Controversial opinion: Men suck at rating other men. PSLI included.

Deleted member 245

Deleted member 245

Sep 1, 2018
Even we're not that good at rating other men despite being much more knowledgable about aesthetics than the general population. Only difference is that we can estimate a man's SMV with more accuracy than the average person but we still have a lot to learn. There are so many intracacies when it comes to facial ratios and facial irregularities that we don't understand yet. There are times where there's heavy disagreement about a particular guy's rating. There are also times where we're way off the mark and there are guys that women fawn over that would be called subhuman on here. Hell, there was one user on who got told he was good looking so he tried going to a nightclub. He got BTFO and got rejected by every woman he tried to dance with; he felt so worthless afterwards that he ate a box of condoms and I think he had to get his stomach pumped.

The only thing that matters is results from women. It doesn't matter how many guys call you good looking if you never get anywhere with women. What guys percieve to be good looking and what women perceive to be good looking is almost completely different.
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there was a study where were asked to men and women to build with famous people's feature the perfect face: women and men select different features for their ideal men
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What women say =/= what they do
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Then whos fucking advice are people supposed to listen to? Good luck getting any proper advice from grills
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There are 3 levels of male attractiveness: hot, not hot and not ugly, ugly (=invisible)
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I have a feeling "femcels" and incels who are trying to looksmax should rate each other.
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The only thing that matters is results from women. It doesn't matter how many guys call you good looking if you never get anywhere with women. What guys percieve to be good looking and what women perceive to be good looking is almost completely different.
Tbh I asked one woman about my looks aswell and they pretty much had 2 say, oh your face is avg but your 6'1'' which makes you above.

I think guys really rate the same, the only thing that doesent count is gay guys cause they always rate me higher for some reason
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incels are dumb retardes shit, good example of shit rating is @Intel.Imperitive and @ZyzzReincarnate
they both getrated shit like 3-4.5 psl and its the biggest joke ive heard in a million years
Incels think cause they use PSL rating it's smart, originally PSL rating was made like this:
You give everyone an 8, and -1 for every major flaw, -.5 for minor flaws, and +1 if first impression is good,
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Reactions: ZyzzReincarnate and Deleted member 147
I meant you own perception of your height amoung youngsters and young adults.
You mean what I think about my height compared to my peers?

I still get mogged sometimes but its nice halo to the average face next to the frame.

Excuse my stupidity if I understood it wrongly
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You mean what I think about my height compared to my peers?

I still get mogged sometimes but its nice halo to the average face next to the frame.

Excuse my stupidity if I understood it wrongly
Yes, I mean does this 75th percentile correspond to what you perceive irl about how your height compares to others. Is it really 75%? Cuz I think the height of people IRL is higher than what statistical sources display.
Yes, I mean does this 75th percentile correspond to what you perceive irl about how your height compares to others. Is it really 75%? Cuz I think the height of people IRL is higher than what statistical sources display.
Yes, I mean most guys I see I height mog but then there are some guys which are 6'4'' and I cant compete really. Depends on location tbh but people always notice guys that are taller than them
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There are 3 levels of male attractiveness: hot, not hot and not ugly, ugly (=invisible)
Disagree. Not ugly = invisible, hence the personality meme being so prevalent among the average person, as you need to set yourself apart. Ugly = repulsive, as in people will actively do things to avoid you, or make your life miserable, essentially the horn effect.
Should be :
7: hot
6: cute
5: avg
4: below avg
3: ugly

Getting more specific than this and givng ratings outside of 3-7 allow for room for delusional imo.
Disagree. Not ugly = invisible, hence the personality meme being so prevalent among the average person, as you need to set yourself apart. Ugly = repulsive, as in people will actively do things to avoid you, or make your life miserable, essentially the horn effect.
We are getting into terminology here, but a term ugly for foids is not only limited to the deformed people. We are modeling a foid's perception of males.
For me, an ugly person is a legit deformed person, and I dont think I will have any problem treating him equal to others. For foids a male becomes ugly after a certain looks threshold, and he becomes literally invisible. Bullying does not come with being repulsive or ugly, it comes from personality as a main reason for that (but the insults can be focused solely on looks for example) mainly, though its more difficult to have a solid personality being facially deformed. There are of course some extreme deformed cases who are getting bullied by children or low iq low empathy people based solely on looks.

Moderately below average, average and above average males are still getting foids showing some interested in them, and they get IOIs in recurring intervals of time, so they are not really invisible. And by IOI I dont mean when a foid does all the job herself, though it can sometimes take place too.
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Tbh I asked one woman about my looks aswell and they pretty much had 2 say, oh your face is avg but your 6'1'' which makes you above.

I think guys really rate the same, the only thing that doesent count is gay guys cause they always rate me higher for some reason

Cause you have wide hips and a fat ass!

@future chadlite @Nibba @ZyzzReincarnate @fatcelnolonger
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Cause you have wide hips and a fat ass!

@future chadlite @Nibba @ZyzzReincarnate @fatcelnolonger
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Cause you have wide hips and a fat ass!

@future chadlite @Nibba @ZyzzReincarnate @fatcelnolonger
Dude that's a block frame it's mechanically efficient!!!!
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Fuck "aesthetics." The idea is to attract women, not to adhere to some arbitrary bullshit rubric about what's "factually" attractive. Do women like you? Congratulations, you're done here. And it doesn't matter what the raters on Looksmax or anywhere else think.
We are getting into terminology here, but a term ugly for foids is not only limited to the deformed people. We are modeling a foid's perception of males.
For me, an ugly person is a legit deformed person, and I dont think I will have any problem treating him equal to others. For foids a male becomes ugly after a certain looks threshold, and he becomes literally invisible. Bullying does not come with being repulsive or ugly, it comes from personality as a main reason for that (but the insults can be focused solely on looks for example) mainly, though its more difficult to have a solid personality being facially deformed. There are of course some extreme deformed cases who are getting bullied by children or low iq low empathy people based solely on looks.

Moderately below average, average and above average males are still getting foids showing some interested in them, and they get IOIs in recurring intervals of time, so they are not really invisible. And by IOI I dont mean when a foid does all the job herself, though it can sometimes take place too.

When you say bullying comes from a personality being the main reason, what does personality mean in this context? Meek? Bad moral character? I figure you meant a meek person, because I have seen plenty of good character kids get bullied. While deformed ugly ppl fall outside of what I’m talking about and into special cases where it starts to illicit pity and virtue signaling, the “actively avoid” response I mentioned earlier still applies. Consider this piece:

Even comedian Jim Jeffries, a normie in looks, pokes fun at the phenomenon in his standup:

Goodluck for getting surgery advice from foids:lul::lul:
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View attachment 17256
Then whos fucking advice are people supposed to listen to? Good luck getting any proper advice from grills
Goodluck for getting surgery advice from foids:lul::lul:

Of course you won't get any good advice from women. The key is not to listen to what they say but to observe the types of guys they go after. What types of guys do decent looking foids tend to hookup with? Or better yet, what types of guys get matches on Tinder?
Goodluck for getting surgery advice from foids:lul::lul:
The oblungo Surgery i need is rhinoplasty, but it’s obiovus, i have a decent hump on my nose. Girls and men can agree with that. On face shape, proportions (fhwr), eye shape there is a little of disagreement, assuming a good shape e tilt of the eye
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@dodt sounded high IQ
I just noticed this is an old thread no wonder everyone sounded high iq

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