Do you understand hindi/ urdu

Pakistanis cry about Muslims being marginalized in India when this is commonplace there:

(a week ago barely) and this is in Karachi, one of their metropolitan cities. Balochistan and KPK are literally in the shambles comparable to what Afghanistan is in (wherein too, ISI and CIA pretty much formed the Taliban).
I reiterate this: EVEN OTHER STABLE ISLAMIC NATIONS CONSIDER PAKISTAN A NUISANCE. Its a failed state socially, politically, diplomatically etc. Not even Indian jingoistic sentiments, I don't think too highly of India either and can't wait to move abroad, but objectively, Pakistan=an absolute failed state, except for the opulence it exuded in the 80s when it was receiving huge funding from USA which too fell like a pack of cards.
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An independent J/K will never work when your neighbours are India, China and Pakistan.
literally worst geopolitican acumen to think of a separate J&K. It would just become a protectorate of India or Pakistan. If Pakistan, further a base for state sponsored terrorism. If India, a strategic military base due to its position to Pakistan and China and hence little development apart from the military. Probably Ladakh region would become a Chinese protectorate and would just be a demographic disruption similar to what happened in Tibet.
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wow, ISPR propaganda reaches far and wide. I guess when the armed force is so pathetic on the battlefield, might as well fund the media at least. Anyway, compare the standard of living and the economy within so called Indian Kashmir alone to all of Pakistan and you have your answer. And I say all of Pakistan, not pakistan occupied Kashmir, which is basically a result of illegal infiltration of tribesmen and a base for state sponsored terrorism now. Anyone supporting Pakistan for anything has no clue about the country outside of Punjab (Sindh now, has been unstable often too). Balochistan in the pits, KPK an extension of Afghanistan. And this was after the country being formed on the pretext of islamic marginalisation. Like fuck, pakistan's muslims have a hard time coexisting even among themselves. And you telling me the persecution of Ahmediyas and of the Hindu, Sikh and Christian minorities even compares to muslim marginalisation in India (btw, there is hardly any apart from when it comes to conjugal ties or triggers by ISI to create communal disharmony). Indian army being more brutal than the Pakistani Army? are you fucking kidding me, the country is literally a corrupt military state or run on military puppets since Ayub Khan. In fact, I must add, Indian armed forces is one of the least corrupt and brutal in the world (among stronger militaries), reason being, the power of civil over military in India (which actually works against the military at times) to safeguard democracy (and this has been maintained practically too since corrupt politicians and bureaucrats maintain their hegemony). There is a reason India's adversaries are limited to Pakistan and China while Pakistan is a nuisance to the entire world, even other Islamic nations.
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Jfl at endians hating Pak China friendship
Look up China's debt trap diplomacy, its got nothing to do with being Indian. Its a decades old strategy and at its peak with Xi's hard lined expansionist strategy. China's connivance is in a different league.
And why do you think Pakistan and China is on common ground over the gwadar port development from China Pakistan Economic Corridor? It has nothing to do with developing Balochistan and would not.
It is slightly east of Karachi and a vantage point towards Mumbai, Karachi port was destroyed beyond repair and that region could never be regained, so its the alternative port to attempt control but through Chinese military intervention.
Look up China's debt trap diplomacy, its got nothing to do with being Indian. Its a decades old strategy and at its peak with Xi's hard lined expansionist strategy. China's connivance is in a different league.
I hear endians yapping about it all the time, it's not gonna be like that in Pak jfl. Maybe you should lay off the raw/bjp propaganda
haan bhai
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only bengali bhai
I hear endians yapping about it all the time, it's not gonna be like that in Pak jfl. Maybe you should lay off the raw/bjp propaganda
It already happened with USA taking a topsy turvy stand on Pakistan, the country has fallen like a pack of cards after a significant growth in the 80s. And China is just as unilateral. It has nothing to do with BJP. If anything, rise of BJP becomes the ideal pretext to Pakistan's narrative of Muslim marginalisation in India and justifying its state sponsored terrorism.
ISPR is one of the biggest propaganda machinery without a doubt in the world, might be the highest funded, BJP is NOTHING in comparison.
Pakistanis cry about Muslims being marginalized in India when this is commonplace there:

(a week ago barely) and this is in Karachi, one of their metropolitan cities. Balochistan and KPK are literally in the shambles comparable to what Afghanistan is in (wherein too, ISI and CIA pretty much formed the Taliban).
Shias are inovators and haram [majority with exception of Zaydis] but i dont think people should kill them, even with ahmadis
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I hear endians yapping about it all the time, it's not gonna be like that in Pak jfl. Maybe you should lay off the raw/bjp propaganda
Tell me if there is one region of Pakistan that has been stable apart from Punjab? Not even sindh except for the Bhutto period. Baloch and KPK are almost as fickle as Afghanistan. Punjab is Pakistan to people justifying its moral high ground. (And Punjab is a disaster too socially and economically too compared to all of India).

It is already like that in Pakistan and will only be exacerbated with increasing Chinese expansion.
Maldives, Sri Lanka and Nepal are already in huge bad loans apart from smaller countries like seychelles and vanatu. Look up Habantota port in Sri Lanka. Philippines is next in line. Pakistan has been in this situation since the 70s. Africa is already becoming a neo colony. Pakistan has been for decades now.
it is beyond the comprehension of someone educated in a madrasa in Quetta, I can understand
  • JFL
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And why do you think Pakistan and China is on common ground over the gwadar port development from China Pakistan Economic Corridor? It has nothing to do with developing Balochistan and would not.
It is slightly east of Karachi and a vantage point towards Mumbai, Karachi port was destroyed beyond repair and that region could never be regained, so its the alternative port to attempt control but through Chinese military intervention.
*west of
@shitskincurry you are quite knowledgeable on these matters but frankly nobody is reading man, you’re debating yourself at this point
  • JFL
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@shitskincurry you are quite knowledgeable on these matters but frankly nobody is reading man, you’re debating yourself at this point
cope he doesnt know anything, hes fed propaganda by pajeets
@shitskincurry you are quite knowledgeable on these matters but frankly nobody is reading man, you’re debating yourself at this point
I know ha ha, but I get overexcited with geopolitical stuff sometimes
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cope he doesnt know anything, hes fed propaganda by pajeets
80% of the facts I laid out, you will find even in geotv or whatever pakistani media you like. In fact I used al jazeera as reference a few times which is pro pakistan
And @TRUE_CEL, if India is a hindu nation, why are the wealthiest businessmen in India Parsis? (btw, Jinnah's daughter was married to Neville Wadia and your champion of hinduism, Modi ji has been strategically aligned to many Parsi businessmen, but this is politics over RSS ideals and no, I don't see Modi as a saint). Why is it you do not have Christians, Jains, Buddhists, and Parsis complaining about persecutions, they are far far more in the minority than muslims. Parts of North East India literally foster Buddhism. Khalistan movement died completely with the end of cold war and sikhs are in great harmony with Hindus (I myself belong to a family which is part sikh) pointing it to an obvious ISI and CIA intervention. Why is there such a dissonance in narratives of Muslims outside of Kashmir compared to that of what ISI/ ISPR feeds you? Why did Bangladesh want to separate? Why does Balochistan want to separate? Why does Iran, Afghnanistan, Bangladesh and Iraq under Saddam have poor relations with Pakistan? Why do other post USSR central asian islamic countries have poor relations with Pakistan? I could go on.
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If you think I don't know anything and fed with propaganda, give me compelling answers to all of the above.
  • JFL
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80% of the facts I laid out, you will find even in geotv or whatever pakistani media you like. In fact I used al jazeera as reference a few times which is pro pakistan
lol you dont know much about pakistan after all.. geotv is anti-pak, most major news channels are jfl. they are in bed with india, those lefafa journalists
And @TRUE_CEL, if India is a hindu nation, why are the wealthiest businessmen in India Parsis? (btw, Jinnah's daughter was married to Neville Wadia and your champion of hinduism, Modi ji has been strategically aligned to many Parsi businessmen, but this is politics over RSS ideals and no, I don't see Modi as a saint). Why is it you do not have Christians, Jains, Buddhists, and Parsis complaining about persecutions, they are far far more in the minority than muslims. Parts of North East India literally foster Buddhism. Khalistan movement died completely with the end of cold war and sikhs are in great harmony with Hindus (I myself belong to a family which is part sikh) pointing it to an obvious ISI and CIA intervention. Why is there such a dissonance in narratives of Muslims outside of Kashmir compared to that of what ISI/ ISPR feeds you? Why did Bangladesh want to separate? Why does Balochistan want to separate? Why does Iran, Afghnanistan, Bangladesh and Iraq under Saddam have poor relations with Pakistan? Why do other post USSR central asian islamic countries have poor relations with Pakistan? I could go on.
im not saying india is a dindu country, your own govt says it lol
lol you dont know much about pakistan after all.. geotv is anti-pak, most major news channels are jfl. they are in bed with india, those lefafa journalists
Anti pakistan means anti military in Pakistan, not pro india dumbass. I know more about your country than you do. And yes, Geo has faced flak for it. It is very much anti india.
im not saying india is a dindu country, your own govt says it lol
I get BJP is an offshoot of RSS, but there is no Hindu country, its literally impossible for political capital even if wanted to propagate that. And no, lynchings have not increased since Congress (which is so called secular) downfall, Article 370 abrogation was a need, NRC protests have already come to light as being motivated by communist party and congress and their student body misinterpretations to drive the masses etc, in case thats the shit you want to cite (although its a grey area, there is definitely a lot of hindu coaxing too).

TLDR for my friend from Quetta-e-Madrasa
you have no substance apart from what your local azdan spews out to you
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when someone lacks substance and iq, that is their counter argument. Its pathetic, Indian or Pakistani.
Streetshitter is a dumb insult considering that it only occurs in 3-4 states.
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Streetshitter is a dumb insult considering that it only occurs in 3-4 states.
true, but also a low class stereotypical insult to a cordial discussion is already a sign of complete lack of any iq or eq or substance
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Anti pakistan means anti military in Pakistan, not pro india dumbass. I know more about your country than you do. And yes, Geo has faced flak for it. It is very much anti india.
dude stop swimming in the ganges river its killing your iq. pakistan army is the only thing holding pakistan together. without it, pakistan would have collapsed a long time ago. cia predicted by 2015 it would become a failed state (obviously due to indian, afghan, american, british and israel meddling) but all praise to God, you have failed.
I get BJP is an offshoot of RSS, but there is no Hindu country, its literally impossible for political capital even if wanted to propagate that. And no, lynchings have not increased since Congress (which is so called secular) downfall, Article 370 abrogation was a need, NRC protests have already come to light as being motivated by communist party and congress and their student body misinterpretations to drive the masses etc, in case thats the shit you want to cite (although its a grey area, there is definitely a lot of hindu coaxing too).

TLDR for my friend from Quetta-e-Madrasa
you have no substance apart from what your local azdan spews out to you
lol again its not what we are saying, its what your own leaders are saying hence why you guys are pushing for a war with us. look at all the war talk by your generals and not ours lol. we have a pacifist pm so you will see that he wont go for a war unfortunately.
lol again its not what we are saying, its what your own leaders are saying hence why you guys are pushing for a war with us. look at all the war talk by your generals and not ours lol. we have a pacifist pm so you will see that he wont go for a war unfortunately.
There is no war talk by our "generals", there is a huge difference between Indian and Pak army (its a service, not a government in india), something a paki wouldnt be able to fathom. By political leaders, there are irresponsible jingoistic statements or flexing every now and then to appease the masses for political capital which is in every fucking right winged country. Hell, even Trump does that. And they come up when there is a good reason to (even though it sets a vrry damgerous precedent and needs to be simmered down). Pakistan hasnt even been making statements alone, it violates ceasefire agreements openly in addition. And there is no pacifist PM, for one, he isnt a PM, he is a military stooge. EVERY leader aftet Ayub Khan's coup in Pakistan has been. Second, pakistan's "military acumen" lies in covert operations through state sponsored terrorism. And denying state spomsored terrorism by Pakistan would be delusions of grandeur. There is no adjective to use than DIRTY, absolute DIRT and FILTH in geo political games that country is. You are retarded to think a 2 min photo op changes the tenets of that country.

There is a reason, there is literally no country in the world that does not comsider pakistan a nuisancs apart from China, which is a nuisance too.
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jfl dawn news is also anti pakistan
You do realize when paki news channel get accused of beinf anti pakistan, it means anti military and funded by some internal party right? Or are you really dumb enough to believe it means pro india.
dude stop swimming in the ganges river its killing your iq. pakistan army is the only thing holding pakistan together. without it, pakistan would have collapsed a long time ago. cia predicted by 2015 it would become a failed state (obviously due to indian, afghan, american, british and israel meddling) but all praise to God, you have failed.
It would become a theological state without it, in that way a necessary evil (mentioned this in other posts several times before im favor of Pak army), but doesnt mean the army isnt corrupt and brutal. Its been a failed state already since 90s. Actually simce the beginning, but could bandage its failure through american backing. Pakistan=/=Punjab alome, I reitetate this point. The fact that you could actually accuse a literal barren war zone with close to anarchy Afghanistan of meddling in Pakistan's internal affairs, I domt know if I should even blame propaganda here. This seems too preposterous for even ISPR to disseminate. I think you justhave the iq of a goldfish.

All that is lowering my IQ is a conversation with you but its become a guilty pleasure and lifefuel now.
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There is no war talk by our "generals", there is a huge difference between Indian and Pak army (its a service, not a government in india), something a paki wouldnt be able to fathom. By political leaders, there are irresponsible jingoistic statements or flexing every now and then to appease the masses for political capital which is in every fucking right winged country. Hell, even Trump does that. And they come up when there is a good reason to (even though it sets a vrry damgerous precedent and needs to be simmered down). Pakistan hasnt even been making statements alone, it violates ceasefire agreements openly in addition. And there is no pacifist PM, for one, he isnt a PM, he is a military stooge. EVERY leader aftet Ayub Khan's coup in Pakistan has been. Second, pakistan's "military acumen" lies in covert operations through state sponsored terrorism. And denying state spomsored terrorism by Pakistan would be delusions of grandeur. There is no adjective to use than DIRTY, absolute DIRT and FILTH in geo political games that country is. You are retarded to think a 2 min photo op changes the tenets of that country.

There is a reason, there is literally no country in the world that does not comsider pakistan a nuisancs apart from China, which is a nuisance too.
i will link you to tweets next time i see it ok?
It would become a theological state without it, in that way a necessary evil (mentioned this in other posts several times before im favor of Pak army), but doesnt mean the army isnt corrupt and brutal. Its been a failed state already since 90s. Actually simce the beginning, but could bandage its failure through american backing. Pakistan=/=Punjab alome, I reitetate this point. The fact that you could actually accuse a literal barren war zone with close to anarchy Afghanistan of meddling in Pakistan's internal affairs, I domt know if I should even blame propaganda here. This seems too preposterous for even ISPR to disseminate. I think you justhave the iq of a goldfish.

All that is lowering my IQ is a conversation with you but its become a guilty pleasure and lifefuel now.
army isnt corrupt nor brutal; it is only brutal for its soldiers to make them hardened but thats a given and it pays; pakistani soldiers have often won international competitions for years and it's no surprise. the corrupt people in pak are the police usually and the journalists and obviously the politicians. and yes pakistan is more than just punjab but non-pakistanis tend to use it as some sort of argument lol - also keep coping, all that pollution has killed iq for sure

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