Do a roid cycle now or wait till after surgery recovery?



Coping never ends
Jul 28, 2019
I have a pretty small frame and am low on muscle mass (11-12 inch arms) with good waist to shoulder ratio. So upping my mass should give me a good PSL boost. I tried so naturally for quite some time but in the last 2 years, I build just 3 kg of lean muscle. I tried different plans, tracked calories every day, did everything I could adjust, but failed to make substantial gains. I conclude from that, that my muscle building genes are trash.

I want to use steroids, test only because of mbp, to gain around 8kg of muscle. I plan to have surgery for my pectus excavatum in around 6 months though. I will need around 3 months of recovery from that surgery before I will be able to go to the gym again.

Does it make sense to do a cycle before that surgery? I read that steroids increase your cell nuclei and give you an advantage in the long term. Is this benefit worth it or is it better to wait and start the first cycle after having fully recovered from the surgery?

Current stats:
24 years old

@x30001 You seem knowledgable in this regard.
I have a pretty small frame and am low on muscle mass (11-12 inch arms) with good waist to shoulder ratio. So upping my mass should give me a good PSL boost. I tried so naturally for quite some time but in the last 2 years, I build just 3 kg of lean muscle. I tried different plans, tracked calories every day, did everything I could adjust, but failed to make substantial gains. I conclude from that, that my muscle building genes are trash.

I want to use steroids, test only because of mbp, to gain around 8kg of muscle. I plan to have surgery for my pectus excavatum in around 6 months though. I will need around 3 months of recovery from that surgery before I will be able to go to the gym again.

Does it make sense to do a cycle before that surgery? I read that steroids increase your cell nuclei and give you an advantage in the long term. Is this benefit worth it or is it better to wait and start the first cycle after having fully recovered from the surgery?

Current stats:
24 years old

@x30001 You seem knowledgable in this regard.
Only advice I give about steroids is not to take them. You can ask @jefferson and @ZyzzReincarnate they can give you some proper roid advice. If you've already decided to take them then asking me anything would be useless because my advice would be bias and wouldn't get you far. Btw I don't judge anyone who uses roids or advocates them, I don't at all, even if it comes off like I do. Not taking them is just my choice. A few of the guys on roids are actually some of the most down to earth guys on here tbh.
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Wait till you get surgery and recover from it because if you juice now you'll lose it when you get surgery and stay in bed for awhile get on 250mgs test enanthate/week with 0.5mgs aromasin every other day to control estrogen for 10 weeks then do a post cycle therapy 20mgs of nolvadex for a month
Wait till after surgery. 500mg test is probably overkill if you have 11-12 inch arms. I'd do 350mg test. Maybe some tbol to kick start or end it strong.
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I have a pretty small frame and am low on muscle mass (11-12 inch arms) with good waist to shoulder ratio. So upping my mass should give me a good PSL boost. I tried so naturally for quite some time but in the last 2 years, I build just 3 kg of lean muscle. I tried different plans, tracked calories every day, did everything I could adjust, but failed to make substantial gains. I conclude from that, that my muscle building genes are trash.

I want to use steroids, test only because of mbp, to gain around 8kg of muscle. I plan to have surgery for my pectus excavatum in around 6 months though. I will need around 3 months of recovery from that surgery before I will be able to go to the gym again.

Does it make sense to do a cycle before that surgery? I read that steroids increase your cell nuclei and give you an advantage in the long term. Is this benefit worth it or is it better to wait and start the first cycle after having fully recovered from the surgery?

Current stats:
24 years old

@x30001 You seem knowledgable in this regard.
rip testicles
rip testicles
What about my testicles?

I am not totally sure about my hormone levels, yet. A year ago I tested my total test only which was at 610ng/dl which is not good but allright.
Some weeks ago I tested at 409 ng/dl total t, free t was below normal and SHGB at high edge of normal. FSH was higher than normal as well. DHT was at low edge if normal.
I will retest in some weeks before jumping to conclusions on that.
Wait till after surgery. 500mg test is probably overkill if you have 11-12 inch arms. I'd do 350mg test. Maybe some tbol to kick start or end it strong.

wouldn't include anything else on the first cycle, just 500mg of test to see how your body reacts, make sure to have SOME AI tho cuz if you get too much estrogen thats gonna rip you also. And don't forget to do a PCT. Also would wait for surgery as youre probably just gonna lose your gains.

edit: literally no point to do 350mg instead of 500mg
wouldn't include anything else on the first cycle, just 500mg of test to see how your body reacts, make sure to have SOME AI tho cuz if you get too much estrogen thats gonna rip you also. And don't forget to do a PCT. Also would wait for surgery as youre probably just gonna lose your gains.

edit: literally no point to do 350mg instead of 500mg
Yeah there is. He has fucking 11 inch arms.

He wouldn't get any more gains out of 500 than he would on 350.

And 350 has less estrogenic and androgenic side effects.
@Julian @jefferson
Does it make sense to split the weekly dose into two injections a week? I read on r/testosterone that more frequent injections will lower aromatization.
Wait till after surgery. 500mg test is probably overkill if you have 11-12 inch arms. I'd do 350mg test. Maybe some tbol to kick start or end it strong.
250 mgs even tbh
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Well you got different types of esthers anyway. Some stay longer in your system some shorter. But generally you should inject more often for more stable hormone levels but as a first cycle some people do it 1 time a week because they don't like pinning.
Also is it possible that I made some huge mistakes that prevented me from gaining muscle? I counted cals daily, was on a 500 cal surplus with 150g of protein. Did one program which was in the 5 rep range and one in the 8-12 I did two main bulks with around +8 kg and leaned down afterwards. I gained some strength (can do some +20kg pull ups and 2 muscle ups) I trained mainly big compound excercises with some isolation ones for arms.
And this were only the 2 years were I was very strict. I was less strict for some more years with allmost no gains either.
What program did you follow exactly, you sure you calculated your TDEE properly?
250 mgs even tbh
Sure? I read in some trt forums that 200mg brings some people to around the upper edge of normal 1200ng/dl.
What program did you follow exactly, you sure you calculated your TDEE properly?

First Was nsuns from reddit which is a low rep high set program. This actually gave me the most gains in terns of strength. Second was reddit ppl on which I gained only very light strength.

I ate 3300kcal during bulk which equated in around +1kg a month, most of it fat sadly.

Cuts were at around 2000-2200kcal which equated in -1.5kg a month.

Before that I was on programm from on which I even lost strength.
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Sure? I read in some trt forums that 200mg brings some people to around the upper edge of normal 1200ng/dl.

First Was nsuns from reddit which is a low rep high set programm. This actually gave me that gains in terns of strength. Second was reddit ppl on which I gained only very light strength.

I ate 3300kcal during bulk which equated in around +1kg a month, most of it fat sadly.

Cuts were at around 2000-2200kcal which equated in -1.5kg a month.

Before that I was on programm from on which I even lost strength.
Yap dead sure 250 mgs will be more than enough for you trust me on this
Currently I am on another ppl from a german forum on 1800kcal for cutting because I am currently less pphysically active due to work.
Also is it possible that I made some huge mistakes that prevented me from gaining muscle? I counted cals daily, was on a 500 cal surplus with 150g of protein. Did one program which was in the 5 rep range and one in the 8-12 I did two main bulks with around +8 kg and leaned down afterwards. I gained some strength (can do some +20kg pull ups and 2 muscle ups) I trained mainly big compound excercises with some isolation ones for arms.
And this were only the 2 years were I was very strict. I was less strict for some more years with allmost no gains either.
Yeah idk how it's possible to be so small after all that. Probably some mistakes but your genetics are probably garbage tier.

I wouldn't even do a 'cycle' in your case. Just get on 250 test and taper the dose up as you get bigger. Don't come off.

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