3cm??? Cant be possible
From experience i talk just in one month bro eat aajonus vonderplanitz diet never fap thats all forget girls follow gods patch just give up and do natural routine i promise u will be happy
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From experience i talk just in one month bro eat aajonus vonderplanitz diet never fap thats all forget girls follow gods patch just give up and do natural routine i promise u will be happy
What the fuck are u talking about fucking soyboy suck my 15cm mega cock
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in this thread im going to talk about how to pe (penis enlargment). Im going to include;


.penis pumps

.my own personal method using lemon bottle

.dick weights




.jelquing an stretching


Clamping is a manually-assisted penis enlargement exercise. It is a very advanced girth exercise. Its recommended not be tried by any beginners. If you are new to penis enlargement, wait a few months before you start clamping. The good thing with clamping is you can do it anywhere you can have an erection. So for example if you alone in your bedroom watching a film you can stimulate yourself to an erection and throw on the clamp.


Clamping works by restricting blood from flowing out of the penis while still allowing limited inflow. Because blood is still flowing into the penis, and not any is leaving, there is an extraordinary amount of pressure built up. The pressure built up while clamping expands the tissues in the penis beyond its normal erection state. By expanding the penis tissues multiple times, it slowly becomes permanent. Therefore, clamping achieves results by permanently distorting the penis into a state larger than normal.


• A Clamp – When clamping you want a clamp that is 1) Easy to get on and off 2) Shaped like the penis. You can find loads of these on amazon. Picture down below:
• A Wrap – you can use any cloth material. Some popular wraps are – a sock, a strip of mousepad or bandages
Tip: A strip of mouse pad is very comfortable, can be reused, and can go in the washing machine. Additionally, the rubber side of the mouse pad prevents any slippage. To use a mouse pad, simply cut a six inch strip or more from a mouse pad. It does not have to be much wider than the clamp. Use the cloth side facing the penis.a

• A way to stimulate your penis – girlfriend, porn, or your hand.
• A timer – it is easy to become distracted. Set a timer, stopping you from going over your desired time limit, which could cause an injury


1. Stimulate your penis to a 90-100 percent erection level (if you prefer, you can put the cable clamp on at a lower erection and then build an erection once the clamp is in place).
2. Wrap the base of your penis.
3. Place clamp over wrap. The clamp should be as close to the pubic bone as possible. Tighten the clamp.
4. Stimulate the penis to the highest erection possible. Without causing any pain or discomfort, tighten the clamp as tight as possible.
5. Kegel blood into the penis.
6. Leave clamped for desired amount of time. If you are just starting out, leave it on for five to ten minutes.


• By clamping you are building up an unusual amount of pressure in the penis. If your penis is not conditioned for clamping, or you do not pay attention to your penis while clamping, you can easily cause an injury. The two most common injuries from clamping are thrombose veins and lymph vessels.

Signs to look for while clamping:
Positive signs:
- Engorged penis
- Temporary growing. It is not uncommon for your penis to experience temporary growth of half an inch in girth during and after clamping.
- Veins
- Apparent growth

Negative signs:
- Pain
- Numbness
- Tingling
- Penis turning very dark: It is normal for the penis darken a few shades during a clamping session. However, if it turns very dark, to the point of black, this is very bad. If your penis colour is normally very dark, then use other negative indications to stop.
- Coldness



The pump I suggest is a ‘LeLuv penis pump’. You can find these anywhere on amazon, ebay ect in any country. Picture below:

You need to find the correct size cylinder. this is quite important as if the tube is too big most of the pressure is going to be exerted on the fat-pad instead of your penis. pumping with too small of tube leads to length gains but for girth, it wont do much.

Sizing is .125 -.25 inches larger than the current diameter of your penis. To figure out your average diameter, divide your erect girth by pi. so if you are 6 inches in girth 6/pi = 1.9 inches so you should look for a tube between 2.0 and 2.25 inches in diameter depending on what you are targeting you want a tube to match that. so if you are working on midshaft girth you want a tube closer that measurement than you base girth and vice versa


firstly, you need to go in erect
and try to stay erect the entire duration of the set. more likely than not you will come out spongey, this is what we are going for.

secondly you need the correct time per set (10-20 mins per set). This keeps edema (swelling caused by too much fluid trapped in the body's tissues) maintainable. new pumpers start at 10 mins and build up until you hit 20 min.

thirdly, You only need 20-60 minutes under pressure to grow, not a 2 Hr long marathon of edema building. all you are doing is training the skin at that point. cut your sessions off at the 60 min time under pressure mark.

fourthly, you only need 5hg-7gh of pressure, anything higher is basically strength training your penis and making harder to grow. Anything lower is not an optimal stimulus but I have seen logs of men growing from very long low pressure settings.

Finally, adding water can help with expansion but, also creates more edema, which is useful before sex if you are trying to get as big as possible temp gains.

You should have rest days for optimal growth. Try one day on and one day off.

You should expect to see growth in only 6-12 weeks so penis pumping is one of the best and most efficient pe methods.


Now you may be confused as lemon bottle is a fat dissolvent solution but I thought as your pubic region stores quite a lot of fat in your mons pubis fat pad if you perform a subcutaneous fat injection of lemon bottle in that area you can gain some length .

To tell how much extra length you have hidden behind your fat push a ruler into your pelvis and measure the length. This is called your ‘hidden penis’ for a reason.


You want to draw 1ml of lemon bottle into a 30g half inch needle by pulling on the needle and pumping 1ml of air into the vial then pulling and extracting 1ml. This may take a min or two so don’t rush.

Then you want to locate your monis pubic fat pad (picture below) and avoid injecting into the areas ive marked red completely but feel free to inject into the areas ive marked green which are the safe areas. Grab your pubic region and pinch then inject the full 1ml of lemon bottle at a 45-90 degree angle into the right side of your penis then repeat on the left side. To see a video demonstration of fat injections then watch this spergy video - -

View attachment 2950939


Lemon Bottle is a high-concentration fat dissolve solution that combines Riboflavin and other premium ingredients that create fat decomposition by accelerating metabolism of fat cells. The riboflavin (vitamin b2) includes activation of fat metabolism. The lecithin destroys and transports unnecessary fat cells. And the Bromelain Ananas Sativus helps to break down fat and reduce inflammation. (You guys should already know all this)



Firstly you need to buy a hanger, the best hanger on the market is definitely the ‘bib hanger’ but it is very expensive. You can buy an alternative of amazon that has pretty good reviews and is slightly cheaper - -

Youll also need theraband wrap which you buy almost anywhere and is cheap. Picture below:

View attachment 2950905


This can not be emphasized enough - pain is bad If it’s anything beyond a dull burn, you’re doing something wrong.

2. Never hang erect or partially erect!

3. Before hanging, remember to warm-up the area with a hot rice sock, heating pad or hot towel.

4. Limit sets to 20 minutes, followed by a 10 minute break and at least a couple of minutes of light jelqing to restore circulation.

5. Pay close attention to the color/temperature of your glans. Dark/cold=bad.

6. Remember to squeeze the blood from the glans while you’re attaching your hanger.

7. Start your Thera-Band/swimcap material back a quarter of an inch from the beginning of your cotton wrap.

8. Retighten hanger after weight is applied.

9. Hanging is not a weight lifting competition. Too much, too soon will do more to slow down your overall gains than too little will. Start with a pound or two and move up very, very gradually, adding a pound or two after each week of hanging.


This is pretty water information to be honest, but I will still provide leanmaxing information to those who don’t know much about it. The first and most important thing while leanmaxing is obviously calorie deficit (reducing the amount of calories you eat each day), to know how many to eat in a day use

Some weight loss supplements and compounds I would recommend is l-carnitine, test (I will go into far more detail on test later on in the thread). A drug I haven't seen many people talk about is ozempic which is a prescription drug used to treat type 2 diabetes. It works by suppressing your appetite which goes hand in hand with your calorie deficit. Another medication is tesamorelin which raises your body temperature to burn fat. I wouldnt take lots of it though as it can kill you. In addition, I will also mention nicotine as an appetite suppressant through smoking cigs, vaping or idealy snus.

Another leanmax I will include is lemon bottle. Lemon Bottle is a high-concentration fat dissolve solution that combines Riboflavin and other premium ingredients that create fat decomposition by accelerating metabolism of fat cells. As a result this essentially melts the fat on your face which makes you more lean and thus ur bones more visible. You should inject this into your buccal fat pads


Though penis size is largely genetic, none the less While human growth hormone is the real ‘growth hormone’ as far as medicine is concerned, when it comes to your penis, the sex hormone that promotes growth is testosterone. Testosterone is responsible for the growth and development of the penis and testes during puberty.

Testosterone is the primary androgen in the male body and is responsible for a major part of facial bone development and height.

Now simply for pe I would recommend a 16 week blast consisting of 500mg of test only also with aromasin on hand for aromatisation then waiting 12 weeks with a trt dose of 180mg and repeating. You should be prepared to stay on trt for the rest of ur life. Inb4 retards say “muh u ruin ur natural test production” (who cares because you take trt).But, to get the main benefits of roiding in my opinion Your first cycle should be a 16 week blast consisting of 500mg of testosterone for the full 16 weeks as a base, 30mg of dianabol (AKA dbol) for the first 6-8 weeks. Dbol gives you a huge spike in strength and muscle mass very quickly so is a great compound mainly used for bodybuilding thougha. You should take 12.5mg of aromasin to limit the amount of aromatisation (the conversion of testosterone to estrogen in the body). This dosage varies from person to person as different people have different aromatisation levels so experiment at different dosages and be aware of low estrogen side effects such as joint pain, low sex drive and dry skin ect. Aromasin also keeps your growth plates open for longer which means you can grow taller aswell.

supplements are very important to pe as they can increase erection size, sexual pleasure, increase size ect ect. Do read!


L-arginine is a non-essential amino acid, naturally occurring in certain pulses and fruit. It serves many important functions in the body, helping to regulate the immune system and liver, and facilitating increase in muscle mass whilst reducing body fat. It also forms Nitric Oxide, an essential requirement for sexual function in both sexes. It has a strong reputation for enhancing erections in men and increasing orgasmic response in women.

Nitic Oxide dilates arteries and regulates cell function throughout the body. Increased production improves circulation to the body’s vital organs, including heart, brain and sexual organs. Nitric Oxide is also a compound naturally produced in the blood vessels which helps to maintain the blood flow and delivery of oxygen throughout the entire body.

When ingested, L-Arginine is delivered into the blood stream and can pass through the blood-brain barrier, after which it serves to stimulate the pituitary gland to release . L-Arginine is also a direct precursor to the potent Nitric Oxide.

The “L” in the name is representative of the chemical structure, which is that the backbone is oriented amino(left) to carboxy(right).

The category of products using amino acids is called “secretagogues,” which stimulate the pituitary gland to produce . Studies show that certain amino acid combinations such as L-lysine and L-arginine, L-ornithine and L-glutamine can stimulate pituitary .

L-arginine is usually well tolerated in doses as high as 3000 to 6000 mg per day. A dosage of 3000 to 4000 mg daily is needed for the growth hormone effect.

L-arginine may be taken in combination with L-Ornithine or L-lysine. If taken twice a day a quantity of 500 to 1000 mg of each is acceptable. Alternately it may be taken before bed at a larger dose of 1000 to 1500 mg of each.


Yohimbe originates from the inner bark of the West African tree Corynanthe Yohimbea. Indigenous peoples have used Yohimbe to enhance sexual prowess and pleasure for many generations. Mainstream medicine has recognised this and it is now commonly in use as an aphrodisiac.

Yohimbe is one of the best performing herbal aphrodisiacs which, prior to the introduction of, was the only substance approved in the US by the FDA to treat erectile dysfunction.

Yohimbine is the pharmaceutical extract of the active substance from Yohimbe.

Yohimbe expands the blood vessels in the extremities of the body including the genitals (similar to the prescription drug Viagra), skin and even fat cells. It acts as an alpha adrenoreceptor blocker reducing the effect of hormones that cause constriction of blood vessels, which typically increases as we age. Yohimbe particularly aids blood flow to the corpus cavernosa to more readily engorge the penis. Yohimbe concurrently increases the body’s production of norepinephrine which is essential to the formation of erections and steps up adrenaline to nerve endings which enhance sexual stimulation.

At high doses, Yohimbe is a monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor. MAO metabolizes serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. By inhibiting this, MAOIs increase levels of those neurotransmitters.

Although there are no standard accepted dosage recommendations for yohimbe, it is known that more than 40mg per day can result in adverse side effects. Typical daily amounts claimed by commercial supplements are between 10-30mg though this may indicate the alkaloid content rather than the standardized yohimbine content.

Horny Goat Weed

Horny goat weed was first written about in ancient classical Chinese medical texts and has been used by the Chinese for over 2,000 years. In China, Horny Goat Weed is referred to as Ying Yang Huo, which loosely translated means “licentious goat plant”. The traditional use of this plant is for disorders of the kidneys, joints, liver, back and knees. Today, it is more commonly used to increase libido and sexual pleasure in individuals from Western civilizations.

Horny goat weed comes from the plant Epimedium. Epimedium is a genus of many related plant species and some are used for medicinal purposes, including Epimedium sagittatum, Epimedium brevicornum, and Epimedium koreanum. Epimedium is a leaf-enriched plant, which grows abundantly at high altitudes. The plant was named Epimedium because it is similar to a plant found in the ancient Asian kingdom of Media, now a part of Iran. The leaves of the plant contain a variety of flavonoids, polysaccharides, sterols and an alkaloid called magnaflorine.

There is some conflict among medical studies on exactly how Epimedium effects the body. In recent studies, it was shown to inhibit the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Other studies have shown this plant to control the production of cortisol. In trials using rats, Epimedium has been shown to cause a marked increase in testosterone production. This plant could very well have all of the afore mentioned effects.

The ideal dosage of Horny Goat Weed is not known, but may range from 1 to 3 grams per day. It comes in both pill and powder form. The pill form normally is sold in 500-750 milligram capsules.

The traditional use of horny goat weed is as a hot-water tea-like concoction, which results in a different set of active elements when compared to the alcohol extracts that are more commonly used in commercial products. It is difficult to know which form is best suited as an aphrodisiac.

There is many more supplements recommended for pe from people that pe but most are just for an increase of test which is unnecessary when we are pinning.



I don’t recommend doing any stretching within the first week or two.
When you begin stretching do one 30 second pull to each direction (down, up, left, right, forward).
Within the first 2 months add max. 1 stretch (up, down..) per week, but if you feel, that it is not
necessary to add number of stretches, then don’t.


Start from 10- 20 jelqs. At the beginning add for example 10 jelqs about every 3 workout, but there is no need to go over 50- 60 jelqs within the 2 or 3 weeks.
Beyond 50- 60 jelqs add 10- 20 jelqs in a week if necessary. If you seem to gain with a lower amount, then don’t increase the amount until you feel it is necessary.
At the beginning when your workouts are short it is a good idea to do workouts in a shower. It offers brilliant warmup and cleaning possibilities.

I recommend doing this workout every other day or 2 on 1 off and giving an extra resting day whenever you feel it necessary.

After workout don’t play with your dick within a couple hours if possible, just let it be.
When your workout enlarges your penis it should grow slowly, but surely. If you encounter troubles increase quality before amount.

Use caution doing this routine as in any other . This should be quite safe routine, although some little red spots may appear, but they are pretty harmless.
Anyway use caution. It is your your penis, your responsibility.


thanks for reading, this took days

Dont Jelq, it has a high risk of ED i’ve heard. check out r/gettingbigger

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