Current state of western society is evidence that individualism doesn't work



Jan 2, 2019
For thousands of years there were only 2 classes: Masters and rulers. People did not like being ruled, and thus they demanded freedom. In the late 19th and early 20th century, they started obtaining that freedom. The result? A collapsing society with negative birthrates, mass immigration of low IQ regressive cultures, rampant sexual decadence & broken families, increase in alcoholism and drug abuse among youth, total destruction of any form of shared community or sense of identity/no national pride, massive egoism and selfishness, rampant greed, entitlement mentality...just lol.

One of the bleakest blackpills is that normies are so fucking stupid that freedom can't exist in a normie world. In a world where there are more normies than rational individuals unfree systems where people are kept in check for the purposes of social stability will always be required in order for society to exist. Freedom and individualism cannot coexist with normie nature. It's either 1984 or Mad Max.
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I’ll take mad max. At least I can do what I want. 1984 is boring and retarded
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24991CFA 6ECB 4413 AB83 AE207D33867C
  • JFL
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I’ll take mad max. At least I can do what I want. 1984 is boring and retarded

Jfl Mad Max is basically just shittier version of feudalism anyway since you end up with warlords that control everything.
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Jfl Mad Max is basically just shittier version of feudalism anyway since you end up with warlords that control everything.
That’s fun and based
Wow nobody posted his avi until now, never happened in his threads jfl
Strongly disagree
Society collapsed mainly because of the collectivist ideologies that destroyed moral standards. And state abuse.
The main reason for the drop in birth rates is feminism, when women enter the labor market, abortion, contraception.
Mass immigration is the cause of the above problem, they need to replace the workforce.
Sexual decay is also due to the increase in contraceptives and abortion, now women can have sex without worry. It is feminism that encourages women to have more and more sex.
We are increasingly without national pride because of globalization and the Internet, I can move to any country today and discover that my country is terrible, why are we proud? Not to mention that today national pride is associated with Nazism and fascism.
Systems where people were under control already existed, the Soviet Union, North Korea, China and everyone is terrible.

The big problem is, normies are easily manipulated
The main reason for the drop in birth rates is feminism, when women enter the labor market, abortion, contraception.

Those things are much more likely to happen under capitalism than socialism. The old soviet countries were socially conservative. Many of them (most of them) even banned the LGBT movement.

Mass immigration is the cause of the above problem, they need to replace the workforce.

They don't need to replace anything. Fewer workers means higher wages. Granted this will raise prices somewhat for the middle and upper class, but as a whole society becomes more equal. The capitalist lie that we need immigrants is a scam.

I can move to any country today and discover that my country is terrible, why are we proud? Not to mention that today national pride is associated with Nazism and fascism.

This only holds true in the west and literally nowhere else. And even then only because of massive media brainwashing and a selfish youth that only cares about itself. Actually, it's questionable if nationalism is hated even in the west since it's really only degenerate whites whom don't give a shit about their groups. Everybody else is collectivizing their identities around anti-white hatred.

Systems where people were under control already existed, the Soviet Union, North Korea, China and everyone is terrible.

Those things are much more likely to happen under capitalism than socialism. The old soviet countries were socially conservative. Many of them (most of them) even banned the LGBT movement.

They don't need to replace anything. Fewer workers means higher wages. Granted this will raise prices somewhat for the middle and upper class, but as a whole society becomes more equal. The capitalist lie that we need immigrants is a scam.

This only holds true in the west and literally nowhere else. And even then only because of massive media brainwashing and a selfish youth that only cares about itself. Actually, it's questionable if nationalism is hated even in the west since it's really only degenerate whites whom don't give a shit about their groups. Everybody else is collectivizing their identities around anti-white hatred.

"Fewer workers means higher wages. Granted this will raise prices slightly for the middle and upper class, but as an entire society it becomes more equal"

Super wrong, this would bring more unemployment, and the price increase would only affect the poorest, a rich person can simply increase the price of his product / service or open his business in another country.
And equality is the biggest myth of the last centuries, spread by Jew. Inequality is natural, the Pareto principle 80/20. And inequality is not the problem, but extreme poverty, I don't care if a rich guy has 3 yachts, I want to know if I am going to have a home and what to eat. An example, the inequality in Ireland is greater than that of Vietnam, but the poorest 10% of Ireland are richer than the richest 10% of Vietnam .
And I don't think immigration is the solution, on the contrary, I am totally against it. A society that encourages women to have children would be a better solution. But feminism and abortion have already destroyed everything.

"It only happens in the west"
Yes, because the West is in globalization and is richer, In a poor Asian country like the Philippines they couldn’t even move there.
And another argument that I thought to have no more national pride is women, today they can have sex with Chad or white guy at a higher level, even if they are black, Asian, Latino, they will reject their race in search of a white cock.

About this source that you showed me is very interesting, but it does not change the fact that the Soviet Union went bankrupt, and only grew again when it became a capitalist. and North Korea and Venezuela, Cuba and China, are all horrible.
Capitalism is the best system so far, the most developed nations are capitalists, and the countries with greater economic freedom are those with the most idh.
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just be slave

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