Curries only look good if they can pass for another race.



Aug 11, 2018
Those that are "good looking" but still look curry end up with a non curry normie girl in terms of looks while curries that can pass for other races can get Stacies of many races.
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absolute subumans
The best looking guy I know is a Chadullah. He's an Islamic curry. But you would never guess that he's curry. So you got a point.
Somewhat true, bollywood chadpreets are whitemaxxed. JBW
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curries always smell like curry wtf
Somewhat true, bollywood chadpreets are whitemaxxed. JBW
Sendhil ramamurthy
Nigga went full femshit and still got #metoo lol
what did he expect as a subhuman manlet curry jfl.

he's so westernized tho which makes him even more cringy somehow. he somehow found a way to make the stereotypical poo in the loo personality a BETTER option than his current habitus
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In general, the closer to white you are, the higher your smv.
Those that are "good looking" but still look curry end up with a non curry normie girl in terms of looks while curries that can pass for other races can get Stacies of many races.
Very true, curries are also obsessed with looking white as possible.
High IQ.

Imperative needs to see this
High IQ.

Imperative needs to see this

Yh and what. Theres nothing really about my look that says curry besides my skin tone tbh. I can hydroquinonr maxx that anyways.

And this is kinda meh, but Idk I can probably count the number of curries that have mogged me in real life on my hands.
he's so westernized tho which makes him even more cringy somehow.
tbh the only time westernization of curries work is if they do not look curry, I have a lightskinned curry friend who pulled off westernization game and shagged a hapa brunette gf

but like I said, if they do not look curry, Aziz Ansari looks curry as hell
Yh and what. Theres nothing really about my look that says curry besides my skin tone tbh. I can hydroquinonr maxx that anyways.

And this is kinda meh, but Idk I can probably count the number of curries that have mogged me in real life on my hands.
You are gl but are curry, just get a qt curry grill, its easier to obtain looksmatch or higher curry girl as a curry than it is a non curry girl
Yh and what. Theres nothing really about my look that says curry besides my skin tone tbh. I can hydroquinonr maxx that anyways.

And this is kinda meh, but Idk I can probably count the number of curries that have mogged me in real life on my hands.
yeah but even then a 5/10 white dude would mog you to hell and back just because he's white and you are a curry
yeah but even then a 5/10 white dude would mog you to hell and back just because he's white and you are a curry
I think that would only be the case in china or japan where they idolize the white aesthetic with skin whitening and eyelid surgery and stuff like that.
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tbh the only time westernization of curries work is if they do not look curry, I have a lightskinned curry friend who pulled off westernization game and shagged a hapa brunette gf
Imagine that subhuman genetic combination. Jfl the kids will be screwed
I think that would only be the case in china or japan where they idolize the white aesthetic with skin whitening and eyelid surgery and stuff like that.
nah mate believe me not, the average 5 psl white has more caucasian features which are the universally attractive features, the racepill is harsh to accept but it's true. It's not the skin color only (which is also a factor lol), but the fact that white = more Caucasian = more attractive
tbh he is 1/8 something else I believe(middle eastern)
It's like they take all of the subhuman races and roll them into one. And don't even get me started on hapas
yeah but even then a 5/10 white dude would mog you to hell and back just because he's white and you are a curry

Not really, like all of you guys on Incel forums SAY this kinda shit about racepill and what not. But when Im around foids with 5/10 white dudes they're never the ones the foids comment on lol. If I never got IOIs while a 5/10 white guy beside me did, I'd understand and agree with you, but personally I've never had that happen lol.

In my area, all the virgin white Polish girls go for muslim brown guys from Pakistan or India for some reason. Thats weird.

Racepill depends more on the location of the "incel" rather than the actual race tbh. In big, multi-cultural, metropolitan cities like London, New York, Berlin, Paris, Toronto, L.A ect ect its not really that big of a deal. But if you were in like a much smaller city with larger white only populations then you'd face more discrimination.
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Not really, like all of you guys on Incel forums SAY this kinda shit about racepill and what not. But when Im around foids with 5/10 white dudes they're never the ones the foids comment on lol. If I never got IOIs while a 5/10 white guy beside me did, I'd understand and agree with you, but personally I've never had that happen lol.

In my area, all the virgin white Polish girls go for muslim brown guys from Pakistan or India for some reason. Thats weird.

Racepill depends more on the location of the "incel" rather than the actual race tbh. In big, multi-cultural, metropolitan cities like London, New York, Berlin, Paris, Toronto, L.A ect ect its not really that big of a deal. But if you were in like a much smaller city with larger white only populations then you'd face more discrimination.

Not really, like all of you guys on Incel forums SAY this kinda shit about racepill and what not. But when Im around foids with 5/10 white dudes they're never the ones the foids comment on lol. If I never got IOIs while a 5/10 white guy beside me did, I'd understand and agree with you, but personally I've never had that happen lol.

In my area, all the virgin white Polish girls go for muslim brown guys from Pakistan or India for some reason. Thats weird.

Racepill depends more on the location of the "incel" rather than the actual race tbh. In big, multi-cultural, metropolitan cities like London, New York, Berlin, Paris, Toronto, L.A ect ect its not really that big of a deal. But if you were in like a much smaller city with larger white only populations then you'd face more discrimination.
Okay you got a point, there was this Guy Who said that he lived in a 80% black área and everyone went to blacks, racepill may be true then

And It's not a 5/10, but a 6/10 white
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Okay you got a point, there was this Guy Who said that he lived in a 80% black área and everyone went to blacks, racepill may be true then

And It's not a 5/10, but a 6/10 white

Okay yh you guys started off saying a 4/10 white guy would mog me ????‍♂️
Not really, like all of you guys on Incel forums SAY this kinda shit about racepill and what not. But when Im around foids with 5/10 white dudes they're never the ones the foids comment on lol. If I never got IOIs while a 5/10 white guy beside me did, I'd understand and agree with you, but personally I've never had that happen lol.

In my area, all the virgin white Polish girls go for muslim brown guys from Pakistan or India for some reason. Thats weird.

Racepill depends more on the location of the "incel" rather than the actual race tbh. In big, multi-cultural, metropolitan cities like London, New York, Berlin, Paris, Toronto, L.A ect ect its not really that big of a deal. But if you were in like a much smaller city with larger white only populations then you'd face more discrimination.

The reason you see virgin Pole whores go for curry muslims if for betabux, not true attraction. Betabux =/ Attraction

Racepill is a lot worse in multicultural cities irl because all the femoids know that white men are the best one, and if not, find the next whitest person.
Okay yh you guys started off saying a 4/10 white guy would mog me ????‍♂️
Actually they unironically would.

Look at Mongoloid Asia, many women are going after white men. Thus you see some low tier normie with an asian stacy because of JBW.
The reason you see virgin Pole whores go for curry muslims if for betabux, not true attraction. Betabux =/ Attraction

Racepill is a lot worse in multicultural cities irl because all the femoids know that white men are the best one, and if not, find the next whitest person.

Actually they unironically would.

Look at Mongoloid Asia, many women are going after white men. Thus you see some low tier normie with an asian stacy because of JBW.

Do I live in Mongoloid asia nigga?
Racepill is a lot worse in multicultural cities irl because all the femoids know that white men are the best one, and if not, find the whitest person

Racepill is better in big cities. and its 2018 Racepill is getting weaker and weaker tbh. I know femoids that actualy say they dont want white guys because "they're boring". Obvs these are 5-7% but still. That number is increasing, I've started to see a lot of White/Black and White/Curry relationships compared to when I was younger. (Only in big cities but still).
No but you live in a multicultural city so you should know that all femoid's first choice of women are WHITE

not true TBH.

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