debunking: "men are more likely to be violent, especially toward women."



Nov 5, 2024
some retarded dumbfuck said this on a discord call so I just wanted to take the time and debunk it:

so, let me break this lazy fucking argument down:

1. this stat-cherry-picking bullshit completely ignores:

1. women are more likely to use indirect/social aggression and psychological abuse, which often goes unreported
2. female-on-male violence is massively underreported because men are socially conditioned not to report it or aren't taken seriously when they do
3. women are statistically more likely to initiate domestic violence in non-reciprocal cases, but this rarely makes headlines
4. In child abuse cases, mothers are actually the more frequent perpetrators

also, this argument conveniently ignores all the ways male physical capability has been channeled into protecting and providing for society:

- most dangerous jobs are done by men
- most emergency responders are men
- most people who die protecting others are men

so yes, men might have more capacity for violence. we also have more capacity for physical protection and sacrifice. but judging any individual based on group statistics is just retarded and bigoted.

I rest my case.
This may contain: a close up of a person wearing a spider man mask
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  • Hmm...
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Wasted your time bud
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let me give argument against this crap bolshit.

if men get angered by woman, and man hit woman, man powerful, so woman very injured. But if opposite happen, and woman hit man, then man not very imjure. My case closeted.

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Also thank you for your thread defending black people from racists. I love you. Can you make one for indians? Can you debunk arguments against racemixing too please?
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boohoo poor us were all victimz
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Also thank you for your thread defending black people from racists. I love you. Can you make one for indians? Can you debunk arguments against racemixing too please?

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I mean, sure, what you bring up, although true, doesn't really negate men being more violent, which is pretty uncontroversial.

Regardless, we're all prey to the demon of moral impurity, by virtue of our shared humanity, and as soon as we, as a collective species, overcome our fear of recognizing that, progress will always be an absurdly uphill battle.

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