Do not body recomp(and what do do instead)

The Homelander

The Homelander

I'm the real hero
Aug 1, 2024
This post is targeted towards skinny-fat/fat people

If you aren't one of those, you can still stay and learn something valuable

So you have found yourself in one of these situations(or even in between them):

Before I go further, determine what your body fat percentage is using this chart

If you are 13% or below, this guide isn't for you. Reply if I should make a bulking guide

Firstly, if your physique as a young male is a combination of low muscle mass and high body fat, There is definitely something going wrong unless you are still in early-mid puberty. If you are above the age of 16 and have low muscle mass, You most likely have low testosterone. I know most of you can't be bothered to get blood tests done at the lab, so here's a guide on how to tell if you have low T without a test:


A body recomp is the most pathetic Jewish piece of advice that cucks on youtube give you so you can stay small forever. For example, let's look at one of the most infamous cucks, jeff nippard. His video on a body recomp got 15 Million views. Imagine how many people actually followed that and sabotaged themselves. And he isn't the only one telling skinny fat and fat people this, It's literally every fitness influencer. Jeff Nippard go fuck yourself. Luckily I got out of the body recomp rabbit hole before it was too late. Let me explain...

Jeff Cuckard tells overweight people with little muscle mass to eat in a 250cal deficit per day while lifting weights

The thing nobody tells you about eating in a deficit is that you will build 50% less muscle than you would in a surplus. Not only that, all the benefits of resistance training will be significantly reduced, such as building 30% less bone density than if you were in a bulk. These percentages keep going up the higher your calorie deficit is.

The average person will gain 8-12 pounds of muscle in their first year of lifting and this number keeps significantly decreasing each year. Your second year will only bring you 4-6 pounds of muscle. In a body recomp during the first year you will only gain 4-6 pounds. Don't fuck up your newbie gains by doing a body recomp. This information should be very concerning to you if you are a victim of modern subhumanity and have a physique with little muscle mass and high body fat. You need to gain as much muscle as you possibly can naturally to even be comparable to a normal physique. Tyrone has never lifted a dumbbell in his life and has 20 more pounds of lean muscle tissue than you. Granted, your gains will definitely go back to normal speeds once the recomp is over and you started a bulk, You most likely won't catch up on all the gains you missed out on. Let me give you an example. If you need to lose 25 pounds of pure fat, in a recomp that would take you about a year and you would only have gained a little muscle mass.

So what do you do?

In my opinion, forget the recomp. Building muscle while losing fat is not optimal. Instead, do a normal cut but with some caveats. Let me explain...

Lets just say you need to lose 25lbs of fat...

You should be in a 1000 calorie deficit. this ensures that you lose 8 lbs of fat a month. You can effectively get rid of all your excess body fat in 3 months as opposed to a year. But that's not all.

You should still be resistance training but the twist is that you should only train enough to maintain your current muscle mass. If you follow exactly what I'm about to say you will not miss out on any potential gains.

Do compound exercises to hit all muscle groups. You can do this in an upper/lower twice a week workout split because you need to provide enough stimulus to maintain your muscle mass by training each muscle group twice a week. The reason I told you to do only compound exercises is because we are trying to minimize the work you have to do just enough to where you only maintain your muscle mass. Unpopular but very true and scientifically backed opinion: you only need 1 set per muscle group twice a week(so 2 weekly sets) to maintain your current muscle mass. The key here is though that you have to be training to TOTAL FAILURE each set. I don't care if you feel tired you need to keep pushing until you physically cannot anymore. If you can still do a partial rep, you didn't achieve failure. Rest 3-5 minutes between each exercise. 6-12 reps is optimal(I like 6-8 better though) this is not including partial reps.

What this will do is bring you to your desired body fat percentage so you can start a bulk from then on. Now in the bulk you should increase your weekly sets from 2 to 4(optimal). Your body will respond to the new stimulus of excess calories and increased load by causing accelerated growth which will allow you to catch up on almost all of the muscle you potentially missed out on building and build more. If you do this regimen for 3 months and bulk for 9 months, then you will end up with the same amount of muscle mass at the end of the year as you would have if you only bulked for 12 months. No harm done. Let me know if there should be a bulking guide as well.

I would cite all the studies for my claims but I need my power nap now. I assure you the scientific evidences are out there if you search for them. If you have any specific questions or are confused ask me either here or DM's and I will reply either tonight or tomorrow.

I'm finally a bluecel.

Tags: @imthesupremecel @N9wiff•˚₊‧⋆. @Schizotypalcel @NoReedemingFeature @Snowskinned @Samuel Jackson
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Congrats on becoming blue my nigga
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This post is targeted towards skinny-fat/fat people

If you aren't one of those, you can still stay and learn something valuable

So you have found yourself in one of these situations(or even in between them):

Before I go further, determine what your body fat percentage is using this chart

If you are 13% or below, this guide isn't for you. Reply if I should make a bulking guide

Firstly, if your physique as a young male is a combination of low muscle mass and high body fat, There is definitely something going wrong unless you are still in early-mid puberty. If you are above the age of 16 and have low muscle mass, You most likely have low testosterone. I know most of you can't be bothered to get blood tests done at the lab, so here's a guide on how to tell if you have low T without a test:


A body recomp is the most pathetic Jewish piece of advice that cucks on youtube give you so you can stay small forever. For example, let's look at one of the most infamous cucks, jeff nippard. His video on a body recomp got 15 Million views. Imagine how many people actually followed that and sabotaged themselves. And he isn't the only one telling skinny fat and fat people this, It's literally every fitness influencer. Jeff Nippard go fuck yourself. Luckily I got out of the body recomp rabbit hole before it was too late. Let me explain...

Jeff Cuckard tells overweight people with little muscle mass to eat in a 250cal deficit per day while lifting weights

The thing nobody tells you about eating in a deficit is that you will build 50% less muscle than you would in a surplus. Not only that, all the benefits of resistance training will be significantly reduced, such as building 30% less bone density than if you were in a bulk. These percentages keep going up the higher your calorie deficit is.

The average person will gain 8-12 pounds of muscle in their first year of lifting and this number keeps significantly decreasing each year. Your second year will only bring you 4-6 pounds of muscle. In a body recomp during the first year you will only gain 4-6 pounds. Don't fuck up your newbie gains by doing a body recomp. This information should be very concerning to you if you are a victim of modern subhumanity and have a physique with little muscle mass and high body fat. You need to gain as much muscle as you possibly can naturally to even be comparable to a normal physique. Tyrone has never lifted a dumbbell in his life and has 20 more pounds of lean muscle tissue than you. Granted, your gains will definitely go back to normal speeds once the recomp is over and you started a bulk, You most likely won't catch up on all the gains you missed out on. Let me give you an example. If you need to lose 25 pounds of pure fat, in a recomp that would take you about a year and you would only have gained a little muscle mass.

So what do you do?

In my opinion, forget the recomp. Building muscle while losing fat is not optimal. Instead, do a normal cut but with some caveats. Let me explain...

Lets just say you need to lose 25lbs of fat...

You should be in a 1000 calorie deficit. this ensures that you lose 8 lbs of fat a month. You can effectively get rid of all your excess body fat in 3 months as opposed to a year. But that's not all.

You should still be resistance training but the twist is that you should only train enough to maintain your current muscle mass. If you follow exactly what I'm about to say you will not miss out on any potential gains.

Do compound exercises to hit all muscle groups. You can do this in an upper/lower twice a week workout split because you need to provide enough stimulus to maintain your muscle mass by training each muscle group twice a week. The reason I told you to do only compound exercises is because we are trying to minimize the work you have to do just enough to where you only maintain your muscle mass. Unpopular but very true and scientifically backed opinion: you only need 1 set per muscle group twice a week(so 2 weekly sets) to maintain your current muscle mass. The key here is though that you have to be training to TOTAL FAILURE each set. I don't care if you feel tired you need to keep pushing until you physically cannot anymore. If you can still do a partial rep, you didn't achieve failure. Rest 3-5 minutes between each exercise. 6-12 reps is optimal(I like 6-8 better though) this is not including partial reps.

What this will do is bring you to your desired body fat percentage so you can start a bulk from then on. Now in the bulk you should increase your weekly sets from 2 to 4(optimal). Your body will respond to the new stimulus of excess calories and increased load by causing accelerated growth which will allow you to catch up on almost all of the muscle you potentially missed out on building and build more. If you do this regimen for 3 months and bulk for 9 months, then you will end up with the same amount of muscle mass at the end of the year as you would have if you only bulked for 12 months. No harm done. Let me know if there should be a bulking guide as well.

I would cite all the studies for my claims but I need my power nap now. I assure you the scientific evidences are out there if you search for them. If you have any specific questions or are confused ask me either here or DM's and I will reply either tonight or tomorrow.

I'm finally a bluecel.

Tags: @imthesupremecel @N9wiff•˚₊‧⋆. @Schizotypalcel @NoReedemingFeature @Snowskinned @Samuel Jackson
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Nah just go carnivore and save your time

IMG 4319
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lifting naturally is cope for sub2000 test levels and myostatin in the gutter
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lifting naturally is cope for sub2000 test levels and myostatin in the gutter
Incorrect. You can add a decent amount of muscle enough to look normal at least
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looking normal isnt enough is 2024
For people who are skinny fat it will most likely boost their self esteem and allow them to normally function in society. Everyone has different goals. You wish to blast tren. But someone else may wish to live till 30

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