Critique my heightmaxxing stack + plan


Deleted member 49130

Oct 22, 2023
I will have enough money to start this in just under a year when Im 18.

- Get xray of wrist and legs to see if growth plates are open
- Obtain baseline labs: LFT, U&E, CBC, TSH/T3/T4/TPo, Test, Estradiol, Prolactin, SHBG, CRP, IGF1, IGF BP3, HBa1C, LDL/HDL cholestrol and triglycerides, creatinine, BUN, PSA, somatostatin, TNF-alpha, IGF BP5, procollagen type 1 N-terminal propeptide, C-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen, and N-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen3
- Abnormality in bone markers/igf binding proteins/TNF-alpha -> I will pay for consulation with endcrinologist / GP, others I can interepret and manage myself as long as they arent dangerously deranged. Important to note IGF BP5 and TNF-alpha inhibit the action of IGF so it is important to get them tested
- I may have subclinical hypothyroidism currently, this will be good in the future, If I still have it, then I will ask for thryoid replacement hormones.

How could i get these tested? Most of these are affordable to pay privately, however, some are insanely overpriced as only a few lab tests them (IGF1) or just impossible to find anywhere (IGF1 BP3, BP5 and somatostatin) so I might have to get a private GP and ask them to refer me to get these blood tests, I contacted a private hospital to ask about costs but they wont say without a refferal. Unfortunatly we dont have discountedlabs in the UK. These seem like very specalised blood tests so they may ask an insane price or just not do them in the UK. The GP may also refuse to order these tests which would be really annoying, you guys dont realise how lucky you are in america to have so many private labs.

- Even if growth plates shut i will still try due to growth plates in spine being open and I will hate myself if I dont try

The stack:
Main drugs:
, dose to be determined if leg growth plates are open, otherwise will not use. This is a research chemical that inhibits the CXXC5 gene and has been shown to increase tibal length in mice.
HGH, 8-10iu daily before bed. Probably going to buy from catcafe
Anastrazole, 1mg daily, dose increased/decreases based on repeat Estradiol tests. Aiming for estradiol to be <10. I have seen in ISS studies they nuke this all the way down to 0 but I will be in 1st year of med school(in UK we start this at 18) when I start this so need to keep my brain alive.
CJC-1295 DAC: 2.5mg twice weekly before bed, to maintain 24h secretion of GH.
IGF1 LR3: Dosed daily, 50-100mcg, dose adjused based on serum IGF levels.
Levothryoxine: Dosed daily, dose based on thryoid hormone levels, aiming for 20% increase above normal range. Decrease if symptoms appear
Insulin: Keep it on hand incase I need to use it, will get pharma grade.
Glucose gel: Same as above because insulin resistance/blood glucose levels could get fucked up

Supplemtary medications:
Calcium, VitD, VitK2, Glucosamine, Magnesium chloride (+bisglycinate for sleep), L-arginine, L-lysine, multivitamin

Supporting activities:
  • Applying traction on the ankles before sleeping
  • Sprinting 3x a week
  • Heavy weight lifting in the gym
  • Biking and slowly increasing seat height
  • High protein diet, 2-3g/kg of bodyweight. high as I can tolerate, ensuring meeting 100% NRV of all essential ammino acid

Medical monitoring:
  • Cardiac ultrasound at 2 months, then every 3 months (assesing for ventricular hypertrophy)​
  • Repeat following blood tests monthly: LFT, U&E, HbA1C, LDL/HDL cholestrol and triglycerides, , TSH/T3/T4, IGF1, CRP, Estradiol, Test, SHBG, HCG (IGF LR3 may be faked with HCG)​
  • Pulse oximetry & blood pressure checks daily​
  • ECG weekly (free as I will probably have access to this at med school and you can post on reddit pretending and you will get doctors analysing it for you)​
  • Blood glucose checked daily, levels taken in morning and 4 hours after eating a meal​
  • Test IGF1 levels 5 days in, and 10 days in initially to ensure product is legit and body is getting a good respsone to it.​
  • Some sort of cognitive monitoring to make sure low estrogen dosent fuck up brain​
When I will stop:
  • If ventricular hypertrophy develops​
  • Thyroid gets fucked​
  • Become too dumb cuz of low estrogen, might just stop AI and conintue with rest tho​
  • If there has been no height increase after 6 months and growth plates are closed​
  • Serious life threatening side effects occur​
  • My ideal height is 5"10, if by some miricle I grow 3.5 inches, I will stop, as the risks wont be worth it for me anymore, realistically I am expecting about an inch in growth​
I will measure height weekly using a stadia.
I estimate the cost of this, based on current prices to be approximetly 2000-3000GBP ($2.5k to $3.7k) for a 6 month cycle, with most of this being spent on medical monitoring. If I can find a good lab or a lab that actually does some of the specalised blood tests without needing a doctor, this will decrease very quickly. This current cost is very close to my max budget.

Other info + prior medical history:
- I used ashwhaganda which caused borderline high TSH (unknown what baseline is)
- I have had vitamin deficiences at younger age
- Current height 169.5cm (5 foot 6.5) without shoes measured by doctor
- already taller than both parents
- all men in mothers side of family 6ft+
- vegetarian growing up

"why wait till 18?" I get trust fund money at 18 i cant afford any of this rn
ANYONE IN THE UK WHO HAS HEIGHTMAXXED PLS TELL ME WHERE I CAN FIND AFFORDABLE BLOOD TESTS! Currently looking at medicheck and thebloodlab compared to USA prices they are both insanely overpriced
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  • +1
Reactions: hattrick, kebab, Osie and 2 others
  • JFL
Reactions: IndraBC
Take t3 in combination with t4.

It won't upset the balance
  • +1
Reactions: enchanted_elixir
Take t3 in combination with t4.

It won't upset the balance
I would if i found a reputable source for it, for some reason T4 is so much easier to find than T3
I would if i found a reputable source for it, for some reason T4 is so much easier to find than T3
I bought mine from Mexico, but there are reputable sellers on ThinkSteroids
@enchanted_elixir @Ascend ㅤ what do you think
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  • +1
Reactions: enchanted_elixir
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 49130
@enchanted_elixir @Ascend ㅤ what do you think
tbh you should just ask @Osie to make you a stack/cycle he 100% will know what to do since he studies heightmaxxing religiously
  • +1
Reactions: enchanted_elixir, Asps12, kebab and 1 other person
you probably read @FreakkForLife post about heightmaxxing
you probably read @FreakkForLife post about heightmaxxing
If hes the one who said the CXXC5 gene inhibitor i probably did at some point but I dont remember. I got the idea from that off a post on this website.
I will have enough money to start this in just under a year when Im 18.

- Get xray of wrist and legs to see if growth plates are open
- Obtain baseline labs: LFT, U&E, CBC, TSH/T3/T4/TPo, Test, Estradiol, Prolactin, SHBG, CRP, IGF1, IGF BP3, HBa1C, LDL/HDL cholestrol and triglycerides, creatinine, BUN, PSA, somatostatin, TNF-alpha, IGF BP5, procollagen type 1 N-terminal propeptide, C-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen, and N-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen3
- Abnormality in bone markers/igf binding proteins/TNF-alpha -> I will pay for consulation with endcrinologist / GP, others I can interepret and manage myself as long as they arent dangerously deranged. Important to note IGF BP5 and TNF-alpha inhibit the action of IGF so it is important to get them tested
- I may have subclinical hypothyroidism currently, this will be good in the future, If I still have it, then I will ask for thryoid replacement hormones.

How could i get these tested? Most of these are affordable to pay privately, however, some are insanely overpriced as only a few lab tests them (IGF1) or just impossible to find anywhere (IGF1 BP3, BP5 and somatostatin) so I might have to get a private GP and ask them to refer me to get these blood tests, I contacted a private hospital to ask about costs but they wont say without a refferal. Unfortunatly we dont have discountedlabs in the UK. These seem like very specalised blood tests so they may ask an insane price or just not do them in the UK. The GP may also refuse to order these tests which would be really annoying, you guys dont realise how lucky you are in america to have so many private labs.

- Even if growth plates shut i will still try due to growth plates in spine being open and I will hate myself if I dont try

The stack:
Main drugs:
, dose to be determined if leg growth plates are open, otherwise will not use. This is a research chemical that inhibits the CXXC5 gene and has been shown to increase tibal length in mice.
HGH, 8-10iu daily before bed. Probably going to buy from catcafe
Anastrazole, 1mg daily, dose increased/decreases based on repeat Estradiol tests. Aiming for estradiol to be <10. I have seen in ISS studies they nuke this all the way down to 0 but I will be in 1st year of med school(in UK we start this at 18) when I start this so need to keep my brain alive.
CJC-1295 DAC: 2.5mg twice weekly before bed, to maintain 24h secretion of GH.
IGF1 LR3: Dosed daily, 50-100mcg, dose adjused based on serum IGF levels.
Levothryoxine: Dosed daily, dose based on thryoid hormone levels, aiming for 20% increase above normal range. Decrease if symptoms appear
Insulin: Keep it on hand incase I need to use it, will get pharma grade.
Glucose gel: Same as above because insulin resistance/blood glucose levels could get fucked up

Supplemtary medications:
Calcium, VitD, VitK2, Glucosamine, Magnesium chloride (+bisglycinate for sleep), L-arginine, L-lysine, multivitamin

Supporting activities:
  • Applying traction on the ankles before sleeping
  • Sprinting 3x a week
  • Heavy weight lifting in the gym
  • Biking and slowly increasing seat height
  • High protein diet, 2-3g/kg of bodyweight. high as I can tolerate, ensuring meeting 100% NRV of all essential ammino acid

Medical monitoring:
  • Cardiac ultrasound at 2 months, then every 3 months (assesing for ventricular hypertrophy)​
  • Repeat following blood tests monthly: LFT, U&E, HbA1C, LDL/HDL cholestrol and triglycerides, , TSH/T3/T4, IGF1, CRP, Estradiol, Test, SHBG, HCG (IGF LR3 may be faked with HCG)​
  • Pulse oximetry & blood pressure checks daily​
  • ECG weekly (free as I will probably have access to this at med school and you can post on reddit pretending and you will get doctors analysing it for you)​
  • Blood glucose checked daily, levels taken in morning and 4 hours after eating a meal​
  • Test IGF1 levels 5 days in, and 10 days in initially to ensure product is legit and body is getting a good respsone to it.​
  • Some sort of cognitive monitoring to make sure low estrogen dosent fuck up brain​
When I will stop:
  • If ventricular hypertrophy develops​
  • Thyroid gets fucked​
  • Become too dumb cuz of low estrogen, might just stop AI and conintue with rest tho​
  • If there has been no height increase after 6 months and growth plates are closed​
  • Serious life threatening side effects occur​
  • My ideal height is 5"10, if by some miricle I grow 3.5 inches, I will stop, as the risks wont be worth it for me anymore, realistically I am expecting about an inch in growth​
I will measure height weekly using a stadia.
I estimate the cost of this, based on current prices to be approximetly 2000-3000GBP ($2.5k to $3.7k) for a 6 month cycle, with most of this being spent on medical monitoring. If I can find a good lab or a lab that actually does some of the specalised blood tests without needing a doctor, this will decrease very quickly. This current cost is very close to my max budget.

Other info + prior medical history:
- I used ashwhaganda which caused borderline high TSH (unknown what baseline is)
- I have had vitamin deficiences at younger age
- Current height 169.5cm (5 foot 6.5) without shoes measured by doctor
- already taller than both parents
- all men in mothers side of family 6ft+
- vegetarian growing up

"why wait till 18?" I get trust fund money at 18 i cant afford any of this rn
ANYONE IN THE UK WHO HAS HEIGHTMAXXED PLS TELL ME WHERE I CAN FIND AFFORDABLE BLOOD TESTS! Currently looking at medicheck and thebloodlab compared to USA prices they are both insanely overpriced

This looks wonderful regarding a heightmaxxing stack as it effectively fills many of the growth pathways in a human, and super like a super strong stack as a last-ditch effort for growth.

My critiques and recommendations:
  1. If you have the ability, try to first and foremostly get your knee growth plates tested and see if you could get an x-ray on your vertebrae, as those are more likely growth plates to be open at your age!
  2. Be sure you make an adequate order of how you will be obtaining all of these compounds as you don't want to be in a situation, where you didn't buy AI-first, and you take all these compounds that increase bone age quickly
  3. If you are already taller than both of your parents, and are decently around or above your projected height, I would say temper expectations to a degree as if you were already given a favorable outcome based on your genetics, pushing for more than that might be harder than expected.
  4. If you are going to go through with this properly and get adequate thyroid testing, I recommend also taking T3 at the same time if you are blood test readings show that you can dose it. T3 will be harder than T4, but if you can adequately get yourself into the subclinical hyperthyroid range or maybe even slightly in that range (but with minimal side effects) since have actual testing to back it up, it'll make the process much faster.
  5. Make sure that during this before process, you thoroughly research and analyze every source and seller to make sure everything you get is 100% pure and you don't waste time with bunkeroni compounds!
  6. While I don't recommend heightmaxxing if you have plans of entering into medical school, if you are going to do so at that stage in your life, I recommend periodically dosing with things like nootropics (productivity and brain enhancing supplements) to pick up for some of the lack of processing power in the case that a stack like this causes too man different ailments to you!
  7. I recommend if you are going to use CJC-1295/DAC or any peptide that aids with growth hormone, that you pair it alongside an GHRP (Ex: MK677). These peptides work the best for increasing your IGF-1 values when combined, and are often quite ineffective for IGF-1 increase when separated!!
  8. Be very careful and have a lot of knowledge of how to use Insulin and glucose gel before taking. While it's an underrated height that many forget would be very effective if used for that purpose, you can easily die and harm yourself if you don't know what you are doing concerning those compounds. So spend many hours researching how to dose it properly and safely before doing it.
  9. I highly suggest that you supplement with compounds that aid with liver health as taking this many compounds can sometimes put your lives under a lot of stress and the majority of the IGF-1 you produce is processed via the liver!
  10. Not a critique but I have no way to understand how you'd handle this while going and doing medical school next year,so you better have some sort of way to stay motivated and focused the entire year next year!
  11. I think you should at least start taking AI and losing body fat if you are at a decent amount right now, as it help give you more time to grow and more inches to gain for next year!
  • +1
Reactions: MA_ascender, Randolf and Deleted member 49130
This looks wonderful regarding a heightmaxxing stack as it effectively fills many of the growth pathways in a human, and super like a super strong stack as a last-ditch effort for growth.

My critiques and recommendations:
  1. If you have the ability, try to first and foremostly get your knee growth plates tested and see if you could get an x-ray on your vertebrae, as those are more likely growth plates to be open at your age!
  2. Be sure you make an adequate order of how you will be obtaining all of these compounds as you don't want to be in a situation, where you didn't buy AI-first, and you take all these compounds that increase bone age quickly
  3. If you are already taller than both of your parents, and are decently around or above your projected height, I would say temper expectations to a degree as if you were already given a favorable outcome based on your genetics, pushing for more than that might be harder than expected.
  4. If you are going to go through with this properly and get adequate thyroid testing, I recommend also taking T3 at the same time if you are blood test readings show that you can dose it. T3 will be harder than T4, but if you can adequately get yourself into the subclinical hyperthyroid range or maybe even slightly in that range (but with minimal side effects) since have actual testing to back it up, it'll make the process much faster.
  5. Make sure that during this before process, you thoroughly research and analyze every source and seller to make sure everything you get is 100% pure and you don't waste time with bunkeroni compounds!
  6. While I don't recommend heightmaxxing if you have plans of entering into medical school, if you are going to do so at that stage in your life, I recommend periodically dosing with things like nootropics (productivity and brain enhancing supplements) to pick up for some of the lack of processing power in the case that a stack like this causes too man different ailments to you!
  7. I recommend if you are going to use CJC-1295/DAC or any peptide that aids with growth hormone, that you pair it alongside an GHRP (Ex: MK677). These peptides work the best for increasing your IGF-1 values when combined, and are often quite ineffective for IGF-1 increase when separated!!
  8. Be very careful and have a lot of knowledge of how to use Insulin and glucose gel before taking. While it's an underrated height that many forget would be very effective if used for that purpose, you can easily die and harm yourself if you don't know what you are doing concerning those compounds. So spend many hours researching how to dose it properly and safely before doing it.
  9. I highly suggest that you supplement with compounds that aid with liver health as taking this many compounds can sometimes put your lives under a lot of stress and the majority of the IGF-1 you produce is processed via the liver!
  10. Not a critique but I have no way to understand how you'd handle this while going and doing medical school next year,so you better have some sort of way to stay motivated and focused the entire year next year!
  11. I think you should at least start taking AI and losing body fat if you are at a decent amount right now, as it help give you more time to grow and more inches to gain for next years
I don't have enough money to buy enough AI to last ~9 months so I would have stop at some point which could cause rebound. I might start as soon as I can tho. With the potential effects on med school are the negative cognitive side effects really that big?

I think despite being taller than my parents I still have a chance as my dad was malnourished when young and his brothers are taller than him + my mums brother and father are tall too. My plan with nootropics is to rely on caffeine modafinal and melatonin mostly, and phenibut when required. I would have added Ashwagandha too but since that can interfere with thyroid and I'm dosing T3 & T4 I won't be taking it. Anything you feel I've missed? I don't want to rely too much on piracatems/noopept.

Is MK677 w/ cjc really that necessary when taking hgh and igf too? I don't know if I can handle the hunger gain, I was on another medication that causes appetite increase previously and I would either binge eat or not eat anything at all because my natural hunger regulation was gone.

Thanks for the response btw
I will have enough money to start this in just under a year when Im 18.

- Get xray of wrist and legs to see if growth plates are open
- Obtain baseline labs: LFT, U&E, CBC, TSH/T3/T4/TPo, Test, Estradiol, Prolactin, SHBG, CRP, IGF1, IGF BP3, HBa1C, LDL/HDL cholestrol and triglycerides, creatinine, BUN, PSA, somatostatin, TNF-alpha, IGF BP5, procollagen type 1 N-terminal propeptide, C-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen, and N-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen3
- Abnormality in bone markers/igf binding proteins/TNF-alpha -> I will pay for consulation with endcrinologist / GP, others I can interepret and manage myself as long as they arent dangerously deranged. Important to note IGF BP5 and TNF-alpha inhibit the action of IGF so it is important to get them tested
- I may have subclinical hypothyroidism currently, this will be good in the future, If I still have it, then I will ask for thryoid replacement hormones.

How could i get these tested? Most of these are affordable to pay privately, however, some are insanely overpriced as only a few lab tests them (IGF1) or just impossible to find anywhere (IGF1 BP3, BP5 and somatostatin) so I might have to get a private GP and ask them to refer me to get these blood tests, I contacted a private hospital to ask about costs but they wont say without a refferal. Unfortunatly we dont have discountedlabs in the UK. These seem like very specalised blood tests so they may ask an insane price or just not do them in the UK. The GP may also refuse to order these tests which would be really annoying, you guys dont realise how lucky you are in america to have so many private labs.

- Even if growth plates shut i will still try due to growth plates in spine being open and I will hate myself if I dont try

The stack:
Main drugs:
, dose to be determined if leg growth plates are open, otherwise will not use. This is a research chemical that inhibits the CXXC5 gene and has been shown to increase tibal length in mice.
HGH, 8-10iu daily before bed. Probably going to buy from catcafe
Anastrazole, 1mg daily, dose increased/decreases based on repeat Estradiol tests. Aiming for estradiol to be <10. I have seen in ISS studies they nuke this all the way down to 0 but I will be in 1st year of med school(in UK we start this at 18) when I start this so need to keep my brain alive.
CJC-1295 DAC: 2.5mg twice weekly before bed, to maintain 24h secretion of GH.
IGF1 LR3: Dosed daily, 50-100mcg, dose adjused based on serum IGF levels.
Levothryoxine: Dosed daily, dose based on thryoid hormone levels, aiming for 20% increase above normal range. Decrease if symptoms appear
Insulin: Keep it on hand incase I need to use it, will get pharma grade.
Glucose gel: Same as above because insulin resistance/blood glucose levels could get fucked up

Supplemtary medications:
Calcium, VitD, VitK2, Glucosamine, Magnesium chloride (+bisglycinate for sleep), L-arginine, L-lysine, multivitamin

Supporting activities:
  • Applying traction on the ankles before sleeping
  • Sprinting 3x a week
  • Heavy weight lifting in the gym
  • Biking and slowly increasing seat height
  • High protein diet, 2-3g/kg of bodyweight. high as I can tolerate, ensuring meeting 100% NRV of all essential ammino acid

Medical monitoring:
  • Cardiac ultrasound at 2 months, then every 3 months (assesing for ventricular hypertrophy)​
  • Repeat following blood tests monthly: LFT, U&E, HbA1C, LDL/HDL cholestrol and triglycerides, , TSH/T3/T4, IGF1, CRP, Estradiol, Test, SHBG, HCG (IGF LR3 may be faked with HCG)​
  • Pulse oximetry & blood pressure checks daily​
  • ECG weekly (free as I will probably have access to this at med school and you can post on reddit pretending and you will get doctors analysing it for you)​
  • Blood glucose checked daily, levels taken in morning and 4 hours after eating a meal​
  • Test IGF1 levels 5 days in, and 10 days in initially to ensure product is legit and body is getting a good respsone to it.​
  • Some sort of cognitive monitoring to make sure low estrogen dosent fuck up brain​
When I will stop:
  • If ventricular hypertrophy develops​
  • Thyroid gets fucked​
  • Become too dumb cuz of low estrogen, might just stop AI and conintue with rest tho​
  • If there has been no height increase after 6 months and growth plates are closed​
  • Serious life threatening side effects occur​
  • My ideal height is 5"10, if by some miricle I grow 3.5 inches, I will stop, as the risks wont be worth it for me anymore, realistically I am expecting about an inch in growth​
I will measure height weekly using a stadia.
I estimate the cost of this, based on current prices to be approximetly 2000-3000GBP ($2.5k to $3.7k) for a 6 month cycle, with most of this being spent on medical monitoring. If I can find a good lab or a lab that actually does some of the specalised blood tests without needing a doctor, this will decrease very quickly. This current cost is very close to my max budget.

Other info + prior medical history:
- I used ashwhaganda which caused borderline high TSH (unknown what baseline is)
- I have had vitamin deficiences at younger age
- Current height 169.5cm (5 foot 6.5) without shoes measured by doctor
- already taller than both parents
- all men in mothers side of family 6ft+
- vegetarian growing up

"why wait till 18?" I get trust fund money at 18 i cant afford any of this rn
ANYONE IN THE UK WHO HAS HEIGHTMAXXED PLS TELL ME WHERE I CAN FIND AFFORDABLE BLOOD TESTS! Currently looking at medicheck and thebloodlab compared to USA prices they are both insanely overpriced
Proud of you boyo
I will have enough money to start this in just under a year when Im 18.

- Get xray of wrist and legs to see if growth plates are open
- Obtain baseline labs: LFT, U&E, CBC, TSH/T3/T4/TPo, Test, Estradiol, Prolactin, SHBG, CRP, IGF1, IGF BP3, HBa1C, LDL/HDL cholestrol and triglycerides, creatinine, BUN, PSA, somatostatin, TNF-alpha, IGF BP5, procollagen type 1 N-terminal propeptide, C-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen, and N-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen3
- Abnormality in bone markers/igf binding proteins/TNF-alpha -> I will pay for consulation with endcrinologist / GP, others I can interepret and manage myself as long as they arent dangerously deranged. Important to note IGF BP5 and TNF-alpha inhibit the action of IGF so it is important to get them tested
- I may have subclinical hypothyroidism currently, this will be good in the future, If I still have it, then I will ask for thryoid replacement hormones.

How could i get these tested? Most of these are affordable to pay privately, however, some are insanely overpriced as only a few lab tests them (IGF1) or just impossible to find anywhere (IGF1 BP3, BP5 and somatostatin) so I might have to get a private GP and ask them to refer me to get these blood tests, I contacted a private hospital to ask about costs but they wont say without a refferal. Unfortunatly we dont have discountedlabs in the UK. These seem like very specalised blood tests so they may ask an insane price or just not do them in the UK. The GP may also refuse to order these tests which would be really annoying, you guys dont realise how lucky you are in america to have so many private labs.

- Even if growth plates shut i will still try due to growth plates in spine being open and I will hate myself if I dont try

The stack:
Main drugs:
, dose to be determined if leg growth plates are open, otherwise will not use. This is a research chemical that inhibits the CXXC5 gene and has been shown to increase tibal length in mice.
HGH, 8-10iu daily before bed. Probably going to buy from catcafe
Anastrazole, 1mg daily, dose increased/decreases based on repeat Estradiol tests. Aiming for estradiol to be <10. I have seen in ISS studies they nuke this all the way down to 0 but I will be in 1st year of med school(in UK we start this at 18) when I start this so need to keep my brain alive.
CJC-1295 DAC: 2.5mg twice weekly before bed, to maintain 24h secretion of GH.
IGF1 LR3: Dosed daily, 50-100mcg, dose adjused based on serum IGF levels.
Levothryoxine: Dosed daily, dose based on thryoid hormone levels, aiming for 20% increase above normal range. Decrease if symptoms appear
Insulin: Keep it on hand incase I need to use it, will get pharma grade.
Glucose gel: Same as above because insulin resistance/blood glucose levels could get fucked up

Supplemtary medications:
Calcium, VitD, VitK2, Glucosamine, Magnesium chloride (+bisglycinate for sleep), L-arginine, L-lysine, multivitamin

Supporting activities:
  • Applying traction on the ankles before sleeping
  • Sprinting 3x a week
  • Heavy weight lifting in the gym
  • Biking and slowly increasing seat height
  • High protein diet, 2-3g/kg of bodyweight. high as I can tolerate, ensuring meeting 100% NRV of all essential ammino acid

Medical monitoring:
  • Cardiac ultrasound at 2 months, then every 3 months (assesing for ventricular hypertrophy)​
  • Repeat following blood tests monthly: LFT, U&E, HbA1C, LDL/HDL cholestrol and triglycerides, , TSH/T3/T4, IGF1, CRP, Estradiol, Test, SHBG, HCG (IGF LR3 may be faked with HCG)​
  • Pulse oximetry & blood pressure checks daily​
  • ECG weekly (free as I will probably have access to this at med school and you can post on reddit pretending and you will get doctors analysing it for you)​
  • Blood glucose checked daily, levels taken in morning and 4 hours after eating a meal​
  • Test IGF1 levels 5 days in, and 10 days in initially to ensure product is legit and body is getting a good respsone to it.​
  • Some sort of cognitive monitoring to make sure low estrogen dosent fuck up brain​
When I will stop:
  • If ventricular hypertrophy develops​
  • Thyroid gets fucked​
  • Become too dumb cuz of low estrogen, might just stop AI and conintue with rest tho​
  • If there has been no height increase after 6 months and growth plates are closed​
  • Serious life threatening side effects occur​
  • My ideal height is 5"10, if by some miricle I grow 3.5 inches, I will stop, as the risks wont be worth it for me anymore, realistically I am expecting about an inch in growth​
I will measure height weekly using a stadia.
I estimate the cost of this, based on current prices to be approximetly 2000-3000GBP ($2.5k to $3.7k) for a 6 month cycle, with most of this being spent on medical monitoring. If I can find a good lab or a lab that actually does some of the specalised blood tests without needing a doctor, this will decrease very quickly. This current cost is very close to my max budget.

Other info + prior medical history:
- I used ashwhaganda which caused borderline high TSH (unknown what baseline is)
- I have had vitamin deficiences at younger age
- Current height 169.5cm (5 foot 6.5) without shoes measured by doctor
- already taller than both parents
- all men in mothers side of family 6ft+
- vegetarian growing up

"why wait till 18?" I get trust fund money at 18 i cant afford any of this rn
ANYONE IN THE UK WHO HAS HEIGHTMAXXED PLS TELL ME WHERE I CAN FIND AFFORDABLE BLOOD TESTS! Currently looking at medicheck and thebloodlab compared to USA prices they are both insanely overpriced
Also, perfect your sleep! Make sure you're getting a lot of slow wave sleep and 10/10 sleep overall every night without fail.

More info in this thread
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 49130
don't think that's necessary and good luck getting that.
i found a source but not sure about dosage, i dont think anyone has tried it before + posted results so im willing to give it a shot to see if it helps
  • Hmm...
Reactions: enchanted_elixir
Applying traction on the ankles before sleeping
  • Sprinting 3x a week
  • Heavy weight lifting in the gym
  • Biking and slowly increasing seat height
  • High protein diet, 2-3g/kg of bodyweight. high as I can tolerate, ensuring meeting 100% NRV of all essential ammino acid
This wont help shit btw
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Aero and mathis
This looks wonderful regarding a heightmaxxing stack as it effectively fills many of the growth pathways in a human, and super like a super strong stack as a last-ditch effort for growth.

My critiques and recommendations:
  1. If you have the ability, try to first and foremostly get your knee growth plates tested and see if you could get an x-ray on your vertebrae, as those are more likely growth plates to be open at your age!
  2. Be sure you make an adequate order of how you will be obtaining all of these compounds as you don't want to be in a situation, where you didn't buy AI-first, and you take all these compounds that increase bone age quickly
  3. If you are already taller than both of your parents, and are decently around or above your projected height, I would say temper expectations to a degree as if you were already given a favorable outcome based on your genetics, pushing for more than that might be harder than expected.
  4. If you are going to go through with this properly and get adequate thyroid testing, I recommend also taking T3 at the same time if you are blood test readings show that you can dose it. T3 will be harder than T4, but if you can adequately get yourself into the subclinical hyperthyroid range or maybe even slightly in that range (but with minimal side effects) since have actual testing to back it up, it'll make the process much faster.
  5. Make sure that during this before process, you thoroughly research and analyze every source and seller to make sure everything you get is 100% pure and you don't waste time with bunkeroni compounds!
  6. While I don't recommend heightmaxxing if you have plans of entering into medical school, if you are going to do so at that stage in your life, I recommend periodically dosing with things like nootropics (productivity and brain enhancing supplements) to pick up for some of the lack of processing power in the case that a stack like this causes too man different ailments to you!
  7. I recommend if you are going to use CJC-1295/DAC or any peptide that aids with growth hormone, that you pair it alongside an GHRP (Ex: MK677). These peptides work the best for increasing your IGF-1 values when combined, and are often quite ineffective for IGF-1 increase when separated!!
  8. Be very careful and have a lot of knowledge of how to use Insulin and glucose gel before taking. While it's an underrated height that many forget would be very effective if used for that purpose, you can easily die and harm yourself if you don't know what you are doing concerning those compounds. So spend many hours researching how to dose it properly and safely before doing it.
  9. I highly suggest that you supplement with compounds that aid with liver health as taking this many compounds can sometimes put your lives under a lot of stress and the majority of the IGF-1 you produce is processed via the liver!
  10. Not a critique but I have no way to understand how you'd handle this while going and doing medical school next year,so you better have some sort of way to stay motivated and focused the entire year next year!
  11. I think you should at least start taking AI and losing body fat if you are at a decent amount right now, as it help give you more time to grow and more inches to gain for next year!
What compound do you recommend for liver health
What compound do you recommend for liver health
Assuming that you are looking for a general liver health supplement for overall protective reasons, I'd say Milk Thistle, I'd say at 140mg 2-3x a day.
  • +1
Reactions: Dystopian
If hes the one who said the CXXC5 gene inhibitor i probably did at some point but I dont remember. I got the idea from that off a post on this website.
Dont. It turns off genes one by one, it's theorized it might stop the growth plates closing but what if it switches of the height growth genes?
Its extremely fucking hard to source and if you get stuff it might be tainted to shit.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 49130
bhai wtf, how are u going to get that
I can't say on here as its technically illegal but I probably won't do it due to its unpredictability unless nothing else works first
  • +1
Reactions: smoth
I can't say on here as its technically illegal but I probably won't do it due to its unpredictability unless nothing else works first
pls pm if you re somehow actually gonna get it
pls pm if you re somehow actually gonna get it
If it works ill PM you, but can't tell you full method cuz it might dox me. Keep in mind I'm not gonna try gett8ng it for another 9ish months at least so my source may have gone by then
  • +1
Reactions: smoth
we’ve tried ky on the old heightmaxxing discord. was cope
It’s over for you sorry bro
I will have enough money to start this in just under a year when Im 18.

- Get xray of wrist and legs to see if growth plates are open
- Obtain baseline labs: LFT, U&E, CBC, TSH/T3/T4/TPo, Test, Estradiol, Prolactin, SHBG, CRP, IGF1, IGF BP3, HBa1C, LDL/HDL cholestrol and triglycerides, creatinine, BUN, PSA, somatostatin, TNF-alpha, IGF BP5, procollagen type 1 N-terminal propeptide, C-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen, and N-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen3
- Abnormality in bone markers/igf binding proteins/TNF-alpha -> I will pay for consulation with endcrinologist / GP, others I can interepret and manage myself as long as they arent dangerously deranged. Important to note IGF BP5 and TNF-alpha inhibit the action of IGF so it is important to get them tested
- I may have subclinical hypothyroidism currently, this will be good in the future, If I still have it, then I will ask for thryoid replacement hormones.

How could i get these tested? Most of these are affordable to pay privately, however, some are insanely overpriced as only a few lab tests them (IGF1) or just impossible to find anywhere (IGF1 BP3, BP5 and somatostatin) so I might have to get a private GP and ask them to refer me to get these blood tests, I contacted a private hospital to ask about costs but they wont say without a refferal. Unfortunatly we dont have discountedlabs in the UK. These seem like very specalised blood tests so they may ask an insane price or just not do them in the UK. The GP may also refuse to order these tests which would be really annoying, you guys dont realise how lucky you are in america to have so many private labs.

- Even if growth plates shut i will still try due to growth plates in spine being open and I will hate myself if I dont try

The stack:
Main drugs:
, dose to be determined if leg growth plates are open, otherwise will not use. This is a research chemical that inhibits the CXXC5 gene and has been shown to increase tibal length in mice.
HGH, 8-10iu daily before bed. Probably going to buy from catcafe
Anastrazole, 1mg daily, dose increased/decreases based on repeat Estradiol tests. Aiming for estradiol to be <10. I have seen in ISS studies they nuke this all the way down to 0 but I will be in 1st year of med school(in UK we start this at 18) when I start this so need to keep my brain alive.
CJC-1295 DAC: 2.5mg twice weekly before bed, to maintain 24h secretion of GH.
IGF1 LR3: Dosed daily, 50-100mcg, dose adjused based on serum IGF levels.
Levothryoxine: Dosed daily, dose based on thryoid hormone levels, aiming for 20% increase above normal range. Decrease if symptoms appear
Insulin: Keep it on hand incase I need to use it, will get pharma grade.
Glucose gel: Same as above because insulin resistance/blood glucose levels could get fucked up

Supplemtary medications:
Calcium, VitD, VitK2, Glucosamine, Magnesium chloride (+bisglycinate for sleep), L-arginine, L-lysine, multivitamin

Supporting activities:
  • Applying traction on the ankles before sleeping
  • Sprinting 3x a week
  • Heavy weight lifting in the gym
  • Biking and slowly increasing seat height
  • High protein diet, 2-3g/kg of bodyweight. high as I can tolerate, ensuring meeting 100% NRV of all essential ammino acid

Medical monitoring:
  • Cardiac ultrasound at 2 months, then every 3 months (assesing for ventricular hypertrophy)​
  • Repeat following blood tests monthly: LFT, U&E, HbA1C, LDL/HDL cholestrol and triglycerides, , TSH/T3/T4, IGF1, CRP, Estradiol, Test, SHBG, HCG (IGF LR3 may be faked with HCG)​
  • Pulse oximetry & blood pressure checks daily​
  • ECG weekly (free as I will probably have access to this at med school and you can post on reddit pretending and you will get doctors analysing it for you)​
  • Blood glucose checked daily, levels taken in morning and 4 hours after eating a meal​
  • Test IGF1 levels 5 days in, and 10 days in initially to ensure product is legit and body is getting a good respsone to it.​
  • Some sort of cognitive monitoring to make sure low estrogen dosent fuck up brain​
When I will stop:
  • If ventricular hypertrophy develops​
  • Thyroid gets fucked​
  • Become too dumb cuz of low estrogen, might just stop AI and conintue with rest tho​
  • If there has been no height increase after 6 months and growth plates are closed​
  • Serious life threatening side effects occur​
  • My ideal height is 5"10, if by some miricle I grow 3.5 inches, I will stop, as the risks wont be worth it for me anymore, realistically I am expecting about an inch in growth​
I will measure height weekly using a stadia.
I estimate the cost of this, based on current prices to be approximetly 2000-3000GBP ($2.5k to $3.7k) for a 6 month cycle, with most of this being spent on medical monitoring. If I can find a good lab or a lab that actually does some of the specalised blood tests without needing a doctor, this will decrease very quickly. This current cost is very close to my max budget.

Other info + prior medical history:
- I used ashwhaganda which caused borderline high TSH (unknown what baseline is)
- I have had vitamin deficiences at younger age
- Current height 169.5cm (5 foot 6.5) without shoes measured by doctor
- already taller than both parents
- all men in mothers side of family 6ft+
- vegetarian growing up

"why wait till 18?" I get trust fund money at 18 i cant afford any of this rn
ANYONE IN THE UK WHO HAS HEIGHTMAXXED PLS TELL ME WHERE I CAN FIND AFFORDABLE BLOOD TESTS! Currently looking at medicheck and thebloodlab compared to USA prices they are both insanely overpriced
i’m in the same position as u and i’m just thinking about just using aromasin i have enough money is there anything else i can do to preserve my growth plates and growth?
I don't have enough money to buy enough AI to last ~9 months so I would have stop at some point which could cause rebound. I might start as soon as I can tho. With the potential effects on med school are the negative cognitive side effects really that big?

I think despite being taller than my parents I still have a chance as my dad was malnourished when young and his brothers are taller than him + my mums brother and father are tall too. My plan with nootropics is to rely on caffeine modafinal and melatonin mostly, and phenibut when required. I would have added Ashwagandha too but since that can interfere with thyroid and I'm dosing T3 & T4 I won't be taking it. Anything you feel I've missed? I don't want to rely too much on piracatems/noopept.

Is MK677 w/ cjc really that necessary when taking hgh and igf too? I don't know if I can handle the hunger gain, I was on another medication that causes appetite increase previously and I would either binge eat or not eat anything at all because my natural hunger regulation was gone.

Thanks for the response btw
i would cut the LR3. i believe it’s a waste of money personally.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 49130
i would cut the LR3. i believe it’s a waste of money personally.
Yes this plan is quite old, I have changed alot and LR3 is not in the current plan.
Waste of money dude Just fraud your height and don't stress this much you are not going to be 6ft from that height most likely 169.5to171-172 And imo it's not worth it moneymaxx yourself
Waste of money dude Just fraud your height and don't stress this much you are not going to be 6ft from that height most likely 169.5to171-172 And imo it's not worth it moneymaxx yourself
Every inch counts. I will go from subhuman to LTN, rn I can barely fraud 5"9, if I gain 1 inch I can fraud average height.
Typing all of that shit while not even knowing if your growth plates are open or not is stupid as fuck
Typing all of that shit while not even knowing if your growth plates are open or not is stupid as fuck
are you retarded

third line bro
I will have enough money to start this in just under a year when Im 18.

- Get xray of wrist and legs to see if growth plates are open
- Obtain baseline labs: LFT, U&E, CBC, TSH/T3/T4/TPo, Test, Estradiol, Prolactin, SHBG, CRP, IGF1, IGF BP3, HBa1C, LDL/HDL cholestrol and triglycerides, creatinine, BUN, PSA, somatostatin, TNF-alpha, IGF BP5, procollagen type 1 N-terminal propeptide, C-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen, and N-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen3
- Abnormality in bone markers/igf binding proteins/TNF-alpha -> I will pay for consulation with endcrinologist / GP, others I can interepret and manage myself as long as they arent dangerously deranged. Important to note IGF BP5 and TNF-alpha inhibit the action of IGF so it is important to get them tested
- I may have subclinical hypothyroidism currently, this will be good in the future, If I still have it, then I will ask for thryoid replacement hormones.

How could i get these tested? Most of these are affordable to pay privately, however, some are insanely overpriced as only a few lab tests them (IGF1) or just impossible to find anywhere (IGF1 BP3, BP5 and somatostatin) so I might have to get a private GP and ask them to refer me to get these blood tests, I contacted a private hospital to ask about costs but they wont say without a refferal. Unfortunatly we dont have discountedlabs in the UK. These seem like very specalised blood tests so they may ask an insane price or just not do them in the UK. The GP may also refuse to order these tests which would be really annoying, you guys dont realise how lucky you are in america to have so many private labs.

- Even if growth plates shut i will still try due to growth plates in spine being open and I will hate myself if I dont try

The stack:
Main drugs:
, dose to be determined if leg growth plates are open, otherwise will not use. This is a research chemical that inhibits the CXXC5 gene and has been shown to increase tibal length in mice.
HGH, 8-10iu daily before bed. Probably going to buy from catcafe
Anastrazole, 1mg daily, dose increased/decreases based on repeat Estradiol tests. Aiming for estradiol to be <10. I have seen in ISS studies they nuke this all the way down to 0 but I will be in 1st year of med school(in UK we start this at 18) when I start this so need to keep my brain alive.
CJC-1295 DAC: 2.5mg twice weekly before bed, to maintain 24h secretion of GH.
IGF1 LR3: Dosed daily, 50-100mcg, dose adjused based on serum IGF levels.
Levothryoxine: Dosed daily, dose based on thryoid hormone levels, aiming for 20% increase above normal range. Decrease if symptoms appear
Insulin: Keep it on hand incase I need to use it, will get pharma grade.
Glucose gel: Same as above because insulin resistance/blood glucose levels could get fucked up

Supplemtary medications:
Calcium, VitD, VitK2, Glucosamine, Magnesium chloride (+bisglycinate for sleep), L-arginine, L-lysine, multivitamin

Supporting activities:
  • Applying traction on the ankles before sleeping
  • Sprinting 3x a week
  • Heavy weight lifting in the gym
  • Biking and slowly increasing seat height
  • High protein diet, 2-3g/kg of bodyweight. high as I can tolerate, ensuring meeting 100% NRV of all essential ammino acid

Medical monitoring:
  • Cardiac ultrasound at 2 months, then every 3 months (assesing for ventricular hypertrophy)​
  • Repeat following blood tests monthly: LFT, U&E, HbA1C, LDL/HDL cholestrol and triglycerides, , TSH/T3/T4, IGF1, CRP, Estradiol, Test, SHBG, HCG (IGF LR3 may be faked with HCG)​
  • Pulse oximetry & blood pressure checks daily​
  • ECG weekly (free as I will probably have access to this at med school and you can post on reddit pretending and you will get doctors analysing it for you)​
  • Blood glucose checked daily, levels taken in morning and 4 hours after eating a meal​
  • Test IGF1 levels 5 days in, and 10 days in initially to ensure product is legit and body is getting a good respsone to it.​
  • Some sort of cognitive monitoring to make sure low estrogen dosent fuck up brain​
When I will stop:
  • If ventricular hypertrophy develops​
  • Thyroid gets fucked​
  • Become too dumb cuz of low estrogen, might just stop AI and conintue with rest tho​
  • If there has been no height increase after 6 months and growth plates are closed​
  • Serious life threatening side effects occur​
  • My ideal height is 5"10, if by some miricle I grow 3.5 inches, I will stop, as the risks wont be worth it for me anymore, realistically I am expecting about an inch in growth​
I will measure height weekly using a stadia.
I estimate the cost of this, based on current prices to be approximetly 2000-3000GBP ($2.5k to $3.7k) for a 6 month cycle, with most of this being spent on medical monitoring. If I can find a good lab or a lab that actually does some of the specalised blood tests without needing a doctor, this will decrease very quickly. This current cost is very close to my max budget.

Other info + prior medical history:
- I used ashwhaganda which caused borderline high TSH (unknown what baseline is)
- I have had vitamin deficiences at younger age
- Current height 169.5cm (5 foot 6.5) without shoes measured by doctor
- already taller than both parents
- all men in mothers side of family 6ft+
- vegetarian growing up

"why wait till 18?" I get trust fund money at 18 i cant afford any of this rn
ANYONE IN THE UK WHO HAS HEIGHTMAXXED PLS TELL ME WHERE I CAN FIND AFFORDABLE BLOOD TESTS! Currently looking at medicheck and thebloodlab compared to USA prices they are both insanely overpriced
Ultra cope trust fund baby
why r ppl still replying to this, there so much wrong with this stack and ive changed 80% off the stuff on here. this is 3 months old.
why r ppl still replying to this, there so much wrong with this stack and ive changed 80% off the stuff on here. this is 3 months old.
update it then
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 49130
I will have enough money to start this in just under a year when Im 18.

- Get xray of wrist and legs to see if growth plates are open
- Obtain baseline labs: LFT, U&E, CBC, TSH/T3/T4/TPo, Test, Estradiol, Prolactin, SHBG, CRP, IGF1, IGF BP3, HBa1C, LDL/HDL cholestrol and triglycerides, creatinine, BUN, PSA, somatostatin, TNF-alpha, IGF BP5, procollagen type 1 N-terminal propeptide, C-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen, and N-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen3
- Abnormality in bone markers/igf binding proteins/TNF-alpha -> I will pay for consulation with endcrinologist / GP, others I can interepret and manage myself as long as they arent dangerously deranged. Important to note IGF BP5 and TNF-alpha inhibit the action of IGF so it is important to get them tested
- I may have subclinical hypothyroidism currently, this will be good in the future, If I still have it, then I will ask for thryoid replacement hormones.

How could i get these tested? Most of these are affordable to pay privately, however, some are insanely overpriced as only a few lab tests them (IGF1) or just impossible to find anywhere (IGF1 BP3, BP5 and somatostatin) so I might have to get a private GP and ask them to refer me to get these blood tests, I contacted a private hospital to ask about costs but they wont say without a refferal. Unfortunatly we dont have discountedlabs in the UK. These seem like very specalised blood tests so they may ask an insane price or just not do them in the UK. The GP may also refuse to order these tests which would be really annoying, you guys dont realise how lucky you are in america to have so many private labs.

- Even if growth plates shut i will still try due to growth plates in spine being open and I will hate myself if I dont try

The stack:
Main drugs:
, dose to be determined if leg growth plates are open, otherwise will not use. This is a research chemical that inhibits the CXXC5 gene and has been shown to increase tibal length in mice.
HGH, 8-10iu daily before bed. Probably going to buy from catcafe
Anastrazole, 1mg daily, dose increased/decreases based on repeat Estradiol tests. Aiming for estradiol to be <10. I have seen in ISS studies they nuke this all the way down to 0 but I will be in 1st year of med school(in UK we start this at 18) when I start this so need to keep my brain alive.
CJC-1295 DAC: 2.5mg twice weekly before bed, to maintain 24h secretion of GH.
IGF1 LR3: Dosed daily, 50-100mcg, dose adjused based on serum IGF levels.
Levothryoxine: Dosed daily, dose based on thryoid hormone levels, aiming for 20% increase above normal range. Decrease if symptoms appear
Insulin: Keep it on hand incase I need to use it, will get pharma grade.
Glucose gel: Same as above because insulin resistance/blood glucose levels could get fucked up

Supplemtary medications:
Calcium, VitD, VitK2, Glucosamine, Magnesium chloride (+bisglycinate for sleep), L-arginine, L-lysine, multivitamin

Supporting activities:
  • Applying traction on the ankles before sleeping
  • Sprinting 3x a week
  • Heavy weight lifting in the gym
  • Biking and slowly increasing seat height
  • High protein diet, 2-3g/kg of bodyweight. high as I can tolerate, ensuring meeting 100% NRV of all essential ammino acid

Medical monitoring:
  • Cardiac ultrasound at 2 months, then every 3 months (assesing for ventricular hypertrophy)​
  • Repeat following blood tests monthly: LFT, U&E, HbA1C, LDL/HDL cholestrol and triglycerides, , TSH/T3/T4, IGF1, CRP, Estradiol, Test, SHBG, HCG (IGF LR3 may be faked with HCG)​
  • Pulse oximetry & blood pressure checks daily​
  • ECG weekly (free as I will probably have access to this at med school and you can post on reddit pretending and you will get doctors analysing it for you)​
  • Blood glucose checked daily, levels taken in morning and 4 hours after eating a meal​
  • Test IGF1 levels 5 days in, and 10 days in initially to ensure product is legit and body is getting a good respsone to it.​
  • Some sort of cognitive monitoring to make sure low estrogen dosent fuck up brain​
When I will stop:
  • If ventricular hypertrophy develops​
  • Thyroid gets fucked​
  • Become too dumb cuz of low estrogen, might just stop AI and conintue with rest tho​
  • If there has been no height increase after 6 months and growth plates are closed​
  • Serious life threatening side effects occur​
  • My ideal height is 5"10, if by some miricle I grow 3.5 inches, I will stop, as the risks wont be worth it for me anymore, realistically I am expecting about an inch in growth​
I will measure height weekly using a stadia.
I estimate the cost of this, based on current prices to be approximetly 2000-3000GBP ($2.5k to $3.7k) for a 6 month cycle, with most of this being spent on medical monitoring. If I can find a good lab or a lab that actually does some of the specalised blood tests without needing a doctor, this will decrease very quickly. This current cost is very close to my max budget.

Other info + prior medical history:
- I used ashwhaganda which caused borderline high TSH (unknown what baseline is)
- I have had vitamin deficiences at younger age
- Current height 169.5cm (5 foot 6.5) without shoes measured by doctor
- already taller than both parents
- all men in mothers side of family 6ft+
- vegetarian growing up

"why wait till 18?" I get trust fund money at 18 i cant afford any of this rn
ANYONE IN THE UK WHO HAS HEIGHTMAXXED PLS TELL ME WHERE I CAN FIND AFFORDABLE BLOOD TESTS! Currently looking at medicheck and thebloodlab compared to USA prices they are both insanely overpriced
Critique my cock down your throat
  • WTF
Reactions: LegitUser

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