Do women actually feel love?

Real love does exist for women, it's called "over 6'5"
if standards keep getting higher and higher there will be an incel revolution in just a few years jfl
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Same shit but fortunately my relationship lasted only 3 years. Can’t imagine the pain of a 10 yrs one. How did she break up? what reason did she give?
Just a bunch of generic shit. "We don't make a good couple." "I want to have a deep romance." "You don't have any aspirations." Literally shit a girl would say in high school. Before this happened I would have scoffed at the red pill and their ideas about "hamstering" but it's so true. They'll just make up anything and believe it, and then they cut off communication because they don't want their dumbass ideas torn apart.

I swear to god it was because I stopped fucking her for a few weeks, like that was the only thing that made her feel any sort of connection. Like I also set the breakup in motion, but I swear it wouldn't have happened if we had had sex .

And the thing is, I had a friend who I convinced to start a dog running business. It was my idea, and he was super into it, and we were supposed to move to Colorado and do that with him. So this cunt accuses me of "not having any aspirations" then goes and marries that guy whose very aspirations were fucking created by me, and the very same as my own. And, no, I do not believe that she was involved with him prior to the break up. I think he was just the most convenient dude around because when I mentioned to her that all her boyfriends were friends of her previous boyfriends, she started crying hysterically. It doesn't matter to me one way or the other. I just don't think that's what was going on.
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Just a bunch of generic shit. "We don't make a good couple." "I want to have a deep romance." "You don't have any aspirations." Literally shit a girl would say in high school. Before this happened I would have scoffed at the red pill and their ideas about "hamstering" but it's so true. They'll just make up anything and believe it, and then they cut off communication because they don't want their dumbass ideas torn apart.

I swear to god it was because I stopped fucking her for a few weeks, like that was the only thing that made her feel any sort of connection. Like I also set the breakup in motion, but I swear it wouldn't have happened if we had had sex .

And the thing is, I had a friend who I convinced to start a dog running business. It was my idea, and he was super into it, and we were supposed to move to Colorado and do that with him. So this cunt accuses me of "not having any aspirations" then goes and marries that guy whose very aspirations were fucking created by me, and the very same as my own. And, no, I do not believe that she was involved with him prior to the break up. I think he was just the most convenient dude around because when I mentioned to her that all her boyfriends were friends of her previous boyfriends, she started crying hysterically. It doesn't matter to me one way or the other. I just don't think that's what was going on.
Jesus christ, feel for you brother. No one cares about a man's issue yet when a woman stubs her toe their all over that shit. Legit had a girl cry for 50mins next to me today most annoying shit ever
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Jesus christ, feel for you brother. No one cares about a man's issue yet when a woman stubs her toe their all over that shit. Legit had a girl cry for 50mins next to me today most annoying shit ever
Yeah, that was another thing that fucking pissed me off. She had almost no friends for our entire relationship, and then when we break up it gets framed as like I'm the bad guy because I was keeping her from having friends, which was not true at all. I encouraged her to make friends. Then she like reconnected with family, who when they wanted to hang out with us, it was her who didn't want to hang out, but I'm sure she framed it as me keeping her away from her family. She even said to me the one time I spoke to her after we broke up "You know what keeps a relationship fresh? Having friends to actually hang out with." That shit is straight up psychological torture because it's shit I complained about in the relationship and she didn't seem to care about, but I get associated with her not having friends.

I actually overheard people talking about how impressed they were with her because of how she was thriving after the breakup as though not valuing a 10 year relationship or caring about it in any way is a virtue. And I'm sure I'm like the crazy ex for being emotional about my entire life falling apart.
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Yeah, that was another thing that fucking pissed me off. She had almost no friends for our entire relationship, and then when we break up it gets framed as like I'm the bad guy because I was keeping her from having friends, which was not true at all. I encouraged her to make friends. Then she like reconnected with family, who when they wanted to hang out with us, it was her who didn't want to hang out, but I'm sure she framed it as me keeping her away from her family. She even said to me the one time I spoke to her after we broke up "You know what keeps a relationship fresh? Having friends to actually hang out with." That shit is straight up psychological torture because it's shit I complained about in the relationship and she didn't seem to care about, but I get associated with her not having friends.

I actually overheard people talking about how impressed they were with her because of how she was thriving after the breakup as though not valuing a 10 year relationship or caring about it in any way is a virtue. And I'm sure I'm like the crazy ex for being emotional about my entire life falling apart.
They have no regard for men around them and act victim to gain sympathy genuine cancer
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Femoids cannot feel love.
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Women only give you chances if you have assets. Once the barrier is passed she will submit, but do they actually love you?
When all a man needs is another presence, there are no requirements you appreciate a women just for what they are?

I'm aware fresh and fit are disliked but isnt this video right?

If you can hit their cervix they will feel love:love:
  • +1
  • Ugh..
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Women only give you chances if you have assets. Once the barrier is passed she will submit, but do they actually love you?
When all a man needs is another presence, there are no requirements you appreciate a women just for what they are?

I'm aware fresh and fit are disliked but isnt this video right?

I think so but its different and conditional more so then men. If you become weak or a woman thinks of you as inferior to herself or other men she could get with she stops loving you.

A woman could love you 100% but when the love is gone its like a flip switches.
  • +1
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I think so but its different and conditional more so then men. If you become weak or a woman thinks of you as inferior to herself or other men she could get with she stops loving you.

A woman could love you 100% but when the love is gone its like a flip switches.
Will it ever be genuine when she can switch just like that? Always comparing you to a better version. There will ALWAYS be someone out there better than you, if so will a woman only love until a better option appears? That isn't love, at least the way i see it
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Will it ever be genuine when she can switch just like that? Always comparing you to a better version. There will ALWAYS be someone out there better than you, if so will a woman only love until a better option appears? That isn't love, at least the way i see it
Well not always but I am just saying women do not forgive weakness.

If you are weak its on pair with seeing a woman you know sleep with a guy in terms of disgust. Women do not forgive this
  • +1
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Well not always but I am just saying women do not forgive weakness.

If you are weak its on pair with seeing a woman you know sleep with a guy in terms of disgust. Women do not forgive this
And yet they tell young boys that weakness is okay only to ignore them and look for a strong better suited man.
  • +1
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Just a bunch of generic shit. "We don't make a good couple." "I want to have a deep romance." "You don't have any aspirations." Literally shit a girl would say in high school. Before this happened I would have scoffed at the red pill and their ideas about "hamstering" but it's so true. They'll just make up anything and believe it, and then they cut off communication because they don't want their dumbass ideas torn apart.

I swear to god it was because I stopped fucking her for a few weeks, like that was the only thing that made her feel any sort of connection. Like I also set the breakup in motion, but I swear it wouldn't have happened if we had had sex .

And the thing is, I had a friend who I convinced to start a dog running business. It was my idea, and he was super into it, and we were supposed to move to Colorado and do that with him. So this cunt accuses me of "not having any aspirations" then goes and marries that guy whose very aspirations were fucking created by me, and the very same as my own. And, no, I do not believe that she was involved with him prior to the break up. I think he was just the most convenient dude around because when I mentioned to her that all her boyfriends were friends of her previous boyfriends, she started crying hysterically. It doesn't matter to me one way or the other. I just don't think that's what was going on.
don’t worry mate, that cunt will do that shit over and over and completely screw her life lmao
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A woman could love you 100% but when the love is gone its like a flip switches.
I want to feel and give eternal love to a special woman. My heart would bleed if she doesn't reciprocate.
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I was with my ex for 10 years, basically living like a married couple. Mere weeks before we split up she was on reddit giving relationship advice and literally said "I've been with my boyfriend for 10 years and I love him to death." This was candid. It wasn't to like deceive me or anything. She wanted to combine bank accounts just a few months or weeks before. We were at the bank and she's like "I might as well just put your name on the account." as though "of course we're never going to break up." She literally got over the relationship in a matter of days, and was in another relationship within months, who she's now married to. We lived like we were married for 10 fucking years. We did hundreds of things that if they were posted on reddit, faggot redditors would be like "this is how you create a forever relationship. they'll remember this forever." It was just insane to me the shit she said and thought about our relationship. Just fucking insane, like she had just been absent for the last 10 years. It still boggles my mind. And I never got to talk to her about it, which was torturous.

Anyway, yeah, it gave me PTSD, too. I thought about her every minute for an entire year. That is not an exaggeration. I did nothing but think about it for a year. Very rapid painful thoughts. It literally feels like some sort of demonic joke that was orchestrated by a fucking demon when it happens. It's been 10 years and I still dream about her on a weekly basis, and when I do I wake up immediately feeling like shit and feel like shit all day, without even dwelling on it, like I just go about my business and the feeling is just there in the background feeling fucking horrible. I don't talk to her. I don't really talk about her. I don't look at pictures of her. I haven't seen her for 10 years. I my not even think about her for a whole day, and then I'll have some elaborate dream about her. It fucking sucks.

I'm sure this sounds like some whiny shit to people who haven't been there. My mom has Alzheimer's and the pain and sadness (and it is sad and painful) is literally not even 1/100 of a bad breakup, unless you're like a child when it happens.
I am sorry for this. I cant even imagine the pain u felt and prolly already feel because of the way you talk about it.
Women have no piety. Women can say goodbye and get over a man in a matter of weeks. It doesnt matter how much money u spent on her, how much care, love or experiences. If her emotions doesnt match, its over.
Emotional beings that make no rational or intelligent decision.
Everyone speaks about woman problem, but us men do not only have the "incel" problem. Once we fuck, once we have enough value to get a girlfriend...we give all we have for her to get nothing back, or nothing lasting.
If you need something PLEASE reach me. I will be there.
The pain of a breakup is one of the biggest. Death of ur gilrfiend feels better than a breakup, because at least she wont live the same she lived with you with another man. We are competitive as fuck, and only the idea of sharing our girlfriend make us feel sick.

People should be careful and learn at least two things about this.
1- Nothing last for ever. Nowadays where marriages doesnt mean what they meant before, a commitment with god, people do not fight for a relationship to last. They end it when shit get tougher than usual or "they dont feel the same".
We need to learn to never get too attached to a woman. I know how good it feels to sleep with ur girl, to fuck with your girl, have plans and make dreams with ur girl...we all wanna experience that, we all wanna enjoy that feelings, we all crave for real genuine love...but nowadays its mor an utopia than anything.
2- Looks will bring you hoes with high boydcounts and enough dick experience that will never miss u. Looks will only give you quantity. But to maintain a woman looks itself will do little to nothing.
You need to learn to deal with a woman. Know how to keep it cool when she gets mad. You need to know how to fulfill her needs everyday, all day, because if you fail...sorry, she can leave you and recycle you with no fucking sense of guilt.
Nowadays you need money, status, masculine frame, looks...its not just a matter of being a fucking chad. Never was, never will be. And if yuou only pay attention to that you will get dumped and broken into pieces...and maybe you will NEVER truly recover from that.

As i said, whever you need, please reach me
Much love friend
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don’t worry mate, that cunt will do that shit over and over and completely screw her life lmao
the real problem is that....for some months, years, or decades: You dont give a fuck at all if she destroies her life, you just wanted to share your life with her, and that shit hurts like no bullet.

In my breakup i tried to think of how much she will regret all she did to me, and she end up regretting, but WHO CARES. The pain u feel has no ending, the void you feel is insane, and u wanted her to be with you, not be fucked because of stupid decisions.

People sold the idea that woman are the romantics, and the ones who believed in fairy tails...but man. We are the ones who believed in that and thats the reason of our suffering.
We want a life-long commitment with a woman, make her happy and bring her the moon. They just want fun (at any age) and the best quality man they can obtain.
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no women will ever feel love they are the root of evil obviously they are only attracted to dark triad traits and money
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the real problem is that....for some months, years, or decades: You dont give a fuck at all if she destroies her life, you just wanted to share your life with her, and that shit hurts like no bullet.

In my breakup i tried to think of how much she will regret all she did to me, and she end up regretting, but WHO CARES. The pain u feel has no ending, the void you feel is insane, and u wanted her to be with you, not be fucked because of stupid decisions.

People sold the idea that woman are the romantics, and the ones who believed in fairy tails...but man. We are the ones who believed in that and thats the reason of our suffering.
We want a life-long commitment with a woman, make her happy and bring her the moon. They just want fun (at any age) and the best quality man they can obtain.
Need to spread awareness about the little christian cults. Redpilled men need to withdraw immediately from the normie dating market
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I need peace in my head
I am mentally sick and i need a woman with trad values and with not fucked up brain because of feminism and modern shit.
I think thats the goal of most men

If you fuck enough u understand that sex is just shit, and an ego boost if its not something involved between to human beings
I feel you

I met a girl that I thought was special and ltr martial
But after we ducked she said she doesn’t want anything serious…
But she still want to see me and have sex

Its just sad
  • +1
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Should be the other way round considering there are more women than men in the world. If only simp faggots didnt exist

Why do people still spread this shit? It’s only for oldcels that there are more women, because men die earlier. In the younger age group there are way more men than women. Earth is a sausage fest.
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More than we do
As male incels, this forum evaluates male vs female behavior on uneven footing; when women have power (sexual choice) and men don’t.

What would happen if these incels ascended to even footing? Well most of them are rotten people from trauma and would be sociopathic monsters to women, so let’s observe normal nt Chads

Way less loyal than women. Cheat more, more likely to cast aside their devoted long term partner to upgrade to someone younger and hotter, less remorse about it

Women will often at least stand by you through hardships like say, cancer. Women are more likely to take care of their elderly parents. Men tend to dip in these scenarios
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And yet they tell young boys that weakness is okay only to ignore them and look for a strong better suited man.
Never take what women say at face value. This is true for anyone since this society has become very fake but in general as a rule always look for where people spend their time money and effort not what they say talk is cheap action is taxing what people do will always reveal more about them then what they say.

I want to feel and give eternal love to a special woman. My heart would bleed if she doesn't reciprocate.
The time old fable men seek to find something to love women want to feel loved.
  • +1
Reactions: chrisN
As male incels, this forum evaluates male vs female behavior on uneven footing; when women have power (sexual choice) and men don’t.

What would happen if these incels ascended to even footing? Well most of them are rotten people from trauma and would be sociopathic monsters to women, so let’s observe normal nt Chads

Way less loyal than women. Cheat more, more likely to cast aside their devoted long term partner to upgrade to someone younger and hotter, less remorse about it

Women will often at least stand by you through hardships like say, cancer. Women are more likely to take care of their elderly parents. Men tend to dip in these scenarios
I disagree, that first paragraph about even footing put it in to perspective to me though, most of the people on this forum would become absolute narcy scum of the earth if they ever became chad

Despite that I still think men are more likely to take care of their parents/take care of a woman down during hardships
  • +1
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As male incels, this forum evaluates male vs female behavior on uneven footing; when women have power (sexual choice) and men don’t.

What would happen if these incels ascended to even footing? Well most of them are rotten people from trauma and would be sociopathic monsters to women, so let’s observe normal nt Chads

Way less loyal than women. Cheat more, more likely to cast aside their devoted long term partner to upgrade to someone younger and hotter, less remorse about it

Women will often at least stand by you through hardships like say, cancer. Women are more likely to take care of their elderly parents. Men tend to dip in these scenarios
You act like the majority of men are chads, most ltb have more smv than the best chad you can get. It does not apply
  • +1
Reactions: horizontallytall
I disagree, that first paragraph about even footing put it in to perspective to me though, most of the people on this forum would become absolute narcy scum of the earth if they ever became chad

Despite that I still think men are more likely to take care of their parents/take care of a woman down during hardships
I agree, I mean if I was a chad I would want to feel some sort of revenge
  • +1
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I agree, I mean if I was a chad I would want to feel some sort of revenge
It’s not even revenge I know legit sociopaths on this site who think they’re gods 💀

And they don’t just take it out on women they lash out on anyone who doesn’t worship them like abused dogs
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Just a bunch of generic shit. "We don't make a good couple." "I want to have a deep romance." "You don't have any aspirations." Literally shit a girl would say in high school. Before this happened I would have scoffed at the red pill and their ideas about "hamstering" but it's so true. They'll just make up anything and believe it, and then they cut off communication because they don't want their dumbass ideas torn apart.

I swear to god it was because I stopped fucking her for a few weeks, like that was the only thing that made her feel any sort of connection. Like I also set the breakup in motion, but I swear it wouldn't have happened if we had had sex .

And the thing is, I had a friend who I convinced to start a dog running business. It was my idea, and he was super into it, and we were supposed to move to Colorado and do that with him. So this cunt accuses me of "not having any aspirations" then goes and marries that guy whose very aspirations were fucking created by me, and the very same as my own. And, no, I do not believe that she was involved with him prior to the break up. I think he was just the most convenient dude around because when I mentioned to her that all her boyfriends were friends of her previous boyfriends, she started crying hysterically. It doesn't matter to me one way or the other. I just don't think that's what was going on.
Sounds like she was mentally fucked from the start, just very hidden.

Many such cases. Only way is to check if they’re truly open-minded and free from most insecurities, hardly the case and many are very stubborn with fragile egos when it comes to getting help.

Just lol @ getting into a relationship nowadays. Mental disorders are rampant.
  • +1
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You act like the majority of men are chads, most ltb have more smv than the best chad you can get. It does not apply
They aren’t

But what people do when they don’t have freedom of choice isn’t important because it doesn’t speak on their character. Only what Chad does matter; you can’t claim you’re abstinent for instance if you’re incel
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From time to time i read this thread and I remember we are not alone in this. The female mind is inherently evil, only religious and social pressure could mitigate it and build lasting unions. Sad shit
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I was with my ex for 10 years, basically living like a married couple. Mere weeks before we split up she was on reddit giving relationship advice and literally said "I've been with my boyfriend for 10 years and I love him to death." This was candid. It wasn't to like deceive me or anything. She wanted to combine bank accounts just a few months or weeks before. We were at the bank and she's like "I might as well just put your name on the account." as though "of course we're never going to break up." She literally got over the relationship in a matter of days, and was in another relationship within months, who she's now married to. We lived like we were married for 10 fucking years. We did hundreds of things that if they were posted on reddit, faggot redditors would be like "this is how you create a forever relationship. they'll remember this forever." It was just insane to me the shit she said and thought about our relationship. Just fucking insane, like she had just been absent for the last 10 years. It still boggles my mind. And I never got to talk to her about it, which was torturous.

Anyway, yeah, it gave me PTSD, too. I thought about her every minute for an entire year. That is not an exaggeration. I did nothing but think about it for a year. Very rapid painful thoughts. It literally feels like some sort of demonic joke that was orchestrated by a fucking demon when it happens. It's been 10 years and I still dream about her on a weekly basis, and when I do I wake up immediately feeling like shit and feel like shit all day, without even dwelling on it, like I just go about my business and the feeling is just there in the background feeling fucking horrible. I don't talk to her. I don't really talk about her. I don't look at pictures of her. I haven't seen her for 10 years. I my not even think about her for a whole day, and then I'll have some elaborate dream about her. It fucking sucks.

I'm sure this sounds like some whiny shit to people who haven't been there. My mom has Alzheimer's and the pain and sadness (and it is sad and painful) is literally not even 1/100 of a bad breakup, unless you're like a child when it happens.
Wth man, what happened. Tell us More. Just upgraded to a chaddier Chad?
Men chose their women outing sympathy, while women chose their men out of their need, that’s why.

Men want women out of fun, while women need men out of survival instinct.
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Reactions: HitAndRun, horizontallytall and try2beme
They love in a different way
You cant expect a women loving you like ur mum does. You need to prove ur worth
Thats why only looksmaxing means shit. Looks are the first, and will work for 1-3 years of LTR, then looks play a second role, or even less and masculine traits are a must if u wanna keep a women happy, loyal to you and love u and respect u as u would like.

Women love, but not as men do
Anyways train your head to understand that one day ur woman will leave you or you will be destroyed in the breakup. Learn to not feel huge attachments.
People have insane problems in this forum because all they think about is appearance, but they end up crying like babies when a woman they care about leave em.
Take care, if being ugly feels bad, being heartbroken have made more men commit su1cide than anything else.
Take care of urselves, as men none will do.
Love is a bitch
And when you imagine ur woman with other man feels disgusting.
Sometimes u feel life is senseless, and sex feels...doesnt feel good.

I am really worried for most men here because of this.
I ve been through a huge breakup and that shit is terrifying. You have other asses to fuck, other mouths to put cum on and life is not as good as before.
Before you enter the dating market after looksmaxing PLEASE, be strong enoigh mentally or this can put you in the darkest place you can imagine.
Sometimes we wish for love before we are ready and we pay the consequences.

If you dont wanna suffer just bang hot bitches in a weekly basis, different ones, and do your shit. Love is not worth it in most cases

This this this !!! OMG
yes of course they do
the experience legit gave me ptsd. What are ur suggestions to protect yourself from it in the future and have a long lasting marriage?
Why do you think rich boomers get into loveless marriages with sugar babies. They're blackpilled AF. Build your marriage off of something other than love. As dystopian as that sounds.
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"love doesn't exist" is the pinnacle of cope

ummm akshyually love doesn't exist so I'm not missing on anything 🤓 it's just chemicals in da brain guise 🤓
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so you have a mom that loves you and shes a female, is that right?
We’re talking about relationships. are you retarded or what. family is a different matter
We’re talking about relationships. are you retarded or what. family is a different matter
the question was " do women feel love "

of course they do

if you havent had a relationship where you felt love i feel bad for you
I was with my ex for 10 years, basically living like a married couple. Mere weeks before we split up she was on reddit giving relationship advice and literally said "I've been with my boyfriend for 10 years and I love him to death." This was candid. It wasn't to like deceive me or anything. She wanted to combine bank accounts just a few months or weeks before. We were at the bank and she's like "I might as well just put your name on the account." as though "of course we're never going to break up." She literally got over the relationship in a matter of days, and was in another relationship within months, who she's now married to. We lived like we were married for 10 fucking years. We did hundreds of things that if they were posted on reddit, faggot redditors would be like "this is how you create a forever relationship. they'll remember this forever." It was just insane to me the shit she said and thought about our relationship. Just fucking insane, like she had just been absent for the last 10 years. It still boggles my mind. And I never got to talk to her about it, which was torturous.

Anyway, yeah, it gave me PTSD, too. I thought about her every minute for an entire year. That is not an exaggeration. I did nothing but think about it for a year. Very rapid painful thoughts. It literally feels like some sort of demonic joke that was orchestrated by a fucking demon when it happens. It's been 10 years and I still dream about her on a weekly basis, and when I do I wake up immediately feeling like shit and feel like shit all day, without even dwelling on it, like I just go about my business and the feeling is just there in the background feeling fucking horrible. I don't talk to her. I don't really talk about her. I don't look at pictures of her. I haven't seen her for 10 years. I my not even think about her for a whole day, and then I'll have some elaborate dream about her. It fucking sucks.

I'm sure this sounds like some whiny shit to people who haven't been there. My mom has Alzheimer's and the pain and sadness (and it is sad and painful) is literally not even 1/100 of a bad breakup, unless you're like a child when it happens.
Low T
Women will often at least stand by you through hardships like say, cancer. Women are more likely to take care of their elderly parents. Men tend to dip in these scenarios
This is a new and innovative type of simping i've never seen before. No, women generally do not stand by you during hardship, when hardship strikes all they see is their ship is being torn apart and healthier ships passing them by. They immediately jump away, like a monkey swinging to a new branch. Especially in the modern western world centered around the individual. After all,

I'm very certain Men feel love way more intensely than foids.
even Boys of age 12 vibrate all day just thinking about their crush, while foids make some odd gossip about their crush and call it a day.

Would you ditch ur gf if she got cancer? im bet even most guys on .org would stay with her until she either survived or died never mind bluepilled normies lol.

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