Can you use TRT at a moderate dose for 2 years when in early twenties and not affect HPTA at all after PCT?



aesthetic ethnic
Sep 30, 2019
How much does 2 years on TRT affect HPTA when on a low to moderate dose and your test levels were not low before starting, do your testes recover well in the majority of people or not really
why the fuck would you do a trt dose if your test levels weren't low before starting.
why the fuck would you do a trt dose if your test levels weren't low before starting.
could be different uses for example to compensate for times when testosterone would be low for example aggressively cutting weight or due to temporary medication side effects
could be different uses for example to compensate for times when testosterone would be low for example aggressively cutting weight or due to temporary medication side effects
most people recover just fine even without PCT, it's mostly for not losing any gains during the transitory period of going off when your balls aren't producing shit, most of the leading scientists on the subject don't think it makes that much of a difference, one of my friends is currently in one of those steroid trials where they test this shit but it's been done several times before by the same researchers.
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most people recover just fine even without PCT, it's mostly for not losing any gains during the transitory period of going off when your balls aren't producing shit, most of the leading scientists on the subject don't think it makes that much of a difference, one of my friends is currently in one of those steroid trials where they test this shit but it's been done several times before by the same researchers.
but taking something like 1500mg testosterone enanthate every week would surely be worse than TRT dosages, does the dosage of test play a role
or are your testes shut down the same either way?
you need a high dose progesterone + topical pregnanalone on your gonads to make sure you dont shut down.
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or are your testes shut down the same either way?
it's the duration that they're shut down rather than the dose I believe.

this is also the guy that's running the trial that one of my friends is in.

>Measurement 3 reflects an average of three months since the end of the cycle. By this point, the PCT has been completed. The no-PCT group appears to have a better testosterone and sperm count during this measurement (16.3 vs. 14.4 nmol/L, and a reduction of 6.6 million moving sperm with no-PCT vs. reduction of 39.2 million moving sperm with PCT).

>Measurement 4 took place on average eight months after the end of the cycle. The difference in testosterone levels between the groups has almost disappeared. The sperm count is relatively better in the no-PCT group (a reduction of 5.3 million moving sperm with no-PCT vs. reduction of 17.6 million moving sperm with PCT).

but also.

1) It is clear that in both groups the testosterone level remains below the baseline. The difference of –1 nmol/L is not statistically significant. Therefore, it could be a coincidence, although it may also mean that the study group was too small to prove the difference.
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You won't shut down and will recover without any issues if you inject HCG like 500 iu 3 times a week on the cycle
it's the duration that they're shut down rather than the dose I believe.

this is also the guy that's running the trial that one of my friends is in.

>Measurement 3 reflects an average of three months since the end of the cycle. By this point, the PCT has been completed. The no-PCT group appears to have a better testosterone and sperm count during this measurement (16.3 vs. 14.4 nmol/L, and a reduction of 6.6 million moving sperm with no-PCT vs. reduction of 39.2 million moving sperm with PCT).

>Measurement 4 took place on average eight months after the end of the cycle. The difference in testosterone levels between the groups has almost disappeared. The sperm count is relatively better in the no-PCT group (a reduction of 5.3 million moving sperm with no-PCT vs. reduction of 17.6 million moving sperm with PCT).

but also.

1) It is clear that in both groups the testosterone level remains below the baseline. The difference of –1 nmol/L is not statistically significant. Therefore, it could be a coincidence, although it may also mean that the study group was too small to prove the difference.
because they use toxic shit like clomid on their PCTs that only does harm. Many people lose gains not due to suppressed testosterone but because of the negative effects clomid has.
Forskolin is a better option for PCT. It's no worse than clomid in recovering T production but doesn't have its side effects
It's always better to just inject HCG on cycle so there will be no need for pct drugs at all
Niggas shatter their balls to pay $200/month for the rest of they lives, and even than pay the cost of fucking up their endocrine system for life

Just jfl.

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