"Do men even like women anymore?"

I much prefer physical copies, helps to bind me to the moment as well as me having a tendency to scribble in the books directly when I get ideas, especially philosophy.
Physical copies can be lost, damaged, take up space, etc. I'd much rather have hundreds of books on my phone that I can read at any time.
I literally have a phd in studying the "profound" art you mentioned, and I can tell you gender has nothing to do with this. Most people don't give a shit about high brow literature or whatever.
Water the crowd is insentient, but of the few outliers there are they are almost exclusively men.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Henry Rollins
We’re talking about the first world who cares about “all around the world” go back to insta reels please
poland is more first world than whatever shithole nigger country you came from :lul:
Physical copies can be lost, damaged, take up space, etc. I'd much rather have hundreds of books on my phone that I can read at any time.
I'd prefer to have physical copies in my book shelf when the government bans some books in 2040 and restricts half of everyones online library. Will hide Weininger and Schopenhauer in my mattress.
Water the crowd is insentient, but of the few outliers there are they are almost exclusively men.
You're missing the point. You're a miserable and narrow-minded person if you can only appreciate people with specific high brow tastes. Go join a book club or some shit if you just want to jack yourself off for being intellectual.
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What can you even offer me that I can like about you?

Your literature consists mainly of low-effort smut masquerading as a story while containing near zero substance. This is just speaking of contemporary literature as well; historically, even the most influential female writer of all time (Jane Austen) can't compete with Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Shakespeare, etc.

Your philosophers are few and far between; none of them have changed the world, and the most influential of them spoke almost entirely about genders, e.g., Wollstonecraft, Beauvoir, Butler. (Do metaphysics and epistemology even interest women?)

Your cinema consists mainly of hyperbolizing outdated or very specific gender inequalities (that only occur in the best societies that already live better than 95% of the planet does regardless of gender; yeah, very compelling to display inequality through office culture when children starve on the same planet).

The reason you're sexualizing yourself is because your lacking competence in other areas results in your flesh being the only thing you can offer humanity, i.e., something you have not even worked for yourself. (And yes, I despise men who buy into this shit as much as women promoting it; it's a spiral where women are also encouraged to not even develop other areas of their character but focus solely on their flesh.)

I'm not saying that women are useless or can't contribute, but when they seriously wonder on social media why men don't find them appealing other than their bodies, it's because they offer nothing of substance other than their bodies.

I would wish for nothing else regarding women than that they actually sought out and valued profundity in all of life's endeavors. I want to read good metaphysical arguments made by women. I want to see a woman direct a new The Seventh Seal. I want a woman to make The Brother's Karamazov look like old news. Not because I care for the gender but because it benefits humanity as a whole; it's the complacancy and acceptance of mediocrity that gets me.

I want to read and discuss philosophy with my future wife. I don't want a life devoid of substance or to be surrounded by people who lack the desire for profundity.

@Klasik616 @cromagnon @ReadBooksEveryday @DelonLover1999 @Magnum Opus @SidharthTheSlayer @nietzsche
I agree, even if you are a chad and can fuck any terrastacy you want it's still probably so tiresome to be around foids, they don't have any interests or competencies. Is to be materialistic, hedonistic, and have sex. This is why Plato was right, the ideal type of love is that between men and men because their love can ascend to something higher than hedonism.
You're missing the point. You're a miserable and narrow-minded person if you can only appreciate people with specific high brow tastes. Go join a book club or some shit if you just want to jack yourself off for being intellectual.
Books are a tiny part of my day-to-day life; I'm just philosophical and highly inquisitive, while people around me aren't. That's it. Then I meet a few here and there equally capable of ideating, and I feel way more pleased with interactions. It's not for my pleasure of wanting to be seen as intellectual, I just get irritated when mentally understimulated. It's about a fundamental sentience.
dnr pseudointellectual ramblings
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Books are a tiny part of my day-to-day life; I'm just philosophical and highly inquisitive, while people around me aren't. That's it. Then I meet a few here and there equally capable of ideating, and I feel way more pleased with interactions. It's not for my pleasure of wanting to be seen as intellectual, I just get irritated when mentally understimulated. It's about a fundamental sentience.
You're probably just some ruminating loser who lives in his head and copes that it makes him more "sentient"
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Reactions: Henry Rollins
You're probably just some ruminating loser who lives in his head and copes that it makes him more "sentient"
That's a big assumption there, not correct though. The world is quite boring as others don't contribute much to it.
Another assumption, I'm actively working to create a legacy and I wonder why those around my lack the same volition.
okay, get back to me when you've finished your schizo manifesto or whatever
What did you say you had a PHD in?
It's in English and I've extensively published on the kinds of novels you're talking about, and even I wouldn't write a thread as up my own ass as this.
  • JFL
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It's in English and I've extensively published on the kinds of novels you're talking about, and even I wouldn't write a thread as up my own ass as this.
English, works for me as I write in English. Do you teach by any chance? You could teach my books one day, that's the idea at least. I'd like a review honestly. I'm reaching for the Pantheon, reason you wouldn't write something like this is because you wouldn't write anything at all that could inspire.
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English, works for me as I write in English. Do you teach by any chance? You could teach my books one day, that's the idea at least. I'd like a review honestly. I'm reaching for the Pantheon, reason you wouldn't write something like this is because you wouldn't write anything at all.
Look, I'm not trying to shit on your dreams. If you want to write a great novel, go for it. But ease up on the ego until you have something to show for it.
  • JFL
Reactions: HarrierDuBois and Henry Rollins
Look, I'm not trying to shit on your dreams. If you want to write a great novel, go for it. But ease up on the ego until you have something to show for it.
I'm so arrogant it's unfathomable honestly, don't take anything I say personally my ego is just in overdrive. I actively try to repress it.
If you want to write a great novel, go for it.
Why haven't you? You obviously know the structuring, pacing, patterns etc. oftentimes found in great works and can use that to your advantage. Is it lacking imagination? If you write one or a couple of good ones that spread widely, you can live off of them.
don't take anything I say personally
way ahead of you
Why haven't you? You obviously know the structuring, pacing, patterns etc. oftentimes found in great works and can use that to your advantage. Is it lacking imagination? If you write one or a couple of good ones that spread widely, you can live off of them.
I'm not in a manic episode and realize that criticism and creative writing are different skills. I also know that the literary market is tiny and oversaturated
way ahead of you

I'm not in a manic episode and realize that criticism and creative writing are different skills. I also know that the literary market is tiny and oversaturated
Fair, literature is not my entire dream either; I have a couple of different ones I work towards. But do give your top 5 best book recommendations of all time, from the perspective of someone critiquing them and actively seeking flaws.
I'd prefer to have physical copies in my book shelf when the government bans some books in 2040 and restricts half of everyones online library. Will hide Weininger and Schopenhauer in my mattress.
Jfl the world will be closer to Brave New World than 1984; they won't bother banning books because nobody's reading them.
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