Confidencemaxxing at my job?



Nov 13, 2018
I’m a manager at a big company and I absolutely suck at my job. A lot of it is the way I communicate and the lack of confidence I have in myself.

I‘m definitely not the smartest or most organized guy, but I’m the least confident amongst the guys I work with at this company. We work with a lot of women and I can tell the women usually respect and listen to the guys that are very confident in themselves, even if they’re not the smartest or best at their job.

An example of how beta I am is that I’ll always laugh after I tell my own jokes, or I’ll laugh when I don’t know how to respond to someone else. I usually let people talk over me, or I wait for others to answer a question, or I don’t talk up too much in meetings.

I don’t know what to do at this point. I’m getting negative performance reviews but I’m not getting fired. I just want to get better at my job and progress in my career.
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I’m a manager at a big company and I absolutely suck at my job. A lot of it is the way I communicate and the lack of confidence I have in myself.

I‘m definitely not the smartest or most organized guy, but I’m the least confident amongst the guys I work with at this company. We work with a lot of women and I can tell the women usually respect and listen to the guys that are very confident in themselves, even if they’re not the smartest or best at their job.

An example of how beta I am is that I’ll always laugh after I tell my own jokes, or I’ll laugh when I don’t know how to respond to someone else. I usually let people talk over me, or I wait for others to answer a question, or I don’t talk up too much in meetings.

I don’t know what to do at this point. I’m getting negative performance reviews but I’m not getting fired. I just want to get better at my job and progress in my career.
OP you sound like a faggot and need to find your balls ur their leader act like it
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OP you sound like a faggot and need to find your balls ur their leader act like it

I am and I agree. I don’t know how to man I have such low confidence
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I am and I agree. I don’t know how to man I have such low confidence
Fake it till you make it bro , there are things such as power posing that could help , building some muscle can help as well and a bit of self love
I talk over people when I am not done with my point which i found somehow gets ppl respect there are tone of other things such as speaking in a slower steadier tone etc etc
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Reactions: Schönling, Danish_Retard, MilfLover69 and 2 others
I am and I agree. I don’t know how to man I have such low confidence
If they're going to fire you because you were a good guy to them, then fuck it. Don't change yourself just to fit the narrative, you were putting the effort and what not, they should keep you around.
If they're going to fire you because you were a good guy to them, then fuck it. Don't change yourself just to fit the narrative, you were putting the effort and what not, they should keep you around.

I’m prob not explaining it well, but it’s kinda like to be successful as a manager in this role, we have to have these traits. Not necessarily they’re bad traits, I look up to the people who have confidence and are great at leading teams. But I just don’t know how to get to that point where I believe in myself, and it definitely shows since people have low faith in my ability to lead
majority of managers in big companies become corrupted and lazy anyways after a few years
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majority of managers in big companies become corrupted and lazy anyways after a few years
I think this is one of those big companies that’s done a good job at avoiding that. They keep the shitty leaders like me from getting promoted :feelsbadman:
I think this is one of those big companies that’s done a good job at avoiding that. They keep the shitty leaders like me from getting promoted :feelsbadman:
face bro
Fake it till you make it bro , there are things such as power posing that could help , building some muscle can help as well and a bit of self love
I talk over people when I am not done with my point which i found somehow gets ppl respect there are tone of other things such as speaking in a slower steadier tone etc etc

this also for me i like to yell abit it stops me from being too quite and then being like oof i sound like virgin fuck im useless and so i get into that mental cycle of self doubt. So for me i just speak louder/almost yelling and that shit gives me the boost (y)
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Inject test or take some oral androgen (prasterone or adrenosterone).

Try some confrontational sport like martial arts. Learn to insult people, unironically look at rap battles.

Can you afford to lose your job? If yes, then try confronting your boss, question him, be late on meetings etc. It will probably get you fired, but it boosts confidence tremendously. Make demands and threaten to leave the company if they don't do as you please.

Try going on a trip without money. If not covid I would recommend hitchhiking through Europe. Put yourself in a position when you must ask people for food or shelter or else you will starve.
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Inject test or take some oral androgen (prasterone or adrenosterone).

Try some confrontational sport like martial arts. Learn to insult people, unironically look at rap battles.

Can you afford to lose your job? If yes, then try confronting your boss, question him, be late on meetings etc. It will probably get you fired, but it boosts confidence tremendously. Make demands and threaten to leave the company if they don't do as you please.

Try going on a trip without money. If not covid I would recommend hitchhiking through Europe. Put yourself in a position when you must ask people for food or shelter or else you will starve.
Taking test sounds interesting to me. I get bad anxiety during big presentations so I take a beta-blocker to calm my heart rate but worried it might make my anxiety worse.

I should question my boss a lot more, or at least pushback on things he says, but I just get walked over since I don't feel smart enough usually to respond with good ideas
When you say louder, do you mean talk louder? Or talk more?

Literally louder, and more emotional.

How old are you? Why do you still think that arguments are won by logic?
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What is your voice like?
I’m a manager at a big company and I absolutely suck at my job. A lot of it is the way I communicate and the lack of confidence I have in myself.

I‘m definitely not the smartest or most organized guy, but I’m the least confident amongst the guys I work with at this company. We work with a lot of women and I can tell the women usually respect and listen to the guys that are very confident in themselves, even if they’re not the smartest or best at their job.

An example of how beta I am is that I’ll always laugh after I tell my own jokes, or I’ll laugh when I don’t know how to respond to someone else. I usually let people talk over me, or I wait for others to answer a question, or I don’t talk up too much in meetings.

I don’t know what to do at this point. I’m getting negative performance reviews but I’m not getting fired. I just want to get better at my job and progress in my career.
Literally louder, and more emotional.

How old are you? Why do you still think that arguments are won by logic?
I’m late 20s. I’m shitty at being assertive and confident
Can you afford to lose your job? How much savings do you have, in terms of months you could survive? If you lost your job now, what would you do?

If it was the last day in your job, what would you say to your boss?
Not too deep or high.. I’d say more in between. But there’s definitely guys with way deeper voices than me
I would probably get voice deepening surgery, if I was in your position. A stronger, deeper voice makes you more confident and people would respect you more
Can you afford to lose your job? How much savings do you have, in terms of months you could survive? If you lost your job now, what would you do?

If it was the last day in your job, what would you say to your boss?
Really that’s the last option for me. I have savings but I wouldn’t want to lose this job, since it is a good job but really just me not being good enough at it

I would probably get voice deepening surgery, if I was in your position. A stronger, deeper voice makes you more confident and people would respect you more
I have actually considered this in the past, I think it could help me a lot. I just have no idea where to do it, haven’t found much online when I looked it up
Really that’s the last option for me. I have savings but I wouldn’t want to lose this job, since it is a good job but really just me not being good enough at it

I have actually considered this in the past, I think it could help me a lot. I just have no idea where to do it, haven’t found much online when I looked it up
If you care about the job, then improve and become better at the job. Prepare before meetings and have the ideas/talks written down before and practice that shit in front of mirror or dunno, your cat? You're a big pussy, so I doubt you'd have a dog anyway.
Real confidence comes from experience and knowing how shit works and how to make the shit work. So best way is to improve at the work itself, as you yourself say that you suck at it.
Tbh, I see people like you from time to time and I can't take you guys seriously, even if you're confident (it feels fake btw and imo is even worse), but because it's obvious you don't really understand shit and act all lost and confused.
Maybe find some numbers to try to improve upon them, so that you can see a progress of something becoming better overtime.
Come up with a plan, look up strategies on how to organise workflow and implement it. Follow it and learn how to adapt to it, find new ways how to improve it and streamline it further. Prepare before talking with people.
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you need to get your t levels checked
If you care about the job, then improve and become better at the job. Prepare before meetings and have the ideas/talks written down before and practice that shit in front of mirror or dunno, your cat? You're a big pussy, so I doubt you'd have a dog anyway.
Real confidence comes from experience and knowing how shit works and how to make the shit work. So best way is to improve at the work itself, as you yourself say that you suck at it.
Tbh, I see people like you from time to time and I can't take you guys seriously, even if you're confident (it feels fake btw and imo is even worse), but because it's obvious you don't really understand shit and act all lost and confused.
Maybe find some numbers to try to improve upon them, so that you can see a progress of something becoming better overtime.
Come up with a plan, look up strategies on how to organise workflow and implement it. Follow it and learn how to adapt to it, find new ways how to improve it and streamline it further. Prepare before talking with people.
Good advice. Faking confidence if I don’t actually know shit is worse. I do suck at knowing things and then it gets worse when I doubt myself. I’m only in my element when I truly feel confident and like the expert on a topic

I don’t know why, but sometimes I get intimidated to even ask questions because I think they’re dumb/obvious. Then that puts me in shit later sometimes because I didn’t know the answer to it. Also my memory isn’t the best so I think I forget things more easily than others
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Good advice. Faking confidence if I don’t actually know shit is worse. I do suck at knowing things and then it gets worse when I doubt myself. I’m only in my element when I truly feel confident and like the expert on a topic

I don’t know why, but sometimes I get intimidated to even ask questions because I think they’re dumb/obvious. Then that puts me in shit later sometimes because I didn’t know the answer to it. Also my memory isn’t the best so I think I forget things more easily than others
I understand you. Ask questions regardless, just reason that you want to do the job properly, the right and the best way possible, so you want to know about the details. Dumb questions can open up the gates for smart questions, but also in part could be done for socialising.
You can always bring with yourself a notebook and write important shit down, so your goldfish brains don't forget. But try to think about the solution for a few minutes on your own, to me 80% of the time I'll most likely come up with a good enough solution, but then you can go and ask for a second opinion. "I had this x idea for y and z, what do you think? Maybe you got a better idea?" Or something.
I am and I agree. I don’t know how to man I have such low confidence
This is not a troll.

Go out and insult women randomly at bars or something. Just in a nonchalant relaxed way, not angry like. You'll see that there's nothing to fear in the worst case scenario (pissing women off), and then your fear will disappear. You need to be arrogant with women to get respect, its completely different than how you deal with men, never treat women like you do men (respectfully).
This is not a troll.

Go out and insult women randomly at bars or something. Just in a nonchalant relaxed way, not angry like. You'll see that there's nothing to fear in the worst case scenario (pissing women off), and then your fear will disappear. You need to be arrogant with women to get respect, its completely different than how you deal with men, never treat women like you do men (respectfully).
What do people do at bars? Never been to a bar. Is it worth going to a bar, for possibly social reasons, if you don't drink? Also what about corona?
What do people do at bars? Never been to a bar. Is it worth going to a bar, for possibly social reasons, if you don't drink? Also what about corona?

IDK, just insult women any chance you get outside of work. Even if your walking your dog and some girl strokes it, find an insult and just say it, I promise this works.

Also watch The Black Phillip Show if you haven't already
  • JFL
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IDK, just insult women any chance you get outside of work. Even if your walking your dog and some girl strokes it, find an insult and just say it, I promise this works.

Also watch The Black Phillip Show if you haven't already
Tbh I feel like I do insult women just by my mere looks/presence.
I have done that a few times, a bit unintentionally, they got scared a bit.
I'm just a nice person, so don't really feel like insulting people just for the fun of it.
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I'm just a nice person, so don't really feel like insulting people just for the fun of it.

So am I, but we have to face the harsh realities of the World to succeed.

Women function in only 2 ways, either they lick your ass because you disrespect them, or they disrespect and marginalise you because you did respect them. Mog or be mogged, thats their nature and it will never change, they dont do it consciously even.
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So am I, but we have to face the harsh realities of the World to succeed.

Women function in only 2 ways, either they lick your ass because you disrespect them, or they disrespect and marginalise you because you did respect them. Mog or be mogged, thats their nature and it will never change, they dont do it consciously even.
I talked with a women once on "why are all men such pigs?" Topic. She started it btw. I said that women only care about guys who are pigs, and have 0 interest in guys who are non-pigs, so really it's just their own reflection. She just changed the topic instantly. Anecdotal experience I guess.
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I talked with a women once on "why are all men such pigs?" Topic. She started it btw. I said that women only care about guys who are pigs, and have 0 interest in guys who are non-pigs, so really it's just their own reflection. She just changed the topic instantly. Anecdotal experience I guess.

No its true, they always project, and always say the opposite of what you should actually do. Just disrespect women for 1 week solid, see what happens.
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Joined Nov 13, 2018
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