Comprehensive Analysis of Makeup



Taking the Yellow Pill
Nov 12, 2019
Hiiiiiii Sistercels!

My dearest apologies for the intro. This is going to be my first high effort thread, done to fill in what I see as a gap of knowledge on this forum (many of us know makeup is a looksmax, especially for women, but don't know much about it beyond that). It's contents will be a complete analysis on how women use makeup to looksmax, broken down into the categories of skin, bones, lips, and eyes. It is long, you are warned. A small section at the end will discuss what we can use as men, and what we can't. I will also post a guide to makeupmaxxing sometime in the future, using the theory I define here as a sort of first principles.

I'd also like to invite our lurking friends on IT to read along for educational purposes. I'd be interested to see your thoughts as well, so if Sigma could screenshot this, that would be great :)

Related Reading:


Lets get started with a video by James Charles. If you are anything like me, his effeminate voice and personality will make you want to puke, but the guy knows his stuff, and it is worth watching if you are actually serious about this.

After the moisturizer, primer, and concealer on the nose, the first thing Charles applies is foundation. While Charles has acceptable skin, he has many freckles and not as much collagen as the TikTok prettyboys we often see featured in the Ratings section. With foundation, he can fraud much higher skin quality. I believe that this level of skin quality is only realistically achievable through makeup.

The second thing he does is apply concealer. He applies it to the undereye area as well as the midface and chin, which brings that area forward in sort of a pseudo Lefort 3. Normally concealer is used to hide large blemishes or undereye shadows that foundation alone cannot cover, but here it is used to contour his bones as well.

The third major step is bronzer. This is applied to tan his skin, and make it appear as though he has spent some time outside. We use beta-carotene and tanning for the same reason. One difference is that he can make it look like the light hit his skin more naturally because he picks and chooses where to apply the bronzer.


Women generally use 'dimension' or 'chiselled' to refer to what we know as 'bone structure'. In order to contour, James first applies shadow (he calls it contour) to his buccal fat pads, under his jawline in his submental region, and to his forehead under the hairline. This serves to decrease the prominence of those areas, giving him hollower cheeks, a more defined jawline, and a lower hairline. He does the same thing to his nose as well. He then applies highlighter, which has the opposite effect as shadow, directly to his zygos to increase their prominence. He chooses to highlight his nose bridge as well.

The bake serves the same purpose as highlighter. He applies it to his jawline and midface.

The contour doesn't make a huge difference tbh. It won't have the same impact as surgery, makeupmaxxing has its limits.


At this point in the video, James looks noticeably unnatural. This is mostly because of the modifications to the eyes and lips though, not the skin and bones.

Other than changing the color of his lips via some form of lipstick, James uses overlining to increase the vertical height of his lips. This is a looksmax more specific to women, who look better with fuller and larger lips, but also decreases the size of his philtrum. This could in theory be used for the illusion of wider lips as well, but more research is needed to make sure it would look natural.


We are switching to Belle Delphine for this one. Much more pleasant to look at that Stacy face and listen to that slightly british voice imo.

Most of us know about the use of the eyebrow pencil to fill in thinning eyebrows, but Delphine uses it to lengthen her eyebrows as well. This can increase perceived size of the eye as well as modify perceived interpupillary distance. Many makeup guides for women emphasize the ability for eyebrows to help with 'close set eyes'.

Delphine also contours her eye area with eye-shadow and eye-highlighter. This gives her the illusion of an even higher canthal tilt or 'upturned eyes' than she already has. It also helps her eyes appear more deeply set in her skull, and unhoods her eyes.

Eyeliner is where a lot of the magic for increasing palpebral fissure length and canthal tilt comes into play. By elongating the lateral and medial canthus, a lot of changes can be made to the perceived shape of the eye. This is almost like a free lateral canthoplasty and combined with the next step it is truly transformational.

Belle Delphine completes her eye makeup by using mascara and false lashes. This serves to blend with the eyeliner and makes the eyes appear even larger.

As you can see in the before and after, eye makeup is complicated and uncomfortable but extremely powerful, easily the most powerful softmax for a woman's face.


That covers all of the makeup used by most women for their 'normal' and 'going out' looks. Let me know if I missed anything.

Hopefully this is readable and helps you understand makeup better. Most information on makeup assumes some level of knowledge already exists, presumably from your mother. It also bangs home the validity of PSL, looks theory is nothing new or even unusual; women have been looksmaxxing for a long time without full conscious understanding of what they were doing.

How can we use this information?

The stealth of any makeupmaxxing is extremely important to avoid social repercussions. If a normal woman sees a man wearing makeup, their thought will be that he is either gay or weird, and both will destroy the looks advantages you gain from using it. The only exception is with men who are running niche 'twink' game to appeal to very feminist and leftist women.

Foundation is very low risk, and almost mandatory if you have bad skin. Contour is higher risk, but still not that noticeable if done subtly. Light mascara could make a decent alternative to dyeing your eyelashes. The brow pencil is a trick many of us already know to help the density of our eyebrows, but we could try extending them to fraud wider IPD. And we could try lip overliner in a natural color to extend our mouth width (I don't know about this one though, I'll have to try it).

Eye makeup is mostly off limits for us though. It's just too obvious.

Inb4 "Gay" or "Didn't Read".

Also inb4 "You can wear makeup too inkwell (I've been wearing some makeup for a long time, but you have to be aware of the impact of social norms, real life isn't your feminist utopia)", "cringe language (specific language for concepts most women have a more innate understanding of due to their socialization)", and "women wear makeup for themselves/confidence (Its no coincidence that being more attractive makes you more confident, I'm also aware that some makeup looks are more artistic and not for increasing conventional attractiveness)" for that matter.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Lookologist003, Deleted member 55574, UncDami and 4 others
Heterosexual, did read.
  • +1
Reactions: UncDami
Op are you a foid
where is nose didn't read
I will indeed read this later
  • +1
Reactions: UncDami and BlackPillChad
If you need specific product recs on this I might be able to help out. Give me a shout if needed.
  • +1
Reactions: BlackPillChad and Deleted member 3962
Leaked pics of OP

  • JFL
Reactions: Xangsane, Velvet_Thorns, BigChinHispanic and 1 other person
This post clearly doesn't belong in this forum.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: EverythingMattersCel, BigChinHispanic, 6'4 looksmaxxxer and 1 other person
This post clearly doesn't belong in this forum.
i mean regardless of opinion, makeupmaxxing is looksmaxxing.

since it does fraud your looks
  • +1
Reactions: Lookologist003, UncDami, EverythingMattersCel and 3 others
Gays me
  • +1
Reactions: randomguy1235 and Deleted member 3962
Don’t listen to these faggots, this is a good thread

I’m interested in makeup Maxing to an extent

But don’t want to look like a feminine faggot or over do it

So that if I don’t have my makeup on a bitch who liked me think I’m Subhuman

Also interested in more artistic non gay looks because I’m a musician with crazy style
  • +1
Reactions: Lookologist003, UncDami, samm735 and 1 other person
I just hate the fact that if you use make up you have to use it every single day or people will notice what's going on.

Let's say you overslept and is in a hurry to work/school, now you have to spend time with the makeup before going.

I'm pretty low-inhib and based but I won't do this.
  • +1
Reactions: BlackPillChad and PenileFacialSurgery
I just hate the fact that if you use make up you have to use it every single day or people will notice what's going on.

Let's say you overslept and is in a hurry to work/school, now you have to spend time with the makeup before going.

I'm pretty low-inhib and based but I won't do this.

This is a significant downside to makeup ngl. Most women deal with it by having a more minimal routine for work and school, and a more complex routine for photos and dates.

I use tinted moisturizer for work and foundation for photos and dates. It's 5 minutes extra work max, so not bad at all. But I don't contour partially for this reason (I'm a lazy bastard JFL).
  • +1
Reactions: Lookologist003 and UncDami
This is a significant downside to makeup ngl. Most women deal with it by having a more minimal routine for work and school, and a more complex routine for photos and dates.

I use tinted moisturizer for work and foundation for photos and dates. It's 5 minutes extra work max, so not bad at all. But I don't contour partially for this reason (I'm a lazy bastard JFL).
You should makeupmaxx if you're on vacation or just take a night out alone to get laid. Vacation is the best opportunity to fraudmaxx tbh, you can use colored lenses, make up, shoe lifts etc without anybody calling you out for it.
  • +1
Reactions: BlackPillChad
i can see makeup on most foids if i look close enough

foids look very close at u, u finna get caught jfl
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 10413
i can see makeup on most foids if i look close enough

foids look very close at u, u finna get caught jfl
Hah you went pretty deep down the rabbit hole to find this
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 7076
its over without eyeliner
Interesting that we had a good thread on this so long ago.

I’ve tried pore filling primer (does nothing) and cheap BB cream (obvious up close) but perhaps using more expensive / better / different products I can get a better result.

I think eye makeup is off limits due to the sheer difficulty of doing it properly.
  • +1
Reactions: Lookologist003
I think eye makeup is off limits due to the sheer difficulty of doing it properly.
It's off limits because it's associated too heavily with women. As OP states, eye makeup specifically is the power core of makeup all, but it's easily noticeable if you're blackpilled or use makeup yourself (as women themselves do). I think it's because increasing the contrast of the skin surrounding the eyes and the eyes is very noticeable as it's intended to be. The difference is that women are allowed to make these drastic and eye-catching changes to their eye areas and we are used to that look on ordinary women, but we are not (and never will be) with men. If you as a man were capable of doing it properly and did it properly, you'd look gaaaaaaay. That's why it's off limits and will remain that way. We are sadly locked out of the heavy weapons makeup.
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