does GOD exist?

Yes. Christ is king
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Why would I not talk with christians that have the most common beliefs
Because “common” beliefs doesn’t == the truth.

My “beliefs” as you call it are in line with what the first millenium Of Christians believed in that’s why many people esp young men are converting to Eastern Orthodoxy now myself included. I used to be a protescuck retard like the dumbasses your arguing with until I read the church fathers and what the orginal church believed in and I found out that the views and theology of the western Christian’s were Frankish innovations made in the high Middle Ages to cope with Feudalism

Essentially it’s not “Christian” doctrine that you go to hell and get tortured. You go to hell and are tormented by your own self and evidence of this is even in the Bible in Luke 16
IMG 2451

Here read and learn about what Christian’s believe in. But you already know so your just attacking people not to find out truth but because your a piece of shit bullying retarded ProtesCUCKs and Romanretardlics
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Brother if you prefer our theology I suggest you look up Eastern Orthodoxy. We are the orginal church the Roman Catholics come from us originally as we are their daddy the same way Protestants come from Roman Catholics. I suggest looking for any Antiochian, Russian, Greek, Romanian or Serbian church in your vicinity and speaking to the priest there he will help you on your guide to rid yourself from false western doctrines such as torture in hell brother.

Eternal life with god is nothing we can explain for it will be pleasure beyond pleasure and peace beyond peace, you’ll be with him forever singing his praises being with family and generally in harmony with our god, no more want no more pain no more sorrow all will be equal to the Lord and we will bask in his glory forever in joy and do whatever we desire but with the caviat that all is holy

You can ask me any question you have pertaining to the ONE TRUE FAITH. Be it here or DMs.
Thank you bro so much! I've found a few churches near me I'll visit them, thank you for your help.
Can you help me with these two questions:
1. do you know why does God allow for some to suffer from ugly things like terminal cancer? What are these people supposed to learn from that experience?
2. is it bad if I am unable to love everyone like Jesus commanded us? is it bad if I want to pursue things like success, money alongside my faith in this life?
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One times one times one doesnt work in this context btw
Say you have 3 objects and wish to know the value of their weight together
You would not multiply their weights together to know the final weight would you?
You wish to know the essence meaning you would multiply their power levels which means
Infinity x infinity x infinity = larger infinity
They are equally human but they are distinct
Who said “object” this is an immaterial being that exists beyond our realm and creation

This is like you trying to disprove 4D you cannot do such a thing but we cannot explain it either for it exists in a higher realm than we do so the logic of it will fuck with our brains

The point is each persons perfectly shares in the divine nature of the Father that’s the point. There is no calculating them in anything other than counting the persons (particulars) by their distinct modes of existence, and that’s done by identity, however all PARTICULARS contain essences this is philosophy 101

The Hypostatis all have the same exact Essense thefore all the particulars have the same Essense shares perfectly and equally and not divided into parts or halved etc amongst each persons

This means each person fully possesses the properties befitting of “God” because they are all equally God but also indwell within one another in Perichorisis, not only this but the nature begins with the person of the father which is the origin of the nature and persons which is why I gave the Fractal argument.

Once again your using crested phrenominal things and suggesting that god must relate to this realm in every way (retarded) even though this realm is an revelation of the divine mind god doesn’t confirm to this realm
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Unless your saying theyre all the same thing simantaneously which makes no sense then this makes no sense
1x1x1 still = cubic 1 which is bigger than each of the individual 1s or
1 x 1 x 1 the crossed 2 are irrelevant and its just basically telling the number to just repeat itself once which means theres literal no new information you cna do this for the other 2 components and it means that its 33% for each
These r retard ramblings btw ignore this i had a hiccup in my thought process
  • JFL
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he doesn't tbh.
For two millennia, defenders of religion have failed to prove either the actual existence of God or the logical possibility of the existence of God. The only way to prove the actual existence of God is to show God himself, with the expectation that he will demonstrate his supernatural divine powers.
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Who said “object” this is an immaterial being that exists beyond our realm and creation

This is like you trying to disprove 4D you cannot do such a thing but we cannot explain it either for it exists in a higher realm than we do so the logic of it will fuck with our brains

The point is each persons perfectly shares in the divine nature of the Father that’s the point. There is no calculating them in anything other than counting the persons (particulars) by their distinct modes of existence, and that’s done by identity, however all PARTICULARS contain essences this is philosophy 101

The Hypostatis all have the same exact Essense thefore all the particulars have the same Essense shares perfectly and equally and not divided into parts or halved etc amongst each persons

This means each person fully possesses the properties befitting of “God” because they are all equally God but also indwell within one another in Perichorisis, not only this but the nature begins with the person of the father which is the origin of the nature and persons which is why I gave the Fractal argument.

Once again your using crested phrenominal things and suggesting that god must relate to this realm in every way (retarded) even though this realm is an revelation of the divine mind god doesn’t confirm to this realm
Blah blah appeal to unknowability nah fuk dat
Every argument about the trinity ends in appeal to unknowability because you cant justify it with normal logic
Property is inherently part of identity if all identities are the same but the properties are different that means SOMETHING in the identity is different as to cause the difference in properties it isnt causeless
Unless your counting just pure value of a certain thing like power rather than including other specifics then that isnt an identity and infinity times infinite times infinite = larger infinity
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
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Thank you bro so much! I've found a few churches near me I'll visit them, thank you for your help.
Can you help me with these two questions:
1. do you know why does God allow for some to suffer from ugly things like terminal cancer? What are these people supposed to learn from that experience?
2. is it bad if I am unable to love everyone like Jesus commanded us? is it bad if I want to pursue things like success, money alongside my faith in this life?
Make sure they are Eastern Orthodox member the names I gave you those churches are all decent just be careful with the American Greek church of America for they are SOY also forgot to mention the ROCO (Russian church outside of Russia) very pretty churches and they are super based also many hot girls there 😉

God permits suffering as painful as it is for him because of the fall of Adam and Eve. Once again the west teaches heresy on this but the truth is that we suffer the consequences of our forefathers that’s why suffering happens. Think about it like this brother, say your mother is an alcoholic and homeless when she had you, your now born with featul alcohol syndrome And homeless due to a consequence of your mother. That’s is what I mean when I say suffering is the consequence of sin of Adam and Eve. But in the new world we will be free from it all

Never forget the shortest verse in the Bible is
John 11:35 “and Jesus wept”

He cried because he saw the pain and torment that sin had brought into the world, our LORD OUR GOD CRIED HE FELT THE PAIN

IMG 2452

Do not think for a moment that god enjoys the way this world is he is deeply saddened by it as shown here

Brother as for your last question, that’s more one for your spiritual father (your priest) but I’ll answer the best I can :forcedsmile:. No, you’re on your journey none of us are perfect we are growing in the faith daily, the fact that your convicted by the spirit to confess your crimes and know you can improve is proof that god is working through you to improve you and your situation.

We bekive in theosis. Becoming God like by following God, overtime we submit to his divine will so much gods energies begin to work in us and that’s how We become saints and why they are able to so miracles because They fully submit to god and allow god to work through them.

This is a lifelong process and we are all attempting to reach this goal

Here’s a few videos to help you. First one is a must watch btw. 3rd video made Me cry it made me Realise the pains Adam and Eve caused god, 2nd video i haven’t seen but it’s Sam Shamoun and he’s a GOAT with the Bible

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1x1x1 still = cubic 1 which is bigger than each of the individual 1s or
1 x 1 x 1 the crossed 2 are irrelevant and its just basically telling the number to just repeat itself once which means theres literal no new information you cna do this for the other 2 components and it means that its 33% for each
Ignore these retarded ramblings btw i wasnt thinking here
  • +1
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Make sure they are Eastern Orthodox member the names I gave you those churches are all decent just be careful with the American Greek church of America for they are SOY also forgot to mention the ROCO (Russian church outside of Russia) very pretty churches and they are super based also many hot girls there 😉

God permits suffering as painful as it is for him because of the fall of Adam and Eve. Once again the west teaches heresy on this but the truth is that we suffer the consequences of our forefathers that’s why suffering happens. Think about it like this brother, say your mother is an alcoholic and homeless when she had you, your now born with featul alcohol syndrome And homeless due to a consequence of your mother. That’s is what I mean when I say suffering is the consequence of sin of Adam and Eve. But in the new world we will be free from it all

Never forget the shortest verse in the Bible is
John 11:35 “and Jesus wept”

He cried because he saw the pain and torment that sin had brought into the world, our LORD OUR GOD CRIED HE FELT THE PAIN

View attachment 3544497

Do not think for a moment that god enjoys the way this world is he is deeply saddened by it as shown here

Brother as for your last question, that’s more one for your spiritual father (your priest) but I’ll answer the best I can :forcedsmile:. No, you’re on your journey none of us are perfect we are growing in the faith daily, the fact that your convicted by the spirit to confess your crimes and know you can improve is proof that god is working through you to improve you and your situation.

We bekive in theosis. Becoming God like by following God, overtime we submit to his divine will so much gods energies begin to work in us and that’s how We become saints and why they are able to so miracles because They fully submit to god and allow god to work through them.

This is a lifelong process and we are all attempting to reach this goal

Here’s a few videos to help you. First one is a must watch btw. 3rd video made Me cry it made me Realise the pains Adam and Eve caused god, 2nd video i haven’t seen but it’s Sam Shamoun and he’s a GOAT with the Bible

Thank you for the answers🙏
I'll watch all three videos, thank you Brother
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Make sure they are Eastern Orthodox member the names I gave you those churches are all decent just be careful with the American Greek church of America for they are SOY also forgot to mention the ROCO (Russian church outside of Russia) very pretty churches and they are super based also many hot girls there 😉

God permits suffering as painful as it is for him because of the fall of Adam and Eve. Once again the west teaches heresy on this but the truth is that we suffer the consequences of our forefathers that’s why suffering happens. Think about it like this brother, say your mother is an alcoholic and homeless when she had you, your now born with featul alcohol syndrome And homeless due to a consequence of your mother. That’s is what I mean when I say suffering is the consequence of sin of Adam and Eve. But in the new world we will be free from it all

Never forget the shortest verse in the Bible is
John 11:35 “and Jesus wept”

He cried because he saw the pain and torment that sin had brought into the world, our LORD OUR GOD CRIED HE FELT THE PAIN

View attachment 3544497

Do not think for a moment that god enjoys the way this world is he is deeply saddened by it as shown here

Brother as for your last question, that’s more one for your spiritual father (your priest) but I’ll answer the best I can :forcedsmile:. No, you’re on your journey none of us are perfect we are growing in the faith daily, the fact that your convicted by the spirit to confess your crimes and know you can improve is proof that god is working through you to improve you and your situation.

We bekive in theosis. Becoming God like by following God, overtime we submit to his divine will so much gods energies begin to work in us and that’s how We become saints and why they are able to so miracles because They fully submit to god and allow god to work through them.

This is a lifelong process and we are all attempting to reach this goal

Here’s a few videos to help you. First one is a must watch btw. 3rd video made Me cry it made me Realise the pains Adam and Eve caused god, 2nd video i haven’t seen but it’s Sam Shamoun and he’s a GOAT with the Bible

Because “common” beliefs doesn’t == the truth.

My “beliefs” as you call it are in line with what the first millenium Of Christians believed in that’s why many people esp young men are converting to Eastern Orthodoxy now myself included. I used to be a protescuck retard like the dumbasses your arguing with until I read the church fathers and what the orginal church believed in and I found out that the views and theology of the western Christian’s were Frankish innovations made in the high Middle Ages to cope with Feudalism

Essentially it’s not “Christian” doctrine that you go to hell and get tortured. You go to hell and are tormented by your own self and evidence of this is even in the Bible in Luke 16
View attachment 3544472

Here read and learn about what Christian’s believe in. But you already know so your just attacking people not to find out truth but because your a piece of shit bullying retarded ProtesCUCKs and Romanretardlics
@134applesauce456 i suggests you read my comments on this thread I answered a lot of your contentions here
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David gandy exists so i think so yea
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Everyone's a god.
I've been a Christian all my life, a very convinced one in the past few. Recently I've been doubting some things about God and His existence.
Has any of you thought of these before? What did you come up with?

1. why would a benevolent father would make unfairly suffer his beloved children? And I'm not talking about hardships that make you develop, but things like terminal cancer, extremely debilitating injuries etc that don't make you better in any way and you just die after suffering.

2. Why does God allow His OWN children to be born on a planet where there is suffering, asking them to neglect everything in it (that He allows to keep existing) (money, fame, success,..) just so that we can get in another life in another 'reality' that He too created?
Why doesn't He make us live in paradise directly? Also He knows that some of his children, born in this reality won't be saved for the afterlife and still decides to do so.

3. Why would He build an entire planet if He wanted us to live in the eden garden? that means that He knew that the original sin was bound to happen (or the possibility of it) and nevertheless allowed it to happen.

4. What does the afterlife even mean? What will anyone do for eternity? Why another life? Why not make us live forever straight away?

@Orc @PrinceLuenLeoncur @REGULUS @notsocommonthumb @marshadow
I'm not an expert but this is my opinion.
1. Nobody knows for sure, but, God gives his toughest challenges to his toughest warriors. The tougher you are, the more God will challenge you. Another thing is that God "The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all; he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken". Psalm 34:19-20. Showing that those who have hard hardships in their life mentally and with other things, may not experience the same physical tolerance such as cancer or other things. However, there are many theories to this, but I don't think theres a direct answer
2. Because of Adam Eve I think. He also wants to test us to see which children are loyal i'm pretty sure. He gives us free will so we can choose what path to take.
3. He allowed it to happen, because he still has faith in us as humans. He wants to put us to the test. Also thinka bout it like this. Time for him can go in seconds, while time for us takes how we percieve it.
4. The Afterlife is where we go when we die. I'm pretty sure he lets us go to paradise for 1000 years or something, but this question im really not sure about. However, in heaven its a perfect sinless place. You won't feel sinful emotions and you'll feel the perfect emotions. You'll have indefinite happiness and you'll have so much of your heart considered to the lord Jesus.
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I've been a Christian all my life, a very convinced one in the past few. Recently I've been doubting some things about God and His existence.
Has any of you thought of these before? What did you come up with?

1. why would a benevolent father would make unfairly suffer his beloved children? And I'm not talking about hardships that make you develop, but things like terminal cancer, extremely debilitating injuries etc that don't make you better in any way and you just die after suffering.

2. Why does God allow His OWN children to be born on a planet where there is suffering, asking them to neglect everything in it (that He allows to keep existing) (money, fame, success,..) just so that we can get in another life in another 'reality' that He too created?
Why doesn't He make us live in paradise directly? Also He knows that some of his children, born in this reality won't be saved for the afterlife and still decides to do so.

The terms and conditions were violated and the Utopia of which you speak of were null in void until after the second coming of Jesus for the 1,000 year kingdom. The consequences of these terms and conditions were given and were still violated hence what we go endure today.
3. Why would He build an entire planet if He wanted us to live in the eden garden? that means that He knew that the original sin was bound to happen (or the possibility of it) and nevertheless allowed it to happen.
The gift of free will, to give everyone that has a chance to experience the short term material reality to have the free will to chose to be with God or be without God no matter what happens. To deny us free will would be the most unfair thing God could have done.

4. What does the afterlife even mean? What will anyone do for eternity? Why another life? Why not make us live forever straight away?

There is no such thing as an after life as your consciousness is moving from one dimension to another . We're going to an alternate universe that is base reality and to get to this base reality one must be with God and if you're
with him then you will abide by his terms and conditions and proceed to the next level.

Now Adam was made perfect and immortal but the original sin caused the curse which led to mistakes in our reverse transcriptase or errors during copying the genes passed to the next generation. These mutations have led to our slow degeneration over time and are a loss of DNA and not gaining DNA which disproves Evolution. Adaptations are also a loss of DNA aka survival of the fittest.

Once we return to the 1,000 year kingdom we receive these perfect bodies.

The reason why this isn't a simulation is because the existence of our soul. Mario doesn't have free will nor does he advance to the next level to our reality.

Matter has a beginning and an end. Nothing can't create everything. The soul exists and no one and no thing in this realm can destroy it. The only alternate universe contains Angels or Demons there is nothing else there are no other possible outcomes. People denying a creator are going against their nature unless they have taken the mark of the beast then it's in their nature aka the vaccination.
@Orc @PrinceLuenLeoncur @REGULUS @notsocommonthumb @marshadow
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@JasGews69x whats so funny nigga?
  • JFL
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Thanks bro for your reply!! Can I ask you some more questions?

until after the second coming of Jesus for the 1,000 year kingdom
do you think the 1,000 years is a real indication or must it be interpreted symbolically? what happens after?
The consequences of these terms and conditions were given and were still violated hence what we go endure today.
by terms and conditions you mean the teachings of Christ?
We're going to an alternate universe that is base reality and to get to this base reality one must be with God and if you're
with him then you will abide by his terms and conditions and proceed to the next level.
That's interesting! Where did you get this from? Where can I learn more? What happens to those who aren't with God? What is the next level?
Now Adam was made perfect and immortal but the original sin caused the curse which led to mistakes in our reverse transcriptase or errors during copying the genes passed to the next generation. These mutations have led to our slow degeneration over time and are a loss of DNA and not gaining DNA which disproves Evolution. Adaptations are also a loss of DNA aka survival of the fittest.
does that mean that we are still de-evolving?
unless they have taken the mark of the beast then it's in their nature aka the vaccination.
what does this mean? Someone who took the vax is automatically evil?

Sorry for the long reply
Thanks bro for your reply!! Can I ask you some more questions?
Maybe ;)
do you think the 1,000 years is a real indication or must it be interpreted symbolically? what happens after?

The entire bible from start to finish from creation to the end of creation all ends with this 1,000 year period of Christ reign. It's the 7th day or finall thousand years the day of rest. The end was described from the very beginning. In fact the entire history of creation from begginning to end was described in the first Hebrew word in Genisis. That would take me several pages to describe that.

No, I seen no reason to believe that the 1,000 years was anything but to be literally interpreted. That doesn't mean the entire bible is literal but this coincides with the rest of the bible to be literal and is written as though it should be understood in a literal sense.

by terms and conditions you mean the teachings of Christ?

No, the terms and conditions set by God in the Garden. They knew what they received if they obeyed the law and what would happen if they disobeyed the law.
That's interesting! Where did you get this from? Where can I learn more? What happens to those who aren't with God? What is the next level?
It came studying the bible, other books and references, Strongs concordance, the OG bible in the Septuagint and I use Matthew's bible 1537 first edition. There are probably 100 millennium books and maybe 3-4 solid ones.

does that mean that we are still de-evolving?
No, there's nothing to devolve back to. We're simply becoming a lesser version of the original man and woman as time progresses.
what does this mean? Someone who took the vax is automatically evil?
It means they're no longer human. They're a genetically modified organism and have the mark of the beast. They're controlled, tracked taxed and traced. They're not necessarily automatically evil but if they worship the beast on top of having the mark of the beast then they're eternally damned.

Sorry for the long reply
I normally have the longest replies on here. You'll need to up your game;)
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Maybe ;)

The entire bible from start to finish from creation to the end of creation all ends with this 1,000 year period of Christ reign. It's the 7th day or finall thousand years the day of rest. The end was described from the very beginning. In fact the entire history of creation from begginning to end was described in the first Hebrew word in Genisis. That would take me several pages to describe that.

No, I seen no reason to believe that the 1,000 years was anything but to be literally interpreted. That doesn't mean the entire bible is literal but this coincides with the rest of the bible to be literal and is written as though it should be understood in a literal sense.

No, the terms and conditions set by God in the Garden. They knew what they received if they obeyed the law and what would happen if they disobeyed the law.

It came studying the bible, other books and references, Strongs concordance, the OG bible in the Septuagint and I use Matthew's bible 1537 first edition. There are probably 100 millennium books and maybe 3-4 solid ones.

No, there's nothing to devolve back to. We're simply becoming a lesser version of the original man and woman as time progresses.

It means they're no longer human. They're a genetically modified organism and have the mark of the beast. They're controlled, tracked taxed and traced. They're not necessarily automatically evil but if they worship the beast on top of having the mark of the beast then they're eternally damned.

I normally have the longest replies on here. You'll need to up your game;)
Thank you!! What is the next level we can get to if we abide by God's commandments?
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Thank you!! What is the next level we can get to if we abide by God's commandments?
King solomon geniunely believes in the flat earth
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King solomon geniunely believes in the flat earth
@King Solomon really? Curious, why so? what about Eratosthenes' experiment to measure earth's circumference?
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@King Solomon really? Curious, why so? what about Eratosthenes' experiment to measure earth's circumference?
I don't believe, I know It's a spheroid firmament with a level terrestrial plane with a disc shape just like the sun, and the moon, that is encompassed by a glacial ring around the flat disc.

Not only is it a scientifically proven fact it's also all over in the bible as there are probably over 100 flat earth scriptures in the bible. Not only that we have virtually all human cultures knew this as a fact since the beginning of history.

The globe earth model was created by the pseudo Christian controlled by the Jews groups aka Free Masons, Papacy and the Jesuits. All the pseudo science theoretical science aka fantasy was all created by these Jew controlled groups. This includes the big bang theory, evolution, heliocentric model, etc. These groups are satanic from the core and control opposition by the Edomite Jews.

There are hundreds of governmental documents that are actually legit science and prove the earth is level. They do not push these on the mainstream like they do their CGI garbage. They could literally say monster purple pigs that fly in outer space are attacking and most the braindead vaxxed people would believe them.

As for why:
1.) My personal Tests:
A.) Laser test over 10 miles, 15 miles and 20 miles over a lake at night with low humidity and refraction calculated. The laser on one side hit the target camera on the other side of the lake every single time. If you use the mathematical curvature conversion there should be 66-267 feet from these distances. Therefore it's mathematically impossible for the earth to be a ball.
B.) You can time perfectly when the moon is a full moon directly above your geographic location and when the sun is directly below your feet creating a straight line between the sun earth and moon. There should be an eclipse at this exact time yet the moon is shining as bright as ever every single time.
C.) The moon creates it's own light and you can easily test this with a laser thermomerter at night specifically on a clear day and a full moon you can test the moon light and the moon shade. The moon light is is 10-15 degrees cooler than the moon shade. This proves the moon produces it's own light.

2.) Biblical verses as explained earlier and I can find some of these verses for you but Genesis within the first couple chapters already has several flat earth scriptures.
3.) American and foreign governments actually using legitimate science to prove flat, stationary, domed earth.
4.) All shipping was based off flat earth maps and instruments that required a flat plane for navigation.
5.) Our Sonar on the submarine I worked on could travel for thousands of miles. This is impossible on a globe earth. Water always finds it's level.

I was a globetard like everybody else from k-12. Once I got to research things myself without fear of being punished with poor grades I started to destroy all the lies from the government indoctrination camps.
Thank you!! What is the next level we can get to if we abide by God's commandments?
Our resurrected perfect bodies in the 1,000 year kingdom of heaven and have the body similar to the one's Adam and Eve had in the Garden. No disease, no death, no war, just peace. Then the final upgrade is in our soul body in heaven for eternity in base reality.
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Are there really people on here that genuinely believe the earth is a basketball? You have to be either a fed agent, Jew, or vaxxed or simply incapable of defeating your decades of brainwashing.
Thanks bro for your reply!! Can I ask you some more questions?

do you think the 1,000 years is a real indication or must it be interpreted symbolically? what happens after?

by terms and conditions you mean the teachings of Christ?

That's interesting! Where did you get this from? Where can I learn more? What happens to those who aren't with God? What is the next level?

does that mean that we are still de-evolving?

what does this mean? Someone who took the vax is automatically evil?

Sorry for the long reply
This guys literally insane don’t listen to anything KingSolomon has to say he’s a ultra heretic he thinks the Israelites were white Europeans and believes all non whited are cursed and hated by god

He’s is 100% the last dude you wanna hear theological advice from TRUST ME ON THIS and I am the “Christian theologican” that everybody comes to on this form and if you think I’m lying you can ask any user here.

To prevent you from falling into heresy and being condemned by God I have to warn you
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The globe earth model was created by the pseudo Christian controlled by the Jews groups aka Free Masons, Papacy and the Jesuits. All the pseudo science theoretical science aka fantasy was all created by these Jew controlled groups. This includes the big bang theory, evolution, heliocentric model, etc. These groups are satanic from the core and control opposition by the Edomite Jews.
I specifically asked you about Eratosthenes' experiment because he was able to measure the circumference of the earth way before even the coming of Christ's_circumference#Eratosthenes
I specifically asked you about Eratosthenes' experiment because he was able to measure the circumference of the earth way before even the coming of Christ's_circumference#Eratosthenes
That guy's a little coo coo in the head. I'm not a believer and I'm not that fond of @PrinceLuenLeoncur but he's DEFINITELY the better pick for you to listen to compared to kingsolomon jfl 😂.

I also feel like you were hoping someone would give you something to believe in. You weren't really questioning, the way you just wag your tail and go "THANK YOU SIR! 🙏 🙏" Everytime someone answers you.
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This guys literally insane don’t listen to anything KingSolomon has to say he’s a ultra heretic he thinks the Israelites were white Europeans and believes all non whited are cursed and hated by god

He’s is 100% the last dude you wanna hear theological advice from TRUST ME ON THIS and I am the “Christian theologican” that everybody comes to on this form and if you think I’m lying you can ask any user here.

To prevent you from falling into heresy and being condemned by God I have to warn you
Not think, know. To believe anything otherwise is blatant ignorance or some form of controlled opposition.

You don't speak for anyone but yourself. The shape of the earth and the genealogy/identity is very clearly explained in the Bible which I have provided many of the scriptures on here.
  • JFL
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which god pal
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That guy's a little coo coo in the head. I'm not a believer and I'm not that fond of @PrinceLuenLeoncur but he's DEFINITELY the better pick for you to listen to compared to kingsolomon jfl 😂.

I also feel like you were hoping someone would give you something to believe in. You weren't really questioning, the way you just wag your tail and go "THANK YOU SIR! 🙏 🙏" Everytime someone answers you.
He refuses to address me directly because he can't refute the Bible as he is a Bible butcherer He makes outlandish claims then runs and hides because he lacks the ability to substantiate his claims. Look at past discussions. He would call me names then I would provide evidence per the Bible to substantiate my claims and he wouldn't respond. No reason to even address such cowardly tactics.

He's a good person and was being respectful.
I specifically asked you about Eratosthenes' experiment because he was able to measure the circumference of the earth way before even the coming of Christ's_circumference#Eratosthenes

So your proof is the Jew owned wikipedia?

If I believed in Jew sources like wikipedia I'd believe man came from monkeys, everything was created from nothing, and all kinds of craY fairy tales.

I specifically asked you if you want the biblical sources for the shape of earth. Do you want the truth from the Bible or the lies from the Jews? It's your choice.

The little parasites that are doing the work of the devil and are trying to receive you. Pay no attention to them.
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I've been a Christian all my life, a very convinced one in the past few. Recently I've been doubting some things about God and His existence.
Has any of you thought of these before? What did you come up with?

1. why would a benevolent father would make unfairly suffer his beloved children? And I'm not talking about hardships that make you develop, but things like terminal cancer, extremely debilitating injuries etc that don't make you better in any way and you just die after suffering.

2. Why does God allow His OWN children to be born on a planet where there is suffering, asking them to neglect everything in it (that He allows to keep existing) (money, fame, success,..) just so that we can get in another life in another 'reality' that He too created?
Why doesn't He make us live in paradise directly? Also He knows that some of his children, born in this reality won't be saved for the afterlife and still decides to do so.

3. Why would He build an entire planet if He wanted us to live in the eden garden? that means that He knew that the original sin was bound to happen (or the possibility of it) and nevertheless allowed it to happen.

4. What does the afterlife even mean? What will anyone do for eternity? Why another life? Why not make us live forever straight away?

@Orc @PrinceLuenLeoncur @REGULUS @notsocommonthumb @marshadow
things like injuries and disease im not so sure but human on human inflicted suffering/violence comes from the fact that god loved us enough to give us free will and thus allow us to treat each other with kindness or violence

Being on earth is supposed to be a test or shiet to decide whether you wanted to go to heaven and live with god or stay seperated from him by choice in hell

the other stuff im too uneducated to understand tbh
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I specifically asked you if you want the biblical sources for the shape of earth.
yes if you can:D
I just linked the wikipedia to tell you what it was. it's a pretty good empirical estimate that anyone can do so it's not like the jews invented it
I specifically asked you about Eratosthenes' experiment because he was able to measure the circumference of the earth way before even the coming of Christ's_circumference#Eratosthenes
There's nothing to address. The earth is a disc, therefore a calculation of what he proposed the circumstance to be doesn't prove a globe.

Gleason's map was used for shipping as the standard map and it's a level earth map. If you look closely you will see that Antarctica encompasses the earth just as I told you. Do you see how it's a disc? So the measurement around the circle aka disc is the correct distance.

This was done by actually sailing around and all over the disc level earth for decades and not based on calculations. Again even if he was correct it's irrelevant as the earth is a disc so that's the measurement around the disc.

That's game over for the globetards

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Not think, know. To believe anything otherwise is blatant ignorance or some form of controlled opposition.

You don't speak for anyone but yourself. The shape of the earth and the genealogy/identity is very clearly explained in the Bible which I have provided many of the scriptures on here.
I haven’t even spoken about the earths shape I just said your a heretic and that is what you are no CHURCH agrees with you and even the church fathers regarding the earths shape say “it matters not”

Because it doesn’t matter if round or flat
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I also feel like you were hoping someone would give you something to believe in. You weren't really questioning, the way you just wag your tail and go "THANK YOU SIR! 🙏 🙏" Everytime someone answers you.
I was really questioning, but I received some convincing responses.
it's just being nice

why do you believe God doesn't exist?
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I haven’t even spoken about the earths shape I just said your a heretic and that is what you are no CHURCH agrees with you and even the church fathers regarding the earths shape say “it matters not”

Because it doesn’t matter if round or flat
That's your problem, you believe or have blind faith in man. Specifically chapter 304 government aka Jew controlled churches. Don't use the appeal to human authority or consensus on me, that doesn't work here. Church father's? 🤣

The biblical truth does matter. The Bible film gives us the truth of our reality and to believe in something else or directly opposed to God is to be against the teachings of God. Man the heliocentric model, God teaches the geocentric model and to believe on the contrary is heresy. So you are merely projecting at this point.

End of discussion God wins every single time. I rebuke you on the name of Jesus Christ. God forgive him for his sins for he knows not what he does.
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I was really questioning, but I received some convincing responses.

it's just being nice

why do you believe God doesn't exist?
Yep you were being respectful, a rare quality especially in this day and age. You are right to question everything as that's what I did. I was an atheist for about 20 years and and believed in the Jew indoctrination camps. I thought my degrees meant something and proved I knew more than the ignorant so called Christians. I studied everything I could to disproven the Bible and mock Christians. However, once I had the freedom to not worry about my grades depending on believing in Jew lies, and started to question everything and search for Truth, that's where I started to learn that the god pill is the truth pill.
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Check what natal chart is
According to the king James version the god with a lowercase g means false God. Therefore you claim to be a false God. Interesting 😎
Writing doesn’t exist in nature

I am God then

I remember you , you worship the demiurge

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