Collagen reaper. For The God of The Red Pill community. And book writer of "The rational Male".



Aug 29, 2019
Rollo Tomassi (50), has fallen prey to then looks downfall 100%.
Collagen reaper. And grey. The greying could be painted, but the collagen is fucked for life probably. Past point of no return.

That's what you get, when following the RedPill believes; and thinking looks don't matter much or looks is just a bonus. You won't put in enough effort, to anti-age-maxx/collagen-maxx/etc.. And you'll look like a 60-something year old at 50.

Here a book summary, of his famous book "the rational male"
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Funny thing is, rollo was one of the first red pill core figures to actually let on that he doesn't really believe in "game". Of course, he knows who butters his bread so he's never going to come out and say that explicitly, but (I dont know so much about these days or what hes written recently) his book and the blog back in the day were largely absent of any dorky "game" talk. Compare and contrast to Roissy, who never shuts the fuck up about the magic of game.
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Funny thing is, rollo was one of the first red pill core figures to actually let on that he doesn't really believe in "game". Of course, he knows who butters his bread so he's never going to come out and say that explicitly, but (I dont know so much about these days or what hes written recently) his book and the blog back in the day were largely absent of any dorky "game" talk. Compare and contrast to Roissy, who never shuts the fuck up about the magic of game.
Cool. Yeah, game matters some but not so much. He probably (i assume?) went the path/teaching of primairily focus on: 1st maxx your status, and 2nd maxx your money. And after that also looks somewhere on the list
While I think, this is the best order: 1st maxx your looks; 2nd maxx your money; 3rd maxx your status. (money is 2nd no for dating purposes, but for own life comfort).

I know that dude a little bit from youtube. And how alot of men always recomment to read that book of his, especially the dudes in MGTOW community.

When I wanted to investigate age, and dating value of men and women.
It's the 1 times I read stuff from him. In his posts about age, and a guy his Relationship/Dating Market Value.
I kind gree, that for relationship market value, the average normie man peaks in his mid 30's. If that man ages well-ish, still looks good/same, and is doing decent in other things in life.





In my opinion. This Relationship market value graph. Is most accurate. Because a woman her peak, is way higher then a regula-ish man can ever peak.
they call it Sexual market Vaule. But imo. A woman Random Sexual market value will nearly always outshine a man his Random sexual market value:

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Male SMW peaks from 15 - 30, this graph is bullshit
Funny thing is, rollo was one of the first red pill core figures to actually let on that he doesn't really believe in "game". Of course, he knows who butters his bread so he's never going to come out and say that explicitly, but (I dont know so much about these days or what hes written recently) his book and the blog back in the day were largely absent of any dorky "game" talk. Compare and contrast to Roissy, who never shuts the fuck up about the magic of game.
Roissy honestly seems like a larper to me. I bet he doesn't get even ten percent of the women he claims.
Male SMW peaks from 15 - 30, this graph is bullshit
No backup to your claim?
For Prettyboys, I agree.
Obviously, graphs are for the masses, the average. The average normie man, imo peaks in his 30's when it comes to relationship market value.
That was also my exprience, as low tier normie. I was incel until mid 20's. Then after that, things started to pick up, and it has only gotten better so far untill now (mid 30's now). I must add though. That I do look 5+ years youngs then I am, and almost always have looked younger then my real age.
And these type of things in post #3 also show that a bit, imo.

Imo. Age has less of an effect on men (if they can keep good skin-care/collagen levels; keep a fit body; and keep good hair (or look good bald (rare)). Then it has on women.
That's how normie can ascend in relationships market value, in his 30's. Aka, Stay equal-ish looking as in 20's AND then added other stuff helps to get to higher overall level (larger age pool for dating; more money; more status; etc..).

This elaboration on age Relationship market value, imo covers it all pretty much.

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  • Ugh..
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Looksmax community should unpack this.

Rollo doesn’t seem like someone tried looksmax in his life in any extend. I bet he did not even step in a gym in his lifetime, otherwise he wouldn’t seem like a undead at 50.

Is redpill going to face with the same fate of PUA ?

Btw I hate reddit redpill copers
Looksmax community should unpack this.

Rollo doesn’t seem like someone tried looksmax in his life in any extend. I bet he did not even step in a gym in his lifetime, otherwise he wouldn’t seem like a undead at 50.

Is redpill going to face with the same fate of PUA ?

Btw I hate reddit redpill copers
Red Pillers, claim to know what to do as man to maxx you dating/relationships life.

But they don't, imo. Because the number 1 factor (by a long shot) to maxx you dating/relationships life is:
1. Looks (1. face; 2. body; 3. height).

And these red pillers, don't put enough focus on Looks. They put it like, on place 8 on the list. And thus give it to little attention and effort.
Hence they get fucked over by the Collagen reaper, baldness, etc..
Like this above man, Rollo. If he took care of looksmaxxing, semi-consistsantly; he would not look like this (skin, and hair color wise)

But for redpiller the list of what matters, is more like;
1. Alpha Attitude;
2. Money and carreer
3. Status
4 Masculnity
5 Confidence
6 Having a purpose and standards
7 Body
8 Clothing
9 Grooming

Whil imo, the list is more like this
1. Looks (face, body, height) (this is already 75% orso imo of the total (* see proof link below))
2. Status
3. Money
4. Mentally and socially healthy-ish (can be social, communicate, and somewhat stable. Aka, not be autistic as fuck and stuff like that)
5. Voice
6. Clothing

Location didn't make the list, but is a massive factor (especally for normies). But it's hard to place it anywhere.

* proof link:
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Roissy honestly seems like a larper to me. I bet he doesn't get even ten percent of the women he claims.

Pretty much every dork in the manosphere was/is a LARPer. It speaks volumes to the prevalence of autistic people in the "community" I suppose, that so few people dont have their BS detectors screaming whenever they come across these people. I don't just mean because they arent good looking, I mean every fact about them is incongruous with the image they want to project. There were a few genuine PUAs, mostly out of the london daygame scene, but by genuine I simply mean sincere; they were too stupid to realize almost all of their results were from simple persistence and stone flipping and they couldve got the exact same women without the retarded affectations and goofy theorizing.

But suffice to say, anyone who maintains an active blog nattering about the sociology of it all is a fucking dork and is not getting laid anywhere near as much as they make out, if at all.
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Red Pillers, claim to know what to do as man to maxx you dating/relationships life.

But they don't, imo. Because the number 1 factor (by a long shot) to maxx you dating/relationships life is:
1. Looks (1. face; 2. body; 3. height).

And these red pillers, don't put enough focus on Looks. They put it like, on place 8 on the list. And thus give it to little attention and effort.
Hence they get fucked over by the Collagen reaper, baldness, etc..
Like this above man, Rollo. If he took care of looksmaxxing, semi-consistsantly; he would not look like this (skin, and hair color wise)

But for redpiller the list of what matters, is more like;
1. Alpha Attitude;
2. Money and carreer
3. Status
4 Masculnity
5 Confidence
6 Having a purpose and standards
7 Body
8 Clothing
9 Grooming

Beauty is always rewarded, many philosopher though on aesthetics. It is transcendental, about fate and genetics. Also courage, war and honor.

Alpha attitude is still partly BP concept. People were alpha, not because they wanted to be but thats what it is.

So instead they focus on what they can change. It is the effect of western thought, you can be whatever you want, god and fate dead and stuff.

Thats why muslims and non westerns are “based” IMO. Muslim/jewish god/fate is much more cruel and determinist than christians.

Focusing what you can change, redpill instead blackpill may cause deception that you can change the world as much as you want..
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There were a few genuine PUAs, mostly out of the london daygame scene, but by genuine I simply mean sincere; they were too stupid to realize almost all of their results were from simple persistence and stone flipping and they couldve got the exact same women without the retarded affectations and goofy theorizing.
I can hardly recall, good PUA's.
I think legit advice I remember were only from:
* Paul Janka,
* Justin Wayne (psychopatic tendencies he hd, but good style example I recall I think),
* 60 years of challnge (just remember his audio and books, have 0 video data as backup)
Beauty is always rewarded, many philosopher though on aesthetics. It is transcendental, about fate and genetics. Also courage, war and honor.

Alpha attitude is still partly BP concept. People were alpha, not because they wanted to be but thats what it is.

So instead they focus on what they can change. It is the effect of western thought, you can be whatever you want, god and fate dead and stuff. Thats why muslims and non westerns are “based” IMO.
LOL. I agree.
They even believe a manlet dude can be an alpha. Like WTF.
I can hardly recall, good PUA's.
I think legit advice I remember were only from:
* Paul Janka,
* Justin Wayne (psychopatic tendencies he hd, but good style example I recall I think),
* 60 years of challnge (just remember his audio and books, have 0 video data as backup)

LOL. I agree.
They even believe a manlet dude can be an alpha. Like WTF.

Aaron Sleazy was probably the earliest and most consistent figure in the scene to say "all this shit you believe is FAKE you absolute morons" and show that it was about objective, material reality not magic and pop psychology. But a lot of Sleazy's shit was also self-serving "like yes, i am SO good looking i get hot women coming up to me all the time guys, you dont because you're NOT AS GOOD LOOKING AS MEEEEE" ego stroking stuff. I always thought this was strange, because Sleazy too was selling PUA products marketed as "no bs game" while still writing regular blog posts on how pua was nonsense. Kind of self defeating to the business model, which was promising average or ugly men that their looks are not a barrier to sex with hot women.
Aaron Sleazy was probably the earliest and most consistent figure in the scene to say "all this shit you believe is FAKE you absolute morons" and show that it was about objective, material reality not magic and pop psychology. But a lot of Sleazy's shit was also self-serving "like yes, i am SO good looking i get hot women coming up to me all the time guys, you dont because you're NOT AS GOOD LOOKING AS MEEEEE" ego stroking stuff. I always thought this was strange, because Sleazy too was selling PUA products marketed as "no bs game" while still writing regular blog posts on how pua was nonsense. Kind of self defeating to the business model, which was promising average or ugly men that their looks are not a barrier to sex with hot women.
Yeah. I recall him also. I was pua-ish from 2007 - 2011. That's when he first came up. His advice was simple, and good I recall. Although, I don't remember him feeding the lookspill enough or at all.
His advice was basically I think to recall:
1. women know withing seconds if they see you as bangeable option and want to bang you(which is true)
2. make things asap sexual
3. numbers game

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