Can you mew with a fixed/bonded retainer? Or is mewing with no retainer at all preferred?



Oct 13, 2019
If anyone here had braces to correct their crowded/misaligned teeth or overbite and were instructed to wear a Clear/Plastic Invisalign or Essix Retainers every night before going to sleep, have you switched from Clear/Plastic Invisalign or Essix Retainers to Permanent/Fixed Retainers? If so, what has been your experience so far? Or do most people here just rely on mewing without even fixed/permanent retainers and have no relapse? I am asking because I myself had somewhat crooked/misaligned front teeth and had a slight overbite before braces and now I have completely straight teeth, however I do wear a Clear/Plastic Invisalign or Essix Retainer at night when I go to sleep in order to prevent possible relapse and then just mew without a retainer during the day, however, I hear that wearing the plastic/clear retainer at night would essentially undo/prevent mewing results? Because of this, I am thinking of getting a fixed/bonded permanent retainer behind my top 4 teeth and bottom 6 teeth in order to prevent possible relapse/keep the general alignment of my top teeth but also be able to mew. However, if even a fixed/permanent retainer prevents mewing, I don't know whether I should just risk not having even a fixed retainer and mew without any retainer and possibly have relapse or my teeth to be crowded again.

I've asked this question a while back on a different forum, however, the answers I got or read up on seemed to be contradictory as some say, yes just mew with a fixed retainer or others claiming that you should mew without any fixed retainer. Even Dr. Mike Mew himself has 2 videos up on his channel in regards to this question that contradict each other. If you look at Dr. Mike Mew's videos regarding this question, in this video titled "Stopping Orthodontic Retainers? By Dr Mike Mew" at 5:39, he suggests to have a fixed retainer and then mew, but at the same time, he has this video titled "problems with upper fixed retainers by Dr Mike Mew" where starting at 2:30 he suggests against fixed appliances and to focus on just mewing instead. Thus making it not very clear in terms of whether we should risk mewing without any form of retainers or whether we should just mew with a fixed retainer behind the top 4 teeth and bottom 6 teeth and I am leaning towards this option. I guess the only way for me to truly know how things will work out is to try getting the fixed retainers, as it seems to be the safest bet in terms of still being able to mew but also prevent relapse, but if this is not the best option and just mewing without any retainers is better, I'd like to know in advance so that I don't waste any more time or money. That being said, I would like to hear your guys thoughts on this as well. Any advice and/or suggestions in regards to this would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
I did not read but ask
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I wear clear ones every night. Don't take off your retainers, mewing is absolute bullshit and all you're doing is fucking up your teeth, especially if they were badly crooked like mine pre-braces.
I wear clear ones every night. Don't take off your retainers, mewing is absolute bullshit and all you're doing is fucking up your teeth

"dont listen to @GenericChad1444 "
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Ross fag
  • JFL
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I wear clear ones every night. Don't take off your retainers, mewing is absolute bullshit and all you're doing is fucking up your teeth, especially if they were badly crooked like mine pre-braces.

Oh really, that's interesting. Then explain this to me. They did a case study with monkeys who had their noses blocked off for the rest of their lives so that they could only mouth breath and the monkeys all ended up with horrible recession and completely misaligned/crooked teeth, explain why this occurred. Why are most people who are practicing mewing or proper tongue posture, not mouth breathing, chin tucking, and chewing Falim gum, reporting no relapse after they have stopped wearing their retainers for 3-4 years and just mewed instead? Is it not possible that the tongue itself on the roof of the mouth is acting as a retainer? Changing your bones won't work in adults? Wrong, while the progress of changing your facial structure is very slow past the age of 20, it is possible due to the fact that bones are malleable, look up Wolf's law, if you keep constant upwards force pressure by pressing your tongue on the roof your mouth consistently as well as combining it with taking your 2 thumbs and pushing them for 1 minute every hour for 8 hours upward and forwards on your roof of the mouth, you will also be able to very slowly expand your palate and widen your arches when doing this consistently for a very long time. This is no different than using a MARPE or MSE (maxillary skeletal expander) that literally accomplishes the same thing BUT FASTER, because the rate of expansion of your palate is increased and your midpalatal suture eventually splits due to the MSE, giving you more intermolar width and increasing your palate size as well as widening the maxilla. I would LOVE for you to refute any of these facts.
  • JFL
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Oh really, that's interesting. Then explain this to me. They did a case study with monkeys who had their noses blocked off for the rest of their lives so that they could only mouth breath and the monkeys all ended up with horrible recession and completely misaligned/crooked teeth, explain why this occurred. Why are most people who are practicing mewing or proper tongue posture, not mouth breathing, chin tucking, and chewing Falim gum, reporting no relapse after they have stopped wearing their retainers for 3-4 years and just mewed instead? Is it not possible that the tongue itself on the roof of the mouth is acting as a retainer? Changing your bones won't work in adults? Wrong, while the progress of changing your facial structure is very slow past the age of 20, it is possible due to the fact that bones are malleable, look up Wolf's law, if you keep constant upwards force pressure by pressing your tongue on the roof your mouth consistently as well as combining it with taking your 2 thumbs and pushing them for 1 minute every hour for 8 hours upward and forwards on your roof of the mouth, you will also be able to very slowly expand your palate and widen your arches when doing this consistently for a very long time. This is no different than using a MARPE or MSE (maxillary skeletal expander) that literally accomplishes the same thing BUT FASTER, because the rate of expansion of your palate is increased and your midpalatal suture eventually splits due to the MSE, giving you more intermolar width and increasing your palate size as well as widening the maxilla. I would LOVE for you to refute any of these facts.
not a single fucking word give me solid evidence of mewing that it isn't light frauded bullshit or some kid going through puberty
dnr give me solid evidence of mewing that it isn't light frauded bull shit

Someone here who isn't ignorant or misinformed like this @GenericChad1444 kid, please answer my question! @Wincel or @MewKing Please help!
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Someone here who isn't ignorant or misinformed like this @GenericChad1444 kid, please answer my question! @Wincel Please help!
nice evidence faggot
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You will not become better looking by doing mewing stop coping. MSE gives very minimal visible facial changes. And thats a thing that RIPS your sutures apart, aka something that is CLOSED after puberty , JUST LOL fucking kys mew fag, you are all so annyoing
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2227 and GenericChad1444
You will not become better looking by doing mewing stop coping. MSE gives very minimal visible facial changes. And thats a thing that RIPS your sutures apart, aka something that is CLOSED after puberty , JUST LOL fucking kys mew fag, you are all so annyoing

Courtesy of @Wincel 's post. All credit goes to him.

1. Mewing is not a new cosmetic trendy thing that's supposed to make you look better. Rather, not mewing is a new thing that makes you look worse and causes crooked teeth which then causes orthodontists to do even more damage by pulling your jaws backward with elastics and preventing your teeth from shifting forward naturally with brackets and wires as you develop. Ancient jungle niggers always have had their tongues on their palates and have always chewed dense foods (which we replace with mastic gum), it is a return to nature. Crooked teeth and facial recession is not genetic, it is a new problem caused by not mewing.

2. SWALLOWING CORRECTLY changes your face. Not holding your tongue up on your palate. Unless you hardmew (which you can't do 24 hours a day), keeping your tongue on your palate is providing support but is not inputting much force at all. Mewing is a cue for your tongue to follow the proper swallowing pattern, your tongue should sweep the food/liquid across your palate and down your throat like a rolling pin and while it does this it pushes upward with a few pounds of force. Also, an incorrect swallowing pattern activates your buccinator which is a muscle used for infants to suck their mom's titty milk. You do not need to use it as an adult, and training this muscle makes you look bloated and kills your chance of having hollow cheeks.

3. Mewing is for much more than bones. Keeping your tongue on your palate, chewing hard gum, and swallowing correctly will: Give you hollow cheeks from buccinator atrophy, prevent your hyoid bone from dropping down to your balls and making you look old and ugly, SLIGHTLY straighten your teeth over time, prevent the need to use retainers after orthodontic treatment, SLIGHTLY induce a facial upswing which effects all the important bones in the face: zygos, mandible, etc., grow your masseter muscles which make your jaw appear wider and actually directly impact the shape of your mandible and even the width of the zygomatic arches, prevent TMJ and a bunch of other health related shit I left out because I know you're only concerned with cosmetics.

4. Mewing is not just keeping your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Here's what it actually is: And also tongue chewing, this will make it less of a pain to keep it up there and actually encourage it to rest there. Tongue chewing is when you chew a piece of gum but instead of with your teeth you repeatedly mash it up against your palate with your tongue.

5. Mike Mew was not kicked out of the British Orthodontic Society because he's a scammer or lacks evidence. I actually read the entire transcript of Mike's meeting with the BOS before they took it down, and they kicked him out for a bunch of bullshit like "You refer to yourself as a doctor, this is misleading because yes you are a doctor but you should've called yourself a dentist," "You made a remark about slaves having good development, this is offensive for some reason," "You say young children should switch from liquids to solid foods with no baby food inbetween, this is impossible and is also a huge choking hazard" (bitch I ate a whole apple with just my gums when I was 2), "You give advice on posture correction but you are an orthodontist so you are unqualified to discuss this," and worst of all: "You don't have any proof that environmental factors cause malocclusion." At this point Mike slammed the desk and demanded a debate on the cause of malocclusion which they refused because he could "only defend himself, not his ideas" which is fucking retarded seeing as they were kicking him out because of his ideas. They also brought up that his social media campaign was misleading because he didn't have any proof of facial change in adults following his techniques. Here is a result without the use of growth guidance devices that prove mewing can change your face in adulthood:


More defined cheekbones and jaw, shorter face, less of a bloated look from enlarged buccinators, etc. Yes the change is VERY slight. Mewing works in adults but it doesn't work as well as people expect it to.
Inb4 "lens distortion," Mike is well aware of this and recommends people trying his techniques to take before and after photos from far away with telescopic lenses under unnatural reproducible light, so I doubt he forgot about it here.

Obviously the BOS wants Mike Mew discredited, if his techniques were popularized that means every 4 year old in the west would get simple preventative treatment such as myobrace and the jaw surgery and orthodontic industries would completely collapse.

6. Mewing isn't hard. Its a posture change, sure its hard to change your posture but once you have it down (which takes about 3 weeks of reminding yourself to mew a few times per day) then it becomes subconscious and you will do it in your sleep. You have no excuse for not mewing.

7. Mewing is "cope," yes. It is slow as shit at making actual bone changes which is what most people are interested in. If you want actual rapid skeletal change you need to use "facepulling" devices to make up for all the years of mouth breathing/poor posture/being fucked in the ass by your orthodontist. The bones in the face NEVER fuse and change HAS BEEN ACHIEVED outside of surgery. If you do use a facepulling technique, then you still need to mew for support while you are not actively pulling. (Do not do FAGGA and do not anchor the pulling forces on your teeth, buy a palate expander and anchor your pulling headgear onto that so it moves the entire jaw forward without tipping the teeth.)

There is no "crooked teeth" gene, there is no gene that controls the position of facial bones, snoring is unnatural, there is no "overbite" gene, there is no "underbite" gene, there is no gene responsible for lack or presence of hollow cheeks. If all these things aren't determined by genetics, then what determines them? Answer: Your TONGUE.

If you aren't mewing, what are you doing? then you're a retard.

Mike Mew doesn't want your money and he never denounced DIY facepulling like most greedy orthodontists would. Here's a video of him passively discussing the subject with an audience I think you might relate to:

If you have any doubts about what I'm saying here then ask, I have evidence that skeletal change is possible in adults without surgery and I could perhaps give you a better logical explanation then what I wrote if you have trouble understanding.

Bones in the face don't fuse and respond to force:
Masticatory muscles effect the shape of the lower jaw:
Chewing expands your zygomatic arches:


And then Mike Mew's stephen hawking example:


Young Stephen, decent facial development by modern standards.


Old Stephen, his maxilla got fucked because the muscles in his face died. If you can go from right to wrong at a late age, you can go from wrong to right at a late age. CHEW, bitch.
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You will not become better looking by doing mewing stop coping. MSE gives very minimal visible facial changes. And thats a thing that RIPS your sutures apart, aka something that is CLOSED after puberty , JUST LOL fucking kys mew fag, you are all so annyoing

"Where can I find ortho that does this in Uk? I email Won Moon asking for the list of providers but he hasnt responded"
Courtesy of @Wincel 's post. All credit goes to him.

1. Mewing is not a new cosmetic trendy thing that's supposed to make you look better. Rather, not mewing is a new thing that makes you look worse and causes crooked teeth which then causes orthodontists to do even more damage by pulling your jaws backward with elastics and preventing your teeth from shifting forward naturally with brackets and wires as you develop. Ancient jungle negros always have had their tongues on their palates and have always chewed dense foods (which we replace with mastic gum), it is a return to nature. Crooked teeth and facial recession is not genetic, it is a new problem caused by not mewing.

2. SWALLOWING CORRECTLY changes your face. Not holding your tongue up on your palate. Unless you hardmew (which you can't do 24 hours a day), keeping your tongue on your palate is providing support but is not inputting much force at all. Mewing is a cue for your tongue to follow the proper swallowing pattern, your tongue should sweep the food/liquid across your palate and down your throat like a rolling pin and while it does this it pushes upward with a few pounds of force. Also, an incorrect swallowing pattern activates your buccinator which is a muscle used for infants to suck their mom's titty milk. You do not need to use it as an adult, and training this muscle makes you look bloated and kills your chance of having hollow cheeks.

3. Mewing is for much more than bones. Keeping your tongue on your palate, chewing hard gum, and swallowing correctly will: Give you hollow cheeks from buccinator atrophy, prevent your hyoid bone from dropping down to your balls and making you look old and ugly, SLIGHTLY straighten your teeth over time, prevent the need to use retainers after orthodontic treatment, SLIGHTLY induce a facial upswing which effects all the important bones in the face: zygos, mandible, etc., grow your masseter muscles which make your jaw appear wider and actually directly impact the shape of your mandible and even the width of the zygomatic arches, prevent TMJ and a bunch of other health related shit I left out because I know you're only concerned with cosmetics.

4. Mewing is not just keeping your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Here's what it actually is: And also tongue chewing, this will make it less of a pain to keep it up there and actually encourage it to rest there. Tongue chewing is when you chew a piece of gum but instead of with your teeth you repeatedly mash it up against your palate with your tongue.

5. Mike Mew was not kicked out of the British Orthodontic Society because he's a scammer or lacks evidence. I actually read the entire transcript of Mike's meeting with the BOS before they took it down, and they kicked him out for a bunch of bullshit like "You refer to yourself as a doctor, this is misleading because yes you are a doctor but you should've called yourself a dentist," "You made a remark about slaves having good development, this is offensive for some reason," "You say young children should switch from liquids to solid foods with no baby food inbetween, this is impossible and is also a huge choking hazard" (bitch I ate a whole apple with just my gums when I was 2), "You give advice on posture correction but you are an orthodontist so you are unqualified to discuss this," and worst of all: "You don't have any proof that environmental factors cause malocclusion." At this point Mike slammed the desk and demanded a debate on the cause of malocclusion which they refused because he could "only defend himself, not his ideas" which is fucking retarded seeing as they were kicking him out because of his ideas. They also brought up that his social media campaign was misleading because he didn't have any proof of facial change in adults following his techniques. Here is a result without the use of growth guidance devices that prove mewing can change your face in adulthood:


More defined cheekbones and jaw, shorter face, less of a bloated look from enlarged buccinators, etc. Yes the change is VERY slight. Mewing works in adults but it doesn't work as well as people expect it to.
Inb4 "lens distortion," Mike is well aware of this and recommends people trying his techniques to take before and after photos from far away with telescopic lenses under unnatural reproducible light, so I doubt he forgot about it here.

Obviously the BOS wants Mike Mew discredited, if his techniques were popularized that means every 4 year old in the west would get simple preventative treatment such as myobrace and the jaw surgery and orthodontic industries would completely collapse.

6. Mewing isn't hard. Its a posture change, sure its hard to change your posture but once you have it down (which takes about 3 weeks of reminding yourself to mew a few times per day) then it becomes subconscious and you will do it in your sleep. You have no excuse for not mewing.

7. Mewing is "cope," yes. It is slow as shit at making actual bone changes which is what most people are interested in. If you want actual rapid skeletal change you need to use "facepulling" devices to make up for all the years of mouth breathing/poor posture/being fucked in the ass by your orthodontist. The bones in the face NEVER fuse and change HAS BEEN ACHIEVED outside of surgery. If you do use a facepulling technique, then you still need to mew for support while you are not actively pulling. (Do not do FAGGA and do not anchor the pulling forces on your teeth, buy a palate expander and anchor your pulling headgear onto that so it moves the entire jaw forward without tipping the teeth.)

There is no "crooked teeth" gene, there is no gene that controls the position of facial bones, snoring is unnatural, there is no "overbite" gene, there is no "underbite" gene, there is no gene responsible for lack or presence of hollow cheeks. If all these things aren't determined by genetics, then what determines them? Answer: Your TONGUE.

If you aren't mewing, what are you doing? then you're a retard.

Mike Mew doesn't want your money and he never denounced DIY facepulling like most greedy orthodontists would. Here's a video of him passively discussing the subject with an audience I think you might relate to:

If you have any doubts about what I'm saying here then ask, I have evidence that skeletal change is possible in adults without surgery and I could perhaps give you a better logical explanation then what I wrote if you have trouble understanding.

Bones in the face don't fuse and respond to force:
Masticatory muscles effect the shape of the lower jaw:
Chewing expands your zygomatic arches:


And then Mike Mew's stephen hawking example:


Young Stephen, decent facial development by modern standards.


Old Stephen, his maxilla got fucked because the muscles in his face died. If you can go from right to wrong at a late age, you can go from wrong to right at a late age. CHEW, bitch.
Using hawking as an example is bad but whatever, everything tends towards destruction its much easier to destroy something (in this case a facial structure) than to create or repair something or even maintain. Also it doesnt prove mewing at all it just says " muscles that supported his facial structure died. Therefore his facial structure went down".

Anyway. Mewing is cope and doesnt work after puberty, you will not improve your face, your maxilla will not move up and forwards.

Maxillary sutures fuse after puberty. The reason mse works in adults in the first place is because it rips those sutures apart, MSE IS NOT "faster mewing". IT WORKS BY ENTIRELY DIFFERENT MECHANISM, mewing will not rip your maxillary sutures allowing for actual movement.

Despite ripping those sutures apart the actual facial changes are very small and the only appreciable one is wider palate and improved nasal breathing. That is what I wanted to use it for in the first place.

Just stop coping
  • JFL
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I am a rage-filled incel who doesn't even live in America with most likely shit teeth, purposefully trying to deter people from the truth
LMFAO! This little shit @Ekeoma_The_BBC who is not even from America, but from the UK, disagreeing with MSE benefits on my post to deter people from the truth, but then begging other people on a different forum post about MSE on how to contact an orthodontist who does MSE in the UK and now lying that he asked about MSE for the "airway benefits" JFL!
[IMG alt="Ekeoma_The_BBC"][/IMG]

JoinedSep 7, 2019Messages439
Tuesday at 8:58 PM
Where can I find ortho that does this in Uk? I email Won Moon asking for the list of providers but he hasnt responded

And don't even get me started on @GenericChad1444, saying "mewing is bullshit" on my post, but then posting "good post OP " on this thread about mewing benefits
[IMG alt="GenericChad1444"][/IMG]

JoinedJan 10, 2019Messages4,759
Feb 15, 2019
good post OP
Reactions:Arkantos and Wincel

and agreeing that mewing works on a different forum post. People who completely deny this stuff are coping in of its self because they most likely missed out on this growing up so they cope that it doesn't work even though kids and young teens have actually ascended through this JFL at some of you guys. Also, the irony in these hypocritical liars is immeasurable, purposefully feeding you people false information so that you can't better yourself or improve yourself in a selfish manner to mislead you from valuable information. Sit here on these forums and rot with no hope telling people EvErYtHiNg Is CoPe while turning around and doing the same thing you called out others on is "cope." only malicious worthless swine like this would mislead other people on purpose in hopes that it will deter them from the truth or better themselves just to try to remove any "competition" even in the smallest way. Other people with actual common sense will do this regardless of your autism claiming everything is CoPe and then turning around and doing what you just claimed was CoPe. Oh and awesome advice and answers to my actual question, 10/10 forum users guys. This site is amazing.
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LMFAO! This little shit @Ekeoma_The_BBC who is not even from America, but from the UK, disagreeing with MSE benefits on my post to deter people from the truth, but then begging other people on a different forum post about MSE on how to contact an orthodontist who does MSE in the UK and now lying that he asked about MSE for the "airway benefits" JFL!
[IMG alt="Ekeoma_The_BBC"][/IMG]

JoinedSep 7, 2019Messages439
Tuesday at 8:58 PM
Where can I find ortho that does this in Uk? I email Won Moon asking for the list of providers but he hasnt responded

And don't even get me started on @GenericChad1444, saying "mewing is bullshit" on my post, but then posting "good post OP " on this thread about mewing benefits
[IMG alt="GenericChad1444"][/IMG]

JoinedJan 10, 2019Messages4,759
Feb 15, 2019
good post OP
Reactions:Arkantos and Wincel

and agreeing that mewing works on a different forum post. People who completely deny this stuff are coping in of its self because they most likely missed out on this growing up so they cope that it doesn't work even though kids and young teens have actually ascended through this JFL at some of you guys. Also, the irony in these hypocritical liars is immeasurable, purposefully feeding you people false information so that you can't better yourself or improve yourself in a selfish manner to mislead you from valuable information. Sit here on these forums and rot with no hope telling people EvErYtHiNg Is CoPe while turning around and doing the same thing you called out others on is "cope." only malicious worthless swine like this would mislead other people on purpose in hopes that it will deter them from the truth or better themselves just to try to remove any "competition" even in the smallest way. Other people with actual common sense will do this regardless of your autism claiming everything is CoPe and then turning around and doing what you just claimed was CoPe. Oh and awesome advice and answers to my actual question, 10/10 forum users guys. This site is amazing.

>read about 3 words
>you searched for a post almost a year ago to disprove what I said, rent free.
>Views change, I'm not a coping faggot like u and Ik mewing is bs now
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: mewcel_ and Ekeoma_The_BBC
LMFAO! This little shit @Ekeoma_The_BBC who is not even from America, but from the UK, disagreeing with MSE benefits on my post to deter people from the truth, but then begging other people on a different forum post about MSE on how to contact an orthodontist who does MSE in the UK and now lying that he asked about MSE for the "airway benefits" JFL!
[IMG alt="Ekeoma_The_BBC"][/IMG]

JoinedSep 7, 2019Messages439
Tuesday at 8:58 PM
Where can I find ortho that does this in Uk? I email Won Moon asking for the list of providers but he hasnt responded

And don't even get me started on @GenericChad1444, saying "mewing is bullshit" on my post, but then posting "good post OP " on this thread about mewing benefits
[IMG alt="GenericChad1444"][/IMG]

JoinedJan 10, 2019Messages4,759
Feb 15, 2019
good post OP
Reactions:Arkantos and Wincel

and agreeing that mewing works on a different forum post. People who completely deny this stuff are coping in of its self because they most likely missed out on this growing up so they cope that it doesn't work even though kids and young teens have actually ascended through this JFL at some of you guys. Also, the irony in these hypocritical liars is immeasurable, purposefully feeding you people false information so that you can't better yourself or improve yourself in a selfish manner to mislead you from valuable information. Sit here on these forums and rot with no hope telling people EvErYtHiNg Is CoPe while turning around and doing the same thing you called out others on is "cope." only malicious worthless swine like this would mislead other people on purpose in hopes that it will deter them from the truth or better themselves just to try to remove any "competition" even in the smallest way. Other people with actual common sense will do this regardless of your autism claiming everything is CoPe and then turning around and doing what you just claimed was CoPe. Oh and awesome advice and answers to my actual question, 10/10 forum users guys. This site is amazing.

Are you fucking retarded? MSE is not mewing lmao, I jsut explained to you how different it is from mewing, trying to expand your maxilla using mewing is impossible in adults. While it os possible to some degree using mse.

Fuck off you low IQ retard. You didnt evej addressed my points
  • JFL
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Are you fucking retarded? MSE is not mewing lmao, I jsut explained to you how different it is from mewing, trying to expand your maxilla using mewing is impossible in adults. While it os possible to some degree using mse.

Fuck off you low IQ retard. You didnt evej addressed my points
jfl at you dumbass retard.

the fact that mse can do it confirms you can mew to do it. stay in the dark as a subhuman surgerycel while everyone else ascends but dont fucking misinform some kid about it you fucking ausitic plonker
  • +1
Reactions: mewcel_
jfl at you dumbass retard.

the fact that mse can do it confirms you can mew to do it. stay in the dark as a subhuman surgerycel while everyone else ascends but dont fucking misinform some kid about it you fucking ausitic plonker
Do you even know how mse works? Fuck off
  • JFL
Reactions: mewcel_
Anyone who believes he can move MOVE his maxilla up and forward without a surgerical treatment or at the very least by using treatment like mse is a low IQ retard like @FatJattMofo @mewcel_ , do you retards even understand how difficult it is to get a lefort 3 tier SIGNIFICANT midfacial expansion? Especially as a fucking adult, I can tell you this putting your tounge on the roof of the mouth wont do shit. Retarded apes jesus christ
  • JFL
Reactions: mewcel_
Anyone who believes he can move MOVE his maxilla up and forward without a surgerical treatment or at the very least by using treatment like mse is a low IQ retard like @FatJattMofo @mewcel_ , do you retards even understand how difficult it is to get a lefort 3 tier SIGNIFICANT midfacial expansion? Especially as a fucking adult, I can tell you this putting your tounge on the roof of the mouth wont do shit. Retarded apes jesus christ
ive already done you fucking mong. keep crying. i
and i will keep mewing .ive already improved looks so much.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: mewcel_ and Ekeoma_The_BBC
ive already done you fucking mong. keep crying. i
and i will keep mewing .ive already improved looks so much.

There are people who believe this video turned them into lachowski as well.

There are people who believe this video turned them into lachowski as well.

jfl. you are so subhuman its funny. a subhuman cannot outrule the word of a human. keep crying for me. mewing is legit. it works for me quite well.

you showing me this video is nothing you surgerycel coping cunt.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: mewcel_ and Ekeoma_The_BBC
jfl. you are so subhuman its funny. a subhuman cannot outrule the word of a human. keep crying for me. mewing is legit. it works for me quite well.

you showing me this video is nothing you surgerycel coping cunt.
subhuman pajeet who thinks stroma will make him look european and a mewcel on top of this jesus christ couldnt get any worse

Suck my bbc
subhuman pajeet who thinks stroma will make him look european and a mewcel on top of this jesus christ couldnt get any worse
View attachment 135961
i mog you to death you fucking shit eye area cunt. you dont want to get into a competition on who looks better with me prick.

also my sister herself has hazel you fucking retarded two iq baboon ass

muh i can surgery for hunter eyes ass

muh i just need lefort 3 ass

muh got rhino tomorow ass

european worshipping ass

faggot low t ass

all you can respond is shitty arguements jfl at mew deniers intelligence levels
  • +1
Reactions: mewcel_
i mog you to death you fucking shit eye area cunt. you dont want to get into a competition on who looks better with me prick.

also my sister herself has hazel you fucking retarded two iq baboon ass

muh i can surgery for hunter eyes ass

muh i just need lefort 3 ass

muh got rhino tomorow ass

european worshipping ass

faggot low t ass

all you can respond is shitty arguements jfl at mew deniers intelligence levels

nobody even debunked my arguments because you all know what I said is true, or maybe you and that other guy are just fucking retarded which is very likely

Keep putting your tongue on your narrow palate like a fucking aspie thinking it will do anything, reminds me of those caveman "rain inducing" rituals
nobody even debunked my arguments because you all know what I said is true, or maybe you and that other guy are just fucking retarded which is very likely

Keep putting your tongue on your narrow palate like a fucking aspie thinking it will do anything, reminds me of those caveman "rain inducing" rituals
ive got a wide palate jfl at you fucking subhuman narrow face recesseded shit under eye support cunt
  • JFL
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