Chad is his own pheno

Average anglo is miles above average ethnic but asymptotic towards 6 psl and higher, yes.

Barely any are 6 psl how can they be 6 psl is in in 1 in 240 people
  • JFL
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ye im poor and low iq but im very good loookingg
you are so stupid that you are looking for an advantage in my past answers. I fucked you up, Indians are subhuman
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you are so stupid that you are looking for an advantage in my past answers. I fucked you up, Indians are subhuman
my cock smells so bad man


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Hindu 1 in 200,000

No I don't know if you been down to India or not but most Indians are not ugly if they lose weight I can post 30 examples
  • JFL
Reactions: BrahminBoss
No I don't know if you been down to India or not but most Indians are not ugly if they lose weight I can post 30 examples
funny considering your brother said otherwise.
  • +1
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damn you guys are so stupid, I wanted to have a kkk but only with Indians
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I just wanted to find out if Indians are really such subhumans, but I just met butthurt
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funny considering your brother said otherwise.








How many more do I need to post there not 6PSL tier chads but hell to the fuck no are they ugly
  • JFL
Reactions: BrahminBoss
@BrahminBoss wtf are you laughing are you a cuckold that likes to dick on his own race or what ? I'm so confused
  • JFL
Reactions: BrahminBoss
Now look how many likes they get on Tinder.

You said they were ugly point out the bad traits objectively identify them if not shut the fuck up and also no shit there gonna do bad in the west women are racist as fuck can your 2 iq brain not understand that ?
then show your face and I’ll see how beautiful Indians are

I don't think op or I claimed to be good looking I know I'm ugly but I have 25 k saved in my bank but I'm also 6 1 and fat so I can get better looking and I'm getting better looking slowly I can very easily get surgery how far are you in all this ?
@BrahminBoss wtf are you laughing are you a cuckold that likes to dick on his own race or what ? I'm so confused
they arent that good looking.
they arent that good looking.

Yeah because there your average curry I posted I never claimed the average Indian is 6 psl I was just refuting the claim they are ugly when there not. 6 psl is very rear plus there filtered and have exotic traits like lighter skin or blue eyes in fact most indians ascend with light skin and blue eyes
Yeah because there your average curry I posted I never claimed the average Indian is 6 psl I was just refuting the claim they are ugly when there not. 6 psl is very rear plus there filtered and have exotic traits like lighter skin or blue eyes in fact most indians ascend with light skin and blue eyes
Everyone looks better with lighter skin.
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Everyone looks better with lighter skin.

Yeah but curries especially there feautres are western Eurasian but they have shorter chins bulbous noses and rounder orbits if most curries had white skin not this white as albino white is death tier but if most curries had the skin tone of picture 2 they would ascend super hard and it's not that hard you have to change 0 bones just change some SLC selection genes for skin colour invitro and you can have curries with chad tier skins that would 90 percent of Indians


  • JFL
Reactions: BrahminBoss
Yeah but curries especially there feautres are western Eurasian but they have shorter chins bulbous noses and rounder orbits if most curries had white skin not this white as albino white is death tier but if most curries had the skin tone of picture 2 they would ascend super hard and it's not that hard you have to change 0 bones just change some SLC selection genes for skin colour invitro and you can have curries with chad tier skins that would 90 percent of Indians

View attachment 2474121

View attachment 2474122
white skin doesnt suit indians, our physiognomy needs olive/ light brown
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white skin doesnt suit indians, our physiognomy needs olive/ light brown

Well the 2nd guy isn't really white he's tanned with red under tones
Brother that is lifefuel for me, I'm currently lighter than him by a shade probably and I've done jackshit
Msm and progesterone
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Cagefuel replies
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Phenotypes are made up just like most of anthropology/evolution is a made up baseless theory. We all came from the distinct members on Noah's ark who separated after the flood.

If you ain't Biblemaxxing in 2023 you aint gonna make it
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Where do you think Pythagoras travelled to before he started his peripatetic school. Do you know anything about Voltaire, disingenuous dalit
Pythagoras the first freemason assumed the world was a sphere even though all freemasons are taught the Earth is flat. Voltaire, another freemason, was solely responsible for the separation of Church and State and aiding in influencing the French revolution for degenerate and kiked means.

Basically we now have feminism and trannies all thanks to Voltaire
  • JFL
Reactions: BrahminBoss
Pythagoras the first freemason assumed the world was a sphere even though all freemasons are taught the Earth is flat. Voltaire, another freemason, was solely responsible for the separation of Church and State and aiding in influencing the French revolution for degenerate and kiked means.

Basically we now have feminism and trannies all thanks to Voltaire

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