Do you lie about your body count to women?

DO u lie about ur body/slay count to women?

  • No

    Votes: 34 40.5%
  • Yes, I say I've banged MORE girls than I really have

    Votes: 31 36.9%
  • Yes, I say I've banged LESS girls than I really have

    Votes: 19 22.6%

  • Total voters
Never reveal your body count it will be used as leverage against you at a later date. If the body count is lower than what she thinks it is she will use this a sign you are not good enough for her. The same goes if you say it too high why tell a woman anything she does not need to do. Are you getting bluepilled ?
  • +1
Reactions: Chadeep, Oberyn and ChickenAndRiceBrah
Hookers does not count to be honest
yea.. who would thought :(
sounds legit.. i mean, the whore doesnt want me, she wants my money
hahahaha retarded gross and ugly MUSLIM detected
fuck you and your fucking disgusting allah
i shit on him you fuckin muslim CUNT
I don’t care. I’m not muslim. But you are born and bred muslim retard refugee.
I don’t care. I’m not muslim. But you are born and bred muslim retard refugee.
dude shut the fuck up man
what you want from me? are you sad? because you never fucked a girl? almost 10k posts here.. dude.. i think you are extremely lonely
and maybe even a fucking indian manlet.. if that its true, then i can understand your depressing life and maybe thats why you talk like shit with other user here
Lol @ knowing a Chad's ONS will be someone's future wife/oneitis. Imagine having the ability to look at your partner's past and seeing she fucked 15+ guys before you :feelswah:
  • JFL
Reactions: mulattomaxxer and Oberyn
I downplqy it nowadays. Quite a few girls would find the real one gross / would fear STDs (although I’m clean)or just simply think they will be just another the next number (which they will be)
  • +1
Reactions: mulattomaxxer
I always say i'm a virgin and proceed to make them cum in bed. :feelshehe:
I pretend I “lost count” whereas in reality it’s single digit :Comfy::feelsokman:
I never bring it up but if they really ask I tell them since it's a fairly normal number, I do want it to be much higher though and would probably lie and say 30-40 if I ever reached close to triple digits

Til I was 20 I would lie about it being higher though and the first few months of uni when I was a virgin I lied about having a few slays
  • +1
Reactions: mulattomaxxer
I‘d always claim something in the 20-30 range, even if it wasn‘t true.

Makes you look sought after but not like a complete man whore.
butthole shit
Never got asked

Even if she did it’s none of her business
I am 34 and have banged over 200 but since I larp as a 24 year old I would imagine saying 200 would make girls disgusted so I usually say I've banged 30 if girls ask point blank. I never volunteer that info but tonight I was asked by an 18 year old I went on a date with and when she said she had been with 7 (lol 7 at 18) I didnt think I could respond with "200" so when I said 25 she didn't seem to mind

What about you guys ?

I have told girls my real body count and some have SAID that it's kinda gross, but they still have slept with me

One girl legit said she can't continue to be with me when I told her my real body count
why dont you model and make some money bro
ok are you his manager or what
9914FC04 0E36 4846 BB84 7D6004F006BB
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it’s ideal to say a fairly low number like 3-7 as long as you’re good looking and still have many ways of showing preselection (e.g. the girl knows other girls who like you and has friends who say you’re hot)

that means they think they’ve hit the jackpot getting a GL high value guy who is also selective in who he fucks

if you’re not very attractive and you have no way of demonstrating that other girls like you, it’s ideal to say a high number since that will be the only proof to them that you have any value

nowadays I’d definitely just say my real count (3) and demonstrate preselection through other means while saying I’m very picky
I agree. The only problem is girls are fucking stupid and delusional and some actually believe a normie or even below is capable of a high slaycount that doesn't consist of mostly hambeasts. So they will be confused when you say a low number. If she's not an idiot, this response is best though
Like idk man, @Amnesia you’re the embodiment of what people should never become. I’m ngl. At 34yo banging 200+ hoes, and still continuing.
Don’t you feel depressed, bored, disgusted by yourself and the foids?
He loves this game!!!
  • JFL
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