Does Martial Arts impress women?

Deleted member 1973

Deleted member 1973
Jun 8, 2019
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Only woman who’s interested in martial arts yes, while most woman aren’t into violence so think for yourself OP
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you can only be impressive while doing nothing
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Only if you are cute
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Only woman who’s interested in martial arts yes, while most woman aren’t into violence so think for yourself OP
women love violence tbh

a guy beating up another guy makes them wet
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It will impress them if you beat the fuck out of someone infront of her tbh
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In short it helps, a lttle bit.
At minimum, you feel better about yourself. I also noticed it helped me improve my body posture also a bit.

But not just because of MMA. But because you walk around with more status. And status helps.

How do you get status/respect?
People admire you, or the fear you.

When dong MMA. When walking around, you feel and know you could beat 90+% of dudes.
This will make you behave less submissive by nature.
Less submissive = more status.

I feel it a little bit since I do some form of martial arts (pencak silat). I never did any fight training before that, and subconsiously I always fealt doubtfull about my adequacy to defends myself and others. Now after training for some time, I know I'll do akay in the majority of the cases were a dude to become violent.

At minimum, you feel better about yourself.

One last aspect I like. It brings instincts up. And somehow that feels nice. Normally, I try to manage instincts, but with that you actually let instincts move more freely. The instinct to overpower to win to beat. Just like with chatting up women, to let the instinct come up that you just wanna pound that then and there.
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Not if you have an ugly face
Mirin low iq ngl
most women aren’t into violence

Women get turned on when they see their man physically imposing fear onto other men and beating them up. It makes them feel safe and protected and they look up to the guy as cool, strong and reliable.

It’s high T to use force to take what you want rather than just back off like a weak little bitch.

That being said it’s obvious that women won’t be attracted to an ugly incel who can fight, its an additional halo once you already meet the bare minimum looks requirement
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If your dick knows martial arts then yes
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if she likes being beaten up then yes
  • JFL
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Kong fu or karate??
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Women get turned on when they see their man physically imposing fear onto other men and beating them up. It makes them feel safe and protected and they look up to the guy as cool, strong and reliable.

It’s high T to use force to take what you want rather than just back off like a weak little bitch.

That being said it’s obvious that women won’t be attracted to an ugly incel who can fight, its an additional halo once you already meet the bare minimum looks requirement
This 100% agree.

Also. 99.9% you don't have to fight, when imposing fear onto others when needed.

I know 1 dude, he's quit old already. He is married to a Stacy. He has big muscles and since childhood did certain types of MMA that he was really good at. His personality and character is by nature very soft. If he didn't have these things, he would be totally seen as soy.
But because of his size, and he knows he can beat 99.9% of dudes. She sees him as strong man.

The times he met them. She already told 2 stories, about how he scared off some other dudes. I don't know why, but she loves to tell that her man did mogg other man.
One story she told, was about when someone shouted at her aggressively in the restaurant when her child/baby was making noice, when her husband was in the bathroom. Then wehn he came back, and that guy saw his size he immideaitely went to appologise and stuuf.
2nd story she told me. Was when they were sitting in train, and next to them was a dude hitting on a woman whom didn't like that at all and showed that. But the dude kept pushing, turing it into harrassement. Her husband said to me he was really harassing that woman. he couldn't stand top have to watch that, so he removed that dude from the coupe or train (I dunno).
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Reactions: HighIQcel and Deleted member 2012
Learn taekwondo, you can showboat your skills unlike kungfu and karate.
I hate using my leg to fight and it’s quite boring ngl

Karate is such a highclass ngl and you use your whole body to fight
most woman aren’t into violence so think for yourself OP
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I hate using my leg to fight and it’s quite boring ngl

Karate is such a highclass ngl and you use your whole body to fight
I did kungfu, kungfu is more about using weapons while karate uses both the legs and arms there aren't many fancy moves you can do in karate. Taekwondo has many fancy moves even for a beginner
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Karate is cope. Learn MMA if you actually wanna learn how to defend yourself.
MMA is legit for streetfights, you can make your skillset more based on krav maga which will make you a more deadly fighter
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over for mmacels
Karate is cope. Learn MMA if you actually wanna learn how to defend yourself.
This is correct.
Alot of martial arts limit alot. Like teakwondo, not hitting/punching the face. That's like the most basic thing everyone does irl, when someone will attach you. They try hitting the face.
2nd thing. Grappling. Many Martial Arts don't allow or do grappling That's also a very common thing that happens in fights.

Muay Thai is also legit, imo.
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This is correct.
Alot of martial arts limit alot. Like teakwondo, not hitting/punching the face. That's like the most basic thing everyone does irl, when someone will attach you. They try hitting the face.
2nd thing. Grappling. Many Martial Arts don't allow or do grappling That's also a very common thing that happens in fights.

Muay Thai is also legit, imo.
Taekwondo is legit for showboating, I have done it infront of girls many times.
Taekwondo is legit for showboating, I have done it infront of girls many times.
Yeah. I wasn't referring to showboating.
I was referring to, feeling confident you can defend yourself in a streetfight. And that confidence. leading to walking around in this world lewws inhib, because of that.

MMA dude, has the best reason in general to feel that confidence.
That said. Teakwondo dude will be able to mogg most dudes also in fight, because most dudes can't fight well.
And, the person is important also. A weak MMA dude, will lose from a strong well trained Taekwondo dude.

It's not all about techniqiue or style. Plain strength matters alot also.

Imo, MMA and Muay Thai offer best all around defense skills.

Most, or at least plenty type of martial arts, are to much concerned about technique/style, and it's superiority. While someone being weak fatso, that never sparrs high inetnsity; thinking they can fight. LOL.
Fighting should include: footwookr training, power and speed training, and power training. Maybe evn more then technique training
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i wish people would stop acting like they know what they're talking about.
it's OVER if you do any traditional martial art. even krav maga is bullshit and you'll get your ass beat by any MMA fighter.
do boxing/kickboxing/muay thai and BJJ/wrestling and you will mog 99% of people in a fight after 2 years.
taekwondo and karate are bullshit
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Reactions: Borneon_Tyger and PubertyMaxxer
its not worth getting into a fight at all
a guy might pull a knife on you
or u might go to jail

better to amog with ur presence (like my avi)
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Reactions: Baldingman1998 and HighIQcel
imo every guy should do it, just for self confidence boost
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Reactions: hairyballscel, HighIQcel and eduardkoopman
i wish people would stop acting like they know what they're talking about.
it's OVER if you do any traditional martial art. even krav maga is bullshit and you'll get your ass beat by any MMA fighter.
do boxing/kickboxing/muay thai and BJJ/wrestling and you will mog 99% of people in a fight after 2 years.
taekwondo and karate are bullshit
I agree on you statement.
But, a well trained karate and taekwondo still mogg the most un-trained people. So they still mogg like 95+% of people.

For self defense though: boxing/kickboxing/muay thai and BJJ/wrestling are the best. I do pensak silat for 1 year now, which looks a bit like taekwondo. It's limited I notice, very limited. No grappling, no low kick, and no face punching (or kicking). And a stupid point system, where when you hit/kick someone you get 1 point (als wear body protector). so then it doesn't matter much how hard you hit someone, just that you do. So everything becomes about speed. But, you get no points for being a hard hitter. A weak touch gets as many points as punch that would be spilt someones liver. Odd.
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If u pass their looks standard then it helps
But otherwise u can fuck yourself with it.
I agree on you statement.
But, a well trained karate and taekwondo still mogg the most un-trained people. So they still mogg like 95+% of people.

For self defense though: boxing/kickboxing/muay thai and BJJ/wrestling are the best. I do pensak silat for 1 year now, which looks a bit like taekwondo. It's limited I notice, very limited. No grappling, no low kick, and no face punching (or kicking). And a stupid point system, where when you hit/kick someone you get 1 point (als wear body protector). so then it doesn't matter much how hard you hit someone, just that you do. So everything becomes about speed. But, you get no points for being a hard hitter. A weak touch gets as many points as punch that would be spilt someones liver. Odd.

the fact that you need to be well trained to mog normies who can't fight proves how shit it is
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Reactions: Danish_Retard and Deleted member 1973
Yes bro, that's why gooks make them so wet
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no but the lean slow twitch muscle you get from doing it for years will
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Reactions: Deleted member 1973
Status impresses a woman. If you're the best guy in your judo class and beating everyone up, or winning a tournament and have people look up to you, she will get wet af. Merely doing the sport does nothing, except maybe reinforce some image she has of you as an athlete or jock or whatever, which might turn her on.

Anyways, its all just peanuts compared to what really matters....
Was when they were sitting in train, and next to them was a dude hitting on a woman whom didn't like that at all and showed that. But the dude kept pushing, turing it into harrassement. Her husband said to me he was really harassing that woman. he couldn't stand top have to watch that, so he removed that dude from the coupe or train (I dunno).

White knight cuck. Also brutal driver licence pill and lol at using a train as a grown up man who is supposed to be strong. @rightfulcel
A real man would go for a black knight assistance and beat up the female.
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Not unless your making millions out of it
White knight cuck.
Maybe. I like the dude though in general. Pleasant to work with him. Physically though, he moggs 99.99% of dudes. Somehow I can't see a man that moggs 99.99% of udes, as cuck. Although he can can be, mentally cicked.
Also brutal driver licence pill and lol at using a train as a grown up man who is supposed to be strong.
Where I life in netherlands, it's not cool though to drive a car into a big city for being in the city-centre. Dude has a car an everything. But driving a car into a big city, had purposefully been made into a hell. Because they want to scare of cars. Public transport into such cities, is quicker, cheaper more relaxed, etc.. And train station often brings you right into the city centre, where you can't even come with a car.
Nope, but it makes easier for us to beat em :feelsez:
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Where I life in netherlands, it's not cool though to drive a car into a big cit

Driving is extremly important in order to exist in this life and era.

But driving a car into a big city, had purposefully been made into a hell.

Cope. Everyone is driving in a city.

Public transport into such cities, is quicker, cheaper more relaxed, etc..

I really do not get it. Why do people, specially men for some reason, say this nonsense? It is not even true. It is not quicker, even if you live in a big city and I lived in Berlin for the most part of my life. It is also not cheaper, i nfact it is utterly expensive. Yo ueasily have to pay 1000 Euro a year for public transportation. And it is elaxed at all, in fact it is absolutely stressful. Waiting for public transportation and then being in a full bus with young people who mog the shit out of me.
Driving is extremly important in order to exist in this life and era.

Cope. Everyone is driving in a city.

I really do not get it. Why do people, specially men for some reason, say this nonsense? It is not even true. It is not quicker, even if you live in a big city and I lived in Berlin for the most part of my life. It is also not cheaper, i nfact it is utterly expensive. Yo ueasily have to pay 1000 Euro a year for public transportation. And it is elaxed at all, in fact it is absolutely stressful. Waiting for public transportation and then being in a full bus with young people who mog the shit out of me.

First of all, it depends entirely on where you live in relations to where you need to be. I currently live a bit outside the city centre, so I need a car. Previously, I lived slap bang in the middle of downtown, 2 minute walk away from my job. You can guess which was cheaper. It all depends. If I were to take public transport everywhere now, it would be a fucking hassle, although obviously cheaper (like 50$ for a buss pass per month vs insurance, gas money, repairs/downpayment on car etc etc).

But none of this matters because incel in a car gets mogged by chad on the subway.

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