Christianity was made by Jews to control the world



Jun 8, 2024

The Jews set up a up a debt/usury cult called Christianity in order to make a religion that convinces the goyim to worship Jews, pay interest/debt and allow jews to subvert Europeans. Picrel are some the original Hebrew Torah verses translated into English. As you can see, these translations are different from what you are used to. You are used to reading the greek translation, not the Hebrew translation. The jews deceitfully changed their own Torah when they were translating the torah from Hebrew to Greek. I will give an example using Deuteronomy 15:6

>For the LORD your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you.

>For Hashem Eloheicha blesseth thee, as He promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto Goyim rabbim, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over Goyim rabbim, but they shall not reign over thee.

Some will try to claim “goyim” means “nations” in this verse. That may be the literal translation, but that is not the context here. If YHWH meant “nations”, why did he double down on this claim just 3 verses prior in Deuteronomy 15:3?

>You may require payment from a foreigner, but you must cancel any debt your fellow Israelite owes you. (KJV)

The word “goyim” is not used here. The word “foreigner” was translated from nākərî/nokri (נָכְרִי). Nokri is another Hebrew word for nonjews/foreigners.

Jews did this for the entire bible, Jews edited the torah to make it seem less jewish-supremacist, and trick goyim into following their bible and worshipping their God. Sneaky mistranslations like these are in almost every page

In the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd centuries AD Jews and their shabbos goyim would go around the Roman Empire looking for starving peasants, spreading their christian propaganda by bribing them with bread. Convincing peasants to believe in their lies.

After the christianization of Europe was complete, jews had a monopoly on interest-charging banks in europe for the first time. Christian European monarchs would take personal loans from Jewish bankers. Christian European monarchs would exempt jews from military conscription. Christians were banned from charging interest while it was legal for Jews to charge interest. This made christian bankers unable to compete with the jews, THIS IS WHY KIKES CONTROL THE BANKS today. Christian monarchs slaughtered european pagans, but allowed Jews to live in their cities and leech off whites. Christian monarchs allowed Jews to own christian slaves.

>muh jews had no power in medieval Europe

Picrel. A jew funded king Henry II/Strongbow’s invasion of Ireland in 1170. This is just 1 of the countless examples of jews financing/manipulating European monarchs.

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Dnr nigger Jews hate Jesus and Christians
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Islam and Christianity are Judaism for the goyim tbh we all know this
Lmao Christians can't loan money. Why do you think Medieval kings used jews for that? JFL
because it goes against christian beliefs to loan money, therefore medieval kings kept jews close so they could loan money from them(because jews aren't Christian (SHOCKER))
What about all the medieval christian kingdoms that kicked the Jews off their land?
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You're an embarrassment to the movement. If A.H. were alive to witness a significant portion of his followers referring to his God as a "kike on a stick" while worshipping dead gods like Odin and Zeus, he would be so embarrassed that he might shoot himself in the head for real this time.
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Lmao Christians can't loan money. Why do you think Medieval kings used jews for that? JFL
because it goes against christian beliefs to loan money, therefore medieval kings kept jews close so they could loan money from them(because jews aren't Christian (SHOCKER))
Nigga use your brain for a sec they can’t lend money because you get rich off that so Jews only have the power to do that they created this situation themselves :lul:
You're an embarrassment to the movement. If A.H. were alive to witness a significant portion of his followers referring to his God as a "kike on a stick" while worshipping dead gods like Odin and Zeus, he would be embarrassed that he might shoot himself in the head for real this time.
Hitler wasn’t Christian and even criticized the religion he wished his people were united and Muslim
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All abrahamic religions are bullshit
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Jesus told us Jews are the synagogue of Satan
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not a single "christian" which ever read the bible would ever come close to jews, they are despicable animals, words cannot comprehend their disgust and The Bible as well as Saints portray them as such.
This lol. Christianity worships jews and every Christian is a jewish slave and will kill for his jewish master.

Meanwhile Islam says that jews are all going to hell, and frequently tells to Muslims how even though they are "people of the book" (just like Christians), they shouldn't be trusted. Islam is the only abrahamic religion that doesn't worship jews. We dont have sects that completely worship Isreal and the jews like Christians do with evangelicals.

@PrinceLuenLeoncur you're a jewish slave lmao :forcedsmile:
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DNR. Manlet ramblings.
Meanwhile Islam says that jews are all going to hell, and frequently tells to Muslims how even though they are "people of the book" (just like Christians), they shouldn't be trusted. Islam is the only abrahamic religion that doesn't worship jews. We dont have sects that completely worship Isreal and the jews like Christians do with evangelicals.
Islam is cucked as well. Blacks can convert to Islam and have the same rights as a native brown born.
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Christianity is the white people's religion. Without it, the western civilization wouldn't be known for what it is today, so have some respect for it you ungrateful cuck.

Jesus himself exposed the Jews and called them out for being the money obsessed materialistic monkeys they are.
read every molecule.based
  • JFL
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