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Why aren't you helping OP you fraud
Now you can clearly see who is being hypocritical here, just go to this thread everytime you have a suspicion... i didn't expected to get such a negative feedback, it was better rather than not seeing the post but to Jfl react which hurts me a little bit
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Bitch, JL~ and Pietrosiek
Now you can clearly see who is hypocritical user here, just go to this thread everytime...
i dont care about this thread i didnt even read it, i was just joking around with tony
  • +1
Reactions: Tony
That's brutal. Get the surgery tho.
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Reactions: JL~ and Chintuck22
Now you can clearly see who is being hypocritical here, just go to this thread everytime you have a suspicion... i didn't expected to get such a negative feedback, it was better rather than not seeing the post but to Jfl react which hurts me a little bit
people on this forum are just negative and projecting their emotions. just ignore it bro, its not that they dont like you or want you dead, its just who they are.
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  • JFL
  • Ugh..
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i dont care about this thread i didnt even read it, i was just joking around with tony
Of course you don't, i didn't expected you to care, don't get shocked when you got 0 friends or any of that

@Proex look what your buddy is doing while you consider him as the only true friend, i just want to point out the hypocrisy

Now suck the dick madam @TraumatisedOgre
  • JFL
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Now you can clearly see who is being hypocritical here, just go to this thread everytime you have a suspicion... i didn't expected to get such a negative feedback, it was better rather than not seeing the post but to Jfl react which hurts me a little bit
Ne, mislim da vecina nije prociala ceo tekst, na pocetak ono vices kako si se napalio na sestru i ono doktor sto bez anasteziju ti uradio pa valjda svi pomisli ovo je nesto blago i nije ozbiljno pa zato im smesno
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Reactions: Deleted member 11167 and Chintuck22
No, I don't think most of them read the whole text, at the beginning you shout how you attacked your sister and what the doctor did to you without anesthesia, so I guess everyone thinks this is something mild and not serious, so it's funny to them

tsertser put these subhuman balkan apple pickers in the trashbag


raspori putkata namaikata na OP. kurwa maika OP legit sweet tsertser
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Reactions: Fear, Deleted member 6723, Chintuck22 and 2 others
Ne, mislim da vecina nije prociala ceo tekst, na pocetak ono vices kako si se napalio na sestru i ono doktor sto bez anasteziju ti uradio pa valjda svi pomisli ovo je nesto blago i nije ozbiljno pa zato im smesno
Искрено сам хтео да добијем што више реакција на овом посту и онда сам убацио који смешан детаљ, али оно, ако већ ставе ЈФЛ на објаву онда очекујем да у коментару напишу зашто типа "време је да промениш свој усернаме" или тако нешто
  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: Bitch, Deleted member 5746, Deleted member 11167 and 1 other person

tsertser put these subhuman balkan apple pickers in the trashbag


raspori putkata namaikata na OP. kurwa maika OP legit sweet tsertser
Shut the fuck up no one laughed and you're as worthless poster as the @Original is

Atleast i bring some value to these people, you bring nothing
  • JFL
Reactions: huntergatherer and Bitch
Искрено сам хтео да добијем што више реакција на овом посту и онда сам убацио који смешан детаљ, али оно, ако већ ставе ЈФЛ на објаву онда очекујем да у коментару напишу зашто типа "време је да промениш свој усернаме" или тако нешто
Moro si da se zagrijes pred da ovo radis, pogotovo vrat je mn bitna stvar, sad mora da se operises ce ti pravi probleme velike kasnije
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Moro si da se zagrijes pred da ovo radis, pogotovo vrat je mn bitna stvar, sad mora da se operises ce ti pravi probleme velike kasnije
Jebiga, imam operaciju sledeće nedelje pa se nadam najboljem
  • +1
Reactions: Bitch and TsarTsar444
Jebiga, imam operaciju sledeće nedelje pa se nadam najboljem
Ah operacija na rbet je uvek opasna.. Ne znam sta da ti kazem, ima mala sansa da ostanes invalid, samo da znas, opet zavisi koliko blizu nerv se nalazi povreda
  • So Sad
Reactions: Chintuck22

tsertser put these subhuman balkan apple pickers in the trashbag


raspori putkata namaikata na OP. kurwa maika OP legit sweet tsertser
u really love that gif
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: huntergatherer and Tony
Ah operacija na rbet je uvek opasna.. Ne znam sta da ti kazem, ima mala sansa da ostanes invalid, samo da znas, opet zavisi koliko blizu nerv se nalazi povreda
Doktor je rekao da ću se osećati kao da imam osteoartritis, biće mi teško da pomeram vrat ali će biti bolje, možda samo osakaćen malo
  • +1
Reactions: Bitch
Doktor je rekao da ću se osećati kao da imam osteoartritis, biće mi teško da pomeram vrat ali će biti bolje, možda samo osakaćen malo
Cekaj, ce imas ko osteoarthritis posle operacije ili ovako bez?
  • +1
Reactions: Chintuck22
Cekaj, ce imas ko osteoarthritis posle operacije ili ovako bez?
Pa kao prva faza osteoartritisa posle, zato ce mi biti teže da pomeram vrat
  • So Sad
Reactions: Bitch and TsarTsar444
  • So Sad
Reactions: Chintuck22
To ce bude permanent?
Nažalost biće ali neće ni u jednom trenutku postati loše osim dok ne doživim kasnu starost što je malo i olakšavajuče
  • So Sad
Reactions: Bitch and TsarTsar444
Nažalost biće ali neće ni u jednom trenutku postati loše osim dok ne doživim kasnu starost što je malo i olakšavajuče
Ovo je ko iskusenje, manje stvari ce ti budu bitnije ovako, ja imam hronicnu bolest i 70% hrane ne smijem da jedem ama barem mn vise cenim sad ono sto imam. Nisu ovakve stvari uvek kraj svega
  • So Sad
Reactions: Chintuck22
May Allah grant U a swift recovery and greater intellect
  • +1
Reactions: Chintuck22
can you explain what you did
  • +1
Reactions: Chintuck22
Good luck with the surgery, hope it goes well.
  • +1
Reactions: JL~ and Chintuck22
I feel sorry for you OP, really wish you a fast recovery. I know close to nothing when it comes to this, so can't comment on the surgery stuff.
  • So Sad
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Ako ti je zivot bio sjeban prije ovoga sad je troduplo vise sjeban.

Zelim ti brz oporavak
  • So Sad
Reactions: Chintuck22
How much this gonna limit ur daily life?
  • +1
Reactions: Chintuck22

@TraumatisedOgre is bullying me again:woke:
Fuck them tbh, they didn't even reacted to my post but say all the negative shit about me, i broke my desk in half just by reading what the haters wrote about me... You don't want to know what would i do to them if i'll be able to fight again
  • JFL
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Reactions: Bitch, Deleted member 2403 and Deleted member 11167
Fuck them tbh, they didn't even reacted to my post but say all the negative shit about me, i broke my desk in half just by reading what the haters wrote about me... You don't want to know what would i do to them if i'll be able to fight again
How much this gonna limit ur daily life?
Doctor said it will be hard for me to move my neck, other than that, i will experience osteoarthritis when i get old, it's pretty sad cause i won't be able to gymecel again and MMA'max
  • +1
Reactions: Bitch, JL~ and Pietrosiek
Just get the surgery, you have nothing to lose at this point tbh.
  • +1
Reactions: Chintuck22
Doctor said it will be hard for me to move my neck, other than that, i will experience osteoarthritis when i get old, it's pretty sad cause i won't be able to gymecel again and MMA'max
Watch this brazzer, watch the whole video

  • Woah
Reactions: Chintuck22
so chintucking didnt do this. you basically hanged yourself with a belt and dislocated your neck? fucking retards
  • JFL
  • WTF
Reactions: PURE ARYAN GENETICS, buckchadley31, Effortless and 2 others
Just get the surgery, you have nothing to lose at this point tbh.
Good argument tbh, i'm getting the surgery next week, it's scheduled because there are too many people before me and i could wait while someone is at higher likelyhood to die
  • +1
Reactions: Bitch, JL~, Pietrosiek and 1 other person
Good argument tbh, i'm getting the surgery next week, it's scheduled because there are too many people before me and i could wait while someone is at higher likelyhood to die
Good luck boyo.
  • +1
Reactions: JL~ and Pietrosiek
Good argument tbh, i'm getting the surgery next week, it's scheduled because there are too many people before me and i could wait while someone is at higher likelyhood to die
dont worry man, u will be able to recover from the injury
  • +1
Reactions: JL~ and Chintuck22
Bro how can you injure neck with chin tucks? I'm not understanding this tbh


Are you writing porn movie script?

  • JFL
Reactions: Chintuck22
so chintucking didnt do this. you basically hanged yourself with a belt and dislocated your neck? fucking retards
Shut the fuck up, i've explained everything in the OP and you are retarded if you didn't get it, read the fucking shit you low IQ imbecile
  • JFL
Reactions: Bitch
... what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
  • JFL
Reactions: Chintuck22
Sad if not larping. Just shows how dangerous and fucked up this website can be. Imagine people having almost fatal injuries because of what a fat fuck claims to look good while sitting on his computer chair licking his nacho stenched fingers.
Shut the fuck up, i've explained everything in the OP and you are retarded if you didn't get it, read the fucking shit you low IQ imbecile
op you tried to hang yourself with a belt and failed. how useless can you be op cant even kill yourself properly
As i was chintucking, i though nothing is going to happen because i'm doing this shit daily to the point it has become easy to do the excercise

So me, the Balkanic retard i am who likes to try things, i hanged the belt around my head and started pulling the head in opposite direction... Quickly i heard the *CLICK* sound and felt like i'm going to die, like i'm having the stroke. I felt to the ground in tears and went to the fucking hospital. When i arrived the doctor fixed my neck with his hands and god it was the most painful thing i've ever encountered, i started SCREAMING, HE DIDN'T GAVE ME ANESTHESIA.. MOTHERFUCKER FIXED MY NECK WITH HANDS :feelsrope:, and i was getting the cast for neck to wear it for 2 months, the nurse who was putting it was sexy as fuck i got the boner in front of entire clinic :feelsohh::feelsohh:, she smiled when she noticed it and i was witnessing an sudden anxiety attack because oh well i am just a truecel to her, then she asked me what happened to me and i said it was an car accident (i lied in attempt to give normal fucking impression), she said oh that's bad (as if she gives a fuck, fucking femoid) then nothing happened, i was too injured that i barely spoke a word, but i felt anxious either way.

Doctor said that my left side is gonna be tilted forever and that i would need surgery in order to fix it, i said nah, i'm not gonna get it doc, the radiographs clearly showed that my cervical discs were injured and he said it won't gonna be in 100% functioning condition, but rather in 50% if everything goes well, he said that i would feel like the osteoarthritis patients, and that i will have difficulty to move my neck, he insisted to do a surgery but i told him nah, maybe i should've undergo the surgery but i'm high inhib as fuck. On my way to home i didn't cried because of the pains, but because i will never ascend, pussy has destroyed me, i will be the perfect example of what 0 pussy does to a mf.. nigga almost killed himself for a MM of a fucking shittiest bone, if there wasn't parents in my house, i would legit die on the spot, i felt like the whole world is going to end and that i'm getting a stroke - I am not complaining, i should have died so i won't waste oxygen to other people, except it was painful so i had to scream... if it wasn't painful i would throw a giggle cause i know this life in a former subhuman shell is going to end.

Still not over, i don't know how bad you fucked your vertebrae but these kind of injuries (when mild) can be corrected with therapy depending on your age but it's going to be painful, the worst you can do right now is ldar, so, either get the surgery (i don't advice for it if you didn't try to get in therapy) or start doing therapy with some kinesiologist till you improve.

I won't compare you with Mike, but at one point in his career he fucked his back and neck from doing exercises like this

but still managed to recover.

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