Do roids lower inhib? Personal anectodes please

Stopped reading here
I just wanted to state the obvious which is that you don’t need “anecdotes” to know that it’ll lower your inhib based on muscle size alone, before even going into the actual mental effects
I just wanted to state the obvious which is that you don’t need “anecdotes” to know that it’ll lower your inhib based on muscle size alone, before even going into the actual mental effects
why do u even want to wait 3 years? srs
  • So Sad
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why do u even want to wait 3 years? srs
I don’t. Would kill to get on now :feelswah:

I still live with my dad while I attend college though and he’s super strict and against lifting
  • JFL
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I don’t. Would kill to get on now :feelswah:

I still live with my dad while I attend college though and he’s super strict and against lifting
move out bro don’t waist 3 of your prime years
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been taking roids for 10 years now. roids make you big and strong that is the actual process by which your inhibition will lower, at the same time you will be calmer and more able to analyze situations objectively, this might make you less prone to panic, provided you keep your estrogen in check with an aromatase inhibitor.
Someone who’s prone to aggression and impulsiveness aggression should definitely not take high doses of test imo
it's not the test, it's the conversion to estrogen. as long as they take aromatase inhibitors and do regular blood work to monitor hormone levels, that's not even a problem. roidrage came from an era where people had little understanding of the protocols for taking roids, now we know better.
move out bro don’t waist 3 of your prime years
“Prime years”
I have no friends and girls are not interested in me. So if I really do take out insane loans, I’ll just be rotting on my own.
  • JFL
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“Prime years”
I have no friends and girls are not interested in me. So if I really do take out insane loans, I’ll just be rotting on my own.
not if u start roiding
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not if u start roiding
I’ll have to believe it with my own eyes.

I’ve been rated gl by some guys (only guys though, never girls), so being mentalcel is my real problem (after all, literally EVERYONE has a gf even 1/10’s), and that’s something I’ll never be able to overcome because it’s deep in my genetics, to be socially inferior. Being muscular won’t suddenly land me a gf.
  • JFL
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I’ll have to believe it with my own eyes.

I’ve been rated gl by some guys (only guys though, never girls), so being mentalcel is my real problem (after all, literally EVERYONE has a gf even 1/10’s), and that’s something I’ll never be able to overcome because it’s deep in my genetics, to be socially inferior. Being muscular won’t suddenly land me a gf.
just lol if u have this incel mentality. it’s not in your genes nigga and roids WILL make you horny and low inhib to the point u’ll have no other option but to talk to women and fuck.
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just lol if u have this incel mentality. it’s not in your genes nigga and roids WILL make you horny and low inhib to the point u’ll have no other option but to talk to women and fuck.
It’s not “incel” mentality - it’s exclusive to me. I am the only one with this extreme problem. I am not “high inhib,” but I am very awkward. So it is rational shyness. You’ll have to just meet me in person to see I’m a “special” case :lul: :Comfy:
  • JFL
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just lol if u have this incel mentality. it’s not in your genes nigga and roids WILL make you horny and low inhib to the point u’ll have no other option but to talk to women and fuck.
Like, ive overcame my anxiety and asked girls for their numbers )they said no)

The problem is, i can’t do “small talk” for shit. Like with anyone, not even males. I just don’t have anything to say
It’s not “incel” mentality - it’s exclusive to me. I am the only one with this extreme problem. I am not “high inhib,” but I am very awkward. So it is rational shyness. You’ll have to just meet me in person to see I’m a “special” case :lul: :Comfy:
cope af

Like, ive overcame my anxiety and asked girls for their numbers )they said no)

The problem is, i can’t do “small talk” for shit. Like with anyone, not even males. I just don’t have anything to say
personality and small talk is cope, ascend and u will realize
  • Hmm...
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No. Just eat raw meat srs
Like, ive overcame my anxiety and asked girls for their numbers )they said no)

The problem is, i can’t do “small talk” for shit. Like with anyone, not even males. I just don’t have anything to say
Yes you can retard, it's all about height and face, you're not mute
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How tf am I supposed to ascend? (No to surgery btw)
Next thread: How am I supposed to ascend? (Don’t want to sleep 8 hours a day, lose weight, take peptides, roid or get any surgery) Wonder why I can’t ascend yet
  • JFL
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Next thread: How am I supposed to ascend? (Don’t want to sleep 8 hours a day, lose weight, take peptides, roid or get any surgery) Wonder why I can’t ascend yet
I sleep like 9 hours a day, am currently losing weight, and plan on rousing literally as soon as i can. But lol if you think I’m getting surgery, it won’t be me anymore, so how’s that validating?
I sleep like 9 hours a day, am currently losing weight, and plan on rousing literally as soon as i can. But lol if you think I’m getting surgery, it won’t be me anymore, so how’s that validating?
Why do you need validation so bad?
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  • JFL
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im seriously contemplating doing roids too lower inhib mainly

I realized @WishIwasChico was acting like a submissive bitch before he started roiding again, now he isnt a doormat anymore

other ppl also claimed their inhibition got much lower due to increased horniness?

is it true? please share your experiences

@ConfusedBolivian @SteveRogers
Testosterone makes you more you

Dbol makes you high dopamine, low inhib and euphoric

Anavar makes you confident

Turinabol gives you a sense of well being and confidence

Anadrol makes you more dominant and aggressive

(They all make you more horny, confident, dominant, aggressive and they bring out the real you)
Hitler legit was stressing about meeting his hero mussolini so some doctor prescribed him TRT or else he would have social anxiety.

That doctor probably lead to the deaths of like 30 million because hitler was certainly different after that.
source: trust me bro
  • JFL
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Testosterone makes you more you

Dbol makes you high dopamine, low inhib and euphoric

Anavar makes you confident

Turinabol gives you a sense of well being and confidence

Anadrol makes you more dominant and aggressive

(They all make you more horny, confident, dominant, aggressive and they bring out the real you)
so anavar alone removes social anxiety ?
so anavar alone removes social anxiety ?
Id say it lowers it alot but you cant use it alone for more than 3 months before shutting down your natural testosterone production and making it super long to recover, if you want something healthy and effective, take testosterone and anavar
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if you are low T they lower inhib, if you are already high T the effect isnt as perceptive

diminishing return principle

there are lots of other factors that contribute to being high inhib or low inhib other than T levels although they play a significant role in that
im seriously contemplating doing roids too lower inhib mainly

I realized @WishIwasChico was acting like a submissive bitch before he started roiding again, now he isnt a doormat anymore

other ppl also claimed their inhibition got much lower due to increased horniness?

is it true? please share your experiences

@ConfusedBolivian @SteveRogers
i did test e + cocaine plus halotestin while going clubbing and got into an altercation first time of my life but he defused the situation.

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