DICKPILL is everywhere

When a retarded dickhead posts couple surveys he thinks he's proving his own fucking opinion. Idiot.

Women are biased in these surveys from the very beginning due to the delusion that "penis size is important" that exists in society in general. Otherwise, they do not really fuck with men with different sized penises and make analyses and reach a conclusion.

A woman saying that she finds large penises attractive does not really mean anything because women do not choose their partners based on penis size. Moreover, when they have sex with a large penis, they do not get more pleasure than with an average penis. The pleasure they get is completely related to the man's experience. Penis size is a very minimal factor in the pleasure women get.

You haven't even read the research you posted yourself, imbecile. In the research, other physical characteristics of men proportional to penis size were also magnified proportionally, meaning women actually chose men who were taller and had broad shoulders, not men with large penises.

Brain impaired idiot, this is an internet survey and the things evaluated here are self reports, that is, they are not reliable. Even penis classifications are self reports. You chose a fucking internet survey from 2006 as your source, and the survey is not a professional study and it is not reliable. It is the distorted form of people's "Penis size is important" thought put into a survey. That is, it does not make sense. As I already wrote above, women do not even need a penis to have an orgasm because studies show that lesbian women have more orgasms than heterosexual women because dickheads like you think penis size is important and have sex without caring about your partner as if you were fucking a pipe, and the result is disappointment.

Penis size doesn't matter unless you have an actual micropenis
This is the biggest dicklet cope I've ever read.
I wish I was home so I could absolutely destroy your dicklet cope but anyway.
You didn't even responded to every study I gave you. You can completely discard womens responses in these surveys. Also there is literally a study that shows that women that arent satisfied sexually in their relationship hope that their partners dick would be girthier.
Furthermore just because women don't choose their partners entirely because of dick size doesn't mean it isn't important for some.
Why do you think we have the largest penis of all primates? It is just a coincidence or could it be that is has evolutionary reason?
Why do you think every romance novel (literally porn for women) that is catered to women features men with huge cocks?! You haven't given any sources for your dicklet claims.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Latvianchud185, SquareChinOrDeath, bloomercel and 1 other person
so how big are u? and what exactly do u do to make them cum

need more details
like at least 7bp people will say i larp but its actually 7 and if i streighten it its more like 7.5

i pretty much allways make them cum thru p in v thats the easiest way and its usually by hitting the posterior phornix in missionary. missionary allows me to hit the right spot with my dick since it curves down and i can make fine adjustments to hit certain things deep inside, sometims i can even feel something with the tip of my dick and rub against it as i go in and out which works very well. stimulation near the entrance from p in v is not nearly as good in my experience it works sometimes tho. i do other positions moslty for my enjoyment if i get bored or something but missionary works best for everything.

my dick is barely enough too hit deep enough to stimulate the areas deep enough for this to work.

and obviously you gotta be kinda soft with them at first then be rough and force them around, hold them down, choke them, ets... i dont know how i can but i can put myself in the mind of a woman relating to sex this is confimred by girls i talked too during like 4 hour conversations about it.

just read smut i used to have girls send me smut or show me their favorate scenes you get an idea of what they fantasize about, although usually their fantasies surpass the actual scenes in the books
Women dont care dick size and there is no studies prove your point. JFL. In fact, quite the opposite, many studies say that penis length is not important, maybe its thickness has a little effect, but even that is unimportant because orgasm is completely related to brain chemistry.
Donald trump what is wrong

incredibly important my whole point is that the %80 of women who "dont cum during sex" would cum if they had good dick and they are the ones who say dick doesent matter cuz they never experienced it, shit dick game 4.2 inch dick probably feels the same as shit dick game 6.2 inch dick so they think "size doesnt matter" untill they get fucked properly
after a fucked a girl once i asked her if size matters and she told me "it doesnt matter its just better" lol at mental gymnastics on that one
oh boy ur lost in the sauce, probably didnt have enough partners yet.
i have a huge dick and i can tell u some women just dont cum from penetration u can go in anyway u want hard fast slow whatever doesnt matter, shit is nothing for them.
also women dont care AT ALL about sex, i got cheated on plenty by girls who had leg shaking multiple orgasms with me one after another. this is just your cope, you want to believe women love sex cause that would satisfy your ego, but the truth is women just exagerate and make a scene in bed, they dont feel that much and even when they do things like shopping or eating is still way above in their favorite stuff list. they just dont care for sex. i tought they would be obssessed with me and shiet after fucking me since they wont find a guy with a dick like mine again who fucks good for a long time but they JUST DONT CARE. i garantee.
Donald trump what is wrong

some women care a lot some care a little. they pretty much all care. most women im with try their hardest not to make a scene so i idk who you sleep with. plus even besides dick sex game is important, i was watching a movie and cuddling with a virgin girl one time (18yo) we started making out and i was doing some high effort S tier foreplay. she kept telling me before that she wasnt ready and we werent going ot have sex but during she was like "your really really good at making me want too". i fumbled at a later date due to retardation but thats a different story.
some girls i had sex with have wanted to meet up again just for the sex becouse no one else was good at it.
women LOVE sex 90% of women read whole ass books about sex on a regular basis. women fantasize about sex constantly
"some women just dont cum from penetration" this is true tho
Insanely low iq dicklet cope and unaware of anterior fornix and posterior fornix

high iq comment/\
girls love to fuck if you have a small one your fucked

you can allways make girls cum other ways tho like fingering them ets... which i do usually in addition to p in v but dominating them with penis is obviously the best,
technique is very critical for both most people think they are doing it right but they are notttt.

This is the biggest dicklet cope I've ever read.
I wish I was home so I could absolutely destroy your dicklet cope but anyway.
You didn't even responded to every study I gave you. You can completely discard womens responses in these surveys.
since when do we give a fuck about womens self reported "opinions" about dick size. idc what the results are i know its probably off significantly. like i said before a girl i fucked when i asked her if size mattered she said "it doesent matter its just better (bigger)" so jfl at any self reported opinion of foids, whether it proves my point or not it doesnt prove shit.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: cytoplasm, SquareChinOrDeath, Suns9999 and 1 other person
Feels good having a thick dick

Caring about this stuff is pretty cucked though.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: hopecel, bloomercel and Suns9999
women that arent satisfied sexually in their relationship hope that their partners dick would be girthier.
They think their partner's failure in sex has something to do with penis size. Ignorant idiots like you, that is.
Why do you think we have the largest penis of all primates?
Way back when, humans, and in particular, human males, weren't so much into the pair-bonding thing, and women regularly had sex with multiple men. This meant that the sperm in the woman's vagina (which can live for a few days) wasn't necessarily 100% yours. Larger penises with coronal ridges (that is, a long shaft with a slightly wider head) created a "vacuum scraper" that essentially allowed the most recent male mate to scrape away the semen from the previous mate. Larger penises achieved this more effectively than smaller penises, giving them the selective advantage necessary to become a relatively common trait among human males.

So women didn't choose men with big penises
Why do you think every romance novel (literally porn for women) that is catered to women features men with huge cocks?!
I already wrote above that this is due to the bias that exists in society in general, "penis size is important". In reality, there is no difference between the pleasure of a large penis and an average penis for a woman.
Women do not cum from penetration, ever.
  • JFL
Reactions: hopecel, Suns9999 and lcberg04
incredibly important my whole point is that the %80 of women who "dont cum during sex" would cum if they had good dick and they are the ones who say dick doesent matter cuz they never experienced it, shit dick game 4.2 inch dick probably feels the same as shit dick game 6.2 inch dick so they think "size doesnt matter" untill they get fucked properly
after a fucked a girl once i asked her if size matters and she told me "it doesnt matter its just better" lol at mental gymnastics on that one
The reason they say this is because they know what is true. Because they know that most men do not know how to have sex and most women are not really satisfied. Most men with big or small penises have sex just to satisfy themselves, as if they were fucking a pipe. What is important is the angle of the penis, position, duration, etc. and other parameters, as well as knowing your partner and knowing how to excite her.

When a man really knows how to have sex and knows his partner, it does not matter whether his penis is big or average, because women are stimulated and satisfied by the nerves at the entrance to the vagina. There is no benefit to having a long penis.
Way back when, humans, and in particular, human males, weren't so much into the pair-bonding thing, and women regularly had sex with multiple men. This meant that the sperm in the woman's vagina (which can live for a few days) wasn't necessarily 100% yours. Larger penises with coronal ridges (that is, a long shaft with a slightly wider head) created a "vacuum scraper" that essentially allowed the most recent male mate to scrape away the semen from the previous mate. Larger penises achieved this more effectively than smaller penises, giving them the selective advantage necessary to become a relatively common trait among human males.
That's just one theory it's not fully known why we have the biggest dick. There are numerous theories why that's the case. Your theory is one of it, but there is also a theory that suggests that sexual selection played a significant role in the evolution of our penis size

They think their partner's failure in sex has something to do with penis size. Ignorant idiots like you, that is.
Yeah sure buddy whatever makes you sleep at night
already wrote above that this is due to the bias that exists in society in general, "penis size is important". In reality, there is no difference between the pleasure of a large penis and an average penis for a woman.
A lot of women would probably disagree with that bold statement, you completely disregard the different female sexualities but whatever, simply keep living in you blue pilled world
  • JFL
Reactions: Deathninja328, bloomercel and Suns9999
sexual selection played a significant role in the evolution of our penis size
Women have never chosen men because of their penis size. Face, height, frame etc. have always been the best indicators of quality genes.
On the site you posted it says this JFL.

''So when living in complex human societies the largest and most important sexual organ is the brain. Somewhere in our evolutionary past how smart and social we are became the major control on our access to sexual partners – not how big or fancy a male’s penis is.''
A lot of women would probably disagree with that bold statement, you completely disregard the different female sexualities
This applies to 99 percent of women.
face > height > frame > gym > any other shit > dick
I already wrote above that this is due to the bias that exists in society in general, "penis size is important". In reality, there is no difference between the pleasure of a large penis and an average penis for a woman.
  • JFL
Reactions: hypernormie
like at least 7bp people will say i larp but its actually 7 and if i streighten it its more like 7.5

i pretty much allways make them cum thru p in v thats the easiest way and its usually by hitting the posterior phornix in missionary. missionary allows me to hit the right spot with my dick since it curves down and i can make fine adjustments to hit certain things deep inside, sometims i can even feel something with the tip of my dick and rub against it as i go in and out which works very well. stimulation near the entrance from p in v is not nearly as good in my experience it works sometimes tho. i do other positions moslty for my enjoyment if i get bored or something but missionary works best for everything.

my dick is barely enough too hit deep enough to stimulate the areas deep enough for this to work.

and obviously you gotta be kinda soft with them at first then be rough and force them around, hold them down, choke them, ets... i dont know how i can but i can put myself in the mind of a woman relating to sex this is confimred by girls i talked too during like 4 hour conversations about it.

just read smut i used to have girls send me smut or show me their favorate scenes you get an idea of what they fantasize about, although usually their fantasies surpass the actual scenes in the books

View attachment 3364515
incredibly important my whole point is that the %80 of women who "dont cum during sex" would cum if they had good dick and they are the ones who say dick doesent matter cuz they never experienced it, shit dick game 4.2 inch dick probably feels the same as shit dick game 6.2 inch dick so they think "size doesnt matter" untill they get fucked properly
after a fucked a girl once i asked her if size matters and she told me "it doesnt matter its just better" lol at mental gymnastics on that one

View attachment 3364515
some women care a lot some care a little. they pretty much all care. most women im with try their hardest not to make a scene so i idk who you sleep with. plus even besides dick sex game is important, i was watching a movie and cuddling with a virgin girl one time (18yo) we started making out and i was doing some high effort S tier foreplay. she kept telling me before that she wasnt ready and we werent going ot have sex but during she was like "your really really good at making me want too". i fumbled at a later date due to retardation but thats a different story.
some girls i had sex with have wanted to meet up again just for the sex becouse no one else was good at it.
women LOVE sex 90% of women read whole ass books about sex on a regular basis. women fantasize about sex constantly
"some women just dont cum from penetration" this is true tho

high iq comment/\

View attachment 3364566

you can allways make girls cum other ways tho like fingering them ets... which i do usually in addition to p in v but dominating them with penis is obviously the best,
technique is very critical for both most people think they are doing it right but they are notttt.

since when do we give a fuck about womens self reported "opinions" about dick size. idc what the results are i know its probably off significantly. like i said before a girl i fucked when i asked her if size mattered she said "it doesent matter its just better (bigger)" so jfl at any self reported opinion of foids, whether it proves my point or not it doesnt prove shit.
no women dont love sex, they love attention. they care more about the fantasy them the penetration, they barely care for penetration and i assure you most girls are faking orgasms with you and just want to see you again for any other reasons, the same reasons girls who are unable to cum also come back to me, or also the ones i didnt even have sex. sex is just not important to them. one day you will stop being fooled by them playing with your ego. i hope it isnt by getting baited into a dead bedroom after having misses ninfo for a while. thats were most niggas find out, way to late. im telling rn, your letting your ego be played. u have NO idea were you are getting into
  • JFL
Reactions: Suns9999
Some girls don’t really cum from penetration alone tbh. My ex came like 3-4 times in one session and my current fwb comes from clit simulation. Weird ngl
If a girl “doesn’t cum from penetration alone” it literally just means your dick isn’t big enough or you aren’t low inhib and dominant enough for her to feel comfortable relaxing during sex, often it is both.
  • JFL
Reactions: Suns9999
These social media videos mean nothing. I bet you've never even been with a woman.

Women dont care dick size and there is no studies prove your point. JFL. In fact, quite the opposite, many studies say that penis length is not important, maybe its thickness has a little effect, but even that is unimportant because orgasm is completely related to brain chemistry.

Some IG slut thirsting over big dick doesnt prove any shit. They post shit like this for attention. They dont even know average male dick is 5.1 inches JFL.

You are rotting basement dweller incel incapable of understanding womens preferences anyway.
face > height > frame > gym > any other shit > dick
This cope is just sad

If you have a big dick women will tell you how much they care about dick size

I can’t tell you how many women have told me that they were happy I have a big dick or have mentioned my dick size as being a significant factor in their enjoyment of sex with me

Having a big dick on its own isn’t going to get you laid and not having a big dick is probably not going to ruin an already established sexual relationship but it can drastically increase the value of your current sexual relationship
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: LooksOrDeath, Suns9999, SquareChinOrDeath and 1 other person
In the evolutionary process, breasts and butts provide information about fertility and hormone levels, that is, genetics. The penis does not have a similar function. Indicators of good genes in men are features such as face, height, frame, etc. Not the penis size. JFL at your brain.

There is no correlation between penis size and T level.
Higher prenatal testosterone exposure is potentially correlated with longer stretched penile length

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If you have a big dick women will tell you how much they care about dick size
Average woman doesnt even know average dick is 5.1 inches nigger. There is not much correlation between women's behavior and their words. You can simply fool them as you have big dick and they will say the same. They don't know the average.
I can’t tell you how many women have told me that they were happy I have a big dick or have mentioned my dick size as being a significant factor in their enjoyment of sex with me
The pleasure of sex is not related to penis size, I already wrote this in the above messages. Your personal experience does not mean anything because you may be doing the other things I mentioned above correctly. Ignorant women may think it is related to penis size.
Higher prenatal testosterone exposure is potentially correlated with longer stretched penile length

Nope. I mentioned adult T levels nigger not prenatal. There is no correlation between these two either.

IMG 0251

The study you posted is not reliable. JFL More recent study (2023) says this:

The ratio between the hands' second to the fourth finger (2D:4D) is commonly hypothesized to result from prenatal testosterone. The 2D:4D has also been hypothesized to relate to adult-level testosterone and, more recently, to the testosterone response to a challenging situation. In the present work, we tested these core assumptions. Drawing from, in total, 54 studies and 8077 participants, we investigated whether the 2D:4D is related to adult level testosterone (44 studies), testosterone change (6 studies), and prenatal testosterone (10 studies). We found no evidence of the relationship between the above testosterone types and digit ratios. Furthermore, there was no relationship between testosterone and the right and left 2D:4D, male and female 2D:4D, and the 2D:4D and testosterone measurement (i.e., measured in blood or saliva). However, we found some evidence that prenatal testosterone measured in amniotic fluid (but not cord blood) might be related to the digit ratios-further studies are necessary to validate this observation. In summary, considering the current state of knowledge, any conclusions drawn from the assumption of the digit ratios as the proxy for testosterone (prenatal, adult level, or testosterone change under a challenging situation) warrant great caution.

Average woman doesnt even know average dick is 5.1 inches nigger. There is not much correlation between women's behavior and their words. You can simply fool them as you have big dick and they will say the same. They don't know the average.

The pleasure of sex is not related to penis size, I already wrote this in the above messages. Your personal experience does not mean anything because you may be doing the other things I mentioned above correctly. Ignorant women may think it is related to penis size.
I see you’re committed to coping about this for whatever reason. I won’t keep pushing you on this topic because the only justification I can think of for this massive amount of cope is that believing women don’t care about penis size is the last thing you have before finally making the decision to kill your self and I frankly don’t want your blood on my hands.

Nope. I mentioned adult T levels nigger not prenatal. There is no correlation between these two either.

View attachment 3365713

The study you posted is not reliable. JFL More recent study (2023) says this:

The ratio between the hands' second to the fourth finger (2D:4D) is commonly hypothesized to result from prenatal testosterone. The 2D:4D has also been hypothesized to relate to adult-level testosterone and, more recently, to the testosterone response to a challenging situation. In the present work, we tested these core assumptions. Drawing from, in total, 54 studies and 8077 participants, we investigated whether the 2D:4D is related to adult level testosterone (44 studies), testosterone change (6 studies), and prenatal testosterone (10 studies). We found no evidence of the relationship between the above testosterone types and digit ratios. Furthermore, there was no relationship between testosterone and the right and left 2D:4D, male and female 2D:4D, and the 2D:4D and testosterone measurement (i.e., measured in blood or saliva). However, we found some evidence that prenatal testosterone measured in amniotic fluid (but not cord blood) might be related to the digit ratios-further studies are necessary to validate this observation. In summary, considering the current state of knowledge, any conclusions drawn from the assumption of the digit ratios as the proxy for testosterone (prenatal, adult level, or testosterone change under a challenging situation) warrant great caution.

Hence why I said potentially I have read multiple conflicting things on this topic
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  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deathninja328, Swarthy Knight and Suns9999
If a girl “doesn’t cum from penetration alone” it literally just means your dick isn’t big enough or you aren’t low inhib and dominant enough for her to feel comfortable relaxing during sex, often it is both.
Have read what I wrote? Never had any issues making a girl cum before only with my dick before fucking this bitch.
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Have read what I wrote? Never had any issues making a girl cum before only with my dick before this fucking this bitch.
I wasn’t talking about you specifically I was just replying to the statement.

You were probably failing in one of those two fronts and it probably wasn’t even your fault, the girl herself may be unable to relax enough to cum or need a very specific stimuli to be aroused that is not present in normal sex, she may not even be aware of this herself.
  • +1
Reactions: Deathninja328 and szolliontaraelis
I see you’re committed to coping about this for whatever reason. I won’t keep pushing you on this topic because the only justification I can think of for this massive amount of cope is that believing women don’t care about penis size is the last thing you have before finally making the decision to kill your self and I frankly don’t want your blood on my hands.

Hence why I said potentially
Says the rotting basement dweller virgin incel incapable of understanding women's preferences. I bet you have never fucked any women.
Even in your sentences, I can see how much of an immature teenage brain you have, you pathetic.
I wasn’t talking about you specifically I was just replying to the statement.

You were probably failing in one of those two fronts and it probably wasn’t even your fault, the girl herself may be unable to relax enough to cum or need a very specific stimuli to be aroused that is not present in normal sex, she may not even be aware of this herself.
True yeah, also it seems some girls are fucked development or hormone wise, if that makes sense. Weird period cycle or no period, weird response to birth control ets… and those girls often are the ones that don’t cum, that and ones that are unable to relax mentally or whatever (it’s hard to explain but this makes sense to me)
  • +1
Reactions: hypernormie
JFL at you dumbass nigger if you think average woman know how big average penis is. This internet surveys dont show any shit about female behaviour.

In women, the sensitive tissues stimulated by penis movement are at the entrance to the vagina.

I know. What's this got to do with?

Bro are you fucking retarded or smth :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile: Just google what I told you.

I have personal experience with my 8x6.
Women cum continuously and very hard, from strong anterior fornix pounding which takes skill and is only achievable with a big dick. Penetration alone, REAL VAGINAL ORGASM not your g-spot and clit cope.
You have absolutely no idea my dude, I'l just let you cope in peace tbh.
  • JFL
Reactions: Suns9999
like maybe 80% of the girls i talk too (16-20) say things like "i dont like sex" "i dont feel anything" "i never cum only by myself" "men suck" "i usually dont cum it takes a while" ets... you get the idea. even some of them where like "lol they didnt know how to do it" "they were all small" "it just wiggled around in me a little"

maybe 20% will be like "oh i loved having sex with my ex bf" "he made me cum a lot" ets... (too be clear getting a girl to cum does not necisarely mean the sex was "good" but it is what it is i guess)

the 20% is usually somewhat blackpilled on dick size. the 80% usually say things like "it doesent really matter how big it is"

after i fuck them they pretty much all cum and sometimes tap out due to bieng overstimulated. and definently not faking.

after that its clear they realize this type of thing does matter.

its not even just small dick when they talk about it its pretty clear the guys are just shit at sex. although dick size is giga important.

moreover even many girls with high bodycount like 5-10 at 18yo and even attractive girls will say the same thing

im not even insane at sex or anthing. i read sex guides on this forum and look at anaotmy, im low inhib enough at this point to be dominant and aggressive(very important that you mentally satisfy her (slayers will understand)). my dick is like 7-7.5 inches.

most guys are shit at sex for some reason. i think .org is brainwashed by slay stories to think everyone is a sex god but in reality 95% of guys have no idea what they are doing. even though i have a relitivly big dick without the knowlage i learned from the forum it would be pretty wasted potential. this is why sexmaxxing is so important. immagine a girl leaves you for a different guy, maybe he is even better looking. but he sucks in bed or is just boring. when shes horny and not satified physically and mentally shes allways gonna remeber the way dominated her and made her quiver under you, brootal.

sorry for low effort ist late and i am half asleep.

@Amnesia made me think of you (;
Girls dont care about sex they care about your looks.
like maybe 80% of the girls i talk too (16-20) say things like "i dont like sex" "i dont feel anything" "i never cum only by myself" "men suck" "i usually dont cum it takes a while" ets... you get the idea. even some of them where like "lol they didnt know how to do it" "they were all small" "it just wiggled around in me a little"

maybe 20% will be like "oh i loved having sex with my ex bf" "he made me cum a lot" ets... (too be clear getting a girl to cum does not necisarely mean the sex was "good" but it is what it is i guess)

the 20% is usually somewhat blackpilled on dick size. the 80% usually say things like "it doesent really matter how big it is"

after i fuck them they pretty much all cum and sometimes tap out due to bieng overstimulated. and definently not faking.

after that its clear they realize this type of thing does matter.

its not even just small dick when they talk about it its pretty clear the guys are just shit at sex. although dick size is giga important.

moreover even many girls with high bodycount like 5-10 at 18yo and even attractive girls will say the same thing

im not even insane at sex or anthing. i read sex guides on this forum and look at anaotmy, im low inhib enough at this point to be dominant and aggressive(very important that you mentally satisfy her (slayers will understand)). my dick is like 7-7.5 inches.

most guys are shit at sex for some reason. i think .org is brainwashed by slay stories to think everyone is a sex god but in reality 95% of guys have no idea what they are doing. even though i have a relitivly big dick without the knowlage i learned from the forum it would be pretty wasted potential. this is why sexmaxxing is so important. immagine a girl leaves you for a different guy, maybe he is even better looking. but he sucks in bed or is just boring. when shes horny and not satified physically and mentally shes allways gonna remeber the way dominated her and made her quiver under you, brootal.

sorry for low effort ist late and i am half asleep.

@Amnesia made me think of you (;
At least you have avg size with 7 inch. Man i hate that i have micro
  • JFL
Reactions: Suns9999
But i wont use it anyway
  • +1
Reactions: Underdog9494
Nah 16-17 is aight i guess, if you know how to use it it's nice
Good old cope for microcels like me and sadly there isnt a real pp surgery yet
  • +1
Reactions: Deathninja328 and Underdog9494
Says the rotting basement dweller virgin incel incapable of understanding women's preferences. I bet you have never fucked any women.
Even in your sentences, I can see how much of an immature teenage brain you have, you pathetic.
Yes because if there is one thing women care about it’s the maturity of Chads brain
Funny GIF
from strong anterior fornix pounding which takes skill and is only achievable with a big dick.
This is not where neurons are stimulated, you brain-cripple.
Penetration alone, REAL VAGINAL ORGASM not your g-spot and clit cope.
You moron, women's primary stimulation area is the clitoral complex. There's not a ton of different stimulation options.
There is no such thing as a vaginal orgasm or g-spot. Made up terms, no reality whatsoever.
  • +1
Reactions: wollet2
imagine having to 'sexxmax' u fking autistic genetic failures subhumans
My suspicions are that HQNP women prefer to be stimulated more psychologically, and LQP women prefer to be stimulated more biologically.
just kill urself dogshit retarded permavirgin lol
  • JFL
Reactions: hopecel and twojei
good think you can change your dick size even though it takes a lot of effort. Need more elap of the sexmaxxing part though.
just kill urself fucking retarded subanimal
  • JFL
Reactions: hopecel
These social media videos mean nothing. I bet you've never even been with a woman.

Women dont care dick size and there is no studies prove your point. JFL. In fact, quite the opposite, many studies say that penis length is not important, maybe its thickness has a little effect, but even that is unimportant because orgasm is completely related to brain chemistry.

Some IG slut thirsting over big dick doesnt prove any shit. They post shit like this for attention. They dont even know average male dick is 5.1 inches JFL.

You are rotting basement dweller incel incapable of understanding womens preferences anyway.
face > height > frame > gym > any other shit > dick
youre so fucking retarded its painful u piece of shit more retarded than the previous subanimal which is insane
  • JFL
Reactions: hopecel
most guys are shit at sex for some reason
It is not a skill/performance issue.

Most males do not have a penis long or thick enough to reach a women’s cul de sac, g-spot, and a-spot. And while stimulating the clitoris has bring her some pleasure it is not as intense as stimulating the nerve deeper inside her vagina

that is why dickpill is the most brutal pill

Relationships are built on sex, and if the man cannot please his mistress then he is vulnerable to getting cucked by a bbc

And the worst part is that if a female has already experienced having sex with a long and thick penis that satisfied her very much then she will have that experience as a core memory that she will always remember when having sex or being horny

I cannot imagine having an ltr with a female who had a “big dick ex”. And the fact that when you have intimate moments with said female she will never be satisfied and in fact will be thinking about her “big dick ex”
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It is not a skill/performance issue.

Most males do not have a penis long or thick enough to reach a women’s cul de sac, g-spot, and a-spot. And while stimulating the clitoris has bring her some pleasure it is not as intense as stimulating the nerve deeper inside her vagina

that is why dickpill is the most brutal pill

Relationships are built on sex, and if the man cannot please his mistress then he is vulnerable to getting cucked by a bbc

And the worst part is that if a female has already experienced having sex with a long and thick penis that satisfied her very much then she will have that experience as a core memory that she will always remember when having sex or being horny

I cannot imagine having an ltr with a female who had a “big dick ex”. And the fact that when you have intimate moments with said female she will never be satisfied and in fact will be thinking about her “big dick ex”
Just have a big dick theory
you could have a horse cock, attached to a subhuman face and body it does nothing.

One look from Chad is enough to make a woman cum. It's totally mental stimuli. Either way, pleasing foids is cucked. Chad doesn't give a fuck, he pounds for 10 seconds, cums and she's good with it.

Meanwhile normie has to do routines, have a giant cock and eat pussy too to even get her started. JFL.
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like maybe 80% of the girls i talk too (16-20) say things like "i dont like sex" "i dont feel anything" "i never cum only by myself" "men suck" "i usually dont cum it takes a while" ets... you get the idea. even some of them where like "lol they didnt know how to do it" "they were all small" "it just wiggled around in me a little"

maybe 20% will be like "oh i loved having sex with my ex bf" "he made me cum a lot" ets... (too be clear getting a girl to cum does not necisarely mean the sex was "good" but it is what it is i guess)

the 20% is usually somewhat blackpilled on dick size. the 80% usually say things like "it doesent really matter how big it is"

after i fuck them they pretty much all cum and sometimes tap out due to bieng overstimulated. and definently not faking.

after that its clear they realize this type of thing does matter.

its not even just small dick when they talk about it its pretty clear the guys are just shit at sex. although dick size is giga important.

moreover even many girls with high bodycount like 5-10 at 18yo and even attractive girls will say the same thing

im not even insane at sex or anthing. i read sex guides on this forum and look at anaotmy, im low inhib enough at this point to be dominant and aggressive(very important that you mentally satisfy her (slayers will understand)). my dick is like 7-7.5 inches.

most guys are shit at sex for some reason. i think .org is brainwashed by slay stories to think everyone is a sex god but in reality 95% of guys have no idea what they are doing. even though i have a relitivly big dick without the knowlage i learned from the forum it would be pretty wasted potential. this is why sexmaxxing is so important. immagine a girl leaves you for a different guy, maybe he is even better looking. but he sucks in bed or is just boring. when shes horny and not satified physically and mentally shes allways gonna remeber the way dominated her and made her quiver under you, brootal.

sorry for low effort ist late and i am half asleep.

@Amnesia made me think of you (;
Yeah just be a hunged bull theory
Go look at all the jb going crazy for huge fapping Omegle cocks
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