Cheapest way to reincarnationmaxx (read if sub 6PSL)


Deleted member 29710

Σέλευκος Νικάτωρ Σωτήρ Θεός Κεραυνός
May 13, 2023
Img 8

Hi! Have you recently (or not so recently) come to the unfortunate conclusion that your life is no longer worth living but don't quite know how to end it? Tired of conjuring up new copes for your worthless existence? Just hate being alive and the discomfort of existence in general? Look no further then to your salvation, the 8 story (10 stories to be safe) fall with a lethality rate of virtually 100%. It's free (meaning there are no financial records that would potentially tip someone off like buying a shotgun would), easy and simple to pull off. Just get to the roof or breakable window of a building 8 stories or higher and jump to the ground. It's literally more lethal than shooting yourself in the head with a shotgun or pistol, and falling to your death is more romantic than blowing your brains out frankly.

Here's some helpful tips on how to pull this off!

1. Strike while the iron is hot - don't stand around on a roof looking around like some kind of romantic. As soon as you see the goal, run off before you get spotted or someone tries to stop you. The faster you do this, the more likely you are to succeed and the less likely you are to be cucked and live as a cripple the rest of your life thanks to medical intervention.

2. Don't leave a note - you're offing yourself anyways, and it's not as if anyone will really give a shit about your note. Don't write one, it just adds an additional risk to your plan.

3. Make sure that the ground you're falling onto is clear - you don't want to get impaled up the ass by a spike or worse because you were too lazy to scout out the place before trying to rope.

4. Avoid therapy or psychiatrists - they won't actually help or fix your problems, but they sure can fuck with your ability to stay determined to off yourself, which is especially relevant given the amount of willpower it takes to follow through.

5. Have a plan and set a deadline - Planning out your roping will make you more determined to follow through, help you avoid becoming crippling by fucking up an impromptu attempt and give you ample time to settle your affairs, if you care about that.


You should try to get as many points on this flowchart replicated in your life as possible for best chance of being able to follow through. :)

"A more recent study on 287 vertical fall victims revealed that falls from height of 8 stories (i.e. around 90-100 feet) and higher, are associated with a 100% mortality [4]. Thus, a vertical falling height of more than 100 feet is generally considered to constitute a "non-survivable" injury."

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@thecel, @Xangsane, @It'snotover, @ascendedd, @glo goblin, @SecularIslamist, @forevermirin, @ascension thoughts? good guide? good method?
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TLDR. Just pray to this God(s) you are reincarnated as 6'2 white Chad billionaire from Norway and jump off the nearest tower.

  • JFL
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Good method, but I would not do this for the simple fact that you could reincarnate as some 5'4 curry janitor, the odds are much higher compared to becoming a chad
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Reactions: humanoidsub7, Deleted member 29155 and rooman
Best way that i've thought of myself:

Overdose on something poisonous. Be on a rooftop. Before it takes effect, stand on the ledge. Point 2 pistols to your head. Lean over the edge, just before you start falling, shoot both pistols at the same time. If that somehow doesnt kill you, you will be falling to death. If you still somehow survive, the poison that you consumed will give you one last try.

You can probably add other things too, like picking a spot where you'll end up landing on a highway so you can get run over, if the above 3 methods all somehow fail. You can set up a bomb that explodes within a few minutes somewhere on you. Just stack a bunch of suicide methods and ur good.
  • JFL
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Reactions: watah, tournesol, Deleted member 29155 and 4 others
Best way that i've thought of myself:

Overdose on something poisonous. Be on a rooftop. Before it takes effect, stand on the ledge. Point 2 pistols to your head. Lean over the edge, just before you start falling, shoot both pistols at the same time. If that somehow doesnt kill you, you will be falling to death. If you still somehow survive, the poison that you consumed will give you one last try.

You can probably add other things too, like picking a spot where you'll end up landing on a highway so you can get run over, if the above 3 methods all somehow fail. You can set up a bomb that explodes within a few minutes somewhere on you. Just stack a bunch of suicide methods and ur good.
what liking asian women does to a mfer
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 29155, rooman, Deleted member 26823 and 7 others
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Good method, but I would not do this for the simple fact that you could reincarnate as some 5'4 curry janitor, the odds are much higher compared to becoming a chad
Unless consciousness ends after death. Then you're just free of life forever, which is amazing.
  • Woah
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dont tag me in faggotry like ts 🤣🤣🤣
ion relate to sad hoes
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yall will nvr go up like me 😂😂 , im thinkin bout the next bitch im gon eat while yall thinkin ab methods 2 kill yoself 🤣🤣🤣
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nat my fault u got a vagina
wishin n prayinh everyday tht ppl on this forum would kill themselves 😹😹🙏🙏🙏
i kommand all people 2 sukk my dick n bend over
yall will nvr go up like me 😂😂 , im thinkin bout the next bitch im gon eat while yall thinkin ab methods 2 kill yoself 🤣🤣🤣
yeah homie you're right, this is my sign to log out of this shitty website
You may die from jumping from a tall building but the fall as the ground gets nearer will be happening in super slow motion from your perspective and you will start to feel terror at the potential incoming pain and then if you somehow manage to be fatally injured but conscious, you are guaranteed to be in agony. Drowning is the best method. Just swim out as far as possible and exhaust yourself. Anyone who has almost drowned due to sheer exhaustion of trying to keep up will tell you that it's peaceful af. Being forcefully drowned would be painful af though.
You may die from jumping from a tall building but the fall as the ground gets nearer will be happening in super slow motion from your perspective and you will start to feel terror at the potential incoming pain and then if you somehow manage to be fatally injured but conscious, you are guaranteed to be in agony. Drowning is the best method. Just swim out as far as possible and exhaust yourself. Anyone who has almost drowned due to sheer exhaustion of trying to keep up will tell you that it's peaceful af. Being forcefully drowned would be painful af though.
Cope. There's no way you'd be conscious hitting the ground after an 8 story fall. It's instant death. Also jfl at suggesting drowning when that is monumentally more suffering than just a quick fall and death.
Go to ***************** you greek clown.
Good method, but I would not do this for the simple fact that you could reincarnate as some 5'4 curry janitor, the odds are much higher compared to becoming a chad
Cope. Just pray to Gandy before you die
  • JFL
Reactions: It'snotover
Literally just use a CPAP Mask and Helium Tank and you would die with no pain literally 0 pain
Literally just use a CPAP Mask and Helium Tank and you would die with no pain literally 0 pain
That takes effort + money and can be screwed up. This is a foolproof 0 pain method since you'll die on impact before your nerves can even register the pain.
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Reactions: Aypo129
This is the only trick. 100% works if you want to become a chad
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Just one part of tube to helium tank and other to cpap mask and done
You will die in some minutes in your sleep
That takes effort + money and can be screwed up. This is a foolproof 0 pain method since you'll die on impact before your nerves can even register the pain.
All you need to do is tighten the mask
Helium is very similar in your breathing so your body doesnt panic
No, if anything, I'll die by overdosing on some insane drug or something

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