Can you rate me 29 years old (Middle eastern)

You'll never look bulky as a natural, with the right program, in 3 years, you can get a similar physique to the youtubers Omar Isuf and Scott Herman:

To gain muscle you need to:

1) Focus on getting as strong as possible on the 6 main compound movements (weighted chin up, overhead press, barbell row, bench press, squat and deadlift), of course you program it correctly with only 3-4 of those exercises per workout, but with a 3 sets of 5 reps volume, you can do the squat, the bench press and the overhead press 3 times per week without overtraining. As a natural, you need a high frequency, low volume approach focused mainly on those compound movements if you want to make good progress. You can add in accessory lifts at the end but they are not as important (barbell curls, tricep extension, weighted crunches, weighted planks, side raises, and so on)

2) You must also eat enough to gain muscle, for that you must maintain a body fat percentage that is between 15 and 20% body fat which is the body fat used by hockey players because it gives you the best performance, the lower your body fat is, the leaner your face will be but your performance in the gym will suffer which will make you gain muscle much more slowly. To know your body fat, it's very simple, you can see it in the mirror, being skinny fat (skinny but with a bit of a beer belly) would mean you are between 15 and 20% body fat (depending on the size of your belly) and you have little to no muscle mass. Most guys who are at that point wonder whether they should cut or bulk, but they should do neither, they should maintain their weight. If you are really skinny, you should bulk otherwise you won't recover from your workouts. And if you're fat, you must cut because otherwise it's not healthy and your testosterone levels will be lower after 20% body fat.

3) You must also sleep enough (at least 8 hours every night) to recover from your workouts

4) You need to be consistent with your training, no matter what happens, don't skip days, always do your workouts even if you feel lazy or tired after work, the more days you skip, the slower your progress will be. My biggest mistake since I started in 2016 was that I wasn't consistent (and on top of that I wasn't eating enough for many years).

5) You need to use a good training program focus on gaining strength since strength gain is directly connected to muscle growth as a natural lifter. For novice programs I recommend Jason Blaha's Novice Program 2.0:
And for the intermediate program, I recommend Madcow's 5x5:

The intermediate strength standards are:
a 135 lb (61.24 kg) overhead press
a 200 lb (90.72 kg) barbell row
a 225 lb (102.06 kg) bench press
a 315 lb (142.89 kg) squat
a 405 lb (183.71 kg) deadlift

The advanced strength standards are:
a 100 lb (45.36 kg) weighted chin up
a 200 lb (90.72 kg) overhead press
a 275 lb (124.74 kg) barbell row
a 315 lb (142.89 kg) bench press
a 405 lb (183.71 kg) squat
a 500 lb (226.8 kg) deadlift

It should take you only 6-12 months of training to get to the intermediate level, and 3 years in total at most to reach the advanced level.
Since everybody is different and not everyone has the same genetics, you may be a bit above or a bit below those numbers but they are a good way to measure your progress.

Going from beginner to intermediate should make you pack on 20-24 lbs of muscle, and going from intermediate to advanced should make you pack on 16-18 lbs of muscle again, so in total you should be able to gain 36-42 lbs of muscle in 3 years which is a lot of muscle mass, if you neglect your legs, you'll only gain half of that amount, so you shouldn't neglect them.

At the intermediate level, you'll look great with a shirt off but with a shirt on you may look decent or you may not look like you even lift.
At the advanced level, you'll look amazing with a shirt off and with a shirt on everyone will be able to tell that you lift, you'll be huge.

Thank you for info. I personally dont wanna be that bulky. Its just overkill. Not even women like too bulky guys. They prefer Lean body with some muscles. I have started weight lifting in home with dumbells. .. Im still struggling to eat 120 kg of protein per day..
  • JFL
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You'll never look bulky as a natural, with the right program, in 3 years, you can get a similar physique to the youtubers Omar Isuf and Scott Herman:

To gain muscle you need to:

1) Focus on getting as strong as possible on the 6 main compound movements (weighted chin up, overhead press, barbell row, bench press, squat and deadlift), of course you program it correctly with only 3-4 of those exercises per workout, but with a 3 sets of 5 reps volume, you can do the squat, the bench press and the overhead press 3 times per week without overtraining. As a natural, you need a high frequency, low volume approach focused mainly on those compound movements if you want to make good progress. You can add in accessory lifts at the end but they are not as important (barbell curls, tricep extension, weighted crunches, weighted planks, side raises, and so on)

2) You must also eat enough to gain muscle, for that you must maintain a body fat percentage that is between 15 and 20% body fat which is the body fat used by hockey players because it gives you the best performance, the lower your body fat is, the leaner your face will be but your performance in the gym will suffer which will make you gain muscle much more slowly. To know your body fat, it's very simple, you can see it in the mirror, being skinny fat (skinny but with a bit of a beer belly) would mean you are between 15 and 20% body fat (depending on the size of your belly) and you have little to no muscle mass. Most guys who are at that point wonder whether they should cut or bulk, but they should do neither, they should maintain their weight. If you are really skinny, you should bulk otherwise you won't recover from your workouts. And if you're fat, you must cut because otherwise it's not healthy and your testosterone levels will be lower after 20% body fat.

3) You must also sleep enough (at least 8 hours every night) to recover from your workouts

4) You need to be consistent with your training, no matter what happens, don't skip days, always do your workouts even if you feel lazy or tired after work, the more days you skip, the slower your progress will be. My biggest mistake since I started in 2016 was that I wasn't consistent (and on top of that I wasn't eating enough for many years).

5) You need to use a good training program focus on gaining strength since strength gain is directly connected to muscle growth as a natural lifter. For novice programs I recommend Jason Blaha's Novice Program 2.0:
And for the intermediate program, I recommend Madcow's 5x5:

The intermediate strength standards are:
a 135 lb (61.24 kg) overhead press
a 200 lb (90.72 kg) barbell row
a 225 lb (102.06 kg) bench press
a 315 lb (142.89 kg) squat
a 405 lb (183.71 kg) deadlift

The advanced strength standards are:
a 100 lb (45.36 kg) weighted chin up
a 200 lb (90.72 kg) overhead press
a 275 lb (124.74 kg) barbell row
a 315 lb (142.89 kg) bench press
a 405 lb (183.71 kg) squat
a 500 lb (226.8 kg) deadlift

It should take you only 6-12 months of training to get to the intermediate level, and 3 years in total at most to reach the advanced level.
Since everybody is different and not everyone has the same genetics, you may be a bit above or a bit below those numbers but they are a good way to measure your progress.

Going from beginner to intermediate should make you pack on 20-24 lbs of muscle, and going from intermediate to advanced should make you pack on 16-18 lbs of muscle again, so in total you should be able to gain 36-42 lbs of muscle in 3 years which is a lot of muscle mass, if you neglect your legs, you'll only gain half of that amount, so you shouldn't neglect them.

At the intermediate level, you'll look great with a shirt off but with a shirt on you may look decent or you may not look like you even lift.
At the advanced level, you'll look amazing with a shirt off and with a shirt on everyone will be able to tell that you lift, you'll be huge.

Middle Eastern normie

There’s a lot to improve but it’s deffo not over.
  • +1
Reactions: sytyl
Dont listen to these fools and dont get rhino

Small nose might make you look feminine

Lose Bodyfat and work out, baby cheeks is big failo for you
Dont listen to these fools and dont get rhino

Small nose might make you look feminine

Lose Bodyfat and work out, baby cheeks is big failo for you
actually scratch that rhino might indeed ascend you
Dont listen to these fools and dont get rhino

Small nose might make you look feminine

Lose Bodyfat and work out, baby cheeks is big failo for you

Im personally fine with my nose. Many disagree... but big noses are masculine. I only hate the crooked part.. It makes my left nose smaller from side and the right side bigger.
How can people say Indians and arabs aren’t same race ? You look light Indian to me
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 9072
I really feel bad for American males. That shit must be nightmare.
Yes for sure here it is relaxxed lol im happy not to live there and here in europe alot women like ethnic men but in US not so much
:D Sorry I cannot do it right now... I need TherapyMaxx before I can go max my nose.

Its true.. I have big nose naturally.. but it is asymmetrical.. I had very bad falling which did swollen my nose for weeks. I dont mind my big nose.. Im just hating the asymmetry.
Makes sense now tbh . Sorry I misunderstood u
How can people say Indians and arabs aren’t same race ? You look light Indian to me

Not same race. Arabs have plenty of variation.. The Syrian, Lebanese, Iraq, Jordan arabs are very close to South europen race. Then you have gulf arabs that are more dark skinned. Arabs also have some distings features.. Like big tall noses like me. They have also more cauasian features.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 9771
Makes sense now tbh . Sorry I misunderstood u

No problem. I dont even wanna be pussy slayer. I have no interest to fuck over 200 women. I just wanted to know if Im subhuman. I would want at least one partner.
So If I lower my body fat and I do rhinoplasty.. I could became Chad lite? Does Fully Chad requires strong bone structures and rare eye color?
Yes for sure here it is relaxxed lol im happy not to live there and here in europe alot women like ethnic men but in US not so much

Yes. Maybe ethnic race is exotice for them.. Usa are just pile of mixed races. They are used to it.
  • +1
Reactions: JawGuyFatFaceGuy
Well you should have a good try then to find women i think in US it would be over but europe seems to be abit easyier

I Tried middle eastern dating site and Im getting matches like a motherfucker... I have absolutely no idea why is that... Maybe Tinder will make a bad a difference.
  • +1
Reactions: JawGuyFatFaceGuy
Thank you for info. I personally dont wanna be that bulky. Its just overkill. Not even women like too bulky guys. They prefer Lean body with some muscles. I have started weight lifting in home with dumbells. .. Im still struggling to eat 120 kg of protein per day..
Omar Isuf is not too bulky, he has a similar amount of muscle mass as Chris Hemsworth in Thor. If you really think that women hate that look, then you are very mistaken. I know that some women may have lied to you by telling you that they prefer the look that Brad Pitt has in fight club but in reality, women prefer men who are more muscular, if you're just skinny ripped like Bruce Lee, then women don't see you as a muscular guy. Here are some images and videos to illustrate my point.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:

The reason why you underestimate the importance of big muscles is because you are very blue pilled, you were lied to by women, by your family and by the media, everybody lies, except the black pill, only the black pill will be honest with you about what women want in a man and what society considers attractive and unattractive. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime is considered very attractive by most women, and Arnold said it himself in his book, women lie when they say that they don't like big muscles, the truth is that the bigger your muscles are, the more they impressed women are by them. But you don't need to be Arnold to look good, getting a Chris Hemsworth (advanced level) physique should be enough. Hemsworth was using steroids but his physique is achievable naturally within 3 years of serious training with the advice I gave you.

Those reactions from women should be more than enough to convince you. If they aren't, then maybe you can ask @Amnesia and @fogdart about how women react when they see their physique.

Big muscles are the most important halo you can get, so if you are too lazy to try to achieve that, you'll never ascend, and if your goal was never to ascend, then I have no idea why you're even here, on a looksmaxxing self improvement forum.


  • Brad Pitt in Fight Club.jpg
    Brad Pitt in Fight Club.jpg
    93.3 KB · Views: 11
  • Chris Hemsworth in Thor.jpg
    Chris Hemsworth in Thor.jpg
    40.6 KB · Views: 12
Mogs me at looking manly
4.25 PSL around average,Finland is not good for ethnics when it comes to dating.
The right side of your face is recessed but the left side looks fine.

You should lower your bf%, get a rhinoplasty and maybe some jaw fillers.
good base, get rhino and lose bf
I Tried middle eastern dating site and Im getting matches like a motherfucker... I have absolutely no idea why is that... Maybe Tinder will make a bad a difference.
Yea i believe you are these middle eastern women take most of the time middle eastern men
Omar Isuf is not too bulky, he has a similar amount of muscle mass as Chris Hemsworth in Thor. If you really think that women hate that look, then you are very mistaken. I know that some women may have lied to you by telling you that they prefer the look that Brad Pitt has in fight club but in reality, women prefer men who are more muscular, if you're just skinny ripped like Bruce Lee, then women don't see you as a muscular guy. Here are some images and videos to illustrate my point.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:

The reason why you underestimate the importance of big muscles is because you are very blue pilled, you were lied to by women, by your family and by the media, everybody lies, except the black pill, only the black pill will be honest with you about what women want in a man and what society considers attractive and unattractive. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime is considered very attractive by most women, and Arnold said it himself in his book, women lie when they say that they don't like big muscles, the truth is that the bigger your muscles are, the more they impressed women are by them. But you don't need to be Arnold to look good, getting a Chris Hemsworth (advanced level) physique should be enough. Hemsworth was using steroids but his physique is achievable naturally within 3 years of serious training with the advice I gave you.

Those reactions from women should be more than enough to convince you. If they aren't, then maybe you can ask @Amnesia and @fogdart about how women react when they see their physique.

Big muscles are the most important halo you can get, so if you are too lazy to try to achieve that, you'll never ascend, and if your goal was never to ascend, then I have no idea why you're even here, on a looksmaxxing self improvement forum.

Thats what media is trying to sell to people but .. I have taken research and women really dont like overly bulky guys.. I have also told buy guys that they did not get attention from women when they had overly bulky body.. Only men praised their bodies.

Here is also one study.. Women preferred Tone down body under bulky one.

  • +1
Reactions: reptiles
The right side of your face is recessed but the left side looks fine.

You should lower your bf%, get a rhinoplasty and maybe some jaw fillers.

That is really weird because in real life the bad side look normal and the better one looks recessed. I dont know man.. maybe its just camera perspective.
4.25 PSL around average,Finland is not good for ethnics when it comes to dating.

That must explain why three of my cousin have Finnish wife and they are all normie looking guys. Its not about ethnicity. Some people find different ethnics race appealing.. and also the worldviews matters a lot... they arent practicing religion. So they are more openly minded which does not lead to more problems.
As you can see... The jaw looks different from perspective. . This is the recessed side.


  • jawwmann.png
    520.5 KB · Views: 24
- I broke my nose when I was young. It did grow as crooked which sucks ass.
- I have slight acne
- I have lack of bone definition from front . My body fat is 20% percent. Is that the reason? Or just bad genes?
- Im 174-175cm manlet. Can reach 5.10 with shoes.
- Not sure if I had long mid face because selfies is taken close.
- Still 29 years virgin
- Suffering from Panic disorder. Im caveman.

Its is over for me?

29 yo virgin??? Go escortmaxxx asap cause your dick won’t be working well for 2 long at this point!!

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