

Jul 17, 2020
--- Post the best essays of @copingvolcel itt ---
  • JFL
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I never have to waste time trying to find the perfect clip since I have TBs of porn on an external hard drive with all my favorite clips and I have around 300 GBs on my phone's 500 GB SD card, so whenever I need to jerk off, I can just use the VLC app on my phone and it's enough.

Many people may wonder why I downloaded so much when thousands of videos can be streamed for free online.
I did it because the content on free porn sites is terrible most of the time, they always try to do a fake story and it's extremely cringey and awkward, and the camera angles used to film the sex are really bad, so much so that it looks fake.

The porn that I have looks so real that I can reach orgasm after only 5 minutes, to make it better, I edge for 10-15 minutes sometimes.
The best porn that I found on pornhub was either some of the amateur stuff done between couples or stuff that usually costs money but was uploaded illegally on the site to be downloaded for free. A lot of my stuff comes from a few paid sites though.

As for nofap, I do believe that it's better to have sex than to jerk off, but when you can't find someone to have sex with due to being stuck in quarantine and unable to make tinder work, then porn is better than nothing. Nofap without sex simply doesn't work.
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  • JFL
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I'm flattered that you would make a meme about me, but it's really inaccurate.

I've never been rejected because I've never reallly focused on approaching women because before my bimax, I was really insecure about my looks because I had an underbite. However, there was one time at a 5 star hotel where I saw a girl I was attracted to and approached her and she didn't reject me, she gave me her contact information and she was really nice, but I was too insecure to make the next move.
The same thing happened with another girl at that hotel, however I didn't approach her but I played beach volleyball with her and some other people, she was really attracted to me but I was too insecure to make my move again.

That was back in late december 2016 (a few days before christmas), then in 2017 I had a semester at my pre university where I met a decent looking palestinian girl who was really attracted to me, more than any other girl had been before, so much so that she approached me and always made the first move, but because I was insecure I rejected her. Also, in that same year I had been mocked for my looks by some girls that I met, one time at the 5 star hotel where a 30 year old scottish girl who was getting married said I was really skinny, and another time in the same class that I met the palestinian girl, a blonde girl in our group wasn't happy that a girl was attracted to me and made fun of the fact that I had tinder, probably because she thought I was too ugly to succeed on tinder.

Then, nothing really happened during the rest of 2017, but on July 9th 2018 I had my bimax done, it took me around 1 month to recover, then it took me another 8-9 months for my face to not be bloated. But even when it was a bit bloated still (a few months after the surgery), I saw that a girl was checking me out and it was a girl that was in my class from 2017, she had recognized me probably and was more attracted to me now even though I was invisible in her eyes before. I know because, most people that I knew from high school or elsewhere would act like they didn't know who I was when they saw me in public, because in high school I was famous for the wrong reason (I got really drunk and had an hangover at the after prom party which was in 2015).

Then, for the rest of 2018, nothing happened. In 2019, I found a job at a warehouse as a forklift operator and worked there for 9 months and nothing really happened that year except that in October 2019, I received IOIs from a Becky when I was at the DMV to register my first car and get my plates.

Then, in January 2020, I had a skiing class where I received intense IOIs from a really hot 8/10 girl immediately when she saw me, and I went up to her to introduce myself but I was really shy and it showed and she quickly lost interest and forgot about me, especially when i got downgraded to the intermediate class while she went in the advanced class. I was really experienced and good at that sport but I hadn't practiced since 2012, so my skills were very rusty.

Then in February and March 2020, there was a girl that I constantly saw at one of my classes who was also an 8/10 and she was really attracted to me, so much so that she would look at me for the entire class and play with her hair at the same time, but I ignored her because I thought she was only trying to get my attention, it was only after the quarantine had started that I realized that she was sending me intense IOIs to make me approach her because she liked me.

I always had a ton of opportunities, being skinny isn't a failo, muscles don't matter as much as height and face, a friend of mine from elementary school who looks similar to me always had more success with girls because he was more confident than I was and even as a little kid he wasn't afraid to talk to girls, he didn't care about getting rejected, and as a result, he was always the coolest and most popular guy in school. And to this day, when I look at his facebook, I see that he still lives that life, most of the girls are beckies and high tier beckies but he has lots of success even though he is skinny and not a Chad.

Also, I write a lot because I have a lot of things to say about a wide variety of topics, and low effort posts tend to prevent any meaningful online conversation which makes socializing less satisfying especially since you have to wait longer for people to reply unlike in real life. In real life, I force myself to talk less than the other person to not be annoying but online, I don't do that unless it's a live chat thing. It's also because I'm used to reddit, where people write even longer posts than this and it's normal there.

TL ; DR: I'm not a skinnycel or a framecel, I'm a mentalcel. But I have fixed the issues that prevented me from getting laid, I'm not insecure anymore and I can identify IOIs way more than before so I can seize the opportunities that come my way and create some instead of isolating myself. Your post represents what low self confidence can lead to.
  • JFL
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Yeah I know, it annoys me every time they say things that are so obviously blue pilled. I knew the guy in 3rd and 4th grade, sometimes he and his family went to see hockey games with me and my family.

The last time I saw him in person was in 2013, I visited him during a trip around the world I was doing with my family, I was 14 at the time and during the only time that my parents and his were gone, he took out his belt and started pretending like he was going to hit me with it, it was extremely strange and weird, maybe it was a form of bullying and intimidation but it felt kind of sexual, that would make him bisexual and into bdsm stuff if that is true.

Also, I remember that one time we were at a mutual friend's party and he was slow dancing with the hottest girl of the party and she had her arms wrapped around his neck. That was back when we were 10 years old. I always knew he was way better looking than me and more NT too since he was the most popular guy in school.

"It is because I didn't understand what was going on until it happened then I resisted and he stopped.
It's just that I'll never forget how creepy and weird it felt in the moment, it felt like it was a sexual thing, and I only say this looking back on it now, because back then I wasn't aware of these things.
Also, back then I was extremely shy around people.

He didn't try to cuck me, he was just messing around, it's just extremely weird and suggests that he may not be straight after all.
But nothing happened though."
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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1) It is most likely a lot more than 20+, I bet she has had sex with hundreds of guys, you forget that women never fail to find a guy to have sex with when they go out, if they go out two times per week and have started having sex at around 16 years old and they are sluts who date short term a lot more than long term, they are going to have had sex with so many guys that they most likely have STDs.

Sluts are the easiest for hookups but the most risky because they are the most likely to have lots of STDs and the most likely to cheat on you if you make them your girlfriend, which is why they are best used for one night stands, but if you don't use protection or even if you just kiss her or give her head, you will most likely get an STD.
Not all beautiful women are sluts, but the most confident ones usually are, when you know the signs, it's easy to know which ones are sluts and which ones aren't.

2) Also, women don't care how many women you had sex with, they don't care how much experience you have or if you're a virgin but they don't want you to tell them because it sets the expectation that they should guide you through your first experience and women don't like that. If you tell it right after though, then it's not a bad thing.

3) And, it's not because of sexual experience that women love older men, it's because of maturity, older guys are more likely to be on their level of maturity so they can take responsibility when it is needed while younger men who are the same age as the girl are less likely to. That is not to say that women as a whole are more mature than men, but when you're in your teens and early 20s, usually women have their shit together while men don't. This is why you'll almost never see a 30 year old woman being attracted to a 20 year old man, but you'll see a lot of cases where 20 year old women are attracted to 30 year old men, so in that case, it's not about money specifically.

4) As a guy you'll never match the N count of a woman unless you are a guy who hooks up a lot and the woman only has sex with the men that she is in a long term relationship with, some women are definitely like that and they are usually the best for long term relationships and are the least likely to have STDs because they are the opposite of a slut.

5) Some people have asked why I have never been in a relationship and it's not because I have never had the opportunity to but it's because I would only be willing to date a girl like that, and whenever I am offered sluts, I am just unable to trust them, I would not mind having sex with them, but I am pretty sure that when they look at me, they seek more than that, and that is the problem, I could lie and pump and dump though.
  • JFL
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F6494D84 0D36 45B4 908A BBCCC8E1626B
  • JFL
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i want to have Sex soooo ,. bad ,. but girls dont want . to have Sex with me any more .
they visit me hospal "feel so sorry" no hand Hold .?
laugh tyour Way out room .? BITCH .?

i want too have Sex so bad ., woman making me Horney ., still not Touching pussy . any more .
  • JFL
Reactions: Be_ConfidentBro
I'm just a virgin, I have already hugged and held hands with girls who weren't family, and I have danced with girls when I was a kid, I am not an incel like many of you think, I was just shy for many years due to low self confidence, but I have never been friendzoned and I have never had trouble to attract women.

I am a volcel, I don't want to be in a long term relationship with a girl because I like being alone but sometimes, when I feel horny or when I am alone for too long, I start to feel like I want to get a girlfriend but most of the time I don't, this is why I have always been single, it's a choice. And I never put in the effort to get laid because I didn't want to put in the effort to get good at it just for a bit of temporary short term pleasure.

I might get a girlfriend eventually but only if I meet a girl that I can see myself spending a long time with, I have yet to meet a girl like that, I am going to start hooking up after the quarantine though. But whether I hook up or date, it won't be because I really want to but because I would like to see what that's like and whether or not I would like it, I didn't try it years ago because I thought that I still have many years to decide but now since I am already 22 and my lack of experience with women makes me more shy than most guys and that is why I want to try it, to get enough experience to be comfortable around them and to see if I will like it or not.

If I find out that I dislike dating and relationships, then I'll be able to remain a bachelor while knowing that I am living my best life with what I like to do. I think that this is a better choice than to never try it and regret it later on when it is too late to date young women. If I hadn't had this idea, I would have never made an account on looksmax.

Why I am on this site:

The main reason why I made an account is because I thought that the black pill was a bit separate from incels but clearly I was wrong, I joined the site without knowing that a big part of the community are incels, if I had known from the start, I wouldn't have joined, I'm not leaving now because I'm already here and it's too late and I don't mind helping incels even though I get trolled for it by guys who think that I am one myself even though I'm not an incel, I'm a volcel.

Copingvolcel comes from the idea that maybe I actually want a girlfriend but tell myself that I don't because the single life is more comfortable and low risk while dating requires effort but may be rewarding, so maybe I was just lying to myself (AKA coping) all this time about what I really wanted so I was not a true volcel, but not incel either.
  • JFL
Reactions: Be_ConfidentBro, Deleted member 6723, WadlowMaxxing and 1 other person
The definition of incel has nothing to do with sex, it's a mindset, more specifically, it's a loser's mindset.

You can have as much sex as you want and still be an incel in your mind.

When you start to think about it more, something that seems as normal as looksmaxxing is actually a very unnatural and unnecessary thing.
The only exception is if you're fat because it's not good for your health.

But really, I find it pathetic that there are users on this site like @Amnesia and @larsanova69 who waste years of their life on such a site, constantly trying to be the perfect image of beauty just so they can get laid or feel validated. Even though they get laid and have success with women, they're still incels because they're here.

The mindset of constantly seeing yourself as not perfect enough or too ugly in the mirror, that is what being an incel really is.

That is not to say that there are not truecels, but as I have seen for myself, that is not the case for most of the active users here.

Of course, you could throw this back on me and claim that because I am here also I am the same, but I haven't invested that much time, it's still a waste, but not as much as most users. I've only been here for 2 months and that's how long it took me to realize all of this.

That's what separates me, I'm not "Chad", I'm not perfect, I'm normal. That's the difference between us, you'll constantly chase an idea of perfection that you will never reach while spending most of your free time on here trolling, while I will actually be out there enjoying life.

You are in your own self made prison, it doesn't matter how much success you get with women because you'll never be truly happy, fulfilled and satisfied. And this is not an essay on hedonism, but the incel community and what it represents. It's not even focused on hate, it's focused on perfection, at least hate isn't permanent but this idea of perfection will never leave because perfection is impossible.

I have also seen that this site judges women on lower standards than men, a male model can be seen as ugly because of minor imperfections but the average woman is worshipped like a goddess just for not being ugly. So, even though you people are experts at pointing out the details of male models, for average women who have tons of imperfections you're blinded by desire and worship. You underestimate a man's value and overestimate a woman's value.

The only 2 reasons why I made an account on this site and joined the community are: 1) To see what features I lack to be a supermodel/Chad and 2) to investigate the incel community and compare it to MGTOW.

I thought that incels were more realistic than mgtows, because of the FaceandLMS videos I had watched in early 2018, but now I know that incels are the most toxic, because although both are misogynistic, mgtows treat each other way better. Since both are misogynistic though, both are a bad influence.

So, I'll just unplug from the internet, not physically, but I'll just stay away from such toxic communities, because I don't want to end up wasting my life on nonsense that adds no value to my life, because like I said, time is finite because we are not immortal. If we were immortal, then life would have no meaning, but since we can die, the meaning of life is what we do with our time, or at least it is my interpretation of the matter.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2729, Deleted member 7173, Baldingman1998 and 8 others
The definition of incel has nothing to do with sex, it's a mindset, more specifically, it's a loser's mindset.

You can have as much sex as you want and still be an incel in your mind.

When you start to think about it more, something that seems as normal as looksmaxxing is actually a very unnatural and unnecessary thing.
The only exception is if you're fat because it's not good for your health.

But really, I find it pathetic that there are users on this site like @Amnesia and @larsanova69 who waste years of their life on such a site, constantly trying to be the perfect image of beauty just so they can get laid or feel validated. Even though they get laid and have success with women, they're still incels because they're here.

The mindset of constantly seeing yourself as not perfect enough or too ugly in the mirror, that is what being an incel really is.

That is not to say that there are not truecels, but as I have seen for myself, that is not the case for most of the active users here.

Of course, you could throw this back on me and claim that because I am here also I am the same, but I haven't invested that much time, it's still a waste, but not as much as most users. I've only been here for 2 months and that's how long it took me to realize all of this.

That's what separates me, I'm not "Chad", I'm not perfect, I'm normal. That's the difference between us, you'll constantly chase an idea of perfection that you will never reach while spending most of your free time on here trolling, while I will actually be out there enjoying life.

You are in your own self made prison, it doesn't matter how much success you get with women because you'll never be truly happy, fulfilled and satisfied. And this is not an essay on hedonism, but the incel community and what it represents. It's not even focused on hate, it's focused on perfection, at least hate isn't permanent but this idea of perfection will never leave because perfection is impossible.

I have also seen that this site judges women on lower standards than men, a male model can be seen as ugly because of minor imperfections but the average woman is worshipped like a goddess just for not being ugly. So, even though you people are experts at pointing out the details of male models, for average women who have tons of imperfections you're blinded by desire and worship. You underestimate a man's value and overestimate a woman's value.

The only 2 reasons why I made an account on this site and joined the community are: 1) To see what features I lack to be a supermodel/Chad and 2) to investigate the incel community and compare it to MGTOW.

I thought that incels were more realistic than mgtows, because of the FaceandLMS videos I had watched in early 2018, but now I know that incels are the most toxic, because although both are misogynistic, mgtows treat each other way better. Since both are misogynistic though, both are a bad influence.

So, I'll just unplug from the internet, not physically, but I'll just stay away from such toxic communities, because I don't want to end up wasting my life on nonsense that adds no value to my life, because like I said, time is finite because we are not immortal. If we were immortal, then life would have no meaning, but since we can die, the meaning of life is what we do with our time, or at least it is my interpretation of the matter.
1) It is most likely a lot more than 20+, I bet she has had sex with hundreds of guys, you forget that women never fail to find a guy to have sex with when they go out, if they go out two times per week and have started having sex at around 16 years old and they are sluts who date short term a lot more than long term, they are going to have had sex with so many guys that they most likely have STDs.

Sluts are the easiest for hookups but the most risky because they are the most likely to have lots of STDs and the most likely to cheat on you if you make them your girlfriend, which is why they are best used for one night stands, but if you don't use protection or even if you just kiss her or give her head, you will most likely get an STD.
Not all beautiful women are sluts, but the most confident ones usually are, when you know the signs, it's easy to know which ones are sluts and which ones aren't.

2) Also, women don't care how many women you had sex with, they don't care how much experience you have or if you're a virgin but they don't want you to tell them because it sets the expectation that they should guide you through your first experience and women don't like that. If you tell it right after though, then it's not a bad thing.

3) And, it's not because of sexual experience that women love older men, it's because of maturity, older guys are more likely to be on their level of maturity so they can take responsibility when it is needed while younger men who are the same age as the girl are less likely to. That is not to say that women as a whole are more mature than men, but when you're in your teens and early 20s, usually women have their shit together while men don't. This is why you'll almost never see a 30 year old woman being attracted to a 20 year old man, but you'll see a lot of cases where 20 year old women are attracted to 30 year old men, so in that case, it's not about money specifically.

4) As a guy you'll never match the N count of a woman unless you are a guy who hooks up a lot and the woman only has sex with the men that she is in a long term relationship with, some women are definitely like that and they are usually the best for long term relationships and are the least likely to have STDs because they are the opposite of a slut.

5) Some people have asked why I have never been in a relationship and it's not because I have never had the opportunity to but it's because I would only be willing to date a girl like that, and whenever I am offered sluts, I am just unable to trust them, I would not mind having sex with them, but I am pretty sure that when they look at me, they seek more than that, and that is the problem, I could lie and pump and dump though.
Yeah I know, it annoys me every time they say things that are so obviously blue pilled. I knew the guy in 3rd and 4th grade, sometimes he and his family went to see hockey games with me and my family.

The last time I saw him in person was in 2013, I visited him during a trip around the world I was doing with my family, I was 14 at the time and during the only time that my parents and his were gone, he took out his belt and started pretending like he was going to hit me with it, it was extremely strange and weird, maybe it was a form of bullying and intimidation but it felt kind of sexual, that would make him bisexual and into bdsm stuff if that is true.

Also, I remember that one time we were at a mutual friend's party and he was slow dancing with the hottest girl of the party and she had her arms wrapped around his neck. That was back when we were 10 years old. I always knew he was way better looking than me and more NT too since he was the most popular guy in school.

"It is because I didn't understand what was going on until it happened then I resisted and he stopped.
It's just that I'll never forget how creepy and weird it felt in the moment, it felt like it was a sexual thing, and I only say this looking back on it now, because back then I wasn't aware of these things.
Also, back then I was extremely shy around people.

He didn't try to cuck me, he was just messing around, it's just extremely weird and suggests that he may not be straight after all.
But nothing happened though."
  • JFL
Reactions: Baldingman1998, Deleted member 6785 and WadlowMaxxing
The definition of incel has nothing to do with sex, it's a mindset, more specifically, it's a loser's mindset.

You can have as much sex as you want and still be an incel in your mind.

When you start to think about it more, something that seems as normal as looksmaxxing is actually a very unnatural and unnecessary thing.
The only exception is if you're fat because it's not good for your health.

But really, I find it pathetic that there are users on this site like @Amnesia and @larsanova69 who waste years of their life on such a site, constantly trying to be the perfect image of beauty just so they can get laid or feel validated. Even though they get laid and have success with women, they're still incels because they're here.

The mindset of constantly seeing yourself as not perfect enough or too ugly in the mirror, that is what being an incel really is.

That is not to say that there are not truecels, but as I have seen for myself, that is not the case for most of the active users here.

Of course, you could throw this back on me and claim that because I am here also I am the same, but I haven't invested that much time, it's still a waste, but not as much as most users. I've only been here for 2 months and that's how long it took me to realize all of this.

That's what separates me, I'm not "Chad", I'm not perfect, I'm normal. That's the difference between us, you'll constantly chase an idea of perfection that you will never reach while spending most of your free time on here trolling, while I will actually be out there enjoying life.

You are in your own self made prison, it doesn't matter how much success you get with women because you'll never be truly happy, fulfilled and satisfied. And this is not an essay on hedonism, but the incel community and what it represents. It's not even focused on hate, it's focused on perfection, at least hate isn't permanent but this idea of perfection will never leave because perfection is impossible.

I have also seen that this site judges women on lower standards than men, a male model can be seen as ugly because of minor imperfections but the average woman is worshipped like a goddess just for not being ugly. So, even though you people are experts at pointing out the details of male models, for average women who have tons of imperfections you're blinded by desire and worship. You underestimate a man's value and overestimate a woman's value.

The only 2 reasons why I made an account on this site and joined the community are: 1) To see what features I lack to be a supermodel/Chad and 2) to investigate the incel community and compare it to MGTOW.

I thought that incels were more realistic than mgtows, because of the FaceandLMS videos I had watched in early 2018, but now I know that incels are the most toxic, because although both are misogynistic, mgtows treat each other way better. Since both are misogynistic though, both are a bad influence.

So, I'll just unplug from the internet, not physically, but I'll just stay away from such toxic communities, because I don't want to end up wasting my life on nonsense that adds no value to my life, because like I said, time is finite because we are not immortal. If we were immortal, then life would have no meaning, but since we can die, the meaning of life is what we do with our time, or at least it is my interpretation of the matter.
Why do people think everyone is an incel here
  • +1
  • JFL
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  • JFL
  • So Sad
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Using trick angles and special lighting isn't going to change the truth that we both know. Your jaw is much weaker than mine, and this can be seen easily in your third picture at the top of the post which shows your true side profile. Stop lying to yourself. And my chin isn't small, I had a double jaw surgery and it was improved during the surgery. Your ego must be very fragile if you get offended so easily. If you reread what I wrote before, you will see that I didn't act superior, like I said, you still have better eyes than me, so even though your jaw is weaker than mine, you still look better as of right now. I was only commenting about the jawline because you seem to think that you are perfect, but most people rarely ever are, including me of course, I have a big nose and big round eyes. The eyes are the most difficult to change, your recessed jawline can easily be fixed with surgery, and when I say it's recessed maybe it isn't in the medical sense but if you had jaw implants you would look better. My point was mainly that since my jaw looks better than yours, I would never need that kind of surgery but for you it would greatly help you.

You see this forum as a place where you can act superior and boost your ego, but this is not what it is for. People will give you real advice on what you look like and what you can do to improve your looks to look even better, because nobody on the planet is perfect, even the top male actors in hollywood are far from perfect when we are talking about their looks. This forum is a resource meant to help you learn what areas you need to focus on to improve your looks to be more successful in life and with women.
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
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Reactions: Clark69, Deleted member 6997, Deleted member 6723 and 1 other person
Why do people think everyone is an incel here
I'm not incel, I'm just volcel who doesn't even care about getting laid, I added the "coping" in the beginning to get my request accepted on the site and because my goals often change depending on my mood and if I am happy, sad, lonely or depressed. I could never seen myself in a relationship, it's too much work in my opinion, and I don't feel like putting in a lot of work for sex. A guy who is uglier than me who puts in more effort to get laid will get better results. I care more about the gym because I get permanent long term benefits.

By the way, I found out recently that the reason why I have written so many long posts on here is because I craved social interactions because of the quarantine, now I can finally chat on discord with my friends from high school and I play COD multiplayer on my PC, both of those things are much more fun than writing essays on here. I discovered that I prefer playing multiplayer competitive games than singleplayer games for most of the time.
  • JFL
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Reactions: Baldingman1998, EasternRightWinger15, Deleted member 6723 and 4 others
this is my favorite thread of 2021
  • +1
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
Reactions: Be_ConfidentBro, Deleted member 6997, Deleted member 2214 and 1 other person
Yeah I know, it annoys me every time they say things that are so obviously blue pilled. I knew the guy in 3rd and 4th grade, sometimes he and his family went to see hockey games with me and my family.

The last time I saw him in person was in 2013, I visited him during a trip around the world I was doing with my family, I was 14 at the time and during the only time that my parents and his were gone, he took out his belt and started pretending like he was going to hit me with it, it was extremely strange and weird, maybe it was a form of bullying and intimidation but it felt kind of sexual, that would make him bisexual and into bdsm stuff if that is true.

Also, I remember that one time we were at a mutual friend's party and he was slow dancing with the hottest girl of the party and she had her arms wrapped around his neck. That was back when we were 10 years old. I always knew he was way better looking than me and more NT too since he was the most popular guy in school.

"It is because I didn't understand what was going on until it happened then I resisted and he stopped.
It's just that I'll never forget how creepy and weird it felt in the moment, it felt like it was a sexual thing, and I only say this looking back on it now, because back then I wasn't aware of these things.
Also, back then I was extremely shy around people.

He didn't try to cuck me, he was just messing around, it's just extremely weird and suggests that he may not be straight after all.
But nothing happened though."
This is the best one, I wtfed so hard when I read this for the first time
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The definition of incel has nothing to do with sex, it's a mindset, more specifically, it's a loser's mindset.

You can have as much sex as you want and still be an incel in your mind.

When you start to think about it more, something that seems as normal as looksmaxxing is actually a very unnatural and unnecessary thing.
The only exception is if you're fat because it's not good for your health.

But really, I find it pathetic that there are users on this site like @Amnesia and @larsanova69 who waste years of their life on such a site, constantly trying to be the perfect image of beauty just so they can get laid or feel validated. Even though they get laid and have success with women, they're still incels because they're here.

The mindset of constantly seeing yourself as not perfect enough or too ugly in the mirror, that is what being an incel really is.

That is not to say that there are not truecels, but as I have seen for myself, that is not the case for most of the active users here.

Of course, you could throw this back on me and claim that because I am here also I am the same, but I haven't invested that much time, it's still a waste, but not as much as most users. I've only been here for 2 months and that's how long it took me to realize all of this.

That's what separates me, I'm not "Chad", I'm not perfect, I'm normal. That's the difference between us, you'll constantly chase an idea of perfection that you will never reach while spending most of your free time on here trolling, while I will actually be out there enjoying life.

You are in your own self made prison, it doesn't matter how much success you get with women because you'll never be truly happy, fulfilled and satisfied. And this is not an essay on hedonism, but the incel community and what it represents. It's not even focused on hate, it's focused on perfection, at least hate isn't permanent but this idea of perfection will never leave because perfection is impossible.

I have also seen that this site judges women on lower standards than men, a male model can be seen as ugly because of minor imperfections but the average woman is worshipped like a goddess just for not being ugly. So, even though you people are experts at pointing out the details of male models, for average women who have tons of imperfections you're blinded by desire and worship. You underestimate a man's value and overestimate a woman's value.

The only 2 reasons why I made an account on this site and joined the community are: 1) To see what features I lack to be a supermodel/Chad and 2) to investigate the incel community and compare it to MGTOW.

I thought that incels were more realistic than mgtows, because of the FaceandLMS videos I had watched in early 2018, but now I know that incels are the most toxic, because although both are misogynistic, mgtows treat each other way better. Since both are misogynistic though, both are a bad influence.

So, I'll just unplug from the internet, not physically, but I'll just stay away from such toxic communities, because I don't want to end up wasting my life on nonsense that adds no value to my life, because like I said, time is finite because we are not immortal. If we were immortal, then life would have no meaning, but since we can die, the meaning of life is what we do with our time, or at least it is my interpretation of the matter.
He wrote that essay to me when I called him an incel
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The Ultimate Guide to Gymmaxxing:

You need to work the entire body, not just a few muscle groups otherwise you will get muscular imbalances which will give you a high risk of injury and make you look weird. However, when you will have reached a higher level, you will be able to focus on the specific muscle groups that you prefer.

The upper chest doesn't count as a muscle group, doing flat bench press with a 1-2 second pause on the chest (powerlifting method) will grow your upper chest as much as the rest of the chest. The best way to train your delts is to do overhead press and get really strong at it. If you get to a 200 lb overhead press, you will have huge shoulders, there is no doubt about that. Isolation movements like lateral raises or front raises don't do much and should never be prioritized over the main compound movements.

The best way to work the back is to do barbell bent-over rows in the beginning (with a straight back to prevent injury), then you can do chin ups or pull ups when you are strong enough to do a lot.

You shouldn't be taking steroids this early because you haven't even gained 80% of your muscular potential, you should at least reach what is known as the advanced level of strength before you even consider taking steroids. Taking steroids will not only make you surpass your natural limit but it will also make you reach your muscular potential for steroids and after that point, you won't be able to make progress and you won't be able to stop injecting or you risk losing all your gains. When you add to that all the negative side effects (that ruin your health) that steroids cause, they really aren't worth the trouble. You can get a really good physique naturally.

You can calculate your lifting level for each lift by entering your stats here:

Most people in commercial gyms are not even at the intermediate level on upper body lifts or novice level for lower body lifts even though they have been lifting for years, so they will be impressed if you have advanced numbers because to them, those numbers are impossible, in reality though, they are achievable within 3 years of proper hard training.

The main reasons why most naturals don't have a great physique is because they don't focus on the main compound movements, they don't address their weaknesses later on, they are unable to stay consistent with their training for more than a few months, they never improve their form and they waste their time cutting and bulking.

I never made a lot of progress in the past 4 years because I wasn't consistent for most of the time, I didn't train effectively because I was following bad programs, I was struggling to eat enough and to sleep enough, and most of all, I was impatient and wasted a lot of time bulking and cutting when I really should have just focused on getting stronger.

Gaining 1lb per week is a bad idea for most guys, it is only useful if you are really skinny and underweight, otherwise you are better off aiming for a 0.5 lb per week weight gain, and if you're already at a high body fat (fat face and belly), you need to maintain your weight while gymmaxxing, doing so will make you gain muscle while losing fat, your weight will stay the same but your body will change and you will look differently in the mirror, that is what matters the most.

For your program I recommend that you do this 5 day Upper Lower Program:

Monday (Upper):

Overhead Press 3-5x6-10
Bench Press 3-5x6-10
Barbell Rows 3-5x6-10
Barbell Curl 3-5x8-12
Tricep Skullcrushers 3-5x8-12

Tuesday (Lower):

Squat 3-5x6-10
Deadlift 3-5x6-10
Calf Raises 3-5x8-12

Thursday (Upper):

Overhead Press 3-5x6-10
Bench Press 3-5x6-10
Barbell Rows 3-5x6-10
Barbell Curl 3-5x8-12
Tricep Skullcrushers 3-5x8-12

Friday (Lower):

Squat 3-5x6-10
Deadlift 3-5x6-10
Calf Raises 3-5x8-12

Saturday (Upper):

Overhead Press 3-5x6-10
Bench Press 3-5x6-10
Barbell Rows 3-5x6-10
Barbell Curl 3-5x8-12
Tricep Skullcrushers 3-5x8-12

-Overhead press will build your entire shoulders
-Bench Press will build your entire chest
-Barbell rows will build your entire back
-Barbell Curls will build your entire biceps (1/3 of the arm)
-Skullcrushers will build your entire triceps (2/3 of the arm)
-Squats will build your quads (front part of legs) and glutes (butt muscles)
-Deadlifts will build your hamstrings (back part of legs), lower back (prevents injuries), glutes and forearms, they will also improve your grip

PS: If you want to train your neck, do neck curls and neck extensions at the end of the workout to avoid ruining your progress on the other lifts, do 4 sets of 20-25.

So, as you can see, with all those exercises, you can train your entire body. The exercise selection is low because the volume and the frequency are kept high, this allows you to add 5 lbs to your squat and deadlift every workout (10 lbs per week) and 5-10 lbs to your upper body lifts every week (for better progression on upper body lifts, use 1.25 lb microplates, buy them from Amazon).

You will make progress by aiming to do as many reps as possible, so you must pick a weight that allows you to do 6-10 reps for compound movements and 8-12 reps for isolation exercises, if you did 10 reps in the 1st set, your 2nd set might be only 8 reps, and your 3rd set might be 7 reps, then your 4th might be 6 reps, so you should add weight when your last set is 2 reps higher than the lowest number of the rep range, so 8 for 6-10 and 10 for 8-12, by doing this, you will stay in the rep range.

You can customize the program to suit your needs by adding or removing sets depending on your ability to recover, the more sets you are able to do, the better your progress will be because higher volume leads to more gains, higher frequency leads to faster progress which is why you do all the upper body lifts 3 times per week and the lower body lifts 2 times per week. There is an emphasis on the upper body for aesthetics without neglecting the lower body, this is not like Starting Strength or Stronglifts which make you focus on the legs. For women, it would be more beneficial to do the opposite since the lower body is more important for them.

Once you become an intermediate lifter, this program may stop working, if that happens, just split your sets of compound movements with a variation, so if you do 4 sets of bench press usually, do 2 sets of bench press and 2 sets of close grip bench press, doing this will help you get unstuck, and the same logic can be applied to every other lift, the main downside with variations is that you need to learn a new exercise and that can take time, but unfortunately, you can't keep getting stronger without variations or different rep ranges when you reach higher levels because your body will stop adapting to the training stimulus.

If you're wondering how a gym noob like me who can't even bench 135 lbs for reps knows so much about training, it is because I have been researching this topic since 2016 but I have not stayed consistent for all this time, I have put more effort into researching and trying out many different things than I have spent staying on one program for a long period of time and because of that lack of consistency and that lack of patience, I have never gotten past the novice level. Most people (me included) can reach the intermediate level in 1 year or less if they do everything properly, those who have a good coach who is at least as knowledgeable as I am would fit into that category.

To learn proper form, here is what you need to do:

1) Watch some tutorials on youtube
2) Film yourself while doing each lift
3) Go on and make a reddit account if you don't already have one
4) Make a thread asking for a form check with your video.
5) Do a new thread for each lift with your video and ask for advice. They will give you really good advice to improve, then you can repeat this process until they tell you that you are using perfect form. You can also ask me for a form check if you want, I'd be happy to help.

Here are the best tutorials you can watch for those exercises:

Bench Press:

Barbell Bent-Over Row:

Overhead Press:



Bicep Curls:

Skullcrushers (dumbbell or ez curl bar):

If you have any questions about this huge guide or anything else, just ask.

(this is one is actually pretty helpful ngl)
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I am not particularly shy towards women but my lack of social skills makes me shy towards everyone even guys, but only the ones that I am not friends with. And even then it depends on the situation, I am much more shy at school while outside of that I am more normal socially.

You look like you date 3PSL asian women
No, I know of a guy who is much uglier than I am who is the same height as me but has a very recessed jawline and looks below average who dates 3 psl asian women. I, on the other hand am capable of attracting 7-8 psl women in the real world on occasion depending on the situation but my lack of social skills makes me either lose the opportunity or it makes them lose attraction towards me. I wanted to do public speaking and improv during the summer, but the whole covid19 thing screwed up my plans since there is none of that available right now.
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If you want to maximize sexual performance and last longer in bed, the trick is to do foreplay in between thrusts to maximize stamina and prevent yourself from finishing too quickly. So you fuck her a bit, then you focus on some sensitive body parts and play with them before fucking her again and alternating between the two. To give good oral, just do like in American Pie, lick in around the inside really quickly.

But if you want to give her lots of orgasms, oral isn't the best way. You need to buy a magic wand, it's a very powerful vibrator that is intense enough to get her to reach orgasm quickly multiple times, so if you can't get her to reach orgasm, you just have to use the magic wand. I learned all that from this guide:
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bump :)

Roiding shrinks your balls and makes you dependent on testosterone injections.
Here is what you should do instead to get laid easily if you are white and come from a first world country:

1) Save up as much money as possible (you need a job for that)
2) When COVID19 is over and you have the possibility to travel by plane again, buy a ticket to the Philippines and stay there for as long as you can (if you are in school, you should have at least 2 months of summer holidays, where I live we have 3 months)
3) Go on this website (it's better than Tinder there):
4) Make your profile with 4-5 decent pictures and write in your bio where you come from

Then, you'll receive a ton of messages from many women who want to be with you, and through messaging alone you can hookup with most of them right away. Also, no, they aren't after only your money, and yes they will be okay with just having sex.

I have known about how easy the philippines are for a while but I only found that site today, and it's great because if you don't believe me, you just have to make your profile on the site now and you'll see if I am right or not. If I am right, that should be enough to convince you to buy a plane ticket to the philippines.

The great thing about SEAmaxxing is that you don't need to improve your looks, you just need to change your location and women will love you for who you are.
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24B4324C 914E 4158 8625 0B1A6F7505F3
3140D038 830C 41EC 9006 8FB776E87EA5
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This is the most common blue pilled advice I have heard since I was 16 years old (6 years ago) and it is actually a lie. If you're not good looking, or you lack the social skills or the opportunities, you'll never have success with women. Those who think it happens just by chance are wrong.

1) If you have social skills, usually you have a big group of friends, and through that group of friends, most guys (even ugly guys) manage to get a girlfriend, they think it happens by chance but it's only because of their social skills.

2) If you're good looking, usually you are so attractive to women that even with bad social skills, it all just happens naturally and you succeed with women without trying, the guy that I made a thread about was like that since he was a child, he was born with that gift.

3) If you're a really outgoing person, even with bad social skills and average or below average looks, you have the opportunities to improve your social skills through experience and you have so many opportunities to meet women that even if you get rejected 100 times, eventually, you find a girlfriend easily or get casual sex (depending on what you want), and it doesn't happen by chance but because you made it happen.

If you're none of those 3 things, usually you'll be an incel (either self aware or in denial), this doesn't mean that you can't become one of those 3 things. The problem with the black pill is that guys think they can only ascend through looks or that fixing their looks will fix everything but the truth is that if you weren't born Chad, you can't become Chad, because even if you could get the look, you would not get the personality that comes with it and you'd just be wearing a mask.

So, if you're not born a Chad or Chadlite, you have to work on all 3, and put as much energy in each of them, only then can you finally succeed with women and get what you want. A guy who just focuses on looks and lacks the other two will never be able to approach or talk to women, while the other 2 go hand in hand, by being more outgoing, you meet more people, have more conversations and improve your social skills.

Being friendly and sweet while being ugly, socially inexperienced and shy will only lead to you becoming a nice guy who gets friendzoned all the time and can't figure out how to succeed with women. I have seen so many guys in college who have a ton of female friends but no experience with women, and it's not like they have anything in common with the women, and those guys are just wasting their time in the hopes of getting laid.

Tbh, I wouldn't be surprised if OP is actually a woman because that is exactly the type of "advice" that a woman would give while knowing full well that it's just a lie meant to make the guy feel better about himself while not fixing the problem (AKA cope). Incels exist because people give them bad advice, back when I was 16, it would have helped me a lot to know those 3 things and to focus on improving them but since everyone around me was telling me to not lift weights, to not approach women and to not go out alone, I was unable to make any progress in anything because nobody actually told me specifically what I needed to do.
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What can I say? I come from a full family of subhumans on both my mom's side and my dad's side, when I look at my cousins, I see the exact same problem except for my oldest cousin whose dad was really good looking (but mentally ill), even though he inherited a very short height of 5 foot 6 from his mother, he had the life of a Chad from the age of 16 to around his mid 20s, then he became bald so he gymmaxxed to gain access to better looking women, then he had kids with his last girlfriend when he was in his early 30s.

To be honest though, before I joined this site, I was delusional about my looks, because my mom has been lying to me since I was born, by telling me that I am better looking than anyone else, and although she said it many times, I knew for many years that she was wrong because my own experiences and me comparing myself to famous actors proves that I am not as good looking as she has claimed.

I joined the site because I had doubts about how I look like and I was wondering who was right, her or me, now I know that she is just refusing to accept the truth.

I never said it before but throughout elementary school, middle school and even high school I was getting mogged by guys who were much shorter than me, of course I had an underbite back then so it was worse than right now, but still, I know a guy who had an underbite and he was still considered very attractive. Even after my surgery, it still doesn't fix my eyes, my nose, my hairline or my overall harmony.

By now, I am convinced that nothing can fix my face, so I can only focus on my body and see if gymmaxxing does the trick, at least I have the height to go along with it.

When I said that I had many opportunities with beautiful women, I wasn't lying but it must be just because my height is a powerful enough feature of my looks to make women forget that I don't have a very good looking face.
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This is the most blue pilled thread I have seen on this site.

It is the ultimate combo of all the lies I was told when, back in 2016, I asked people around me why I was unable to get a girlfriend or to get laid. It is the typical advice that everyone will tell you and it is completely false.

What makes me laugh is that they will say this cringe, and then at the same time, when they see a disfigured man on the sidewalk, they will look away in disgust. Why wouldn't women see ugly men the same way as people see disfigured men?

The only thing that this site is wrong about is that you have to be Chad to do well with women, however, looks are essential, if I hadn't done my jaw surgery to get rid of my underbite, nothing would help me to get laid, not even gymmaxxing.

And when you talk about relationships, you forget that just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean a girl actually wants to have sex with you, maybe she's just using you for your money, or for emotional validation because she wants a good looking boyfriend but is stuck with you in the meantime. Most guys are so blue pilled that they end up marrying these women who aren't even physically attracted to them, and then when they leave, they lose everything and turn to mgtow, this is where mgtow comes from, it's blue pilled incels who get married to women who just want to cuck them, either that or they stay in a sexless marriage where they only have sex when they need to have kids.

OP is either a woman or a blue pilled incel who has accepted what his life actually is and is here coping about his looks by denying that they matter.

What you don't seem to understand is that no one here craves a relationship, we all just want to get laid and why? Because relationships and marriage in general are things that women want, not men. The men who are in relationships are either just trying to get their dick wet, or they were lied to by blue pilled liars like you and ended up denying their own urges in favour of a blue pilled fantasy of romantic love, which doesn't actually exist.

Neither I nor anyone here is claiming that relationships are only about sex, but sex has to be the focus of the relationship, in the sense that a couple that doesn't have sex often is doing something wrong. There is a reason why guys often ignore the signs and never find out if they are being cheated on, it's because they were told all their life to just believe women and to not question anything, so they don't trust their instincts, they ignore their sexual desires, and they let women cuck them. They either spend their 20s coping and then get into a sexless marriage in their 30s with a woman of that age, or they get into sexless relationships when they are in their early 20s and they think they've hit the jackpot.

Nobody discovers the black pill on their own, what you don't realize is that this set of beliefs was not created by anyone here or anyone in the past, guys agree with it because it makes sense, because it matches what we have always believed, it matches our doubts, our needs and our desires. Meanwhile, the blue pill promotes the complete opposite, it wants to turn men into cuckolds whose only purpose is that of a human wallet or an emotional tampon, it denies biological truths in favour of fairytales that never come true.
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This is the most blue pilled thread I have seen on this site.

It is the ultimate combo of all the lies I was told when, back in 2016, I asked people around me why I was unable to get a girlfriend or to get laid. It is the typical advice that everyone will tell you and it is completely false.

What makes me laugh is that they will say this cringe, and then at the same time, when they see a disfigured man on the sidewalk, they will look away in disgust. Why wouldn't women see ugly men the same way as people see disfigured men?

The only thing that this site is wrong about is that you have to be Chad to do well with women, however, looks are essential, if I hadn't done my jaw surgery to get rid of my underbite, nothing would help me to get laid, not even gymmaxxing.

And when you talk about relationships, you forget that just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean a girl actually wants to have sex with you, maybe she's just using you for your money, or for emotional validation because she wants a good looking boyfriend but is stuck with you in the meantime. Most guys are so blue pilled that they end up marrying these women who aren't even physically attracted to them, and then when they leave, they lose everything and turn to mgtow, this is where mgtow comes from, it's blue pilled incels who get married to women who just want to cuck them, either that or they stay in a sexless marriage where they only have sex when they need to have kids.

OP is either a woman or a blue pilled incel who has accepted what his life actually is and is here coping about his looks by denying that they matter.

What you don't seem to understand is that no one here craves a relationship, we all just want to get laid and why? Because relationships and marriage in general are things that women want, not men. The men who are in relationships are either just trying to get their dick wet, or they were lied to by blue pilled liars like you and ended up denying their own urges in favour of a blue pilled fantasy of romantic love, which doesn't actually exist.

Neither I nor anyone here is claiming that relationships are only about sex, but sex has to be the focus of the relationship, in the sense that a couple that doesn't have sex often is doing something wrong. There is a reason why guys often ignore the signs and never find out if they are being cheated on, it's because they were told all their life to just believe women and to not question anything, so they don't trust their instincts, they ignore their sexual desires, and they let women cuck them. They either spend their 20s coping and then get into a sexless marriage in their 30s with a woman of that age, or they get into sexless relationships when they are in their early 20s and they think they've hit the jackpot.

Nobody discovers the black pill on their own, what you don't realize is that this set of beliefs was not created by anyone here or anyone in the past, guys agree with it because it makes sense, because it matches what we have always believed, it matches our doubts, our needs and our desires. Meanwhile, the blue pill promotes the complete opposite, it wants to turn men into cuckolds whose only purpose is that of a human wallet or an emotional tampon, it denies biological truths in favour of fairytales that never come true.
well put @copingvolcel
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I don't use ratings anymore but honestly you look like you look good enough to succeed with women and that is all that matters.

So many guys on here will tell you that if you were really good looking, the girls would just come to you but it's simply not the case.
The guys who are good with women tend to have both good looks and good social skills, or in some cases, they start with basic or below average social skills but they put in so much effort that their social skills develop over time.

I personally believe that the best way to improve your social skills is to get some experience with women in every possible situation, by approaching more women, talking to more women in dating and in social situations, gaining more sexual experience with women and so on. Experience will always win against simple theory in that subject.

I know because I have made the mistake for the past 5 years (since I was 17). I spent so much time reading about how to succeed with women and not any time at all putting anything into practice so I made no progress at all. While if I had put in all that time into practice and not any into theory, I would have had a lot more success. There is no secret to getting laid, I know that now, it's all about the amount of effort that you put in, making mistakes and learning from those mistakes.

After I discovered the black pill, I realized that you need 3 things to succeed with women:

1) Looks
2) Practical Knowledge (Experience with women)
3) Opportunities to meet more women

So when guys on here tell you that looks are everything, they are actually wrong, looks are only a third of the equation, if you lack the experience, you'll make a lot of mistakes, and if you lack the opportunities, you won't accomplish anything because you won't meet anyone.

(TL;DR starts here)

Here is how you can ascend:

1) Get a muscular physique to improve your looks

2) Lower your standards to gain experience with women, don't overdo it though.

When I was 16, my standards were so high that I was only interested in the hottest girls. Now, my standards are low enough for me to be interested in those who have an average face and a healthy body.

You can go on dates with girls that you find less attractive and you'll gain access to more opportunities because you won't reject girls who are interested in you, and you will be less afraid of making mistakes when dating them and they will seem less intimidating than the most attractive girls.

3) Go out more

If you were at the legal drinking age, you would go to the bar or club 2 times per week (on friday night and saturday night), in your case, just hang out more at your local mall or if you're in a big city, walk more often in the city and you'll see more women. Then, when you see one who seems interested in you (signals), then you can approach her and talk to her, then you can try to setup a date and get her number.

If you do those things right for long enough, you'll have everything you ever wanted and way earlier than I ever will (since I'm older).
Do those 3 things at the same time.

If the quarantine prevents you from talking to women in real life, just focus on getting muscular, if you don't have access to a gym, just do pushups (and if you have access to a pull up bar, do chin ups).

A lack of self confidence is usually what stops most men from approaching women, but those who push through usually succeed unless they lack the looks (if they are disfigured or fat), in your case though, you don't lack the looks, you only need average level looks to succeed, if you were better looking or taller, it would definitely be easier but you can still do it in your situation.
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Bullies, all of you. Don't you have no shame?
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I trained for 5 months starting in January 2016 then after that illisutrious period of complete relaxation in the bahamas of cariborege I continued working out with five six splits into a weekend where I did nothing but workout and then I worked out some more and balalalal bla bla sometimes I feel like I'm the only smartperson in the world I don't know what I'm doing wrong I guess I'm just skinny fat sometimes I can suck my dick my ribcage is so deformed anyway I'm tall my hapa children will ascend sometimes I get a feeling I'm the only smart one around then sometimes I get a feeling get a feeling I'm the only smart one around then sometimes get a feeling I'm the only smart one around then sometimes get a feeling I'm the only smart one around then sometimes get a feeling I'm the only smart one around then sometimes get a feeling I'm the only smart one around then sometimes get a feeling I'm the only smart one around then sometimes get a feeling I'm the only smart one around then sometimes get a feeling I'm the only smart one around then sometimes I'm gay as well
credit: @Idfkbruh
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I am very knowledgeable about the bdsm community because I have done a lot of research on the topic. Some could think that I am talking about porn, but no, I read about a lot of blogs because I was interested about finding women who were interested in bdsm type stuff and I found that it is actually possible to be in such a relationship.

Most women will not be okay with doing more than light bdsm stuff with handcuffs, and that is because the vast majority of women are vanilla (complete outsiders of the bdsm community and want no part in it), but there are also a lot of women who not only are okay with bdsm but also crave it, and the best way to find these women is through bdsm meetups which you can find by searching through specific websites.

BDSM dating sites tend to be a scam most of the time, but sites like Fetlife can help you find what the bdsm community calls "munches", they are like brunch type events where you eat with a group of people and talk like in any other event, they are not sexual at all, but the purpose of those events is to meet women who are into the same stuff as you and you are more likely to find them there than at any other event. If you're a male dom, finding a sub should be really easy, especially if you're gymmaxxed, but if you're a male sub, it will be really difficult because most women are subs.

However, the most important thing you must keep in mind is that bdsm is all make believe, and unless you plan on being in a 24/7 bdsm relationship, then it's going to shift between real world life and bdsm scenes. And like in any other relationship, it's not going to be about just your needs but hers also, so unless you meet a girl who has the exact same fetishes as you, you're going to have to do scenes that you may not be fully into.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Anything that is related to the BDSM community will feel extremely weird and unusual for outsiders but I can explain it very well since I have done a lot of research about it.

Most women are sexually submissive and most men are sexually dominant. Whether they are dominant or submissive within the relationship is part of another topic altogether and that's what many people don't get about BDSM, even for those who are submissive, in a true bdsm relationship, they are equal, the power exchange is only temporary and it's limited to the bedroom.

And although most men are sexually dominant, many are sexually submissive and so, many men get turned on by getting dominated by women but since that is limited to the bedroom, cuckolds are not getting cucked 100% of the time, it's just a temporary scene.

Their psychology is easy to understand, since they like being dominated sexually, getting cucked is for them, the ultimate version of that, and it provides them a lot more sexual pleasure than sex because it fulfills their fantasy.

Also, women who commit paternity fraud by trying to make a man raise another man's kid without him knowing didn't plan this in advance, it's not like they knew they were going to get pregnant, but they do it because they are pregnant and don't want to end up alone, it's all about survival, it's not linked to a conspiracy as many in the manosphere believe.

@DharkDC @copingvolcel @WadlowMaxxing
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 7173 and DharkDC
To be honest, your feedback helped me a lot, you guys are the reason why I have been spending much less time on this site, the more you make me remember how much time I waste here, the more I realize it myself.

This is why I don't come here every day anymore and I post a lot less. The more you make me aware of it, the more it will help.
  • JFL
  • Love it
Reactions: lutte, DharkDC and zaynbrah
To be honest, your feedback helped me a lot, you guys are the reason why I have been spending much less time on this site, the more you make me remember how much time I waste here, the more I realize it myself.

This is why I don't come here every day anymore and I post a lot less. The more you make me aware of it, the more it will help.
bro you have 22 days, that's like no time. You just typed way too much
  • JFL
Reactions: lutte
My favorite way of talking to women is to wait for IOIs, which usually comes in the form of very strong prolonged eye contact, and sometimes, other signals too. This is better than just approaching at random because you don't have to try any gimmicks to make her interested, since she already wants you and it is not as creepy because she wants you to approach her if she sends you some signals of interest, so your success rate from warm approaching is much higher than from cold approaching.

Of course, it is important to have high self esteem and to not act like the guys in most romantic comedies.
The thing is that, getting laid is not as difficult as most guys think it is, it's just that the solution is well hidden under a mountain of lies spread by our society, our family, our friends and women themselves, who will claim that men should strive to be nice guys, while deep down, actually disliking such guys. Once you realize this, it's very easy to unlearn the lies, because being a nice guy requires more effort than being normal.

My strategy for every girl will be the exact same, here are the steps that I have memorized for getting laid:

1) Go out to places where lots of young women hang out
2) Look around for women who are checking me out for more than a few seconds
3) Approach the most attractive woman who is checking me out, introduce myself and talk to her4
4) Make a 5-10 minute conversation with her
5) At the end, ask her for her number to meet again to get drinks together to talk more
6) Text her number to setup a date at a coffee shop
7) Have a 1 hour conversation to learn more about each other
8) Try to bring her back to my place (or go to her place)
9) If she says no, try to get a second date to try again
If she says yes, go to my place with her and then, it is pretty much guaranteed that we will start making out. And then we will start having sex.
10) Then, I can cuddle with her for 20 minutes or so, and walk her back to her uber/taxi to show that I still care
11) Send her a text the next day to tell her that I liked our time together (nothing more, nothing less)
12) If she liked the sex and wants to see me again, she will make it known by texting me

Then, I can just repeat the process with as many women as possible to get as many dates as possible, some of which will lead to sex, and even fuckbuddy relationships. I built this gameplan from a free guide that I found online which wasn't even from a pickup artist.

The reason why I say that looks matter is because, when you first meet her, the attraction at the beginning is mostly physical attraction to your physical appearance, so if you're ugly, you won't get IOIs from women, and if you approach them anyways, they won't be happy about it so they will reject you, and it will happen to you a lot. Sure, some women who don't give IOIs at first may still like you but lack the self confidence to tell you, but in most cases, they will make it known, even when they are really ugly compared to you, so IOIs are the best way to get an idea of whether women like you or not before taking the risk of approaching them, even though they are not a guarantee of success.

When you know all of this, it is very easy to not act like a nice guy because instead of going on expensive dinner dates, buying flowers or gifts, you just go on a cheap date at starbucks, which will cost you only 10$ at most per date. And since you know that the woman already likes you, you don't have to go above and beyond to try to please her, you can just act normal. If nice guys knew about all of this, then they would start applying it to their interactions with women instead of letting themselves get friendzoned.

Also, it is not true that SMV matters for friendships because lots of fat guys have many friends. The truth is that those who have the most friends are usually people who go out very often and who socialize with as many people as possible. And when talking to women, if you can socialize with them but they aren't attracted to you, then they will only want to keep you as a friend or they will just reject you. I never got friendzoned but that is mainly because I never tried to talk to women who weren't interested in me, and I never had the extroverted personality that those who make lots of friends easily usually have, and I don't go out often. So, it isn't true that the friendzone has something to do with neediness. In reality, the friendzone is a phenomenon that happens to guys who are good enough at making friends but too unattractive to get sex with the woman that they desire.

And, in some cases, the friendzone can be beneficial, if you are attractive and make lots of female friends, you can gain access to lots of women that you would never meet otherwise. The best way to get access to parties often is to make lots of friends and connections, this is even more important than approaching women at random and it is more effective for both your social life and your sex life, but of course, the more nerdy your friends are, the less effective it is as a technique to meet more women. In my case, I plan to mainly focus on building lots of social circles and approaching as many women who find me attractive as possible as long as they too are attractive enough.
  • JFL
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