Can't cope with the blackpill

Deleted member 275

Deleted member 275

Sep 8, 2018
Most of your looks is genes, unless you do extensive surgery you can change very little.

Conclusion: Focus on other things: But none of those things really matter. Money/Status/Personality matters very little in life compared to looks, so you are focusing on things that barely give you any life quality improvement.

Here you are hobbymaxing, socialmaxing, careermaxing, moneymaxing. Meanwhile chad bartender is living 10 times your life for winning the lottery at birth. And there's nothing you can do to ever compensate. Especially not when you have already missed out on important milestones such as teenage love, proper socializing in your youth, etc.

I have lost all of my motivation in everything in life, because none that I can change even matters. I was a top 1% straight A student and went to the best university in my country, but I have to drop out because none of it is giving me any life quality. In fact focussing on academia has been nothing but a huge life quality reduction.

What the fuck are you supposed to do in life when most of your life quality and direction is already set in stone the moment your parents and your genes are decided?!?

Like sure I can carreermax and make 60k (engineer at big firm) after taxes instead of 30k as a bartender in this shit communist country. What kind of minimal impact does that have on your life quality though, especially considering how taxing such a job would be compared to bartending;
You will drive a new car instead of some decent used one, live in a slightly bigger house, and go to restaurants a bit more often and go to the bahamas instead of france once a year. Wooow, what a life quality difference compared to doing jack shit:lul::lul: I don't care about any of that material shit anyways.

Brutal, no idea wtf I am supposed to do. Getting tired of this looksmaxing shit because I have already done everything except surgery and I have no obvious failo's so that seems pointless.

Maybe I can double my carrot intake for better skin tan, inb4 I become chad smh.
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I'm not maxxing anything, just LDAR NEETing
Already told my parents they should have aborted me.
  • JFL
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Most men if they softmaxxed with all their might with maybe a couple hardmaxxes for worse off cases could probably land an LTR they were happy with.
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Unless you are a Truecel Imo 3PSL or under it's not over. You are weighing up complete hypothetical s and coming to rash conclusions. Btw that Chad bartender will have his own set of problems even if it's not one night stands. If you have the motivation to get to the position of working as an engineer you probably will able to afford opportunities that others will never experience and if it means so much to you a surgery or two, some time in the gym and not being a Truecel will probably mean you will get a LTR or pussy.
  • +1
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Most men if they softmaxxed with all their might with maybe a couple hardmaxxes for worse off cases could probably land an LTR they were happy with.
Doubtfull, slim young good-looking women are unachievable for a large part of the population. My 'looksmatch' is ugly and I'd rather stay single than date her. So what the fuck am I supposed to do? Die?
  • JFL
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Doubtfull, slim young good-looking women are unachievable for a large part of the population. My 'looksmatch' is ugly and I'd rather stay single than date her. So what the fuck am I supposed to do? Die?
They are unachievable for most of the population because most men put very little effort into their appearance, status, and redpilled behavior (say cope all you want but it matters tbh).
Let's say we break men into a few categories - top 5%, top 20%, middle 60%, bottom 20%. Top 5% are Chads already. Top 20% if they maxxed could probably LTR with a Stacy. Middle 60% if they maxxed could probably eke out an LTR with someone they were satisfied with, a mid to high tier Becky. Bottom 20% are probably unsalvegable.
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Unless you are a Truecel Imo 3PSL or under it's not over. You are weighing up complete hypothetical s and coming to rash conclusions. Btw that Chad bartender will have his own set of problems even if it's not one night stands. If you have the motivation to get to the position of working as an engineer you probably will able to afford opportunities that others will never experience and if it means so much to you a surgery or two, some time in the gym and not being a Truecel will probably mean you will get a LTR or pussy.
?? Chad cumming in some model-tier looking chick while she says she loves him experiences 10 times more pleasure than say for example: I will get if I train for 3 years and use a large sum of money to book a guided expedition to the top of the Mount Everest.

Like wtf, why are neurotransmitter rewards distributed so unfairly, garbage human biology.
?? Chad cumming in some model-tier looking chick while she says she loves him experiences 10 times more pleasure than say for example: I will get if I train for 3 years and use a large sum of money to book a guided expedition to the top of the Mount Everest.

Like wtf, why is are neurotransmitter rewards distributed so unfairly, garbage human biology.
Might as well smoke Meth than and get 100x what Chad experiences..

yeah my wiring is fucked as well, we play the cards we are dealt.
i hate when people compare ANYTHING to chads. you do...while chad does...and gets...

imagine being such a cuck that u get jealous of what other guys do
i hate when people compare ANYTHING to chads. you do...while chad does...and gets...

imagine being such a cuck that u get jealous of what other guys do

Ugly people resemble the monkey that gets shit food for a task, while seeing the other monkey getting delicious food for performing the same task.

It's just human biology to compare your life to chad and seeing you are treated like shit.
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  • Woah
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Ugly people resemble the monkey that gets shit food for the some task, while seeing the other monkey getting delicious food for performing the same task.

It's just human biology to compare your life to chad and seeing you are treated like shit.

and whats the point of being jealous or hating on something u have absolutely no influence?

Ugly people resemble the monkey that gets shit food for a task, while seeing the other monkey getting delicious food for performing the same task.

It's just human biology to compare your life to chad and seeing you are treated like shit.

I have an urge to become chad. I Just have to do it. Looksmax or bust
and whats the point of being jealous or hating on something u have absolutely no influence?
I am not saying it is rational behavior, but that doesn't mean it is 'worse' behavior. Humans are emotional creatures: a rational, stoic life is very boring.
I am not saying it is rational behavior, but that doesn't mean it is 'worse' behavior. Humans are emotional creatures: a rational, stoic life is very boring.
Emotions aren't inherently rational or irrational though
Yes bro. The key is to have money young to ascend during at least your last phase of puberty...

Anyway money is legit if u have potential. For example if i have it, with money I'd look good but I don't know to what extent.
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Yes bro. The key is to have money young to ascend during at least your last phase of puberty...

Anyway money is legit if u have potential. For example i have it, with money I'd look good but I don't know to what extent.
with money I would ascend 2 points
with money I would ascend 2 points
What would u have done. 2 points 4-6 is huge, extremly huge. 6 is GL already...

If I had all the money I need I believe I'd be up there tbh. Lets make money buddy boyo @onnysk let's scam some rich old whore :feelswhy:
never had this thread before
They are unachievable for most of the population because most men put very little effort into their appearance, status, and redpilled behavior (say cope all you want but it matters tbh).
Let's say we break men into a few categories - top 5%, top 20%, middle 60%, bottom 20%. Top 5% are Chads already. Top 20% if they maxxed could probably LTR with a Stacy. Middle 60% if they maxxed could probably eke out an LTR with someone they were satisfied with, a mid to high tier Becky. Bottom 20% are probably unsalvegable.
This post deserves an award. Disagreeing with it is pure cope and defeatism.
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What would u have done. 2 points 4-6 is huge, extremly huge. 6 is GL already...

If I had all the money I need I believe I'd be up there tbh. Lets make money buddy boyo @onnysk let's scam some rich old whore :feelswhy:
surgery, but having money also makes you less stressed
Chad cumming in some model-tier looking chick while she says she loves him experiences 10 times more pleasure than say for example

he doesn't after the 5th time though
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I'd rather be an all rounder than have one positive aspect in the extreme with others lacking. That's what I'm aiming for. 7/10 in all major areas of life (health, wealth and relationships). I've already knocked the first two down.

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