Chewing for better facial aesthetics

The upper/middle part of the maxilla are located relatively at around the center of the maxilla (the center of resistance is here as well), meaning that for a upwards translation of the cheekbones you need to chew with the teeth located in the middle part of the maxilla, as tipping the ends will not influence the center, this is the same mechanism that pertains to the orbitals becoming more compact, as the maxilla translates upward, so do the orbitals and zygos which will lead to highset zygos + more compact orbitals
Since when developing we are lacking the support of the tongue which would cause us to grow vetically instead of forward, we all have a bit of CW rotation built into us, when there is CW rotation it lessens forward growth, by correcting it you will gain forward growth as well, it is similar to gaining height from fixing posture, you aren't actually growing, just maximizing what you have
the blackline is your maxilla, both lines have the same amount of pixels, yet when you rotate a heavily clockwise maxilla, just by default you will gain a ton of forward movement. (this was an exaggeration, you arent going to have this level of rotational change)the mechanism behind the sutures being weakened is too complex to try to explain so
explain in a simpler way?
so if im tryna decrease downgrowth where do i chew
ive been chewing with my incisors and it doesn't work
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Good thread. Unfortunately chewing is much less effective since we aren’t children. Bones can maybe change meaningfully still, idrk. The question is: what to chew? Don’t wanna wear down teeth.
It depends on the hardness of your sutures, they're still soft as a young adult and late teens and will not FULLY close until your about 60, you can still gain bonemass just not absurd amounts of it.
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Why do you think steroids alter the face like that? It’s because the face is made up of muscles, and steroids grow muscles. Chewing will result in a similar effect. I am speaking from experience here as someone who went to far with the chewing.
You’re not straining as much and even then it’s not enough you have to do it too much
when i was chewing my cheeks got fatter instead of my jaw? i'm 17 is it because I have inward gonions? Is it worth chewing still.
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View attachment 2666093

Chewing is the most underrated looksmax for how easy it is, it is very likely that you can remodel your bones in a relatively short period of time if you chew strenuously, the same mewers who think h24 about getting the back third of the tongue up are ironically the same ones who miss this giga easy looksmax. Chewing has the potential to remodel bone very fast due to the absurd amount of forces generated by the jaw
View attachment 2666096

  1. The jaw elevator muscles develop the main forces used in mastication. The force generated during routine mastication of food such as carrots or meat is about 70 to 150 newtons (16 to 34 lbf). The maximum masticatory force in some people may reach up to 500 to 700 newtons (110 to 160 lbf). Being you can chew 5+ pieces of hard falim gum, and build up the strength of our masseters from constant chewing, it is not unreasonable to expect to be able to exert 350+ Newtons of force per mastication.
    View attachment 2666098

    To compare how significant this is maxilla protraction is generally done with 10 Newtons, and the tongue can exert around 5 while hard mewing, so it is safe to say that chewing is 60x more force than your tongue, making it an extremely potent change for actual bone change, many people when thinking of chewing only look at it as a way to build masseters, but this is simply a bonus.

    Daily spurts of cyclic load cause sutural strain throughout the skull. The chewing regime likely enhances suture growth and may be therapeutically useful.

    While that should of provided some helpful background info on chewing, this is part of the thread that will help you actually change your bone structure, based on your method(s) of chewing, you can get any of the following assuming you follow the proper protocal:

    By hard-chewing you can : Decrease midface length (or increase if your midface is overly compact)Increasing orbital bone mass making it more compactMake cheekbones higher-set*Increase forward growthYou can also make your sutures more responsive to generating new maxillo-facial growthRemodel the jawbone itself to make it more robust**
    View attachment 2666102

    The upper/middle part of the maxilla are located relatively at around the center of the maxilla (the center of resistance is here as well), meaning that for a upwards translation of the cheekbones you need to chew with the teeth located in the middle part of the maxilla, as tipping the ends will not influence the center, this is the same mechanism that pertains to the orbitals becoming more compact, as the maxilla translates upward, so do the orbitals and zygos which will lead to highset zygos + more compact orbitals
    Since when developing we are lacking the support of the tongue which would cause us to grow vetically instead of forward, we all have a bit of CW rotation built into us, when there is CW rotation it lessens forward growth, by correcting it you will gain forward growth as well, it is similar to gaining height from fixing posture, you aren't actually growing, just maximizing what you have
    the blackline is your maxilla, both lines have the same amount of pixels, yet when you rotate a heavily clockwise maxilla, just by default you will gain a ton of forward movement. (this was an exaggeration, you arent going to have this level of rotational change)the mechanism behind the sutures being weakened is too complex to try to explain so

    View attachment 2666104

    To sum this up: Start chewing.

    End of the thread.
View attachment 2666093

Chewing is the most underrated looksmax for how easy it is, it is very likely that you can remodel your bones in a relatively short period of time if you chew strenuously, the same mewers who think h24 about getting the back third of the tongue up are ironically the same ones who miss this giga easy looksmax. Chewing has the potential to remodel bone very fast due to the absurd amount of forces generated by the jaw
View attachment 2666096

  1. The jaw elevator muscles develop the main forces used in mastication. The force generated during routine mastication of food such as carrots or meat is about 70 to 150 newtons (16 to 34 lbf). The maximum masticatory force in some people may reach up to 500 to 700 newtons (110 to 160 lbf). Being you can chew 5+ pieces of hard falim gum, and build up the strength of our masseters from constant chewing, it is not unreasonable to expect to be able to exert 350+ Newtons of force per mastication.
    View attachment 2666098

    To compare how significant this is maxilla protraction is generally done with 10 Newtons, and the tongue can exert around 5 while hard mewing, so it is safe to say that chewing is 60x more force than your tongue, making it an extremely potent change for actual bone change, many people when thinking of chewing only look at it as a way to build masseters, but this is simply a bonus.

    Daily spurts of cyclic load cause sutural strain throughout the skull. The chewing regime likely enhances suture growth and may be therapeutically useful.

    While that should of provided some helpful background info on chewing, this is part of the thread that will help you actually change your bone structure, based on your method(s) of chewing, you can get any of the following assuming you follow the proper protocal:

    By hard-chewing you can : Decrease midface length (or increase if your midface is overly compact)Increasing orbital bone mass making it more compactMake cheekbones higher-set*Increase forward growthYou can also make your sutures more responsive to generating new maxillo-facial growthRemodel the jawbone itself to make it more robust**
    View attachment 2666102

    The upper/middle part of the maxilla are located relatively at around the center of the maxilla (the center of resistance is here as well), meaning that for a upwards translation of the cheekbones you need to chew with the teeth located in the middle part of the maxilla, as tipping the ends will not influence the center, this is the same mechanism that pertains to the orbitals becoming more compact, as the maxilla translates upward, so do the orbitals and zygos which will lead to highset zygos + more compact orbitals
    Since when developing we are lacking the support of the tongue which would cause us to grow vetically instead of forward, we all have a bit of CW rotation built into us, when there is CW rotation it lessens forward growth, by correcting it you will gain forward growth as well, it is similar to gaining height from fixing posture, you aren't actually growing, just maximizing what you have
    the blackline is your maxilla, both lines have the same amount of pixels, yet when you rotate a heavily clockwise maxilla, just by default you will gain a ton of forward movement. (this was an exaggeration, you arent going to have this level of rotational change)the mechanism behind the sutures being weakened is too complex to try to explain so

    View attachment 2666104

    To sum this up: Start chewing.

    End of the thread.
How often should I chew
View attachment 2666093

Chewing is the most underrated looksmax for how easy it is, it is very likely that you can remodel your bones in a relatively short period of time if you chew strenuously, the same mewers who think h24 about getting the back third of the tongue up are ironically the same ones who miss this giga easy looksmax. Chewing has the potential to remodel bone very fast due to the absurd amount of forces generated by the jaw
View attachment 2666096

  1. The jaw elevator muscles develop the main forces used in mastication. The force generated during routine mastication of food such as carrots or meat is about 70 to 150 newtons (16 to 34 lbf). The maximum masticatory force in some people may reach up to 500 to 700 newtons (110 to 160 lbf). Being you can chew 5+ pieces of hard falim gum, and build up the strength of our masseters from constant chewing, it is not unreasonable to expect to be able to exert 350+ Newtons of force per mastication.
    View attachment 2666098

    To compare how significant this is maxilla protraction is generally done with 10 Newtons, and the tongue can exert around 5 while hard mewing, so it is safe to say that chewing is 60x more force than your tongue, making it an extremely potent change for actual bone change, many people when thinking of chewing only look at it as a way to build masseters, but this is simply a bonus.

    Daily spurts of cyclic load cause sutural strain throughout the skull. The chewing regime likely enhances suture growth and may be therapeutically useful.

    While that should of provided some helpful background info on chewing, this is part of the thread that will help you actually change your bone structure, based on your method(s) of chewing, you can get any of the following assuming you follow the proper protocal:

    By hard-chewing you can : Decrease midface length (or increase if your midface is overly compact)Increasing orbital bone mass making it more compactMake cheekbones higher-set*Increase forward growthYou can also make your sutures more responsive to generating new maxillo-facial growthRemodel the jawbone itself to make it more robust**
    View attachment 2666102

    The upper/middle part of the maxilla are located relatively at around the center of the maxilla (the center of resistance is here as well), meaning that for a upwards translation of the cheekbones you need to chew with the teeth located in the middle part of the maxilla, as tipping the ends will not influence the center, this is the same mechanism that pertains to the orbitals becoming more compact, as the maxilla translates upward, so do the orbitals and zygos which will lead to highset zygos + more compact orbitals
    Since when developing we are lacking the support of the tongue which would cause us to grow vetically instead of forward, we all have a bit of CW rotation built into us, when there is CW rotation it lessens forward growth, by correcting it you will gain forward growth as well, it is similar to gaining height from fixing posture, you aren't actually growing, just maximizing what you have
    the blackline is your maxilla, both lines have the same amount of pixels, yet when you rotate a heavily clockwise maxilla, just by default you will gain a ton of forward movement. (this was an exaggeration, you arent going to have this level of rotational change)the mechanism behind the sutures being weakened is too complex to try to explain so

    View attachment 2666104

    To sum this up: Start chewing.

    End of the thread.
Chico never chewed once in his life you fucking retard
It’s always stupid fucking banned greycel doing fucking retzrded dogshit posts
  • +1
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Its a good thread retard kys your not chico
Its fucking cope
Models don’t chew
People with bruxism look like Minecraft characters
Every single person who ascended on this forum says chewing is cope
It can even cause problems if you get jaw surgery (need of Botox)
Chewing is good to wake up the facial muscles in the morning and that’s all
  • +1
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Chico never chewed once in his life you fucking retard
It’s always stupid fucking banned greycel doing fucking retzrded dogshit posts
Nigga you really said Chico jfl
His jaw is above average at best
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Yeah that’s right but how would you control that? Screws on your maxilla to prevent lengthening would be a based experiment.
Not ur maxilla ur nasal cavity lengthening
Being you can chew 5+ pieces of hard falim gum, and build up the strength of our masseters from constant chewing, it is not unreasonable to expect to be able to exert 350+ Newtons of force per mastication.
Garbo typical graycel thread, just give yourself TMJ bro!!! And no warning of it either lol, why do the mods let these low effort bs posts stay up which only harm people with misinformation and don’t even talk about the negative effects of doing something. Forum has actually gone to complete shit
Megabased. Chewing is does indeed work, and does show results. But doesn't it make the cheekbones go more down? Since it is pulling it at this much force?
Completely false. The Masseter and the temporalis muscle are under the zygomatic bone and whenever you chew hard, it pulls it outwards not downwards. You can even feel it. That’s also science backed.
I think you’ll find only other greycels will take this thread seriously.
Hahaha there are even study’s that say tough chewing increase hgh and igf-1 in the mandible and maxilla, increasing bone mass in the maxilla and mandible.

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