China is now harvesting Muslims for their organs



Jan 2, 2019

Jfl it's over for muslimcels once whites are gone. I hope you will enjoy your China dominated world where blacks are seen as animals and brown people are used for organ farming.

Just remember that you asked for this.
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I wonder if women's bodies will reject the transplants
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so Orientals will indirectly avenge the white race by their horrible treatment of browns and blacks. *Edit. orientals really do hate muslims, even the japanese took the time to persecute muslims during their occupation of china. you would of thought they they would ally with an ethnic minority against the host population of their occupied territory but no. from Wikipedia:
"Japanese atrocities committed against Hui Muslims[edit]
During the Second Sino-Japanese war the Japanese followed what has been referred to as a "killing policy" and destroyed many mosques. According to Wan Lei, "Statistics showed that the Japanese destroyed 220 mosques and killed countless Hui people by April 1941." After the Rape of Nanking mosques in Nanjing were found to be filled with dead bodies.They also followed a policy of economic oppression which involved the destruction of mosques and Hui communities and made many Hui jobless and homeless. Another policy was one of deliberate humiliation. This included soldiers smearing mosques with pork fat, forcing Hui to butcher pigs to feed the soldiers, and forcing girls to supposedly train as geishas and singers but in fact made them serve as sex slaves. Hui cemeteries were destroyed for military reasons.[3] Many Hui, Salar, Dongxiang, and Bonan Muslims fought in the war against Japan.
The Hui Muslim county of Dachang was subjected to slaughter by the Japanese.[4]
On 10 February 1938, Legation Secretary of the German Embassy, Rosen, wrote to his Foreign Ministry about a film made in December by Reverend John Magee about the Nanking Massacre to recommend its purchase. Here is an excerpt from his letter and a description of some of its shots, kept in the Political Archives of the Foreign Ministry in Berlin. One of the victims killed by the Japanese was a Muslim (Mohammedan) whose name was Ha.
During the Japanese reign of terror in Nanking – which, by the way, continues to this day to a considerable degree – the Reverend John Magee, a member of the American Episcopal Church Mission who has been here for almost a quarter of a century, took motion pictures that eloquently bear witness to the atrocities committed by the Japanese ... One will have to wait and see whether the highest officers in the Japanese army succeed, as they have indicated, in stopping the activities of their troops, which continue even today.[5]
On December 13, about 30 soldiers came to a Chinese house at #5 Hsing Lu Koo in the southeastern part of Nanking, and demanded entrance. The door was open by the landlord, a Mohammedan named Ha. They killed him immediately with a revolver and also Mrs. Ha, who knelt before them after Ha's death, begging them not to kill anyone else. Mrs. Ha asked them why they killed her husband and they shot her. Mrs. Hsia was dragged out from under a table in the guest hall where she had tried to hide with her 1 year old baby. After being stripped and raped by one or more men, she was bayoneted in the chest, and then had a bottle thrust into her vagina. The baby was killed with a bayonet. Some soldiers then went to the next room, where Mrs. Hsia's parents, aged 76 and 74, and her two daughters aged 16 and 14. They were about to rape the girls when the grandmother tried to protect them. The soldiers killed her with a revolver. The grandfather grasped the body of his wife and was killed. The two girls were then stripped, the elder being raped by 2–3 men, and the younger by 3. The older girl was stabbed afterwards and a cane was rammed in her vagina. The younger girl was bayoneted also but was spared the horrible treatment that had been meted out to her sister and mother. The soldiers then bayoneted another sister of between 7–8, who was also in the room. The last murders in the house were of Ha's two children, aged 4 and 2 respectively. The older was bayoneted and the younger split down through the head with a sword.[6]
Panglong, a Chinese Muslim town in British Burma, was entirely destroyed by the Japanese invaders in the Japanese invasion of Burma.[7][8] The Hui Ma Guanggui became the leader of the Hui Panglong self-defense guard created by Su who was sent by the Kuomintang government of the Republic of China to fight against the Japanese invasion of Panglong in 1942. The Japanese destroyed Panglong, burning it and driving out the over 200 Hui households out as refugees. Yunnan and Kokang received Hui refugees from Panglong driven out by the Japanese. One of Ma Guanggui's nephews was Ma Yeye, a son of Ma Guanghua and he narrated the history of Panglang included the Japanese attack.[9] An account of the Japanese attack on the Hui in Panglong was written and published in 1998 by a Hui from Panglong called "Panglong Booklet".[10] The Japanese attack in Burma caused the Hui Mu family to seek refuge in Panglong but they were driven out again to Yunnan from Panglong when the Japanese attacked Panglong.[11]"
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Tag all the muslimcels
Somehow this doesn't stir up people as much as state given gf's
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so Orientals will indirectly avenge the white race by their horrible treatment of browns and blacks.

Pretty much. Though it's not like they actually give a shit about white people. It's more of a karma thing. Blacks and brownies accuse the only race that is even remotely interested in racial altruism of being disgusting racists and want them all dead, and in return they get enslaved by an actually legit racist and oppressive race after they have gotten rid of whites. It's just pure karma.

What I am curious about though, is how the Chinese will treat the remaining whites once they are a minority in the west. Will they treat them just as shit as the other races or will some kind of special distinction be made? It seems extremely unlikely that the Chinese will buy into the social justice bullshit of whites being responsible for black/brown misery even for propaganda purposes, since I struggle to see how the Chinese could see any propaganda value in depicting whites as inferior to blacks/browns. Even some kind of "we must save the brownies from the evil white supremacy!" narrative would not make any sense, since it's actually the minorities whom are invading and destroying the west time around. If anything the failure of multiculturalism in the west will actually increase Chinese distrust of non-whites as a result of seeing what happens when you import huge numbers of them. Not to mention their own experiences dealing with blacks in Africa. My guess is that whites will become second class citizens, but blacks/browns third class.

Tag all the muslimcels

Tell me their user names brah.
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  • +1
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Nuke china tbh
this triggers my inner jihadi
isn't this old news?

they've been doing this for a while, there's a reason people in their concentration camps go missing and the waiting time for replacement organs is so short
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Jfl it's over for muslimcels once whites are gone. I hope you will enjoy your China dominated world where blacks are seen as animals and brown people are used for organ farming.

Just remember that you asked for this.

China is ideal of the Israel of Palestinians
Why no isis bombing in China then? Just goes to show that ISIs is pure kike invention
  • +1
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Why no isis bombing in China then? Just goes to show that ISIs is pure kike invention

Probably has more to do with China not being total faggots and actually brutally stamping down on those who cross them, where as the USA and the west are just a bunch of limpwristed girlymen whom are just fine getting fucked up the asshole by ISIS.
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trust me when I say that chinese stand no chance
  • +1
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Probably has more to do with China not being total faggots and actually brutally stamping down on those who cross them, where as the USA and the west are just a bunch of limpwristed girlymen whom are just fine getting fucked up the asshole by ISIS.
More like China isn’t bombling innocent farmers in Iraq lmao
My brothers are dying, fuck those inhuman goons.
  • +1
Reactions: Ghostcel and BigBoy
china is very terrifying.
don't be a fool. we are more your brothers than arabs are.
Not all Indians are Muslim my friend lol..

He is clearly insulting you, and me with that completely insensitive comment my friend
Not all Indians are Muslim my friend lol..

He is clearly insulting you, and me with that completely insensitive comment my friend
i don't mean muslim. we are genetically and phenotypically related
i don't mean muslim. we are genetically and phenotypically related
No I’m not lol, I’m white and you’re a lightskin Indian. I’m not sure why you want to be white or prove that you’re less curry than your indian brothers, yes you are but i’m not sure why you go to such lengths to prove it. Just accept it bro, you’re a curry, a lightskin one but still a curry..
i don't mean muslim. we are genetically and phenotypically related
these are google images for “jatt male” and “turkish male” How can you say they are similar? don’t even say i cherry picked a white turkish male, i could have chose a green eye blonde hair one that came up lmfao
2DA8CC3A 7A91 4B67 8EB6 2EAA24BB827F
F96FA39C D48E 4226 B1B0 1B67CD4DB02A
  • +1
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No I’m not lol, I’m white and you’re a lightskin Indian. I’m not sure why you want to be white or prove that you’re less curry than your indian brothers, yes you are but i’m not sure why you go to such lengths to prove it. Just accept it bro, you’re a curry, a lightskin one but still a curry..

these are google images for “jatt male” and “turkish male” How can you say they are similar? don’t even say i cherry picked a white turkish male, i could have chose a green eye blonde hair one that came up lmfaoView attachment 123926View attachment 123927

we are both light skinned non europeans but tbh if my skin is white then why am I not white? and why would I not be Indian? id be a white Indian.

I just said we looked phenotypically similiar because I see that a lot of turkish mms have hooded eyes and so do I.

but tbh it doesn't make sense. still we are gentically similar to each other more than you are to arabs but I thought we would be closer linked since the proto indo europeans were in anatolia for a long time but alot of that dna is gone.
we are both light skinned non europeans but tbh if my skin is white then why am I not white? and why would I not be Indian? id be a white Indian.

I just said we looked phenotypically similiar because I see that a lot of turkish mms have hooded eyes and so do I.

but tbh it doesn't make sense. still we are gentically similar to each other more than you are to arabs but I thought we would be closer linked since the proto indo europeans were in anatolia for a long time but alot of that dna is gone.
Bro, I’m balkan/turk. so is the most of west turkey (where my family is from) I look more like arabs than i do to a Jatt and i look more albanian than I do arab.
Bro, I’m balkan/turk. so is the most of west turkey (where my family is from) I look more like arabs than i do to a Jatt and i look more albanian than I do arab.
genetically. not phenotypically to you I guess.
genetically. not phenotypically to you I guess.
son you are a curry, accept your fate. stop trying to get validation by associating yourself with whites. i thought you were one of the curries that was proud of being curry, but I was wrong.
  • +1
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genetically. not phenotypically to you I guess.
PM me face, I think you’re too fixated on trying to be more white, just embrace being a Jatt, nationalism and being proud of where you come from is something people on this site don’t have lol
  • +1
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son you are a curry, accept your fate. stop trying to get validation by associating yourself with whites. i thought you were one of the curries that was proud of being curry, but I was wrong.
Legit, I wish I could be a 6’4 italian model which is the perfect pheno but i’m a turk. He should just accept it lol
You agree with this? I thought you were better than this mate
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More like China isn’t bombling innocent farmers in Iraq lmao
Yeah right, because Sweden also bombed a lot of countries.
son you are a curry, accept your fate. stop trying to get validation by associating yourself with whites. i thought you were one of the curries that was proud of being curry, but I was wrong.
you do not understand mate. phenotype is actually determined by nose, skin hair and eye color and finally hooded eyes for most caucasoids. im more phenotypically similiar to non Indians but still am gentically Indian.

and Im proud of being a Jatt and Indian .
PM me face, I think you’re too fixated on trying to be more white, just embrace being a Jatt, nationalism and being proud of where you come from is something people on this site don’t have lol
read post above bro
Legit, I wish I could be a 6’4 italian model which is the perfect pheno but i’m a turk. He should just accept it lol

You agree with this? I thought you were better than this mate
I hate myself for being curry but I wish I didn't have this subhuman trait. Being a self-hating curry is worse than being a curry. I despise the curries at school that hang out with whites and bash other curries.
PM me face, I think you’re too fixated on trying to be more white, just embrace being a Jatt, nationalism and being proud of where you come from is something people on this site don’t have lol
being jaat is cope. all the jaats on this forum cope being jaat so as to distance themselves from other curries and can claim to have Aryan heritage.
other than those the whole of all caucasoids from arabs to Indians to whites are very similiar
you do not understand mate. phenotype is actually determined by nose, skin hair and eye color and finally hooded eyes for most caucasoids. im more phenotypically similiar to non Indians but still am gentically Indian.

and Im proud of being a Jatt and Indian .

read post above bro
no you are not or else you woudltn make threads about indians being white
I hate myself for being curry but I wish I didn't have this subhuman trait. Being a self-hating curry is worse than being a curry. I despise the curries at school that hang out with whites and bash other curries.

being jaat is cope. all the jaats on this forum cope being jaat so as to distance themselves from other curries and can claim to have Aryan heritage.
Yeah but IMO being a curry is better than being a gook, i’m ngl bro at least you’re not fully shit snin and have somewhat caucasian features.
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no you are not or else you woudltn make threads about indians being white
white does not equal european. white means you have white skin.
I am Islamic but I have learned not to accept propaganda, I'm surprised the other Islamicels have a hard time understanding they could just be exaggerating what happens there.
Yeah right, because Sweden also bombed a lot of countries.
If I murdered your family are you not going to be revengeful against mine? The eu countries should’ve never supported the us actions in the first place. If Europe wasn’t such a spineless disunified mess they wouldn’t be pushed around by countries they formally dominated like the us and China
  • +1
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Yeah but IMO being a curry is better than being a gook, i’m ngl bro at least you’re not fully shit snin and have somewhat caucasian features.
id rather be a Chang
I am Islamic but I have learned not to accept propaganda, I'm surprised the other Islamicels have a hard time understanding they could just be exaggerating what happens there.
no white=European, that is what everyone interprets it as
  • +1
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no white=European, that is what everyone interprets it as
I think this quote was meant for the Jatt guy. But I agree with that. When we talk about white people, we mean Europeans. Syrians and other Levant Arabs are also white-skinned but they're not considered white because they're not European.
  • +1
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no white=European, that is what everyone interprets it as

and hooded eyes doesnt mean jackshit lol

oh sorry, i tagged you by accident
pretty sure its not enviromental. could be tho.

well thats obviously not how I interept it to be.

and its not how reality is. there are white Indians pakistanis and afghans.

thats no europe
No problem bro.

Yeah it's not a white trait imo, I've seen plenty of ethnics with it.
it does mean those that have it share some genes.
and its one of the only phenotypical features between caucasoids
pretty sure its not enviromental. could be tho.

well thats obviously not how I interept it to be.

and its not how reality is. there are white Indians pakistanis and afghans.

thats no europe

it does mean those that have it share some genes.
and its one of the only phenotypical features between caucasoids
it does mean those that have it share some genes.
and its one of the only phenotypical features between caucasoids
Well we are all Caucasians so it makes sense that we share some genes. After all we share the same ancestors too.
and its not how reality is. there are white Indians pakistanis and afghans.

thats no europe

We call those people white-passing. The keyword here is "passing," which still implies while they're not actually white (read: European) they could pass as one.
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