Do i look like incel?

Lol not even close, your mouth area looked 10x better, same for your nose.
i need to get rid of my bad self-esteem then, seriously. I'll never ever do mouth widening since only eppley does it and it leaves scars; At best maybe palate expander but that's all.
I've heard that beeing lean can somehow widen the lips.
It's probably cope.

look at that nose
In this picture, like PSL 4.5 High Tier Normie maybe PSL 5?, definitely above average despite chin recession, however I can see arguments for PSL 4 or PSL 5
And what would you rate my oneitis? @streege
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-lip fillers
-mandible implants

i'd be surprised if you are really 6'2 based on your skull size...
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And what would you rate my oneitis?
View attachment 311080
She has the facial structure of a 5 PSL, but her skin, pasty coloring, eyebrows, etc. could potentially bring her down to like a 4, she slightly mogs you, facial structure wise she mogs you hard, but as I said her other features bring her down, you should be looksmatched, you have to bare with me also female PSL rating is almost impossible to do.

can someone explain what PSL means? im new here...
PSL stands for Puahate Sluthate and Lookism, with Looksmax (this website) being the successor/continuation of the "incel/coping/looksmaxxing movement" PSL is a rating system that currently goes from 0-8, with 8 being a perfect face, 0 being unimaginably deformed, and 3.5-4 being average. It's a rating system that is meant to measure your attractiveness in standard deviations from the mean aka how far above or below average you are.

Generally the PSL rating takes into account coloring and face structure, but in recent years/months it has come to encompass almost all aspects of your face, including the harmony of your features and even your phenotype as well as perceived ethnicity.

The PSL rating system vaguely resembles, or at least initially it did, resembles the rating systems used by plastic surgeons to measure the attractiveness/ desired attractiveness of their clients.
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that nose don’t fit face at all
that nose don’t fit face at all
It's just a concept morph, a photoshop to give an idea, obviously you dont want it to look exactly like that, he's just trying to communicate an idea, doing a detailed photoshop/morph requires effort and time.
I’m prob just too much of a look a like
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bad pic if you have any better to rate, but tbh for netherlands, 4.5 at best, imho you mog despite beeing boneless.
She has pics with better lighting but theyre all anglefrauded tbh
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It's just a concept morph, a photoshop to give an idea, obviously you dont want it to look exactly like that, he's just trying to communicate an idea, doing a detailed photoshop/morph requires effort and time.

Me transition to Pitt be like
4DCD1629 A69E 4720 B8EA 6BEFD9410154
AE287818 2D61 4154 8F81 0CFD880C18B4
E384F72A E16E 41D8 B189 549D17D1889D
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no, above average
tbh u can use the middle pic to see where the biggest differences are between u and pitt, like for example the nose and how there's a lack of overlap.
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tbh i see you well together. Don't tell she doesn't find you okish looking
I asked and she said im "ok, meh"
The brutal part is she had a bf when i approached her and now im known as a "creepy rapist of her"
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I asked and she said im "ok, meh"
The brutal part is she had a bf when i approached her and now im known as a "creepy rapist of her"
so, know now that she doesn't mog you at all. If you have a better behaviour than her - you probably do - just quit it, and focus on something or somebody that worth it. You won't have trouble.
so, know now that she doesn't mog you at all. If you have a better behaviour than her - you probably do - just quit it, and focus on something or somebody that worth it. You won't have trouble.
Read my custom title im an oneitiscel
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Read my custom title im an oneitiscel
i used to be like that at 12-13-14 yo at best then changed. I mogged the girls too but acted needy.
hell even at the beginning they were ok for it, but then became popular and i was naive to let them do.
i used to be like that at 12-13-14 yo at best then changed. I mogged the girls too but acted needy.
hell even at the beginning they were ok for it, but then became popular and i was naive to let them do.
8AA40768 FB81 4628 B989 A53E18CC584F
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you look cute op. upper tier normie.

can probably get laid if you aren't autistic
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No, you don't. You have good genes but you need a better hairut. You will be able to look pretty masculine in your 20's if you grow a full stubble, tan, fix your hair and get decent clothes.
looks like shit
Imo you dont look bad at all. You are total normal looking guy. You would mog most people in this forum. You simply lack the slayer features.
if you are white, tall and normal looking theres no way you are incel.
you people are delusional he is clearly at 5 psl without height

op stop posting here narc
Nose failos you hard, you lack upward growth
bodyfat fucks you
U mean that i am too skinny right? My body fat is on a 10-11 percent level. I used to have more muscles like 2-3 years ago
your face is fat train hard and eat less sugars

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