Delete tinder, wizz, bumble and download this app (100x better and free)



Sep 27, 2024
Delete all of ur shitty dating apps nigga u only got 3 matches anyways and 2/3 of them are from bots or trans. Download snapchat, obviously if you aint a unc then you already have snapchat on ur phone.

Lets compare dating apps and snapchat

- pay to talk to people unless your chad and everyone swipes right
- 70 million monthly userbase
- shows people in your area
- hella bots
- women are bombarded with thirsty guys and compliments making your chances extremely low
- if you text a girl on tinder it might take a week for her to respond
- talk to people for free
- 800 million monthly userbase
- you can also see people in your area assuming they have a public profile or snap map on (most people show their general city)
- avoid bots easier by just asking them to take a snap
- snapchats male to female ratio is roughly 50/50
- girls are on snapchat more

Basic Social media is a better dating app then actual dating apps. I just met my sneaky link off of snapchat after getting rejected like 5 times in a row from tinder girls.

Always remember though snapchat is a numbers game so heres my strategy to get 1-4 links a week

1. Go on recommended and add everyone with a public profile thats attractive. Dont just add everyone based on bitmoji cause 99% will be ugly and ur wasting ur time. So just add everyone who has a public profile
2. Check if their location is on their profile, if not just wait till they add u to ask which general city their in
3. Ask their age if ur over 18. Dont get caught up by the feds
4. Voice cheese. Send them a seductive voice message you must have a deep voice for this to work and just say something innocent
5. Just say wyd tn
6. Theyll say nothing so you respond with. You hungry? We should grab a snack. Dont ask to link unless they look like gigawhores. The term snack is a buzzword to make themselves feel like their not a whore but wholetime ur ass just wants to fuck or date her
7. 99% of them say yes to me the only time they will probably say no to u is if ur extremely ugly or their extremely picky or if they are just not in the mood so just move on

Snapchat is easy asf idk why the new generation only uses it to text peopple instead of meeting ppl
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Jova, future_, Deleted member 87612 and 6 others
Girls won't add you back unless visibly Chad in public profile too
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Jova, uksucks, greywind and 5 others
Snapchat is the gayest method of them all, adding random foids and asking wyll. The best dating app by far is instagram
  • +1
Reactions: Jova, zub111, TiktokUser and 4 others
Girls won't add you back unless visibly Chad in public profile too
I must be visibly chad then cuz 99% add me and agree to link
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: Jonas2k7 and Deleted member 87612
Snapchat is the gayest method of them all, adding random foids and asking wyll. The best dating app by far is instagram
Snapchat mogs instagram to the moon and back. Most girls on insta have a private profile and even the public ones usually dont have pics. Also thanks to instagrams new messaging system she likely wont even see ur message letalone respond. It gets hidden in like a pile of hundreds of message reauests. Even as a guy, girls have messaged me and i saw it like 10 weeks later in my reauests.

Also snapchat allows u to see their area thanks to snapmap. Instagram is a meme

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