Nuclear blackpill for roidlets and TRT users



Jul 2, 2020
"I've been on TRT for 9 years because when I was 32 my total T measured at 290. I'm now doing everything in my power to get off of it. It's a dead end in my opinion. It didn't solve the problems I was dealing with and comes with it's own set of problems.

For all of you men who are looking to it as a solution, a few considerations for you that no one presented to me.

When your HPTA axis is shut down and you become dependent on exogenous testosterone, what would you do if supply chains and the world goes to hell and vials or sources of testosterone is no longer available? Do you understand how weak, tired and cloudy you will feel while your body attempts to restart itself? If the world is truly falling apart, is that the time you want to be in a significantly weakened state?

If you go for a long period of time and your testes atrophy, do you know that your pituitary may never successfully pump out enough LH/FSH to restart to your testes?

Do you know how you respond to hCG to prevent testicular atrophy while on TRT? Do you know how you respond to SERM's if you ever want to attempt a restart? Some men cannot handle the side effects of these at all.

Do you care about your fertility? Do you ever want to have children? Do you know about shutting down upstream hormones like pregnenolone, progesterone, DHEA etc?

Do you know how to modulate your testosterone dose if you start having high estrogenic side effects or are you going to do down another rabbit hole and start playing with an aromatase inhibitor like anastrozole? Are you prepared to donate blood regularly if your hematocrit becomes too high?

There is a reason your T is low and this is just another Band-Aid that will come with it's own set of problems and costs.

Don't go down this path unless you have answers to at the very least all of the questions I proposed above."

"Testosterone, especially exogenous has adrenergic effects. A lot of people aren't aware of this.

Also, when our HPTA axis gets shut down, it reduces our endogenous production of progesterone. Progesterone is calming, so a reduction will amplify the adrenergic effects of testosterone. If estrogen climbs, that can also contribute via more intense emotional responses.

All of that can increase cortisol and adrenaline over time. That can lead to a decrease of magnesium and potassium stores.

All of this combined can lead to tachycardia and some fluttering.

I already chimed in once, but I was on a huge number of protocols of TRT, HRT with a number of hormones, peptides, supplements, AI's etc. I attempted with all my will to force it to work for 8 years straight. 8 years.

I also donated blood regularly, cycling between whole blood as well as double red blood cell.

Since I've been off, I've lost muscle size and put on some fat, but my heart feels better and my mind feels sharper.

If we could back up, do you have your pre-TRT lab/bloodwork we could look at?

What does your current diet, hormones, supplements and other drugs look like?"

We have literal 14 year olds on this site hopping on roids and all sorts of hormones like GH and sarms. Yall are fucking up your shit and dont have any idea of the sides.

Stay natural
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Not an iota
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  • JFL
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Btw this is under some guy experiencing heart palpitations from TRT

heart palpitations are no joke
Based, risking your health for female attention is being plain retarded.
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"I've been on TRT for 9 years because when I was 32 my total T measured at 290. I'm now doing everything in my power to get off of it. It's a dead end in my opinion. It didn't solve the problems I was dealing with and comes with it's own set of problems.

For all of you men who are looking to it as a solution, a few considerations for you that no one presented to me.

When your HPTA axis is shut down and you become dependent on exogenous testosterone, what would you do if supply chains and the world goes to hell and vials or sources of testosterone is no longer available? Do you understand how weak, tired and cloudy you will feel while your body attempts to restart itself? If the world is truly falling apart, is that the time you want to be in a significantly weakened state?

If you go for a long period of time and your testes atrophy, do you know that your pituitary may never successfully pump out enough LH/FSH to restart to your testes?

Do you know how you respond to hCG to prevent testicular atrophy while on TRT? Do you know how you respond to SERM's if you ever want to attempt a restart? Some men cannot handle the side effects of these at all.

Do you care about your fertility? Do you ever want to have children? Do you know about shutting down upstream hormones like pregnenolone, progesterone, DHEA etc?

Do you know how to modulate your testosterone dose if you start having high estrogenic side effects or are you going to do down another rabbit hole and start playing with an aromatase inhibitor like anastrozole? Are you prepared to donate blood regularly if your hematocrit becomes too high?

There is a reason your T is low and this is just another Band-Aid that will come with it's own set of problems and costs.

Don't go down this path unless you have answers to at the very least all of the questions I proposed above."

"Testosterone, especially exogenous has adrenergic effects. A lot of people aren't aware of this.

Also, when our HPTA axis gets shut down, it reduces our endogenous production of progesterone. Progesterone is calming, so a reduction will amplify the adrenergic effects of testosterone. If estrogen climbs, that can also contribute via more intense emotional responses.

All of that can increase cortisol and adrenaline over time. That can lead to a decrease of magnesium and potassium stores.

All of this combined can lead to tachycardia and some fluttering.

I already chimed in once, but I was on a huge number of protocols of TRT, HRT with a number of hormones, peptides, supplements, AI's etc. I attempted with all my will to force it to work for 8 years straight. 8 years.

I also donated blood regularly, cycling between whole blood as well as double red blood cell.

Since I've been off, I've lost muscle size and put on some fat, but my heart feels better and my mind feels sharper.

If we could back up, do you have your pre-TRT lab/bloodwork we could look at?

What does your current diet, hormones, supplements and other drugs look like?"

We have literal 14 year olds on this site hopping on roids and all sorts of hormones like GH and sarms. Yall are fucking up your shit and dont have any idea of the sides.

Stay natural
not a molecule + learn about pct dumbass+ foid pfp+ ratio +fatherless+ ur short
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  • JFL
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not a molecule + learn about pct dumbass+ foid pfp+ ratio +fatherless+ ur short
im 6'3 while youre a seething roidlet lmfao
"PCT" try reading the post retard
Who the fuck takes trt and not blast different compounds. You might as well have stayed low test 😂
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Just post one subhuman anecdote who is complaining, but not the 1000s of people who say it saved their life ? The state of this forum. Also TRT is not the same as cycling or blasting/cruising to get a good body. It’s for people who actually need it: whose balls/pituitary axis/ other bodily systems are faulty and do not make enough test.
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Who the fuck takes trt and not blast different compounds. You might as well have stayed low test 😂
TRT is like a common thing now dude. So many dudes hop on TRT because their natural test is like 200-400 range lol. Doctors give this stuff out like candy and say its 100% safe no side effects. Meanwhile reality is it nukes you over time
Just post one subhuman anecdote who is complaining, but not the 1000s of people who say it saved their life ? The state of this forum. Also TRT is not the same as cycling or blasting/cruising to get a good body. It’s for people who actually need it: whose balls/pituitary axis/ other bodily systems are faulty and do not make enough test.
Dog all the success stories are anecdotes from hypogonadal soy boys who it obviously helps and gives them good effects and feeling IN THE SHORT TERM. Meanwhile long-term shutdown has way more effects than just "hurr durr no more natural test production" that most docs and roidlets say.

99% of bodybuilders use TRT for life after they stop doing steroids
Your shit gets shutdown crazy quickly. Even short steroid cycles are dangerous.
Cruising legit means TRT bro. All roid gains will evaporate if you dont maintain the chemicals and test intake. Thats the reality
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Dog all the success stories are anecdotes from hypogonadal soy boys who it obviously helps and gives them good effects and feeling IN THE SHORT TERM. Meanwhile long-term shutdown has way more effects than just "hurr durr no more natural test production" that most docs and roidlets say.

99% of bodybuilders use TRT for life after they stop doing steroids
Your shit gets shutdown crazy quickly. Even short steroid cycles are dangerous.
Cruising legit means TRT bro. All roid gains will evaporate if you dont maintain the chemicals and test intake. Thats the reality
Your right. I have a friend who was a bodybuilder and my boy was doing roids and then he quit. Things didn't go to well after that, so he decided to use TRT.
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what would you do if supply chains and the world goes to hell and vials or sources of testosterone is no longer
Just live in your delulu world theory
That will never happen and it's pointless thinking about it
Even during COVID roids were easily available
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read it and i will tell you the JBW i witnessed this past weekend
Read it I do agree with some of the points you made such as you being completely fucked if you were no longer able to get roids. And that roids are temporary fix to a more permanent problem. However I still think JBW is absolute bullshit.
Read it I do agree with some of the points you made such as you being completely fucked if you were no longer able to get roids. And that roids are temporary fix to a more permanent problem. However I still think JBW is absolute bullshit.
I saw a 5'7 literal soy boy white dude with low HTB middle eastern girl with a fat ass at this ethnic party i was brought to. They were a couple.
I saw a 5'7 literal soy boy white dude with low HTB middle eastern girl with a fat ass at this ethnic party i was brought to. They were a couple.
Probably a betabuxx situation
Just live in your delulu world theory
That will never happen and it's pointless thinking about it
Even during COVID roids were easily available
lol bro with the way things are going, this is a possibility. The government could also fully ban steroids and testosterone because of "toxic masculinity"
even then, hes still hitting that and i believe they were co workers making good money.
He hits it once a month in exchange for money meanwhile Chaddam gets to hit it whenever he wants for free
He hits it once a month in exchange for money meanwhile Chaddam gets to hit it whenever he wants for free
just no dude. This chick is clearly BWC only. She might fuck chad on the side, chaddam is getting nothing from her. shes white only
just no dude. This chick is clearly BWC only. She might fuck chad on the side, chaddam is getting nothing from her. shes white only
Sadly the chances of this being true are rather low
just no dude. This chick is clearly BWC only. She might fuck chad on the side, chaddam is getting nothing from her. shes white only
how do you even know that lmao
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how do you even know that lmao
intuition. why else is she with white LTN dude? this was at an ethnic party as well, majority indian and middle east, there were like 10 whites there and 30 indian and arab.
intuition. why else is she with white LTN dude? this was at an ethnic party as well, majority indian and middle east, there were like 10 whites there and 30 indian and arab.
how are ethnic majority parties even possible in what is supposed to be a white majority country man, the US is cooked :feelswhy:
how are ethnic majority parties even possible in what is supposed to be a white majority country man, the US is cooked :feelswhy:
The ethnics invite each other and congregate bro. The party host was indian.
Just get on a cycle off test and forget about it lol this won't happen for the majority of userbase
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he invited my bro and i ve met the guy in the past because we went to the same college
Jbw pulled even in a party with barely any whites, that's crazy lmao
Jbw pulled even in a party with barely any whites, that's crazy lmao
bro my friend who is a wigger goes to all black full ghetto parties and hangouts and pulls black chicks all the time. Like hes the only white person there
bro my friend who is a wigger goes to all black full ghetto parties and hangouts and pulls black chicks all the time. Like hes the only white person there
Damn, I would've thought he'd have been overshadowed by the BBC's bruh!!

That's what the forum ethnics tell me!
Bro this was a high society party, everyone there had money. These endless copes. It was a luxury apartment.
>High society
ethnics gotta cope
Do wiggers actually do well with blacks tho?
Because like why would they want whites that act like niggers when they can get the niggers anyway?
Do wiggers actually do well with blacks tho?
Because like why would they want whites that act like niggers when they can get the niggers anyway?
its just niche that some girls either like or dont. tahts the thing about niche, you have less appeal overall but you have stronger appeal to the girls that like it. Its a trade off.
its just niche that some girls either like or dont. tahts the thing about niche, you have less appeal overall but you have stronger appeal to the girls that like it. Its a trade off.
huh, so im guessing wiggers would be the fetish to black girls jfl, is it something common tho lmao
im 6'3 while youre a seething roidlet lmfao
"PCT" try reading the post retard
i’m 6’3 too nigga that’s no flex nowadays plus i mog ur shit to oblivion and back. “muh steroids are dangerous” says the guy with a 18 inch bideltoid
i’m 6’3 too nigga that’s no flex nowadays plus i mog ur shit to oblivion and back. “muh steroids are dangerous” says the guy with a 18 inch bideltoid
im naturally taller and better frame than your roidlet ass lmfao. the only thing you mog at is having more fucked up hormones lil bro

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