Curry whore who cries for white men has a white bf

In my experience black girls are easiest. But all girls are easy if you are gl.
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I think that would be fine, they just happen to like a guy who is white. But 99% of the time that's not the case, if a curry woman only seems to date white guys, then it's really not a coincidence.

this is why black women hate you lmao. They say black men don't like their natural hair but white guys do, so they like white guys more. Nigga just go on tiktok and in the comment section black girls always post "do you like black girls" under the videos of some white prettyboy
I dunno about that KingRichez and TommySotomayor have entire YouTube channels dedicated to combatting weave most black men prefer thm without it. These hoes cappin i guess they need to vent and try to get some revenge on their men who seem to cuck them brutally with white and ethnic women :feelsgah:

But this seems like an American thing yet again
  • JFL
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Btw she's pretty hot.

Also she's lying, literally zero NZ guys would have said anything like that to her
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Btw she's pretty hot.

Also she's lying, literally zero NZ guys would have said anything like that to her
do you find her attractive? Wtf I don't find her attractive cuz of headshape and nose tbh.
In my experience black girls are easiest. But all girls are easy if you are gl.
black girls have hit on me more on OLD and irl too.
I dunno about that KingRichez and TommySotomayor have entire YouTube channels dedicated to combatting weave most black men prefer thm without it. These hoes cappin i guess they need to vent and try to get some revenge on their men who seem to cuck them brutally with white and ethnic women :feelsgah:

But this seems like an American thing yet again
nah bro you cannot lie to me about this shit, black women act more polite around diff race of men
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Yeah. I wish I found more black girls attractive.
Some of them do look nice tbh, I've always found the more educated black girls who didn't have hood accents to be very pleasant and sweet people tbh, they deffo aren't masculine acting. It's the poorer girls which are
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Some of them do look nice tbh, I've always found the more educated black girls who didn't have hood accents to be very pleasant and sweet people tbh, they deffo aren't masculine acting. It's the poorer girls which are
Yeah some of them are gl.
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black girls have hit on me more on OLD and irl too.

nah bro you cannot lie to me about this shit, black women act more polite around diff race of men
I agree I never said they don’t… it’s jsut that other races of women act more polite around other races of men as well. This isn’t uniquely a BLK bitch thing
  • JFL
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I agree I never said they don’t… it’s jsut that other races of women act more polite around other races of men as well. This isn’t uniquely a BLK bitch thing
idek man, I heard black guys complaining about it. IME curry foids aren't argumentative with curry men, most just obey
idek man, I heard black guys complaining about it. IME curry foids aren't argumentative with curry men, most just obey
Western ones act polite and kind jsut look at how much faster curry women give vagina up to non curry men, JFL the shit I have done to muzzie curry women that I know they’d not allow Muslim Pajeet to do. Come on facts are facts women are more obedient to men of other races then their own. You’ll never hear a nigga crying about white womens feminism when they are dating 🤔 almost as if Becky tones that shit down when with jamal and even learns to cook more than just fish fingers. Bitches learn their place
  • JFL
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Western ones act polite and kind jsut look at how much faster curry women give vagina up to non curry men, JFL the shit I have done to muzzie curry women that I know they’d not allow Muslim Pajeet to do. Come on facts are facts women are more obedient to men of other races then their own. You’ll never hear a nigga crying about white womens feminism when they are dating 🤔 almost as if Becky tones that shit down when with jamal and even learns to cook more than just fish fingers. Bitches learn their place
Paki thugs never lose though, paki thugs literally fuck whites, blacks and pump and dump curries. You cannot deny the pakithug pill
Paki thugs never lose though, paki thugs literally fuck whites, blacks and pump and dump curries. You cannot deny the pakithug pill
True but that doesn’t change the fact of what I said. Feminism seems do didsapear when white women date ethnics and esp black men apparently they even cook for them :feelswhat: Well that’s what my mates say I ain’t there so can’t confirm. Women are more obedient to men of other races it is what it is
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True but that doesn’t change the fact of what I said. Feminism seems do didsapear when white women date ethnics and esp black men apparently they even cook for them :feelswhat: Well that’s what my mates say I ain’t there so can’t confirm. Women are more obedient to men of other races it is what it is
I feel like that has some water tbh, my ex-gf is white and she doesn't care I make rape jokes or anything. But her current bf (yt) gets raged at for rape jokes, she posts feminist shit too. I think she's trying to set me up with her friend too, I spoke to her ugly af friend like last year and was complimenting her a little and asking about her life, making her laugh etc. And she was telling me how her friend likes me a lot but thinks I'm a misogynist LOL
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I feel like that has some water tbh, my ex-gf is white and she doesn't care I make rape jokes or anything. But her current bf (yt) gets raged at for rape jokes, she posts feminist shit too. I think she's trying to set me up with her friend too, I spoke to her ugly af friend like last year and was complimenting her a little and asking about her life, making her laugh etc. And she was telling me how her friend likes me a lot but thinks I'm a misogynist LOL
See what I mean. Nigger women are just high T due to most being low class ghetto mongrels so when they behave themselves and even then it’s a slight difference just ask chet hanks :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah: it’s more pronounced as it’s not them up in your face screaming and trying to fight instead it’s them kindly telling you to fuck off but only one slap and claw is thrown instead of a full blown scrap
  • JFL
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See what I mean. Nigger women are just high T due to most being low class ghetto mongrels so when they behave themselves and even then it’s a slight difference just ask chet hanks :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah: it’s more pronounced as it’s not them up in your face screaming and trying to fight instead it’s them kindly telling you to fuck off but only one slap and claw is thrown instead of a full blown scrap
I mean the few experiences I had with black women, they often try to test frame and shit. But if you remain masculine and stand your ground they become submissive, unironically having to tame them
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I mean the few experiences I had with black women, they often try to test frame and shit. But if you remain masculine and stand your ground they become submissive, unironically having to tame them
Never had my frame or anything tested by a black foid even hot ones before. Only ethnic and white women do this shit from my exp even attractive bbc women are kind and open to me without me doing shit
  • Woah
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Never had my frame or anything tested by a black foid even hot ones before. Only ethnic and white women do this shit from my exp even attractive bbc women are kind and open to me without me doing shit
I've had black girl tell me to pay for coffee to take her on a date, and I said "sorry I don't do contracts :)" and then she was like "oh haha, okay it was worth a try, where are we going?" I said starbucks but she kept saying tim hortons. I aired her then she came back and said she wanted to go starbucks JFL
Btw she's pretty hot.

Also she's lying, literally zero NZ guys would have said anything like that to her
Her looks match roped in womb
Muh curry foids only get mclovincels
Muh htn and nt is enough to slay white stacies
  • JFL
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curry men want white women, but it's not got the same self hate energy as curry women tbh. Like realistically most curries just want to smash and leave, there is no bullshit reasoning like "curriies are abusive/irrelevant, etc" these women are doing it from self hate straight up.
This is why niggers,chinks,and curries are inferior races to me
  • WTF
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Pajeeta women be like curry men are abusive mean rude etc. last one who said that to me I just want “Mmhhh hmmmm :pepefrown:“ and she said “I know you think it’s BS but it’s the truth”

blacks are the only race who don’t hate themslevs so it’s no suprise they will be the ones to shut down such behaviour. After all they are the leaders of the dark coalition which includes most races.
Completely false, black people are the biggest self hater after asians

FUARK white have mogged the world so hard that ethnics worship them efforlessly but muh stop white supremacist, ethnic normie are BIGGER white supremacist than the averge white normie
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nah sorry dude but black women hate themselves and literally become submissive around whites. Black men hate black women supposedly.
Yes black women are the biggest self hater, they wear wig and have excuses to still wear them, they bleach their skin, etc..

They have a hard time to look themselve in the mirorr and wish they were whites.

PATHÉTIQUE RACE @PrinceLuenLeoncur 😂🤝
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I don't even know why whitecels ltr these girls, i am in India I've rejected girls who look better than this abomination, my ex fogged this ape to another galaxy, these type of foids are femcels in India, only pump and dump that's it, no indian man entertains such foids here, except low class incels, guess what whitecels have worst standards and their entire population is equally attracted to curries jfl
yes but these westernised girls did not grow up in india, they grew up in the west. Women are naturally more influenced by media too and outside forces, I can tell you with confidence curry women who date out, date due to self hatred and disgust with their own people.
Same for black women
Hold on why is a woman in a committed LTR going out to clubs?

I don't even know why whitecels ltr these girls, i am in India I've rejected girls who look better than this abomination, my ex fogged this ape to another galaxy, these type of foids are femcels in India, only pump and dump that's it, no indian man entertains such foids here, except low class incels, guess what whitecels have worst standards and their entire population is equally attracted to curries jfl
She isn't even that bad. Someone posted a literal 2/10 Dravidian girl in LTR with a Normie white guy back in 2020. It's mostly Anglo guys tbh like @MarkCorrigan
She isn't even that bad. Someone posted a literal 2/10 Dravidian girl in LTR with a Normie white guy back in 2020. It's mostly Anglo guys tbh like @MarkCorrigan

Indian girls don't like me so
Her response video:-

I wasn't crying for white male validation!!! :soy::soy::soy:

Lowkey I think ethnic men are becoming more JBW pilled because she got a tonne of hate on twitter for it
Good. Never understood ethnic people that run away from their own race.
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