Comprehensive Guide to Tretinoin + How to Use it Best



Sep 17, 2023
Tret is commonly recommended to .org users for its power in reducing acne, anti-aging, and improving skin texture. However, there is a good bit of misinformation and I decided to write a post about the nuances of tret and how to use it without fucking your shit up and making your skin worse. Yes, this is an essaypost. Yes, you will read it from top to bottom or else your sister will be raped by Indians.

HOW DOES TRET WORK?- Tret's mechanism is pretty simple- it increases the rate at which your skin cells shed off and regenerate. The old layers fall off and a new layer comes to the surface. All the shit and gunk inside your skin gets pushed up from within, eventually leaving you with clear skin.

CREAM: tret in cream form is easier to apply and generally less drying than the gel form. Some cream formulations can clog pores due to ingredients used in the base formula so be wary of that if you are prone to it.

GEL: tret in gel form is generally more drying so maybe better for you if you have oily skin or live in a hot/humid climate such as the slums of Mumbai. The main complaint that people have with this form is that it can dry down quickly so its harder to apply.

TRET MICRO: tret in micro form is basically extended release. So it works more slowly over time instead of starting to work right after you put it on your face. Less irritating than other forms, but also more expensive.

STRENGTHS- the most commonly seen strengths of tret are 0.025, 0.05, and 0.1, ordered from weakest to strongest. These all do the exact same thing just in different amounts of time. 0.025 gives the same result as 0.1 but more slowly. Be warned that the higher strengths are more irritating and its a bad idea to jump right into using 0.1. Be patient and start with 0.025, move up in strength when your skin can handle it.

WHAT IS A SKIN BARRIER? - Your skin barrier is basically your skin's ability to hold it's own moisture inside. When your skin loses this ability, it is very bad and you need to fix it.

HOW DO YOU BREAK A SKIN BARRIER?- Broken skin barrier is caused by overuse of actives, overcleansing, or lack of hydration. When you begin using retinoids or other exfoliating active ingredients, you have to step up hydration to match because they are drying to the skin. If you have never used tret before and you were to start using it every night right off the bat you are probably going to break your skin barrier.

IS MY BARRIER DAMAGED?- Signs of barrier damage include redness of the skin, swelling, a "tight" feeling face, breakouts, peeling, and stinging or burning when applying skincare, even basic shit like cleanser and moisturizer.

HOW DO I FIX A BROKEN BARRIER?- Quit using all actives including tret. Moisturize heavily and only cleanse your face with water. At night, "slug" by covering your face with a barrier repair product such as La Roche Posay Cicaplast, Aveeno Calm+Restore Skin Therapy Balm, or plain old Vaseline. Wait 1-2 weeks before slowly reintroducing active ingredients.

FREQUENCY- It is important to take it slow with the frequency, aka how often you are applying tret. The first 2 weeks of using tret you are going to apply once every 3 nights. You should also buffer it through moisturizer to decrease your chances of skin irritation. Routine should look like this: cleanse, moisturize, wait 10 minutes, apply tret. You don't want to apply tret when your face is wet with product because moisture increases the efficacy of tret and it will be drawn into the skin quicker, thus increasing irritation. The point of the every 72hr application is to make your skin stay retinized while also taking it easy on your barrier. If you stop using tret for longer than 4 or 5 days your skin will likely deretinize and you will have to restart. If everything goes well after the first 2 weeks, move up to 3 times a week, then 4, then 5, then everyday. Take as long as you need to properly adjust to daily application. The eventual goal should be to be able to apply tret every single night to clean dry skin, not buffered with moisturizer.

HOW TO APPLY- All that is needed is a pea sized blob of tret. Dot this evenly around your whole face and rub it in. Avoid getting right up close below your eyes and dont put it on your upper eyelids like a retard. Tret migrates a few inches underneath the skin but some people get dry and irritated eyes from putting it too close to their undereyes. Definitely do not get it on your lips either and avoid getting it too close to your mouth in general since the areas around the lips can peel from this. When you are first starting out it's good to apply it over moisturizer but this slightly decreases the efficacy and once your skin is used to it you should be putting it on clean dry skin. Apply moisturizer afterwards. For normal tret wait a few minutes for your face to dry before applying tret, but with tret micro you can apply to wet skin because of the extended release mechanism.

WHAT IS PURGING?- Purging is a thing that happens with retinoids or other exfoliants. It looks like a breakout, basically. Increased numbers of whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, and comedones. The reason it happens is because of the quicker skin cell turnover rate, as mentioned in the intro. This is a normal part of using tret and seeing a breakout does not mean you are doing something wrong or you need to quit tret.

PURGING VS IRRITATION- If you are using tret for acne, a purge is going to look like the acne you already have flaring up and getting worse for a temporary period. It should not look like: redness, burning or stinging, and breakouts in unusual areas. Example- if your chin and cheeks are your usual "problem areas" for acne but you never break out on the forehead, tret should not make your forehead break out severely. Some mild breakouts on different areas of the face are normal because we often have blackheads/comedones in many places, but if your forehead is usually clear and after starting tret you see big angry whiteheads on your forehead, your skin is probably irritated.

WILL I PURGE?- There is no one size fits all answer to this, you have about a 50% chance of purging. If you are using tret for the texture/anti aging benefits and you dont struggle with acne, you probably won't purge. If you do use it for acne, there is a good chance you will purge. Some people just don't purge at all, though. You might get lucky and have a mild purge, or it might be worse- in either case, expect it to start clearing up by months 2-3 of using tret. Purging fucking sucks but it will be over eventually and your skin will be better than ever. If you are a skin picker, DO NOT pop your pimples! Tret makes your skin more sensitive and squeezing at pimples runs a high risk of creating a scar that can last for a year or longer.

KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID- People will make you believe that you need 50 products at a time to get good skin. Tret is best accompanied by cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. Adding in other active ingredients is going to fuck with your skin, ESPECIALLY if its sensitive, and its going to take up more time in your day. Salicylic acid, azelaic acid, vitamin C, etcetera- all of these do what tret does with enough time but its more money out of your pocket and more time spent in the bathroom glooping shit on your face. Just be patient and keep the routine simple. Unless your skin is a special case or you have really severe issues, all you need is tret, cleanser, moisturizer, SPF and patience.

CLEANSER- You need to cleanse everyday because over the course of a day your skin is shedding off layers. You also collect dirt/dust on your face from walking around and doing things. You don't want to let a layer of dead skin cells sit on your face all the time because it causes dullness, oiliness, and clogs pores. If you suffer from dry skin be careful of overcleansing since some cleansing products can be quite stripping. Buy a gentle cleanser or a gel based cleanser and if necessary only cleanse once per day- if your skin feels too dry, in the morning opt to only wash face with cold water or micellar water, which is a very gentle watered down cleanser. What keeps my skin hydrated is using Neutrogena's hydroboost cleanser which includes hyaluronic acid. This ingredient draws moisture from the outside and pulls it into the skin, keeping it hydrated and plump.

MOISTURIZER- It is very worth it to experiment with moisturizers to find one that works for you. Try to find one that includes ceramides. which help in keeping the barrier intact and the skin hydrated. If your skin feels oily and gross shortly after moisturizing, its not a good fit for you. 30min after moisturizing your skin should feel very soft, hydrated, and plump. Not greasy. Protip- apply moisturizer to damp skin after washing face to get better absorption and hydration.

SUNSCREEN- Sunscreen is a must with using tret. Tret is shedding off a layer of skin to reveal fresh, new skin. If you use tret with no sunscreen you are pretty much frying this nice new layer of skin with UV light. Tret will also make you sunburn easily- no tanning. Using no sunscreen increases your risk of worsening hyperpigmentation, scars, freckles, age spots, and wrinkles. So use at least 30spf whenever you go out, preferably 50spf. For sensitive skin bros, stay away from sunscreens that have "avobenzone" and "oxybenzone" in the ingredients list- I tried a sunscreen by Eucerin that had these and had an allergic reaction where my face went red and swelled up. There are chemical and mineral/physical sunscreens. Chemical sunscreens are typically more sheer/liquidy/shiny where it doesn't look like you're wearing sunscreen. I would recommend using Asian or European brands of chemical sunscreen as they are more "cosmetically elegant" and have better, more modern UV filters. Mineral sunscreens use titanium and/or zinc oxide as their UV filters, which are extremely effective at protecting you from the sun and aren't irritating to sensitive skin. The problem is that they leave a white cast, so when you wear an untinted mineral sunscreen everyone can tell you have sunscreen on. You will look like a ghost, so please get a mineral sunscreen with a tint that matches your skin tone.

I am happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks for reading if you made it this far.
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Dnrd. Dont use tret if your acne is not severe. There are too many reported sides so just use safe OTC shit like adapelene
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Reactions: RAMU KAKA, Deleted member 30019, rubberduck and 6 others
Dnrd. Dont use tret if your acne is not severe. There are too many reported sides so just use safe OTC shit like adapelene
Use differin if you're a pussy faggot. PSA using adapalene wrong can damage your skin barrier exactly the same as tret can it just takes years longer to show results
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what about benzoyl peroxide, and can it be used alongside tret topical?
Dnrd. Dont use tret if your acne is not severe. There are too many reported sides so just use safe OTC shit like adapelene
all the reported sides aren’t real lmfao it doesn’t burn your epidermal layer or fat pad to shreds all it does is make your skin slightly more dry.
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what about benzoyl peroxide, and can it be used alongside tret topical?
benzoyl peroxide is pretty drying but good for bacterial type acne. If you want to use the spot treatment kind in the tube try to get the lower percentage one. When i use topical BP and tret I always end up peeling the next day but if you can tolerate it go ahead just dont go crazy with it. Another option is using a benzoyl peroxide foaming cleanser a couple times a week.
benzoyl peroxide is pretty drying but good for bacterial type acne. If you want to use the spot treatment kind in the tube try to get the lower percentage one. When i use topical BP and tret I always end up peeling the next day but if you can tolerate it go ahead just dont go crazy with it. Another option is using a benzoyl peroxide foaming cleanser a couple times a week.
thoughts on salicylic acid?
thoughts on salicylic acid?
Bretty good for clearing out pores and reducing blackheads/sebaceous filaments but again also very drying. Tret will do the same thing salicylic acid does eventually so you dont necessarily need both.
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Bretty good for clearing out pores and reducing blackheads/sebaceous filaments but again also very drying. Tret will do the same thing salicylic acid does eventually so you dont necessarily need both.
absolutely not wtf 💀 tret does not do the same thing
absolutely not wtf 💀 tret does not do the same thing
"Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid that can penetrate into the pores and unclog them, dissolve skin debris, and exfoliate the skin." This is literally what tret does
W quality thread
"Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid that can penetrate into the pores and unclog them, dissolve skin debris, and exfoliate the skin." This is literally what tret does
maybe I should have rephrased. Tret does not unclog nearly to the same degree that salicylic acid does.
I’ve been using Tretinoin for 2 months and it does miracles lol, given enough time it makes skin almost model tier. Let’s just hope this information stays gatekeeped within the looksmax community
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I’ve been using Tretinoin for 2 months and it does miracles lol, given enough time it makes skin almost model tier. Let’s just hope this information stays gatekeeped within the looksmax community
Normie guys still haven’t got onto skincare but unfortunately all Chad needs to do for glass skin is wash his face once a day
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I’ve been using Tretinoin for 2 months and it does miracles lol, given enough time it makes skin almost model tier. Let’s just hope this information stays gatekeeped within the looksmax community

Have you ever seen the r/tretinoin subreddit with 190k members? The members are 90% foids however, so not much male are there.
Btw there is a lot of useful information there, if someone is a noob in this topic and wants to learn even more details about tret.
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Use differin if you're a pussy faggot. PSA using adapalene wrong can damage your skin barrier exactly the same as tret can it just takes years longer to show results
all the reported sides aren’t real lmfao it doesn’t burn your epidermal layer or fat pad to shreds all it does is make your skin slightly more dry.
Just realized you said tret not isotret. My bad
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Tret is commonly recommended to .org users for its power in reducing acne, anti-aging, and improving skin texture. However, there is a good bit of misinformation and I decided to write a post about the nuances of tret and how to use it without fucking your shit up and making your skin worse. Yes, this is an essaypost. Yes, you will read it from top to bottom or else your sister will be raped by Indians.

HOW DOES TRET WORK?- Tret's mechanism is pretty simple- it increases the rate at which your skin cells shed off and regenerate. The old layers fall off and a new layer comes to the surface. All the shit and gunk inside your skin gets pushed up from within, eventually leaving you with clear skin.

CREAM: tret in cream form is easier to apply and generally less drying than the gel form. Some cream formulations can clog pores due to ingredients used in the base formula so be wary of that if you are prone to it.

GEL: tret in gel form is generally more drying so maybe better for you if you have oily skin or live in a hot/humid climate such as the slums of Mumbai. The main complaint that people have with this form is that it can dry down quickly so its harder to apply.

TRET MICRO: tret in micro form is basically extended release. So it works more slowly over time instead of starting to work right after you put it on your face. Less irritating than other forms, but also more expensive.

STRENGTHS- the most commonly seen strengths of tret are 0.025, 0.05, and 0.1, ordered from weakest to strongest. These all do the exact same thing just in different amounts of time. 0.025 gives the same result as 0.1 but more slowly. Be warned that the higher strengths are more irritating and its a bad idea to jump right into using 0.1. Be patient and start with 0.025, move up in strength when your skin can handle it.

WHAT IS A SKIN BARRIER? - Your skin barrier is basically your skin's ability to hold it's own moisture inside. When your skin loses this ability, it is very bad and you need to fix it.

HOW DO YOU BREAK A SKIN BARRIER?- Broken skin barrier is caused by overuse of actives, overcleansing, or lack of hydration. When you begin using retinoids or other exfoliating active ingredients, you have to step up hydration to match because they are drying to the skin. If you have never used tret before and you were to start using it every night right off the bat you are probably going to break your skin barrier.

IS MY BARRIER DAMAGED?- Signs of barrier damage include redness of the skin, swelling, a "tight" feeling face, breakouts, peeling, and stinging or burning when applying skincare, even basic shit like cleanser and moisturizer.

HOW DO I FIX A BROKEN BARRIER?- Quit using all actives including tret. Moisturize heavily and only cleanse your face with water. At night, "slug" by covering your face with a barrier repair product such as La Roche Posay Cicaplast, Aveeno Calm+Restore Skin Therapy Balm, or plain old Vaseline. Wait 1-2 weeks before slowly reintroducing active ingredients.

FREQUENCY- It is important to take it slow with the frequency, aka how often you are applying tret. The first 2 weeks of using tret you are going to apply once every 3 nights. You should also buffer it through moisturizer to decrease your chances of skin irritation. Routine should look like this: cleanse, moisturize, wait 10 minutes, apply tret. You don't want to apply tret when your face is wet with product because moisture increases the efficacy of tret and it will be drawn into the skin quicker, thus increasing irritation. The point of the every 72hr application is to make your skin stay retinized while also taking it easy on your barrier. If you stop using tret for longer than 4 or 5 days your skin will likely deretinize and you will have to restart. If everything goes well after the first 2 weeks, move up to 3 times a week, then 4, then 5, then everyday. Take as long as you need to properly adjust to daily application. The eventual goal should be to be able to apply tret every single night to clean dry skin, not buffered with moisturizer.

HOW TO APPLY- All that is needed is a pea sized blob of tret. Dot this evenly around your whole face and rub it in. Avoid getting right up close below your eyes and dont put it on your upper eyelids like a retard. Tret migrates a few inches underneath the skin but some people get dry and irritated eyes from putting it too close to their undereyes. Definitely do not get it on your lips either and avoid getting it too close to your mouth in general since the areas around the lips can peel from this. When you are first starting out it's good to apply it over moisturizer but this slightly decreases the efficacy and once your skin is used to it you should be putting it on clean dry skin. Apply moisturizer afterwards. For normal tret wait a few minutes for your face to dry before applying tret, but with tret micro you can apply to wet skin because of the extended release mechanism.

WHAT IS PURGING?- Purging is a thing that happens with retinoids or other exfoliants. It looks like a breakout, basically. Increased numbers of whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, and comedones. The reason it happens is because of the quicker skin cell turnover rate, as mentioned in the intro. This is a normal part of using tret and seeing a breakout does not mean you are doing something wrong or you need to quit tret.

PURGING VS IRRITATION- If you are using tret for acne, a purge is going to look like the acne you already have flaring up and getting worse for a temporary period. It should not look like: redness, burning or stinging, and breakouts in unusual areas. Example- if your chin and cheeks are your usual "problem areas" for acne but you never break out on the forehead, tret should not make your forehead break out severely. Some mild breakouts on different areas of the face are normal because we often have blackheads/comedones in many places, but if your forehead is usually clear and after starting tret you see big angry whiteheads on your forehead, your skin is probably irritated.

WILL I PURGE?- There is no one size fits all answer to this, you have about a 50% chance of purging. If you are using tret for the texture/anti aging benefits and you dont struggle with acne, you probably won't purge. If you do use it for acne, there is a good chance you will purge. Some people just don't purge at all, though. You might get lucky and have a mild purge, or it might be worse- in either case, expect it to start clearing up by months 2-3 of using tret. Purging fucking sucks but it will be over eventually and your skin will be better than ever. If you are a skin picker, DO NOT pop your pimples! Tret makes your skin more sensitive and squeezing at pimples runs a high risk of creating a scar that can last for a year or longer.

KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID- People will make you believe that you need 50 products at a time to get good skin. Tret is best accompanied by cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. Adding in other active ingredients is going to fuck with your skin, ESPECIALLY if its sensitive, and its going to take up more time in your day. Salicylic acid, azelaic acid, vitamin C, etcetera- all of these do what tret does with enough time but its more money out of your pocket and more time spent in the bathroom glooping shit on your face. Just be patient and keep the routine simple. Unless your skin is a special case or you have really severe issues, all you need is tret, cleanser, moisturizer, SPF and patience.

CLEANSER- You need to cleanse everyday because over the course of a day your skin is shedding off layers. You also collect dirt/dust on your face from walking around and doing things. You don't want to let a layer of dead skin cells sit on your face all the time because it causes dullness, oiliness, and clogs pores. If you suffer from dry skin be careful of overcleansing since some cleansing products can be quite stripping. Buy a gentle cleanser or a gel based cleanser and if necessary only cleanse once per day- if your skin feels too dry, in the morning opt to only wash face with cold water or micellar water, which is a very gentle watered down cleanser. What keeps my skin hydrated is using Neutrogena's hydroboost cleanser which includes hyaluronic acid. This ingredient draws moisture from the outside and pulls it into the skin, keeping it hydrated and plump.

MOISTURIZER- It is very worth it to experiment with moisturizers to find one that works for you. Try to find one that includes ceramides. which help in keeping the barrier intact and the skin hydrated. If your skin feels oily and gross shortly after moisturizing, its not a good fit for you. 30min after moisturizing your skin should feel very soft, hydrated, and plump. Not greasy. Protip- apply moisturizer to damp skin after washing face to get better absorption and hydration.

SUNSCREEN- Sunscreen is a must with using tret. Tret is shedding off a layer of skin to reveal fresh, new skin. If you use tret with no sunscreen you are pretty much frying this nice new layer of skin with UV light. Tret will also make you sunburn easily- no tanning. Using no sunscreen increases your risk of worsening hyperpigmentation, scars, freckles, age spots, and wrinkles. So use at least 30spf whenever you go out, preferably 50spf. For sensitive skin bros, stay away from sunscreens that have "avobenzone" and "oxybenzone" in the ingredients list- I tried a sunscreen by Eucerin that had these and had an allergic reaction where my face went red and swelled up. There are chemical and mineral/physical sunscreens. Chemical sunscreens are typically more sheer/liquidy/shiny where it doesn't look like you're wearing sunscreen. I would recommend using Asian or European brands of chemical sunscreen as they are more "cosmetically elegant" and have better, more modern UV filters. Mineral sunscreens use titanium and/or zinc oxide as their UV filters, which are extremely effective at protecting you from the sun and aren't irritating to sensitive skin. The problem is that they leave a white cast, so when you wear an untinted mineral sunscreen everyone can tell you have sunscreen on. You will look like a ghost, so please get a mineral sunscreen with a tint that matches your skin tone.

I am happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks for reading if you made it this far.
The whole text is black and I have dark mode, I can't read this.
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I use tret from skinorac and it works after using for couple of months
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Bunch of shit gave me wrinkles and only aged my skin.
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Dnrd. Dont use tret if your acne is not severe. There are too many reported sides so just use safe OTC shit like adapelene
Salludon uses tret
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Dark mode gang :Comfy: :Comfy:
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Nice thread.
I used to put it under my eyes and it made my eyes sensitive and shit. It went away now.
what do u use for undereyes?
Nice thread.
I used to put it under my eyes and it made my eyes sensitive and shit. It went away now.
what do u use for undereyes?
You don’t have to put it right up under there it will migrate under the skin anyways. But they make products specifically for that area. Unironically go on Reddit and research undereye creams. They have caffeine cream and other shit
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You don’t have to put it right up under there it will migrate under the skin anyways. But they make products specifically for that area. Unironically go on Reddit and research undereye creams. They have caffeine cream and other shit
Heard caffeine ages skin
Heard caffeine ages skin
I know nothing about caffeine as a skincare ingredient so I’m not going to confirm or deny but if you have eyebags literally just sleep better and have a normal circadian rhythm unless they’re genetic
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just eat raw meat
I know nothing about caffeine as a skincare ingredient so I’m not going to confirm or deny but if you have eyebags literally just sleep better and have a normal circadian rhythm unless they’re genetic
It's not eyebags. It's the dark thi n skinned circles. They're not severe and give me appeal. But in some lightings it looks shit
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It's not eyebags. It's the dark thi n skinned circles. They're not severe and give me appeal. But in some lightings it looks shit
that is due to bonestructure and cant be "fixed"
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Appreciate the high effort and useful thread!
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Tret is commonly recommended to .org users for its power in reducing acne, anti-aging, and improving skin texture. However, there is a good bit of misinformation and I decided to write a post about the nuances of tret and how to use it without fucking your shit up and making your skin worse. Yes, this is an essaypost. Yes, you will read it from top to bottom or else your sister will be raped by Indians.

HOW DOES TRET WORK?- Tret's mechanism is pretty simple- it increases the rate at which your skin cells shed off and regenerate. The old layers fall off and a new layer comes to the surface. All the shit and gunk inside your skin gets pushed up from within, eventually leaving you with clear skin.

CREAM: tret in cream form is easier to apply and generally less drying than the gel form. Some cream formulations can clog pores due to ingredients used in the base formula so be wary of that if you are prone to it.

GEL: tret in gel form is generally more drying so maybe better for you if you have oily skin or live in a hot/humid climate such as the slums of Mumbai. The main complaint that people have with this form is that it can dry down quickly so its harder to apply.

TRET MICRO: tret in micro form is basically extended release. So it works more slowly over time instead of starting to work right after you put it on your face. Less irritating than other forms, but also more expensive.

STRENGTHS- the most commonly seen strengths of tret are 0.025, 0.05, and 0.1, ordered from weakest to strongest. These all do the exact same thing just in different amounts of time. 0.025 gives the same result as 0.1 but more slowly. Be warned that the higher strengths are more irritating and its a bad idea to jump right into using 0.1. Be patient and start with 0.025, move up in strength when your skin can handle it.

WHAT IS A SKIN BARRIER? - Your skin barrier is basically your skin's ability to hold it's own moisture inside. When your skin loses this ability, it is very bad and you need to fix it.

HOW DO YOU BREAK A SKIN BARRIER?- Broken skin barrier is caused by overuse of actives, overcleansing, or lack of hydration. When you begin using retinoids or other exfoliating active ingredients, you have to step up hydration to match because they are drying to the skin. If you have never used tret before and you were to start using it every night right off the bat you are probably going to break your skin barrier.

IS MY BARRIER DAMAGED?- Signs of barrier damage include redness of the skin, swelling, a "tight" feeling face, breakouts, peeling, and stinging or burning when applying skincare, even basic shit like cleanser and moisturizer.

HOW DO I FIX A BROKEN BARRIER?- Quit using all actives including tret. Moisturize heavily and only cleanse your face with water. At night, "slug" by covering your face with a barrier repair product such as La Roche Posay Cicaplast, Aveeno Calm+Restore Skin Therapy Balm, or plain old Vaseline. Wait 1-2 weeks before slowly reintroducing active ingredients.

FREQUENCY- It is important to take it slow with the frequency, aka how often you are applying tret. The first 2 weeks of using tret you are going to apply once every 3 nights. You should also buffer it through moisturizer to decrease your chances of skin irritation. Routine should look like this: cleanse, moisturize, wait 10 minutes, apply tret. You don't want to apply tret when your face is wet with product because moisture increases the efficacy of tret and it will be drawn into the skin quicker, thus increasing irritation. The point of the every 72hr application is to make your skin stay retinized while also taking it easy on your barrier. If you stop using tret for longer than 4 or 5 days your skin will likely deretinize and you will have to restart. If everything goes well after the first 2 weeks, move up to 3 times a week, then 4, then 5, then everyday. Take as long as you need to properly adjust to daily application. The eventual goal should be to be able to apply tret every single night to clean dry skin, not buffered with moisturizer.

HOW TO APPLY- All that is needed is a pea sized blob of tret. Dot this evenly around your whole face and rub it in. Avoid getting right up close below your eyes and dont put it on your upper eyelids like a retard. Tret migrates a few inches underneath the skin but some people get dry and irritated eyes from putting it too close to their undereyes. Definitely do not get it on your lips either and avoid getting it too close to your mouth in general since the areas around the lips can peel from this. When you are first starting out it's good to apply it over moisturizer but this slightly decreases the efficacy and once your skin is used to it you should be putting it on clean dry skin. Apply moisturizer afterwards. For normal tret wait a few minutes for your face to dry before applying tret, but with tret micro you can apply to wet skin because of the extended release mechanism.

WHAT IS PURGING?- Purging is a thing that happens with retinoids or other exfoliants. It looks like a breakout, basically. Increased numbers of whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, and comedones. The reason it happens is because of the quicker skin cell turnover rate, as mentioned in the intro. This is a normal part of using tret and seeing a breakout does not mean you are doing something wrong or you need to quit tret.

PURGING VS IRRITATION- If you are using tret for acne, a purge is going to look like the acne you already have flaring up and getting worse for a temporary period. It should not look like: redness, burning or stinging, and breakouts in unusual areas. Example- if your chin and cheeks are your usual "problem areas" for acne but you never break out on the forehead, tret should not make your forehead break out severely. Some mild breakouts on different areas of the face are normal because we often have blackheads/comedones in many places, but if your forehead is usually clear and after starting tret you see big angry whiteheads on your forehead, your skin is probably irritated.

WILL I PURGE?- There is no one size fits all answer to this, you have about a 50% chance of purging. If you are using tret for the texture/anti aging benefits and you dont struggle with acne, you probably won't purge. If you do use it for acne, there is a good chance you will purge. Some people just don't purge at all, though. You might get lucky and have a mild purge, or it might be worse- in either case, expect it to start clearing up by months 2-3 of using tret. Purging fucking sucks but it will be over eventually and your skin will be better than ever. If you are a skin picker, DO NOT pop your pimples! Tret makes your skin more sensitive and squeezing at pimples runs a high risk of creating a scar that can last for a year or longer.

KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID- People will make you believe that you need 50 products at a time to get good skin. Tret is best accompanied by cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. Adding in other active ingredients is going to fuck with your skin, ESPECIALLY if its sensitive, and its going to take up more time in your day. Salicylic acid, azelaic acid, vitamin C, etcetera- all of these do what tret does with enough time but its more money out of your pocket and more time spent in the bathroom glooping shit on your face. Just be patient and keep the routine simple. Unless your skin is a special case or you have really severe issues, all you need is tret, cleanser, moisturizer, SPF and patience.

CLEANSER- You need to cleanse everyday because over the course of a day your skin is shedding off layers. You also collect dirt/dust on your face from walking around and doing things. You don't want to let a layer of dead skin cells sit on your face all the time because it causes dullness, oiliness, and clogs pores. If you suffer from dry skin be careful of overcleansing since some cleansing products can be quite stripping. Buy a gentle cleanser or a gel based cleanser and if necessary only cleanse once per day- if your skin feels too dry, in the morning opt to only wash face with cold water or micellar water, which is a very gentle watered down cleanser. What keeps my skin hydrated is using Neutrogena's hydroboost cleanser which includes hyaluronic acid. This ingredient draws moisture from the outside and pulls it into the skin, keeping it hydrated and plump.

MOISTURIZER- It is very worth it to experiment with moisturizers to find one that works for you. Try to find one that includes ceramides. which help in keeping the barrier intact and the skin hydrated. If your skin feels oily and gross shortly after moisturizing, its not a good fit for you. 30min after moisturizing your skin should feel very soft, hydrated, and plump. Not greasy. Protip- apply moisturizer to damp skin after washing face to get better absorption and hydration.

SUNSCREEN- Sunscreen is a must with using tret. Tret is shedding off a layer of skin to reveal fresh, new skin. If you use tret with no sunscreen you are pretty much frying this nice new layer of skin with UV light. Tret will also make you sunburn easily- no tanning. Using no sunscreen increases your risk of worsening hyperpigmentation, scars, freckles, age spots, and wrinkles. So use at least 30spf whenever you go out, preferably 50spf. For sensitive skin bros, stay away from sunscreens that have "avobenzone" and "oxybenzone" in the ingredients list- I tried a sunscreen by Eucerin that had these and had an allergic reaction where my face went red and swelled up. There are chemical and mineral/physical sunscreens. Chemical sunscreens are typically more sheer/liquidy/shiny where it doesn't look like you're wearing sunscreen. I would recommend using Asian or European brands of chemical sunscreen as they are more "cosmetically elegant" and have better, more modern UV filters. Mineral sunscreens use titanium and/or zinc oxide as their UV filters, which are extremely effective at protecting you from the sun and aren't irritating to sensitive skin. The problem is that they leave a white cast, so when you wear an untinted mineral sunscreen everyone can tell you have sunscreen on. You will look like a ghost, so please get a mineral sunscreen with a tint that matches your skin tone.

I am happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks for reading if you made it this far
How long should i wait for applying moisturizer before using tretenoin

How long should i wait for applying moisturizer before using tretenoin
Just until your skin feels back to a normal level of dryness. Like 20 minutes or so. If your skin isnt completely dry when applying tret its not the end of the world, its just reccomended to apply on dry skin. Wet face means the tret absorbs deeper/faster so it can cause irritation if youre not used to it
I’ve been using Tretinoin for 2 months and it does miracles lol, given enough time it makes skin almost model tier. Let’s just hope this information stays gatekeeped within the looksmax community
Lmao this is pretty common foid knowledge.
go on YouTube. Foids are light years ahead of Looksmaxxers
Bretty good for clearing out pores and reducing blackheads/sebaceous filaments but again also very drying. Tret will do the same thing salicylic acid does eventually so you dont necessarily need both.
Tret will also get rid of sebaceous filaments?
Lmao this is pretty common foid knowledge.
go on YouTube. Foids are light years ahead of Looksmaxxers
Most of the info on this forum isn't that exclusive
  • +1
Reactions: Maalik
Most of the info on this forum isn't that exclusive
Yeah but these guys act like its Hidden Looksmax Wisdom we received from our predecessors on Lookism jfl.
In reality foid channels on youtube go into way more depth and breadth on a lot of "softmax" stuff.
  • +1
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Tret is commonly recommended to .org users for its power in reducing acne, anti-aging, and improving skin texture. However, there is a good bit of misinformation and I decided to write a post about the nuances of tret and how to use it without fucking your shit up and making your skin worse. Yes, this is an essaypost. Yes, you will read it from top to bottom or else your sister will be raped by Indians.

HOW DOES TRET WORK?- Tret's mechanism is pretty simple- it increases the rate at which your skin cells shed off and regenerate. The old layers fall off and a new layer comes to the surface. All the shit and gunk inside your skin gets pushed up from within, eventually leaving you with clear skin.

CREAM: tret in cream form is easier to apply and generally less drying than the gel form. Some cream formulations can clog pores due to ingredients used in the base formula so be wary of that if you are prone to it.

GEL: tret in gel form is generally more drying so maybe better for you if you have oily skin or live in a hot/humid climate such as the slums of Mumbai. The main complaint that people have with this form is that it can dry down quickly so its harder to apply.

TRET MICRO: tret in micro form is basically extended release. So it works more slowly over time instead of starting to work right after you put it on your face. Less irritating than other forms, but also more expensive.

STRENGTHS- the most commonly seen strengths of tret are 0.025, 0.05, and 0.1, ordered from weakest to strongest. These all do the exact same thing just in different amounts of time. 0.025 gives the same result as 0.1 but more slowly. Be warned that the higher strengths are more irritating and its a bad idea to jump right into using 0.1. Be patient and start with 0.025, move up in strength when your skin can handle it.

WHAT IS A SKIN BARRIER? - Your skin barrier is basically your skin's ability to hold it's own moisture inside. When your skin loses this ability, it is very bad and you need to fix it.

HOW DO YOU BREAK A SKIN BARRIER?- Broken skin barrier is caused by overuse of actives, overcleansing, or lack of hydration. When you begin using retinoids or other exfoliating active ingredients, you have to step up hydration to match because they are drying to the skin. If you have never used tret before and you were to start using it every night right off the bat you are probably going to break your skin barrier.

IS MY BARRIER DAMAGED?- Signs of barrier damage include redness of the skin, swelling, a "tight" feeling face, breakouts, peeling, and stinging or burning when applying skincare, even basic shit like cleanser and moisturizer.

HOW DO I FIX A BROKEN BARRIER?- Quit using all actives including tret. Moisturize heavily and only cleanse your face with water. At night, "slug" by covering your face with a barrier repair product such as La Roche Posay Cicaplast, Aveeno Calm+Restore Skin Therapy Balm, or plain old Vaseline. Wait 1-2 weeks before slowly reintroducing active ingredients.

FREQUENCY- It is important to take it slow with the frequency, aka how often you are applying tret. The first 2 weeks of using tret you are going to apply once every 3 nights. You should also buffer it through moisturizer to decrease your chances of skin irritation. Routine should look like this: cleanse, moisturize, wait 10 minutes, apply tret. You don't want to apply tret when your face is wet with product because moisture increases the efficacy of tret and it will be drawn into the skin quicker, thus increasing irritation. The point of the every 72hr application is to make your skin stay retinized while also taking it easy on your barrier. If you stop using tret for longer than 4 or 5 days your skin will likely deretinize and you will have to restart. If everything goes well after the first 2 weeks, move up to 3 times a week, then 4, then 5, then everyday. Take as long as you need to properly adjust to daily application. The eventual goal should be to be able to apply tret every single night to clean dry skin, not buffered with moisturizer.

HOW TO APPLY- All that is needed is a pea sized blob of tret. Dot this evenly around your whole face and rub it in. Avoid getting right up close below your eyes and dont put it on your upper eyelids like a retard. Tret migrates a few inches underneath the skin but some people get dry and irritated eyes from putting it too close to their undereyes. Definitely do not get it on your lips either and avoid getting it too close to your mouth in general since the areas around the lips can peel from this. When you are first starting out it's good to apply it over moisturizer but this slightly decreases the efficacy and once your skin is used to it you should be putting it on clean dry skin. Apply moisturizer afterwards. For normal tret wait a few minutes for your face to dry before applying tret, but with tret micro you can apply to wet skin because of the extended release mechanism.

WHAT IS PURGING?- Purging is a thing that happens with retinoids or other exfoliants. It looks like a breakout, basically. Increased numbers of whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, and comedones. The reason it happens is because of the quicker skin cell turnover rate, as mentioned in the intro. This is a normal part of using tret and seeing a breakout does not mean you are doing something wrong or you need to quit tret.

PURGING VS IRRITATION- If you are using tret for acne, a purge is going to look like the acne you already have flaring up and getting worse for a temporary period. It should not look like: redness, burning or stinging, and breakouts in unusual areas. Example- if your chin and cheeks are your usual "problem areas" for acne but you never break out on the forehead, tret should not make your forehead break out severely. Some mild breakouts on different areas of the face are normal because we often have blackheads/comedones in many places, but if your forehead is usually clear and after starting tret you see big angry whiteheads on your forehead, your skin is probably irritated.

WILL I PURGE?- There is no one size fits all answer to this, you have about a 50% chance of purging. If you are using tret for the texture/anti aging benefits and you dont struggle with acne, you probably won't purge. If you do use it for acne, there is a good chance you will purge. Some people just don't purge at all, though. You might get lucky and have a mild purge, or it might be worse- in either case, expect it to start clearing up by months 2-3 of using tret. Purging fucking sucks but it will be over eventually and your skin will be better than ever. If you are a skin picker, DO NOT pop your pimples! Tret makes your skin more sensitive and squeezing at pimples runs a high risk of creating a scar that can last for a year or longer.

KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID- People will make you believe that you need 50 products at a time to get good skin. Tret is best accompanied by cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. Adding in other active ingredients is going to fuck with your skin, ESPECIALLY if its sensitive, and its going to take up more time in your day. Salicylic acid, azelaic acid, vitamin C, etcetera- all of these do what tret does with enough time but its more money out of your pocket and more time spent in the bathroom glooping shit on your face. Just be patient and keep the routine simple. Unless your skin is a special case or you have really severe issues, all you need is tret, cleanser, moisturizer, SPF and patience.

CLEANSER- You need to cleanse everyday because over the course of a day your skin is shedding off layers. You also collect dirt/dust on your face from walking around and doing things. You don't want to let a layer of dead skin cells sit on your face all the time because it causes dullness, oiliness, and clogs pores. If you suffer from dry skin be careful of overcleansing since some cleansing products can be quite stripping. Buy a gentle cleanser or a gel based cleanser and if necessary only cleanse once per day- if your skin feels too dry, in the morning opt to only wash face with cold water or micellar water, which is a very gentle watered down cleanser. What keeps my skin hydrated is using Neutrogena's hydroboost cleanser which includes hyaluronic acid. This ingredient draws moisture from the outside and pulls it into the skin, keeping it hydrated and plump.

MOISTURIZER- It is very worth it to experiment with moisturizers to find one that works for you. Try to find one that includes ceramides. which help in keeping the barrier intact and the skin hydrated. If your skin feels oily and gross shortly after moisturizing, its not a good fit for you. 30min after moisturizing your skin should feel very soft, hydrated, and plump. Not greasy. Protip- apply moisturizer to damp skin after washing face to get better absorption and hydration.

SUNSCREEN- Sunscreen is a must with using tret. Tret is shedding off a layer of skin to reveal fresh, new skin. If you use tret with no sunscreen you are pretty much frying this nice new layer of skin with UV light. Tret will also make you sunburn easily- no tanning. Using no sunscreen increases your risk of worsening hyperpigmentation, scars, freckles, age spots, and wrinkles. So use at least 30spf whenever you go out, preferably 50spf. For sensitive skin bros, stay away from sunscreens that have "avobenzone" and "oxybenzone" in the ingredients list- I tried a sunscreen by Eucerin that had these and had an allergic reaction where my face went red and swelled up. There are chemical and mineral/physical sunscreens. Chemical sunscreens are typically more sheer/liquidy/shiny where it doesn't look like you're wearing sunscreen. I would recommend using Asian or European brands of chemical sunscreen as they are more "cosmetically elegant" and have better, more modern UV filters. Mineral sunscreens use titanium and/or zinc oxide as their UV filters, which are extremely effective at protecting you from the sun and aren't irritating to sensitive skin. The problem is that they leave a white cast, so when you wear an untinted mineral sunscreen everyone can tell you have sunscreen on. You will look like a ghost, so please get a mineral sunscreen with a tint that matches your skin tone.

I am happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks for reading if you made it this far.whit
White text you retard
  • JFL
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Good thread, I'll most probably get it.
you forgot a type, there's also a liquid suspension of tret, has the highest absorption rate of them all.
  • Woah
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Dnrd. Dont use tret if your acne is not severe. There are too many reported sides so just use safe OTC shit like adapelene
this is BS.
  • +1
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Yeah but these guys act like its Hidden Looksmax Wisdom we received from our predecessors on Lookism jfl.
In reality foid channels on youtube go into way more depth and breadth on a lot of "softmax" stuff.
I learned pretty much all of the info in this post from r/skincareaddiction and r/tretinoin. Its not esoteric knowledge at all but on this forum no one goes into depth on this topic besides "use tret for glowmaxxing"

Yeah, I could have just said "go read r/tretinoin" but no one here is going to sift through all the content on there, so why not make a basic guide on how to use it properly? Theres info I didnt cover but this post has the essentials
  • +1
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I learned pretty much all of the info in this post from r/skincareaddiction and r/tretinoin. Its not esoteric knowledge at all but on this forum no one goes into depth on this topic besides "use tret for glowmaxxing"

Yeah, I could have just said "go read r/tretinoin" but no one here is going to sift through all the content on there, so why not make a basic guide on how to use it properly? Theres info I didnt cover but this post has the essentials
True. you did good work
we need more users like you here instead of the BBC posting machines in offtopic jfl
  • JFL
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Is it bad for the skin to just cleanse
but not moisturize it?
Is it bad for the skin to just cleanse
but not moisturize it?
Depends on your skin type and the cleanser you’re using. Some cleansers are pretty stripping and dry your skin out a lot. If you have oily skin you might be able to get away with not moisturizing every time.

Keep in mind that oily skin still needs to be moisturized. My skin used to be very oily then it got better when I focused on hydration. If you’re not hydrating and moisturizing your skin will often produce more oil to compensate.
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Depends on your skin type and the cleanser you’re using. Some cleansers are pretty stripping and dry your skin out a lot. If you have oily skin you might be able to get away with not moisturizing every time.

Keep in mind that oily skin still needs to be moisturized. My skin used to be very oily then it got better when I focused on hydration. If you’re not hydrating and moisturizing your skin will often produce more oil to compensate.
I got the Cerave cleanser and Cerave moisturizer but when I moisturize my face the forehead becomes oily, I tried to apply just a tiny drop but it still becomes oily. What moisturizer are you using for your oily skin?
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