dating market is fine, west is fine, economy is fine, saying these things is the biggest cope of them all and exposes you as getting no bitches

  • +1
Reactions: ElTruecel
This is such autistic bullshit scemantics trying to be right. When peple say the "price of the dollar" theyre referring to its value aka its buying power. They arent referring to fucking forex. Reddit shit. The price of the dollar compared to what??? whats the standard comparison?? there is none because thats not what people fucking mean when they say the price of the dollar.
You’re clearly not in Finance hahaha
You’re clearly not in Finance hahaha
Literally back to reddit logic. "Well you dont take the classes I take so the standard known definition of this phrase is different 🤓🤓" dude noone is talking about forex when they say the price of the dollar. Not even finance autists.
Literally back to reddit logic. "Well you dont take the classes I take so the standard known definition of this phrase is different 🤓🤓" dude noone is talking about forex when they say the price of the dollar. Not even finance autists.
No classes, common sense.

also btw this was taken in 2018, since than the virginity rate has decreased and below 30 year old womens virginity rates are actually rising higher than mens now. I know actually looking into statistics isnt your thing tho sorry average dudes mog u
  • Hmm...
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dont argue with freaks OP

you are spot on, ive said many times over the years

  • +1
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bro you literally are just talking based off your observation from being terminally online lmfao. YOU go outside faggot. I have a life. I can see that my loser doughfaced friends have girlfriends and are happy and arent doomers. They arent complete sub5s like you. Sorry to break it to you but muh i dont get laid so noone else does isnt true. You are literally coping lol. Incels pretend sex doesnt exist to make themselves feel better. The average man has sex, you dont. You are mogged by the average man.
Yeah, I know many normies and ltns who are in a "great" relationships with their roastie, landwhale, ungrateful cunts of girlfriends, it's awesome. My subhuman friend has a kid with a whore which literally had stampede ran through her. Wow, it must suck to be mogged by that :lul: :lul: :lul:

And then I also have a rich Chad friend who has a body count of 140+(all verified) and who deflowers new JB every few weeks, who had foids knocking on his door while he is cheating on them with another foid.

Now maybe you are fine with being a betabuxx, which is what you were actually advocating for in this cuck post of yours. You have two ways in which you can tackle your dating problems, one is to betabuxx(you) and the other one is to try your best to looksmax and ascend and get that true attraction from at least one foid in your life, and you never mentioned looksmaxxing.

Anyway, it was pointless to even engage you. Go kill yourself, violently, right now you utter faggot, kike brainwashed, gynocentric slave.
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel, Pikabro and ecig
Yeah, I know many normies and ltns who are in a "great" relationships with their roastie, landwhale, ungrateful cunts of girlfriends, it's awesome. My subhuman friend has a kid with a whore which literally had stampede ran through her. Wow, it must suck to be mogged by that :lul: :lul: :lul:

And then I also have a rich Chad friend who has a body count of 140+(all verified) and who deflowers new JB every few weeks, who had foids knocking on his door while he is cheating on them with another foid.

Now maybe you are fine with being a betabuxx, which is what you were actually advocating for in this cuck post of yours. You have two ways in which you can tackle your dating problems, one is to betabuxx(you) and the other one is to try your best to looksmax and ascend and get that true attraction from at least one foid in your life, and you never mentioned looksmaxxing.
View attachment 2751426

Anyway, it was pointless to even engage you. Go kill yourself, violently, right now you utter faggot, kike brainwashed, gynocentric slave.
Did bro really just post the classic doomer cope LOL. Bro enjoy being unable to purchase assets being. Complete fucking loser riding the bus to get places probably high on drugs ranting unintelligibly to your parents who hate you. Losers gonna loser. Just remember the average man mogs you
you are in utter denial. jfl at people who think if they poke their head in the sand and only focus on the state propaganda and the bread and circuses telling them everything is fine and "the economy is great", that the downward trajectory of western civilization will magically correct itself. as someone who has lived through the past 5 decades of america's slow and gradual downward spiral, i can tell you the rate of degeneracy and deprivation has grown exponentially in the last 5 years. we might be done n another 5
OP has very low IQ
muh "incedom crisis"= the west / system is FINE

uhmm, 2 things can be fuckin true AT ONCE....i thought we all learned this at 5 yrs old :feelskek: 🤦‍♂️
  • +1
Reactions: Primalsplit
OP has very low IQ
muh "incedom crisis"= the west / system is FINE

uhmm, 2 things can be fuckin true AT ONCE....i thought we all learned this at 5 yrs old :feelskek: 🤦‍♂️
theres no inceldome crisis for the average man
Not true.
Also your "muh getting no bitches" view of blackpill is only scratching the surface.
It goes way deeper than that.
It‘s predicted that 45% of adult women in the west will be single by 2030.
Maybe the virgin crisis is blown out of proportion here, but the loneliness crisis definitely isn‘t.
Lack of male mentor figures, eradication of male-centered social groups and most importantly gynocentrism and worship of women to high heavens is the cause of that.
Looks/status/money based hypergamy that arises out of this is only a symptom of that.
  • +1
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  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: Primalsplit and kranerman23123
Not true.
Also your "muh getting no bitches" view of blackpill is only scratching the surface.
It goes way deeper than that.
It‘s predicted that 45% of adult women in the west will be single by 2030.
Maybe the virgin crisis is blown out of proportion here, but the loneliness crisis definitely isn‘t.
Lack of male mentor figures, eradication of male-centered social groups and most importantly gynocentrism and worship of women to high heavens is the cause of that.
Looks/status/money based hypergamy that arises out of this is only a symptom of that.
shut up
The blackpill is literally only about the brutally blackpilling validating experiences that chadlite+ men receive. Thats pretty much it. The moment you start saying "the average man cant get laid" you are coping brutally. To you the idea of an average 5/10 dopey looking guy mogging you is an unfathomably brutal blackpill that you cant even begin to accept. The average man is literally fine, he can go be nt and find a social circle and he will find a girl who will cheat on him and he will cope about it say girls arent loyal etc etc. You on the other hand will spend all day rotting online with no girls who even want to talk to you or look at you. So you cope and say "well the average man gets cucked too, its either youre a chad or its over, and chad doesnt exist because thats like 0.1% of men and everyone i see irl who is chad i will cope and say they arent chad" like bro incels/doomers are such massive fucking copers dude I wish you would stop flooding this community as if we share philosophies. No dude, anyone reading this who thinks that the average man is an incel and that dating is super hard for average men, im talking to you. You are literally just coping, its the biggest cope of them all. "Well im not getting laid so that means noones getting laid! only chads who dont exist! normies dont mog me no no it cant happen no!" yep sub5 fat loser, the average normie does mog you, a girl would literally rather sleep with a 40 yr old balding accountant than you. Thats how brutally low SMV you are. Stop projecting it on everyone else faggot. We arent going to become doomers like you we arent manlets. You are literally the beta to the beta males, and you wanna cope and say "well i only respect chad i dont respect normies" when normies mog you. Its the same cope a complete loser comes up with so that he doesnt have to go work on his finances "well meeks just posts a picture and gets millions of dollars 6 figures income isnt even that much compared to that so whats even the point" while getting money mogged by fucking fast food employees. Stop fucking coping and projecting and trying to discourage young handsome tall white zoomers and gen alpha, fat fucking ethnic manlet. You will never compare to tall skinny white men, you will never compare to the average 6'0 white normie zoomer. He might not do as well as a chad on tinder, but guess what: HE STILL MOGS YOU LOL. PEOPLE ARE FUCKING LIKE DOGS AND YOURE COPING ABOUT IT BECAUSE YOU GET NONE. STOP PROJECTING AND GO OVER TO INCELS.IS FUCKING FAGGOTS THIS FORUM ISNT FOR SUB 5S YOU LITERALLY WILL NEVER ASCEND STOP PROJECTING THAT ON TO OTHER PEOPLE WE DONT LIKE YOU. NOONE LIKES YOU BESIDES OTHER INCELS. NOW LEAVE.
Shut the fuck up :soy:
You're a little spoiled brat if you think anything is ok. Nothing is ok. We are in the end times.
the blackpill has literally ALWAYS existed. ALWAYS. The ancient greeks were blackpilled af, women in athens loved to cheat on their ugly husbands with chads. All of this shit is not new dude, youre just waking up to it and it makes it feel new. Read old , even ancient literature and you will see it has ALWAYS been this way.
thanks for telling me you're an absolute retard
  • JFL
Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel
He is ogre but regardless sub mtns do not slay Iol.

yea bro totally. Fucking idiot any sub MTN does not slay unless they got lucky. I don’t care much about height tbf I’m not short I’m 5’11. I’ve seen 5’2/5’3 manlets get lucky and date.

But no the average man is struggling in terms of relationships we can visibly see that dumbfuck. I don’t care that you live in some ghetto slum and some average Looking hoodrat slays some ugly garbage. Irrelevant to me I don’t live in a slum sorry.
this thread is absolutely retarded. guy acts as if to be incel you need to be very ugly or midget level and that the average man is some giga slayer who has fucked 100 stacies. avg man isn't incel but he isnt living some amazing god tier life the avg guy our age is statistically gonna be on his 4th or 5th gf and be in a relationship with his looksmatch. also i am khv even though most people (including you) rated me high mtn and some even gave htn.
  • +1
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  • JFL
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Yea ok explain why my verified 6’5 22 bideltoid friend is KHV. Straight up Why? He’s legit 6’5 and he slouches 24/7 when he stands straight his head isn’t far off from the door height. Keep coping
Bruh isnt he ugly as hell and deathnic on top?
Bruh isnt he ugly as hell
He’s an ogreish ltn tbh but he’s mixed. But essentially yea “deathnic” not really ugly comparing him to other ogres
this thread is absolutely retarded. guy acts as if to be incel you need to be very ugly or midget level and that the average man is some giga slayer who has fucked 100 stacies. avg man isn't incel but he isnt living some amazing god tier life the avg guy our age is statistically gonna be on his 4th or 5th gf and be in a relationship with his looksmatch. also i am khv even though most people (including you) rated me high mtn and some even gave htn.
bro honestly just go to the local club and approach foids. U won't be kh. I'm ethnic with average height and I still kiss some foids and have bitches grinding when I go out sometimes. Im def not chadlite, but mtn at least probs.
if ur not a mythical creature with 0 flaws it’s rope time
  • +1
  • JFL
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Yeah it’s pure cope ngl. Even if you’re deformed u can use money to trick for women and get some love. But tbh I just can’t stop rotting and I hate it
Not true.
Also your "muh getting no bitches" view of blackpill is only scratching the surface.
It goes way deeper than that.
It‘s predicted that 45% of adult women in the west will be single by 2030.
Maybe the virgin crisis is blown out of proportion here, but the loneliness crisis definitely isn‘t.
Lack of male mentor figures, eradication of male-centered social groups and most importantly gynocentrism and worship of women to high heavens is the cause of that.
Looks/status/money based hypergamy that arises out of this is only a symptom of that.
Masculinity crisis is real tbh
  • +1
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Ppl here are subhuman/ltns, pretend to be average, then act like women have high standards for not wanting them lol.
This Is Fine GIF
  • +1
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Ppl here are subhuman/ltns, pretend to be average, then act like women have high standards for not wanting them lol.
they DO have insane standards, thats obvious
stop being a retarded feminist
  • JFL
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