Vonnegut
explains how he made the same experience working as an anthropologist:

View: https://youtu.be/eLwe-EFUF-A?t=1928

This is why its impossible to blackpill normies.

From their perspective, where everything is group-dynamics, power-struggles, might-is-right,
When you show them the blackpill, you are asking them to support a group of males viewed as evil, over ALL women. That includes their sisters, cousins, mother, aunts, wives, girlfriends, female friends.

In reality, you are not asking them to support anything though.
It's simply too much too ask. In order to understand the blackpill, you need to put aside bias, self interest etc.

"It's the hallmark of intelligence to be able to entertain a thought without being consumed by it."
- Some greek faggot

This is also why women deny the blackpill despite obviously knowing about it (obsessed with looks, make up etc).
It does not benefit them to give away their tricks.

Chaps, I can't get into it but I would highly encourage reading the original Milgram Experiment text.

Stanley Milgram - Obedience to Authority_ An Experimental View-Tavistock Publications Ltd (1974).pdf

View and download Stanley Milgram - Obedience to Authority_ An Experimental View-Tavistock Publications Ltd (1974).pdf on DocDroid

They basically made people shock someone to death with a little push of authority.
And most normies went along with it, for the reasons I mentioned (lower morality - a priest for example did not go along with it, go figure).

Basically, everything is subjugated to "benefit or no benefit?"
Lying? Fine, as long as you benefit.
Ignoring or Misrepresenting Evidence? Fine, as long as you benefit.

Everything in their worldview is reduced to utility to the self.
If it does not benefit them, it is useless.

The reason why they don't acknowledge the blackpill when talking about Incels has nothing to do with

- them not getting the blackpill (they do, evidence later)
- them not understanding incels plight
- they don't benefit from agreeing with incels, so they dont

It's about warfare. They project that we use knowledge the same way they do: As a weapon to benefit ourselves.
We don't. Or at least not all of us. I will call you guys out later :D

Normies break everything down to a power-struggle.
Punishment vs. Reward.
Victim vs. Opressor.

So from their perspective, the blackpill is...

-> A bunch of shit a bunch of angry men say to get their way.

This is where all their claims come from
- "incels only want stacies"
- "incels are entitled"
- "incels are violent"

None of this shit has anything to do with the blackpill.
They are projecting their infantile "might-is-right" morality onto a dataset that has nothing to do with morality at all.
If we go by what Kohlberg illustrated, many people may not even be capable of surpassing this kind of thinking.

They literally believe we only care about the blackpill because it benefits us.
So they jump to the conclusion, "well, this is all about getting what you want anyway" -> "incels are entitled"

This goes into another thing they do: Intentional display.
I said prior, they think acting like a good person = being a good person.

Just imagine a child thinking its good because it follows its parents instructions.
Newsflash: You are not good for acting good. Nobody can act agains their own will, ALL actions are self-serving.

If the children comparison seems derogatory to you, you have learned nothing up to this point.
(pshht, its only derogatory if you dont get what im saying about how worldviews shape value judgements ;) - you only think its derogatory because you think children are retarded and you dont value them OH NOOO YOU DONT WANT TO THINK THAT DO YOU? BAD BAAD)

This is devastating friends, because it means that we will never, and I mean never, be able to argue with Normies
on a logical basis. Everything we say will be judged through the lense of "victim vs opressor"
or rather

- the messenger will always judged insead of the message
- they look for the "why" not for the "what" (as in "why are incels saying this" not for "what are incels actually saying")

Their worldview simply does not allow for any other outlook.
And if your worldview only permits evidences which prove what you want to believe,
then arguing is pointless.

By this we can deduce that, anyone who claims the blackpill is an ideology exposes themselves as biased, and, you knowk, actually having an ideology.

For instance, if someone sees a datapoint about women or men they don't like, that does not mean the blackpill or incels
are evil or nihilstic.
It just means the datapoint does not jive with their worldview and how they interpret human behavior.

This principle of power superseeding even elementary logic can be seen elsewhere as well.

Take the current israel-hamas conflict.
Most normies couldn't show you Gaza on a map a few day ago.
Suddenly they care about this shit. In a few months, it will be like it never happened. Remember my words.
They only care because right now, virtue signalling about this distant conflict benefits them
"Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia."

Same for Covid, which essentially only existed in the media.
Ukraine, same shit.
People have already forgotten about Ukraine lmao.

People don't really care about any of this. They care about benefitting themselves.
Studies have shown that virtue signalling about shit like this
is actually indicative of dark triad personality traits.

Signaling virtuous victimhood as indicators of Dark Triad personalities - PubMed

We investigate the consequences and predictors of emitting signals of victimhood and virtue. In our first three studies, we show that the virtuous victim signal can facilitate nonreciprocal resource transfer from others to the signaler. Next, we develop and validate a victim signaling scale that...

One of the most krass examples is children.
Society simply does not value children, or there would be no need for orphanages.
All the children would be off the market already.
It's simple market economics. If children were a sought after commodity, they would be sold out.

And in our case, the classic example would be how they always, unfailingly, reduce the entire subject to
"women most affected."They think catering to foids benefits them.
They look at neutral datapoints and conclude with retarded certainity: "This is about women."
It's not. It's not about shit. It's not about anything.

You could easily look at the same blackpills and conclude that most men are retarded
mentally ill fuckshits that are spending billions of shekles on pictures of naked women.

But they don't draw that conclusion, do they?

Your worldview shapes how you interpret reality.

The blackpill is basically a massive Rorschach test.
What do you see in the inkblobs Johnny?
Do you see a bunch of inkblobs (reality) or do you see a woman getting hurt and you dont like that (bias)?

This is why you can not argue with them.
When you talk to normies, you are not debating facts, you are debating paradigms.
Entire systems of thought.
They don't process information like incels.

To illustrate how it's all just self benefit, look at these examples in which they:

- acknowledge mens plight
- acknowledge lookism
- advocate for actual solutions to these

Basically they admit key points of the blackpill.
Yet when talking to us, they reject them. How come?

a) Yvetlana Vasin

View: https://medium.com/hello-love/stop-saying-looks-dont-matter-7d48d07eea93

Openly admits looks matter. Seemingly understand blackpill.
But then you look her up and she runs this match-making service
to sell trophy hoes to trad-copers in the west:

St. Petersburg Women for Marriage | Meet Your Future Bride

Meet genuine ladies who are looking for love. Register NOW for free and start browsing the profiles of potential partners here at St. Petersburg Women.


So she literally knows that looks matter, but she only uses that konwledge to benefit herself.
Again, they admit looks matter, if it benefits them.

Shits on incels:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJvDMKsy8D8

Then gets a nosejob (lookism):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUbsaPeLWGU

c) Various Looks-Surgery or "rate-me" related subreddits

Reddit - Dive into anything

On all of these subreddits, you see way more women than men.
The women are getting way more attention.

And on the surgery subreddits, the men are gaslight about their looks
while people literally encourage women to get surgeries.
Again, if it benefits them somehow, they absolutely support the blackpill.

Women are hypocrites. This is warfare to them.
The reason why they don't admit we are right is because their worldview inherently
is anti-male.

Men vs. Women: Plastic Surgery Statistics - Crown Valley Cosmetic Surgery

Although it might seem that men are catching up quickly, when it comes to having plastic surgery, this is still a woman’s game by a very large margin. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reveals from its 2014 plastic surgery statistics that women accounted for 92% of all cosmetic...

d) QOVESStudio


Youtube channel with 500k subs talking exclusively about lookism.
Comments often talk about how looks affect life.
If we make these points, we are ridiculed though.

e) Ugly deformed kids getting surgery.
Whenever you see some report or gofuckme with a child that got mauled
by a pitbull or something, people violently scream for jutsice and point out
how the looks of the child will negatively affect it - "i hope he gets surgery
and gets to live a normal life."

So looks suddenly matter?

f) Female Spending
Going away from lookism a bit here.
In my opinion, you can literally explain the entire blackpill just by using
market economics. Things like skewed gender-ratios have a tremendous impact on society.

Take for instance the fact that women make 80-90% of customer purchases alone.

"Women were responsible for 75-85% of consumer spending in the 1930s."

Research Guides: Consumer Advertising During the Great Depression: A Resource Guide: Gender and Advertising

This guide explores primary and secondary sources that examine the advertising industry from 1929 to 1933, including advertising agencies, consumer protection groups, and topical sources on gender, race, and radio in advertising.


"Women make up more than half of the U.S. population, and control or influence 85% of consumer spending"

The Purchasing Power of Women: Statistics | Girlpower Marketing

Women control over $20 trillion in world-wide spending. Learn more about the purchasing power of women, from Millennials to Baby Boomers, in various markets

This is devastating.
It means that women get almost half the money they own from men.
It means that women are probably hiding money from their partners.
It means that women are extremely shallow and materialistic, while guys predominately value women
over material goods.

This is a brutal pill and reflects extremely negatively on women, if your worldview is bluepilled.
However, because of the current culture, this seen as positive by normies.
Just look at the "girlpowermarketing" link above. It's in the name. "Girl Power."

So this seemingly horrific exposure of female nature suddenly becomes morally good, because context.

g) Female Sexual liberation
This one is kind of a funny double standard:
"Women are sexually liberated" - YAY!
"You're mom is a hoe that got bukkaked on camera." - NOOOOOOO

The cognitivie dissonance is very funny to me.
You see this with tradcopers and redpillers a lot.
One one hand they advocate for plowing through as many hoes as possible.
But then they tell you "just find a good wife bro."

So please, why do they so readily agree with our points as long as its not us making them?
You should be able to answer that at this point.
It was nothing to do with the blackpill.

They disagree with us not because they think the blackpill is wrong, but because WE are wrong.
The messenger is the message.
Its warfare. They literally think incels are trying to mog them by flexing the blackpills as a tool for their own ends.
Its that stupid.

When the blackpill benefits them, they use it.

They simply cant grasp that there are mind-independent things in the world
that exist outside of some monkey-brained retarded using them for personal gain.
Everything is personal gain for them.

If we re-framed the entire blackpill to fit Normies worldview,
they would be campaigining to put it into legislature right now.
I am not exaggerating.

Now, children of the sun, I must critique you tsk tsk.

5. How most Incels are not Blackpilled

Many of us are guilty of exactly the same shit I just talked about.

To illustrate:
Incels fall into two categories:

a) The smart ones:
The ones that get the above points on a philosophical level.
I would count people like @WorthlessSlavicShit and @Atavistic Autist among them.
They are mostly interested in information hoarding and research.
I would call these "consistent" incels, as you could reasonably convince them of anything
as long as your points are valid.

b) The dummies:
These are the ones that gives us a bad name.
They operate exactly like normies do. Might is right, self benefit to the max. To them, the blackpill is inconsequential. It does not even matter.
This is more incels than you would think, unfortunately.

Shocking: Normies attitude towards us IS TRUE - when applied to this group.
These are the droves of greycels that wash up on our shores and then disappear within a few months.
These are the dregs of this forum. They engage in loud displays to signal their bonobo group-adherence to the tribe.

They are ones causing constant in-fighting and witchhunts.
They are the ones that are not even blackpilled and will probably get buxxed in the next 20 years.
If "It's just a phase mom" was a person, it would be them.

View: https://youtu.be/dhEfIdXxRuk?t=1032

In this clip, Naama kates, whos been with groups spying on us for years now,
makes this superficially unbelievable assertion:

Most incels leave the blackpill, get buxxed and move on.
When I first heard this it boggled my mind.
How tf can you move on from an observation like "women are 80% of customers?"

I was projecting friends.
Most greycels, most incels are not even blackpilled.
They come here, thinking this is some edgelord shit and then they act the fool to compete for rank in the
hiearchy here. Once it gets boring they move on.

Normiecels are the scourge of incels and give us a bad rep.

In my "Masculinity is a social construct" thread I laid out
how male in-fighting is the norm and how its encouraged by women.

Masculinity is an actual social construct and More - Studies

"You're not a real woman!" Said no one ever. Why? Why does that only work on men? The answer is two-fold 1. women have inherent value, you can't loose your woman card because being a woman is synonymous with having female flesh. 2. masculinity as its propagated by women and society largely...

We are not immune to this.
There is constant fighting on this forum.
Guys, women operate as a very dense hivemind with tentacles everywhere.
They are like a kraken with manifold arms, a beast of immeasurable proportions.
You. Can. Not. Win.

The constant male on male violence we observe on these forums
is literally exactly whats happening in society and why men cant get a foothold against women.
Men compete with men and worship women = 99% of niggas on this forum.

The only people that are fully excempt from this is a handful of autistic niggas
that spend years digging through research papers and other shit
instead of bickering and witchunting on here.

I wish people spend more time actually researching.
One counter to this that will be made: "The blackpill is complete, there is no new data to be found."
This is a hypercope.

It reminds of when people in 1900 literally claimed everything that could be invented had already been invented.

The blackpill is not restricted to looks and dating.

- looks = health
- health = nutrition + genetics
- nutrition + health + genetics = global politics (government food recommendatiosn deliberately fucking up populations)
- global polictics = jewpill, new world order whatever
- politics = philosophy
- philosohpy = argumentation, worldviews, sound reasoning
- etc.

everything intersects and connects and the ride never ends.
If you want to come to the fullness of truth, you have to keep learning.
The reason why a lot of incels will not go down that path is because they are normies.
They will move on. They think it doesn't benefit them to dig deeper.

There is so much we could talk about, so much.
We are men, all of us have cool shit to say.
Instead I see retards getting angry because some dude said something mean in a thread.
If it was a foid many of you would simp.
Shame on you!

You should stop fighting and competing with other men.
Especially on this forum.
You never see women do that shit. They are above that with their insane in group preference.

Another thing to consider:

- Normies and Psychologists want the blackpill to become an actual ideology because its easier to control
- They want to hijack the negative parts of male nature (hyper-competitive, bickering, infighting) against us

To that End, they constantly discourage actual research and high-trust actions on these forums.
If you attack other men on here or IRL, you are no better than women and normie men,
that constantly encourage male on male aggression and competition.


6. Final Thoughts and Doctors Orders:

I hope I could illustrate why its impossible for Normies to be blackpilled.
And also, why many incels are not really blackpilled.

Honestly, black pillers and blue pillers just shouldnt talk to eachother, as communication is not possible
Women will NEVER say that looks matter unless it benefits them somehow.

And the final pill for today:
If people were capable of understanding these problems they would have already been fixed.
If there was a solution, there would be no market.

@Atavistic Autist

7. Mega.nz link with some goodies

mega.nz file with some of the stuff mentioned in thread (books, videos):

890.8 MB folder on MEGA

Holy DNR😭
you are delusional normies know looks matter specially in dating. they just don’t wanna admit it infront of others or whenever someone asks for dating advances, They don’t possess extreme beliefs like ”if you’re not a chad it’s over” saying attractive ppl get more partners is like water is wet
I did not read all of this but I don't agree.
Normies, especially women KNOW everything about the black pill because their real life experience has reflected this. They know that ugly people are worthless, looks matter most, etc, but they also recognize that pretending that this is not true is necessary for society to remain functional. Do you really believe a woman when she tells you that she "didn't know" ugly guys have a hard time for example? She knows, because she is the one giving these shrimp dicked faggots a hard time. But only ugly subhuman ppl complain about it/talk about it so they get targeted for being a member of the out group, purely because people need someone to beat down on, and marking yourself as an outsider makes it even more acceptable to abuse you.

this is also why normalfags hate pedophiles so much, they just need an an outlet for their hatred. Every man knows women are ugly past age 18 , but they cant admit it because they would be ostracized
Tldr; I like 13 Yr old girls

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