China is now harvesting Muslims for their organs

Pretty much. Though it's not like they actually give a shit about white people. It's more of a karma thing. Blacks and brownies accuse the only race that is even remotely interested in racial altruism of being disgusting racists and want them all dead, and in return they get enslaved by an actually legit racist and oppressive race after they have gotten rid of whites. It's just pure karma.

What I am curious about though, is how the Chinese will treat the remaining whites once they are a minority in the west. Will they treat them just as shit as the other races or will some kind of special distinction be made? It seems extremely unlikely that the Chinese will buy into the social justice bullshit of whites being responsible for black/brown misery even for propaganda purposes, since I struggle to see how the Chinese could see any propaganda value in depicting whites as inferior to blacks/browns. Even some kind of "we must save the brownies from the evil white supremacy!" narrative would not make any sense, since it's actually the minorities whom are invading and destroying the west time around. If anything the failure of multiculturalism in the west will actually increase Chinese distrust of non-whites as a result of seeing what happens when you import huge numbers of them. Not to mention their own experiences dealing with blacks in Africa. My guess is that whites will become second class citizens, but blacks/browns third class.

Tell me their user names brah.
Yeah. Every single race outside of whites are openly racist.
Well we are all Caucasians so it makes sense that we share some genes. After all we share the same ancestors too.

We call those people white-passing. The keyword here is "passing," which still implies while they're not actually white (read: European) they could pass as one.
thats a eurocentric word dude. you are setting the baseline for grown right as europeans. which is bullshit.
Yeah. Every single race outside of whites are openly racist.
Nothing beats the racism of whites though.
thats a eurocentric word dude. you are setting the baseline for grown right as europeans. which is bullshit.
I'm not the one who came up with the word, though. It's a widely accepted word. You don't need to have white skin to be considered European, though. For instance, Greeks and Turks - although racist fucks will dispute this because "muh no blond hair or blue eyes" - are also Europeans, and will be referred to as "white," despite the fact that they're darker on average compared to the rest of Europe. Why? Simply because they are European.

My Punjabi friend's nephew also looks white-passing but nobody will call him European because he isn't, even though he has white skin, dark brown hair and blue-grey eyes. He will always be South Asian despite his European coloring.
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Nothing beats the racism of whites though.

I'm not the one who came up with the word, though. It's a widely accepted word. You don't need to have white skin to be considered European, though. For instance, Greeks and Turks - although racist fucks will dispute this because "muh no blond hair or blue eyes" - are also Europeans, and will be referred to as "white," despite the fact that they're darker on average compared to the rest of Europe. Why? Simply because they are European.

My Punjabi friend's nephew also looks white-passing but nobody will call him European because he isn't, even though he has white skin, dark brown hair and blue-grey eyes. He will always be South Asian despite his European coloring.
If he looks white, then hes white. No girl would care even if his name was Pajeet
If he looks white, then hes white. No girl would care even if his name was Pajeet
Dude at the end of the day my friend's nephew is and always will be Punjabi and not Slavic/Germanic/Nordic whatever despite his looks. I agree that he would slay but he's still a toddler jfl.

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