Does dentists jewish thingies fucks your teeth up? ( tooth pastes, fluor and all that shit )



A la orden del señor
Jul 28, 2020
Title. May be some boomer conspiracy but EVERY SINGLE PERSON i know IRL that takes too much care of their teeth has sensitive and really bad teeth health.
I only brush my teeth once in 3 days, I DONT HAVE A SINGLE CARIES nor any ''dirt'' on it. Its extremely clean and healthy ( plus i dont have bad breath )
My mom and brother are extremely focused on teeth health and they both got caries multiple times throughout their lives and had to do other shits as well.
And this not only me, i've talked with people that thinks somewhat similar and seen similar cases.
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yeah i know but idk im 19 years old and never actually took care of my teeths and they are perfectly healthy, meanwhile i see people focusing on this shit and having struggle with it.
and as i said not only me, theres a lot of cases similars
and also, on brazil had a vacine that ( was proved btw, they even stopped producing it ) fucked the sensibility of teeth and the enamel (?)

Fluoride is very important to prevent tooth decay, as is a quality toothpaste. Also, floss twice every day
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no, i dont think so. the appliances may be jewish propaganda to fuck you up but things like fluoride and fluoride toothpaste are good. people with very sensitive teeth might suffer as a result of a genetic deformity or very frequent dental plaque cleaning (which i do every 3 years, instead of the recommended 6 months).
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Title. May be some boomer conspiracy but EVERY SINGLE PERSON i know IRL that takes too much care of their teeth has sensitive and really bad teeth health.
I only brush my teeth once in 3 days, I DONT HAVE A SINGLE CARIES nor any ''dirt'' on it. Its extremely clean and healthy ( plus i dont have bad breath )
My mom and brother are extremely focused on teeth health and they both got caries multiple times throughout their lives and had to do other shits as well.
And this not only me, i've talked with people that thinks somewhat similar and seen similar cases.
A lot of people that I know that are super obcessed about teeth scrape off tartar with some metal tool and in result they scrape off a bunch of enamal
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tooth health is all about the development of your jaws
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I've heard from a orthodontist that some toothpastes have "salts" in them or something like that which fucks ur teeth and encourages u to brush more, kinda like shampoo drying your scalp so ur body produces more oil and u wash ur hair again.

Or like jewish face products that say they are good for oily skin but if u stop using that product for a day ur skin will get oiler than the whole middle east and usa will invade your face. I use either sensodyne or lacalut. Feels better than mt older toothpaste (colgate) with salts in it
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fluoride is good for teeth BUT bad for your testosterone
my teeth have only become better since ditching fluoride toothpaste tbh
fluoride is poison
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why would toothpaste fuck your teeth up
while having good oral hygiene is very important not only for teeth but for your health, some things present in products for oral hygiene are toxic, unnecessary and do more harm than good.. Ill just mention fluoride and mouthwash here

fluoride is extremely poisonous
it is the least dense and most reactive halogen. its so reactive that it never occurs uncombined in nature. it can eat through steel, glass, iron, aluminum, etc..
its a byproduct of the aluminum, steel and fertilizer industries.
it is used in rat poison and pesticides.. and your water and toothpaste :)
what do you think is cheaper, dump the fluoride in water and toothpaste or pay to eliminate it?

get a fluoride free toothpaste
you do not need fluoride for good teeth health, it does way more harm than good

also avoid using mouthwash, it kills both good and bad bacteria in your mouth
having a good oral microbiome is extremely important for teeth health
instead use coconut oil or baking soda
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Bad teeth is related, among other things, to the amount of sugars/acids you consume. That's why many vegans lose plenty of teeth when they start stuffing themselves with fruits.
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Don’t get ur wisdom teeth taken out if you’re not experiencing pain. I didn’t let those fuckers take out my gigachompers. fuck em my wide mouth is meant for this shit.

Never experienced pain other than when they grew in, I fully believe they make ur face stronger and is better for fighting and eating punches
Title. May be some boomer conspiracy but EVERY SINGLE PERSON i know IRL that takes too much care of their teeth has sensitive and really bad teeth health.
I only brush my teeth once in 3 days, I DONT HAVE A SINGLE CARIES nor any ''dirt'' on it. Its extremely clean and healthy ( plus i dont have bad breath )
My mom and brother are extremely focused on teeth health and they both got caries multiple times throughout their lives and had to do other shits as well.
And this not only me, i've talked with people that thinks somewhat similar and seen similar cases.
Anecdote, but my friend is the same. Super white teeth, healthy. Never even needed to visit a dentist for anything, other than check-up and he brushes his teeth every two days. He told me himself.
Meanwhile, I brush my teeth 2 times a day and always have problems.
1 every 3 day days JFL nah
Bad teeth is related, among other things, to the amount of sugars/acids you consume. That's why many vegans lose plenty of teeth when they start stuffing themselves with fruits.

Also, close your fucking mouth. Your saliva protects your teeth and if you're a mouthbreather you will dry out your mouth and your teeth will be demolished.
It is not so much that you use fluoride toothpaste, it is that 30% of toothpaste you eat so you do not realize it, this if it has more damage to the long attached definition of Mr. Google:
If fluoride is absorbed too often, it can lead to tooth decay, osteoporosis, and damage to the kidneys, bones, nerves, and muscles. Industries release the gaseous form of fluorine. This gas is very dangerous, since in high concentrations it can cause death.
We can also create our own natural toothpaste, on YouTube there are several videos :)
Good Luck
Tartar and plaque protect your teeth from bacteria getting in

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