Do roids lower inhib? Personal anectodes please



cavill enthusiast
Aug 12, 2023
im seriously contemplating doing roids too lower inhib mainly

I realized @WishIwasChico was acting like a submissive bitch before he started roiding again, now he isnt a doormat anymore

other ppl also claimed their inhibition got much lower due to increased horniness?

is it true? please share your experiences

@ConfusedBolivian @SteveRogers
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No they don’t it’s a meme
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YES. they do
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Yes it lowers inhib but it doesn’t really make me horny it makes me not give a shit about anything including women. It’s a strange feeling, you just don’t really care about anything except the gym for me personally
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You look at women and go ‘meh’ it’s like that insecurity you had of yourself that made you try and duck hot women goes. You no longer care
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why want low inhib???
I don’t get aggressive either like at all but nothing scares you or you’re not bothered shall I say. It’s just really hard to explain you could legit throw it down with someone and then just go on with your day like nothing happened and just be chill. I wouldn’t do this though as I’m not an aggressive person like that and would rather walk away but I can see if someone who is could easily end up getting into more fights and stuff. (This is where personality comes into factors btw. Test usually exaggerates your personality for me I’d walk away and be like ‘meh’ whereas some prone to aggression already would swing without thinking).

Although saying this I have snapped on roids before and felt surges of aggression out of no where. My family noticed I was much more snappier and aggressive easily. I could deffo see myself getting into a fight if I went to a busy nightclub if an idiot started acting like a cunt. So I’m avoiding those places while on cycle. Just don’t go to night clubs or places full of drunken idiots or gimps and just focus on the gym and you will be fine otherwise it could end bad jfl.

Also women will just be meh to you in my experience. Like if I girl doesn’t want to fuck or something you’ll just be like fuck off then tbh. You just don’t care lol.

You also feel like euphoric especially on dbol. Women are nothing no more to you, you feel like a god 24/7 you don’t need women.

Idk it’s really hard bhai to explain you just lose inhibition.
It makes you anhedonic tho bad btw because you feel so good you don’t care to do anything except eat and go the gym for hours

I am on 1g of test btw so very high dose and 60mg of dbol also so I think I am a good person to ask

Also when you’re on high dose test you feel strong af 24/7 and full of energy like you could explode. It comes out in on your personality and shit.
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I don’t get aggressive either like at all but nothing scares you or you’re not bothered shall I say. It’s just really hard to explain you could legit throw it down with someone and then just go on with your day like nothing happened and just be chill. I wouldn’t do this though as I’m not an aggressive person like that and would rather walk away but I can see if someone who is could easily end up getting into more fights and stuff. (This is where personality comes into factors btw. Test usually exaggerates your personality for me I’d walk away and be like ‘meh’ whereas some prone to aggression already would swing without thinking).

Although saying this I have snapped on roids before and felt surges of aggression out of no where. My family noticed I was much more snappier and aggressive easily. I could deffo see myself getting into a fight if I went to a busy nightclub if an idiot started acting like a cunt. So I’m avoiding those places while on cycle

Idk it’s really hard bhai to explain you just lose inhibition.
It makes you anhedonic tho bad btw.

I am on 1g of test btw so very high dose and 60mg of dbol also so I think I am a good person to ask
Someone who’s prone to aggression and impulsiveness aggression should definitely not take high doses of test imo
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Someone who’s prone to aggression and impulsiveness aggression should definitely not take high doses of test imo
thanks for sharing man, very interesting
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thanks for sharing man, very interesting
It’s ok bhai also I think this is why people like Sam Sulek and stuff don’t care about women. You’re on so much high dose stuff it makes you feel euphoric so women just become ‘meh’ as the feeling of these high doses makes you feel better than sex and you don’t care about their validation anymore.
And you will see rapid progress when you workout and it becomes really addicting like better than sex especially those pumps you get jfl. Idk it’s just a good feeling tbh. You’d like it lol.

Obviously if you took like 500mg test though I think it would make you horny af and you’d still get the benefits just since I’ve gone to 1g and quite high it makes you asexual jfl
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im seriously contemplating doing roids too lower inhib mainly

I realized @WishIwasChico was acting like a submissive bitch before he started roiding again, now he isnt a doormat anymore

other ppl also claimed their inhibition got much lower due to increased horniness?

is it true? please share your experiences

@ConfusedBolivian @SteveRogers
No it actually makes me more angry and horny and thats it, inhibition is the same
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Someone who’s prone to aggression and impulsiveness aggression should definitely not take high doses of test imo
500mg test makes me angry and have heavy mood swings
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Yes it lowers inhib but it doesn’t really make me horny it makes me not give a shit about anything including women. It’s a strange feeling, you just don’t really care about anything except the gym for me personally
I feel like I want passionate and romantic sex with every becky i come across and i am horny all day, i can bust 3-4 nuts daily with ease
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I feel like I want passionate and romantic sex with every becky i come across and i am horny all day, i can bust 3-4 nuts daily with ease
That’s crazy I get the opposite on 1g I am literally asexual
Test usually exaggerates your personality for me I’d walk away and be like ‘meh’ whereas some prone to aggression already would swing without thinking).
Is this why roided faggy camps always act so zesty on test?
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1g test c for 18 weeks and 60mg dbol kickstarter for 6 weeks. Wbu
Holy shit but 1g is a huge dose bruv wtf loool.
Also u dont have sides from the dbol? I dont want to use dbol bcs of the estrogenic side effects.
Right now i am 4 days on Anadrol 50mg, 500mg test e and 10mg rad140
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Is this why roided faggy camps always act so zesty on test?
Faggots become more gay on test, it exaggerates ur sexuality, inhib, personality.
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Holy shit but 1g is a huge dose bruv wtf loool.
Also u dont have sides from the dbol? I dont want to use dbol bcs of the estrogenic side effects.
Right now i am 4 days on Anadrol 50mg, 500mg test e and 10mg rad140
Mirin and yes it is really high it has made me asexual jfl and really anhedonic.
And no I aromatise quite bad due to taking fin also but I have ai so it’s easy to control tbh.

That’s a good cycle. What’s Anadrol like? It mogs dbol apparently quite hard I might take it as my finisher on my cycle
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Faggots become more gay on test, it exaggerates ur sexuality, inhib, personality.
Yes test definitely doesn’t make you act zesty lol he should go and ask a roided guy that in person and see what happens jfl
I don’t get aggressive either like at all but nothing scares you or you’re not bothered shall I say. It’s just really hard to explain you could legit throw it down with someone and then just go on with your day like nothing happened and just be chill. I wouldn’t do this though as I’m not an aggressive person like that and would rather walk away but I can see if someone who is could easily end up getting into more fights and stuff. (This is where personality comes into factors btw. Test usually exaggerates your personality for me I’d walk away and be like ‘meh’ whereas some prone to aggression already would swing without thinking).

Although saying this I have snapped on roids before and felt surges of aggression out of no where. My family noticed I was much more snappier and aggressive easily. I could deffo see myself getting into a fight if I went to a busy nightclub if an idiot started acting like a cunt. So I’m avoiding those places while on cycle. Just don’t go to night clubs or places full of drunken idiots or gimps and just focus on the gym and you will be fine otherwise it could end bad jfl.

Also women will just be meh to you in my experience. Like if I girl doesn’t want to fuck or something you’ll just be like fuck off then tbh. You just don’t care lol.

You also feel like euphoric especially on dbol. Women are nothing no more to you, you feel like a god 24/7 you don’t need women.

Idk it’s really hard bhai to explain you just lose inhibition.
It makes you anhedonic tho bad btw because you feel so good you don’t care to do anything except eat and go the gym for hours

I am on 1g of test btw so very high dose and 60mg of dbol also so I think I am a good person to ask

Also when you’re on high dose test you feel strong af 24/7 and full of energy like you could explode. It comes out in on your personality and shit.
@Esteban1997 read my comments
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Mirin and yes it is really high it has made me asexual jfl and really anhedonic.
And no I aromatise quite bad due to taking fin also but I have ai so it’s easy to control tbh.

That’s a good cycle. What’s Anadrol like? It mogs dbol apparently quite hard I might take it as my finisher on my cycle
Anadrol mogs by a high margin dbol, but you can run dbol for longer bcs it isnt as toxic as anadrol.
If you have high estrogen and take anadrol u will get alot of estrogenic side effects, anadrol doesnt aromatize but it makes the estrogen receptors more sensible so gyno and water retention are common on Anadrol for high estrogen guys.
I have gotten some water retention and my muscles look fuller, also alot of roid rage from anadrol and more vascularity during the gym.
Lethargy and loss of apetite also due to its toxicity.
Will run it for 4 weeks at a 50mg dose wich is moderate, i am taking hepatic protection pills with my anadrol
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Anadrol mogs by a high margin dbol, but you can run dbol for longer bcs it isnt as toxic as anadrol.
If you have high estrogen and take anadrol u will get alot of estrogenic side effects, anadrol doesnt aromatize but it makes the estrogen receptors more sensible so gyno and water retention are common on Anadrol for high estrogen guys.
I have gotten some water retention and my muscles look fuller, also alot of roid rage from anadrol and more vascularity during the gym.
Lethargy and loss of apetite also due to its toxicity.
Will run it for 4 weeks at a 50mg dose wich is moderate, i am taking hepatic protection pills with my anadrol
Ye I have heard similar fuck I need to try that bad jfl. And yes I’ve heard it can make you a lot more aggressive and also strong af.

I will try it at the end of my cycle as a finisher and let you know bhai but I’ve heard it mogs dbol to oblivion
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Hitler legit was stressing about meeting his hero mussolini so some doctor prescribed him TRT or else he would have social anxiety.

That doctor probably lead to the deaths of like 30 million because hitler was certainly different after that.
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Someone who’s prone to aggression and impulsiveness aggression should definitely not take high doses of test imo
I was thinking about starting a cycle of test but im prone to aggression and impulsiveness what do you say should I or dont?
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Ye I have heard similar fuck I need to try that bad jfl. And yes I’ve heard it can make you a lot more aggressive and also strong af.

I will try it at the end of my cycle as a finisher and let you know bhai but I’ve heard it mogs dbol to oblivion
Yes it mogs very hard dbol, but if you are going to do anadrol get ur estrogen in check.
Also i was on mk677 at the start of my anadrol cycle (4days ago) and the day 1 i took anadrol i got my nipples very sensitive like 20min after taking the anadrol pill, Stopped the mk677 and the nipples are normal now.
Mk677 elevates prolactin so mk677+anadrol is the perfect combo for gynocomastia
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I was thinking about starting a cycle of test but im prone to aggression and impulsiveness what do you say should I or dont?
Yes do it just stay away from situations tbh like night clubs and you’ll be fine broski
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Yes it mogs very hard dbol, but if you are going to do anadrol get ur estrogen in check.
Also i was on mk677 at the start of my anadrol cycle (4days ago) and the day 1 i took anadrol i got my nipples very sensitive like 20min after taking the anadrol pill, Stopped the mk677 and the nipples are normal now.
Mk677 elevates prolactin so mk677+anadrol is the perfect combo for gynocomastia
Interesting I didn’t know that tbf, I deffo won’t do 677 on dbol then jfl.
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I don’t get aggressive either like at all but nothing scares you or you’re not bothered shall I say. It’s just really hard to explain you could legit throw it down with someone and then just go on with your day like nothing happened and just be chill. I wouldn’t do this though as I’m not an aggressive person like that and would rather walk away but I can see if someone who is could easily end up getting into more fights and stuff. (This is where personality comes into factors btw. Test usually exaggerates your personality for me I’d walk away and be like ‘meh’ whereas some prone to aggression already would swing without thinking).

Although saying this I have snapped on roids before and felt surges of aggression out of no where. My family noticed I was much more snappier and aggressive easily. I could deffo see myself getting into a fight if I went to a busy nightclub if an idiot started acting like a cunt. So I’m avoiding those places while on cycle. Just don’t go to night clubs or places full of drunken idiots or gimps and just focus on the gym and you will be fine otherwise it could end bad jfl.

Also women will just be meh to you in my experience. Like if I girl doesn’t want to fuck or something you’ll just be like fuck off then tbh. You just don’t care lol.

You also feel like euphoric especially on dbol. Women are nothing no more to you, you feel like a god 24/7 you don’t need women.

Idk it’s really hard bhai to explain you just lose inhibition.
It makes you anhedonic tho bad btw because you feel so good you don’t care to do anything except eat and go the gym for hours

I am on 1g of test btw so very high dose and 60mg of dbol also so I think I am a good person to ask

Also when you’re on high dose test you feel strong af 24/7 and full of energy like you could explode. It comes out in on your personality and shit.
Good thing about dbol is that is makes u feel euphoric and confident af, anadrol makes me feel like a cuck to be honest like more nervous and agressive and just weird bruv
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Good thing about dbol is that is makes u feel euphoric and confident af, anadrol makes me feel like a cuck to be honest like more nervous and agressive and just weird bruv
Does it? Ye dbol makes me feel euphoric I thought anadrol would be similar that’s weird haha. Anadrol mogs tho so I need to try it
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Does it? Ye dbol makes me feel euphoric I thought anadrol would be similar that’s weird haha. Anadrol mogs tho so I need to try it
I cried all this days on Anadrol, i was thinking about my ex gf and having nightmares/ sweating alot at night.
Also i feel like anxious and nervous, a girl talked to me i the gym but i couldnt talk back bcs I was feeling so angry and sad at the same time.
That day i cried in the gym thinking about my ex gf.
I did turinabol a month wich is similar to dbol, and turi made me feel more confident and happy but anadrol makes me feel sad tbh
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just use phenibut jfl at roids
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So r u doing them or not
I don’t get aggressive either like at all but nothing scares you or you’re not bothered shall I say. It’s just really hard to explain you could legit throw it down with someone and then just go on with your day like nothing happened and just be chill. I wouldn’t do this though as I’m not an aggressive person like that and would rather walk away but I can see if someone who is could easily end up getting into more fights and stuff. (This is where personality comes into factors btw. Test usually exaggerates your personality for me I’d walk away and be like ‘meh’ whereas some prone to aggression already would swing without thinking).

Although saying this I have snapped on roids before and felt surges of aggression out of no where. My family noticed I was much more snappier and aggressive easily. I could deffo see myself getting into a fight if I went to a busy nightclub if an idiot started acting like a cunt. So I’m avoiding those places while on cycle. Just don’t go to night clubs or places full of drunken idiots or gimps and just focus on the gym and you will be fine otherwise it could end bad jfl.

Also women will just be meh to you in my experience. Like if I girl doesn’t want to fuck or something you’ll just be like fuck off then tbh. You just don’t care lol.

You also feel like euphoric especially on dbol. Women are nothing no more to you, you feel like a god 24/7 you don’t need women.

Idk it’s really hard bhai to explain you just lose inhibition.
It makes you anhedonic tho bad btw because you feel so good you don’t care to do anything except eat and go the gym for hours

I am on 1g of test btw so very high dose and 60mg of dbol also so I think I am a good person to ask

Also when you’re on high dose test you feel strong af 24/7 and full of energy like you could explode. It comes out in on your personality and shit.
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I don’t get aggressive either like at all but nothing scares you or you’re not bothered shall I say. It’s just really hard to explain you could legit throw it down with someone and then just go on with your day like nothing happened and just be chill. I wouldn’t do this though as I’m not an aggressive person like that and would rather walk away but I can see if someone who is could easily end up getting into more fights and stuff. (This is where personality comes into factors btw. Test usually exaggerates your personality for me I’d walk away and be like ‘meh’ whereas some prone to aggression already would swing without thinking).

Although saying this I have snapped on roids before and felt surges of aggression out of no where. My family noticed I was much more snappier and aggressive easily. I could deffo see myself getting into a fight if I went to a busy nightclub if an idiot started acting like a cunt. So I’m avoiding those places while on cycle. Just don’t go to night clubs or places full of drunken idiots or gimps and just focus on the gym and you will be fine otherwise it could end bad jfl.

Also women will just be meh to you in my experience. Like if I girl doesn’t want to fuck or something you’ll just be like fuck off then tbh. You just don’t care lol.

You also feel like euphoric especially on dbol. Women are nothing no more to you, you feel like a god 24/7 you don’t need women.

Idk it’s really hard bhai to explain you just lose inhibition.
It makes you anhedonic tho bad btw because you feel so good you don’t care to do anything except eat and go the gym for hours

I am on 1g of test btw so very high dose and 60mg of dbol also so I think I am a good person to ask

Also when you’re on high dose test you feel strong af 24/7 and full of energy like you could explode. It comes out in on your personality and shit.
mogger af, i’ll go to nightclubs and beat up little wimps when on cycle
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I can’t comment on the direct mental effects of test, will post results when I finally get on in 3 years, :feelsokman: :feelshaha: :feelswah: but based on indirect effects alone it should make you more confident. Makes sense, I mean, unless you don’t care about being jacked, but id assume that’d be a major confidence boost on its own. Walking around grocery store with pump

YEah fousey acts a lot more gay when he is roided. btw do you hate faggots?

fousey is on gear? Isn’t he small af, that’s typical natural physique.

also, how tf did he get that qt3.14? Ugly ass gay twink, this makes me rage.

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