Disproving "Race is a Myth"



Oct 22, 2020
I can use a software and give a NordSinid Korean, Nordid like facial silhouette but he will still never look fully Nordid. And still look less Europid than a Mediterranid is to a Nordid.

If race doesn't exist. Then species doesn't exist either. For race is a subcluster within species.

When I look at a supposed "White" South African and also a "Black" South African, the White South African would score more similarity with a White European living in Europe in an autosomal DNA test despite both the White South African and Black South African being from Africa.

Homo Sapiens come from Africa but within a few generations, a few hundreds of thousands of years look less like primates owing to our accelerated evolution, genetic divergence.

Race[phenotypes] is artificial in the sense that I, as human, call both Chimpanzees and Macaques as "monkeys" even though Chimpanzees are more similar to us Homo Sapiens genetically than they are to Macaques. That is because Chimpanzees are archaic phenotypically.

Therefore this proves that intelligence[both of left and right brain] drove human craniofacial evolution and thus consequent divergence from our Primate cousins such as Chimpanzees.

Appearances are an illusion... Earlier generations of humans would have assumed that they have no relation to Macaques and considered them as "animals", a completely distinct category from us humans bearing no proximity or relation whatsoever. But Biologists have compared the skulls of both monkeys and humans and saw that both share a high level of similarity even before genetic testing.

So you cannot say that phenotypes bear no relevance. That would be like saying Einstein wasn't legitimate prior to experiments confirming his theories.

When mulattos are asked if they are mulattos, they always confirm that are infact indeed mulattos. But you may say that, that is infact anecdotal, therefore how does it prove the reality of race?

Because genetic isolation of a certain breed/race and evolution leads to speciation.

You never ask us are Dobermans and German Shepherds artificial constructs even though everyone can tell that they look different. Because you have an agenda.

Race is a subcategory. A Phenotypic and Autosomal genetic clustering.

Would Negroids and Europoids evolve into their own species if they went in their own direction continuing their phenotypic morphology and through constant inbreeding?

Neanderthals were phenotypically distinct from Homo Sapiens but we could interbreed with them.

Race is an illusion from the perspective that both Negrids and Europids are Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals were a sub species of Homo Sapiens more distinct from Europid Homo Sapiens than Negrids to Europid Homo Sapiens while looking more morphologically similar to Europid Homo Sapiens than Negrids are. But we can still that that Neanderthals were different from Homo Sapiens just by looking at them. A "White" human looking entity while not quite exactly being fully human.

It is like as if Europiform tendencies can be of any sub species or even species. But that would be like saying Chocolate flavored Beer vs Chocolate flavored Milk are the same thing. Both are Chocolate flavoured but the base substance is different. Europiform(Chocolate flavour) Beer(substance) vs Europiform(Chocolate) Milk(substance). On the surface both Europiform Homo Sapiens and Europiform Neanderthals are both Europiform but they are of a different subspecies.

I can't "prove" that Chimpanzees exist phenotypically because phenotypes are a matter of aesthetics. A right brained phenomena.

A Chimpanzee looks more similar to a Homo Sapiens than a Canine does to a Homo Sapien and Genetically that's true as well. Which appears to confirm that what we see with our eyes i.e. phenotypes appear to correlate with hard evidence i.e. genetics.

I have never seen a phenotypically Negroid European clustering closer to a Europid European than he is to a Negroid African.
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  • JFL
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If race doesn't exist why does everyone innately agree than a Mongoloid Nepali looks more similar to a Mongoloid Chinese?
If race doesn't exist why does everyone innately agree than a Mongoloid Nepali looks more similar to a Mongoloid Chinese?

There appears to be a consensus. But you may argue that humans used to believe in the flat earth theory as well.
You never ask me if cubes are different from pyramids. But it's distinction is obvious to you.

That is what phenotypes/races are. A 3 dimensional skull and flesh form.
Argument: You cannot prove that race exists.

Counter-Argument: I cannot prove that 1 + 1 = 2, either.

It is a thought process, a form of rationalization, mental activity, a left brained phenomena.

You will never disagree that 1 + 1 = 2 because it is simple Mathematics. And humans are intelligent enough to deduce that it is so. But you may incorrectly solve a complicated Math problem first and then when you check the solutions you may realize that you made a mistake.

I can use a software to calculate proximity between individuals of the same race and it would give me the results. Affirming that indeed a Negroid person is more phenotypically similar to another Negroid person than a Europid person is to one another.

If I took a picture of a Nordid European and altered it. You will say "he looks quite different", he doesn't look perfectly human. But yet you ask me "does race exist"?
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Race is real. Fling poo on every Jew who spits poison.
Race/phenotypes is the result of aesthetics sexual selection from generations of breeding.

Can a Australoid phenotype accelerate within a few generations and become more progressive and surpass a Europid?

The foundations are the base, from which the end result stem from. It is a differentiation, an extension, a rumination.

I can use Art/Sketching to draw a human face more progressive than any existing model. That is because I have the freedom to do so and am unconstrained by existing humans, limited to their mere ephemeral existence.

You never ask if one generally agreed upon human face is attractive. Even though I cannot "prove" to you if that human face that is generally regarded as attractive is indeed objectively attractive. It is a sheer matter of Aesthetics.

You don't seem to disregard that beauty is unobjective and unprovable therefore a myth but you say race is a myth. Even though both are Aesthetic, in particular Phenotypes, aka Physical Race.
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Bro what are u yapping about
IMG 2813
Mongolians are the superior race btw.
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  • JFL
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Real jew is ethnically ashkenazi

Ashkenazi is a racial category. Descent from Eastern Europe. Self-distinction from fellow Eastern Europeans by mere Religious Self-Identification.
  • +1
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Ashkenazi is a racial category. Descent from Eastern Europe. Self-distinction from fellow Eastern Europeans by mere Religious Self-Identification.
No they're levantine for the most part
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Jews lie that race doesn't exist so that they can eliminate racial distinction and identification from people's minds in order to make people disregard race. So that they can live freely from racial persecution by eliminating racial consciousness.
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This thread was unnecessary tbh
Not even an atom + water
Phenotypically we are limited to the Universe itself. Our environment limits us because we are subject to 3 dimensions.

Every race or specie is the product of earth and to a further extent this galaxy.

Humans are hardwired to find fellow humans attractive. That is a lie of the human brain working on correspondence with genetics and hormones.

Is Aesthetics ever Objective? Does God who Transcends Space-Time find anything on Earth "beautiful"?

When King David played the harp and danced before the Lord, why was God pleased, when it was all the work of a mere mortal subjected and limited to Space-Time, the Lord's own creation.

"And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good." ~ Genesis 1:31
Phenotypically we are limited to the Universe itself. Our environment limits us because we are subject to 3 dimensions.

Every race or specie is the product of earth and to a further extent this galaxy.

Humans are hardwired to find fellow humans attractive. That is a lie of the human brain working on correspondence with genetics and hormones.

Is Aesthetics ever Objective?


I met a female from another planet of another galaxy. And behold, her beauty surpassed that of any human. Since then I have sworn allegiance to only her extra terrestrial species.

  • JFL
Reactions: 2025cel
Ashkenazi is a racial category. Descent from Eastern Europe. Self-distinction from fellow Eastern Europeans by mere Religious Self-Identification.
we jews are actually slavic?
I met a female from another planet of another galaxy. And behold, her beauty surpassed that of any human. Since then I have sworn allegiance to only her extra terrestrial species.

Yeah, that's kinda cringe boyo.
Yeah, that's kinda cringe boyo.

A female from another planet of another galaxy landed on Earth and secretly met me. She told me that she admired my intelligence and personality. She corresponded with other humans on earth through her travels here while in the superficial disguise of a human. But none captivated her interest as much as me. We communicate through advanced technology. Wireless detection of brain waves.

I taught her the secrets of the Torah and the Vedas. She converted to Hinduism and Judaism(a synthesis of both). The individuals of her species also speculate about Brahman she confessed to me. But they were weak souls who could not prove into it's nature.

We now are planning for a genetically modified hybrid offspring. An end result of our love that would perpetuate.

Her beauty is ethereal. She takes me to higher levels of sexual ecstasy than other human females ever can.

She will forever be my paramour. We live in the shadows. Walking on earth while secretly hiding her true origins.

I think she is a Gandharva from Indra's realm.

Her meeting me was all preplanned by Paramatman. A gift from Him. His finest work of art, of unsurpassable excellence in terms of mortals.

My Primate Solar system pours into her extra terrestrial labia everytime we compulate.

I penetrate her nether tunnels on the daily. It tastes better than chocolate.

  • JFL
Reactions: 2025cel
My alien lover is the Magnum opus of my existence. The conclusion and culmination of all my desires and emotions. In her I find complete perfection. She takes me to the grandest level of mortal existence. Is it lust? Or is it a subdued form of prayer? I think it is a summary and a transient form of the melody of this Universe.

She is the song of the stars combined.

She is the crystallization, the embodiment of the cosmic microwave background radiation.

I am lost in the intoxication of inter-galactic romance.
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  • JFL
Reactions: 2025cel
She says she is from planet X, galaxy Y. I am from earth and the solar system. It is all a matter of perspective. No one individual perspective is more valid than the other. We are all born within this universe and a product of the big bang.

She says: even though you are Homo Sapien and thus primitive, I still love you.

I joke: Gimme a break, my evolution is shorter compared to yours, only 3.7 billion years.

She says: well you're truly evolved for something as short a span as that.

I tell her: Earth spawned me just for you.

Me: you expand my horizons, I was limited exclusively this earth, now I have surpassed it because of you.
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I went around asking my fellow humans what aliens might look like. They had no clue. No possibilities within their minds. They could not hypothesize one. They gave absurd, illogical answers.

She said: well you have to forgive them, "they cannot completely create something from out of nothing"

I asked her: if I existed before the first life on earth, could I imagine the subsequent diverse species that evolved from it? I guess not.
Given the vastness of space, can there be another earth-like planet with similar life forms. I mean there are patterns within this universe. There has to be some level of similarity, someway, somehow.
She says she is from planet X, galaxy Y. I am from earth and the solar system. It is all a matter of perspective. No one individual perspective is more valid than the other. We are all born within this universe and a product of the big bang.

She says: even though you are Homo Sapien and thus primitive, I still love you.

I joke: Gimme a break, my evolution is shorter compared to yours, only 3.7 billion years.

She says: well you're truly evolved for something as short a span as that.

I tell her: Earth spawned me just for you.

She says: that's geocentric.

I say: Doesn't everything happen for a reason? Is it all a coincidence? Complete randomness?

She replies: isn't a car hitting another one not an accident?

I reply: it is a disaster but it is owing to his negligence but that does not negate cause and effect and it's inter-relations. Everything was already determined in the primordial singularity. His negligence is still included within all the unfolding of the phenomena within this universe. You cannot isolate a part of the universe from the entirety of the universe. If we did that would alter the universe. Like re-writing a Maths equation or coming up with an entirely new one.

She says: whatever topic of Maths is still Maths. Is still based on logic. So here we are now!

I say: inter-disciplinary Mathematics... Fascinating... Interdisciplinary, Inter-course of inter-species.

She goes: not everything makes a perfect combinations, only some ingredients make up a good dish.

I say: and we are the ingredients that constitute a perfect dish!

Me: you expand my horizons, I was limited exclusively to this earth, now I have surpassed it because of you.

She says: some new experiences are good for you.

I say: trivial matters don't impress me. I cannot be content with an ordinary life. Physics and Maths, now that's what satisfies me.

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