[CHAD SECRET] How to be a frame mogger. How to get a bigger looking frame naturally. Framecels GTFIH

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Deleted member 8846

aspie rotter
Aug 4, 2020
The main advice that you'll get from bodybuilder gymcels on how to look "wider" is just to train your upper body heavy & hard. This, of course is to try and hypertrophy specifically your lats, shoulders and chest. And this is true, bigger muscles will obviously contribute to you looking bigger, but training your muscles mindlessly won't make you look much wider, it might even make you look worse if you have big muscles on trash posture.

This is where a lot of guys fall of and just blame it all on clavicle length and bone structure or "frame", if you will.

But, guess what? You don't have to have massively long clavicles to look like you have a big frame, nor do you have to have insanely big & hypertrophied lats. What you really need is proper posture and mind muscle connection.

Now, guys with wider frames might indeed actually have longer clavicle length. But this is because their bones have grown to be longer due to force being applied to them to grow that way. What am I talking about? I'm talking about having strong secure lats, which will push up your shoulders and in turn push out your arms. If you can figure out a way to do this, it will make your frame look SO much wider (even though it's not even any actual clavicle length added, it's just your muscles sitting the way they are supposed to be positioned.) I believe that over time having this posture and having your lats squeezed up against your triceps will contribute to how long your clavicles decide to grow. I believe this is the reason some guys have huge frames, it's because from a young age they just naturally positioned their lats in this fashion and as they grew up their clavicles grew properly thanks to this. I believe it's the same in pretty much everything else in the body. People with bowlegs just got used to flexing their hips out from a young age, and over time the bones in their legs grew outwardly because that's how their hip muscles positioned them to be.

So, the reason for training your lats is really just to hypertrophy them and to gain strength and in turn gain a mind muscle connection so you know how to flex them. It's pretty much the same as how once you start training your chest you gain a mind muscle connection and you eventually learn how to bounce your pec muscles.

I really think that this whole "framecel" phenomena can be prevented if guys just learn to go about their life with proper posture. Too many men nowadays are hunched over with rounded shoulders and a nerdneck. And they don't even go to the gym either, they just sit and rot in front of a computer screen.

Proper posture btw, is having rolled back shoulder blades and in turn a "lions chest" or a "proud chest". Basically just spread your chest as wide open and put your shoulders back. And also have your lats squeezed up against the side of your arms and in turn this will push out your arms. You'll know your doing this right if your arms are very diagonal, as opposed to straight.

A lot of body builders have this proper posture and lat positioning.

Jeff Seid

Notice how his lats are pushed outwards, not just because the actual muscle is big like that, but because he is positioning them to be that way. "Posing" if you will. Also, notice how his arms are pushed out and are therefore diagonally positioned and not straight. One thing you'll notice with a lot of framecels is that they will have straight arms, not diagonal arms.

And, also Aziz "Zyzz" Shavershian.

Now, Zyzz isn't doing this to the same extent as Jeff Seid is as you can clearly tell. But you can still tell he's doing it by looking at his lats and arms (his lats insertions are high up so it's hard to see them from the front with his shoulder blades rolled back like in the picture).

Zyzz is also an interesting example of this. He went from a giga framecel to a frame mogger. And this is a guy renowned for having a phenomenal frame, so how do you explain this? He was obviously on roids, but he did his first cycle at 18 so yes, maybe it grew his clavicles. But, I think he just learned to pose properly and have proper posture.

There's even candid pictures of Zyzz when he's not doing this pose and his frame looks a lot smaller.

Not posing lats
81264752 1407282767

Again, his arms aren't pushed out here as you can notice and therefore we can tell that his lats aren't squeezed here.

Posing lats
65146 442898812225 351749002225 5052141 5165690 n

It's not just Zyzz either. How come so many guys go from looking weak and having a bad frame to looking a lot more wide once they start hitting the gym? The answer is that they learn to properly pose and position their lats after they gain muscle mass and strength.
How to get broad shoulders ectomorph narrow bone structure

This guys shoulders are hunched over in the first pic and they are rolled back in the second pic. And his arms are diagonally positioned in the second pic as opposed to them being straight and just hanging loose in the first pic.


Hit the gym, learn to properly position your lateral muscles and to basically "squeeze" them up against your arms (ideally do this from a young age to influence clavicle growth). Stop having hunched over, rounded shoulders & learn to have proper posture.
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Reactions: Angutoid, maarda, Aero and 22 others
legit,when you hypertrophy the muscles the bones adapt, exercise with the proper posture that in about 2 years your frame will be bigger
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Are you telling me to front lat spread 24/7?
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  • JFL
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Too long didnt read
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tl;dr flex your lats 24/7 like an aspie
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Lats+traps = frame. Basically be doing a lot of upper back work and shrugs during the workout week and you'll look infinitely bigger.
Okay, can you stay in that position all the time?
If not, then it is useless.
Inject hgh and train
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Also do lateral raises twice a week.
its not about lat spread, but pull your shoulders back ,if you have strong rotator cuff and mid traps you will be in hat position permanently
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