Carreer BlackPill and Income BlackPill

I think there are two
To add.
it's a bit difficult factor sometimes. Due to type of "what came first": egg-chicken loop.

Like. Did the guy look decent/good base wise. And therefore got postive re-informcements on looks and thus care m ore for looks.
Or Like. Good looking guy, gets a good job based on looks quicker. Gets more money to looksmax, stylemax, etc.. And gets more attention/help, do do his job well and improve. And therefore gets better career development. And so on.

PUT it like this.
to make the comparisson more fair

1. Unskilled and Unmotivated and Dumb, Good Looking guy.
Doesn't get carreer wise as far as Motivated, Smart normie/or ugly looking guy. BUT gets plenty further than Unskilled and Unmotivated and Dumb, UGLY Looking guy.

2. Skilled and motivated and smart, Good Looking guy.
gets priobably further carreer wise than Motivated, Smart normie/or ugly looking guy.

That's probably, how it is.

It's always a bit funny. How when people compare. They make the good looking person: unmotivated, dumb, laizy, and so on.
But why would the good looking person on average be less motivated, smart, active, thanan ugly or nrmoie looking person? I never seen prove of a difference in that.

Like, how pua's always claim. That normies that are game-maxxed, outperform Chads in dating easily. Because Chad has no game, and is dumb socially, and what not. Like, why would Chad have so much less game than the normie. Probably actually even not, because mr. Good lOoking gets more social experience, and validation and rewards. So likely he will actually be more experienced, because social stuff is more rewarding for him.
You're overthinking it my man
800 weeks 1 meeks. Thanks for showing me this series, gonna binge-watch it all.
To add.

There exists the concept/philosopy of: "Sexual Capital" (*1 link wiki at bottom)
Where ones looks and all, translates beyond dating.

Catherine Hakim argues that erotic capital matters beyond the sexual field, and beyond private relationships. Her research suggests that erotic capital is important in the fields of media, politics, advertising, sports, the arts, and in everyday social interaction, and consists of six elements:
  1. Beauty
  2. Sexual attractiveness
  3. Social attractiveness
  4. Vivaciousness and energy
  5. Presentation
  6. Sexuality
To add some proof/studies to the mix. How: better looking = better income, better job/carreer, better ecnomical chances:

**Study 1

Holding constant demographic and labor-market characteristics, plain people earn less than people of average looks, who earn less than the good-looking. The penalty for plainness is 5 to 10 percent, slightly larger than the premium for beauty. The effects are slightly larger for men than women.
Better-looking people sort into occupations where beauty is likely to be more productive; but the impact of individuals' looks on their earnings is mostly independent of occupation.

**Study 2


**Study 3
(about women looksmaxxing with makup and clithing and stuff)
I think for men this also counts. money spend on looksmaxxing with decent/good results. Will earn itself back WITH INTEREST, longer term.

We find that beauty raises women's earnings adjusted for a wide range of controls.
Additional spending on clothing and cosmetics has a generally positive marginal impact on a woman's perceived beauty. The relative sizes of these effects demonstrate that such purchases pay back no more than 15% of additional unit of expenditure in the form of higher earnings.

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