Can we stop coping? Height means nothing

Is height meaningless?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 13.3%
  • No

    Votes: 91 86.7%

  • Total voters
Fuck off. If I was 6'1" or taller, I could be intimidating to other men, get respect, and never get made fun of. If I was 6'1" or taller I would be so much happier about my life even if I don't get laid.

Maybe it doesn't work for you cause you're probably just an anorexic faggot.

healthy weight men (ESPECIALLY when gymmaxxed) above 6'1" are intimidating and get respect.

you could do the same by acting like a fucking psycho trust me I've seen it, it's the vibe you give off.

I know a 5'8-5'8.5 framecel but he's negative inhibition and people are terrified of him. Not one person in my group will contest him, not even the 6'2-6'4 guys. Ofc it would be even worse if he was taller but it's not like you can't be intimidating as a short guy, it's just harder

now ofc attraction is another story
Such a cope man.Height is so fucking important for everything you guys have no idea
Litterally so many advantages
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you could do the same by acting like a fucking psycho trust me I've seen it, it's the vibe you give off.

I know a 5'8-5'8.5 framecel but he's negative inhibition and people are terrified of him. Not one person in my group will contest him, not even the 6'2-6'4 guys. Ofc it would be even worse if he was taller but it's not like you can't be intimidating as a short guy, it's just harder

now ofc attraction is another story
He could be an outlier or something idk. Does he also happen to have any fighting background?
Such a cope man.Height is so fucking important for everything you guys have no idea
Litterally so many advantages
No it's useless in terms of attracting a female. They only care about face, regardless of what they say
  • JFL
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No it's useless in terms of attracting a female. They only care about face, regardless of what they say
Bro Its not even a debate that girls like tall guys even if they arent that good looking.
Ive seen it endless times
Its no debate
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Reactions: CurryCel and Deleted member 4332
Height only really matters in brackets. Meaning everyone under 6'2" is more or less the same. 6'2" - 6'5" gives an advantage over everyone under 6'2". And anyone 6'6" or taller has a DOM advantage over everyone short than 6'6".

Good looks matters for your bracket. But someone in the next taller bracket will DOM you even if you are good-looking

Example: Sean O'Pry is 6'1". He has a lot of female friends and has interacted with a lot of models over the past decade. Since most of them are at least 5'9", they want a Chad who is way taller than 6'1". O'Pry gets cucked by athlete Chads who are 6'5", even though he is really good-looking

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No it's useless in terms of attracting a female. They only care about face, regardless of what they say
You are joking right?
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He could be an outlier or something idk. Does he also happen to have any fighting background?

Nah he's smaller than me in every way and I'm not a big guy at all and I scare people far less often despite this. He has a decent face but it's his behaviour that terrifies people. It's not common at all tho, 95% of people act pretty similarly among most situations you encounter IRL.

Unfortunately the black pill whilst beneficial for improving yourself or getting the peace of mind knowing it's not really your fault etc it definitely failos the way you act, I have a hard time dealing with intrusive black pill thinking when I'm out and about socialising. You could spin this and go all out with increasing criminal vibes but ofc not everyone wants to do this

such is life as a genetic lottery not winner
No I'm not joking, I've never seen a virgin attractive short guy. However there are plenty of incel sub 3psl tall guys

every single part of your entire being matters bro. Straight facts.
  • +1
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Okay bro keep coping that it's your height that's making you unattractive
Face>height .. but height is still really important. It can halo your face big time.
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Reactions: TheEndHasNoEnd, Subhuman trash and Deleted member 4332
No I'm not joking, I've never seen a virgin attractive short guy. However there are plenty of incel sub 3psl tall guys
Define short?
No it's useless in terms of attracting a female. They only care about face, regardless of what they say
Not true.

If they had a choice between a 190cm 6/10 face guy and a 170cm 6/10 face guy, 100% they would pick the 190cm guy without hesitation.

Even a less extreme example like 180cm 6/10 vs 170cm 6/10 applies here.
There’s no way anyone even remotely blackpilled would actually believe this. You probably made the thread to instigate some feisty reactions.
  • +1
Reactions: TheEndHasNoEnd and Deleted member 4332
insane levels of cope. height only doesnt matter if ur 6'1 and above
insane levels of cope. height only doesnt matter if ur 6'1 and above
Your the one who is coping jfl. The only thing that matters is face
man theres so many chadlite manletcels who'd kill for your height and youre taking it for granted...

Height is literally as important as face
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Don't take it to the extreme. Everything 5'6 and above gives no greater SMV.
Lmao anyone who says height doesnt matter is coping hard
Lmao anyone who says height doesnt matter is coping hard
Ur the one who is coping, nothing would change if a 2psl face went from 5'6 to 6'1. In fact, it would make that person's SMV go DOWN from getting taller
Ur the one who is coping, nothing would change if a 2psl face went from 5'6 to 6'1. In fact, it would make that person's SMV go DOWN from getting taller
No it would not go down. It would stay the same or slightly increase.

Going from 5'6" to 6'1" adds at most 0.25 SMV points if you're 2psl

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