Collective water fast/anorexiamaxxing thread. Let's lose weight together

It's only hard if you do shit like this. Jfl imagine fucking up your biochemistry and growth, all whilst losing less weight than you could just because you decided it was easier to starve yourself than to follow a regular caloric deficit diet or just watch what the fuck you're eating.
LMAOO. This doesn't fuck up your biochemistry nor stunt your growth (I'm done growing). If anything, long term calorie deficits are more likely to stunt your growth (I personally dont think either can stunt your growth unless you do it when you're like 14). It's LITERALLY the same exact process, just done faster. AKA depletes you from adipose tissue faster. How the FUCK is this supposed to be somehow more dangerous? Also, not only am I done growing, but even if not, 30 days is not gonna do shit. If I have a little bit of jaw development left, I highly doubt the couple of millimeters I will develop over YEARS, I'm gonna somehow lose out on just because of a month of me getting my energy endogenously. Cell proliferation doesnt stop when you stop eating, not to mention I'm supplementing protein and minerals and vitamins. Shit post.
good thread
crash diet idea.
meal 1 = protein shake
meal 2 = vegetables
meal 3 = soup broth
I try to lose some weight .

I do OMAD today, I will eat my only meal tonight (lot of vegetables, a sweet potato, with eggs)

I did today 2 hours biking with some uphill parts, and 30 minutes in a sauna at my gym

I will probably go for a walk of 60 minutes later to burn even more calories

The key is to eat your meal very slowly to feel full, I have antipsychotic that increase my appetite but with this routine I can lose weight
ping me when dec30 comes
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Hijacking necroed thread, but I've had quite a positive experience with fasting and the most important aspect is:
NO FOOD is vastly superior to LITTLE FOOD.

Most people see fasting as caloricrestrictionmaxx, as in: "Fasting for one day and eating normally the other 6 will give you the same results as spreading the deficit equally around the days"
This is 100% wrong and I say that as someone who ardently preached Calories in - Calories out.
Turns out Calories out is heavily influenced by Calories in so even though the math checks out it doesn't give you an actionable plan by itself. It's like saying "to win a football match, just score more points than the other team," it's both true and worthless - even worse, if you count on the other team to stay still, your strategy will fail no matter what.
Roughly speaking, metabolic slowdown is a thing with caloric restriction (diet+exercise) [ref], but not with caloric abstinence (fasting) [ref].

A little bit more of explanation under the spoiler tag:
Eating a little will keep your insulin just high enough to lock up your fat stores, while the body sees no alternative other than reduce your metabolism to not break thermodynamic law (that's also why simple caloric deficit doesn't work). Combine this with the HGH spike you only get when fasting and the autophagy response of sweeping out your shit cells and NO FOOD comes out a clear winner.
500Cal a day deficit faggots gtfo, go find the /fat/ thread made just for you and your shit that never works.
Watch this vid if you want a longer explanation.

In my experience, the only time in which I've seen weight loss that correlated exactly with the energy deficit was while fasting, and I tried all the memes out there, always keeping high protein (Keto, IF, 8-meal-a-day...): Always the same, worked for a while... then grinded to a halt even accounting for the adjustments due to the (little) weight lost.

With fasting I was losing 1lb (400g) a day every fasting day after the initial water weight drop (about 2 days in), so about 3500 Cals which matched closely my (calculated) TDEE; this rate was maintained for about 22lbs (10kgs) in a little over a month or so.
I was only fasting on weekdays and eating ad lib on weekends, zero hunger after day 2-3 and lots of energy.
I've been running 72s and 48s now because I'm experimenting with higher volume lifting (I lifted normally while fasting when I was over 14% bf, with no problems whatsoever, but I do have a desk job).

6'1 (185cm) 220lb (100kg, 20%+ bf) ->193lb (88kg, 14% bf) for reference, and I'll run this for as long as it takes to get single digits bodyfat

TL; DR: Just water fast, don't "eat 500 Cals a day" bs that shit will make you miserable and give subpar results.
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Hijacking necroed thread, but I've had quite a positive experience with fasting and the most important aspect is:
NO FOOD is vastly superior to LITTLE FOOD.

Most people see fasting as caloricrestrictionmaxx, as in: "Fasting for one day and eating normally the other 6 will give you the same results as spreading the deficit equally around the days"
This is 100% wrong and I say that as someone who ardently preached Calories in - Calories out.
Turns out Calories out is heavily influenced by Calories in so even though the math checks out it doesn't give you an actionable plan by itself. It's like saying "to win a football match, just score more points than the other team," it's both true and worthless - even worse, if you count on the other team to stay still, your strategy will fail no matter what.
Roughly speaking, metabolic slowdown is a thing with caloric restriction (diet+exercise) [ref], but not with caloric abstinence (fasting) [ref].

A little bit more of explanation under the spoiler tag:
Eating a little will keep your insulin just high enough to lock up your fat stores, while the body sees no alternative other than reduce your metabolism to not break thermodynamic law (that's also why simple caloric deficit doesn't work). Combine this with the HGH spike you only get when fasting and the autophagy response of sweeping out your shit cells and NO FOOD comes out a clear winner.
500Cal a day deficit faggots gtfo, go find the /fat/ thread made just for you and your shit that never works.
Watch this vid if you want a longer explanation.

In my experience, the only time in which I've seen weight loss that correlated exactly with the energy deficit was while fasting, and I tried all the memes out there, always keeping high protein (Keto, IF, 8-meal-a-day...): Always the same, worked for a while... then grinded to a halt even accounting for the adjustments due to the (little) weight lost.

With fasting I was losing 1lb (400g) a day every fasting day after the initial water weight drop (about 2 days in), so about 3500 Cals which matched closely my (calculated) TDEE; this rate was maintained for about 22lbs (10kgs) in a little over a month or so.
I was only fasting on weekdays and eating ad lib on weekends, zero hunger after day 2-3 and lots of energy.
I've been running 72s and 48s now because I'm experimenting with higher volume lifting (I lifted normally while fasting when I was over 14% bf, with no problems whatsoever, but I do have a desk job).

6'1 (185cm) 220lb (100kg, 20%+ bf) ->193lb (88kg, 14% bf) for reference, and I'll run this for as long as it takes to get single digits bodyfat

TL; DR: Just water fast, don't "eat 500 Cals a day" bs that shit will make you miserable and give subpar results.

I'm gonna put myself through a high calorie deficit diet. Only 500 calories a day but I'm supplementing all vitamins, all minerals, and omega 3 DHT along with protein powder

Basically 1 liter of milk or less and enough protein powder to give me a total of 100 grams a day. Probably more than 500 calories. Ofc gonna eat vegetables for extra micronutrients and fiber bc u dont want ur gut microbiome to get nuked or ur digestive tract to become temporarily obsolete like what happens when u water fast for very long

That would be a 2000 deficit for me

2000(calories)x20 (days)=40,000 (calories)

A pound of fat is 3500 calories

40k÷3500= 11.5

11.5 pounds of RAW fat lost in 20 days

I may do it for more or less days depending on whether I reach the look I want

Inb4 bullshit about metabolism damage. Literally no such thing your metabolism cant be damaged lmfao and there isnt a single study proving this. The metabolism slows down or speeds up according to ur diet and activity which is normal adaptation

The point of this thread is that I want fellow kenyancels to join me on this journey and update daily to keep each other motivated

Gonna post face transformation in 30 days AKA Dec 30

This sounds like PSMF. Look it up to do it the right way, and you won't lose any strenght.
Hijacking necroed thread, but I've had quite a positive experience with fasting and the most important aspect is:
NO FOOD is vastly superior to LITTLE FOOD.

Most people see fasting as caloricrestrictionmaxx, as in: "Fasting for one day and eating normally the other 6 will give you the same results as spreading the deficit equally around the days"
This is 100% wrong and I say that as someone who ardently preached Calories in - Calories out.
Turns out Calories out is heavily influenced by Calories in so even though the math checks out it doesn't give you an actionable plan by itself. It's like saying "to win a football match, just score more points than the other team," it's both true and worthless - even worse, if you count on the other team to stay still, your strategy will fail no matter what.
Roughly speaking, metabolic slowdown is a thing with caloric restriction (diet+exercise) [ref], but not with caloric abstinence (fasting) [ref].

A little bit more of explanation under the spoiler tag:
Eating a little will keep your insulin just high enough to lock up your fat stores, while the body sees no alternative other than reduce your metabolism to not break thermodynamic law (that's also why simple caloric deficit doesn't work). Combine this with the HGH spike you only get when fasting and the autophagy response of sweeping out your shit cells and NO FOOD comes out a clear winner.
500Cal a day deficit faggots gtfo, go find the /fat/ thread made just for you and your shit that never works.
Watch this vid if you want a longer explanation.

In my experience, the only time in which I've seen weight loss that correlated exactly with the energy deficit was while fasting, and I tried all the memes out there, always keeping high protein (Keto, IF, 8-meal-a-day...): Always the same, worked for a while... then grinded to a halt even accounting for the adjustments due to the (little) weight lost.

With fasting I was losing 1lb (400g) a day every fasting day after the initial water weight drop (about 2 days in), so about 3500 Cals which matched closely my (calculated) TDEE; this rate was maintained for about 22lbs (10kgs) in a little over a month or so.
I was only fasting on weekdays and eating ad lib on weekends, zero hunger after day 2-3 and lots of energy.
I've been running 72s and 48s now because I'm experimenting with higher volume lifting (I lifted normally while fasting when I was over 14% bf, with no problems whatsoever, but I do have a desk job).

6'1 (185cm) 220lb (100kg, 20%+ bf) ->193lb (88kg, 14% bf) for reference, and I'll run this for as long as it takes to get single digits bodyfat

TL; DR: Just water fast, don't "eat 500 Cals a day" bs that shit will make you miserable and give subpar results.

Good post greycel

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