do whites even have struggles in life


Deleted member 27511

Mar 17, 2023
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Elliog wink
  • JFL
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yeah my most attractive white friend is slightly autistic and can’t express his emotions

so he is depressed sometimes, other white ppl go through this a lot for some odd reason
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Some white people are so ugly that they look ethnic, which negates their white heritage ofc
  • JFL
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Everybody has struggles.
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  • JFL
  • WTF
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Some white people are so ugly that they look ethnic, which negates their white heritage ofc
What would you describe as they look ethnic?
Yes obviously a good percentage of incels are white
Struggle to get laid
being white is heaven on earth
As a white man who will never have sex or live a normal life I am going to have to say your wrong.
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What would you describe as they look ethnic?
epicanthic folds make you look chinky even if you're blond
also if you're dark enough you might look like a sand nigger, it's very common in the Mediterranean
  • JFL
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all my problems would be solved if I were white
They probably wouldn't and even if they were you would find new ones. Everybody has problems and struggles. EVERYBODY.
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epicanthic folds make you look chinky even if you're blond
also if you're dark enough you might look like a sand nigger, it's very common in the Mediterranean


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  • JFL
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They probably wouldn't and even if they were you would find new ones. Everybody has problems and struggles. EVERYBODY.
having problems in life is an ethnic trait
Jbw is not Real
  • JFL
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harder than curries?
Yes, curries don't have endless immigration into their countries, nor do they have self hating propaganda blasting all day long via the TV and societial institutions.
Yes, curries don't have endless immigration into their countries, nor do they have self hating propaganda blasting all day long via the TV and societial institutions.
Those are social and demographic problems not dating
Whites are forced to pay handouts to lazy ethnics for conqueroring their mud huts hundreds of years ago. The only race other than Asians where racism towards is actually encouraged by the Zionist overlords
he only race other than Asians where racism towards is actually encouraged by the Zionist overlords
racism isnt encouraged towards white people, whites are just fragile.

Whites are forced to pay handouts to lazy ethnics for conqueroring their mud huts hundreds of years ago.
This is the equivalent of stealing 20 dollars from a homeless man than complaining when you have to give 1 dollar back

Having problems in life is an ethnic trait
racism isnt encouraged towards white people, whites are just fragile.

This is the equivalent of stealing 20 dollars from a homeless man than complaining when you have to give 1 dollar back

Having problems in life is an ethnic trait
They were conquered not by me but my ancestors. Why should I have to repay them? Conquering literally means whites own the land now it’s not ethnics anymore, you lose end of. Should’ve just purged all of them to avoid future beggars

The strong survive, ethnice are offered exclusive scholarships and programs. You perform worse and get in/win over an Asian or white. Simply cus skin colour, that’s true systematic racism
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They were conquered not by me but my ancestors. Why should I have to repay them? Conquering literally means whites own the land now it’s not ethnics anymore, you lose end of. Should’ve just purged all of them to avoid future beggars

The strong survive
You still benefit from it, "oh no whites have to give back a fraction of their stolen wealth". JFL if thats the extent of whites problems then my post truly was correct.
We’ve got this big frontal lobe to deal with
  • JFL
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You still benefit from it, "oh no whites have to give back a fraction of their stolen wealth". JFL if thats the extent of whites problems then my post truly was correct.
Not stolen wealth though. Conquering means whatever was once theirs is yours now. The spoils of war - women, treasure and land
Not stolen wealth though. Conquering means whatever was once theirs is yours now. The spoils of war - women and treasure
thats called stealing
thats called stealing
It’s not my fault ur ancestors were piss weak and couldn’t protect what was theirs. Owe you zero, the modern world is in favor of minorities. You have it easier
No. next question
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It’s not my fault ur ancestors were piss weak and couldn’t protect what was theirs
Thats how Tyrone justifies his actions after stealing gerberts lunch money
Thats how Tyrone justifies his actions after stealing gerberts lunch money
And in a natural world without manmade laws and rules, Tyrone is right

That’s literally how prison life operates
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  • JFL
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And in a natural world without manmade laws and rules, Tyrone is right

That’s literally how prison life operates
Thats a cruel way of thinking, in that case women only fucking chads and being hypergamous sluts is "right"
Thats a cruel way of thinking, in that case women only fucking chads and being hypergamous sluts is "right"
Yes obv it is, they produce stronger healthier offspring. Better genes improve children’s chance of survival, success and happiness.

Women should be loyal to one chad tho not sleep around. 99% of the time chad will never get cucked tho
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  • JFL
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Yes obv it is, they produce stronger healthier offspring. Better genes improve children’s chance of survival, success and happiness. Women should be loyal to one chad tho not sleep around
I hope youre a chad, because if youre a non chad male saying this shit :dafuckfeels:
And in a natural world without manmade laws and rules, Tyrone is right

That’s literally how prison life operates
Prison is actually an artificial environment tho. In the real world tribes can be smarter and develop better technology to kill the other tribes, which whites did.
I hope youre a chad, because if youre a non chad male saying this shit :dafuckfeels:
I’m a ltn but I it’s obv why they go for attractive men. All animals do this, the strong survive the weak die
  • JFL
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Prison is actually an artificial environment tho. In the real world tribes can be smarter and develop better technology to kill the other tribes, which whites did.
Prison is called the concrete jungle, although artificial, life inside lacks rules. Guards and society do not care for scum so it’s primitive in there. But yeah you’re right brains beat brawn
I’m a ltn but I it’s obv why they go for attractive men. All animals do this, the strong survive the weak die
Just because something is natural doesnt make it right
Just because something is natural doesnt make it right
“Right” and “wrong” are manmade concepts. Based on religious doctrine. Mother grizzlies eat their cubs if food is scarce, they can’t breed or survive so it makes sense. Male grizzlies kill male cubs to kill future contest

Humans would see it as wrong, nature sees it as right
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