DIETMAXXING: An In-depth Guide On How To Maximize Development With Diet / / REPOST



Sep 9, 2023
The Focus Of This Thread
Now I don't know how much you guys care about your health, however I'm aware of the large population of heightmaxxers/pubertymaxxers trying to maximize development. (me included). Mainly some of them are trying various pharmaceuticals to grow taller, yet they neglect the basics of developing properly. NUTRITION! Although a shorter thread, this outlines every single thing diet related I could think of and what you NEED TO EAT TO DEVELOP PROPERLY. Or alternately, to improve hormonal, skin, and overall health in adulthood. This is the guide you need and I can guarantee is overall the best diet to follow to maximize development.

Nutrition Basics
For you old heads not in puberty, 1g of protein per pound of body weight daily is plenty to support physical health. As long as you choose the correct foods to get this protein, you will get plenty of B vitamins and minerals from animal sources. This is really all you need. Don't waste your money on expensive protein.
For all the youngins in puberty (like me), we could potentially benefit from 1.5 of protein per pound of body weight daily aka protein hyperdosing. Feel free to do your own research on this, but as long as you can handle this digestively, it's overall beneficial. In theory, more protein allows you to produce more IGF-1, assuming there are sufficient amounts of HGH.
For anyone HEIGHTMAXXING, protein hyperdosing is essential. Whether or not you're including premade IGF-1 (such as IGF-1 LR3) in your heightmaxxing plan, you will likely be using HGH or something to stimulate HGH production. Either way you put it you have more GH, hence you could benefit from more protein.
The objective is not to be a fat ass, rather border the line between maintenance calories and a surplus. You want to ensure you have everything you need to develop while remaining relatively lean, as to limit aromatization from excess body fat.

Overview of Vitamins And Minerals
B1 Thiamin - Ensures all cells in body are able to metabolize nutrients, needed for carbohydrate metabolism
B2 Riboflavin - Plays vital role in maintaining body's energy supply, specifically ATP production
B3 Niacin - Required for 400+ enzyme reactions in body and supports nervous system health
B5 Pantothenic Acid - Precursor for coenzyme a (CAO) and crucial in steroid hormone production (vitamin D, adrenal hormones)
B6 Pyridoxine - Enzyme reactions/production, regulation of hormonal activity, and neurological function
B7 Biotin - Crucial for fat/protein metabolism and is synthesized in great amounts by gut bacteria. HUGE role in the cosmetic health of hair/skin/nails
B9 Folate - Key role in DNA metabolism and methylation synthesis of methionine to homocysteine (DNA production)
B12 Cobalamin - Needed for maturation of red blood cells, cell metabolism, and energy production. Cofactor in folate cycle (DNA production)
Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid - A very important antioxidant, used in the process of skin/joint collagen formation and enzyme reactions. Crucial for immune system function. As ascorbic acid and glucose are so similar molecules, they compete for absorption. The more carbohydrates/glucose you consume, the higher dietary vitamin C intake you need. 500-1000mg supplementation daily to be safe.
Vitamin A Retinol - Contained in sufficient amounts in all HIGH QUALITY animal foods. Needed for eyesight health and cosmetically speaking, skin health. Retinol deficiency has major delirious effects on skin health and looks. Can be obtained from either an overall balanced diet with lots of animal food or cod liver oil.

Vitamin D Calciferol D3
- A steroid hormone produced by the body when skin is exposed to UVB light. CRUCIAL for proper physical and hormonal development. I can't stress enough how important vitamin D is. If you're not getting daily sunlight exposure, you should 100% be supplementing with 5000-10000 IUs DAILY. I will link the vitamin D I use, however any basic brand free of seed oils or additives will work.

Vitamin K MK4 - Works in synergy with magnesium and vitamin D to get calcium to the places in the body where needed. Important to get the ANIMAL FORM of the vitamin, as opposed to MK7 the plant form. Debatably just as important as vitamin D. Extremely important for overall bone health and development. Everyone should supplement with 7.5-15mg daily (dosing based on the product below). Essentially impossible to get from food alone, unless you eat rotten liver daily. Below I linked the best priced Vitamin K MK4 supplement I have found.

Vitamin E - An antioxidant in the body that protects the body from free radical damage. Positive impacts on cardiovascular health. Can be obtained in sufficient amounts through fatty fish (see cod liver oil below)
Only focusing on minerals majority of people will benefit from / SUPPLEMENTATION

Magnesium (Glycinate)
- Majority of people are deficient. Needed in conjunction with fat soluble vitamins and calcium for proper bone development. Plays a role in nervous system health. BODY USES SO MUCH MAGNESIUM. Just take the magnesium pill boyo. 200/300mg DAILY

Zinc (Glycinate)
- Potential testosterone boosting effects via helping overall production of TOTAL testosterone 15mg/30mg few times weekly / daily

Boron (Citrate)
- Potential testosterone boosting effects via lowering SHBG and effectively increasing FREE testosterone 6/10mg few times weekly / daily

Copper (Glycinate)
- Crucial for thyroid function and skin collagen health. Promotes production of T4 and prevents over absorption of T4. 3mg 2-3 weekly paired with foods high in copper (mushrooms, potatoes, meat).

- Crucial for thyroid function and bone metabolism. When developing hypothyroidism can greatly negatively affect your height and overall stature. I recommend supplementing daily with at least 150 mcg to help avoid this.

Selenium - Crucial for thyroid function. BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THIS. A lot of companies HEAVILY overdose their selenium supplement. You risk liver damage by taking high doses for prolonged periods of time. Stick with 50mcg 2-3 times weekly. Really, you should be getting this from your diet and then concerns of toxicity are mostly irrelevant.

From my research, the majority if not all of these vitamins/minerals can also be sourced from Organ Supplements with proper chelation's for the best prices online. No sponsorship.
Now I recognize the importance and eating a healthy diet, but I am very supportive to vitamin/mineral supplementation. This is not to say that you should be eating a shit McDonalds goyslop, soyboy, lard ball fast food diet and then just popping a multivitamin at the end of the day. The way I look at it supplements are support overall health and development by backfilling any potential deficiency. Perhaps as a insurance policy. Any body who is greatly against the use supplements are usually brainwash RAWTARDS or people who only believe in "natural" things. Here I present a middle ground with the use of vitamin/mineral supplementation in conjunction with a high quality organic diet with a emphasis on animal nutrition.
Foods To Eat For Optimal Health And Development

These various foods combined meet all macro/micronutrient needs that are essential for health and development.

Milk: Preferably raw, organic, unhomogenized

A great source of calcium, B vitamins, and minerals. Very easy source of high quality animal protein/fat in a drinkable form. Potential probiotics from raw milk and can be fermented into kefir. Very diverse and enjoyable food.

Cheese: Preferably raw, organic, fermented?
Just like milk, but if made properly it has the added benefit of a fairly substantial vitamin k content (MK4). A condensed form of animal nutrition.

Cod Liver Oil:
Shit ton of preformed DHA/EPA, small amounts of vitamin D, and high amount of vitamin A (retinol). 1-2 tsp daily is enough to provide health benefits in the form of lipid management and covering various micronutrient profiles. I will put two brands below, all of which I have tried and can recommend. Oxidation of the oil is not a concern, as both companies create fresh batches very often. Green pastures ferments their cod liver oil to prevent oxidation and Rosita adds organic vitamin E.

THE HOLY GRAIL RED MEAT: grass fed, pasture raised, organic
Basically eat high quality properly sourced red meat (lean) and you will thrive. I say lean because even the leanest of red meat, still has plenty of saturated fat to support a healthy hormonal profile. Every single person, ESPECIALLY IF IN PUBERTY, should eat a minimum of 1lb red meat daily. This alone will give you a shit ton of protein, b vitamins, minerals, and saturated fat. This is truly the key in achieving good health and optimal development. It's important not to BURN THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR MEAT. DO NOT cook your meat well done, rather medium rare / rare, to preserve nutrients.
GREAT PRICED MEAT / DAIRY. I order from here 2-3 monthly for all my meat needs

Dark Chocolate:
Least important on this list, but still a good source of magnesium and minerals. Alternatively, supplement magnesium glycinate or topical magnesium chloride.

Eggs: Preferably CORN/SOY FREE, organic, pasture raised

Great source of B vitamins and thyroid supporting minerals with substantial amounts of OMEGA 3, IF CHICKENS ARE RAISED PROPERLY.

Whey Protein Concentrate: grass fed grass finished, organic, minimally processed
A true superfood, dehydrated liquid whey. Similar to cheese and milk, it's a very convenient (potentially tasty) source of concentrated animal protein. High quality protein powder has a great B vitamin and mineral profile. Now of course you can go to Walmart and buy a shitty chocolate donut rice krispy flavored protein powder, but simply put it's not good for you. All the additives and poor quality of ingredients will not make you feel good nor contribute to good digestion. I will put the brand I recommend and use, albeit a little expensive. This same brand has a non-certified organic protein powder that is also acceptable.

Carbohydrates/Starches/Fiber: ALL organic
White potatoes, white rice, oats, flours/breads, noodles, are all good sources of carbohydrates/starch to feed your gut microbiome. A few notable fiber sources are white beans, peeled apples, mushrooms, and cauliflower. Now I'm not by any means saying to eat a shit ton of fiber everyday. Fiber is simply meant to keep the food you ate moving through your digestive system, aka gut motility. It'll help all the food make its way through the digestive tract to be digested. Potatoes and oats also contain relatively high amounts of minerals. Cook your oats properly and phytic acid is not a problem. Also, if you have a healthy gut microbiome, do not be afraid of organic cane sugar. I'm not saying to make an effort to put sugar in all your meals, but using it as a flavor enhancer or energy source will not kill you. A product I use daily is this organic dextrose powder linked below. It is free of all the agrochemicals and additives typically associated with cheap dextrose powders. This is a very unique organic pure glucose powder that can be useful for spiking insulin in a heightmaxxing context or preventing hypoglycemia. Also good for pre/intra workout.

Digestive Enzymes/Probiotics
Although not necessary, both of these can be extremely useful in improving digestive health, which cascades into overall skin health. When eating large amounts of food, you can put stress on the digestive organs of the body. Using a PROPERLY FORMULATED digestive enzyme can greatly reduce stool size and reduce stress on digestive organs. If you're spending money on high quality meats and foods, you want to make sure you're getting every last bit of sustenance from the food. No point in eating 1lb meat daily if you can't even digest it. As for probiotics, having a healthy gut microbiome is greatly beneficial for skin health. I myself noticed drastic improvements in irritation/acne breakouts. A few probiotics I recommend are raw yogurt, raw milk kefir, and water kefir. Specifically, water kefir is very helpful in digesting starches/sugars, as opposed to lactose in fermented milk products. This is my probiotic of choice. Keep in mind, certain B vitamins and vitamin K are synthesized by a healthy gut microbiome. Combine that with the skin benefits and overall better digestion (nutrient absorption), probiotics are a no-brainer. The brand I linked below for digestive enzymes use the forms of enzymes PRODUCED IN THE BODY. A lot of brands I've seen have a bunch of random shitter enzymes and they sell the product for $80. Don't get scammed.

500g of organic peeled potatoes cooked in a little beef tallow, 1lb of lean venison, 1-2oz of cheese. Mix all this together with your seasonings of choice and you'll have a relatively easy to make, tasty, balanced meal. On the side for a probiotic, having 1-2 cups of properly fermented kefir will help digest the carbohydrates in the meal. Not to mention all the health benefits of a healthy gut microbiome, skin and hormonally. This meal will net you roughly 100 grams of ANIMAL protein (not counting potatoes). For optimal digestion and nutrient absorption this should be split into 2-3 meals.
60-80g of whey protein powder, 1 banana, 30g of preferred nut butter (macadamia, pecan, walnut are best LOWER IN PUFAS), vanilla extract/powder, pinch of salt, and a little bit of organic cane sugar (20-30g). This will provide a SHIT TON of animal proteins, minerals.
These two meals combined will get you about 160-180g of protein, not including other foods you could eat throughout the day. Simply adding in 2 cups of milk for example will net you even more protein.

Please for dear god get a drinking water filter at the bare minimum. A reverse osmosis filter will suffice. Below I will show pictures of my sediment filter for my RO system after 8 MONTHS only. FILTER OUT THE FLOURIDE, CHLORINE, METALS, AND NASTY SEDIMENT. You don't want to cook with unfiltered tap water let alone drink a gallon a day. Do NOT overlook this. Potentially one of the most important factors in health diet wise. Who knows what is truly in your tap water.

Overall, this is the basis of a healthy diet. I'm aware of a lot of people on this forum and in the nutritional space that believe eating only raw meat and a gallon of milk daily is all you need. Yes, on paper you're meeting a large amount of your nutritional requirements, however you're lacking in carbohydrates/starch and some of the more plant based minerals (magnesium, manganese, molybdenum). Not to mention the majority of people will have dog shit digestion. It's important to create a combination of all these foods to 1. make tasty enjoyable meals and 2. get a balanced macro/mineral/vitamin profile whilst having good digestion. Ideally, each meal should contain a starch/fiber source, a form of animal nutrition, probiotic sources, and potentially supplements (digestive enzymes, vitamins/minerals). That is the basic layout for each meal.
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 29747, ripikke, FootFungus88 and 5 others
Just eat raw meat
  • +1
Reactions: HerpDerpson and ripikke
Just eat raw meat
meanwhile Iberians eat the most meat in Europe and are manlets compared to Northern Germanics and Dinaric Alps which eat far less

Europe meat consumption 11

Eskimos men are 5'3 avg

muh meat makes you tall bro muh mongolian tall warriors eating nothing but raw meat!!1
  • So Sad
Reactions: nigkook
it’s about overall nutrition in the diet. i’m sure germanics have some sort of main animal nutrition in their diet, such as dairy. meat is just the most well rounded, but keep in mind eskimo men also have limited access to sunlight. aka less vitamin d which would definitely affect height.
  • +1
Reactions: enchanted_elixir
give my thread some publicity my first thread did amazing with way less info. THE HEIGHTMAXXERS NEED THIS!!!!!!!
  • +1
Reactions: mewingmaxxer and Deleted member 29747
yet another bump
The Focus Of This Thread
Now I don't know how much you guys care about your health, however I'm aware of the large population of heightmaxxers/pubertymaxxers trying to maximize development. (me included). Mainly some of them are trying various pharmaceuticals to grow taller, yet they neglect the basics of developing properly. NUTRITION! Although a shorter thread, this outlines every single thing diet related I could think of and what you NEED TO EAT TO DEVELOP PROPERLY. Or alternately, to improve hormonal, skin, and overall health in adulthood. This is the guide you need and I can guarantee is overall the best diet to follow to maximize development.

Nutrition Basics
For you old heads not in puberty, 1g of protein per pound of body weight daily is plenty to support physical health. As long as you choose the correct foods to get this protein, you will get plenty of B vitamins and minerals from animal sources. This is really all you need. Don't waste your money on expensive protein.
For all the youngins in puberty (like me), we could potentially benefit from 1.5 of protein per pound of body weight daily aka protein hyperdosing. Feel free to do your own research on this, but as long as you can handle this digestively, it's overall beneficial. In theory, more protein allows you to produce more IGF-1, assuming there are sufficient amounts of HGH.
For anyone HEIGHTMAXXING, protein hyperdosing is essential. Whether or not you're including premade IGF-1 (such as IGF-1 LR3) in your heightmaxxing plan, you will likely be using HGH or something to stimulate HGH production. Either way you put it you have more GH, hence you could benefit from more protein.
The objective is not to be a fat ass, rather border the line between maintenance calories and a surplus. You want to ensure you have everything you need to develop while remaining relatively lean, as to limit aromatization from excess body fat.

Overview of Vitamins And Minerals
B1 Thiamin - Ensures all cells in body are able to metabolize nutrients, needed for carbohydrate metabolism
B2 Riboflavin - Plays vital role in maintaining body's energy supply, specifically ATP production
B3 Niacin - Required for 400+ enzyme reactions in body and supports nervous system health
B5 Pantothenic Acid - Precursor for coenzyme a (CAO) and crucial in steroid hormone production (vitamin D, adrenal hormones)
B6 Pyridoxine - Enzyme reactions/production, regulation of hormonal activity, and neurological function
B7 Biotin - Crucial for fat/protein metabolism and is synthesized in great amounts by gut bacteria. HUGE role in the cosmetic health of hair/skin/nails
B9 Folate - Key role in DNA metabolism and methylation synthesis of methionine to homocysteine (DNA production)
B12 Cobalamin - Needed for maturation of red blood cells, cell metabolism, and energy production. Cofactor in folate cycle (DNA production)
Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid - A very important antioxidant, used in the process of skin/joint collagen formation and enzyme reactions. Crucial for immune system function. As ascorbic acid and glucose are so similar molecules, they compete for absorption. The more carbohydrates/glucose you consume, the higher dietary vitamin C intake you need. 500-1000mg supplementation daily to be safe.
Vitamin A Retinol - Contained in sufficient amounts in all HIGH QUALITY animal foods. Needed for eyesight health and cosmetically speaking, skin health. Retinol deficiency has major delirious effects on skin health and looks. Can be obtained from either an overall balanced diet with lots of animal food or cod liver oil.

Vitamin D Calciferol D3
- A steroid hormone produced by the body when skin is exposed to UVB light. CRUCIAL for proper physical and hormonal development. I can't stress enough how important vitamin D is. If you're not getting daily sunlight exposure, you should 100% be supplementing with 5000-10000 IUs DAILY. I will link the vitamin D I use, however any basic brand free of seed oils or additives will work.

Vitamin K MK4 - Works in synergy with magnesium and vitamin D to get calcium to the places in the body where needed. Important to get the ANIMAL FORM of the vitamin, as opposed to MK7 the plant form. Debatably just as important as vitamin D. Extremely important for overall bone health and development. Everyone should supplement with 7.5-15mg daily (dosing based on the product below). Essentially impossible to get from food alone, unless you eat rotten liver daily. Below I linked the best priced Vitamin K MK4 supplement I have found.

Vitamin E - An antioxidant in the body that protects the body from free radical damage. Positive impacts on cardiovascular health. Can be obtained in sufficient amounts through fatty fish (see cod liver oil below)
Only focusing on minerals majority of people will benefit from / SUPPLEMENTATION

Magnesium (Glycinate)
- Majority of people are deficient. Needed in conjunction with fat soluble vitamins and calcium for proper bone development. Plays a role in nervous system health. BODY USES SO MUCH MAGNESIUM. Just take the magnesium pill boyo. 200/300mg DAILY

Zinc (Glycinate)
- Potential testosterone boosting effects via helping overall production of TOTAL testosterone 15mg/30mg few times weekly / daily

Boron (Citrate)
- Potential testosterone boosting effects via lowering SHBG and effectively increasing FREE testosterone 6/10mg few times weekly / daily

Copper (Glycinate)
- Crucial for thyroid function and skin collagen health. Promotes production of T4 and prevents over absorption of T4. 3mg 2-3 weekly paired with foods high in copper (mushrooms, potatoes, meat).

- Crucial for thyroid function and bone metabolism. When developing hypothyroidism can greatly negatively affect your height and overall stature. I recommend supplementing daily with at least 150 mcg to help avoid this.

Selenium - Crucial for thyroid function. BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THIS. A lot of companies HEAVILY overdose their selenium supplement. You risk liver damage by taking high doses for prolonged periods of time. Stick with 50mcg 2-3 times weekly. Really, you should be getting this from your diet and then concerns of toxicity are mostly irrelevant.

From my research, the majority if not all of these vitamins/minerals can also be sourced from Organ Supplements with proper chelation's for the best prices online. No sponsorship.
Now I recognize the importance and eating a healthy diet, but I am very supportive to vitamin/mineral supplementation. This is not to say that you should be eating a shit McDonalds goyslop, soyboy, lard ball fast food diet and then just popping a multivitamin at the end of the day. The way I look at it supplements are support overall health and development by backfilling any potential deficiency. Perhaps as a insurance policy. Any body who is greatly against the use supplements are usually brainwash RAWTARDS or people who only believe in "natural" things. Here I present a middle ground with the use of vitamin/mineral supplementation in conjunction with a high quality organic diet with a emphasis on animal nutrition.
Foods To Eat For Optimal Health And Development

These various foods combined meet all macro/micronutrient needs that are essential for health and development.

Milk: Preferably raw, organic, unhomogenized

A great source of calcium, B vitamins, and minerals. Very easy source of high quality animal protein/fat in a drinkable form. Potential probiotics from raw milk and can be fermented into kefir. Very diverse and enjoyable food.

Cheese: Preferably raw, organic, fermented?
Just like milk, but if made properly it has the added benefit of a fairly substantial vitamin k content (MK4). A condensed form of animal nutrition.

Cod Liver Oil:
Shit ton of preformed DHA/EPA, small amounts of vitamin D, and high amount of vitamin A (retinol). 1-2 tsp daily is enough to provide health benefits in the form of lipid management and covering various micronutrient profiles. I will put two brands below, all of which I have tried and can recommend. Oxidation of the oil is not a concern, as both companies create fresh batches very often. Green pastures ferments their cod liver oil to prevent oxidation and Rosita adds organic vitamin E.

THE HOLY GRAIL RED MEAT: grass fed, pasture raised, organic
Basically eat high quality properly sourced red meat (lean) and you will thrive. I say lean because even the leanest of red meat, still has plenty of saturated fat to support a healthy hormonal profile. Every single person, ESPECIALLY IF IN PUBERTY, should eat a minimum of 1lb red meat daily. This alone will give you a shit ton of protein, b vitamins, minerals, and saturated fat. This is truly the key in achieving good health and optimal development. It's important not to BURN THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR MEAT. DO NOT cook your meat well done, rather medium rare / rare, to preserve nutrients.
GREAT PRICED MEAT / DAIRY. I order from here 2-3 monthly for all my meat needs

Dark Chocolate:
Least important on this list, but still a good source of magnesium and minerals. Alternatively, supplement magnesium glycinate or topical magnesium chloride.

Eggs: Preferably CORN/SOY FREE, organic, pasture raised

Great source of B vitamins and thyroid supporting minerals with substantial amounts of OMEGA 3, IF CHICKENS ARE RAISED PROPERLY.

Whey Protein Concentrate: grass fed grass finished, organic, minimally processed
A true superfood, dehydrated liquid whey. Similar to cheese and milk, it's a very convenient (potentially tasty) source of concentrated animal protein. High quality protein powder has a great B vitamin and mineral profile. Now of course you can go to Walmart and buy a shitty chocolate donut rice krispy flavored protein powder, but simply put it's not good for you. All the additives and poor quality of ingredients will not make you feel good nor contribute to good digestion. I will put the brand I recommend and use, albeit a little expensive. This same brand has a non-certified organic protein powder that is also acceptable.

Carbohydrates/Starches/Fiber: ALL organic
White potatoes, white rice, oats, flours/breads, noodles, are all good sources of carbohydrates/starch to feed your gut microbiome. A few notable fiber sources are white beans, peeled apples, mushrooms, and cauliflower. Now I'm not by any means saying to eat a shit ton of fiber everyday. Fiber is simply meant to keep the food you ate moving through your digestive system, aka gut motility. It'll help all the food make its way through the digestive tract to be digested. Potatoes and oats also contain relatively high amounts of minerals. Cook your oats properly and phytic acid is not a problem. Also, if you have a healthy gut microbiome, do not be afraid of organic cane sugar. I'm not saying to make an effort to put sugar in all your meals, but using it as a flavor enhancer or energy source will not kill you. A product I use daily is this organic dextrose powder linked below. It is free of all the agrochemicals and additives typically associated with cheap dextrose powders. This is a very unique organic pure glucose powder that can be useful for spiking insulin in a heightmaxxing context or preventing hypoglycemia. Also good for pre/intra workout.

Digestive Enzymes/Probiotics
Although not necessary, both of these can be extremely useful in improving digestive health, which cascades into overall skin health. When eating large amounts of food, you can put stress on the digestive organs of the body. Using a PROPERLY FORMULATED digestive enzyme can greatly reduce stool size and reduce stress on digestive organs. If you're spending money on high quality meats and foods, you want to make sure you're getting every last bit of sustenance from the food. No point in eating 1lb meat daily if you can't even digest it. As for probiotics, having a healthy gut microbiome is greatly beneficial for skin health. I myself noticed drastic improvements in irritation/acne breakouts. A few probiotics I recommend are raw yogurt, raw milk kefir, and water kefir. Specifically, water kefir is very helpful in digesting starches/sugars, as opposed to lactose in fermented milk products. This is my probiotic of choice. Keep in mind, certain B vitamins and vitamin K are synthesized by a healthy gut microbiome. Combine that with the skin benefits and overall better digestion (nutrient absorption), probiotics are a no-brainer. The brand I linked below for digestive enzymes use the forms of enzymes PRODUCED IN THE BODY. A lot of brands I've seen have a bunch of random shitter enzymes and they sell the product for $80. Don't get scammed.

500g of organic peeled potatoes cooked in a little beef tallow, 1lb of lean venison, 1-2oz of cheese. Mix all this together with your seasonings of choice and you'll have a relatively easy to make, tasty, balanced meal. On the side for a probiotic, having 1-2 cups of properly fermented kefir will help digest the carbohydrates in the meal. Not to mention all the health benefits of a healthy gut microbiome, skin and hormonally. This meal will net you roughly 100 grams of ANIMAL protein (not counting potatoes). For optimal digestion and nutrient absorption this should be split into 2-3 meals.
60-80g of whey protein powder, 1 banana, 30g of preferred nut butter (macadamia, pecan, walnut are best LOWER IN PUFAS), vanilla extract/powder, pinch of salt, and a little bit of organic cane sugar (20-30g). This will provide a SHIT TON of animal proteins, minerals.
These two meals combined will get you about 160-180g of protein, not including other foods you could eat throughout the day. Simply adding in 2 cups of milk for example will net you even more protein.

Please for dear god get a drinking water filter at the bare minimum. A reverse osmosis filter will suffice. Below I will show pictures of my sediment filter for my RO system after 8 MONTHS only. FILTER OUT THE FLOURIDE, CHLORINE, METALS, AND NASTY SEDIMENT. You don't want to cook with unfiltered tap water let alone drink a gallon a day. Do NOT overlook this. Potentially one of the most important factors in health diet wise. Who knows what is truly in your tap water.

Overall, this is the basis of a healthy diet. I'm aware of a lot of people on this forum and in the nutritional space that believe eating only raw meat and a gallon of milk daily is all you need. Yes, on paper you're meeting a large amount of your nutritional requirements, however you're lacking in carbohydrates/starch and some of the more plant based minerals (magnesium, manganese, molybdenum). Not to mention the majority of people will have dog shit digestion. It's important to create a combination of all these foods to 1. make tasty enjoyable meals and 2. get a balanced macro/mineral/vitamin profile whilst having good digestion. Ideally, each meal should contain a starch/fiber source, a form of animal nutrition, probiotic sources, and potentially supplements (digestive enzymes, vitamins/minerals). That is the basic layout for each meal.
good thread read the whole thing
For you old heads not in puberty, 1g of protein per pound of body weight daily is plenty to support physical health. As long as you choose the correct foods to get this protein, you will get plenty of B vitamins and minerals from animal sources. This is really all you need. Don't waste your money on expensive protein.
For all the youngins in puberty (like me), we could potentially benefit from 1.5 of protein per pound of body weight daily aka protein hyperdosing. Feel free to do your own research on this, but as long as you can handle this digestively, it's overall beneficial. In theory, more protein allows you to produce more IGF-1, assuming there are sufficient amounts of HGH.
I didn't read the whole thing, but your first point regarding protein for different age groups is most likely incorrect. As we age, anabolic resistance goes up, and our MPS (muscle protein synthesis) declines. This means to produce the same anabolic effect we had when we were younger, we need to eat more protein. Younger individuals are more efficient in utilizing protein, and can essentially do more with less. That being said, your second point is probably correct. Getting in as much protein as you can during puberty to maximize IGF-1 can't hurt. But the people who really need to watch their protein intake are the older people and they will 100% have to increase their protein intake beyond 1g of protein per pound to maximize MPS as they age.

long ass thread but very good anyway

i’ve read a bunch here that EPA is terrible for you so i found an omega 3 supp with 100% DHA (algae oil extract. could be worth mentioning bc cod liver oil is usually majority EPA
The Focus Of This Thread
Now I don't know how much you guys care about your health, however I'm aware of the large population of heightmaxxers/pubertymaxxers trying to maximize development. (me included). Mainly some of them are trying various pharmaceuticals to grow taller, yet they neglect the basics of developing properly. NUTRITION! Although a shorter thread, this outlines every single thing diet related I could think of and what you NEED TO EAT TO DEVELOP PROPERLY. Or alternately, to improve hormonal, skin, and overall health in adulthood. This is the guide you need and I can guarantee is overall the best diet to follow to maximize development.

Nutrition Basics
For you old heads not in puberty, 1g of protein per pound of body weight daily is plenty to support physical health. As long as you choose the correct foods to get this protein, you will get plenty of B vitamins and minerals from animal sources. This is really all you need. Don't waste your money on expensive protein.
For all the youngins in puberty (like me), we could potentially benefit from 1.5 of protein per pound of body weight daily aka protein hyperdosing. Feel free to do your own research on this, but as long as you can handle this digestively, it's overall beneficial. In theory, more protein allows you to produce more IGF-1, assuming there are sufficient amounts of HGH.
For anyone HEIGHTMAXXING, protein hyperdosing is essential. Whether or not you're including premade IGF-1 (such as IGF-1 LR3) in your heightmaxxing plan, you will likely be using HGH or something to stimulate HGH production. Either way you put it you have more GH, hence you could benefit from more protein.
The objective is not to be a fat ass, rather border the line between maintenance calories and a surplus. You want to ensure you have everything you need to develop while remaining relatively lean, as to limit aromatization from excess body fat.

Overview of Vitamins And Minerals
B1 Thiamin - Ensures all cells in body are able to metabolize nutrients, needed for carbohydrate metabolism
B2 Riboflavin - Plays vital role in maintaining body's energy supply, specifically ATP production
B3 Niacin - Required for 400+ enzyme reactions in body and supports nervous system health
B5 Pantothenic Acid - Precursor for coenzyme a (CAO) and crucial in steroid hormone production (vitamin D, adrenal hormones)
B6 Pyridoxine - Enzyme reactions/production, regulation of hormonal activity, and neurological function
B7 Biotin - Crucial for fat/protein metabolism and is synthesized in great amounts by gut bacteria. HUGE role in the cosmetic health of hair/skin/nails
B9 Folate - Key role in DNA metabolism and methylation synthesis of methionine to homocysteine (DNA production)
B12 Cobalamin - Needed for maturation of red blood cells, cell metabolism, and energy production. Cofactor in folate cycle (DNA production)
Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid - A very important antioxidant, used in the process of skin/joint collagen formation and enzyme reactions. Crucial for immune system function. As ascorbic acid and glucose are so similar molecules, they compete for absorption. The more carbohydrates/glucose you consume, the higher dietary vitamin C intake you need. 500-1000mg supplementation daily to be safe.
Vitamin A Retinol - Contained in sufficient amounts in all HIGH QUALITY animal foods. Needed for eyesight health and cosmetically speaking, skin health. Retinol deficiency has major delirious effects on skin health and looks. Can be obtained from either an overall balanced diet with lots of animal food or cod liver oil.

Vitamin D Calciferol D3
- A steroid hormone produced by the body when skin is exposed to UVB light. CRUCIAL for proper physical and hormonal development. I can't stress enough how important vitamin D is. If you're not getting daily sunlight exposure, you should 100% be supplementing with 5000-10000 IUs DAILY. I will link the vitamin D I use, however any basic brand free of seed oils or additives will work.

Vitamin K MK4 - Works in synergy with magnesium and vitamin D to get calcium to the places in the body where needed. Important to get the ANIMAL FORM of the vitamin, as opposed to MK7 the plant form. Debatably just as important as vitamin D. Extremely important for overall bone health and development. Everyone should supplement with 7.5-15mg daily (dosing based on the product below). Essentially impossible to get from food alone, unless you eat rotten liver daily. Below I linked the best priced Vitamin K MK4 supplement I have found.

Vitamin E - An antioxidant in the body that protects the body from free radical damage. Positive impacts on cardiovascular health. Can be obtained in sufficient amounts through fatty fish (see cod liver oil below)
Only focusing on minerals majority of people will benefit from / SUPPLEMENTATION

Magnesium (Glycinate)
- Majority of people are deficient. Needed in conjunction with fat soluble vitamins and calcium for proper bone development. Plays a role in nervous system health. BODY USES SO MUCH MAGNESIUM. Just take the magnesium pill boyo. 200/300mg DAILY

Zinc (Glycinate)
- Potential testosterone boosting effects via helping overall production of TOTAL testosterone 15mg/30mg few times weekly / daily

Boron (Citrate)
- Potential testosterone boosting effects via lowering SHBG and effectively increasing FREE testosterone 6/10mg few times weekly / daily

Copper (Glycinate)
- Crucial for thyroid function and skin collagen health. Promotes production of T4 and prevents over absorption of T4. 3mg 2-3 weekly paired with foods high in copper (mushrooms, potatoes, meat).

- Crucial for thyroid function and bone metabolism. When developing hypothyroidism can greatly negatively affect your height and overall stature. I recommend supplementing daily with at least 150 mcg to help avoid this.

Selenium - Crucial for thyroid function. BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THIS. A lot of companies HEAVILY overdose their selenium supplement. You risk liver damage by taking high doses for prolonged periods of time. Stick with 50mcg 2-3 times weekly. Really, you should be getting this from your diet and then concerns of toxicity are mostly irrelevant.

From my research, the majority if not all of these vitamins/minerals can also be sourced from Organ Supplements with proper chelation's for the best prices online. No sponsorship.
Now I recognize the importance and eating a healthy diet, but I am very supportive to vitamin/mineral supplementation. This is not to say that you should be eating a shit McDonalds goyslop, soyboy, lard ball fast food diet and then just popping a multivitamin at the end of the day. The way I look at it supplements are support overall health and development by backfilling any potential deficiency. Perhaps as a insurance policy. Any body who is greatly against the use supplements are usually brainwash RAWTARDS or people who only believe in "natural" things. Here I present a middle ground with the use of vitamin/mineral supplementation in conjunction with a high quality organic diet with a emphasis on animal nutrition.
Foods To Eat For Optimal Health And Development

These various foods combined meet all macro/micronutrient needs that are essential for health and development.

Milk: Preferably raw, organic, unhomogenized

A great source of calcium, B vitamins, and minerals. Very easy source of high quality animal protein/fat in a drinkable form. Potential probiotics from raw milk and can be fermented into kefir. Very diverse and enjoyable food.

Cheese: Preferably raw, organic, fermented?
Just like milk, but if made properly it has the added benefit of a fairly substantial vitamin k content (MK4). A condensed form of animal nutrition.

Cod Liver Oil:
Shit ton of preformed DHA/EPA, small amounts of vitamin D, and high amount of vitamin A (retinol). 1-2 tsp daily is enough to provide health benefits in the form of lipid management and covering various micronutrient profiles. I will put two brands below, all of which I have tried and can recommend. Oxidation of the oil is not a concern, as both companies create fresh batches very often. Green pastures ferments their cod liver oil to prevent oxidation and Rosita adds organic vitamin E.

THE HOLY GRAIL RED MEAT: grass fed, pasture raised, organic
Basically eat high quality properly sourced red meat (lean) and you will thrive. I say lean because even the leanest of red meat, still has plenty of saturated fat to support a healthy hormonal profile. Every single person, ESPECIALLY IF IN PUBERTY, should eat a minimum of 1lb red meat daily. This alone will give you a shit ton of protein, b vitamins, minerals, and saturated fat. This is truly the key in achieving good health and optimal development. It's important not to BURN THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR MEAT. DO NOT cook your meat well done, rather medium rare / rare, to preserve nutrients.
GREAT PRICED MEAT / DAIRY. I order from here 2-3 monthly for all my meat needs

Dark Chocolate:
Least important on this list, but still a good source of magnesium and minerals. Alternatively, supplement magnesium glycinate or topical magnesium chloride.

Eggs: Preferably CORN/SOY FREE, organic, pasture raised

Great source of B vitamins and thyroid supporting minerals with substantial amounts of OMEGA 3, IF CHICKENS ARE RAISED PROPERLY.

Whey Protein Concentrate: grass fed grass finished, organic, minimally processed
A true superfood, dehydrated liquid whey. Similar to cheese and milk, it's a very convenient (potentially tasty) source of concentrated animal protein. High quality protein powder has a great B vitamin and mineral profile. Now of course you can go to Walmart and buy a shitty chocolate donut rice krispy flavored protein powder, but simply put it's not good for you. All the additives and poor quality of ingredients will not make you feel good nor contribute to good digestion. I will put the brand I recommend and use, albeit a little expensive. This same brand has a non-certified organic protein powder that is also acceptable.

Carbohydrates/Starches/Fiber: ALL organic
White potatoes, white rice, oats, flours/breads, noodles, are all good sources of carbohydrates/starch to feed your gut microbiome. A few notable fiber sources are white beans, peeled apples, mushrooms, and cauliflower. Now I'm not by any means saying to eat a shit ton of fiber everyday. Fiber is simply meant to keep the food you ate moving through your digestive system, aka gut motility. It'll help all the food make its way through the digestive tract to be digested. Potatoes and oats also contain relatively high amounts of minerals. Cook your oats properly and phytic acid is not a problem. Also, if you have a healthy gut microbiome, do not be afraid of organic cane sugar. I'm not saying to make an effort to put sugar in all your meals, but using it as a flavor enhancer or energy source will not kill you. A product I use daily is this organic dextrose powder linked below. It is free of all the agrochemicals and additives typically associated with cheap dextrose powders. This is a very unique organic pure glucose powder that can be useful for spiking insulin in a heightmaxxing context or preventing hypoglycemia. Also good for pre/intra workout.

Digestive Enzymes/Probiotics
Although not necessary, both of these can be extremely useful in improving digestive health, which cascades into overall skin health. When eating large amounts of food, you can put stress on the digestive organs of the body. Using a PROPERLY FORMULATED digestive enzyme can greatly reduce stool size and reduce stress on digestive organs. If you're spending money on high quality meats and foods, you want to make sure you're getting every last bit of sustenance from the food. No point in eating 1lb meat daily if you can't even digest it. As for probiotics, having a healthy gut microbiome is greatly beneficial for skin health. I myself noticed drastic improvements in irritation/acne breakouts. A few probiotics I recommend are raw yogurt, raw milk kefir, and water kefir. Specifically, water kefir is very helpful in digesting starches/sugars, as opposed to lactose in fermented milk products. This is my probiotic of choice. Keep in mind, certain B vitamins and vitamin K are synthesized by a healthy gut microbiome. Combine that with the skin benefits and overall better digestion (nutrient absorption), probiotics are a no-brainer. The brand I linked below for digestive enzymes use the forms of enzymes PRODUCED IN THE BODY. A lot of brands I've seen have a bunch of random shitter enzymes and they sell the product for $80. Don't get scammed.

500g of organic peeled potatoes cooked in a little beef tallow, 1lb of lean venison, 1-2oz of cheese. Mix all this together with your seasonings of choice and you'll have a relatively easy to make, tasty, balanced meal. On the side for a probiotic, having 1-2 cups of properly fermented kefir will help digest the carbohydrates in the meal. Not to mention all the health benefits of a healthy gut microbiome, skin and hormonally. This meal will net you roughly 100 grams of ANIMAL protein (not counting potatoes). For optimal digestion and nutrient absorption this should be split into 2-3 meals.
60-80g of whey protein powder, 1 banana, 30g of preferred nut butter (macadamia, pecan, walnut are best LOWER IN PUFAS), vanilla extract/powder, pinch of salt, and a little bit of organic cane sugar (20-30g). This will provide a SHIT TON of animal proteins, minerals.
These two meals combined will get you about 160-180g of protein, not including other foods you could eat throughout the day. Simply adding in 2 cups of milk for example will net you even more protein.

Please for dear god get a drinking water filter at the bare minimum. A reverse osmosis filter will suffice. Below I will show pictures of my sediment filter for my RO system after 8 MONTHS only. FILTER OUT THE FLOURIDE, CHLORINE, METALS, AND NASTY SEDIMENT. You don't want to cook with unfiltered tap water let alone drink a gallon a day. Do NOT overlook this. Potentially one of the most important factors in health diet wise. Who knows what is truly in your tap water.

Overall, this is the basis of a healthy diet. I'm aware of a lot of people on this forum and in the nutritional space that believe eating only raw meat and a gallon of milk daily is all you need. Yes, on paper you're meeting a large amount of your nutritional requirements, however you're lacking in carbohydrates/starch and some of the more plant based minerals (magnesium, manganese, molybdenum). Not to mention the majority of people will have dog shit digestion. It's important to create a combination of all these foods to 1. make tasty enjoyable meals and 2. get a balanced macro/mineral/vitamin profile whilst having good digestion. Ideally, each meal should contain a starch/fiber source, a form of animal nutrition, probiotic sources, and potentially supplements (digestive enzymes, vitamins/minerals). That is the basic layout for each meal.
high iq thread bump
Yeah it’s over holy shit just tag the guys that repoed the last thread tbh
Yeah it’s over holy shit just tag the guys that repoed the last thread tbh
i just gave up tbh. it’s whatever maybe someday someone will find it and push it.
  • So Sad
Reactions: the_nextDavidLaid
Diet is cope, at least after 18. I started to try to dietmax by having more vegetables and fruits, lean proteins, healthy fats, fibre, supplements and less alcohol and my skin ended up looking worse and more aged than when i was eating ice cream and junk food :lul: also i looked more bloated and boneless. what a joke
The Focus Of This Thread
Now I don't know how much you guys care about your health, however I'm aware of the large population of heightmaxxers/pubertymaxxers trying to maximize development. (me included). Mainly some of them are trying various pharmaceuticals to grow taller, yet they neglect the basics of developing properly. NUTRITION! Although a shorter thread, this outlines every single thing diet related I could think of and what you NEED TO EAT TO DEVELOP PROPERLY. Or alternately, to improve hormonal, skin, and overall health in adulthood. This is the guide you need and I can guarantee is overall the best diet to follow to maximize development.

Nutrition Basics
For you old heads not in puberty, 1g of protein per pound of body weight daily is plenty to support physical health. As long as you choose the correct foods to get this protein, you will get plenty of B vitamins and minerals from animal sources. This is really all you need. Don't waste your money on expensive protein.
For all the youngins in puberty (like me), we could potentially benefit from 1.5 of protein per pound of body weight daily aka protein hyperdosing. Feel free to do your own research on this, but as long as you can handle this digestively, it's overall beneficial. In theory, more protein allows you to produce more IGF-1, assuming there are sufficient amounts of HGH.
For anyone HEIGHTMAXXING, protein hyperdosing is essential. Whether or not you're including premade IGF-1 (such as IGF-1 LR3) in your heightmaxxing plan, you will likely be using HGH or something to stimulate HGH production. Either way you put it you have more GH, hence you could benefit from more protein.
The objective is not to be a fat ass, rather border the line between maintenance calories and a surplus. You want to ensure you have everything you need to develop while remaining relatively lean, as to limit aromatization from excess body fat.

Overview of Vitamins And Minerals
B1 Thiamin - Ensures all cells in body are able to metabolize nutrients, needed for carbohydrate metabolism
B2 Riboflavin - Plays vital role in maintaining body's energy supply, specifically ATP production
B3 Niacin - Required for 400+ enzyme reactions in body and supports nervous system health
B5 Pantothenic Acid - Precursor for coenzyme a (CAO) and crucial in steroid hormone production (vitamin D, adrenal hormones)
B6 Pyridoxine - Enzyme reactions/production, regulation of hormonal activity, and neurological function
B7 Biotin - Crucial for fat/protein metabolism and is synthesized in great amounts by gut bacteria. HUGE role in the cosmetic health of hair/skin/nails
B9 Folate - Key role in DNA metabolism and methylation synthesis of methionine to homocysteine (DNA production)
B12 Cobalamin - Needed for maturation of red blood cells, cell metabolism, and energy production. Cofactor in folate cycle (DNA production)
Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid - A very important antioxidant, used in the process of skin/joint collagen formation and enzyme reactions. Crucial for immune system function. As ascorbic acid and glucose are so similar molecules, they compete for absorption. The more carbohydrates/glucose you consume, the higher dietary vitamin C intake you need. 500-1000mg supplementation daily to be safe.
Vitamin A Retinol - Contained in sufficient amounts in all HIGH QUALITY animal foods. Needed for eyesight health and cosmetically speaking, skin health. Retinol deficiency has major delirious effects on skin health and looks. Can be obtained from either an overall balanced diet with lots of animal food or cod liver oil.

Vitamin D Calciferol D3
- A steroid hormone produced by the body when skin is exposed to UVB light. CRUCIAL for proper physical and hormonal development. I can't stress enough how important vitamin D is. If you're not getting daily sunlight exposure, you should 100% be supplementing with 5000-10000 IUs DAILY. I will link the vitamin D I use, however any basic brand free of seed oils or additives will work.

Vitamin K MK4 - Works in synergy with magnesium and vitamin D to get calcium to the places in the body where needed. Important to get the ANIMAL FORM of the vitamin, as opposed to MK7 the plant form. Debatably just as important as vitamin D. Extremely important for overall bone health and development. Everyone should supplement with 7.5-15mg daily (dosing based on the product below). Essentially impossible to get from food alone, unless you eat rotten liver daily. Below I linked the best priced Vitamin K MK4 supplement I have found.

Vitamin E - An antioxidant in the body that protects the body from free radical damage. Positive impacts on cardiovascular health. Can be obtained in sufficient amounts through fatty fish (see cod liver oil below)
Only focusing on minerals majority of people will benefit from / SUPPLEMENTATION

Magnesium (Glycinate)
- Majority of people are deficient. Needed in conjunction with fat soluble vitamins and calcium for proper bone development. Plays a role in nervous system health. BODY USES SO MUCH MAGNESIUM. Just take the magnesium pill boyo. 200/300mg DAILY

Zinc (Glycinate)
- Potential testosterone boosting effects via helping overall production of TOTAL testosterone 15mg/30mg few times weekly / daily

Boron (Citrate)
- Potential testosterone boosting effects via lowering SHBG and effectively increasing FREE testosterone 6/10mg few times weekly / daily

Copper (Glycinate)
- Crucial for thyroid function and skin collagen health. Promotes production of T4 and prevents over absorption of T4. 3mg 2-3 weekly paired with foods high in copper (mushrooms, potatoes, meat).

- Crucial for thyroid function and bone metabolism. When developing hypothyroidism can greatly negatively affect your height and overall stature. I recommend supplementing daily with at least 150 mcg to help avoid this.

Selenium - Crucial for thyroid function. BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THIS. A lot of companies HEAVILY overdose their selenium supplement. You risk liver damage by taking high doses for prolonged periods of time. Stick with 50mcg 2-3 times weekly. Really, you should be getting this from your diet and then concerns of toxicity are mostly irrelevant.

From my research, the majority if not all of these vitamins/minerals can also be sourced from Organ Supplements with proper chelation's for the best prices online. No sponsorship.
Now I recognize the importance and eating a healthy diet, but I am very supportive to vitamin/mineral supplementation. This is not to say that you should be eating a shit McDonalds goyslop, soyboy, lard ball fast food diet and then just popping a multivitamin at the end of the day. The way I look at it supplements are support overall health and development by backfilling any potential deficiency. Perhaps as a insurance policy. Any body who is greatly against the use supplements are usually brainwash RAWTARDS or people who only believe in "natural" things. Here I present a middle ground with the use of vitamin/mineral supplementation in conjunction with a high quality organic diet with a emphasis on animal nutrition.
Foods To Eat For Optimal Health And Development

These various foods combined meet all macro/micronutrient needs that are essential for health and development.

Milk: Preferably raw, organic, unhomogenized

A great source of calcium, B vitamins, and minerals. Very easy source of high quality animal protein/fat in a drinkable form. Potential probiotics from raw milk and can be fermented into kefir. Very diverse and enjoyable food.

Cheese: Preferably raw, organic, fermented?
Just like milk, but if made properly it has the added benefit of a fairly substantial vitamin k content (MK4). A condensed form of animal nutrition.

Cod Liver Oil:
Shit ton of preformed DHA/EPA, small amounts of vitamin D, and high amount of vitamin A (retinol). 1-2 tsp daily is enough to provide health benefits in the form of lipid management and covering various micronutrient profiles. I will put two brands below, all of which I have tried and can recommend. Oxidation of the oil is not a concern, as both companies create fresh batches very often. Green pastures ferments their cod liver oil to prevent oxidation and Rosita adds organic vitamin E.

THE HOLY GRAIL RED MEAT: grass fed, pasture raised, organic
Basically eat high quality properly sourced red meat (lean) and you will thrive. I say lean because even the leanest of red meat, still has plenty of saturated fat to support a healthy hormonal profile. Every single person, ESPECIALLY IF IN PUBERTY, should eat a minimum of 1lb red meat daily. This alone will give you a shit ton of protein, b vitamins, minerals, and saturated fat. This is truly the key in achieving good health and optimal development. It's important not to BURN THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR MEAT. DO NOT cook your meat well done, rather medium rare / rare, to preserve nutrients.
GREAT PRICED MEAT / DAIRY. I order from here 2-3 monthly for all my meat needs

Dark Chocolate:
Least important on this list, but still a good source of magnesium and minerals. Alternatively, supplement magnesium glycinate or topical magnesium chloride.

Eggs: Preferably CORN/SOY FREE, organic, pasture raised

Great source of B vitamins and thyroid supporting minerals with substantial amounts of OMEGA 3, IF CHICKENS ARE RAISED PROPERLY.

Whey Protein Concentrate: grass fed grass finished, organic, minimally processed
A true superfood, dehydrated liquid whey. Similar to cheese and milk, it's a very convenient (potentially tasty) source of concentrated animal protein. High quality protein powder has a great B vitamin and mineral profile. Now of course you can go to Walmart and buy a shitty chocolate donut rice krispy flavored protein powder, but simply put it's not good for you. All the additives and poor quality of ingredients will not make you feel good nor contribute to good digestion. I will put the brand I recommend and use, albeit a little expensive. This same brand has a non-certified organic protein powder that is also acceptable.

Carbohydrates/Starches/Fiber: ALL organic
White potatoes, white rice, oats, flours/breads, noodles, are all good sources of carbohydrates/starch to feed your gut microbiome. A few notable fiber sources are white beans, peeled apples, mushrooms, and cauliflower. Now I'm not by any means saying to eat a shit ton of fiber everyday. Fiber is simply meant to keep the food you ate moving through your digestive system, aka gut motility. It'll help all the food make its way through the digestive tract to be digested. Potatoes and oats also contain relatively high amounts of minerals. Cook your oats properly and phytic acid is not a problem. Also, if you have a healthy gut microbiome, do not be afraid of organic cane sugar. I'm not saying to make an effort to put sugar in all your meals, but using it as a flavor enhancer or energy source will not kill you. A product I use daily is this organic dextrose powder linked below. It is free of all the agrochemicals and additives typically associated with cheap dextrose powders. This is a very unique organic pure glucose powder that can be useful for spiking insulin in a heightmaxxing context or preventing hypoglycemia. Also good for pre/intra workout.

Digestive Enzymes/Probiotics
Although not necessary, both of these can be extremely useful in improving digestive health, which cascades into overall skin health. When eating large amounts of food, you can put stress on the digestive organs of the body. Using a PROPERLY FORMULATED digestive enzyme can greatly reduce stool size and reduce stress on digestive organs. If you're spending money on high quality meats and foods, you want to make sure you're getting every last bit of sustenance from the food. No point in eating 1lb meat daily if you can't even digest it. As for probiotics, having a healthy gut microbiome is greatly beneficial for skin health. I myself noticed drastic improvements in irritation/acne breakouts. A few probiotics I recommend are raw yogurt, raw milk kefir, and water kefir. Specifically, water kefir is very helpful in digesting starches/sugars, as opposed to lactose in fermented milk products. This is my probiotic of choice. Keep in mind, certain B vitamins and vitamin K are synthesized by a healthy gut microbiome. Combine that with the skin benefits and overall better digestion (nutrient absorption), probiotics are a no-brainer. The brand I linked below for digestive enzymes use the forms of enzymes PRODUCED IN THE BODY. A lot of brands I've seen have a bunch of random shitter enzymes and they sell the product for $80. Don't get scammed.

500g of organic peeled potatoes cooked in a little beef tallow, 1lb of lean venison, 1-2oz of cheese. Mix all this together with your seasonings of choice and you'll have a relatively easy to make, tasty, balanced meal. On the side for a probiotic, having 1-2 cups of properly fermented kefir will help digest the carbohydrates in the meal. Not to mention all the health benefits of a healthy gut microbiome, skin and hormonally. This meal will net you roughly 100 grams of ANIMAL protein (not counting potatoes). For optimal digestion and nutrient absorption this should be split into 2-3 meals.
60-80g of whey protein powder, 1 banana, 30g of preferred nut butter (macadamia, pecan, walnut are best LOWER IN PUFAS), vanilla extract/powder, pinch of salt, and a little bit of organic cane sugar (20-30g). This will provide a SHIT TON of animal proteins, minerals.
These two meals combined will get you about 160-180g of protein, not including other foods you could eat throughout the day. Simply adding in 2 cups of milk for example will net you even more protein.

Please for dear god get a drinking water filter at the bare minimum. A reverse osmosis filter will suffice. Below I will show pictures of my sediment filter for my RO system after 8 MONTHS only. FILTER OUT THE FLOURIDE, CHLORINE, METALS, AND NASTY SEDIMENT. You don't want to cook with unfiltered tap water let alone drink a gallon a day. Do NOT overlook this. Potentially one of the most important factors in health diet wise. Who knows what is truly in your tap water.

Overall, this is the basis of a healthy diet. I'm aware of a lot of people on this forum and in the nutritional space that believe eating only raw meat and a gallon of milk daily is all you need. Yes, on paper you're meeting a large amount of your nutritional requirements, however you're lacking in carbohydrates/starch and some of the more plant based minerals (magnesium, manganese, molybdenum). Not to mention the majority of people will have dog shit digestion. It's important to create a combination of all these foods to 1. make tasty enjoyable meals and 2. get a balanced macro/mineral/vitamin profile whilst having good digestion. Ideally, each meal should contain a starch/fiber source, a form of animal nutrition, probiotic sources, and potentially supplements (digestive enzymes, vitamins/minerals). That is the basic layout for each meal.
not right
meanwhile Iberians eat the most meat in Europe and are manlets compared to Northern Germanics and Dinaric Alps which eat far less

View attachment 2619868
They eat cooked meat (slop. Any cooked food is slop, not just McD).
All of those numbers are very low btw. 99 and 76 are both malnutrition. Even if the map tries to deceive you by painting 99 brown. Eating just a kilogram of meat every day would give you 365.
Eskimos, I don't know much about them. But they do eat mostly frozen meat, which isn't truly raw, as in it's not alive.

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