I'm leaving Thailand an incel (JBW is wrong)

you say you can attract prime girls at home, but u cant even attract ladyboys in thailand

This is how you know it’s cap.

I get hoes abroad easily but I’m incel due to location and poverty.

OPs full of shit, where tf does he live I need to fly over there and BBC cuckhold all the men there
  • +1
Reactions: aspiringexcel, qazw and MoggerGaston
I’m the opporsite of you. I’m incel in my shithole city in the UK, but slayer abroad. Unlike your subhuman pinkoid ass I get sexy white girls when I travel to Europe meanwhile you get fuck ALL EVEN WHEN TRYING TO SLAY UGLY ASS CHINKS :lul::lul::lul::lul:
You're an ugly skit skinned retard. You don't get shit. A couple of numbers and a few kisses in a nightclub don't count as anything, sunshine.
  • +1
Reactions: aspiringexcel
I'm the one who made random new friends on a night out a few weeks back and started clubbing with my new pal using him as social proofing. Again, get some life experience before you open your mouth.
"Muh friends".
That‘s not even the thing. I saw the most autistic guys have friends.
If you don‘t Know how to to approach and properly court women just say that.
  • +1
Reactions: aspiringexcel, qazw and PrinceLuenLeoncur
You're an ugly skit skinned retard. You don't get shit. A couple of numbers and a few kisses in a nightclub don't count as anything, sunshine.
I pull your pretty little angels in clubs and take them to my place for P in V. Keep coping you absolute retard

I mogg you, your an ugly cumskins who can’t even run JBW on a few ugly ladyboys fucking kill yourself do the cumskins race a favour and end it now you abused dog. My inceldom is due to location (UK) yours is due to being an subhuman
  • JFL
Reactions: qazw
"Muh friends".
That‘s not even the thing. I saw the most autistic guys have friends.
If you don‘t Know how to to approach and properly court women just say that.
Making random friends on a nightout alone is a difficult thing to do. Something I could tell you haven't done.

Hahahaha, proper approach? There is no proper approach when a woman isn't sexually attracted to a man. You are clueless, fool.
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel and LancasteR
"Muh friends".
That‘s not even the thing. I saw the most autistic guys have friends.
If you don‘t Know how to to approach and properly court women just say that.
You can pull hot white girls on holiday by saying “You’re pretty” it’s that simple and yet OP can’t even get 4/10 ladyboy chinks who look like literal Aliens to speak to him. He’s a fucking joke, and he somehow wants us to believe he was pullin hoes back home? BULLSHIT
  • +1
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Screenshot 20240928 130611
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel, qazw and PrinceLuenLeoncur
I pull your pretty little angels in clubs and take them to my place for P in V. Keep coping you absolute retard
You've gotten a few number and ended up being ghosted 🤣 Wow, such an achievement.

I mogg you, your an ugly cumskins who can’t even run JBW on a few ugly ladyboys fucking kill yourself do the cumskins race a favour and end it now you abused dog. My inceldom is due to location (UK) yours is due to being an subhuman
You don't mog shit, I bet you're still a virgin, lol.
You can pull hot white girls on holiday by saying “You’re pretty” it’s that simple and yet OP can’t even get 4/10 ladyboy chinks who look like literal Aliens to speak to him. He’s a fucking joke, and he somehow wants us to believe he was pullin hoes back home? BULLSHIT
Yeah making new friends out isn‘t even that hard like he says.
Jfl come and rearrange my face then you subhuman cunt trying to tell me you wernt dumpster diving in 3rd world countries for sex but look here.
And you're still fucking incel. Jfl
  • +1
Reactions: aspiringexcel and kalluss
Yeah making new friends out isn‘t even that hard like he says.
Yes, it is. Especially new mates who'll meet during the day for a chat, etc
  • Hmm...
Reactions: LancasteR
You've gotten a few number and ended up being ghosted 🤣 Wow, such an achievement.

You don't mog shit, I bet you're still a virgin, lol.
I’ve slayed and unlike you I dontnfuck ugly chinks or need to go to another continent to get pussyni can go to @MoggerGaston country and do well because inceldok is due to my location as I said WE ARE NOT THE SAME.

Ofc I get ghosted I do what I do with the girls then I leave the country and we never speak again are you a retard bro? Meanwhile you go chinkland and GET NOTHING :forcedsmile: IMAGINE GOING TO CHINKLAND AS A WHYBOIII AND BEING INCEL YOU MAY AS WELL ROPE ITS GG FOR YOU SON :lul::lul::lul:
  • +1
Reactions: LancasteR
JFL at so many users taking this obvious troll seriously
Really goes to show the average IQ/age of this forum
I’ve slayed and unlike you I dontnfuck ugly chinks or need to go to another continent to get pussyni can go to @MoggerGaston country and do well because inceldok is due to my location as I said WE ARE NOT THE SAME.

Ofc I get ghosted I do what I do with the girls then I leave the country and we never speak again are you a retard bro? Meanwhile you go chinkland and GET NOTHING :forcedsmile: IMAGINE GOING TO CHINKLAND AS A WHYBOIII AND BEING INCEL YOU MAY AS WELL ROPE ITS GG FOR YOU SON :lul::lul::lul:
You haven't slayed shit, you virgin.
I never said I was optionless, you stupid tard. I specifically said I can't get desirable asian women who are gutter trash.

You're clearly a naive inexperienced retard who doesn't understand women. Women are very manipulative, didn't you know. 🤣
Then you're a standardcel. Your attitude is terrible, you're the type of incel that gives them all the bad reputation. Women want a guy who cares about them and is affectionate, they will only put up with dudes who are rude and bluntly demand sex if they are way above her looksmatch. There's no surprise you didn't pull an ethnic stacy in Thailand with this attitude
  • +1
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
JFL at so many users taking this obvious troll seriously
Really goes to show the average IQ/age of this forum
I've been in this community since 2014. I am far from a troll. My analysis is as objective as humanly possible. Present your argument or piss off.
JFL at so many users taking this obvious troll seriously
Really goes to show the average IQ/age of this forum
Irony of this comment
You haven't slayed shit, you virgin.
The virgin is the one who went to SEA and remained incel.

I even fucked an Bhurmese girl who cold approached my bbc was cos I was “CUTE” and she gave me oussy I did 0 effort. That’s how easy SEA girls are to fuck :hnghn: and yet and YET YOU CANT EVEN GET A UGLY LADYBOY TO FUCK YOU, YOURE A DISGRACE ROPE NOW
  • +1
Reactions: SoundnVision
The virgin is the one who went to SEA and remained incel.
I am not putting my dick in ugly women, whales or trannys. Nor will I betabux an old roastie who's 25+. Some of us have self respect, unlike gimps like you who'll suck up to anyone who gives them a chance.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
As I have stated before. Being white in SEA doesn't increase physical attractiveness


You are either a SEAmonkey yourself or a trucel white.

I've seen SEAmonkeys that immigrate here hound white mtns and never bat an eye at Asians.

Being white or fitzpatrick 1 is literally all that's needed and you will draw them like flies.

The fact that it isn't, means you are one or the other of what I stated.

because the women in SEA have evolved to find asian male morphology to be attractive.

SEA women would literally sacrifice their first born child to make their second born white looking. There's no race that is more self hating than SEA/gooks.

How do you write this when shit like this exists

  • JFL
Reactions: Latinolooksmaxxer
I am not putting my dick in ugly women, whales or trannys. Nor will I betabux an old roastie who's 25+. Some of us have self respect, unlike gimps like you who'll suck up to anyone who gives them a chance.
I’m incel cos I have standards in the worst hypergous island on earth so if what you say is true then we both have the same issue.

Fact is though chinks are by default ugly so you must be open to fucking ugly women if you went to Thailand :lul::lul::lul::lul:
How trucel do you have to be to fail in Thailand?

Honestly, from the sounds of this, your failure might've been because you are too non-NT.
bro was ER in SEA

at least ER was in cali trying to rizz valley stacies this thread is a whole new level tho lol
I am not putting my dick in ugly women, whales or trannys. Nor will I betabux an old roastie who's 25+. Some of us have self respect, unlike gimps like you who'll suck up to anyone who gives them a chance.
if you're 4/10 there's no way you're getting a 6/10+ even in thailand, especially since thai women above 6/10 are very rare. maybe lower your standards if you want pussy. you can easily get average thai girls if you try, but you only want the 8's. if you have no experience with women you need to start with the uglies and slowly increase your standards as you gain more experience. experience makes you more NT and increases your chances. there's no way you can get attractive women while acting autistic and weird. they just get scared of you and once they find out you have no money or passport to offer they're gone.

bangkok is not really a good place to geomax. maybe try some place without the white HTN backpackers. women are no different in asia, they all want chad. the only difference is that they lower their standards in exchange for money/status/passport. asian women are not more attracted to white people because of their skin, they are more attracted to whites because of the value they can give. they don't get any more wet for you than a european/american girl.
"Muh friends".
That‘s not even the thing. I saw the most autistic guys have friends.
If you don‘t Know how to to approach and properly court women just say that.
Whatttt, girls wont approach me if im a white ltn autist, jbw is fake

You are either a SEAmonkey yourself or a trucel white.

I've seen SEAmonkeys that immigrate here hound white mtns and never bat an eye at Asians.

Being white or fitzpatrick 1 is literally all that's needed and you will draw them like flies.

The fact that it isn't, means you are one or the other of what I stated.

SEA women would literally sacrifice their first born child to make their second born white looking. There's no race that is more self hating than SEA/gooks.

How do you write this when shit like this exists

View attachment 3204230View attachment 3204231
Even more sad is that the reason their jaws develop like that, atleast like in the first pic, is because of plant toxins and carbohydrates, ovar
IOIS aren‘t cope. But keep yourself down
Doubt anyone's gonna approach some ugly autistic dude just because he has white skin, maybe if he looks rich and shit
Doubt anyone's gonna approach some ugly autistic dude just because he has white skin, maybe if he looks rich and shit
Autism is drawback, as I said.
Minimum is to have some convo skills and don‘t act like a sperg.

You are either a SEAmonkey yourself or a trucel white.

I've seen SEAmonkeys that immigrate here hound white mtns and never bat an eye at Asians.

Being white or fitzpatrick 1 is literally all that's needed and you will draw them like flies.

The fact that it isn't, means you are one or the other of what I stated.

SEA women would literally sacrifice their first born child to make their second born white looking. There's no race that is more self hating than SEA/gooks.

How do you write this when shit like this exists

View attachment 3204230View attachment 3204231
This is pseudoscience. Tell me, what constitutes natural selection?
Like I've been saying, JBW doesn't exist. It is a figment of your imagination.

I'm leaving in a couple of days an incel! Yes, you read that correctly, an incel! Asian women think white men are ugly if they aren't Chad tier. I even saw a Chadlite awkwardly holding his toddler when walking out of his apartment complex in central Bangkok. I messaged so many women and kept being rejected and it burned me out pretty fast and then shortly after I got seriously ill. The girls always wanted me to take them out on dates and they refused to come over my apartment and to watch a film with me. A lot of them tried to keep me as a beta orbiter in their inbox. "You're so handsome!" "Yeah, cool, so when are you sucking my cock!?" "OMG, all you're after is sex, you're a creep." They are pretty good at manipulating men with fake compliments used to pump up a man's ego. Now, I understand exactly where Kent was coming from when he made those vlogs shouting and screaming in his car telling women to stop calling him handsome.

They always wanted me to take them out on dates and spend, spend, spend. The women available on dating apps are the leftovers who have baggage. Changs leftovers! All I wanted was a 5/10 16 to 22 yo asian woman who hasn't been ran through. I have 10 times more of a chance of getting this back home but with a white girl.

Asian women are money mad and don't give a fuck about sex. They're the most asexual beings to ever exist. I feel completely undesired here. I can't wait to leave this shithole country. Every waking moment I feel like I'm in a sauna. Milk costs 2x more than in the UK. Groceries prices are cheaper overall but not by a whole margin. The eggs here are quite good value, though.

Geomaxing in 2024 is dead. Every Tom, Dick and Harry under the sun is here.

View attachment 3202539
I went to china w my foidbhai (who smvmogs me back to pur Zagreb slum). No foid wanted me obviously but some kids exctitedly waved at us and people asked if were russian:love: which made me happy as a gookologist

This nigga is probably a ricecel troll, but i agree with him.

Also over for SEAmonkeys

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