Can you be too attractive?

Deleted member 10413

Deleted member 10413

Oct 23, 2020
My logic is:

1. Women have to pay a very high cost in a long term relationship (they have to carry around a parasite in there stomach for 9 months)
2. Because of this high cost women are going to be careful when choosing a long term partner. They need to be certain that you won't leave them.
3. An attractive male could leave a girl at any time so she will never be able to develop that certainty

Real life Scenario:
>Chico goes on a date with a 5/10 girl
>The girl wants to LTR Chico but feels like he is "too" attractive and could leave her at any time so she feels uncertain about being in an LTR

Whereas if this was just a 6/10 or 7/10 guy (rather than chico) the girl would feel much more comfortable about being in a long term relationship
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i think this not is the real foid nature,but yes foids are insecure with chad
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jfl no
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most girls nowdays get 'aproached' through social media and by that, most are average guys
and if they are not, most suck at making photos..
can you realize how horny girl would get if she gets to have date irl with hot guy?
i woudnt certainly not dump a 9/10 girl before i f' her..
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My logic is:

1. Women have to pay a very high cost in a long term relationship (they have to carry around a parasite in there stomach for 9 months)
2. Because of this high cost women are going to be careful when choosing a long term partner. They need to be certain that you won't leave them.
3. An attractive male could leave a girl at any time so she will never be able to develop that certainty

Real life Scenario:
>Chico goes on a date with a 5/10 girl
>The girl wants to LTR Chico but feels like he is "too" attractive and could leave her at any time so she feels insecure about being in an LTR

Whereas if this was just a 6/10 or 7/10 guy (rather than chico) the girl would feel much more comfortable about being in a long term relationship
I see where you're coming from. But with the insane hypergamy and standards of foids in the 21st century especially, I have no sympathy for them. FUCK THEM. And there is no "too attractive" everyone here should be striving for their genetic potential. But I see where you're coming from OP, decent thread but im getting simp, beta vibes jfl @Grimba
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My logic is:

1. Women have to pay a very high cost in a long term relationship (they have to carry around a parasite in there stomach for 9 months)
2. Because of this high cost women are going to be careful when choosing a long term partner. They need to be certain that you won't leave them.
3. An attractive male could leave a girl at any time so she will never be able to develop that certainty

Real life Scenario:
>Chico goes on a date with a 5/10 girl
>The girl wants to LTR Chico but feels like he is "too" attractive and could leave her at any time so she feels insecure.

Whereas if this was just a 6/10 or 7/10 guy (rather than chico) the girl would feel much more comfortable about being in a long term relationship
This hasn't been the case for a long time, however socially it has been the case because women culturally and socially would lose value if they were single mothers.

However, recently this has changed. More and more women are happy to get children with men they know almost 100% will end up leaving them. Further, because of SoMe and hypergamy, most women really do feel entitled to Chad, and has to go through a long process of slowly lowering her standards until the biological clock starts seriously ticking, at which point they give up and settle with a man they don't find attractive.

An example:


This guy (6'1) got rejected by this girl (they are reality TV participants)


In 10 years, she would DIE to be with him (I think he is objectively clearly above her in terms of SMV), but as it stands she is convinced her SMV is higher than his.
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No, you can't be too attractive. However, your attractiveness might intimidate and cause women to avoid you because they are so nervous around you due to being attracted to you - but this is good since they are attracted to you, although the attraction manifests in a bad way in this case.

Also why would Chico go on date with a 5/10 girl?

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No. The government financially supports single mothers with welfare checks and they're seen as heroes in society. Hypergamy for Chad is legally protected.
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Only marriage can safe us
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Only marriage can safe us
Marriage is like walking on eggshells in this era. If you manage to find a good young wife then it's cool but majority would just slut it up in college marry you for betabuxx and divorce rape you afterwards.
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1. Women have to pay a very high cost in a long term relationship (they have to carry around a parasite in there stomach for 9 months)
2. Because of this high cost women are going to be careful when choosing a long term partner. They need to be certain that you won't leave them.
3. An attractive male could leave a girl at any time so she will never be able to develop that certainty
I thought of the same justification of betabuxx / dual mating strategy earlier today. Before I thought it was because they couldn't GET chad for an LTR, and then I realized it was because they thought they couldn't KEEP chad for an LTR. Then women using the DMS and men not using the DMS is just a result of bateman's principle.
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LTRs are cope, love doesn't exist

when girls see a chad their primal instincts take over, and their primal instinct just says "MAKE HIM IMPREGNATE ME RIGHT NOW"
on top of that, they bluepill themselves into thinking it's not about his looks but his personality, they apply personality traits to him that he may or may not possess and convince themselves that THAT'S why she's with him. She would crawl through broken glass to ltr the chaddest of chads, but most are realistic and know that the best they can hope for from chad is a quick pump and dump.
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My logic is:

1. Women have to pay a very high cost in a long term relationship (they have to carry around a parasite in there stomach for 9 months)
2. Because of this high cost women are going to be careful when choosing a long term partner. They need to be certain that you won't leave them.
3. An attractive male could leave a girl at any time so she will never be able to develop that certainty

Real life Scenario:
>Chico goes on a date with a 5/10 girl
>The girl wants to LTR Chico but feels like he is "too" attractive and could leave her at any time so she feels uncertain about being in an LTR

Whereas if this was just a 6/10 or 7/10 guy (rather than chico) the girl would feel much more comfortable about being in a long term relationship

Funny you bring up Chico, since I have long contended that it's actually more ugly looking females (and gay men) who like men that look like him (or Jungkook, or Harry Styles, etc.) because he seems "safe" and non-threatening and ergo is a safe outlet for sexual fantasies (of which female sexuality is very narcissistic: Keep in mind that women enjoy yaoi precisely because they have trouble with masturbating to normal erotica as jealousy of characters in the fantasy often arises).

Notice that all the hottest, most attractive Stacies wouldn't be caught dead thirsting after a Jungkook or Chico or Harry Styles: It's always the unattractive, nerdy, socially awkward girls who enjoy these men since (in their minds) they are a far more approachable chadlite than say, someone like Liam Hemsworth, Viggo Mortensen or Cillian Murphy (in biopsychology, one could say that she has relegated the more 'chad' men to her older sisters) to which I reiterate: Young girls thirst over men like Chico precisely because they feel like they would be rejected by an older, more dominant chad who just makes them feel sexual tension that they can't control: But usually, the most attractive girls will usually go for the basketball players, footballer chads, bodybuilders, gang members, etc.

I think most men don't realise that women see softer looking men not as more attractive, but just as a safer bet from their sexual tempests getting out of control:

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Funny you bring up Chico, since I have long contended that it's actually more ugly looking females (and gay men) who like men that look like him (or Jungkook, or Harry Styles, etc.) because he seems "safe" and non-threatening and ergo is a safe outlet for sexual fantasies (of which female sexuality is very narcissistic: Keep in mind that women enjoy yaoi precisely because they have trouble with masturbating to normal erotica as jealousy of characters in the fantasy often arises).

Notice that all the hottest, most attractive Stacies wouldn't be caught dead thirsting after a Jungkook or Chico or Harry Styles: It's always the unattractive, nerdy, socially awkward girls who enjoy these men since (in their minds) they are a far more approachable chadlite than say, someone like Liam Hemsworth, Viggo Mortensen or Cillian Murphy (in biopsychology, one could say that she has relegated the more 'chad' men to her older sisters) to which I reiterate: Young girls thirst over men like Chico precisely because they feel like they would be rejected by an older, more dominant chad who just makes them feel sexual tension that they can't control: But usually, the most attractive girls will usually go for the basketball players, footballer chads, bodybuilders, gang members, etc.

I think most men don't realise that women see softer looking men not as more attractive, but just as a safer bet from their sexual tempests getting out of control:

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I think there is some merit to what you are saying here. Chicos "type" is sub optimal in terms of attracting the most picky women. The most picky women will prefer the men who appears the most status - displaying the best genetics via sexual dimorphic traits and status by being masculine and tall. On top of that, Prime Chico was early twenties. This obviously lends itself to younger girls as it is more socially acceptable and likely for younger girls to be with somewhat younger men compared to older men. As such, Prime Chico would have limited access to the best women just because of his age when he was at his prime. If he hit his prime now, he would have universal access to women of all ages.

However, as is the case with Chico and a select few others of his "type", his genetics are simply so superior to other men that I believe it completely offsets his lack of pure masculinity.

Consider this




Clearly, Hemsworth appears more masculine because of his facial hair and rough features. But I think most women would view Chico as clearly more facially attractive.

On top of that, whether someone is approachable or not is a lot more tied to body language than purely looks. Women generally don't approach men, they have more safe, indirect methods like different ways of displaying IOIs.
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There is no logic in women's thinking.
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Clearly, Hemsworth appears more masculine because of his facial hair and rough features. But I think most women would view Chico as clearly more facially attractive.

I think this only proves my point though: most women *aren't* attractive, they are average, so someone like Chico is most popular because he appeals to the mean, not because he actually is the most appealing to the most attractive, desirable women
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On top of that, whether someone is approachable or not is a lot more tied to body language than purely looks. Women generally don't approach men, they have more safe, indirect methods like different ways of displaying IOIs.

If women do approach men, it's always someone like Chico and never someone like Liam Hemsworth (though let's be honest, due to statusmaxxing they both have stalkers), because a man like Hemsworth is expected to approach them and just take whatever the fuck he wants, when he wants--Perhaps the reason why a lot of men want to appeal to the same demographic of girls that thirsts after Chico Lachowski and less after Hemsworth is a way of coping with a more submissive, timid mindset that desires the approach of a woman for validation, much the way girls cope by thirsting on Chico?

Nature really does have a way of balancing itself out.
i think this not is the real foid nature,but yes foids are insecure with chad

They call him a 'player' when they find him attractive, want to fuck, but don't want to date
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If women do approach men, it's always someone like Chico and never someone like Liam Hemsworth (though let's be honest, due to statusmaxxing they both have stalkers), because a man like Hemsworth is expected to approach them and just take whatever the fuck he wants, when he wants--Perhaps the reason why a lot of men want to appeal to the same demographic of girls that thirsts after Chico Lachowski and less after Hemsworth is a way of coping with a more submissive, timid mindset that desires the approach of a woman for validation, much the way girls cope by thirsting on Chico?

Nature really does have a way of balancing itself out.
True, and I think age is a major factor in this, as you mentioned. As an example, Chris Hemsworth:


Young, innocent, approachable even though he is displaying masculine traits


Older, more imposing, high status, powerful
True, and I think age is a major factor in this, as you mentioned. As an example, Chris Hemsworth:


Young, innocent, approachable even though he is displaying masculine traits


Older, more imposing, high status, powerful

Women will fantacise about the former while fingerbanging to the latter, if that makes sense
View attachment 1101997

No. The government financially supports single mothers with welfare checks and they're seen as heroes in society. Hypergamy for Chad is legally protected.
This stats show children who are born to unmarried parents, not to single mothers.

Many black and hispanic couples have kids without getting married, so the kids are born to cohabitating parents. Around 70% of hispanic kids and 45% of black kids are living with two parents:
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Grimbo tier thread
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no if Eva wanted to ltr me id do it ill stay with her forever even if shes perfect in terms of looks to me
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no if Eva wanted to ltr me id do it ill stay with her forever even if shes perfect in terms of looks to me
I dicked her down at a frat party 3 weeks ago
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grumbo tier thread
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Alphafucks and betabux nothing new.
And today's women will have children after the age of 25, when they hit the wall and had several orgies with Chad
Grimba threads are comfy bros. But no, you can't be too good looking
For LTR, yes.

For ONS, no.
No, you can't be too attractive. However, your attractiveness might intimidate and cause women to avoid you because they are so nervous around you due to being attracted to you - but this is good since they are attracted to you, although the attraction manifests in a bad way in this case.

Also why would Chico go on date with a 5/10 girl?

Can you be too masculine looking?
This stats show children who are born to unmarried parents, not to single mothers.

Many black and hispanic couples have kids without getting married, so the kids are born to cohabitating parents. Around 70% of hispanic kids and 45% of black kids are living with two parents:
Still equates to 30% of hispanic and 55% of black girls being Chad-chasers.
Funny you bring up Chico, since I have long contended that it's actually more ugly looking females (and gay men) who like men that look like him (or Jungkook, or Harry Styles, etc.) because he seems "safe" and non-threatening and ergo is a safe outlet for sexual fantasies (of which female sexuality is very narcissistic: Keep in mind that women enjoy yaoi precisely because they have trouble with masturbating to normal erotica as jealousy of characters in the fantasy often arises).

Notice that all the hottest, most attractive Stacies wouldn't be caught dead thirsting after a Jungkook or Chico or Harry Styles: It's always the unattractive, nerdy, socially awkward girls who enjoy these men since (in their minds) they are a far more approachable chadlite than say, someone like Liam Hemsworth, Viggo Mortensen or Cillian Murphy (in biopsychology, one could say that she has relegated the more 'chad' men to her older sisters) to which I reiterate: Young girls thirst over men like Chico precisely because they feel like they would be rejected by an older, more dominant chad who just makes them feel sexual tension that they can't control: But usually, the most attractive girls will usually go for the basketball players, footballer chads, bodybuilders, gang members, etc.

I think most men don't realise that women see softer looking men not as more attractive, but just as a safer bet from their sexual tempests getting out of control:

High-IQ asf, mirin your post bro. Make a thread about this ASAP!

So what I'm getting from your post is that women, especially young more timid, nerdy, etc, women seek out softer, more high trust men because it's more safe for them, not necesarily that they find them more attractive. The Chaddier chads (Maesthetic, MASC, DOM, higher sex appeal chads) tend to attract the more outgoing hottest stacies. And these timid, nerdy women, find these high sex appeal chads very attractive but can't go after them bc their sexual tempest will get out of control?! Correct me if I'm wrong.
I think this only proves my point though: most women *aren't* attractive, they are average, so someone like Chico is most popular because he appeals to the mean, not because he actually is the most appealing to the most attractive, desirable women
BASED and High-IQ Asf

No... absolutely not. Chads are EXTREMELY rare, and by that I mean TRUE chads, not the anglefrauded, filtermaxxed, or even looksmaxxed normies with average or below height and a decent face. I'm talking 6'2, athletic, top 0.5% facial aesthetics, good hair, etc. Those are almost impossible to find within the top twenty percent. If women are able to land a date with a true chad they will throw all their normie friends under the bus just for the opportunity.
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@Callooh_Calais RESPOND TO MY PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No... absolutely not. Chads are EXTREMELY rare, and by that I mean TRUE chads, not the anglefrauded, filtermaxxed, or even looksmaxxed normies with average or below height and a decent face. I'm talking 6'2, athletic, top 0.5% facial aesthetics, good hair, etc. Those are almost impossible to find within the top twenty percent. If women are able to land a date with a true chad they will throw all their normie friends under the bus just for the opportunity.
post examples of a true chad
Everybody says no, but I say yes BUT you have to have your self-esteem on the fucking floor to think that way and or had terrible LTRs experiences (or no experiences at all)
The scenario is someone who considers her/himself not worthy to be with someone so good looking, and that good looking person may ditch you at any time, right?

I can see someone who never had sex, lurked or posted on incels and looksmaxing forums think that way if they end up with a 7/10 or higher.
A girl? Hardly, maybe some becky who was an obese chick, lost her weight but still has that mentality tha-....who the fucking I am kidding, even whales have high self-esteem in the western world :lul:

>(they have to carry around a parasite in there stomach for 9 months)
they will start to punch their bellies as soon as Chico goes to buy cigarettes
That statement contradicts itself because if you are attractive, the women will not have negative thoughts about dating you from attraction alone, womens purpose is to get the best genes for their children and it matters little if they happen to stay with them if they have a beta buxer. ex:
928272 00a755c8f292507d2093efd24d4af28e
My logic is:

1. Women have to pay a very high cost in a long term relationship (they have to carry around a parasite in there stomach for 9 months)
2. Because of this high cost women are going to be careful when choosing a long term partner. They need to be certain that you won't leave them.
3. An attractive male could leave a girl at any time so she will never be able to develop that certainty

Real life Scenario:
>Chico goes on a date with a 5/10 girl
>The girl wants to LTR Chico but feels like he is "too" attractive and could leave her at any time so she feels uncertain about being in an LTR

Whereas if this was just a 6/10 or 7/10 guy (rather than chico) the girl would feel much more comfortable about being in a long term relationship

Yes, but women are also thirsty and just want to get smashed
This hasn't been the case for a long time, however socially it has been the case because women culturally and socially would lose value if they were single mothers.

However, recently this has changed. More and more women are happy to get children with men they know almost 100% will end up leaving them. Further, because of SoMe and hypergamy, most women really do feel entitled to Chad, and has to go through a long process of slowly lowering her standards until the biological clock starts seriously ticking, at which point they give up and settle with a man they don't find attractive.

An example:


This guy (6'1) got rejected by this girl (they are reality TV participants)


In 10 years, she would DIE to be with him (I think he is objectively clearly above her in terms of SMV), but as it stands she is convinced her SMV is higher than his.
He looks like a fuckboy.

She has disgusting nasolabial folds.

IMO he mogs, but they're probably personality-matched.
yeah im an incel cuz girls are intimidated by my good looks
Yes not every girl has the self esteem to deal with an attractive guy who has options. So they’ll self reject themselves instead & lower their standards a lil
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forgot op existed until this thread got bumped
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