Dating apps photo guide



Oct 3, 2024
To get straight to the point, you need 6 different photos. But you need to put your best one as your first pic. This may be water but women are looking for ways to disqualify you whereas men look for ways to qualify so if your first photo isn't your best, she may just swipe left instead of looking at your better photos. Also your first photo has to be of only you, no group photos because either she can't be asked to identify you so she'll just swipe left or she might think another guy in the photo is more her type and when she sees that it's not his profile but yours, she'll be disappointed and swipe left.

Ok so now for the 6 photos which aren't in any particular order:

Hobby photo - Basically a photo of you doing a hobby since it adds character. Bonus points if it's a hobby that is approved of by women such as cooking.

Animal/pet photo - A photo with a cute pet/animal shows high trust. Even if you don't have a pet, just use a friend's or family member's.

Travel photo - Women love travelling so take a photo of you from when you travelled somewhere. You don't even necessarily need to travel, you can just take a photo that looks like you're in a foreign country.

Group photo - Shows social proof. Also benefits from the cheerleader effect. But you should try to get a photo with people who are uglier than you since then that will accentuate your face. Also try not to use a photo where you are getting heightmogged. Or just at least where you aren't the shortest in the picture. The group should also not be too large where it becomes hard to identify you. Preferably 1-5 people should be in the photo with you.

Date photo - Basically dress up in your best clothes and go to a fancy restaurant. Then take a photo of you sitting at a table from the POV of what a girl would see if she's on a date with you.

Physique photo - If you aren't fat, you can have a shirtless photo. But here's the catch, it can't be a bathroom or a gym selfie since that looks trashy/tryhard/self centered. Instead, it should be near water such as a beach, pool, lake, etc since that looks natural and is subtle. It doesn't look like you're trying to show off your physique.
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  • JFL
Reactions: curryascenderr, raabla, thereallegend and 1 other person
  • +1
Reactions: IngrownDicktipmaxx
chad uses a mirror selfie taken in a public restroom wearing a tech fleece
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 97572 and Deleted member 66807
nice now drop the dick pic guide
  • JFL
Reactions: Sean o' Tist
How autists feel after taking the time to open a thread and just reply "dnr"

  • JFL
Reactions: Sean o' Tist
chad uses a mirror selfie taken in a public restroom wearing a tech fleece
I just knew even before I posted this that some faggot would reply with a variation of "but but chad can" yeah no shit retard but 99% of this site isn't chad so what does you fantasising about chad have anything to do with the thread?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 66807
None of that shit matters, mirror selfies work fine, just be good looking, any photo works if your handsome. Having a photo in an interesting environment in just a plus.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 66807
None of that shit matters, mirror selfies work fine, just be good looking, any photo works if your handsome. Having a photo in an interesting environment in just a plus.
Just buy a house if you're homeless bro !!!111!! :feelsuhh::soy:
what I always did with my profile that I'd say does very good is:

-pic is best face pic you have
-social setting
-doing sum unusual with the boys (for me it's a pic of us skiing)
-2nd best face pic

Anytime I posted physique photos, I'd just get more horny LTBs in my likes and the HTBs would jokingly say that there's no need for body pictures but that's still a topic im not sure about
Anytime I posted physique photos, I'd just get more horny LTBs in my likes and the HTBs would jokingly say that there's no need for body pictures but that's still a topic im not sure about
What type of physique photo was it? Was it gym selfie/bathroom photo?
What type of physique photo was it? Was it gym selfie/bathroom photo?
I was just standing and there was a white wall behind me, but yeah it wasnt like me playing volleyball or swimming n shi. I think perfect physique photo I'd have to take would be on a beach with a shirt not buttoned up to show abs
I tried bumble with my selfies. Got only 7 likes in day.. Deleted account and Made new one. My friend took photo of me in restaurant and I Added it as default pic.. Suddenly I got 23 likes in day. Lol crazy how social pic can boost ur attraction wtf man lol. If u post only selfies. People assume u live with your mother and u never socialize with people.
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I tried bumble with my selfies. Got only 7 likes in day.. Deleted account and Made new one. My friend took photo of me in restaurant and I Added it as default pic.. Suddenly I got 23 likes in day. Lol crazy how social pic can boost ur attraction wtf man lol. If u post only selfies. People assume u live with your mother and u never socialize with people.
how old r u
dp guide when

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